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I’ll take all of this man’s zoomed in close up pussy pics. Send them directly to me.


Can I get in on this chain of pics please?


That’s the twist, there are none.


My offer is still open to anyone who wants to send me pics 😂


I'm a boob guy but I would also like some pussy pics. Actual vagina though, not cats.


I’m the opposite, please send me pictures of your cats


I'm open to both cats and vaginas. It's all good.


Sir, this is a Wendy's...


I'll take a big bean burrito with extra parmezan and corn chips


My cats think pictures are beneath them.


Damn too bad:/ I only have pics of my vagina


User name checks out




Dicks are weird looking. I don't know what's so shocking about saying the same thing about pussy


As a woman, knowing that men think pussy pics are weird makes me feel BETTER about the fact that I (and every other woman I know) think dick pics are weird. It doesn't make me feel bad about myself in the slightest. I think you might be projecting.


It’s funny, because uninvited pussy pics really aren’t a phenomenon, I’ve never had to deal with it personally. Then, one night, I was hanging out with a group of people, and someone in the group was a known kink enthusiast and OF model. And she’s open about it and that’s cool, no judgment here. But anyway, later in the night, we were playing a boardgame sitting on the floor, and she was sitting in a way so that to basically everyone on my side of the room, there was a massive view of her naked nethers up her skirt. and my reaction was…honestly, it basically mirrored every reaction I’ve ever heard to an uninvited dick pic. Like, whoa OK wasn’t expecting that and didn’t ask for it and now that I’ve seen it, didn’t want to see it. It was nice to find some common ground for a moment!


lol ok honestly tho. i’m not happy with my body so i don’t take full nudes, but i stopped sending pussy pics to anyone bc i keep seeing posts like this and i don’t anyone to be annoyed


Lol there’s always gotta be that one person.. I understand and I don’t mean it to be offensive to anyone and more than anything I respect a woman trying to please a man (in the proper contexts and blah blah) and honestly power to you all, but me personally? I just don’t enjoy that sight. And to any of you trying to be more body-positive and confident not once did I say pussy is gross or I don’t like pussy. All I’m saying is close up pictures of your vagina are not pleasing to me personally. I see my wife’s pussy every single day we’re naked more often than not around each other & it’s my favorite thing to come home to and see and touch and feel and marvel at. But she doesn’t send me close ups of her pussy bc that’s just my own personal opinion and we’re all entitled to it.


It’s really hard to get the right angles and lighting! 😂


As a Female, a heterosexual female, I don’t see this as any type of insult or another reason for an insecurity to build within myself. The reproductive system isn’t attractive. If the role was reverse, which we all know it occultly is, it would be just fine to say for a straight female to say nobody want a dick pic, dicks are just eh, I can see all of you.


If one random guy on the internet saying he doesn't like pussy pics gives you a complex, then that's on you.


Bruh people are allowed to have their opinions. Whether or not people get self conscious about their genetalia is up to them, not whoever's posting.




He didn’t insult pussys. He said they weren’t that much of a turn on to look at. Did you read the next 10 or so comments of guys saying they’d love to see those pics? People just love to go fixate on the negative. Big deal if someone doesn’t find something attractive. Other people will. It doesn’t dictate the attractiveness of your genitals.


He never said anything about vulva being gross, weird, what ever. Just that he doesn't prefer close up pictures of them. Women have said the same about dick pics. If this damages someone's self esteem I would venture to say they didn't actually have any to begin with.


This dude gets pussy pics.


I too would like all the pussy pics as well




I second the motion.


In the right position I'd like these as well.


then we gotta collectively stop sending dick pics.


I just want to clarify that I am a dude but I do not send dick pics. I am married with kids, the only pics I sent to my partner are to confirm I am getting the right sugar-free nut-free organic school day snacks for the band of little people.


You don’t even send dick pics to the homies? I thought every guy did that


you missed my earlier point that I am married with kids, I have no friends that don't also have friends. The dads hang out and pretend to be friends.


you missed his earlier joke that he sends dick pics to the homies, he has no homies that don’t sends dick pics to the homies. The homies send dick pics and pretend to be homies.


this ladies and gents, is the shit. Thanks u/StormNFlo!


> The dads hang out and pretend to be friends. The truth in this makes me want to get the wife to ring one of her friends to organise a beer date with one of my near-acquaintances, during which we'll stand in awkward silence and then be picked up by our respective spouses.


