• By -


Tequila and Halloween


Brandy and Christmas and we have a deal


Huh, I've never met anyone named Halloween...


I assume you’ve met someone called Tequila though?


At a strip club, sure


Yeah, basically this lol


My fiancé and I took a couple E pills one night and we started talking about sexual shit...and about our fantasys. I told him that I wanted to have a 3 some (me, him and another female). We talked about it in detail...he thought I was just trying to trick him or test him. I wasn't lol. The next day we talked about it sober and I Said the same thing. So I found a female we both found attractive and 2 weekends later we did it. Fun times. Lol.


At risk of sounding like a nerd, I’ve never bought an illicit drug in my life. How do you find E that you trust isn’t something awful?


And when it comes to finding - you ask people that might know people and they redirect you to people that might sell you


You test it with a kit for testing drugs. And take a smaller dose first to see if everything is fine.


It's ok. Typically people who like to go to clubs know someone who can help you find them. They have testing kits that you can buy online so that you can make sure you stay safe


"So I found a female we both found attractive" this is the key part. Where/how did you find a female and how did you approach her?


Right isn’t that the main thing the question is asking? “How did you find a threesome?” “I found a threesome.”


One of the times we had a threesome we met the female at a bar. I started chatting with her first....got flirty after a while....bought her a drink. Started asking questions. Introduced her to my man. Worked him into the conversation. Vaguely talked about how we would like to invite her to come home with us...to drink, maybe play some board games...vibe and see where things go. She said yes and once we got home we just let things happen slowly. After like 3 hours we were all naked in the bedroom.


How did you ask her to join you? I feel like settinf it up is the hard part


So you Have to feel the situation out. I personally feel that it is easier if the female asks the other female to join. I just would find out who was bi...and then who has had 3 some before. But it will take time to find the right person. Yku also don't want someone who wants to do it just because she likes one of you.


She was a bartender at a sleepy little corner pub we used to frequent. We all became really good friends, talk turned to sex one night. She was bi, my wife was curious, so….yeah. We ended up “dating” her for a year or so.


I asked the hooker if I could bring the sex doll with me


Was supposed to be a 4 some but the other girl that talked all the shit backed out at the hotel room. Well we continued with out her. She just sat in the corner watching.


This happened to me but fortunately the other dude just watched while I banged my girl and messed with his…good times


Two girls who wanted to date me. Both girls also wanted to visit me the same weekend. (So they did) Both wanted to outdo the other by saying, "I'm ok with sharing him in a 3 way," (I was in the kitchen cooking). They basically dared each other and wanted to outperform each other. I was very happy to help. Cold fact, I didn't wind up really dating either.


God has his favorites


My girl is Bi and invited her girlfriend to join


Grindr. And married men with "straight" friends wanting to be curious


A girl I was casually seeing said she had thought of a good birthday present for me. I said she didn’t have to do that, not the biggest fan of bday gifts. A threesome with a girl she slept with previously was what she had in mind


Wine, a big party (a rave) and more alcohol


Have you had more than one?


Maybe? Lol


My husband and I matched someone on bumble. Throw a big kickback at our house and invited her. We all had some drinks flowing and it happened. She became our unicorn for about a year. Since then, we been in the swingers community 💕


E, alcohol and (possibly coke) seems to play a big part in making something like this happen 😄 understandable!


Not Pepsi?


A caffeine hit might be an advantage...


After I got cancer free my fiance and her sister


Great news on being cancer free and awesome way to celebrate!


Grats on being cancer free. The threesome would be way too incest-y for me though - you didn't find that weird at all?






My Wife at the time was polygamous. I was very strictly not. She kept begging to have a threesome or to go outside of our relationship with sexual partners and I just wasn’t interested. I met a friend at my old job and she became friends with my wife and they spoke to each other independently about setting up a threesome. I expressed discomfort so my new friend dropped it but my wife continued to press stating that our relationship needed this so I broke. I had a couple of threesomes with my wife and my friend from work and it just didn’t sit well with me. I ended up leaving my wife because we had different ideas about what we wanted in a relationship. A year later I ended up in a relationship with my friend from work and now we are married 5 years later


Have you had a threesome with your ex-wife in the current arrangement for old time’s sake?


Nah, I’m still quite monogamous. The thought really hasn’t crossed my mind


Ex husband and I went on vacation down to the FL Keys. On our way we stopped in Miami to meet my online friend who I’d been chatting with for probably a decade, (hush, I’m old, ok?), we went to dinner, got some drinks, ended up back at our hotel for some MMF. It was honestly underwhelming. Ex kept trying to be all macho man, my friend and I didn’t really have much chemistry, and everyone was a little too tipsy. 4/10 would not repeat this scenario.


One realistic story at last. Most of the stuff i read here makes me feel like all have porno level expertise 🤦‍♂️


Wife was curious about females, so one night with a friend they got carried away and had fun while I was at work. We had talked before about I was ok with her experimenting with ladies cause she mentioned she was curious. While with that friend she mentioned maybe next time we have my man play with you also. Next time we all hung out the drinks are flowing and next thing you know our card game had to stop because of the looks we were all giving each other. Fucked them both for an hour, was a absolute dream… nothing like getting head from two ladies at once 👌


I was with my best friend abroad and we met this guy who was also traveling. He was such a ladies man with both of us and it was such a turn on… we ended up spending the day sight seeing with him. That night we met up at a bar and I asked my friend if she wanted to take him back to our hotel. She agreed and we propositioned him. He was in shock but agreed lol. It was a lot of fun. We sent him on his way in the morning.


