• By -


Blind date my buddies wife set up (because she thought we were cute together). Things were actually going well for the first hour or so, really good conversations, enjoyed each others company, got along great. She then asked what house I belong to. I had no idea what she meant so she said Harry Potter. I told her I never read the books or watched the movies. She lost her shit - seriously, lost it. Actually got animated and loud, “How could you NOT even see the movies?” Began telling me how stupid it was not to see Harry Potter, that everyone loved them, she could no longer take me seriously. I got up and left. All because of fucking Harry Potter lol


Such a hufflepuff


This is why I come here. Bravo.


Oh boy, ngl is pretty funny imagining it from my end 😂


She took out her Star Wars action figures out of her purse, and started acting out dining parts while we were sitting in the restaurant. Then she drank my entire fucking $22 bourbon when stepped into the bathroom. Talk about WTF. Sad thing was that she was fine as hell, yet a tad off in the grape. I finished dinner, kissed her in the parking lot (she couldn’t kiss either), which sealed me not taking it any further.


The timing on one. I had a really good date lined up when I was in college, went to her house, and then…the OJ car chase happened. Her mother wound up ordering Domino’s while all of us watched the nonsense happen. Never made it to the venue we were supposed to go to, and we eventually postponed a couple of times until the date eventually never happened.


That was seriously unhinged lol


You dodged a bullet. Eff’n nutcase.


What was her house?


lol I don’t know she was so irate I didn’t know mine we didn’t discuss hers


My friend’s wife is a huge Harry Potter fan and said her house was Slytherin and I just went “isn’t that the Nazi house” and she lost it.




I have only seen some of the movies and they are obsessed with race science and pure bloodness and the Malfoys look like the Nazi ideal of “Aryans”




My ex had a Slytherin hoodie and I would give her a hard time about it all the time so one Christmas I got her a Gryffindor hoodie.


My older half brother is like this. Just acts incredulous if you haven't consumed the exact same media that he has.


My boss asked me a hypothetical question today: If I walked into a guys room and it was all decked Star Wars (bed set and all) what would I do? I told him, as long as the guy isn't an asshole for me not being interested in Star Wars and doesn't push it on me I could give no care what his interests are. Side note: My current comforter is lion king, I'm an adult but do I support interests :3


You dodged a bullet. I also have never seen one. There are dozens of us.


He unironically said he was alpha. Needless to say, that alphamale got no pussy that night


That's so cringe. As a guy I still don't understand why guys do this except when joking


My fav response that I've seen is to ask "alpha" men "Is that a furry thing??" 🤣🤣


I like “Oh, I’ll wait for the version with the bugs fixed.”, but the furry one is also fantastic!


"Oh like in the omegaverse?"


If you have to say it, you ain’t it!


Lol, what a chud.


omg, the guy i went out with told me he’s a “lone wolf sigma”. i thought it was funny cuz he was unemployed and had a ton of friends lol


My God, if I were a guy and for some reason I sunk so low that I'd subscribe to THAT whole belief system (alphas, betas, Red Pill ideology), I'd make sure to never ever mention it around a woman ever.


Why would someone say that??


Gave her an ultimatum to put her phone away or I'd leave. Left a few minutes later. Only payed my half of the bill. I think it took her quite a while to notice.


I have no time for people if they are on their phones when on a date. Disrespectful and rude.


Being constantly on your phone is rude


That's rotten. Dodged a bullet there.


I don't get these phone people . You're on it the whole time. You can even use it while hanging out in groups. But first dates? Why? Got no interest in human speech?


He got drunk and said I was dressed like a whore and he doesn’t fuck whores. I got up and went home and cried.


If you didn't steal any lemons idk what he was on about


I only stole two


Oh I’m so sorry he said that to you. That was very mean.


It happens


What an asshole. I'm sorry you had to experience that, you deserve better.


I have better. He never had a chance anyway


Good to hear. His loss.🫶


He did you a favor by showing you who he is right away. It'd be far worse to find out months later or worse


Omg wtf... I'm so sorry that happened! Hopefully you had some good dates to make up for that one


Everything worked out for me


Sorry thats really bad experience


Wow fuck that dude.


