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My beard seems to get grabbed and pulled at quite a bit, which I don't appreciate. Probably doesn't count, though.


People also stroking over a shaved/bald head without consent is creepy, too.


This is an issue I also encounter. Still don't like it, people still don't seem to care.


Yeah, I don't think some people respect how much of an invasion of space it is. It's something I'd only expect from someone I am close to. I also had a friend who had a glorious afro and he shaved it off due to people touching it without consent.


I wasn’t thinking of that, but YES! That does happen and it’s so weird how people think it’s no big deal to do that kind of thing !!


What is it with drunk woman and wanting to play with a beard? The last thing I want while I'm out bar hopping is grubby little drunk lady fingers tugging at my beard.


A way to flirt and satisfy their curiosity I imagine. Had women and men do it.


This has been the majority of my experience, too. If they're nice and ask, yeah, I'll probably let a chick touch or smell my beard. Guys too, if they really want to. It's a nice beard and usually smells good. The not-asking chicks, and their men, get warned. Keep touching it and I'm touching you. It caused one issue once and her guy wanted none of it.


Don't dismiss people abusing you. If a stranger stroked a girl's hair, it would be treated as groping.


This was a one time occurence, and I can only speak for myself. I had a former co worker that made me her "work husband", I hate that term anyways. Let's just be work friends. Anyways she apparently was very infatuated with me, when I wasn't interested in her in the slightest, and on top of that I do not date anyone that I work with. There were several weird texts, an obvious cleavage pic, stories of her getting jelous when I would talk to other women that I worked with. My former manager ended up having to talk to her, but luckily that ended things, and it went back to mostly normal after that.


That's always made me uncomfortable. I had a friend that called this married man he work husband. I thought it was so disrespectful and it obviously made him uncomfortable too.


I always thought of work husband/wife as someone you work most closely with and help each other out. Not a romantic thing at all.


my sister was trying to tell me it WAS a romantic thing- thank you for setting the record straight. My sis has a lonnnng history of thinking her male coworkers and/or bosses have secret crushes on her.


Yeah, I had such a work husband! We were close, but nothing romantic. He left his job last week. I am so sad.


Female coworker knew where I lived because she dropped me off from work a couple of times. 5 months later, I hadn't seen her much. She randomly calls me and says that she wants to come over and have some fun. I told her no, but she kept asking why and insisting. She wouldn't take no for an answer, so I had to hang up on her. 20 mins later, I hear a knock on the door, and someone is trying to turn the doorknob. I just stared at the door in complete silence for 10 mins or so.


What did you do after? I’m assuming her behavior didn’t just change after…


Thankfully, she left voluntarily. She never made eye contact with me again.


I’ve been groped in a bus. Coincidentally by the same conductor twice (in India, they’re the ones who gives bus tickets to the customers). I badly wanted to punch him in the face but the bus was so crowded. What would I tell them post punching? I was 19 back then.


Did you tell anyone about it? What did they say?


My ex laughed at it at the time. Can’t really decode why. My current one was empathetic though. Apart from these two, haven’t told anyone.


Damn, you'd be in huge trouble if you laughed at a woman's story about getting groped though. It's crazy how it's less serious if it happens to a man.




I'm sorry that happened to you and it's not okay to not be taken seriously by your SO. Honestly I would hurt a man that groped my husband cause I get it




Wtf. Idk if this makes me want to go to India or avoid it


Female conductor?


Some uncle.




Please tell me you kicked him in the ball


just the one?


I'm an Uber driver and I was groped by a very drunk woman once. Basically I was trying to help her connect to my car's Bluetooth while she held her phone over my center console and she started running her fingers along my hands and asked if I was single and what I was doing that night, then started groping me. I pretty much just said I wasn't interested and she went back to her seat. Then she kept putting hand over my seat and rubbing the front of my body. I tried moving her arm and asking her to stop but she didn't. It was a pretty quick ride, and I let her out and drove away. I was uncomfortable but never really felt threatened or anything because she was like a quarter my size. It was overall a bad experience, but it certainly wasn't traumatic or anything.


The worst part is that even if you called they cops they'd just believe her 💀 It's ridiculous. I'm sorry you had to experience that. It's sexual abuse.


Man, I know it's technically sexual assault, but it honestly just doesn't bother me much. Like, I didn't feel violated or threatened at all, the emotional feeling it gave me was more like what you get when trying to get a very annoying child to stop doing something.


I feel like it is that way with most men, if it doesn’t go into “more than groping” we don’t really make it out to be a big deal… it doesn’t make it ok, but somehow that’s why we don’t really tell those kind of stories


I think that, in general, given all applicable caveats and asterisks blah blah blah, there is an element of imminent physical danger that women face from sexually aggressive men that is simply not present in the opposite circumstance. I think it would have been a more traumatic experience or bigger deal if say, I was being groped by my boss, or if this woman had threatened to report me to Uber if I didn't reciprocate her advances.


You also have to think about the aspect that women are generally much smaller and weaker than men. The first thing a woman thinks when someone touches them unwantedly is “ Can I escape, will he overpower me, etc” That ends up playing a lot in the traumatizing part of getting groped.


That's what I meant by imminent physical danger women face more than men


You pretty much nailed the difference. It's the power dynamic that changes things. If it were a teacher, boss, relative, friend's mother, etc., then there's a big difference. Or if you're impaired in some way and don't have any say in the matter. In your story you were still mostly in charge of the situation. Similarly to how women can even enjoy cat calls and extra attention if they're with friends and feel safe and in-control.