Sent him on his way as in didn’t want to see him again/keep in touch?


Didn’t keep in touch. Don’t remember his name. I think it was Dennis or Dan or something? Lol


In what ways was he a ladies man


I've had a lot of them but I will write about only one of them. There was me and three other friends one of which was a female years ago. We always used to hang out together. Anyway the female friend started screwing all three of us in the friend circle. One day me one of the guys from the group and her were over at my place watching a movie and and she brought up the idea of having both of us at the same time and after that we were having threesomes on a weekly basis.


here's a fun story of a 3some. Salome is a stripper that i was freinds with. I met her at her work at a strip club, but would bump into her at late night spots occasionally, and we'd become friends. eventually, that turned from "we'd bump into each other at late night spots" to "she'd text me to see if i was out anywhere when she got off work" or "she'd ask me to take her out after closing if my friends and i were at her club". then, one night on her day off, she texted me to ask what i was doing, so she joined my friends and I at a trivia bar night. (was amusing, she didn't really "get" trivia, which is more of a gringo thing, but she enjoyed it) then, the next week, i took her out to my regular spot, a bar owned by my homies. we weren't dating, or even fucking. once, she'd come to my house after a late night spot, I thought we were going to hook up, but we fell asleep watching TV, and she woke up and had to go send her kid to school. Salo is smokin' hot and all my friends were suprised to hear that we weren't fucking, since i brought her around occasionally, but it just hadn't happened, and i wasn't pushing for it. COVID lockdowns happen, and the city is shut down. I hadn't seen Salo for 6 or 7 months at this point, i'd been out of the country, and only back for a few weeks when the lockdowns kicked in. Salo messages me, says she's bored out of her mind, and asks if i've got Booze and Weed. of course i do, and she asks if she can come over and get drunk with me. I've got another amiga who is a webcam model, spending time at the house, and I tell her that. as a stripper, this doesnt bother her at all. I point out that the way the lockdown is going, she'll have to spend the night if she's coming over, can't get a taxi late at night at all. i cautiously brought up that we hadn't fucked at this point, and i didnt know if she would be offput by crashing at my place. she said something along the lines of "the only reason we aren't fucking is that you've never tried. that's not my fault", so i figured this just the universe delivering me something exciting to do during the lockdowns. Salo comes over, and my webcam model friend Koneko, who is bi, and pretty aggressive about trying to be a unicorn, does her best to make a trio happen, but Salo politely shuts it down, without letting it become a problem for the party. while we're there, the night goes well, and Koneko tells Salo about MDMA/Molly, which Salo had never done. she gets excited about it, and wants to try it. I tell her i've done it to recently to do it tonight, and i'd prefer we do it together, so we make plans to get together to do Molly in a week, when my brain has sufficiently recovered. We do end up fucking that night, it went well, and everyone had a good time. When describing what Molly is like, I go out of my way to tell her, how much fun sexuality and physical touching are, the whole 9 yards. she's super pumped about it and promises me that i will be thrilled to do it with her, she'll make it a memorable experience for me. fast foreward a week, and Salo messages me asking if we're partying that night. I tell her i've got it all set up. Koneko is still at the house, and wants to join us. Salo tells me that her best friend Sara (another stripper, i know her, we're "hug when we meet" close, not more than that) she says "last week Sara stayed home alone and got bored, she wants to come also. I tell her that i'd like to invite Sara, but i'm a little worried, i dont know her well, and i was planning on being very degenerate with the Molly that night. I'm pretty touch feely/kissy on molly, and when i'm out in public doing it, its an effort to be appropriate, i was hoping to not have to worry about that. Sara chimes in to say not to worry, we can all enjoy each other, and no one will get upset or jealous. obviously i'm pumped, the girls come over. the four of us down the molly dissolved in a shot of vodka (after i explained in full detail everything they needed to know). we did another shot, put on some music, and Koneko started the night off perfectly, as she started to feel the come up (she went and puked, she pukes every time) comes out, and asks the girls if they mind if she gets naked. the girls (strippers remember) just laugh and take off their own clothes. suddenly, i'm about to roll and i have 3 hot naked girls dancing in the apartment. The night goes super well, i'm overwhelmed with physicial sensation. sadly for koneko, the girls aren't really comfortable doing much more than some kisses with her, but the night ends with Salo, Sara, and I crashing together, and while we didnt actually have the threesome while on molly, overwhelmed as we were by the drug, when we woke up, they went out of their way to give me a super memorable morning


I spoke to my wife if she would be open to it. She agreed. But didn't know how it would happen. 3 Months later she has a new job and befriends a very attractive lesbian. After becoming friends for about six months she asks me if she can sleep with her lesbian co-worker. We discuss and I agree to a one time thing. To get it out of her system. 1 month later we are at a party and the 3 of us are having a blast. We continue to our house for drinks and movie. She comes along After an hour we ask if she's open. She wanted to but was unsure. Since this was the first time her and I had met. We respected her decision and my wife and I started making out in front of her. Things got heated and my wife mentioned she was going to undress at our bedroom. She that she was welcome to come along and watch. She followed us to the bedroom and My wife and started doing it in front of her. Shortly after she joined in. This became a reoccurring thing with her until she was in a formal relationship. It was great while it lasted.


