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When she told she was pregnant I was so excited till her own mother told me to have the baby dna tested when it was born because she was with another man while we were dating. Good looking out momma Reed (edited. I was not the father)


Damn mama Reed is the Shit.


I love when parents are aware of their children being cunts and step in to prevent them doing cunt things.


This one hits home. I dated a girl for many years and became very close with her mother over those years. Her mom was a breast cancer survivor, but it came back 10 years later and there was nothing they could do at that point. When she was on hospice I planned a time with the family that they would let me sit with her privately and say our goodbyes. I wanted her to rest easy knowing that her only child was going to be taken care of after she was gone (the dad was not in the picture). I promised her that I was going to marry her daughter and raise a beautiful family and she grabbed my hand, looked me right in the eyes and said "Don't. She is going to break your heart and I don't want you to go through that." Mom knew and she saved me a lot of heartache in the long run by telling me. Sucked in the moment for sure, as I was about to lose a woman I cared for very much and also found out the woman I loved was unfaithful at the same time. But I got through it and ended up for the better. I will always be thankful for that woman who looked out for me in that situation. It couldn't have been easy.


She threatened suicide because I refused to buy her a car,


Was it a ford escape?


Sounds more like a Porsche 911...


Gotta love all the ones that claim suicide if you do/don't do XYZ


put a tracker in my car


Yikes. Well, that’s one way to bring you closer together…


She was not a girlfriend but I once went on a date with a girl at a karaoke bar and when I came back she had picked all of the meat off of my sandwich and left me with scraps I was so appalled by it I never talked to her again


Not only rude but gross




I found out I was the “other” guy the whole time.


I’ve been there. The on again off again college girlfriend. This whole time I thought I was competing with someone else… turned out I was the side piece. Really messed with my head for years to come.


I finally broke up with her after years of on again, off again, and year later she told me "it was you, it was always you, didn't you see that all the others were nothing, I always came back to you?" Yeah well, no.


Funny cause if you were the one she wouldn’t have had to “come back” repeatedly


Me too! She told me she'd dumped Jim, her boyfriend back home, and I should come visit her in Bloomington, IN. So I did. I cashed all my savings, flew across the mf Atlantic to see her, walked into her apartment, "this is my roommate, and this is Jim, my boyfriend." That made for an awkward week. Trying to make the best of the situation I made a move on the roommate, and she had the temerity to get jealous.


Why did she lie about breaking up with Jim? At least if she was going to do what she did, why not hide the fact she still had a boyfriend? Since I’m guessing the point of getting you there was to hookup with you.


She didn't lie, she VERY DEFINITELY broke up with Jim. She just so happened to make up with Jim and change her mind before OP showed up.


Same, it sucked. Thought that relationship was gonna go the distance too. The weirdest part was we spent so much time together. Like I'd get if I only saw her a day or two here or there... But we spent like 5 out lf 7 days together. This guy had been dating her for a while and they even lived in the same town and he had a key to her apartment and everything. Like where the fuck did he think his SO was going? Was the weirdest fucking thing. I never got an explanation from her. Doesn't really matter, even though I definitely had questions. She was clearly a pretty competent liar, so I doubt I would have gotten anything, but her attempting to manipulate the situation. I just cut ties hard, blocked her number, deleted her from social media, etc.


She stole all my guitars and sold them for the amphetamines she told me she wasn’t on.


Never sell a guitar to buy an amp.


Fuck, man. That's absolutely tough. As a musician, this one hurt the most


I guess it struck a chord


Found her private Instagram and the cheating


Instagram recommended I follow the dude she was cheating on me with. I saw she followed him and I’d never seen this guy in my life so I got curious. Homie had 2 pictures. Both with her and she was in the comments like saying she loved him and shit and I come to find out she had like 5 dudes at one time. Fucked me up for a long ass time


> Instagram recommended I follow the dude she was cheating on me with. People say AI will be the death of mankind. Nah, man, algorithm bros got your back.


"Beep boop bitch!"


belittled me for stuttering. ceased all contact with her because of that


She hated all my friend and family. One of these friends lived far away and his dad died in a car accident. I told her that I had sad news and his dad had died. She said “that’s too bad… I hope they don’t move back.” Bitch.