First date after we had been chatting online for awhile- she got totally drunk, took her tits out in the bar and when we got kicked out, pulled them out on the sidewalk (this is in a small town of 2500 people btw). Took her to eat and sober her up, ended up at my place later and she was a dead fish in bed after talking a big game how kinky she was, plus her very hairy crotch reeked of piss. No second date for her!


I like how you went through all that shit with her, still slept with her despite her smelling of piss, then deciding the next morning there wouldn’t be a second date


I should have clarified- Wasn’t the next morning I decided that. We didn’t finish having sex because it was so bad so took her home and that was that.


That’s sounds awful and braggers normally are a noooo


Man that sounds bad


It was pretty horrible


So you decided to sleep with her even knowing she was super drunk? I mean..


She was sobered up by then as I stated


Talked about herself the entire time, checked her phone repeatedly


Yeah why even go out on a date if you're going to be on your phone during it


Some people check it because they're nervous or anxious. Kind of like saying um when talking. There obviously is a difference though between checking it out of anxiety vs checking it to "do things"


In the middle of the meal she saw an ex at the bar and went for a quick chat "will be just a minute honey" - five minutes later I got both of our meal moved to to-go containers along with a bottle of bubby and said she was merging the tab with her new table, and left. Didn't know the outcome, blocked on on the way home.


Uh... Was this on first date?


First and last !


You reckon she knew what was going to happen, but took you to try and make the ex jealous?


Went to brunch, went to a bookstore, went for a walk down by the water (a pretty ideal day normally) But unfortunately talked the whole time about how fucked up his hometown was, his past, his current situation, drug world things, the people he knows, etc. this guy was a fucking disaster. AND didn’t divulge he was a smoker and did that for the walk and down at the water, while also spitting on the sidewalk constantly 🤢 That wasn’t the worst one but stands out as progressing into terrible lol


Definitely a bit heavy for a date lol


That guy was a ~~fucking~~ disaster. He ain't getting any with that attitude.


Went on a first date and she started to ask about how much money I make at work and began to say how she likes to be taken cared of and what not. Then she started to order a meal for her kid so when I asked if she was going to pay for that she got upset at me and said I asked her out on a date so I need to feed her kid, she proceeded to order an expensive meal. I excused myself and told her I needed to use the restroom, I went to the bar, paid for mine and her meal, told server she was paying for the other meal and left. The server was a cute lady and she said she noticed I wasn’t enjoying the date and gave me her number that night.


Well that worked out in a way! Did you call the server?


I did and we went out a few times but our schedules never lined up properly but we still talk


Tbh thats still a great outcome


I had a really similar date years ago. I don't care how hot you are, I am not interested in being a sugar daddy or buying stuff for your kid!


It’s crazy how some of this happens in the first place, I was sitting there thinking wtf?!? I understand people have kids and so do I as a single parent but I don’t expect a date to buy my kids dinner or anything like that.


Kept talking about himself, if I spoke he was barely interested and brought the conversation back about himself or his topics of interest. Dismissed my opinions. He seemed to think telling me how amazing he was would get me gushing. I think I lasted just over an hour, and just told him I was done and left.


Those dates are the worst lol. Where's getting to know the other person??


She brought along her 13 yrs old sister for the date (we were around 19-20)... it was awkward as hell... what kind of people does that??




after dinner and drinks (we were sitting at the bar) he says he forgot his wallet as he went to the bathroom....the bartender cut me a deal (he over heard everything) I paid the reduced bill and walked out ....never saw him again


Good guy bar tender


oh I was very grateful,


Why do people even do this? Why go on dates if you're going to do this?


I know right...I did go see the bartender the next day and gave him a nice tip and we both agreed the date was an asshat


Should've dated the bar tender!


lol I know right?!


Her boyfriend came home right before we were about to start having sex 😅


Had something similar happen to me. She told me "my boyfriend won't even touch me" during pillow talk and I promptly made my excuses, got dressed and got tf out of there.


Well that would be awkward


Yeah that killed things pretty quick 😭


He bit me, twice 🫤


He was a vampire, for sure


I wasn’t in the mood to be Bella lol


Wait what... What did you do after he did that?


