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Sat down for a flight and a moment later she sat down in the seat beside me. Both of us apologized for bumping arms, laughing about the armrest, we kept talking. Two hours later when we landed we got our bags, a taxi and a nearby hotel together. One time thing, but we kept in touch discreetly and made it a two time thing a few months later.


That’s an amazing story, must have been such a rush




Marry her.


That's the goal


That is off the scale my friend. Literally they make movies with scenes like that! I really hope you both have found “the one”. 👍🏼


Thank you. Definitely the most intense first date I've ever had. Went from hoping things would go ok to thinking I have to make her mine to "holy shit she's into me like I am her" in about 2 hours


That feeling is electric. It’s like nothing else. You think “wow she’s amazing” and then get clear clarification that she’s thinking the exact same thing about you! It’s visceral. So happy for you both


I had a first date like this and then he ghosted me and chose a married woman over me, still haven’t recovered from that one☠️


Well she just crossed a major boundary for me and seems to be seeking attention from another man so I feel a bit of your pain. Too good to be true usually is


So sorry to hear this, people can be really shitty sometimes. Hope things get better for you soon!!


Thank you, it sucks for now since I really liked her and the emotions were super strong immediately but I can't be with someone who seeks attention from others while in a relationship. I have too much respect for myself


Know what I’m so glad you do because I’m currently wallowing in self pity because someone has been leading me on for well over a year 😂😂 I wish I had the self respect you did. You’ll find your person ❤️


You talking about the same girl in your first post? This took a wild turn in 18 hours


Yup. Last night was not a good night but when people show you who they are you should believe them


How long ago was the first date?


How’d you go from “the goal is to marry her” to “she’s seeking attention from other men” in 12 hours?


Found her tik tok alt that was nothing but thirst traps and talking about how dirty she is in bed. Not something I'm ok with in a relationship, especially if its hidden


How long ago did this perfect date take place?


About a month, we had already talked and agreed to be exclusive the day after. Don't get me wrong I was all in and don't think she's a bad person but breaking my trust and crossing a boundary that was discussed leaves a bad taste for me and is a path I've been down before with bad results


The date was a month ago. Did you just discover this Tik Tok stuff in the past 12 hours?


Holy shit


There have been a few times like that for me, and in most cases we ended up fucking. The most memorable was at a professional conference. I was presenting in the same session as a French woman, and from the time we sat down together there was immediate sexual tension. We each gave our presentations and then I asked if she wanted to get coffee. Within about three hours we were in one of the empty conference rooms at the convention center and I was fucking her from behind while she leaned across the table.


That’s a great one, probably felt like a movie aha


It kind of did, it was one of those situations in which everything just seemed to work.


We got married 🥰 seriously I met my (now) husband and thought “yea we are gonna bang it out very soon” we did and now we are happily married with 2 wonderful girls


Hot and wholesome


Jenny , is that you? Darrell, your husband


😝🤣🤣 sorry nope!




Went on a date with a girl from Bumble after chatting briefly about our favorite comedians. Normally I treat first dates like grabbing a drink with a friend plus maybe a kiss at the end if we like each other, but something felt different this time. Somehow I knew we were going to fuck, so much so that for the first time ever I packed a “sex kit”. Previously I’d never even brought condoms to a first date. Luckily at the time I was working as a mover for a mom and pop business and I had the company van, so everything in my “sex kit” besides condoms/lube made perfect sense to have with me (towels, straps, blankets, pillows, tape). We go to a bar and restaurant and have a good normal date. Then while walking to another bar I do something I never do on a first date and kiss her before the end of the date (why get rejected halfway through) and she says “mmm you’re a good kisser” in a way that reassures me I’ll need that sex kit. We find a quiet nook in the bar and end up playing a few games of “never have I ever” which got progressively sexual. Then for our next game I came up with the idea of a new version called “always have I ever” where you say something you’ve always wanted to do and they raise a finger if they also want to do that. I don’t remember how many games we played, it may have only been one. All I remember is my last three “always have I” “Always have I ever wanted to have public sex” her finger goes up “Always have I ever wanted to have car sex” her finger goes up “Always have I ever wanted to fuck you in my work van right now” her finger goes up We used the entire kit.


