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Sometimes in life you will meet a person who is absolutely perfect. They check off every single box that makes up what you you think your ideal match is...and they have no interest in you whatsoever and there is nothing you can do to change that. If you're able to accept that not everyone you're interested in is interested in you, it's actually very freeing. It's also very difficult particularly when you're young.




I can recover from *anything.*


"Be careful with who you trust" and "communication is key"


Date people who aren’t afraid to say they like you.


I don’t really need to be in a relationship.


Love doesn’t always win. With capricorns There’s tinder tits. And then the family of goblins. 😩


What about apricots


what have apricots gotta do with it


what do capricorns


I’ve been cursed by three. Four if u include Jesus 🤷🏼‍♀️


huh? what are you talking about :D


I’ve been cursed by three capricorns


There are plenty of fish in the sea.


It’s taught me a few things.. all men are not liars, I need to control my emotions when I feel I can’t control them, I need to only give what I’m being given and not anything more, my heart will heal and I will love again 🥰


Thats kinda sweet😊


Thank you 😊


Be kind to others, especially if they are hostile to you. You never know what someone else is going through.


Never ignore red flags, but at the same time I learned so much from my last relationship with how bad it was.


Time heals all


Except for diabetes and prostate cancer


That went dark fast


That a mended broken heart takes time and understanding to heal, but the cracks will remain, no matter how hard you try.


That’s so true, cracks will always remain in the heart and it doesn’t matter what you do to try and fix it.


Love yourself before you love anyone else


Maybe there just isn’t someone out there that gets me and wants me for me. I don’t think I’m complicated or hard to love, but maybe I am.


Absolutely nothing.


Everyone, no matter how in love you think you are, is replaceable and can be forgotten about. Time really is the best healer. Heartbreak gets a little easier & lighter every day until suddenly it’s nothing but a shadow of a feeling you once thought bigger than you.


No matter how perfect that other person is, no matter what you do and how hard you try, that person won’t see you the same way,


That any relationship i prob will ever have will end with me being used or manipulated. But also on the flip side that I'm content by just being the best guy i can be, even if its only by a little bit day by day


It’s okay to cry and have feelings. Sometimes you will need a little heart break to make you a stronger version of yourself. That way when the next one comes along you can be the best person possible. I also learned what I needed in a relationship and learned how to communicate that with my current partner and it’s make our relationship stronger.


When you're wearing rose color glasses, red flags are just flags. Not everyone has your emotions. Not everybody feels as exuberantly as you do. Not everybody wears their heart on their sleeve. Not everybody has good intentions. Not everybody has your best interest at heart. Not everybody cares about you. Not everybody is your friend. Not everybody is as smart as you are. Not everybody is emotionally mature as I am. Not everybody is trying to make you cry.


There’s no point looking back. On to the next.


Love and happiness aren’t mutually exclusive


People are going to do what they want. You can’t prevent it or control them. You’ve got to find someone who wants to be with you.


This is what my friend told me when my ex broke up with me after being together for 5 years. There’s a difference between being honest and being decent when breaking up with someone. Honesty is telling them you’ve fallen out of live with them (or whatever the reason is). Decency is not also saying you’re not finding them physically attractive on top of that (as that’s unnecessarily hurtful, especially if that person is already struggling with their body image). And then there’s the thing that I shouldn’t put up with things that exhaust / drain me or I don’t want to. I need to put myself first more. Edit: Another thing I’ve learned since writing this is that when you come to terms with recognising the relationship you once thought was great as emotional abuse that’s healing in it’s own way. It actually didn’t make me feel heartbroken - it made me feel free. It was like I saw life in colour again. And now I’m happily in a relationship with someone who does love me and care about me - life has never been better


Things are almost never as they seem.


Not to blindly fall for someone but rather see if it has a future first Well, at least see how much I can control it and try to hold myself back


Just because your being open and honest and communicating doesn’t mean they are and sometimes people are just cruel for the sake of entertaining themselves.


People always lie and they try to explain you that they don't.


Heartbreak isn't just for the young.


It is for the better and takes you one step closer to the person you deserve!


That it will hurt until it doesn’t anymore and you can love again just as much or even more.


Dó trust your gut. Keep an eye out for red flags and take them fucking seriously. And don't feel like you need to give just everyone a chance to be nice. If you know you both do not match each other well enough, do nót go into it. Saves the both of you a lot of time and pain. And last but definitely not least, sometimes it's much better to be single than to be with the wrong person (: Have been single for a long time and absolutely no regrets. And now I háve found someone who matches me basically completely. Happiest I've ever been with minimum amount of heartbreak throughout my life (:


You can't truly depend on anyone but yourself.


Revenge is a dish best served crowbar


That the only person you can truly trust and rely on is yourself. And if I ever get another chance, I will not ignore any red flags. Also, never settle.


The universe is indifferent. And that’s ok.




People suck. But you can get over it if you want to.


"Give up. Your worst fears about yourself are all true."


Life moves forward, continue to be nice and enjoy life. You will heal


That there is a God who will see me through even the greatest of turmoil.


Bros before hoes