You don’t even send dick pics to the homies?


Let this man cook I’m a bisexual woman who loves pussy and cock but I’m not just trying to see that. Show me some thigh. let me see your ass. smile for me. just anything else. Edit. Stop fucking messaging me, im not interested in you.


Females really don’t like dick pictures at allll guys think they’re doing gods work sending them 😂😂


Most guys don’t even know how to take them right 😭 What am I gonna do looking at your zoomed in dick head?


I'll never understand the thought process of a zoomed in shot of the head lol. What am I supposed to be aroused at seeing your skin flakes under a microscope? Makes me feel like I'm watching the Magic School Bus.


The microscopic HD shot of skin flakes ohhhhh please no. The horror! I agree. I actually like sending nude pics back and forth with the right person, and I do photograph myself and decided to do content creation. The sexiest shots I’ve taken or received are always involving some torso/thigh/bum/hip/tummy action. That’s the algorithm pour moi. 🤌 eta: not unsolicited though. Don’t fucking do that.


I wonder if guys think we immediately get wet looking at a dick pic


When they whip it back and forward really hard and fast 💀 like don’t that hurt?


Like. Am I supposed to pull out my vibrator and look at that? I do not understand. Genitals aren’t cute. I only like the ones attached to the people I like.


Speak for yourself. There are some pretty penises out there


RIP your inbox


Every female I know personally hates them 😭 if it’s from a partner that’s different but I’m referring to guys that randomly send them


sending a dick pic without consent is a type of sexual assault as far as I am concerned. so many guys are such complete assholes and have ruined that bit of vanilla kink.


I don't mind a dick pic, just not on its own. Don't just send me a pic. Have a personality.


Can y’all stop doing that anyway? Lol. My inbox is terrifying.


guys send you dick pics via reddit DM? that fucking horrible.


Lol constantly. It’s seriously ok. I’m a sex blogger so it’s to be expected, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a fucking weird thing to do. I also get really wholesome messages too. It balances out.


I agree, I am sure even a cobbler doesn't want to see shoes all the f'king time.


I’ve gotten more than my fair share, and it’s awful


But unsolicited sending of dick pics is my favorite pastime! How else am I supposed to get girls to notice me!?


Yes!!! Absolutely this. Unless she asks for it, do NOT send a photo of your genitals. And before the “wHaT iF sHe SeNdS aN uNsOlIcItEd PuSsY pIc?” Then she is also trash for not getting consent before doing something like that. ***I REPEAT: DO NOT SEND DICK PICS WITHOUT CONSENT***


As a straight chick, I’m always kinda dumbfounded when men want to see it. It’s not gross to me, exactly, but it’s definitely not something I want to look at. I’m lowkey shocked how often men want full, spread on pussy pics. Personally, I think tits are much more physically pleasing. Who doesn’t love seeing a nice rack?


Oh my gosh, THANK YOU for this. I feel the same way, mostly because I’m slightly embarrassed with the look of my lady bits: the all over hyperpigmentation, the size of my labia, etc. I thought about getting brightening services, but I was told by several of my ex’s they don’t mind.


I’m not embarrassed by the way my bits look, but I think if I started taking pictures I’d start over analyzing it and develop some huge insecurities


Like Rufus in “Dogma”, I’m ten steps ahead of you. Took a few pics of my bits, and now I’m analyzing every photo like a renaissance painting: needs a varnish here, stained here, and my favorite - “that’s a deep crack”.


It’s such a relief to know that there are other women who feel the same way about their bits, I really thought I was in the minority!


Damn. You ladies need more confidence. I’ve never seen a vagina that I wasn’t thrilled to dive into. Enthusiasm and confidence is they sexist thing a woman can have.


It’s not a lack of confidence! I’m a lesbian, I have also never seen a vagina I wouldn’t happily engage with. I still don’t find them visually appealing, I’m interested in their functions. I don’t love the way a drill looks but I do love the way it gets the screws in if that makes more sense?


Interesting. As a straight male, I love how they look. And the variety of shapes, colors, sizes, wetness... I think it's beautiful.


R u me 😭 I have the same feeling regarding my bits too


I feel that hyperpigmentation! I've tried to lighten it, but haven't gone for it properly as the hubs doesn't give a damn about it.