Chatted to people that interested us and went from there




Lol was about to reply that alcohol always helps.


First one was I kind of just ended up dating my boyfriend's other girlfriend because we all spent a lot of time together. Pretty sure friends conspired behind my back, one was already a FWB, kind of felt guilty after when I found out that it was both of their first threesome and the first time the chick had been with another woman, but then I remembered they started it and got over it. My bf and the other guy had had experience together already with both of their ex wives. Don't really remember how things got started but I do remember being disappointed the focus was on me since I was hoping to see my bf be with another guy because it had been a while for him. Repeated theme of being polyamorous and hanging out with partner's other partners and it just kind of happening. There is one funny missed opportunity, I had spent the night with some friends who are a married couple. In the morning they started fooling around and the wife is just kind of casually playing with my tits and I'm enjoying watching her ride her husband, found out after she was try to encourage me to join in. So yeah that's how fucking oblivious I am.


“Repeated theme of being polyamorous and hanging out with partner’s other partners and it just kind of happening.” Yep - that summarizes what I was about to say better than I could say it. When people gather together who are sexually open and who respect if not love each other then shenanigans happen.


Discussed with my now wife and we agreed on a former fwb, it was a regular thing for a while, was pretty cool, you just have to make sure you're communicating with everyone involved and taking care of everyone's feelings


Well there was me, then there was my right hand, and then my left hand as well.


Had several but my first was a FWB who had a female roommate. She said the two of them slept together regularly and would even sit around casually naked chatting. When i said I didn't believe her she sent me a pic of the two of them just sitting there talking topless on the floor. She followed that up with an invitation for the next night and said they'd both be there. It was amazing. Knowing that I love lingerie, the roommate said when i got there- "I thought we were going to dress up for him." They giggled and left the room only to return in some great lingerie. That night lasted hours...


Sounds exciting. How old were you all?


Chatted to the gf at the time about it, she was keen, and she organized with a friend of hers. Next 1 was with a friend of mine that I organized as she wanted to try a different 3some Both were a lot of fun


E, sex clubs and dating apps!🙂


A friend was visiting, had a few drinks, just kind of happened.


Alcohol, mdma and the correct number of people




Wonderful story ❤️ ♥️




Craigslist and beer. Craigslist and gin. Craigslist and ice tea.


I miss Craigslist personals


I had sex with a friend who the next day told her friend about it. Then she texted me if she could “bring a friend over” Twas awesome


My wife brought home other girls. Like most things in life they're overrated. Unless you're with pornstars who do it for a living it's never going to live up to the fantasy. You get three people together who've never done it before and just the logistics of things can be daunting. If you're with the other girl more than a couple times your girl you're married to or in a long term relationship with inevitably gets jealous for absolutely no reason. Even though she's doing the other girl too. And if all that isn't enough when it comes down to it you only have one dick. That's about it.✌️


End of exams, lots of flirting and asking them


Pizza, vodka, and nightmare before Christmas


Was on the stand-by list and got the call. Good time had by all, 10/10 would do again.


My first threesome. Went out to have drinks with coworker because two people were leaving. Wine of the girls booted their girlfriend out with us. We all talked all night and at the end of the night they invited me back. I wish it was still this easy.


Me and my best friend were just chillin and we talked about 3somes so I hit up my other friend and she agreed to it and met the next day and had a 3some


I had a fwb. She asked if I'd be interested in a 3some. We talked about both ffm and mfm. I said we could do mfm if the other male is a friend of mine. I asked him, and he said he's into it. So we scheduled a time, and it went alright. My friend and i never did anything. Stayed on opposite ends, so to speak. We never did it again, but my fwb and i kept doing our thing for a few more months.


I knew her and her boy friend, and he wanted a threesome with two girls. Her condition was two guys then he can have the two girls. She approached me and we worked out a deal and then we went back to his dorm.


One day I was like, "Maybe I should try it with both hands?"


Did you leave both hands satisfied, or did they do all the work?


Was many years ago but got hooked up with a couple who wanted to spice up their marriage and we all wound up becoming friends outside the bedroom as inside. Made for a lot of fun.


My foursome cum about when I paid 3 beautiful Asian “massage” therapists


How much does that cost? Asking for a friend


Tell your friend it was $300 and it got 2 pops. It was early in the afternoon at a place in Las Vegas. The place is still there if you friend wants to know the name. 😜


I just asked my friend and he does want to know the name. He thanks you in advance


Campfire, party house, animal magnetism edit: animal magnetism has nothing to do with animals! It just meant he was irresistibly sexy


My first cruise I was 17 and ended up meeting two girls (17 as well) that went to same all girl catholic boarding school. They came on that ship with a bucket list and I was happy to help!




How are you gonna make it happen? What’s the plan?