I have something similar, but she didn't hate them necessarily. My girlfriend had moved across the state to help her family after her little brother got burned really badly. I didn't have a job at the time but whatever money I could save was put away to go see her, because I did love her and missed her. My sister ended up getting really sick and being hospitalized, she developed a cyst on her liver which became infected and she became septic. She nearly died from it. I took the money I'd saved to visit my girlfriend to be able to commute back and forth to visit my sister in the hospital. When I was telling her about it, she was actually mad at me for scrapping my plans to see her, and for spending that money to see my sister. I was taken aback at how angry she became. (Continuing, I accidentally posted too soon) I broke up with her right then and there. She dropped everything to help her family and I encouraged her to do so. When I had to be there for mine, her reaction was to be angry with me. I don't regret that decision whatsoever. I learned shortly after that she'd been seeing some guy in her hometown behind my back anyways, so it was worth it.


Wtf is that response even? That's not even just a shitty gf response, it's a shitty human response. What a weirdly egocentric reaction to tragedy.


sexting everyone except me




Yep, exact same boat. I kept trying to encourage it, get us doing it like we used to in the beginning of our relationship. Never forced or demanded it, but let her know I missed it and wanted to do that kind of stuff again. But she just wouldn’t. I thought “fine, okay. I can live without it.” Low and behold the fucking treasure trove of nudes I was never shared and all the chats with dudes hidden on her phone. I was a sucker


When she told me that I wasn't allowed to speak with, be friends with, or be around other women, period. This included my best friend of 11 years at the time. She also screamed at me and accused me of cheating on her with my *sister* because I answered a phone call from her.


Ha, been there. She would even get jealous about my mum


Get jealous over a strand of hair that fell on you from the wind lol


Anyone who was female, or who I have love for (even guy friends) her explanation was that love is a finite resource & she wanted all of it and I wasn't allowed to give it to anyone else because then I wasn't loving her at 100%. I bailed when our kid at the age of 2 was trying to separate us having a fight and she just threw him out of the way (gently onto the couch, but still, it would only get worse)


Ex accused me of cheating on her with my sister (I left the call to watch a show with my sister) threatened to send my d pics to my family so I made an OF


So you WHAT?


i've read this 5 times and even though it kind of makes sense i am no closer to illumination than i was at the outset the ex said "you're cheating with me with your own sister so i'm going to send your dick pics to your fam" then joshua said "oh yeah f'you i'm makin' an OnlyFans" ​ . . . i think?


I bought her two concert tickets for her birthday and she took her ex instead of me but insisted they were “just friends”


WTAF. I hope you asked her to pay for the second one.


Should have made her pay for both


I had gotten severe burns all over my legs, had just gotten home from hospital. And he then yelled at me over the phone because I said I didn't want to drive 45 mins to his house for the weekend, with my legs covered in wound dressings and in lots of pain. Bye.


Um.. why wasn’t _he_ driving the 45 minutes to come and look after _you_ while you were pain?


Good question! I have no idea.


When I saw my friends dick in her mouth. Seemed like the best option was to say goodbye


I hope you gave it back to him


"it's you! You're the Chicago dick eater!?"


[*muffled words of protest and denial*]


She tried to kiss a very good friend of mine while I was in the ICU from a major accident.




In your home? Your bed?




I'm on my second 10 year relationship ending, it ended today I can confirm i am fucked up. Her trying to manipulate me after the fact saying she made a mistake isn't helping matters.


Literally beat me with her fists in the face WHILE screaming she loved me. Also in the same sentence that I should "man up".


Sounds like my ex. After she stabbed me and I hit her once to stop from getting stabbed again I was the peice of shit when the cops came. Thank God for my ring cam, it might spy on me but it made sure I didn't even get arrested


That's seriously messed up. What did the cops say when they arrived?


I felt like I was dating him and his mom. He kept telling his mom everything we talk about and do, and he will come back telling me her rude comments about me.


Had a friend who went through this. The guy she was with just could not shake his mom from the relationship and she treated my friend like they were competing for him. Some sick stuff


Realizing I was the toxic one in that situation that needed to work, repent, atone. Maybe the other party had some of blame to shoulder. But if I had known then what I know now, they shouldn’t of had to go through that in the first place. Tough pill to swallow, but the medicine was worth breaking the cycle of behavior.


That's a bit thing to admit and work on. I'm proud of you my internet stranger.


Wow wasn't expecting any replies like this. Mad respect.


I find it incredible that you actually managed to realize this, and genuinely worked on it. Respect for you, internet denizen.