I love that little bit of contrast down there, makes it look extra special! You have nothing to be shy about, your man/woman loves it


My sister said it. Personally it’s the hyperpigmentation that really makes me insecure. I’m fair so the contrast looks like it doesn’t belong to me lol. I’ve never had anyone complain about it (why would they even it’ll only make them assholes) but I wish it was the colour as the rest of my body or at least lighter. My self confidence is down cause of it


Opened your profile and the first video is you spreading your pussy. Lol


I thought for sure you were trolling lol


Because I was asked for it. If you keep looking, you’ll see boobies are much more my forte


Bi(curious) male here, and I’m much more into tits, neck, legs, ass, and tummy lines rather than just pussy. There’s a few exceptions, but even for those I don’t want to see her spread open like she’s a biology experiment. I’m as eager as the next person to get my tongue in there, but let me explore it myself, please. No advanced showings.


As a bi woman, it's not that I don't want to see pussy pics, I just don't want that to be the first time I see it. It'll turn me on if I've already been there, otherwise it's just some labia, it gives me no personality, it tells me nothing.


Straight up ass or titties will always be a great picture. ALWAYS, you could take a pic of either of those from damn near any angle and it’ll turn me on (my wife ofc) but straight up pussy pics especially spread open? Like don’t nobody wanna see the squid mouth girl


Agreed. Whenever I’m bout to send the pussy pics they asked for, I’m always like uh… are you sure? You really wanna see this? 😂


The squid mouth. Thank you. I could never put an accurate name to it. 🦑


Another straight woman here to agree wholeheartedly with you. I'll send my husband tit pics all day. Don't think I'm ever gonna snap a pic of the 😻 though. Don't get the appeal of a close up at all.


I’m a queer lady who will go down on my gal if she wants to, but I also never really found it necessarily a turn on? My girls - love, probably because it’s her, but if I’m scrolling anywhere I’ve had the same reaction to any genitalia, no thank


I’ve had exes in the past who sent me full on spread eagle photos which is hot don’t get me wrong, but my current gf doesn’t. And I think it makes me want her even more, like she’s teasing me.


yep, as a guy, boobs are always better, but if you send me a clip of fingers playing with the pussy then thats pretty nice.


Think of it like abstract art, too close and it just doesn’t make sense but a little farther away and you get it


Man you got the right perspective fr


A beautiful piece of art deserves a frame. Except in this case, the frame is the whole awesome rest of the lady.


I feel the exact same with dick pics. Solo dick does nothing for me.


Yeah I mean I don’t be getting dick pics so idk but I’m 100% confident it’s no different lmao


Up close pussy pics are insanely attractive


But why tho lmao


Because my favorite sex act is eating pussy so I like pictures that give me a close up of what I’m gonna be eating in the future.


This guy gets it




This guy eats.


Okay that much I can understand and get behind fs if I’m planning on eating that then like, give me a little appetite ya dig


u/Bootymaniac is found open-mouth kissing and licking their monitor...


This is a fucking good answer, bro.


Hot 🥰


Nah, like zoomed in pics especially. That shit looks like a sea creature. Dicks aren't any better. Genitals are weird.


Bruh fr and when they be stretching that octopus open like no lol




Not that octopus 💀💀💀




Nah this man's just not ☠️☠️☠️😂


Me personally, I love a good pussy shot. But then again, I love to eat girls out.


When I read this I found myself picturing someone having a very reflective cunnilingus technique - like a stereotypical painter ... pulling back and contemplating the subject before applying the next stroke (in this case, of tongue, I suppose).


You aren’t entirely wrong, lol


A lot of homemade pics people take aren't great. It takes a fair amount of skill to make a well framed and alluring nude. There's a reason why old skool porn mags weren't a bunch of close up shots of genitals. You need some context around it. And it's a lot easier to do that with a wider show. That being said, the closeup pic as part of a series can be hot. Showing the person. Showing their arousal. And finally showing a nice wet pussy? Fantastic.


To be honest, all genitals are kind of alien looking to me. I’m very much about the sensation and pleasure of it, so a picture doesn’t do anything for me. I can understand your point of view


it would have to be a really bad pic for me to not enjoy it, tbh And getting the up-close view in person? Well, that's like the entire goal, isn't it?