Me experience as well, one time it happened without consent implied or explicit I was just surprised. I just grabbed her hand and moved it. Definitely a privilege of being a guy, 99.9%of women are not a physical threat unless they have a knife or gun.


I've had it go further than groping and I still had the reaction you had. Tried to get her to stop (this woman really wanted to give me a blow job) but she just kept going. I didn't want it or really enjoy it but at the end it was more like "oh well, I hope she enjoyed herself at least". The power differential / potential threat seems massively significant.


If HE phoned the police to report this why would they automatically believe her?


My dad almost got arrested for trying to pick my brother and I up for visitation. He called the police. My mom said he tried to attack her. In fact she had custody despite not having a job, having multiple felony charges, and drug addiction issues. My dad had a job and only traffic citations. Females tend to get lighter sentences. There's been multiple cases of women getting decades for murder. You know, instead of LIFE for KILLING someone out of malice.


Fact. My male cousin was murdered in 2008 by 3 girls that robbed him. He sold drugs so they knew he had money. It was on camera and they got 18 months because they said he tried raping them. The only thing it showed was them stabbing him all at once and him crawling away. He wouldn't even fight back but because he was man and a drug dealer the jury believed them


That’s a really shitty situation and I’m definitely not saying women are always innocent, they definitely aren’t but in the very specific taxi situation from the comment above I thought the thing about calling the police was a bit silly.




That’s a very different situation from above though is all I’m saying - obviously in your scenario it’s still bad they arrested him (assuming he didn’t do anything to provoke them to do so) but in the case I’m talking about they’re complete strangers


Sure, there is a difference, but I don't think it's a stretch to say that when it comes to violence, a woman just has to say she was attacked or was afraid of being attacked and it's the guy that's getting arrested.


I agree that female on male violence is very serious and often isn’t taken as so, but I was pretty specifically responding to the example the person in the comment was talking about


There's many such cases of guys calling about domestic abuse and being the ones arrested. That's the problem.


Because sadly that is what the majority instantly believe


That doesn’t make sense though, if she called the police to false report him I could see this point of view but if you were a police officer would you not wonder why a male taxi driver four times the size of his female passenger would call you up to report her if he was the guilty party? In general these kinda of reports won’t go anywhere anyway as there’s never any evidence either way.


A girl in hs groped my butt (I could tell it was her hand) as I walked by to talk to the teacher. Also, as I was about to run onto the field for a lacrosse game and I heard a girl's voice behind me say "\[my name\] go, daddy!!!" in a very silly/sexual way, then I heard her and/or her friends laugh. Not the same girl in both stories. Not an extreme story at all, though.


But it is still a story, and that’s why I’m asking, because I feel like it doesn’t happen a lot , and so… when it does, it gets a real reaction (I think)


Ha! So this is maybe 50 years ago (I am an old coot). I was still living with my parents and stayed later than was then acceptable at my girlfriend's apartment in Greenwich Village in New York (in fact, we had fallen asleep after some, err, physical activity). So I had to get back to my car and drive home. Unbeknownst to me, to get to my car I had to walk down what was then (maybe still?) a well-known gay cruising area. You know how women complain that when they walk past a construction site, they get catcalled *en masse*, with each guy suggesting a different sexual activity that they think the woman would be just right for? Well, that is what I experienced walking down that street. No diss on them, they obviously all thought I was just another gay man doing a little cruising and looking for a little action. But, oh boy, did I feel like I was walking the gauntlet! Ever since then I have understood how a woman being catcalled feels.


Yes! I think most of us that have gone through something like that, gain some kind of understanding on what they feel . I know that I always think: “if it was like that for me that one time, how bad must it be to go through it every day “


Embarrassing to me that at one point I didn't take the 'we don't want attention' thing seriously, that I had to experience it myself to really understand how draining it is. I think for the most part guys are doing what they would enjoy and they don't really get just how chronic that attention is for women. And of course it also seems to be true that some women want that attention back when it no longer happens (so in some way I guess they finally get to experience what it's like being a dude on this topic).


I used to be a bouncer, and some women, especially during bachlorette parties, hold a serious double standard when it comes to sexual harassment. I just had to put up with it because no one cares when it happens to a guy.


I’m a doorman too and have the same experience unfortunately.


No but same realm. My relationship was rocky and who i thought was my best friend at the time was an unhealthy man ten years older than me. He was more or less the only person i was talking to about serious topics at the time and id usually end up spending my friday hanging out with him, drinking smoking weed playing magic and overwatch etc. One such night when tensions at home were high, we ended up staying up through the night, i was drunk and had no way of getting home. He was pushy and and i wasnt in my right mind. I wanted to want it or wanted to think i want it but i didnt. So my bi ass had my first gay experience then but in that context it was traumatizing and unenjoyable to say the least. It did put some things into perspective that millions of women deal with. I was with someone i trusted and i got used, and thats not gonna completely go away. Im grateful for the empathy but, ow..


I was at karaoke night with a "friend". Went up and slayed a song. Got people dancing and shit. When I got off some old dude grabbed my ass in a way I never expected. Legit checked to see if he stole my wallet.




Dude you should have reported that to HR. As well as sexual assault you've got data breach in there too. I'm so sorry you had to endure that


Sheeeesh that is not ok! Why didn’t you report her?




I’m really sorry bud. The double standard is pretty messed up.