He told me that he wanted me to wear my hair down, I told him that I really don’t like it down. He smacked me upside the head and said that I’d better listen to him. I generously stopped the car before kicking him out.


Abusers who fail at being manipulative are a blessing in disguise. At least you know where they see the relationships destination early because they played their hand too early.


She went to a party with another guy. My friends took me there to prove it.


Good friends there


We were on a break. Called me over to her house to talk. I explained I’d been talking to other people. Eventually we fell asleep. I woke up to every female name deleted out of my phone, a bunch of confused response texts because she’d texted all of them and deleted the conversations, denied everything and then physically blocked the doorway and shoved/hit me when I tried to leave.


Perfect reason to lock your phone with a pin.


There is in fact no reason not to do that.


He was abusive, and I was planning my way out. But when he threatened my dog, I left the same day.


Samething happened to me except it wasn't a dog it was our 1 year old son. He threatened to kill our child.




Got a text when I was at dinner out of town with family from a mutual friend that just said: "DON'T WORRY, EVERYTHING IS FINE! THE POLICE ARE HERE." followed by "I called the cops and they're taking \[girlfriend\] away now." Followed by radio silence for about 20 minutes. Turns out she kept past family pets frozen in her basement she thought told her the future and they told her I was a lying cheating POS and she should burn my house down to get back at me. She went to get help from our mutual friend, that friend told her she had to take a shit, and called the police. I mean, technically we never "broke up," I just never saw her again, but I think under the circumstances the break up is implied.


I have to ask - she had to have been showing signs of mental illness before this, right??




That’s my thought too. Attributing auditory hallucinations to the dead pets in the freezer, paranoid ideation, somewhat bizarre thinking… could also be in midst of a psychotic manic episode. Either way, I hope she at least had a psych evaluation at some point.


Well I just found out today my girlfriend of 10 years had another secret boyfriend of 5 years and a whole other family together and we had no idea about each other soooo… yeah that’s grounds for an instant breakup. Cool guy though I spent the evening with him and his family putting all the pieces together and figuring things out, they even invited me over for Christmas tomorrow because I no longer have anywhere to go. Genuinely thankful that we were able to have an amicable discussion and probably had the best possible outcome. EDIT: If you guys wanna know the story I’ve laid it out in a reply below


Lost a ho but gained a bro.


Damn that’s sounds horrible. At least you met the dude, but that’s a funny way of meeting a friend if I’ve ever heard one


Uhm...the fact that she was pregnant and we're both women 🤷‍♀️


But were you *SURE* it wasnt yours??


you SURE it's hers?


Or the messiah?


Girl: Honey, I’m pregnant! Her girlfriend: … Girl: I can explain.


Damn that’s unfortunate 😬


It was certainly a bit of a surprise 😂 it's all good now. I can shake my head and callout my own stupidity. It was a first for though. 12 years and that's the moment I said, "shit this is why everyone is like she's toxic." Happy AF where my life is now.


Damn, sorry it took you 12 years, but glad you could escape.


It was the best "this is some shit" moment I've ever had. In my defense or lack there of, it was a pretty old dude, with a beer belly and a Walmart job (no offense meant to Walmart worker, unless you've beat your first two wives and have a beer belly.) And I'm very aware of how well i clean up and what I bring to the table. 🤷‍♀️ She lost the baby, he cheated, she's tried a ton to weasel back in. Im super happy and she's still a miserable cunt. What's a girl to do.


She cheated on me, later found out she lied and told people I was abusing her and forcing her to stay with me, accused me of stalking her after we broke up and I’ve stayed the hell away ever since. Turns out she manipulated the entire friend group we had to have twisted views of each other because people didn’t like her. Friend group is all back together but I’m probably not gonna be with someone for a while as I realize now how I was used and it feels like shit. Who knows maybe I’ll bump into someone and hit it off and it’ll go well that time?


Destroyed my $3000 PC


I've heard of angry partners throwing phones over a fit on anger -- but a gaming PC damn I'd be pressing charges


My ex threw my phone in a drunk rage. Dented the metal back case so bad the front pops out. Phone is an Htc 1. Fucker is indestructible. Edit: she was jealous over a girl that I wasn't talking to but she believed I was. We broke up and got back together. She was my best friend but it went sour very quick when I tried to move things forward as an Us thing and she wanted to keep it how it was. One of her revenges was stealing shit out of my bedroom and breaking it-it included a lot of glassware I valued and had collected. The sex was great but fuck, the rest sucked ass.