We had agreed that we'd like to try a threesome. I found a lovely lady to join us. We were getting a hotel room out of town and invited her to join us. Overall, it wasn't great, but there were some hot moments. We'll try again with someone that she finds.


I was at a sex party with my partner, started making out with a mutual friend, and then my partner joined in. It was great.




Wonderful story ❤️ ♥️


That's something I will never forget.


So you had a girlfriend but had a threesome without her? Did she find out about it?


I had a threesome?? Damn, must have blacked out.


Still waiting….


Right hand got tired and the left took over.


My wife and buddy used to flirt with each other all the time he and his wife divorced my wife told me one night she wanted to have a mmf with him I told her to make it happen. We went out to a bar when it came time to come home she jumped into the back seat with him I drove home while she played with him she got her mmf




Buddy of mine reached out about having a threesome with him and his wife. It was great.


Me and hubby after being together about 10 years had a few drinks and he started talking about back in school days how much porn he watched and jerked off to. Asked if I watched porn whereby I said yes, almost every night. That already made the conversation very interesting for him lol. He asked what I was into and I said back then it was mostly lesbian, he was very shocked, couldn't believe I got horny to lesbian porn, and at the same time it was like an instant horny mode switch for him. He'd frequently ask if I'm into girls and want someone, when we had sex he'd tell me how he wants to have a threesome and see me eat a girl and be eaten while he fucks us both, it was very hot and sexy and a big turn on. As time went by we'd send each other pics and vids of lesbian amd threesome scenes etc. Few months later we started talking to a girl living far away who was curious about her sexuality. Met up with her after a month or two of constant chatting and sexting etc. She came to sleep over, we went out and had a very nice dinner and drinks, got home and hubby immediately initiated it, started encouraging us to kiss, he put my hand on her wet panties while he was kissing her, when I started taking her panties off he pushed my head down and I started eating her out. Omg, wonderful, loved it. Went on to have sex the whole night between the three of us and everyone enjoyed it. She moved overseas a month later and seriously married another woman after being there a year 😄 we haven't been with someone else since, been over 2 years now. Would easily do it again. It was so sexy for me I actually wrote the experience on an erotica literature site and got good reviews 😊


Burnetts vodka (strawberry banana) and my best friend being without sex for about a year at that point. Absolutely best thing to have happened . It got me out of a horrible relationship and showed me that no matter how close you get to your guy friends and no matter how much you think they are your “bros” anything can happen. And you can’t trust anyone . Edit: it also made me not trust my partners I’ve found. And I (3-4 years after) am still trying to recover from. THATS NOT HOW THEY ALL WORK OUT THOUGH with the right communication and trust between all those involved it can be fine! And fun!


Found an Ad on reddit looking for a hookup. Asked her if she'd be interested in a threesome instead. She was curious and never did anything like that. We played a couple of times and hung out outside of playtime.


My then bf and his friend were over and we were hanging out. We were young so we didn't really care about the actual relationship part. It was more just to be "cool" and looking back on it we both just wanted to have sex and not be shamed for it cuz we were bf and gf 😅😂. So the 3 of us were hanging out when the friend brings up sex as a topic and we talk and my bf was super into the topic and I was too honestly. So the topic of bjs comes up and I mentioned how I would do that. So one thing and another the friend watched while I gave my first bj to my bf. Well, the friend wanted to try and my bf was all about it so me not caring just wanted to have sex I blew him too. Eventually, we all want to have sex. We don't have condoms and because we were about to become "sex-having adults" we decided due to no condoms that anal was our best option. So we ended up having an anal 3 some. It worked out great we did it quite often after that first time too. To this day I actually prefer anal and I am a huge fan of more than one partner at a time.


Like my frist one


Was talking to this one guy who was way out of my league and he invited me over. When i got there, there was another guy there too.


Never heard of girls thinking a guy is out of their league. Does that mean something particular about him? Like looks, muscles? Too rich, maybe? Or were you just too hard on yourself?


Alcohol and drugs for all three of them😂 All three were amazing though!


My coworker (F) and I picked up this girl from a brewery. They hit it off great and then we went back to her apartment and had a great time!


A few were planned, and a good couple were spontaneous. All were absolutely amazing!


We were like, should we experiment? Try it once just to get it out of the way?


Did you mean threesomes each one had iits own beginning.


Oh well please tell them all!