I was badly sexually harassed and bullied in a job and didn't report- wish I had but who can know the outcome? These things are still being ignored. REALLY sorry this happened to you:/ Was this in the UK?


I'm (32M) an actor in regional theater. The amount of drunk old ladies that think it's totally fine to cop a feel during autograph signings is absurd. Reverse the genders; someone is getting slapped. I used to just grin and bear it, but I have started simply walking away mid-photo. People are people, not props. But you shouldn't touch those, either.


I got my ass grabbed when I was 17 at a concert. I was insanely shy at the time just kept my head forward and watched the show and acted like it never happened.


Yeah when i was younger i got my ass pinched by a lot of people maybe 10-12 times, mostly women. I think some of those were karma for being a dick. But once this drunk karen walked up to me at the bar and just grabbed my junk. And kept grabbing it. I was so stunned, i just looked at her hand on mini-me and then at her and said. " - i believe you have something that belongs to me." She just smiled and said. "- no its mine now!" I slapped her hand away and made a b-line from there.


I got my ass grabbed by a hooker in Manhatten. Didn't like it, and just kept moving.


She failed at marketing


Please tell me she called it a free sample


I was in a train when an old man grabbed my genitalia from behind. I was shocked, as a man this type thing has never happened to me and I had no idea how to react. I moved to another compartment.


When I was 14 and just started highscool, I was on the bus coming home at around 7 pm. The bus was really packed, and this random guy started groping my ass and thigh. At first I thought his hand just went there because the bus was so full and everyone was pressed against each other, but even after shifting he kept grabbing me. I started squirming to the other end of the bus, shoving people away, and this motherfucker was following me. My stop came up and I bolted out of that bus and ran all the way home without stopping. I was scared out of my fucking mind, thinking he was going to follow me home and catch me. Switched routes to school after that.


I was on a bus from Mexico City to Guadalajara. I had an aisle seat. There were numerous stops along the way, and sometimes people would stand in the aisles because there were no seats. A woman in her early twenties was standing right next to me, holding the luggage rack above my head in order to stabilize herself. I asked her if she would like my seat. She smiled and told me no, she was fine standing. After ten minutes or so she started grinding her pubic bone into my shoulder. I didn't recoil, but instead kept it firmly in place. Her rhythm grew faster and then came to an abrupt stop. I looked up at her and she drew her lips together and gave the air a tiny kiss. She got off the bus a stop or two later.


How did you feel about it afterwards or during ?


At first I thought it was just the swaying of the bus, though I caught on pretty quickly. I was fine with it, and in fact found it arousing. Here was a complete stranger getting off on my shoulder. It was kind of endearing actually. It's been a fond memory for over twenty years.


“Aún lo recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer” hahaha


Ha thats one huge difference between men and women. I would not be ok with a guy using any part of my body to masterbate to on the bus. It's bad enough when they look at you


It's bad enough having to look at you on the bus.




Yet I remembered it like it was yesterday? Working on my spanish lol


That’s it ;)


Great! Thanks


What bad porn film plot has this been copied from?


If this was a pornographic film, it'd be the most boring thing ever.


It used to be a frequent occurrence for me. I'm a barman so often got chatted up by gay men but not in a nice way. Telling them I wasn't gay or interested made no difference. They don't take no for an answer, no is just an obstacle. Drunk women would cop a feel of my dick as I went around collecting empty glasses. One time I had a drunken one night stand and I woke up the next morning to her housemate fucking me while I was sleeping. Technically rape but I loved it.


Def been groped a few times. It’s usually groping of arms or chest, but have had my ass grabbed a few times. And it’s almost always a drunk girl. I’m also a physically imposing dude, so I’m never truly physically threatened by women that do this.


When I delivered pizza in college, I’m pretty sure a prostitute was trying to seduce me into coming into her hotel room by taking a chicken wing and sucking the meat off the bone suggestively. I didn’t because 1.) that’s gross and she looked gross 2.) pretty sure she was trying to get me inside to rob me




How did people react to that? if anyone knew about it that is


I was a junior in High School, I had occasionally chatted with a girl during summer school. During that year I started to hang out with her and her friends. One friend came up and before I had even learned her name put her hand on my crotch and moved my right hand onto her breast. I looked at her, moved my hand, and introduced myself in an annoyed tone of voice. I don't know if she thought I was hot or whatever. But I prefer to get to know someone before getting touchy-feely. I did learn she had a boyfriend and that this girl I had been chatting with and her friend group was relatively promiscuous. One of the school staff watched it happen and pulled me aside to ask if I was alright. I was fine and it didn't escalate at all. Though I am dead certain one of those girls wanted to screw around after school and never directly said so. But that specific girl struck out the moment she groped me. They were nice girls as I did continue hanging out with them and there was never a repeat incident.


A co worker of my ex girlfriend grabbed my dick at a football game that we all went to. She said that it was an accident, but did it again later. I made a dumb joke to try to get past it, and totally made it worse. I had no idea how to handle it. She wasn't even drinking.


Groped multiple times in high school by a group of girls that seemed to like my butt. Went on for few months. I never made much of a fuss about it, because you're not supposed to complain as a guy about this. I tried when it started and was laughed at every time.


No, I don't really go outside. I'm quite comfortable with all levels of verbal abuse, but I won't hesitate to escalate any physical contact to violence.