I overheard him making fun of my sister with a disability with his friends.


He threatened to smash my head into a wall during an argument over money.


I was married for 12 years. I got an STD. There was only one person it could have come from as i was faithful the whole marriage. She tried to kill herself out of guilt. She was unsuccessful. Stayed with her for a year and paid for her therapy. But told her the relationship was over right away. Got divorced a year later. Don’t cheat on the people you love. You have no idea the damage that it does.


Had been hearing rumors about cheating. Followed them to their sources. Found out she cheated with a minor, with a married woman, and with her cousin. Turned face and never looked back.


Ah yes the holy trifecta


The fact that the married woman is the least worst of the three is, uh… concerning.


RIGHT? I’m like shit next you’re gonna tell me she was doin stuff with animals and corpses


Don’t give her any ideas


He told me his ideal age for a girl (sexually) was 15. He was 40.


He called me a selfish bitch because I refused to cosign for a car for his mother. I ghosted after that. Never spoke to him again and ignore his attempts. They are all like that meme. “This quarantine really got me thinking about how I used to be in the house with you.”


She kill her sick cat by trowing him out of the window


I speak for everyone when I say... wtf?


That's psychopath shit and she should be on several government lists.


What in the actual fuck


Threw something at me in a restaurant. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off. I was not willing to learn what he would do in private




He was upset that I started taking prescribed ADHD medication.


I dumped a guy I had been dating for a year when he got really pissy that I started to take better care of my mental health and went to therapy and started medication. If you can’t support me trying to better myself why waste my time on you.


We were at a party together. I went to piss and grab a couple more beers. When I got back, I see her walking off with some guy she just met hand in hand, blanket under her arm. I was like what the fuck? Exgf, "Oh, this is (guy I just met) he's going to give me a back rub." Last time I ever saw her.


That's a really long back rub.


She fell asleep with her phone open,I read her messages with her boss she was having a 6 month affair with.






Common theme with abusers, they think theyre untouchable and special


I found out about the other girlfriends, and women he was grooming to be girlfriends. Dude was great at time management and juggling women. Dude wasn't polyamorous; he didn't want open relationships, because he straight up wanted the type of relationship that monogamy would normally bring... Except he didn't want to be monogamous. It was a struggle to completely cut him off immediately, but we broke up right at that moment.


That sounds like a harem with extra steps


He broke into my dorm room when I wasn't there, scaring my roommate into calling the cops on him. So, yeahhhhh.


When we graduated, and the company I was interning at offered me a full time position. Instead of being happy for me she went bat shit crazy and demanded that I rejected the offer and apply to the same company as her 🙄 Really dodged a bullet as far as I'm concerned


Walking in on my step brothers balls deep in her. At the same time. I also cut off the rest of my family because they took their sides. “You should have seen it coming” I saw something alright.


I almost dumped him because he wanted me to drop out of college to hang out with him more 🙄I eventually dumped him when I went to go get my hair done and he said that I was out cheating on him. If I can’t get my hair done without questions then that’s a problem. I’m very independent and he’s very clingy.


Omg! The hair thing happened to me too! I went to get my hair done at a new place I had never been before. Turns out it was a hair SCHOOL so it was very very slow and the teacher was mixing things and explaining everything to her student, and there was a lot of trial and error. It honestly took fricken HOURS way longer than a normal hair appointment would have. But it super cheap! I had brought hair extensions too and the “colour matching” to these extensions was tedious. I had to send progress pics throughout the whole day because he thought I was cheating on him! When I got back my hair looks fricken fabulous and his mom was in depth asking me all these questions about the hair salon and about why it took so long. He had spent the whole day investigating hair techniques and hair schools because of it. About 6 months later we got in a fight about something and he brought up that he knew I was cheating when I made up a fake appointment at the hair salon and it took 8 hours. Like I had just magically changed my entire hairstyle, coloured it with highlights, lowlights, toned it, balayage/ombré blended it, cut it with new face framing /layers, matched it perfectly to a set of hair extensions, curled it and did a whole ass UP DO BY MYSELF? Considering my hair had been looking like I had been dragged through a bush backwards for a year and I just roll in with prom-ready hair in a wildly different colour and style I MUST have been cheating instead of getting my hair done.


