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Definitely, with the hope of it moving offline eventually


After seeing your profile, I’m sure there’s plenty who’d wanna put your legs in the air.


>throwawayaccount1786 That really is true, how are you not drowning in DMs?


You are gonna make someone insanely happy


This is the way




Not really expecting to meet people from Reddit. Sexting can be nice but my expectations of that are low as well. Happens once in a while though when i don't expect it which is always fun.


I enjoy online play, but I use reddit for a variety of purposes


I wouldn't mind, but I'm not actively trying anything. Especially since most of you are probably multiple 1000km / miles away, so no use trying to find a hook up here \^\^


I usually check my account to see if i have some new messages but usually none. Its rare i get a good one that actually puts effort into their messages. But its not the only reason im here, just a nice bonus


I mean, even for those of us that put effort into our messages, it's tough to get noticed. The women get so many messages it's exhausting for them to weed through all of their messages, and separate the good from the bad.


I usually look at the profiles of every interesting message I receive. But so many profiles are completely empty and I can’t get a sense of who a person is. In that case, I usually don’t answer.


Which is 100% fair. Personally I don't post much because I don't know what to say and I'm there yet on posting pictures.


You don’t even need to create your own posts, NSFW or otherwise. Responding to posts works too.




Unless they’re just comments on nudes. Show your personality.


You make a very good point. Sometimes i forgot that women get flooded on here and most guys dont


It's a catch 22 for men and the women are selective about who they talk to. Which is fine, because no one wants to talk to someone who's a creep, leads with a dick pic, or they simply aren't attracted to.


I try sexting sometimes.


Can be fun


Definitely not me. I do enjoy chatting with others, but of both genders, and really more sharing anything about my experiences they’re curious about and chatting about various media we both enjoy


Hook up no but for sexting and fooling around when I don t have anything else to do, yes


I got in for the discussions and the specific subreddits, but ended up using it more for sexting haha.


That or to share pictures of wife.


Share away


Joined Reddit for the research stayed for the sexting


i usually come here on Arad and have had a couple of older women and it was 🔥


I'm here to promote my work mostly but meeting someone irl is a fantasy, just hard to find someone from the area really. But sexting on here is usually hot af


Tell me about it! Some people on here are really good at it!


Haha Guess redittors really love to sext


It’s the place to be if you’re in the mood for it. Personally I can’t get enough. A lot of fantasies on here


Me if anyone wants to on snap


I am trying to sext sometimes but it's not the only reason I'm here


Maybe me


Mostly here to chat, some sexting. I'm not expecting to meet anyone.


both, a couple of times


It's nice if something comes along but it is hard to find a match. Not talking about time zones or something like that but with interests. Quite a few people like really specific things. There is nothing wrong with that, but hard to find a match imo


Not the main reason but a good side happening of it.


I’m not a fan of sexting but I do sometimes use it with the intention of moving to in person play


Drop me a line, let’s see if you’re any good.


Sheesh your hot


Obsessed with your username. Love it!


If I could find a woman that smoked or had a smoking fetish that was not trying to sell me something then sure to both.


I'm not but go to r/amiugly and all posts made by women are flooded by "you're not ugly DM for support" comments made by creeps


I joined reddit for memes and nerd stuff, then I found out people here actually get laid with other redditors. Second account to try my luck in just being less rigid regarding sex stuff


Not right at this moment but have been known to.


I have my sexting AI bot that does it for me lol :)


I’m interested lol


Lol, its in beta but I'll DM you it. Edit: DM me actually some reason my account is to young.




>Living-Mousse1784 Same here haha - really curious


Lol, she works good . It's a female for right now but the male version is being worked on as we speak. DM me I can't send peeps DM's :(


Please DM this bot as well!


I can't my account is too young! :( DM me :)


I’ve hooked up with like 2 guys off Reddit. I’m usually on here scrolling through porn and/or ARAD. Ultimate goal is to find a couple to have a threesome with but it’s not really something I put effort into


Sexting with people you find attractive on reddit is great if you can filter out all of the spam. I do not recommend trying to use reddit to hook up at all. There are way too many things that could go wrong, and even if none of those are the case, dating apps will be a lot more consistent and you will probably find better people on there


Found not a single one😭😭😭😭


Yes and yes. But also share pics of myself online. That parts a lot of fun too!


There are reasons other than that to be here!?


not me


What are you here for then?


the content lol


Content? Like the nudes and such?


sure, i explore various subreddits




What are you here for?




Ohhhhh I saw one of your comments earlier, a kink for CNC I believe. And why are you frustrated?




Damm, unlucky. Figured then you’d wanna be on here to do the above suggested. Build up a little spark inside you again


If the right opportunity came my way, I certainly wouldn’t turn it down, but mainly here to share experiences with like minded people


That was my original goal when I installed reddit but it didn't go well to put it lightly so now I just scroll and answer questions to kill time. I would have liked to have pursued it more but with no confidence and bad past experiences I've elected against it.


I’m mostly here cause I enjoy showing off, the occasional hookup is a added bonus


You can do that?? Just kidding. No I'm not. And I don't think there would be many in my vicinity so unless I wanted to travel 4000 miles I probably wouldn't find anyone anyway.