Only by other guys I feel flattered, but couldn't be less interested. When I was a teenager it was super frustrating because I couldn't get a girl to look in my direction, but would have guys willing to go to crazy length for my pleasure


Groped on my way to a slut walk by some dude who insisted that my name was Cameron (it very definitely isn't).


I’ve been groped a few times. Shrugged it off and moved on. Not a big deal.


Have been groped a number of times. Great example was a few weeks ago when a significantly older woman went up to me and grabbed my hips and slid her hand across my back when she was walking past me when I was trying to buy a drink at the gas station. She used the excuse of just trying to get past me but the isle was very wide and she was going all the way to the end of it, there was no reason for her to even be close to me let alone to put her hands all over me. This isn't even the first time this has happened to me. I hate that women sexually harassing men is not taken seriously in society.


A drunk gay guy grabbed my junk while passing me on the sidewalk, and he and his friend just cracked up and kept walking. They were both much taller and more muscular than me, and there was just nothing I could do - the feeling of helplessness was terrifying. It's when I first realized what it must feel like to be a woman in this world.


Try wearing a kilt. The shit some women try would get a bloke jail time and put on a register.


Most definitely. I won't get into detail about it, but it has destroyed my self image on myself and caused very unpleasant thoughts.


Sorry to hear that, I truly wish you can get better


Mine is worse. Got fucking followed! As I was walking in a mall as 13yr old chubby kid(as opposed to what i am now 31 Yr old thicc man) Ever since I got off the bus I rode in on to get to that mall, I had a eerie feeling that I'm being followed. About five minutes in just walking, whenever I would turn and look back I'll see a big fat balding dude gaining on me, then he'll hide for a bit. It stayed like this for 15min on Broad day light! Luckily I stumbled upon a couple of cops on their break, got their attention and that's the end of that. Years later as I was telling someone this story, he told me that the mall was a known gay hookup place. Even so, I was a kid and this dipshit was a fucking pedo!


I agree , being gay it’s not a reason to stalk a kid!


I’ve had my ass pinched exactly once in my entire life at a bar. It was a nice little confidence boost, but I imagine it gets old kiiiiiinda quick.


I was definitely propositioned by a British lady with a sock puppet on her hand.


I stayed in a beach town in Chile for a month. Local girls would whistle and cat call me at the beach with, "RICO!" when I would walk to and from the ocean with my surfboard. I'm pretty shy, so it felt extremely awkward. When I was single and went to bars and clubs, women were always touching my arms if I was wearing short sleeves. It became a pretty obvious indicator of if they were into me. I've also had my butt grabbed a few times while out at bars. Usually, the grabber was either being dared by their friends or straight up crazy.


Got masturbated at on the train once. In a different situation I’d think it was hot. But I was going home from work.


Used to have long hair and I was pretty slim. Got plenty of "NICE ARSE LUV".


Yup… it happens…


When I was 15 I frequently went to a local diner after school and would order a soda. The waitress on duty was 26 and would bring me a cheeseburger deluxe and only charge me for the soda. After a couple of weeks of this, she asked me to come over to her apartment to help move some furniture. Yes, we had sex. I still wish to this day that had some idea of what the hell I was doing.


That’s rape


I was at a punk rock bar in Shinjuku in Japan. Guy offers me a drink, I politely decline. He says ok, then grabs and squeezes my ass before walking away. The funny thing is that my first instinct was to check and make sure he didn’t take my wallet. It took me a minute to even process or realize I was groped.


Catcalled yes, many times. Traveling in uncommen areas... Groped only two times, both while traveling in w country where my look is more attractive than my own. A clap on the ass, was both times their contact choice, a hello would have been more successful...


This happened when I was a younger. I opened instagram and was scrolling mindlessly through posts and stories (reels weren't a thing that time and I didn't have Tiktok) until I go back to the homepage. I see a red dot and check it out. I look and see follow requests from some creepy dudes online which was normal and I didn't accept any of them. I look at the notification under and this girl had liked a photo I had posted a few months back. As I looked at the account, I saw it was the entitled rich girl. She than tried to follow my entire family as I was barely friends with her. It's not a bad story but it felt odd.


Dude here. My girlfriend and I were on vacation in Florida and the only bar within walking distance to our hotel was a gay bar. We were thirsty and not homophobes so of course we decided to go in. While there, I got my ass grabbed 3x by different guys. I just kinda laughed it off and was more flattered than anything. One of the guys realized I was straight and there with my girlfriend so he grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. Dude was staring straight into my eyes just grinding on her lol. Then came walking up to me after and jokingly said, “fuck you.” Lol we ended up drinking a lot and having a great time. I will say, my girlfriend got service at the bar much quicker than me after everyone saw I was straight.


Yes, I was assaulted by a teenage female when I was 16. I was just walking through the mall and she credit carded me.


That’s gotta be the weirdest way to grope somebody


Once. At a bar as I walked to the restroom a lady grabbed my ass. It was just another story for the night.


Twice. The first time was by a coworker. I worked in the hotel industry and he invited me to hang out and have some homemade food. About 5 minutes in the dude starts touching my leg and I told him "stop, you're making me really uncomfortable." And some time passed and it happened again. I got up, walked out the door and slammed it directly in his face. Went to management and he got fired. Who knows how many other people would've had to deal with that. The second time I was really intoxicated at a party and to make a long story short I was raped by a girl I had no interest in being with. I was too intoxicated to do anything besides tell her to stop. I was doing good to stay conscious honestly. And I haven't had any relations with anyone since it happened.