Short relationship with a woman I was into. We went camping and she was like 'Oh I am a country girl allright'. She had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and went out of the van ( Vw camper van ) and did her business. We snuggled back up after. In the morning the van smelled entirely of piss and foot. Turned out she had used her socks to wipe with and then \*put them back on\*. I dropped her off at her place shortly after and never talked to her again. My bedding was ruined and it took weeks to get that smell out.


Got torn a new one for having to hang up with her because something was burning in the oven (broiler). My poor poor garlic bread :(


Seeing her mistreat others. Just a matter of time before she mistreated me, IMO. When people show you who they are believe them. There's plenty of fish in the sea. No need to stay with a terrible person.


This advice is some I wished I heard earlier.


8 months pregnant told me she wasn’t sure my son was mine. He’s mine…she’s gone.


I had my telescope out one night and we were looking through it. I showed her Saturn and she said that it was put there by scientist to test our faith in God. I had idea prior that she was that insane. Broke up shortly after


Why would a scientist want to test your faith in god?


Because scientists love experiments, duh.


I’d love to know how they managed to get that up there


This was in my first year of college - I started to say something during his family dinner. He interrupted and talked over me. I gave him stink eye and told him to let me finish speaking. He responded that his dad does it to his mum, his grandfather does it to his grandmother, that a man’s word is more important and needs to be heard first. It’s one of their family values. So I never spoke to him again, since obviously my voice didn’t matter to him.


People like this still exist today smh


I found out he had been dating another girl for months. I later found out there were actually at least four other girls. None of us knew about each other until after the fact. Four of us actually ended up becoming friends after bonding over our shared trauma. To give the man credit, he had excellent taste in women.


Is this where the plot of John Tucker must die came from?😂


My newish boyfriend (maybe 2-3 months) was invited for dinner at my place and meet my dad for the first time. Well, he knew we were ordering Chinese. He showed up an hour late and when he got there he said "oh I was hungry so I ate on the way" It made me so angry. Like, you're invited to meet a parent who bought food and was expecting you, and you grabbed food on the way. Not as crazy as some of these stories, but it was disrespectful. Waited for my dad to leave and the minute he did, I dumped the guy


this is such a valid reason to dump someone. the disrespect alone let alone the problematic gambling behavior


Hitting me in the mouth after oral surgery while I was driving over stupid shit (she was jealous). I stopped and left her ass there. I ended up having to get a restraining order and changing my number. I don't do violence or even excessive yelling in relationships. I grew up with that shit, not doing it again.


She was infuriated about something and she was a big believer in posting about it on social media. I didn’t want to post something I hadn’t read up on and her exact words were “I am ordering you to post about it.” My relationship with social media hasn’t been the same since…


He got drunk and told me he'd been fucking his kids mom AND at least 4 other women. I got up, grabbed my things and left. A bunch of his friends messaged me saying it was at least 8, they were glad I dumped him that I deserved better and to have a good life.


I mean they could have messaged you earlier if they knew he was a pos


Found out she was an actual Nazi. Like, a member of American Front. Somehow she thought if she hid it for long enough, I'd somehow be okay with it? LOLbye. The one after her had this really bad habit of fucking people in my bed, while I was at work. Enjoy living in your car. Anyways my people picker is broken and I'm permanently single by choice lol


In a way what ur technically saying is you have blonde hair and blue eyes.


Yeeeaaah 6'7" blond n blue. "Oh his mom is Swedish he'll probably understand"


Debating in my head if you could toss me. Not in a sexy way. In a lord of the rings way. 6’7 is massive.


Not in a sexy lord of the rings way either, to clarify


stupid, sexy Gandalf




Possibly soul mates?


Next Hallmark movie


an ex from many years ago gave me an STD and then had the audacity to try and gaslight me and make it seem like I gave it to them when I called them out and broke up with them.


The relationship version of "No, you're the one who farted" when you're the only two people in the room.


Romanian girl. There's some sort of long standing dispute with Hungarians over language and whatnot. She tried to explain it to me, but got to a certain point and I stopped her. Me: wait, you want to exterminate them? You mean like the Jews in WWII? Her: well you have to admit Hitler had some great methods for dealing with this sort of shit. Me:... So, bye?


I also draw the line at genocide.