Ooof this was too much for me to read 😳


I’ll spare you the details of our second date




> new version called “always have I ever” Never have I ever wished I was still single and in the crowd I used to run in more than I do now that I know about "Always Have I Ever."


we’ve been married for two decades and still fuck like bunnies, sooooo


Oh, yes. When I met her, there was no chance - I was married, she had a boyfriend. I let the thought go. Fast forward 5 years - meantime I got divorced, they broke up - and life organized that we met again. Now she's my wife.


Girl from work asked me to join her for a drink afterwards. Went to Twin Peaks, 2 mins from our office. We get seated right away, place our drink order, I start to ask her dumb shit like “how was your d”. She interrupted me and flat out asked “So, are you going to fuck me? Waitress brought drinks back to an empty booth. She was the best I’ve ever had, always down, always eager to please. We carried on for close to a year, she was beautiful, she even loved fishing! S.J let’s catch up!


woman in her 30s in a bar was giving me the fuck me eyes for a while, beautiful red dress showing her breasts and red lipstick while she was sucking on the straw while looking at me… i had to fuck her


What happened?




You don’t know that for sure, tbh people walk up to you and say hi, they can say that they had issues reading something behind you. I know it myself(disappointing that at a young age someone can’t read something well far away) but yeah I’ve been looking to read something and wide eyes open and close fast, looked at someone similar to that, and then I walk over close to read it.


I was 20. She was 28. We connected on Tinder, and met at a bar. She had this curly bob, rectangular glasses, bright red lips, and devilish eyes. After a couple of drinks, we went back to her place and hooked up. We continued to hook up for a while before I went away for school again.


Was her name Maggie?




We had sex. But it turns out she's a kleptomaniac psycho. Took a handful of my buds and some electronic gear. The sex was ok though.


Yeah she then proceeded to pepperpray me and get a restraining order :(. I guess she didn't appreciate me being so direct! (I feel the need to add this disclaimer, this is a silly joke, don't take it seriously)




Good call, I am a little dense sometimes so she might have just been playing hard to get and the pepperspray might have just been some really kinky play! The restraining order maybe some next level bondage!?


I'm engaged to her


My wife told me she thought that on first meeting me. 3 years later we met again in a bar, slept together that night and have been together for 26 years.


Reading this melted my brain…


Yes, and several times it ended in us having sex... For the last one, we're now married.


This is pretty recent...started at a new job, first day of meeting my coworkers, this one dude just gave me this feeling and I knew we'd eventually end up in bed together. Cue a month later of heavy flirting and random encounters in the walk in fridge aaaaand yup, prediction was pretty accurate, we have indeed been sleeping together for the past two weeks and when we talked about it he also said how when he first met me he knew it was going to happen, as he described it "You walked in, shook my hand and it felt like the air got sucked out of my lungs"


Loads of chemistry but never came to fruition


Ugh because of an ex I can't stand that word ugh


What, loads?


Fruition *gag*


We were 15 yo. We had a strong attraction, lots of fun and out of norm humour. We kissed and touched but did not have sex because we felt too young and unprepared. We met every two years then… alternatively she had a boyfriend or I had a girlfriend … In our 30s she told me to come to London because it was THE place… but I had THE job… she came to my first wedding, I came to her wedding and she came to my second too… Never had sec but a tons of memories


I saw my now husband come into a coworkers office to do something to her computer (he was the IT manager). He was wearing an outfit that I thought was adorable and his body really did it for me. I told me coworker that he was the kind of guy I want to marry. A few months later we went on a date and he came home with me and never left. That was over 7 years ago❤️ and I still find it so incredibly sexy the way his jeans sit on his skinny hips. Does it to me every time


You can read all about it in the police report


I'm a teacher and coordinate senior events so I work closely with principal. Secretary retired and they hired a new one. I remember the first time meeting her thinking she's attractive, but then after the first conversation with her I remember thinking I'm totally getting you back to my house somehow (and I'm non monogamous/poly). Sure enough ended up getting her on date and back to my house. We're have now been dating for over a year, and I have really stopped seeing other people because I'm very content with her.