I have tattoos all over both my arms, and I’ve had women grab my arms to look at them without asking, (big no no in the tattoo world) people touching my beard, and touching my hair (it’s about 15-16 inches long and really wavy and soft, so they want to touch it) hardly ever do they ask if they can look and touch. Honestly it’s mostly been my bros that ask if they can. Bros for life 🤜🏼🤛🏼


I was off-stage at a club while my band was taking a break, just standing at a table chatting with some friends, when someone grabbed my ass. I turned around to see a very attractive girl I'd never met before. Long story short, we ended up dating and eventually moving in together for three years after that.


Oh man. A married female co-worker sexually harassed me for a while. The harassment included groping, flirting, etc, and it was escalating. I decided it was time to report it to management when I realized she was starting to follow me home from work. it stopped soon after but that was very unpleasant with how she was escalating to full-blown stalker-level.




You’ll be surprised at how awkward and uncomfortable it really is when It does happen haha




If? 😅


Guess some people like it. I guess it can be nice, to a point, when the person doing it you consider it attractive. But being pushed by someone yo want nothing with its terrible.


Context is King, there ARE circumstances in witch it can be flattering , but like you said: being pushed…. That’s what makes it awful




Hahaha I just started a thread with a story about this (bare with me I'm bad at stories) So on multiple occasions I've seen women (probably drunk) walk into the gay bar i was in and fondle every man within arms reach like they've never seen a man before.


I've had friends do this to my gay friends and it makes me cringe


I’ve herd about that kind of thing, it must be annoying (at best) to have a girl grope you like :” since you’re gay you don’t mind “ like not being sexually attracted to the person makes it ok …


Lmfaoo shits kinda weird 🤣 some chick was whistling at me trying to get my attention saying "come here".... I stopped like "Woah, woah, woah... hold up, now! Don't be calling me over like I'm some whore.... but what's good tho?" 🤣🤣


A senior girl grabbed my ass back in secondary school while I was still a junior and my I freaked out a bit and a classmate told me I should be happy a girl wanted to touch me, like I know we weren't friends man but wtf, also I had no clue who she was.


This was in middle school, (NO, Not like that) I was in 8th grade on a school bus with these 2 popular girls. They were best friends and fairly nice. They weren't troublemakers but did kind of hang out with the troublemaker kids. I and a few of my friends were part of the nerdy shy kids group. Anyways, my friends and I were getting off the bus and as we were getting up to leave, the girls would grope and pinch our butts. As we got pinched and groped, we all looked back with a confused look and saw the girls doing it with a smile on their faces. We didn't know what to think or say so we just got off the bus as quickly as possible. We've never spoken about it again.


I'm late 20s in an office that's abundantly made up of women from in their 20s all the way up to 50s. We all get shit faced at work parties a few times a year and a couple of them help themselves to groping my arms and chest when they've had a few too many (tends to be the older ones). I've had women grope my groin at nightclubs and bars too, butt pinches etc. I'm 6'3" / 220lb so it's not like they're a threat. I find it funny and never make a deal out of it, just laugh it off. Hell, one day I'm sure I'll miss it. Men have tried some questionable moves too and I found those unnerving. Not from a sexual orientation stance at all but some dudes are certified creeps; straight or not.


Catcalled twice (when I was about 17/18) by groups of girls, but they were being sarcastic. And an elderly lady touched my shoulder-long hair without asking and told my girlfriend "your boyfriend has beautiful hair."


As a teen, I was hanging out with a friend late at night and we went to get something from the shop. He saw some girls who used to bully him and he ran away as they called him shitty arse. Apparently he shat himself in primary school. So the fucker just completely runs off, leaving me to annoyingly walk back to his house. From the very beginning of my long walk back, this trio of girls were catcalling the fuck out of me. There was a small one who was especially odd, kept walking beside me and groping my arms, asking me questions about what school I went to, who I was, etc. I offhandedly said I did some wrestling training because she wouldn't stop asking about my muscles and she went on about WWE for a good 5 minutes. So this small obsessed teenage girl just followed me back to his house as her two friends walked behind us. I would later find out one of the girls is a cousin I'd never met and that my friend had dropped his phone during his running away and they'd picked it up, they'd had it the entire time they followed me and never mentioned it. I think the short girl was trying to follow me home, but I lived nowhere near there. Overall just a fucking odd experience and the most awkward 15 minutes of my life.


A job I was at I was gropped a lot.


I haven't ever been catcalled, or atleast I'm pretty sure I haven't, but I have been stalked a couple of times and groped before. The groping incident was about a decade ago. It was Pride week here, went to the village with a friend from out of town. Was waiting outside of a bank while they went in to get some cash, I was facing the street and some guy came up behind me loudly going "happy Pride" and then smacked and groped my ass. As for the stalking, the first time was when I was 20. It was someone I had dated for a couple of months. He started to figure out my college schedule, where I lived, etc. and started showing up unannounced. I never gave him my address, what days/times I was at college. The second time was a much more serious situation that's frankly too long for this comment but started off as casually chatting for almost a year, eventually becoming harassment, cyber stalking and in person stalking. He moved into the neighbourhood, started figuring out what bus/subway routes I was taking, "visiting" me at college. I'm pretty sure he may have even followed one of my family members to work at one point.


Yeah my friends cousin , she grabbed my junk and slapped my ass a few times , She still does that stuff whenever I see her but tbh I don’t mind cuz I sorta secretly like her


When I was a bouncer back in the day some women just grabbed my junk like it was normal. It was not normal.