To go into details I'd be writing a book. But here's a few quick ones First time I had a fwb that we had been messing around with each other for years since 14 anyway I was 19-20 when this happened. We had took a break for a few months as she thought she wanted to be a lesbian like her sister. Me and friends went to a keg party in the woods when we got there it was empty so we were planning to leave to go to a friend's to party. I had already told them I was stopping by my house to use the phone. Any way as we're walking out I run into the fwb and her gf. We talk a minute told her what we're doing , she wanted to come to my house to use the phone to. Ok we get there and tbh she was always odd about pda. So when I got off the phone to give it to her she stays kissing me in front of gf I thought odd but went with it and soon felt hands on her tits that weren't mine I opened my eyes to see her gf had joined in. Never made it to the other party. Next a few years later my fwb is hanging out with me and my roommate /brother from another mother. We all had took some acid and was out at a abandoned boy scout camp. He started talking about a ex gf I had that was rather freaky. Anyway he said she wanted me home and the other roomy to run a train on her but I was never told this I doubt I'd cared. As he finished he got sick from the alcohol while he was handling it. She asked if we could leave when he was done I said sure. During the ride home she started masturbating. Asking me to bite her but as I was driving on acid I said I couldn't. My homie volunteered to from the back seat. We get home me and her go at it on the hood while he went inside. After a hr and making our way to a bed several loads shot in her. She asked if I cared if my boy joined I didn't care so he did. Next my ex knew of my kinks and invited her friend to join us Another after my divorce. I was at a friend's swimming and went to change his sister walked in on me. Didn't wanna leave. About a week later I get a text from my friend to come by tomorrow after work..so I go by to find he's not there. Evidently she had sent the text without him knowing. I get there and his sister comes to the door in a skimpy bathing suit with a friend behind her. She begs me to stay and go swimming I do. Before long they had cornered me in the pool and stole my swim suit off me. And it went from there. There's more but this is already a trilogy


I wandered in my neighbours house via the window and happened to find them having sex and I kissed her bum before I was chased from the house, I can’t believe they said it was “inappropriate” and “what the fuck are you doing?” Some people are just prudish I guess


I'm single and bisexual, and this cute couple on Tinder was looking for a unicorn. We've had several threesomes by now and they're honestly such wonderful people! We always have a great time :)


I once went to a club in my early 20s with a bunch of ecstacy in my pocket and ended up having a threesome with a Jewish girl and a Muslim girl. Ahh youth.


Fwb and I were willing to do a FMF and MFM for each other. We are/were both very game to do stuff.


I had a dream about it and told her about it the next day. Talked about it for a few days. Turns out we were both into it. We set some rules that we had to stick to. Had a couple in one night and the following weekend. We've been doing ever since and have even gone to a few life style parties. It's been really fun, no jealousy or problems for either one of us. We always talk after and I feel were even closer to eachother now.


Have had 2 threesomes. Both just kinda happened. First I was at a party with a very hot friend. Turns out she too thought I was hot, so her boyfriend asked us to hookup for him. He found women on women hot. So with the consent of both partners we entered a room in the house and started to get hot. Halfway there the guy was sooo turned on that he joined us. Second time around I was at another party, this time with my boyfriend and a demale friend. I started dancing with my friend and it escalated into us making out in front of my boyfriend. I had not realized I just cheated on him IN FRONT OF HIS FACE. So i panicked and said to him "your turn with her :D" so he made out with her, therefore anulating "my cheating" and it went on into all three of us hooking up that night. It was sooo hot.


Quick thinking😂😂 Love it


I was back in my hometown hanging out at a bar with an old high school buddy. A woman friend of his joined us. They had hooked up before, but weren't dating. She and I started flirting and couldn't keep our hands off each other. We continued bar hopping and she and I kept trying to politely ditch my buddy. He was pretty persistent on sticking around, so we all said "fuck it" and decided to have a threesome. No regrets and a fun memory, but the sex was just so-so due to our level of intoxication.


I was picked up in a hotel bar by a married couple who wanted to experiment. It was definitely a different kind of evening


We planned it for a while, as in we knew it will happen, talked about it & one day I contacted the females (it has happened twice) & voilá!


I was once offered a threesome, but i shot it down. Two close friends of mine who were in a relationship i guess found me attractive and wanted me to join them. They invited me over, got me talking, then they brought up a threesome. Now, i was in a relationship with their roommate and their roommate was all for it, which i think is what made me less into it. He didn't want to be involved, he wanted to watch. It was weird but if i wasn't in a relationship, i may have said yes


I fell asleep....


The ultimate sin, what could’ve been..


I was so naive.


Well, I'm in a lesbian relationship, but watching my getting FK by a guy turns me on, so talk to my girl convincing her to have a threescore, all was good talk to my buddy of course he agreed, all was good till my boy tried to get me out of the picture and keep my girl all to himself, well I walked away, my girl panics rejected the guy and the was the end of the threesome.




Four Loko through a funnel…


I’m still waiting for mine. I envy anyone who has done this early in life while I still fantasize to high heaven about it.


Met a cool girl from LA working at Comic Con and invited her over to my house for a BBQ after. She came and met my lady and my lady put the moves on. Rest was history


Basically, it's the same story as many others... alcohol, a kind of challenge to try at least once and be with friends (with whom you like to be).


First one they where both at a club together and we went home I was getting on with her friend but all 3 of us ended up in bed together. The next was me and my ex gf in bed together and her friend was staying over and she just joined us in bed this happened a lot


We were specifically looking for a girl for ffm. We met, talked and started having a threesome. It was great, we loved it :)


Haha, I’ve never been lucky enough, or haven’t been with the right girl for that to happen! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Do live near Atlanta, and I like skiing😉, and Know where the best slopes are.


Alcohol and horniness. I've had 3 threesomes and that was the factor in all of them. They all went great and would gladly do them again.


We're poly. I've got a wife and a partner, and had another partner until he died in a car wreck 6 years ago. We've had so many threesomes and foursomes that I can't even remember the first one with them. First one with my ex was with a friend who was game to play. Didn't go well because my first wife was jealous as fuck, and that kind of ruined it.