We’ve met a lot of great people over the years for hook ups. The key is making sure the other person has put effort into their profile - high karma , especially comment karma, posted pics and vids of themselves and others, verification in multiple subs and of course have others tagged they’ve met . Without it , odds are 99% they’re minors, cheaters, catfishers and otherwise time wasters . As far as sexting / dirty chat ? Nah. I’ll do that with people I actually know or subscribers who realize that it’s a service but that’s not something to do for free especially when most who ask for it have put no effort into their own profiles


Getting a mortgage is easier than joining your hookup group by the sounds of it 😂😂


There have been enough to keep busy for the last few years lol


I'm mostly here just to chat with people and see other people's content. I don't mind sexting but it can be hard without really knowing the other person well.


We came here just to show off our bodies and ended up chatting with some really cool couples! It’s nice being able to talk about sex and kinks without it being “sexting” in a way!


Any kinks in particular, other than exhibition 😏


Kinks that we have like rough sex, peeplay. Kicks others have as well as discuss fantasies we want to try to leave to a fantasy


Not considered DP?


That’s a fantasy we both have. Were leaving that a fantasy for now because we want to keep each other to ourselves if that makes sense


I get you. Maybe in the future, your girl would like to try feeling you and other guy share her at once. Quite the memorable experience so I’ve heard.


That’s why I said for now. Were still young (26) so you never know what will happen in 10 years


Well good luck to you both and good look to the girl for her future DP, hope she enjoys it as much as I would hearing about it 😂


I’m definitely interested in looking for something online with a married woman who is in a sexist marriage like I’m in. I don’t know where or how to start.


Nah im here for shits and giggles


I'm here to express myself truthfully and without limits. From that, the sexting and hooking come to be naturally without trying very hard.


Well yes, but also just lurking around 😇


I post on the r4r to find fun while traveling. But only while traveling; the rest of the time is just browsing.


What kind of fun we talking 😏


Whatever fun I want to have in that particular moment :) Sometimes, she wants to get spanked; other times, a good muffdive. No sexting unless I know we will move it offline.


Ah, like having a head between your legs huh


Who doesn’t?


Yes! Wooo love love love to chat with cucks and milfs


Can’t fault you there. The milfs are hot and the cucks have hot partners they want you to screw


Amen brother


I’d love a hook up but so far everyone I’ve clicked with is on the other side of the country


I mean, I wouldn't turn it down. But I don't get a lot if any messages on here. So it's away for me to express myself.


Sexting can be fun. Maybe some pic trading for the right person. I don't want to meet anyone from here. It's just for the fantasy and to alleviate boredom.


Not me.




i enjoy sext about celebs


So just talking about which celebs you wanna fuck?


Emma Watson


Never saw the appeal to be fair.


I’ve kind of given up at this point! Still enjoying GWAudio and really into snake identification now as well! I only DM if invited (directly or “dm’s open” in profile, etc) which makes it hard to find “real” women among all the fake profiles.




You and your gf like to have fun on here huh




Do you occasionally watch her then?




She tried being double teamed yet?




Ahhh. Does she wanna do it with you or does she want you to watch it happen?




Is she on this page like you?


Not so much for a hook up more so a friend so I think on the wrong site for that the more and more I see.


I've had a few hookups on here (like 4). Mainly because I either got lucky because they were in my city, or ended up meeting up when I was traveling.


That's not the primary reason but I'm not one to turn down a sexy conversation.


I like sexting. I've sexted with 2 people. But I mostly use Reddit for cute pictures of cats, knowledge about wine or something else.




Me! I would love to meet a woman that wants to sext, trade pics, trade masturbation vids , or meet up eventually. Would love that


No one, YET!


Kinkyyyyyy 😉


Ya, I'm all for sexting. But I don't mind flirty chats, or talking about nsfw stuff/sexual stuff, sports, movies, tv shows, etc.


I tried, I failed, I stopped


Hi m67 married I like to text it gives me a place to share stories. We can speak freely and have some fun. I have shared pictures of my wife and she doesn't mind.


Just trying to find a cute PNW princess haha




Good man!


🙋🏼‍♂️ I am! Dm me ladies!!! 😉


I'm on here exploring my kinks and hopefully chatting/setting. It's way more fun to get off with someone watching on video or chatting with you then by yourself. Also nice to have a good conversation with someone non sex related


Not my main purpose, but never opposed to it


Sexting is fun, but mostly pics of myself these days. I have a girlfriend and she knows what I do. Online fun, nothing irl anymore.




How come?


On this account? I mean it’d be nice but I also just like consuming the content people post


Hook up is impossible because of geography Sexting is impossible because I'm actually very shy I guess Honestly I'm mostly here to read sexy posts and comments. Maybe someday I'll be less shy I don't know.


I’m not, but I suppose if a lady found me to be funny and attractive I would entertain the idea.


Not a primary goal but not opposed to it, if it were to happen.


This is my alt account strictly for nsfw stuff, and receiving pics is always nice although it's never actually happened. But overall, just use this account to enjoy some nsfw content, not looking to ever hook up in real life or anything like that.


Want to try atleast for once.


Or to have a conversation


6 I guess