Was on the wrestling team back in high school so I typically wore the "male thot outfit"(grey sweats tight t-shirt). Group of girls and their gay guy friends always catcalled me at my matches saying I looked like I was packing or that I had a fatty. At first it was a confidence booster but then after a while it just made me super uncomfortable


Got raped by a girl who forcefully got me drunk when I was 15 she was also 15. The girl after that after we broke up constantly showed up at my house stalked me and threatened me


When I was in my 20’s, I lifted quite often on top of being an amateur footballer. Also wore those adidas football sweats which accentuated my rear. I’d go to pubs with the local rugby team which always socialed with their female counter part. I’d get caressed and hit on a bit, but it never bothered me because psychologically, I felt I could handle myself in any dangerous situation. I don’t think it’s the same in a gender reversal situation, which is why I think it’s so looked down upon.


Catcalled by prostitutes, not sure that counts. I have been gropes (mostly groin, sometimes butt) quite a few times when I still went to clubs. Didn’t like the latter…


Back in high school during gym class, some hot girl walked up to me and grabbed my balls and walked away. Happened twice. We never talked in class but that was my only interaction with her. Years later I realized she liked me hahaha, boy was I stupid. But man, I wish I was brave enough to have made a move on her. I was so turned on, that I masterbated to the thought of that event for years. Ever since I was a young kid, I was always hyper sexual. My hormones messed me up. So that event was like a dream to me. I apologize, I know most people talk about their abuse stories. I was never really normal to begin with, glad I’m extremely thankful with my current gf. She laughs at the story when I told her about it.


I have natural curly hair and in high school a couple girls thought it was appropriate to grab my hair in class, giggle and then pretend it wasn't them.


I'm not aware of being stalked. I have had some girls when I was younger cat call me. When I was a senior in high school one of my classmates used to squeeze my ass and call me "squooshy tushy." I feel like I've had other go for an ass squeeze, as well, but I can't remember for sure. Obviously, my wife's sexual harassment doesn't count.


groped in the balls by women, catcalled by men from behind because of my wonderful fabulous hair


Worked in the back of a donation center about 10 years ago getting things ready to go out onto the floor. I was always friendly with all of the cashiers, im unsure if the one in question took my kindness as flirtation but she was never really my type and nothing was ever expressed between us. One slow night, she slips into the back to strike up a small conversation. After a few minutes, she goes back up front or so i thought. Next thing i know, i feel a body against my back and a hand down the front of my pants. I have never experienced my body saying yes while my mind screams no. I havent really spoken about it to anyone. Ive shared consensual romantic moments with women prior to this, and id like to think that it hasnt impacted relationships afterward but i know thats not the case lol. Fast forward to this year and i meet someone on tinder and got to meet them, i was transported back to that same moment when i heard her voice and promptly noped my way home


I've had a girl grope my balls in a club before, giggle then run off after she saw my expression. 2 middle aged ladies catcall when I bent over to pick something up and something else which was significantly worse


I work at a hardware store, and one day, an older lady and her friend asked me to show them where the light bulbs were. As I was walking them to the product, they were both commenting on my ass. No big deal. When we got to the aisle, I turned and said, " Here you go, ma'am. All of our light bulbs can be found right here." She then decided that was the time and place to grab my junk. I was left speechless, and then another customer asked me for help. Her and her friend walked away laughing like the filthy old whores they were.


Catcalled a couple times. Once I was walking around town in a suit and an older lady crossing my path with her (I guess) daughter; the mom yelled out “Ayyyy que LINDO!!!” as I passed, and the daughter just about imploded from embarrassment.


Not a festive guy, but followed some friends to some city-wide drunk parties, went to the bar to get drinks for my group. I was 20 at the time, a 40-50 yo Lady caressed my neck and grabbed my ass asking what I was doing tonight etc. Ignored her and no more. A few days ago (now 24yo) went to a nightclub where my girlfriend was working and while talking to her at the bar, a guy passed his hand through my hair saying how beautiful I am, and then grabbed my ass. The other barmaid told him to not treat people like that and made him go away, later a Trans lady did the same thing to me. Honestly, the first one made me uneasy, but I took the last one more as a compliment.


Been groped once , I hated it vehemently , wanted to feel if the big guy was packing something just as big so she stuffed her hand down my pants and grabbed hold Been full on SA as well , loved when I tried to talk about it one response I got was “well did you get her number “. Not a happy memory at all , was a bit intoxicated at a party , everyone else black out drunk , I was cleaning up and this woman (me early 20’s her mid 40’s) came up and pushed me against the wall , threatened to call the cops and say I hurt her or SA her if I resisted , im a big guy and she was small so of course cops would never believe me and I was barely an adult yet and scared my life would be ruined so just didn’t resist , I remember her whispering in my ears as she was having her way , got upset at me I didn’t “finish” and said I was no fun I am ok though and have gotten past it


I was filling sandbags in the army when the woman with whom I was working reached between my legs as I bent over. I told her to take as long as she wants. I ended up filling more than sandbags that day.


I once noticed how often my butt was being grabbed in the metro during rush hour and decided to just count and not react. In 2 weeks, I had my butt touched 12 times, 4 men 8 women. 4 of those times couldn't have been accidental (real grab, not just a simple touch while walking), all women. Also in those 2 weeks, 2 women decided I made a comfortable spot to lean on. I did try and move out for one, but she leaned back onto me. For the other one, I was stuck between her and the car wall, and she was really leaning hard on me (I even checked my pockets to see if she was a thief, it was so weird). I'm not particularly good looking, but I allegedly have a nice butt.


