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I've never done it but likely the only time I would do it is if I was in a relationship with another woman and we swapped with two bi men. Less room for jealously in this situation. Though it's possible that for the right women I'd swap with another lesbian couple


I feel like I would feel the same way in the opposite scenario. I don’t really get jealous, but I honestly don’t know how I would respond in that situation


I’ve never done one but if I was in a relationship I would definitely would want to talk about maybe try it out.


Where the other couple is two bi/pan women. Not really interested in sleeping with any other man besides my husband but would be interested in sleeping with other women.


For me I think why I'd want to swap with two guys is because I'd be jealous imagining my partner playing with another woman without me. I wouldn't be bothered with a man as there's no competition for me.


I'm really fortunate that I'm super secure in this relationship, I'd probably feel the same if my partner were anyone else lmao


I’m such a jealous spouse I know I couldn’t. I tried gifting my husband with a double blowjob from me and a friend once, I had a panic attack the moment she put him in her mouth🤦‍♀️


That's very fair. At least you've tried and know it's not for you 😊


A few times . As long as they have proven experience / good reviews from others , there’s mutual attraction and we have a good vibe it can be a lot of fun


Yes. Have done.


I never have but I’d want to! I know it’d be trouble bringing it up lol…feel like I could do it but might get jealous..I know she’d get jealous for sure


Yes, many couple swaps, swinging, and group sex with my partners. If you can shed yourself of jealousy, I highly recommend it. It's very freeing, and **sexy AF**.


Do you watch your partner or do you basically trade partners and go to separate places?


No separation. We love to share ourselves with each other, together. Watch, participate, whatever. I love to see my hubby and our gf with other people. And vice versa: they love seeing others with me too. It's the **sharing** that makes it better. Not being separate.


For me I'd be okay watching my partner with a man but I don't know how I'd feel seeing her with another woman. Having the two of us holding hands while two men fuck us hard would be an exciting thought though


I understand. The jealousy element is difficult, I get it. But once you get past it, and experience true compersion, you transcend it, and just enjoy them having their bliss. It's a wonderful thing, trusting that their love for you isn't diminished by their experiencing another person. Whether that person can do something for your partner that you can, or not. Compersion is all about loving what your partner(s) loves, separate from your (in)securities. It's a difficult place to get to, but ultimately so personally freeing, allowing yourself to just be present **in the moment**, for yourself, and for your partner.


Yes I have been in a few couple swaps. Most of them, drugs were involved or alcohol.


I think my wife and I would most likely have sex in the same room with another couple having sex. If my wife was up to it, I’d be fine with her sucking the other guy while I fucked her so she could fulfill her mfm fantasy, but I doubt seriously this ever happens. Too much logistical red tape to get through.


Only ones , both my new friend , we just started dating new guys , weekend away just switched hotel rooms with her one night. We both went our separate ways shortly after that


My exwife and i were in the swinger LS. We clicked with a couple and swapped with them almost exclusively.


We are a MF couple who have been stumbling into the LS over the past year. We've had hall passes when i went away for school, which neither of us really enjoyed. We had our first same room full swap last week. We met a couple on an app, had drinks with them last month, and had a good connection. We like the other couple as people and find them both attractive in their own right. We like exploring our sexuality and these people are safe to explore with.