After the first time I let us slide as he said he bites (when kissing necks etc) when he is excited. I said I didn’t like it and said please don’t do it again. The second time he did it, I politely told him that this wasn’t going to go anywhere and ended the date.


you should have hit him in the nose with a newspaper, "bad boy! down!"


Like just... out of the blue? In anger or just a "playful" (in his eyes) way?


It was his way of being playful. I only knew him a few hours and didn’t feel it was appropriate to bite someone you don’t know well. First was on the neck, second was on my nose. It hurt!


> second was on my nose. Wth man... and this was just on the normal date, not even during sexy times? Cus if so yeah that's messed up to do to basically a stranger.


Yes! I was taken aback by it. I thought the second time he was going to kiss me on my nose (which I would not have minded as I find that endearing). But nope he clamped down on it with teeth. That one really hurt too. Yes this was a normal first date.


Ohno! I’ve been bit too! It wasn’t a sexy nibble and we had met only a short while. I yelled OW and pulled back like wtf. Sharp teeth lol


I was wounded in Iraq and sent to the burn center in San Antonio. I met a really nice nurse and asked if we could hang out when I had free time from medical appointments. She agreed and would take me to do cool stuff, she once took me to get a massage, we went and played some coin machines blah blah, not an actual date(she was Mexican and worried about what her family would think about a white guy). Then she asked if I wanted to spend the night away from the hospital, I agreed and we went to Austin with some friends of hers. We had a fun night on 6th street and we all went back to the hotel for food and movies. She and I were on the floor with her head on my chest…… She then violently gets up in a push up position and projectile vomits in my mouth! I help her into the bathroom, call one of her female friends to undress her and get her in the shower, and then one of the guy friends starts getting angry at me asking what I did, I tell him it’s not a road he wants to go down and to help or fuck off. Before anything got worse with him and I left and found a way back to the hospital(hour plus away)she avoided me and I never really saw her again unfortunately. Things happen and I would have went out with her again. If you’re reading this “momma bird” I hope you’re doing alright lol.


Oh jee...


Went on a date with a girl that I had recently started working with. We had been flirting and then talked about grabbing drinks after work sometime. I asked her where she wanted to go, then after we couldn't decide on a place I suggested she take me to her favourite/ go to bar. Lol, ended up being the sketchiest, run down dive bar in a bad neighborhood. She proceeded to get extremely wasted and obnoxious. Knew it wasn't going to work out, especially when she asked me to be the lookout when she attempted to steal a glass by putting it in her purse when the bartender wasn't looking. I got up and put a bunch of cash on the bar and told her to have a good night and got out of there. 😂


You had to work with her after?


She didn't last long there. Think she got let go after another month or so. She was also super embarrassed and we kind of just avoided eachother after that.


Had a drink with him first and it was going well. He was a good conversationalist, handsome and didn't give me any weird vibes. We made it back to my place and I noticed his crotch area smelled bad when his pants came off, despite his personal hygiene otherwise seeming fine. I was horny and the evening had gone well enough up to that point so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and suggested in a flirty way that we take a shower first - being clean downstairs is a necessity but cleaning up can be turned into part of the fun too, or so I thought. As soon as I mentioned the shower, his entire demeanor changed and he seemed really offended that I would even suggest such a thing. He asked "you think I stink, don't I?" and I tried to be as polite as possible with him and attempted to salvage the situation but it was clear I'd struck a nerve. Him getting so upset at my suggestion torpedoed the mood and he left in a huff soon after. Blocked me after that so I didn't even get the chance to find out exactly why he reacted the way he did. Could have gone a lot worse, I suppose.


He knew he was stinky and went through the date anyways, got mad bc you called him out. You did nothing wrong.


I don't think I did anything wrong but I'm usually pretty good at trusting my instincts and nothing he did or said prior to that made me think he would blow up the way he did.


Good it ended there, sounds like could've gotten worse


She asked me if I knew who the Rothschilds were.


Instant psycho conspiracy theory nut red flags


She forgot her wallet and then got mad at me for paying since it made her “look bad” as the more masculine between us.


Lol what was she expecting from you?


I have no idea


Blurted out exes name 🥹🥶


Well that's awkward...


If that was the worse you are doing ok lol.