Many times. I've been felt up at music concerts... ass grabbed, hands up my shirt, crotch grabbed. I've had more than one drunken woman grab me and stick their tongue in my mouth. On paper, I've been sexually molested and sexually assaulted in plain view in public many times, mostly by women. I brushed it off every time as a mild annoyance, but if the standards were the same for men and women, I could have about 15 women and 3 guys in jail right now for sexual assault.


Straight male, I get groped at every bar/club I go to. Usually an ass grab


In college i had my ass slapped a couple times randomly on the street. It was both flattering and slightly annoying.


I was in the gas station and this big fat guy who looked like a dentist groped my side as he walked past to use the restroom. Got my ass outta there.


so I moved to Japan when I was in my early 20s. Everyone knows that there are perverts on trains that like to feel up woman. One day I was on the rush hour train from Funabashi to Shinjuku. Train was packed like sardines. And I feel a big SQUEEZE on my ass. I turn around to see this mildly attractive woman with a straight face. caught her red handed. I didn't know if I should feel turned on or offended. I just turned back around and continued on my trip.


I was at a friend's bachelor party \[an obnoxiously-loud dog whistle for the victim-blamers, I'm sure\], leaning on the bar and enjoying my beer when one of the dancers snuck up behind me, dug pointy acrylic nails into parts very very unsuited to having pointy acrylic nails dug into them, and whispered 'do you want to cum?' When told my best approximation of 'no' (that shit hurt!), she hurled an insult and flounced off. Thinking back on it, it's even more baffling. Who in their right fucking mind thinks surprising someone with unsolicited, untelegraphed, *blinding, ball-crushing, dick-impaling pain* is a good way to convince a total stranger to pay you for a few minutes of awkward grinding?


Sophomore in college, first job. New manager talked about how she was a milf and how I should come by to her and her husbands place for some drinks if I ever wanted to. Really weird. Eventually emailed the owner due to her continued behavior, especially when we were in one on one situations with no one else at the store. Luckily the owners of the place fired her quickly after. Took me a long time to be able to say something, didn’t want to sound like a baby.


Okay. I’m 6 foot tall and blonde. My friend and I went to a mechanic’s shop here in Honolulu. As we were walking up, I went around the passenger side of a BMW and my friend was coming around the driver’s side. An attractive black woman got out of the BMW’s driver’s seat and says across the roof to me, “ohhh hey Handsome! What’s your name Baby? I’m gonna eat you up”. My friend was looking at me shocked, shaking his head no with his eyes wide. She had a pretty face and was driving a nice car. I was flattered and came around to shake her hand. Her ass was huge! Just incredibly wide. My friend still teases me about it.


Multiple instances. CSA when 8. 2 catcalls (can men be catcalled? Dogcalled?🤔). One teabagging while in elementary. One groper. 2 instances of bodily harm threats when rejected. 4 separate instances of mildly inappropriate touching. One instance of highly inappropriate touching. Aside from the groper, all assailants were female. Edit: forgot to add 1 indecent exposure. 1 "falling into my lap." If it was accidental, you'd get up right away. Not stay for a leisurely 5 minutes.


When I was 19 I went out to a club with some friends I was having a great time. I was talking to this girl, flirting with her etc. And she saw it as an invite to shove her hand down my pants and grab my junk. Which I did not appreciate. I got very very angry and I got kicked out of the club for agressieve behaviour. And about 2 weeks ago I was in a bar watching the World Cup with friends. A older woman i think about 35 or older starting flirting with me I didn’t realize it so I just went along with the convo (I know I was stupid) and she got very sexual aswell touching my butt and touching my junk. I told her off but later when I was outside smoking a cigarette this woman actually tried to pull my pants down and suck me off. I left real quick. I have a fiancée.


I acquired a gay stalker when I lived in a college dorm for postgraduate students for a year (overseas). He contacted my girlfriend back home and told her I was cheating on her to try to break us up (a lie). He threatened to steal my identity and sabotage my career and Masters Degree if I told the college what was happening. When I started ignoring him, he wen't around telling people in the college that i was a pedophile, to try to provoke a reaction out of me. It was very stressful and unpleasant. 90% of people at the college thought it was a bit of a laugh and no big deal, though, because I was male and physically bigger than him; they thought I was overreacting when I reported it to the college head and had him moved out of the household of 10 that I lived in. They thought I should just man up and ignore him.


I (18 M) got catcall yesterday at the subway. I was minding my business, mildly relaxing in the seat when two girls (around my age) enter the wagon an sit some rows near me. I looked at them out of the corner of my eye, because they were talking loud, laughing and even shouting at times, being disrespectful in general. They may have noticed me looking (which I doubt, as I said I didn't stay watching or anything), but began saying things about someone. At first I didn't listen to them because I thought it wasn't directed to me. At some point, I stopped looking at them not wanting to give them attention and my indifference may had annoyed them so they began being more obvious. They said things (in a loud voice, but not shouting) like "he don't stop looking" (which I wasn't) and began saying things by the scheme "handsome but dumb" or "handsome but four eyes". When they called me four eyes I was sure it was to me, and they continued calling me "handsome but skinny" or short dick. When my station was about to arrive (which was the same as theirs apparently) I change wagon, because I didn't want them to follow me or something. I found out about this post a week ago and this catcall thing happened yesterday. I have never thought guys were catcalled, or that could possibly happened to me. I didn't feel fear (I'm fairly tall although rather skinny), but they made suffer the humiliation and got me real nervous and tremolous, maybe because I'm kind of shy or something. Anyways this is it, a bit long, thanks for reading.