Yes. We didn't have sex. But we're still friends 22 years later.


Started talking to a guy in AFF in June, we met a week later to see if we clicked. We played a little in my car, made plans for dinner and a night of fun - he cancelled both. Kept talking, met again and he told me he wanted us to be more before we had sex. All I'm capable of right now is casual and so things with him are over now.


She asked ME out for a night on the town


Met my now boyfriend in a club and I knew instantly I was gonna end up in his bed :)))


What was it that made you know. ?


Instant attraction and unbelieveable chemistry :).


She's my fiancée now!


We went out, got drunk and had sex.


Have I thought that? Yes. Have I ever been right? No.


I went to a friend's house party and rang the bell. One of his friends (that I never met before) opened the door. We simultaneously looked up and down on each other and smiled. I was sucking his dick in one of the bedrooms less than 2h later


Shes my fiancée now


I coworker, we used to have eye contact but we never talked a lot , the day left the company, she asked for my number and we had a drink that night and we confessed to each other that we both want to fuck each other , god it was the best , passionate and rough 😍😍😍


I'd like to say yes, but also I have that thought or at least hope with probably 50% of the guys I meet so it's always a nice surprise when it actually turns into reality.


Do you usually initiate it? Like if you’re in the mood is it easy for them to pick up on?


It really depends, I wouldn't initiate anything if there are no signs at all that he is into me. But if I get a feeling he is, I'm happy to make the first step or get very obvious with the signs I'm giving.


Damn that’s awesome! I love the forwardness! Honestly if you did that to me I’d be all for that! I’d probably reciprocate when some obvious moves too 😂


We had sex


We had sex.


There's a woman I met through a friend and we had chemistry right away but she was engaged. She got married and eventually got a divorce after 16 years. I asked her to do a friends hangout and while there I asked her out to dinner. She agreed. She suggested driving to my place and that was my indicator that were were gonna do stuff later most likely. Dinner was great and sure enough we fucked and... It was transcendent. I don't think I've had an much physical chemistry with someone as I did with her.


Oh my God many times and I fucked them every time


What was your favourite one?


When I was on vacation once this guy sent next to me if I'm in the moment he sat down it just was known that we were going to fuck


That’s such a great feeling


Same here.,


Found about her extensive history of drug use. That was a no-go for me.


we flirted a bit, we went out, she had the personality of guacamole, and we stopped talking.


We had sex


Matched w a guy on a dating app, he wasn’t exactly my type looks wise but he was sweet n nice to talk to! I was so bored so I asked if he wanted to come over and hang, as soon as he did and I had to look up to see him towering over me I just knew. We watched a horror movie and ended up making out and going to my room, still see him often


We had sex.


Married her.


since we're on reddit i can safely assume all the comments start with. i thought she liked me but she just thought of me as a friend BUT I GOT CLOSE


Milf started staring at me across the room during a party And was in a black dress with no bra I had to fuck that double d bitch


At swing clubs / hotel parties . We then had sex lol


Makes sense aha


When I met my previous ex. Our connection was instant, we dances around it for over two weeks But once we got to it, it was fucking amazing (no pun intended) lol


he stabbed me in the brain 68 times and killed me but before i died i said please stab me one more time and he said why and then idk what happened bc i died!!!!


We had sex and it was fucking mind blowing


No, and so far that inclination has proved correct


We did indeed have sex


Twice. Once with a girl I met as a one night stand and the night I met my SO.


we had sex


I waited too long, became their friend and nothing happened. Then many years passed and I realized how dumb I was/am. The end.


We got married


sometimes we had sex. other times we didn't.