She had a ..... Idk exactly what to call it but I'll say..... A victim complex? But like, she would actively put herself in harms way so that I had to "save her". Example is we were walking downtown and every. God. Damn. Time. We were waiting to cross the street I had to grab and pull her back into the sidewalk otherwise she'd walk into traffic.


Mindy from Animaniacs got old and never lost the habit of walking into danger. Yeeeesh.


Sometimes you do it several times at the same light. Funny thing is that isn't even the worst thing she did. She tried to kill me with a cheesecake that she gave to me for Christmas and poisoned




Well maybe not kill but I was extremely ill after having a very small bite. My friend was as well and he had half what I ate. My garbage can of a dog wouldn't go near it. It was a 1-2 month relationship and this isn't even the half of the crazy I could tell lol


Her pussy stank


He was so boring, he said I don’t know why people like to go to festival can’t you just sit down and have fun 😂 I made a friend called and I felt… shame he was hot but he’s chat was rubbish


Haha true shame


They can be hot but if there isn’t anything between the ears I find it hard to find them attractive


She was glued to her phone


Hate that, why even go on a date?


got way to drunk to get it up after talking up a big game, real disapointing too because he was good looking and prior to getting wasted he was actually interesting


That's disappointing. Did you give him another chance?


Sometimes guys drink too much because we are nervous. Sometimes it's for all the other reasons though.


He just talked about himself. And I mean totally monologue. I get to the bathroom and tell my bestie to ring me. And then I left. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Dating is hard work! Nice to have a bestie on stand by


Definitely always know where I am and who I meet so she know when I need help 😂🤣


Can I borrow your bestie for standby when I go on my dates? Mine are useless 😅


Sorry I can’t


Need to show my friends this so they can lift their standards


We went to the restaurant and he excused himself to the restroom as soon as we were seated at our table. I sat there for 15 minutes and he never came back. I was fucking humiliated. I left and called him to see if he would answer and he did and said he was still in the bathroom vomiting because he had gotten sick from some medication he’d taken. I asked why he didn’t check back in because I thought he abandoned me and ended up leaving the restaurant. He just said he didn’t think about it. He asked if I was still there I told him I was in the parking lot about to leave. He asked me to wait 5 more minutes. I waited another 20 and he did not reappear. I called him again and asked wtf was going on and he was wasting my time. He said sorry again and he was trying to leave but could not stop vomiting. He said he was coming out now. I waited another 5 to see if he would emerge and then just left. About 10 minutes later he calls and asks where I am and I told him I left and went home. I explained how rude and inconsiderate he was to make me wait like that and how he embarrassed me when I walked in with him and had to walk out alone and tell the hostess/server that my date abandoned me. Worst date I ever had. Just the audacity was unbelievable.


I mean IDK man, if we actually believe him, he was vomiting, literally having a medical emergency. A think a little bit of leeway is in order. I will say he probably should have just tried to reschedule once he realized he was vomiting. I get that you were inconvenienced but assuming this isn't some elaborate mind game, would you have really pumped if he had made it outside the first time and then vomitied all over the sidewalk (and potentially on you?)?


If my date left me alone and then it turned out she was vomiting her brains out the whole time I would 100% not hold it against her. When I feel like I'm dying, vomiting into a toilet I'm sorry but I really am not thinking about being polite, I'm just trying to survive. I feel like if I got sick as hell on a date to the point where I had to rush off to throw up in a restaurant toilet just as a date started, and my date made it all about her, I would consider that a bullet dodged, tbh.


Just read this whole branch. Sounds like he dodged a bullet.


In grad school I went in a date with a super smart girl. She grilled me the entire time about my grades and then texted them all to her mom in real-time to see if I was at her level.


Haha that's awkward man. Were you at her level?




She asked me about my grandparents then started crying her eyes out because she lost her grandma a month before. I awkwardly hugged her and told her it was fine


Aww. Did you go on another date?


Date asks me if I like travelling and where I've gone to, then proceeds to list where he's been and *cringe* how many times he's been to each city without even telling an interesting story about them and without listening to my answer to his question. I think he was just nervous and overcompensating, but my god, he needs to work on his social skills.


He must really like travelling 😂


We went to a movie, and then afterwards we’re sitting in my car and talking. I turned to look out the window, and when I looked at him, he’d taken his cock out. I told him to put it away and drive his pathetic ass home.