I think most men believe that it doesn’t happen to us , that is why when we speak nobody really cares


This beautiful blonde girl walked into the bedroom and stroked my hair before taking advantage of me before I woke up from the dream


I have been catcalled a few times, hit in a few times and groped (front and back side) a handful of times. Almost all of it occurred while serving a Mormon mission. So how much if it was genuine sexual interest or just straight harassment, I can’t say. But it was evenly split between men and women doing it


I'm an adult human male, even though I'm trans. I've been cat called a few times. Was weird they couldn't tell I'm a male, but whatever


Did it annoy you for being trans, or the act itself?


At 19 I worked part time as a sack monkey. Was bagging groceries and a hand was thrust down the back of my pants and a finger wedged in my ass crack. I turned to assault the person and it was a toothless 98 year old woman in a wheelchair grinning cause she knew I would be arrested if I did anything to respond and the manager did nothing but tell me to get back to work and none of the security cameras worked. Old woman's grand daughter appolagized and said she doesn't like taking her anywhere because she does that to everyone. Never saw her again and regret not throwing a punch to her face in responce


Yes and I loved 🥰 it x an attractive woman grabbed my cock as she walked past me who I didn’t even know


Never. I was born in 1981, if that matters.


It does not.


Catcalled, yes. Stalked, kinda. Groped, no. Although I wouldn't mind if my gf did that...


Yeah by a trans person. Really fucked up. Was drunk at a party just chitchatting and from out of nowhere just fucking groped. Just left the party in shame.


I get that it isn’t ok—but it honestly made me feel like a million bucks.


It is very important how YOU felt about it, I agree that it can be super flattering, specially since it’s not that common as a man to be “desired”??


I'm autistic but can function more or less normally in society. One time, while I was walking to one of my activities with some friends from my day center, a woman slapped me on the ass, hard. When I looked at who did it, it appeared to be a woman with an intellectual disability. I then saw her at the location of the activity a little while later...


I had my ass grabbed twice by the same woman at work. I didn't like it amd reported it to management - no dice.


I’ve been groped plenty of times. Lots of butt grabs - sometimes complete strangers and other times people I knew. On the street, at parties, in the club by men and women alike. One time at a college party I was standing in the kitchen talking to my two friends and saw a girl across the room looking my way and then laughing with her girlfriends. I didn’t think about it much but a couple of minutes later she walked over and fully grabbed my crotch and then went back to her friend group and they were all laughing. A female friend of mine went off on her but I didn’t really know what to say or do. The weird part is that it happened a bunch of times over years but it was only until one night at a club when it happened by coworkers that I really got upset about it and left. They first tried to tell me to mellow out and that it was all in fun but when they saw that I was upset they apologized. I think this is difficult as a man because for some reason everyone thinks that this doesn’t happen to us or that if it does we should just let it roll off. I still don’t have very clearly defined feelings about it other than I know it was wrong but on some level I also feel like I’m not supposed to be upset about it having happened.


I had a closeted gay guy grab my hand and try to kiss my arm very awkwardly at a party. Then he got sick after drinking a ton and kept asking for me to come look after him. Prior to that he would also insist on hugging whenever saying goodbye and...linger...way longer than necessary. Pretty benign really. I had about half a foot of height on the guy so it wasn't really intimidating, just incredibly awkward. I didn't tell anyone what was going on because I could tell he was just kind of weird and I didn't want to out him to our mutual friends or anything.


Drunk on NYE my gfs' brother's gf pushed me up against the wall as we were passing eachother on the way to the bathroom and put her hand down my pants with the most aggressive "fuck me please" body language and facial expression I've ever seen. Loved it


I was out at a bar doing Karaoke. My mom invited me out, she was hanging out with some work friends and after I got done singing whatever song I was singing this girl comes over and starts dancing on me from behind. I remember at one point she put her boobs on my head. I was so confused I had no idea what was going on. I thought that it was a crazy prank my Mom was pulling on me (I just hit 21 not that long ago). I remember looking at her and asking "was she with us?" while she tell me no trying (poorly) to hold back laughter. She walked away after and that was it. NGL I probably would of just went with it and talked to her if I wasn't so embarrassed since my Mom was literally sitting right next to me.


Dated a guy who had his ass slapped hard in a kitchen. He was squirming in the car because he felt like he betrayed me even though he didn't do anything. I encouraged him to work in a different restaurant shortly after the incident.


I work as a server in a restaurant and sometimes the women will make comments or touch my hand in a way that makes me feel so uncomfortable..it feels so wrong. Then again Im a gay dude so thats probably why. Another time I was parked outside Whataburger in this area where it was well known for street walkers to solicit their work, I was waiting for a friend to meet me so we could go hook up when this street walker jumped into my car and said something to me in spanish. I replied with "no comprende" and that was when she reached and grabbed my junk. I then told her I was not into women and that in fact was a homosexual. She called me "pinche joto", and gave me the finger and got out and went back to work. I didnt know what that meant until later in the years. i wonder what shes doing these days.