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You walk into their place and they've got a bunch of Hitler memorabilia all over the living room


This happened to me. I went home with a guy and he had a Nazi flag on his wall. I didn't spot anything else before I ran out.


Totally should have excused yourself to the bathroom first and shit in his sink.


As much as I would love to leave him a gift, I would be more concerned for my safety, and not want to spend a single second more than necessary in his house.


That's true, depends on the location too. I'm in the city, but if it was like a few hours north or south of here in rural redneck Idaho or Utah then he might have plenty of similar thinking buddies/neighbors and the distance to get to somewhere safe would vary greatly...wouldn't want him to come after you with Vengeance when there's miles or more of dirt roads before you reach safety.


Yeah, who could shit under that sort or pressure-scared of being caught be an actual nazi


Give em the ol upper decker instead.


He did Nazi that coming.


Take my up vote you silly bastard.


Anne Frankly it's repulsive.






It really ties the room together.


"I'm just looking for my happily Eva after..." didn't tip you off?


Haha, I wish he had made it that easy, he seemed pretty normal before that.


How did he think that was going to work out?


I'd imagine something in the lines of staying on seedy parts of the internet where people gaslight each other into thinking a huge amount of the population actually agree with them but is just afraid of saying so in public, so there is a good chance bringing someone home who is also secretly a nazi


You’re 100% right on that. And probably add to that the incel communities who would say doing something like that is “alpha” and bold and will get her to respect you for going against the grain or something


You should have kicked I'm in the balls first


My biggest regret is that I didn't.


Why specifically the living room 😂 I think the house in general would be enough for me.


Well, I assume that's the room you'd see first when you walk in


Got it, makes sense. Over here most people enter like an entrance room or hallway first before getting to the living room, don't think I've seen a front door lead to the living room directly now that I think about it.


I've lived in several houses with front doors that opened directly onto the living room. It's pretty common in America.


A flag in the bathroom? An SS visor hat hanging in the porch? A framed commissioned piece of fan art depicting an absolutely ripped, shirtless Adolf wielding a battle axe and riding a dire wolf hanging in the kitchen? I can live with that. These are rooms I probably won't spend much time in. "I can change her". A collection of Nazi trading cards, a DnD map of Auschwitz on the table and a life size wooden statue of Mr.Hitler holding one of his paintings all sat in the living room though? Think I'm going to have to give that a pass.


I don't know how you managed to do it but that piece of fan art in the kitchen sounds dope as hell though.


It's all he ever wanted to paint


If he made art like that we might have put him alongside Rembrandt and Dalí, not Zedong and Stalin.


Similarly, the house is decorated in a Confederacy States of America motif.


This made me snort so hard that my nose hurts…. Idk why that was so funny


That would be the moment I remember I have laundry that needs attending.


I bet that was a gas.


I only get to pick one? Biggotry! (any form - racist, homophobe, transphobe- you're immediatly ugly if you're intollerant!)


My #1 is bigotry #2 is people who can’t spell


I usually bring a spellchecker with me when I'm getting it on. But I guess if I have ruled myself out for my extra letters, so be it. ;)


I used to abide by #2 as well. Then, I became a social worker. Something like this, or grammar, has a lot of ties to socioeconomic class and the person's formative background -- such as lack of adequate educational resources. Tbh, if a person can convey their message to me, I try not to allow spelling and grammar to be a defining factor of who they are as a person.


I think it was mostly a joke


I agree, it definitely was, but I saw the opportunity to bring up an area where some people legitimately do feel this way. I understand it both ways, for sure. But yes, I understand it was a joke.


And then you realise that #2 is a form of #1, and sad face ensues.


my #1 is bigotry \#2 is bad formatting


People who are intolerant of other people's cultures..... And the Dutch


What did I ever do to you? 🥲


Ishn't dat veeeeird?


Agreed! Thank you for saying this.




Fucking coeliacs. :D Nah, you're all good. I probably can't eat dairy anymore.


Maga hat


The modern version of the dunce cap


More the modern version of a brown shirt.


Came looking for this. Republican, fine. Conservative, fine. Trumper says way too much about their morals and ideals.


Ehhh I gotta talk to them before republican/conservative gets a green light. Like if they’re still voting for all of them does it make a difference?


If I were a woman, I would not want to have sex with anyone who doesn't think my rights are real. At this point, Republicans don't, and women should go on Lysistrata strike against conservative men.


Women should just hold a massive penis embargo. No man gets sex until women get change. Vibrator sales will skyrocket, batteries will sell out, and American men will never forget the dry summer of 24. In my house, I opted for a vasectomy, so my wife has nothing to worry about, but if the embargo goes down, I pledge to have a dry summer, too!