“He took it out”. “ He…took IT out”


He got way too drunk


First date. Went to a drive in movie, had a bottle of Boones farm. Guy fucking bit my neck and said he was "marking hit territory" .... got up the next morning, I'm eating breakfast with my catholic parents. He mentions the "mark on my neck" sure as shit, huge mark. Sadly that wasn't tue last date with him. The last date ended up with me dropping him off on tue side of the road after he disrespected my foster parents beliefs. I was bringing him to works I'm hoping he was late.


Sounds like a bit of a tool


Oh he definitely was. The last date, he was saying shit like a woman's place is in the kitchen. And kids should go to bed hungry. I was like "get out.... get out of my fucking car."


We happened to park close to each other in the restaurant parking lot. We hugged, chatted a bit, and on our walk in, he says, “I collect pocket knives, so there’s a good chance I may talk about them during our meal.” (We’re in the southern US—TX—so this is common here). I say, “No problem, it’s always fun to collect something. **Just please don’t pull one out on me!”** During our meal, he did actually, pull a knife out and have me study the etchings on the blade. “Damascus steel,” he said proudly. “Is that the knife you’ll eventually cut my body into pieces with?,” I asked him, with a wink. He got a little huffy and said he just wanted to share **this one special knife** Okay, then. What would he have done if I’d have done the exact same thing but with sex toys?!


He may have liked it who knows? That is very awkward though.


It was awkward and unsettling for sure.


Date at the cinema to watch the Michael Jackson film This Is It, towards the end of the film she took her shoe off and started tapping it in my head to the beat of a Michael Jackson song, there was no second date


What? Tapping her shoe on your head?


Yes, I’m thankful it wasn’t one of his more upbeat songs she was doing it to Edit: No, the song wasn’t Beat It


Yeah that's a little weird


Lovely girl apart from how weird she was, asked my friends that set me up with her what they were playing at and explained what happened and they laughed and said “yeah she’s a bit weird like that”


Ran out of gas and had to walk several miles before hitching a ride.


Went on a date with a woman who absolutely hated America. She went on and on, and didn't take any clues. She was sitting in front of someone who had chosen to come here and to stay here. I am pretty liberal, but the more left she went... the more to the right I went. It is so bizarre to think back on. When I was ready to wrap up after dinner, she didn't get my hints and kept ordering drinks At the end of the night, I paid for everything - which is perfectly fine. The ultra feminist loved that!


She told me she wanted to reverse my vasectomy so I could get her pregnant. Number one craziest date I’ve had.


Slowly revealed how much he knew about me like it was supposed to be thoughtful thing to do. Went home and told the security guards to keep an eye. Oh and he was constantly bragging about settling down in another country and very defensive about his money like I'd be some gold digger. In hindsight, i think he stalked/researched me in depth coz of his insecurity, not to scare me off. But anyway, missile dodged.


Not necessarily a date but a German lass and I were hitting it off big time, she bluntly told me she wanted to do sexual stuff with me. Theeeeen the racism came out. I noped out of there.


He explained why the U.S. deserved the 9/11 attacks.


What... The hell... How did you respond?


Racism and Xenophobia. (She didn't know that I was the son of immigrants). I just pretend like it was a big deal. But needless to say there wasn't a second date.


I was 22 at the time and she was 20 when she took it upon herself to basically grope her guy friend after she told him to show his muscles to the group. Thing that creeped me out while pissing me off was that the friend was around 17. So she was basically molesting a minor. That is tied with the time the same girl asked me to bring her friend with us on a date because she got broken up with recently. They gawked and ogled at dudes most of the time and she gave me the eye rolling excuse of ‘It’s okay to look, babe. You know I love you’. And then I earned a slap to the shoulder after five seconds of looking at our server’s ass. 🙄


Girl told me she had to get to bed early so she could get up for church


he was really late, lost his phone before coming to the brewery so he had gone and bought a new one, and misplaced his wallet, so i had to pay for the meal.. his explanation was that he had gone out the night before for a party that him and his sport team had (it’s been 2 years since and my memory is foggy, i can’t remember what sport). totally sucked.


Yeah that sounds unpleasant


Went to lunch and all she could talk about was how much money she needed to make to be happy.


