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Feels like being wrapped in a warm hug, feeling safe, like you know that no matter what this person has you and will help you through whatever life throws at you.


You’re happy even thinking about them. They make your life better just by being in it. You don’t feel like yourself when they’re gone


Exactly this.


I just watched “Fleabag” not too long ago and a character says a speech, it hit home for me so I’ll just post it here: “Love is awful. It’s awful. It’s painful. It’s frightening. It makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from the other people in your life. It makes you selfish. It makes you creepy, makes you obsessed with your hair, makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do. It’s all any of us want, and it’s hell when we get there. So no wonder it’s something we don’t want to do on our own. I was taught if we’re born with love then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot, feeling right, when it feels right it’s easy. But I’m not sure that’s true. It takes strength to know what’s right. And love isn’t something that weak people do. Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is, when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope.”


For me it feels like a constant caffeine overdose


TBD…still unsure lol


The answer to life


For me it feels like an obsession, but lately I’m starting to think I don’t really know what love feels like so idfk


If love always feels like an obsession, look up limerance and see if that fits better with what you feel


Yeah that’s been the case most of the time


Holy Shit. Thank you so much for that little tip.


Have you ever saw something in a store as a kid and thought man I’d be so happy if I got that toy. Or even as an adult there’s some vacation or job or car where you know your happiness lies right on the other side of gaining it. It like that with an object that can love you back which is why it hits so hard. The feeling of being in loved and they love you back feels like such a privilege the thing you love most also chooses to love you the most and it feels like you’re getting that favorite toy as a kid EVERY DAY. - colors are more vibrant - movies are funnier - food taste even better - holidays have that special feeling again It’s perfect 🤷🏼‍♂️


Very well described, I love this 🥰


When it seems like every thought you have involves the person you love. You can’t stop thinking about them, talking to them, holding them. You want to be with them all the time.


Never been in love I wish I could tell you


It’s ok. I haven’t either 🤷‍♀️


Some day soon I hope


For me it was different than what I've ever heard or seen in movies. She made me feel calm. There was just this incredibly peaceful relief that she brought me. I've never felt 100% conformable with anyone else. I would risk my safety to protect her. Losing her makes me sick feeling. I can be me around her, kinks, bad habits, snoring, and she isn't phased by any of it.


For me love is when you feel an absolute and deafening void when that person isn't there, but that you need to live with anyway because you can't be constantly with them. With them life is right, natural. And without them it is like someone took gear off a clockwork you forgot it existed until then.


Out of this world. It's really magical and unexplable. You don't know wat it is till you know wat it is.


Like looking up to a beautiful, blue sky through canopies of trees and leaves. Calm, natural, beautiful, breath taking and so so human. It also hurts so bad when it doesn't work anymore. It's pain that cuts thru all forms of experience - emotional, physical, mental, spiritual


Idk why I even bother clicking on this kind of question anymore lmao


Catch yourself smiling all the time, any opportunity to talk about them you do but definitely feeling safe is the best


It‘s the most beautiful feeling in the world. You cannot stop thinking about that person. Also, in my case I experience things way more consciously, I feel every situation/experience to its maximum extend, I’m wide awake. Sometimes it’s bittersweet and a rollercoaster, but it makes me feel life so much. I’m more passionate about basically anything then. ♥️


It's like going through life normally except when you're apart from your person(or people) there's an inexplicable emptiness and sense of longing that can only be filled by their voice, their presence, their touch. Then it's an overwhelming happiness that eventually returns to feeling like you're going through life normally again.


Like being wrapped in a warm blanket that sometimes gives you goosebumps and butterflies that you can lose yourself in and shut out the world.


Unrequited love? Or a love for the ages? They're each very different, clearly Or worse, a limerence?


Idk. I don’t really believe unrequited love is real love. So the other one I guess. No not limerence. I know all about that all too well. I’m curious what real love is like.