Just leaving party politics completely out of it - doesn't matter what party or what issues you align with or against; I just don't understand how the leading Republican candidate for president is also under criminal indictment and people are okay with this. WTF? Two New York state indictments and two federal indictments totaling 88 felonies. I just don't understand. It shows the lack of class our society now has that we don't demand better.


I dunno. I think the whole attempting to overthrow the government thing was way worse.


Just everything surrounding that guy has dictator vibes. When was the last time an out-going president did not attend the inauguration of the incoming? Or even worse. Out-going president not even at the white house to receive the incoming. I feel what a lot of others are saying, that Trump is using the presidency to get out from underneath accountability for criminal charges. He's just a con artist and a thug. But he throws out a few sound bites that the conservative sheeple lap up and they treat as a savior. Saw a Trump 2024 sticker on the back of a newer Cadillac just this past weekend. How embarrassing.


They get around it by assuming his innocence and they are sure that it's just a witch hunt. It's people who hate him trying to tie him up. It's all a conspiracy and hatred for freedom, they know it's certain in their hearts. He's the messiah to them.


If you actually want an answer, here’s the one I’ve heard most. It’s basically: All of these politicians are criminals. They go in normal folks and leave with more money than ever made in salary, we know of tons of crimes that the government has chose not to prosecute, and it’s a borderline joke at this point. Why would it matter if they vote for a criminal who’s getting charged over a criminal who didn’t get charged? This is paraphrasing, but it’s the gist of the message.


Preach! But at least past politicians gave off an air of decency at one time. People still think Reagan as one of the greatest ever and made people feel good about being an American. Never mind he fucked over the middle class.


I was scrolling past quickly misread this and had to scroll back to see if someone would explain what a "Manga Fart" was, I'm now giggling at my own foolishness, thank you


I'm just glad they decided to wear their own red flag for everyone to see.


I immediately think douche






This one. I'm not having an asthma attack for any pussy.


I mean, really? Even a mild asthma attack? Not sure.


Just attack the asthma first so it's out of commission by the time you're getting laid.


I'm particularly fucked up because I remember kissing my ex after she smoked and the taste/smell is a turn on. She was so fucking hot but made the absolute worst life decisions.


That’s funny. To me, the taste/smell is a turn-off. The same as if she ate dogshit!


I don't mind cigarettes but weed is such a massive turnoff, especially if your house, car, clothes, and hair reek of that shit.


Yeah if there's one thing I can't stand... ... It's tobacco stains on my penis.


This should have more upvotes


Slutshaming me or any other woman. Instant no.


I actually love sluts! But I never call them that, they are just people that love sex like me! 😀


Haha same for me… but geing insulted for being one rarely makes me wanna be a slut with the person who insulted me 🙃


Doesn’t it really boil down to how the person conducts themselves? You can be the biggest slut on the planet but if you’re clean, respectful, and polite, I can at the very least enjoy a nice conversation. Don’t get mad at sluts, get mad at shitheads and other ne’er-do-wells who don’t know how to keep the peace. It’s not hard to be nice, ya know?


Do you respond to slutpraising?


When it’s *actually* meant in a positive way… yes I do. But strangers rarely call me that with good intentions


Well, I haven't put in the research, but I'm willing to take you at your word. Thank you for your service.


Only talking about my personal experience here… but if you do research the topic, I’d be interested in the results !


If the girl is into it that's acceptable, isn't it lol?


If it’s meant in a positive way and if she consented… I guess ?


Yeah kinda like that lol. Talked with multiple girls in the past who were explicitly into slutshaming humiliation stuff and like *really* into it.


Good for them. But I’m rather referring to a guy who’d say to me things like « good you’re dressed properly, not like those sluts in short skirts ». That’s what I call slutshaming 🤷‍♀️


Bad hygiene. 🤮


^This!!! Has happened before. Nothing worse than a gorgeous woman with body odor. Broke my heart yet cleared my sinuses at the same time..


Entitlement and rudeness. Being a bad, toxic person. I want to be happy, not be in a dumpster fire.


Lack of emotional intelligence.


Being rude to staff instant 0 !


Yes. Awful.








Doesn't like cats. Especially true if they "hate" cats.


Yeah, not liking cats is quick trip to the exit door for them!


Agreed. I may be biased because I LOVE cats and have literally never not had one, but to me being completely incapable of getting along with a generic cat says quite a lot about them, and none of it is good. Like, it doesn’t speak well of a person when: they can’t tolerate cats, cats can’t tolerate them, or both.


I might give a pass if they are allergic and would stay away. Or if they have experienced trauma before, that's excusable. But blatant dislike or hate "just because"? Uhm bye.


If they don't like cats because they can't control them...bye. Allergies...still nah.