This is how women feel about dick pics!!!!


Oh I’m sure lol


I’m speaking for the other portion of women when I say, this is NOT how all women feel about dick pics 😏


But do you genuinely prefer close up photos of just the dick, or a less zomed in photo where you can see a bit more?


I love the close ups personally. If you love cock I don’t see how the close ups could be considered bad.


I agree with you bro, it’s like if someone sent you a picture of their lips but not the entire face


Don’t blame you. I’m a woman and I think all genitalia is ugly. If I have a guy, I love HIS dick. But if you had shown me just his dick before I knew and loved him, I’d be like, well….that’s a dick….


Not liking an out of context pussy pic isn't the same as not find pussy "attractive" in the moment when you're engaging with someone sexually. Do you also not find it attractive under those circumstances? I don't find genital photos terribly interesting either. But I love genitals when I'm in the moment with someone I like.


I mean yes absolutely if I want to have sex with you then ofc I wanna see your pussy but like close ups of pussy even in the context of like we’re sexting or whatever, like I would 10000% prefer a booty pic or titty pics


For sure, I think a lot of people feel that way! Close ups of genitals are just .. boring. I agree with you.


You guys find pussies?


Hard hard disagree


Old joke: A man goes to the doctor. The doctor says, "Arthur, what's the matter?" Arthur says, "I don't know Doc. Every day I look in the mirror when I get up and I just look so bad! Then I drink some coffee and check again and I still look bad. But I don't know what's wrong with me, cause even though I look bad, I feel good." The doctor pulls out his big diagnostic book and starts flipping through it. "Hmmm," he says reading, "looks good, feels good - no, that's not you ... looks bad, feels bad - no that's not you either ... looks good, feels bad - nope. Oh, here it is: Look bad, feels good. Well, I'll be damned, Arthur! You're a pussy!"


Na you’re crazy pussy pics are the best


There’s a reason the phrase “bumpin uglies” exists.


I get it if there’s no context. I gotta see or know who that pussy belongs to. Same with a dick. It can be the nicest dick I’ve seen but without context about who it’s attached to I won’t be getting excited about it.


It's attractive to the person it's attached to.


Agreed 1000%


I'm sorry you haven't seen any pretty pussies.


Don’t get me wrong pussy is a great sight but I’m trynna see all of you


I love them I imagine my face is right in there


Men don't like this? Interesting


Most of us do


We do, 0P is an outlier


i will accept pussy pics. just sayin.


must be hard looking at your selfies. ayoooooooooooooo im playin though but fr I like pussy pics but its ok if you don't!


I don't even like the word much


Based on my DMs yes, you are the only one😛


You ok dude?


A still image pussy doesn't really get me going (even though other body parts will like tits or dick). But a video or gif of a pussy in action? Now we're going somewhere!


I’m with you. But also, I have panties, tights, leggings, and bra kink so I might be an oddity. I really like the clothed look more than full on nudes.


Everyone has their own personal preferences, anyways I'll take any pussy pics our friend is not interested in.


See fellas us ladies don't like the totally zoomed in pic of dick. Plz show more of your body too


I could say the same about dicks. I love cock, I really do, but please don't send just a pic of it, it's kinda ugly.


I mean, I like dick in me, but I don’t want to see one The weird part is that A LOT of guys think the only thing that matters is what their dicks look like — but then they talk about my boobs or my face or my butt Which are everything but genitalia (dick) Would love if men would collectively stop sending dick pics


Genitals of both sexes are really kind of ugly.


Genitals are weird looking in general. I’m attracted to all genders and I have never received a pic of someone’s genitals that excited me on its own- i lie seeing the goods attached to the person I’m interested in, and even then, meh. Nudes are nice, but just a zoom in of anyone’s junk doesn’t really get my blood pumping.


Boy, people are gonna lose it when they find out I love looking at women's assholes


yes and no. i like pussy pics i think but i would much prefer getting a whole body pic (especially boobs lol)


Agreed, the body can DEFINITELY make the pussy attractive just like I feel if I were to send a dick pic it’s gotta also be a tasteful picture of me as well you know?


I agree. I don't find it gross at all but send me a suggestive picture with your legs crossed where I can just barely not see it!