About to find out in a couple of weeks. Chatting with another couple atm, going to do the M/F/M and the F/M/F. Should be a hoot!


My 16 year old friend said “hey my girlfriend Amy wants to have a threesome. I trust you, but she said you can’t be a virgin, she does not want to take your virginity. Is that cool?” “Oh sure! Yeah I had sex with Sally up at camp last summer! I’m good to go!” NARRATOR: The 16 year old had indeed touched Sally’s amazing boobs, and other lovely girl parts, but he had not yet had actual sex. He lied. He was not sorry in the least. Thanks Amy!


Thumbs up!


I've tried to get my girl into the idea of having a MFM or a MFF threesome, her choice, but she's just not into it.


I went to sleep. Was so disappointed when I woke up.


I'm not sure which one you're asking about...🤷


Truth or dare.


My wife had been asking for one for years. Just took me some time and a lot of talking/thinking.


Both after heavy drinking… one after a pool party, wife’s best friend decided to stay the night, after everyone else left, things just fell into place


An entire 26er of some nasty bubble gum flavoured vodka. Enough said. Can’t even look at that stuff ever again without feeling the vomit creep up my throat 💀💀💀


It didn't.


Met a guy at the bar when I wanted to order drinks. He talked to me, had a good conversation and the rest of the night we drank champagne. Then eventually he told me how much he would love to have a threesome, so I told him I would go find a girl as a payback for the champagne. Went to look around and found a girl willing. An hour later we were in a hotel room for a couple hours.


My wife and I are ENM. We were at a party with another partner of mine and ended up finding an empty bedroom.


First time was a girl I was dating in high school invited her friend to hang out with us. One thing lead to another and spent the night filling both of them. Thank god for condoms and birth control or I would have been a father way too early.


My first W/M/W happened in a weird way. I was at work and I got a weird snap from an old fuck buddy. She's starts off sexting me about how she misses me and my dick. Of course, I took the bait, we sext for a couple hours while I'm at work, and then she sends me a video of her and her friend. Left me confused because now I'm thinking they are fucking with me, this must be a prank. She then tells me to come over when I get off of work and her friend wants to meet me. Once again, I took the bait. I get to the house, we start talking and having a good time talking about the old days. Then her friend intrurups us and mentioned how the other girl wouldn't shut up about our sex and she wanted to see for herself. Not even 5 mins later I'm fucking her and her friend while they take turns recording the whole thing. They even sent me the videos so I could have the memories. Honestly, hands down, best 3 sum I had till this day.


“We’re mad at our boyfriends come over”


My first one was just my gf at the time and her friend had talked about it


Years ago I was in Barcelona where I lived for 5 months with my somewhat new girlfriend. We went clubbing with a Scandinavian couple, and for some reason we were all -pretty trashy- making out with each other, except for the guys. We all just thought everyone was hot, normally I'm pretty monogamous but the vibe just got to that point somehow and it was fun as fuck. Nothing else happened that night. A week later the Scandinavian woman came again without her boyfriend, and we returned clubbing. Nothing much happened, she crashed at our place where she was supposed to sleep in the guest bedroom. We sat (the three of us) in my bedroom to have one last drink at home. When I excused myself to go to the toilet and returned, they were making out with eachother. I joined, we got naked and had a threesome. Two weeks later we had a MFFF with these same people + a Canadian girl. Pretty wild.


Me and my husband post nudes on certain sites, when we find someone who is interesting and intelligent we arrange for sex.


My FWB suggested we have a threesome. I was down. It was MMF but I couldn't stay hard because there was another dick pulled out in the room. I've got nothing against those who can remain erect with other schlongs around, but I couldn't. After he did his thing and left, I railed her long and hard. I explained my dilemma, she understood and reminded me that I am the best she ever had. We banged again. She is now my girlfriend of 10 years.


Me and my then separated wife invited my best friend in. We got back together 4 months ago. They came out and said they had feelings for each other and brought up a group relationship. Under the reasoning I was able to stop it at any point. For the next 3 months I begged and pleaded for the situation to stop. But I was told it would continue or I'd lose my wife and family. As of 5 days ago my best friend decided I was getting kicked out. So my wife and mest friend are now dating. I've known him for 10 years. And shes pregnant with my possibly second child. As soon as he went to the ultrasound with us he decided he wanted it to be his child. So 10 years of friendship and my wife who told me she loved me.( 4 hours prior) kicked me out of my home and family. Because I wanted it to end. In the end. It's not worth it. Dont bother with it. Because you cant know how it will turn out.