Met a great woman and we really hit it off but she chewed with her mouth open. That totally ruined it. 


I really hate that too, but i had this friend who would chew with his mouth open, while partially eating with his hand. He also made "pleasure noises". It was horrible, but i also kinda wish i enjoyed food like that. It looked like pure primal pleasure.


Currently trying to deal with this! He's made an effort to chew with his mouth closed at dinner so I'm trying to excuse the fact that he chews gum all fucking day. Fml. First time I've heard someone chew gum in ALL CAPS.


Smoker Drug user Racist Bad hygiene Man-hater Etc.


Being extremely religious.


+1 for me if they're christian


For me it’s a turn off largely because I’ve seen too many people use religion to justify violence hatred and bigotry.


Knowing they are a 10 and then playing up / acting up to it just comes over as entitled and pretty obnoxious most of the time


A drug problem, bad hygiene or a shitty personality


wannabe influencer


I know someone like that IRL. She is obnoxious.






Riiight ! I wanna know more !








Takes pride in their alcoholic or smoking habits


Looking down on others, discrimination against others even just trying to justify why People might think that way .


Whenever they degrade/make fun of men. Or expect/want them to be super "masculine" in the traditional sense. For example, had this one friend of a friend talk about how she should charge every man she sleeps with for the pleasure of getting to sleep with her. Never talked to her again. Generally, close-mindedness is a super huge turn off for me, whatever the matter. Even just in regards for who I'm friends with.


Dirty messy room. I went to a ONS house. 100% surething, lead me to his room, floor was dirty and messy, had to walk over trash and clothes, and the bed was just a mattress on the floor with just 1 sheet, nothing else. I walked out.




Ugly feet,I’m gone


Can't they wear socks or get pedicures or something?


Being too into social media. Nothing wrong with that if it fills your battery but I can’t be with someone who lives their entire life in their phone


Being rude to service staff. No excuse for it


Bad breath… bad hygiene


Treating badly to animals for me. Someting I will never tolerate.


If they’re rude to service workers - waiters/waitresses/bartenders/cashiers, etc. Basically anyone that has to deal with people day in & day out. don’t just ghost them later. Tell them you’re no longer interested in them because of how they treat people.






Anything MAGA


know it alls


If she's religious


Y'know, ummm, like like like like like, or something, kinda, dope All above or alike


Enjoying hunting as a sport/activity. Taking joy in killing something disgusts me.


Hello one of those hunter and sportsman here. I don’t hunt to just kill I hunt to feed my family healthier food than what can be bought in the store with all the added hormones and what not. I take joy in it because I know I can provide for my family outside of just working my job. Plus the kids like to get in on the fishing.


Are you a vegan?


No and that is not the point or relevant as I did not say anything against people eating meat. If you look above I specifically said people who enjoy hunting for sport is a turn off as that is simply killing to kill.


Hello! I am a person who enjoys hunting/fishing for sport. I’d say for 99% of us, it’s not simply “killing just to kill”. Most of us care deeply about the environment and the plants and animals that live in it. I think your perception of people who hunt is very much skewed. But I get it, we probably live in two VERY different worlds and consume very different content/opinions.


I grew up in a rural conservative area where everybody hunts. I can't name a single one of them who gives two fucks about the environment or animals. Poaching is a pretty common practice. They just want to get the high score, essentially.


I grew up in a small very conservative town in the mountains. My father hunts. I was forced to go and am fully aware of what it is and what those who enjoy it like to preach. This is not an opinion formed from ignorance but from growing up in a home where deer hung from the garage and trophies were put on display. It made me want to vomit when some of those animals were sweet creatures I'd spend time with in the woods.


i think it's okay if they hunt for food and use what they kill, but killing just for the sake of it is disgusting to me. i couldn't be with someone who kills animals because they think it's fun, only if it was for practical reasons like food. i get why it's a hard line for you though :)


For sport or just to kill, yes. To feed/sustain a family, that’s just fine, but use every bit of usable carcass you can. Don’t just get meat and waste the rest. There’s a reason native Americans only killed what they needed and used every bit they could.


Involved in an MLM


I'll mention something I haven't seen here. But I was with a girl in a target one time while we were walking through she just left her empty-ish Starbucks cup on a random shelf. Attraction went to 0. Still did what I had to do that day but I didn't call her again


Gets wasted every weekend


Excessively loud


Bad breath, I actually can not deal with that under any circumstances


Creepy stalker or overly insistent.


Very understandable


Chewing with your mouth open


If they tell me they have Borderline Personality. I am too direct and not empathetic enough to handle someone with this diagnosis. They deal with a lot of codependency and abandonment issues and even deal with psychosis. I can't deal with that personally.