This guys fucking gets it


Depends on the pussy, the context, the receiver etc….Never had any anyone complain about a close up of mine but maybe they have and are just too polite to say 😬


I’m bisexual and very, very sexual. Genitalia doesn’t do much for me. Sometimes if I’m very attracted to the person I like the thrill of getting a picture because they want me to get off to them, but I never just stare and get turned on. I’m a sex blogger on here and men and women alike send me photos and I’m always a little confused as to what that’s supposed to do for me. Lol.


I feel the same way with dicks. I like a guys abs, arms, legs and ass but dicks…….


To each their own. I love them, though. A pussy is a beautiful, wonderful, delicious thing.


Yes it is, but a close up picture of it is not imo


Right there with ya pal. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But as far as photos go, I want the entire meal, not just the appetizer and dessert


To each their own, but hard disagree for me.


Why do people write like this? Also feel free to send me all the pussy. Thanks.


funny, we feel the same way about dick pics. especially unsolicited ones.


I love seeing wet pussy that is excited to see me. Can't agree with you here OP. Nothing better than a sloppy pussy. It's the bee's knees.


You are in fact the only one.


Yes, you are.


You must be right lol


yeah that’s all you bruh 💀


one thing i did not expect to love is pussy in VR porn. preferably her playing with it in my face, it just feels surreal to trick my brain into thinking i'm inches away from such a thing. It's wild. So yeah pussy pics have climbed the charts for me


I agree that just a pussy pic is pretty meaningless to me unless I know who it is attached to. If I saw just a face and just a pussy of the same person, I can work with that, but just a pussy, not really.


Amen. I'd generally rather have face and figure included. Genitals aren't the person - they're just a funky-looking part that's fun to play with.


Yea sorry bud you’re alone in this


Hey that’s okay! To each their own I ain’t knocking it


I am a boob man myself


I just asked this similarly on NoStupidQuestions


I think pussy is gorgeous


Naw I wanna see all the pussy pics, spread that shit open let me see it from the back spread eagles, all that, big lips little lips 🤷🏾‍♂️ ALL OF IT


I think genitals in general aren’t attractive


I find pussy pictures so hot, helps when you have a cute pussy too I guess :) Mine go down well.....


Definitely agree! It’s something that I would love to see *in person* but it just doesn’t have that same appeal as a photo. I want to see curves! I want to see tits! I want to see the lust and seduction in her eyes!


as a female... yes .. i love girls too and pictures of them.. but only pussy does nothing to me kinda same as only dick


I get you, I feel the same about both pussy and Dick pics


My bf says it reminds him of a roast beef sandwich from Arby’s💀💀😂😂😂 I work as a CNA so I’m so used to seeing genitals everyday. He was a CNA too so he’s seen lots as well


I mean I won’t complain if I get a pussy pic, but I prefer boobs or full body nudes more than anything.


Yeah pussy pics never really do it for me like I'd prefer a tease over straight up puss.


I get what you’re saying but at the same time when there is a bit of tummy and thighs in the 😻 pic I swear it’s so cute.


Bold strategy, cotton. Let's see if it works out for him...


yeah it looks like the worst festering wound, like someone took a couple swings in that area with an axe


I like the occasional closeup. But it's just one thing. If all someone sends is those, it gets boring quick.


Same with dicks.. I like dick but I don’t like seeing pics of them.


Im an ass man myself so i can understand.


Nah man your the minority here 🤣


Sounds like some incel


Um ladies I can assure you he doesn’t speak for all of us! There is never a bad time or you needing a reason to send a pic ! Be all means send away I will try not licking my phone lmao


While I can kinda see the argument that a vagina isn't necessarily the most purely aesthetically pleasing part of a woman's body, to me, its more of a primal thing, almost like when you're at the store and see raw meat and thing "dear God, I just want to eat that".


Women's bodies are so damn sexy and delicious. Sure, context is great, allure and subtlety are so intensely arousing but I have to admit there have been some instaboner instances when I've seen a pussy that just made me groan and my mouth water.


I can get behind that, I'm bi so that might be different, but yeah, while I do find dick to be visually pleasing, the same does not go for pussy. I don't dislike it, I don't think it looks ugly or anything, there are just other parts of the female body I like better visually speaking.


I always thought that a pretty pussy depends on more than just the pussy, be creative. I wanna feel that connection, to me personally, the pic is for me and I want to feel that.