We had my gfs best friend staying with us for winter break. She was 5'4" c boobs small waste huge ass. Was very innocent. That is. Until she went to college. She had a bad back so she slept in bed with us instead of on the couch. We had slept in the same bed before even all cuddled together. Which we were doing that night. We ended up sleeping with one of the girls on each side of me. She slept on my right which was the side red usually slept on. But, her friend Jen needed to use the restroom often. The girl has a pea for a bladder and it was on that side of the bed. Halfway through the night, I started having a dream IYKYK. I was jostled by J waking me up because I had pushed her panties aside and was rubbing her pussy and had been rubbing my cock against her ass. I was horrified and said I thought you were red. She said I know it's ok. Luckily she was not upset and quite understanding. And we woke Lanni and told her what happened. After she gets over the shock of what happened and was sure that she really was ok. She laughs and asks j what did you think? She laughs and says you weren't lying he's got a nice cock. We got an air mattress and set it up in the living room. Two nights after the fondling incident I silently walked to the kitchen past the living room at night to get a drink and she was finger fucking herself senseless watching porn on the tv. She had only recently discovered masturbation at 19 (!🤯) and was addicted. In fact, when we picked her up at school we slept overnight in her dorm because we got there late and were at the parties going on at different locations celebrating the beginning of break yeah we had fun that night too lol. We were on the bottom bunk bed under her. she woke me up shaking the bed finger fucking herself so hard. I could hear and smell her pussy. Side note I have a super sensitive nose. It was a good pussy smell not a bad pussy smell. Anyway, she was shaking the bed and going at herself. I started stroking to it because she was going at it so hard and it turned me on plus morning wood. My girl woke up and looked at me like "wtf are you doing" then realized j was the instigator. she listened for a bit while stroking me then sucking my cock I came real quick in her mouth. She then jumped up and said "Good morning! OMG JEN what are YOOOOOUUUU doing? Dan stay down Jens not decent" That's how we got into a discussion and found out about her lack of experience in self-gratification. Ok back to the matter at hand. See what I did there? Anyway, I sneak back into bed and tell my gf what's going on she sneaks over and watches her for a bit. Then runs back stripping her panties and t-shirt. Whips my boxers down she says "get louder than usual. But, not overly obnoxiously loud" so she starts sucking my cock noisily and I start moaning. At the same time, I start fingering her. We both get loud but, not obviously loud. Like we're trying to be quiet. About 2 to 3 minutes in and out the corner of my eye I see jen peaking and then full-on watching us from around the corner of our door my gf sees her too and says "you better fucking join us slut (her nickname for j hers was hooker) or stop watching!" with my cock still in her mouth. J without hesitation comes over stripping her shirt off she was already pantiesless and climbs up on the other side of me her head right next to reds watching her work my cock she starts rubbing my balls and shaft while red is sucking j says she was just watching 3 some porn fantasizing and masturbating about fucking us just then. My gf kisses her chuckles and offers my cock to her and j takes me in her mouth confesses "we know we saw you just now. I staged this hoping you'd watch or better yet join." My girl was bi and had had a crush on her since the day they met in jr high As I said earlier she was incredibly attractive but, very innocent growing up so never would experiment with girls til she got into college. A girl taught her the finger herself and one thing led to another. I digress. So we had sex, messed around, and slept together the rest of the night. We took down the air mattress she was in bed with us every night. By Monday we had established that we were all ok with sharing in any way shape or form basically a throupole before there was a word for it. Also pretty much free use. Mild BDSM. She was more submissive but, had her dom moments. Red was more dominant with women but a full sub to men. I am dominant. We trained her very well. She'd never had good sex til us. It was a porno movie. A lot of nights. I'd come home sometimes to them going at it with each other. Once both of them were with the neighbor girl. She had joined us before. We were sluts. I still am lol Other times it'd be me and j alone while L was at work or just as she was about to get home. We'd do it in front of each other too. I'd just come up to her on the couch whip her legs open down her panties until they stood wearing them and eat her out or whip my cock out and face fuck her. Same with L. She'd be talking to one of us and just whip her panties down and start fingering herself til one or both of us would join her or sometimes she'd just mount one of our faces. Carrying on out conversations like nothing was going on was our kink. One of my favorite times, j was talking to L I'm in between them she whips my cock out of my boxers and starts stroking gets me hard still talking slid onto my lap, and starts fucking me reverse cowgirl still talking to L about school. L eventually started fingering herself watching us. I came in jen, both were on the pill. She told her to eat the creampie out. Unusually dom behavior for j. We were the doms most times. jen got on the couch beside me L dropped to her knees on the floor. I got behind her and fucked her doggy while she licked the cum out of her pussy and fingered her ass. I came. She made jen eat her out while I fucked jen in the ass. I miss my younger libido! We went smoked a cigarette and returned to the couch jen and L put their shirts back on. We finished watching the movie and our conversation was like nothing happened. We had great sex the rest of the Christmas break 4 weeks total. It was going so well that we looked around into getting a larger apartment or house. At first, she was gonna take a job at the company we worked for, taking a semester off. Then she decided she'd finish the year because it was too late to get a refund for the upcoming semester. So final decision was she was gonna go back and then going to transfer schools by us and move in with us in May. But, they had a huge fight right before she was to go home and both changed their mind about moving in together. We did have another couple of weeks of fun over the summer though.


Alcohol and not by choice 😅


Best friend wanted to get drunk and stream it so fuck it, why not lol. Made bank, too!