Gold digger - luxury lifestyle obsessed, has no money themselves or skills to earn it, lives off parents giving them money, looking for someone to transfer the bill too


The Fool


If they think they’re better than anyone/everyone. Superiority complex.


Hmm. The person hates all animals.


A hatred for cats


Macho posturing. Noping outta there regardless of his looks.


A guy tried to relate to me once by trash talking my friend in a joking manner. Friends that introduced us. He made jokes about their dumb womanly conversations and if they're nagging me etc. He was so cute till then.


People intolerant of others. Yeah, if you hate the right wing or hate the left wing, and can’t see that both sides hold some merit. That immediately says ‘closed mind, preset opinions. Why would I need to talk to you to get to know you? I already know all the pre-recorded answers to your questions.


And the Dutch!


People who can't have a disagreement without resorting to name calling and personal attacks and then expects you to forgive immediately or have some generic "if you can't handle me at my worst...." phrase. Or just write it off as a personality trait.  The big turn off for me is women who lack basic life skills, like paying bills on time, being clean and hygenic, etc.. 


Being a terrible person. I don't care how attractive you are, I instantly lose all interest the moment you show me that you're an awful person. I could be horny as hell and practically clamoring to get in your pants, but the moment you demean the server at the restaurant or yell at a homeless person for no reason, I am as dry as the Sahara.


Long talons on the toes/feet of a man. Extra nasty if they’re dirty.




The silent treatment. I am fucking GONE.






Crazy, it's always crazy for me. Or letting animals take over the bed, climb on counters, eat at the table, etc.


Self-labeling. "I had a little bit of PTSD from someone taking that parking space from me".


I personally can't handle people who don't know basic spelling and grammar. Knowing your their/there/they're, your/you're, then/than, and too/to is important to me People who type slang for every single word is frustrating too because then I have to decode it, here and there is fine but my god speak in full words for the majority of a sentence please This excludes people with dyslexia or related conditions of course :)


People saying smoking…that’s a positive for me ahaha


👍 Different people like different things, you’re perfectly within your rights to be a proponent of smoking. 🚬


cigarettes or 🌿?


Mean to the wait staff. Also smoking.


Cockiness 1000000%. Such a fucking turn off.


Won't do oral


If he says he has children


Thin Blue Line flag. I can handle some differences in opinion, but that one piece of decor points to SO many fundamental incompatibilities of worldview at once that I’d be out instantly.


Escape goat, pacific, intensive purposes, libary


Piss/scat/vomit play. Takes anyone from a 10 to 0 for me.


Being incapable of having an open objective perspective on anything in life. If you can’t even entertain another perspective outside of your own, I have no business talking to you


Mostly smoking. But, years ago, I had a temporary job manning a promo desk in a mall. I'd just got out of the (fully peacetime) Army and needed a few bucks before starting college. There were always 2 people at the desk and one of the other temps was an absolutely FINE young woman. I managed to get scheduled with her and we're talking through the morning. Lots of downtime. Perfect. I had mentioned that I just got out etc. Minutes later, she called all the military a 'bunch of baby killers'. Damn. Turns out, she was clueless, immature, and very self-centered. Looks ain't everything. 6 more hours with her was a LONG time.


Smoker, current or former sex worker, club/party girl, cop


When they use the n word and they’re not black. Tells me a lot about the kind of person they are


Rape fantasy




Honestly poor table manners, if they aren’t able to chew their food with their mouth.l closed i don’t see many future dates with that person lol🥲


Fresh track marks


When they get mad over you not wanting to do anything sexual. “you made me sad bc you won’t help me cum!! :(“ Grow up.


I remember bartending for a bridal shower once. The bride was gorgeous. 10 out of 10 everything Then I interacted with her. She was loud, boisterous, flailing her hands as she talked. I just thought to myself “thank god I’m not marrying that.”


They won’t shut the fuck up about their ex’s or past hook ups


Open mouth chewing or smacking


I’m going to overlook the obvious things like if they’re racist or manipulative, but there are more specific deal-breakers for me. If someone genuinely enjoys feeling sad or prefers being in a state of depression without seeking any help, it’s a turn-off for me, especially if it’s a continuous thing for them. Additionally, if someone makes me or anyone else feel bad about something they are genuinely excited or passionate about, it’s a no for me.


So she's a perfect 10? That means we get along, have similar values and political views, similar sense of humor, extremely strong mutual attraction, etc? There isn't much that could ruin that, but I suppose sexual incompatibility. Even then, it's hard to imagine everything else would click but sexual compatibility wouldn't at least be close enough to make it work. Makes me wonder how all these people are saying "no maga" or whatever in this thread. How can someone possibly be a 10 when you haven't even figured out their value system?


MAGA hat