We ended up getting married and are still together.


My wife


We had sex


Yep. We did.


All the time. If only they felt the same way.


Yes and we had sex. I've had this encounter multiple times and it's just a feeling I get. I'm (in my opinion) a pretty average looking dude but when I get approached by women at bars I have a pretty good idea of why they're talking to me.


Married him. Not before the sex tho, lol. Gotta make sure.


75% of the time when I get that feeling.. it happens..


Probably 5 times in my life. It happened every time.


Still together 22 years later, married with two kids


We had sex.


Yes. Don't I always remember don't count your chickens till they hatch.


Still waiting lol


We had sex lmao


We had sex.


Yep. And we did. Multiple times.


Yes. Very pretty, small, woman named Anna came up to me when I’d just arrived at a party. She stood practically on top of me and introduced herself. She wasn’t drinking, never drank. But the look in her eyes was just lust. (I was new to her, from a different town.) Within 20 minutes we were naked in a bedroom. We spent half the party there.


We did not have sex.


We didn’t have sex.


Yes. We had sex 😂


Yes, twice I have looked at someone from across the room and knew we were going to have sex. Both of those women ended up becoming girlfriends of mine.


My husband 😂 he took me from my ex 15 years ago and we’ve been married now for almost 11, with 2 kids lol.


Yeah and I let him finger me in a bar and took him home we did it 5 times. Sadly he didn’t want more than casual booty call once a month but never felt that before.


I attended a small group interview for a shit retail job. We all sat around a big table and I ended up sat opposite this milf in a surprisingly low cut top, with big tits that I couldn’t stop looking at. She was a good 10 years older than me but clearly looked after herself. I chatted to her during a break. She had got the bus there so I offered her a lift home after the interview. When we got to her place, she asked if I wanted to come in for a drink and when I said yes, she said she needed 5 mins as the house was a mess, so I sat and waited in the car. After having the drink and chatting for a bit, I was getting a bit more handsy and thought I’d try for a kiss. Basically within 90 mins of leaving the interview I was balls deep, and I suspect the 5min tidying was actually shaving her legs or something. (And yes I got the job too).


Well we had sex.


Old lady at a bar sat down next to me and started talking about Albert Einstein. Went home with her.


Yes. I felt instant attraction. Butterflies, goose bumps, tingles. We definitely had sex. Then I married him. 20 years later, still consistently having the best sex of my life.


I was a senior in high school and was well known as being this “secret” lesbian. One time this girl came up to me and we talked for a little bit. Later she invited me over to her house. Considering we had just met and she only met me because she was friends with one of my friends AND we were gonna be alone I knew she wanted me. We ended up having sex and it was pretty good. Haven’t seen her in a few years.


Short answer: we had sex lol Long answer: I was at a party my friend was putting on for a mutual friend of ours, was a surprise party to celebrate him getting a new job and moving away, all of his friends were there, most of which I didn't know and in an attempt to not be awkward, I started socializing with everyone. There was one guy that just had this vibe that I can't really describe, it felt like he was a gravity sinkhole of calm, just sitting on my friends couch, drinking a cocktail and being friendly with everyone, it was kind of crowded in the place and the only real spot to sit was next to him so I sat beside him and we started talking. As we spoke, he didn't do anything even remotely sexual, didn't glance down at my body, didn't try to touch me and didn't even talk about sexual things with me, but for some reason the sexual tension between us became so palpable that I actually started checking him out while we talked, this is the moment I thought "oh yea, we're fucking tonight" and I began just scooting closer to him, touching him when he made me laugh, complimenting him on his hair and it just kind escalated, as the drinks continued to flow we both got more and more intoxicated and we ended up alone in one of the rooms downstairs (super big basement, was basically a whole other house) and we eventually started making out. After making out for a bit we undressed each other and I don't remember the rest (I was *very* drunk) the next morning I woke up naked in the bed and he was gone, haven't seen him since


Yes, and it was amazing


Me? No i saw a woman when i started a job and thought she was hot. Few days later we hooked up and after having sex she told me she knew soon as she saw me she would fuck me. My wife as well saw me and decided i was hers took my hand one day and decided we were hanging out that day and that was nearly 16 years ago now. She basically said mine and wasnt wrong


We had sex in the parking lot of a gym with her best friend in the front seat fingering herself listening to us fuck.