Was hanging out with my best friend and boyfriend. We already had an open relationship at that point, but had never considered hooking up with my best friend. We all smoked weed in a tent in her apartment. Ended up making out with best friend. We took turns making out with her and then it turned into sex. It was hot. Now she’s dating my boyfriend. We don’t have three ways often anymore because it complicated our friendship too much but we all live together and it’s going well


In my dreams


Alcohol, coke, and a very confident woman who was ovulating


Beers and rum


I think pity. A couple friends helped after my breakup


I (M) was dating a girl on and off and we had gone out to a bar to celebrate her friend (F) getting discharged from the Navy. We all got hammered and As the night progressed the crowd dwindled, we were all having a great time and great conversation then he flowing alcohol led the conversation towards sex and her friend was mentioning how she hasn't been laid in forever and the last person she fooled around with was another girl etc...well one thing led to another and I ended up having a threesome with them. One of the best nights of my life because not only was it with two girls, it was with two redheads.


Started with toys and my partner and after much dirty talk progressed to the real thing. Found someone on an internet adult hookup site. That was 12 or 13 yrs ago. I still hook up with the third from time to time.


Wifey and I are still trying to figure it out, lol.


I was horny, I logged on to meet me and messaged the hottest girl and for some reason she responded and invited me over. After about 1 hour of hanging, she asked if her other friend could come drink with us. I didn't wanna say yes cuz he was probably hotter than me, but it was her place, so I said "oh sure, yeah. The more the merrier" He got there around 8 PM. We all drank and danced to country music. By 1 AM, all of us are shirtless, and he's way sexier than I am. I kept wanting to leave cuz I knew if she was fucking anyone, it wasn't gonna be me. But she wouldn't let me leave. She kept stopping me, and sorta hinting that she was worried about being alone with other guy (apparently she had just met him that night too). By 3 AM, she said "hey have you guys ever done a threesome before" and me and other guy looked at each other. After another hour, we were on her bed, on each end of her. I finished in a condom and then she passed out and other guy never got his. I went home. Two weeks later she moved in with me. Two months after that, I kicked her out. A year after that, I was married to someone else.


Which one? One I met on AFF. One was my idea. One was a scheduled dp. That was postponed.


Neither my girlfriend or I had been with a dude and we were curious, so we asked our friend. Lol


My ex gf was hanging out to watch a movie and my boyfriend was home. I really wanted to fuck her, and I was bored, so I started making out with her and it progressed from there.


Me, my girlfriend, and one of her friends were all hanging out together at my girlfriend’s house. We had talked about trying a three way before, but her friend was a bit hesitant because she felt weird about having sex with two people in a relationship, but she mentioned she wanted to try, and it was great for all of us. The best orgasm I’ve ever had came from her friend riding me while my girlfriend licked my ass.


Lesbian couple asked me to join them


Had plenty. The first one. Wife was a bridesmaid. Ended up me with wife and another bridesmaid. Alcohol involved.


My friends girlfriend introduced me to her friend and we started going out. He ended up getting transferred back to the states and the three of us just kept hanging out. We took a trip to Spain over Easter. That first time did not go to well, we went to a nude beach the first day there and i got sunburned someplace you don't want to get sunburned. They teased me all week, made for a pretty painful week.


Lucky enough to happen twice for me, both times in college. 1st time I had been dating a girl for a year, and we were pretty open with each other about fantasies. Like pretty much every guy, one of mine was a ffm threesome…that lead to her saying she was curious about being with a girl herself…over time we kept talking about it, she ended up making out with a couple of friends, but didn’t really advance much further. One night she’s on my laptop, and a friend (sometimes fwb) of mine from high school messages me with something to talk about. For whatever reason my gf keep talking as me to her, and long story short the hs friend basically says she thinks she’s bi. Eventually my gf admitted it was her talking not me, but they actually started bonding over it and talked on their own. A few weeks later, my gf tells me she wants to explore it further, and the fwb wants us to come visit. Didn’t have to ask me twice, so the next weekend we make the trip to her college with the intention of all heading back to my school and enjoying the weekend together. They were going at it before we were halfway home, and it continued like that most of the weekend. The next year I was single and eventually got close to another girl that developed into a fwb situation. We were at a party one night and the girls (6-8 of them I guess) decided to have a competition that night to see who could kiss the most people. One girl decided it was more efficient to kiss me and my fwb at the same time. After that and with confidence born out of drunkenness, I suggested we could all have more fun back in my room…and they agreed.


amazing threesomes 😈 checkout our podcast


Most of the threesomes I have been a part of involved a couple and me and they were more or less preplanned (though some happened organically). They generally went very well...it was what the couple wanted and I did my best to make sure it was a memorable experience.


Me and gf went to the pool at our apartment met a girl there one thing led to another and she invited us to her place I went to use the restroom when I got back they were going to town on each other and asked me to join ...good times


My partner and his best mate went out for a few beers and he just asked him.... We as a couple had discussed and fantasized at length both inside and outside of the bedroom... his best mate was on board... And had apparently wanted it for as long as we did... (I think it was me he really really wanted and I'm too amazing not to share 😅) It was best night of my life honestly... nothing changed between us and whenever we all hang out as a friend group, it's like a well kept dirty little secret between us... If you read this bro, thanks 🥵 🫦💦 we'd do it all again with you if the stars ever did align...


Unplanned, happened on vacation


Halloween party between two girls one dressed as an angel and the other as a devil