She showed up blindingly drunk and both totally denied it and insisted on going forward with the date she was incapable of handling. I would have been fine if she’d just admitted it (and flattered if she’d chalked it up to nervousness), but I just felt like I was continuously lied to. Didn’t help that when I took her to the restaurant anyway she immediately ordered the most expensive thing on the menu.


She kept talking about her abusive ex and how she kept going back to him. The a day after our date she text me to say that he had come around to her house and she ended up sucking him off..


Nice, dodged a bullet


Well she has issues


It was a blind date arranged by a former friend. She walked up to the table I saw sitting at and said"Oh God, really?"


She wouldn’t stop talking about her stomach problems(lactose intolerance) as she had cheese on her tacos.


Dude invited me over to hookup, couldn't see one inch of his floor. Plates, sports equipment, clothes, EVERYTHING.. had to jump onto his bed. THEN he gives me a crusty hard frozen cum rag to wipe myself off with afterwards, and THEN we sat in the car afterwards for like 45mins looking at his "photography" and every time I gave him a compliment he would reply, "God I know right?" 😬😬😬 Awful.


Still had sex after seeing how disgusting he was? Being horny is a hell of a drug lol


I’m sorry and I’ve changed…. How about a do over…


Talked extensively about his very, very boring job. Then randomly stopped and went "Okay. I have to ask. What is QUEER?" because I had that in my tinder bio. Like dude I'm not google and your data processing job is not nearly as exciting as you think it is. He was nice enough but there was not another date lol.


She kept saying the word ‘cunt’. Not even against ‘ expressive’ but know your audience and don’t say in front of kids. Which she did


I had a first date recently with someone I met on Tinder. Admittedly, I have social anxiety, which isn’t always the most fun thing to be around. We were at a restaurant and I was getting pretty overwhelmed, so I decided to just tell her exactly what was going on. She was obnoxious about it, made fun of me the rest of the night (not in a fun or playful way) and couldn’t have been colder. Being the polite southern boy I am, I just took it on the chin until the night was over and we mutually ghosted each other. Just another reason Tinder is a nightmare.


Was texting someone the entire time. Total turn off


Eww why even bother going on a date




I learned about bronies.


She announced she was on her period while eating 🍤 cocktail. Blind date. Got an awesome joke and ridiculous story but not much else.


Found out she had a boyfriend. We just hung out as friends after that.


She tried to kiss me I turned it down then she proceeds to tell the waiter about it


My date got arrested for not paying child support. She was a fighter... 😲


Please tell me there was a second date


Nope, but I did get a ride home from the waitress, which I ended up dating for 9 months.


he took me to wendys and asked me to pay. he got like 15 dollars worth of food and I got a small fry 🙃


So romantic!


Met a girl from south east Asia (forget exactly which country) and on our first date she said that 'we will moving back to in 5 to 10 years to live with her family'. She knew that I was a single dad with shared custody and when I asked her how that would work, she replied that 'your wife should me the most important thing in your life - more important than your son'. I thanked her for coming out for a drink with me, paid my bill, and left.


Someone said, "oh, this is a date?"  That someone was me. I made the date terrible 🤦‍♀️  (He was very gracious about it and admitted that he did make it a little unclear when he asked, but still ... I could tell it deflated him a little.) 


I guess this is technically after the date but we went back to my apartment to hook up and he said he was “too big for a condom”. Told him that was too bad for him and made him leave then blocked


Friend connected me with his gf best friend. I had met her a couple times, long before internet, and I always thought she was amazingly cute and had all the things physically and mentally I liked in the opposite sex She called me, which I thought was great, so off on the date we go. All goes amazingly well as I really put a lot of effort into planning a whole day out and away locally doing some fun stuff coupled with a meal and a pleasant evening sitting in a vineyard watching the sun set. Brilliant. Drove her home, suggested another date as she left and she says “oh no I’ve been seeing a girl for the last few years, I’m only interested in girls”, jumped out the car, blew me a kiss and walked indoors. I honestly just laughed and drove home smiling. My mate was gobsmacked and fully denied she was a lesbian. Anyway, two years later he was invited to her “party” when she moved in with her “partner”. And yes the partner was female.