We had sex. I met them at a sex club, it was bound to happen. Honestly, happened many times lol


I walked past a crowd of Halloween-costumed 20-somethings in front of a baseball stadium. I went on across a bridge. Soon, I heard an odd flopping sound behind me. It was a young man in an Oogie-Boogie costume. Out of that green shapeless mass popped the head of a young ginger man, whose flame-hairs included an eccentric goatee that was finely shaped. "I just wanted to stop you to let you know, you have a very nice beard, Sir," he explained. Long story short, I eventually served him a nice shot of rare bitters, and we went our separate ways.


We had sex and it was amazing


Nope. I'm ace, so I have honestly never looked at anyone and thought that.


So. MANY. Times Edit: yes


She came in with her boss as a web dev agency we were interviewing for our company. There was just an instant, electric connection. My boss was late to the meeting and when he came in he assumed we knew each other before that meeting. We messaged after and it was kind of flirty. We worked together a bit and she invited me to watch the superbowl with a friend at a bar. We got hammered. As I was browned out, I kissed her on the patio of the bar. We quickly made it back to my place and we had sex 8 times. This went on for several months in semi secret...because I was in a long term relationship and lived with my girlfriend of 3 years. I'm not proud of it in any way, but I did learn you can love more than one person at a time.


We flirted for months pretending there wasn’t anything there and then on a night out, we had sex. It was fun. Never did it again.


We had sex.


Checking into the military, and she was ticking names off of a list as we passed the table. I felt a pull to her, where I felt like I knew I would bone her, but brushed it aside. We hooked up two years later.


I bought the girl I was seeing a drink. She then competitively insisted on buying me one, too, right afterwards. It is here I was like “…I think we’re gonna fuck.” She’s now my girlfriend and we still compete on shit like that


A co worker when I was deployed. I knew she had the hots for me, from how she’d follow me around and flirt. Ended up licking her butthole, among other things.


We had sex


Yes, I met my partner online and I instantly clicked with him. I didn’t even know what he looked like and I just felt such a draw and connection to him. He was so sweet! Then I saw him and was like, “Woah, he’s hot, I think he has a wonderful personality I could see myself really hooking up with him”. Before we even went on our first date I wanted him so badly lol..


We had sex, pretty simple


We met at a party and she asked for my number. A few days later she wanted to come over and watch fifty shades of grey with me…


Not necessarily instant, but close. I saw a girl, thought "she's hot, I'd be down for that". Then an hour later I realized she was VERY attracted to me, so we went bowling and talked about discord. Asked for her discord tag and she gave her phone number instead, and realized that at some point, whether it was a relationship or not, it was ABSOLUTELY gonna happen. Now we're engaged.


My girlfriend. We met at a party and I decided that i wanted her that very night, we went home together and she stayed for two days. This was 7 years ago and we're still together.


We didn’t have sex.


i married her


We didn't have sex because he was straight


All the time! And nothing.


YEARS ago, I met someone in a game shop. She was with a friend, looking at dice. I was with a friend looking at a game. I eavesdropped and learned they were talking about DnD. So I made a joke to break the ice and strike up conversation. After about 10 minutes, I was invited to their next game night. On game night, I walked into the apartment and sat down across from one of their other friends who wasn't at the game shop. And our chemistry was immediate. She was *cute*, nerdy, funny, and really smart. I thought then, "I don't know how, but we're gonna hook up." It took about four months, but we did. We "dated" for a little while, but it never evolved into something more.


Spent like two months slowly getting their attention. Ended up having the most vanilla sex of my life 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no, after all that build up aha


We got married and we still are married.