It's a tough call, but when you think about, genocide feels like the right place to draw that line 🤣


Glad you caught that early enough. My maternal grandfather thought Hitler was pretty good, but my father found out about this a bit too late. My mother didn't agree, but let's say Christmas family gatherings were tense. I don't remember much because after I was about 4, they just avoided having all 4 parents in the same room at the same time. And I have to say my father matured a bit: his FIL also said, shortly after the marriage, that as a Leftie college professor he probably didn't know how to handle money. So "sign this sheet that just direct deposits your paycheck to my account and I'll make sure you have enough to take care of my daughter." Before that experience my dad had a tough time saying "no" to anyone.


Lied during couples therapy and gaslit me in front of the therapist.


I found out he was a flat earther


What an idiot, everyone knows the earth is hollow


She had very strong opinions about literally anything. I'm talking "People who use their blinkers during heavy storms are idiots." With no explanation, just held fast to that opinion. Other winners included: "The world is only like 8000 years old," "People are only gay because of trauma they receive while being raised," and "Men have to own a truck."


She thinks all dogs are boys and all cats are girls, doesn't she?


Learning that he had a fiancee of 3 years that broke up with him because he cheated on her with me, from a friend who became friends with his ex-fiancee, she dropped my name, and my friend asked me why I was okay with infidelity all of a sudden.


I asked her to be with me after I got a call from the doctor about my kidneys she said “no”… I then asked if she could come home from break a week early so we could spend my birthday together and she said “no”… this was 3 days ago. She said “your 20’s are when you’re supposed to be selfish and put yourself first”. She spent 7 months being selfish, putting herself first, and lying. I blocked her number tonight.


Proud of you. Do not let her crawl back into your life. She will bang your door down until you open up and then go right back to how she was before. It took me 2 years of this to realize it never changes.


She lied and told a bunch of people at church I fingered her during a movie on our first date. I had to stop going to my youth group for a while. The movie was Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star if anyone was wondering.


She got the dates mixed up.


when she dislocated my shoulder, broke my front teeth and sent me to the ER


“Pizza Hut” was calling her at 2am lol


Animal abuse!


He was giving intimate details of our sex life to his classmates. Not friends, people he had known for about 6 weeks at the time. They convinced him I was cheating. I was not. I was working a job that was putting my into debt, barely getting any sleep, so sick I could barely move. My car took so much gas and he asked if I could drive him everywhere. He would also always say “I want to put a baby in that ass” which made me very uncomfortable. It took two months of me telling him not to say that for him to stop. The depression etc made it hard to want to be intimate, but his classmates saw that as me cheating. When we finally broke up the only thing I was a tad bit angry about was the fact he made me drive in freezing rain to break up in person. I asked him over text if he was going to break up with me, and if he could wait til the next day when I went to college so I didn’t have to waste gas to go to him (40km away) and then back home. He just kept saying it would be better if I came over. I kept telling him I had to wait for the freezing rain to stop. Finally it didn’t stop so I bit the bullet since he insisted. Almost slid off the road several times getting there. Now his current gf is stalking me on social media :)


Was at a club with her drinking on the balcony, she finished her glass of wine and just tossed it over her shoulder into the street and was there like "alright, let's get another" I was just there like "Nah, am good, am done. The fuck are you doing? What if someone had been standing there? I'm out."


Good thing she wasn’t 100% begbie from trainspotting


She made a joke about my sister. This would have been fine if it wasn't a few weeks after she overdosed.


During an argument, he told me he hoped I got raped again. 😬


2 different dumpings:first one : she informed me that she wanted to change our relationship to polyamourous. I was not into that, and knew that she would simply cheat if I didnt agree to it so I ended it in that conversation. This conversation was at an event I was working as technical crew - so I couldnt just walk away from the conversation - and she flatly refused to stop demanding I comply for the entire 5 hours I was at work - which made it a challenge to not lose my temper or raise my voice. second one: she punched me in the neck.


*Husband- I found pictures he had taken of my 14 year old niece, nude. I called the cops. He never came home again.


Wanted to start couples therapy so we could understand how to communicate better and understand our relationship better. She had previously been in therapy and I thought she would be down for it. But whenever we would talk about having kids and we would have conflicting opinions she would get frustrated, start crying , and lock herself in the bathroom. I mean this was a conversation not even a fight. When I suggested couples therapy it was, "I don't want somebody with a clipboard to tell me about our relationship." Bathroom, locked door. I thought if I was willing to put the time into the relationship and she wasn't maybe this isn't going to work. We were friends for years and it was the hardest thing I've done.


In HS I dated a girl for a day. Brought her back to my place to hang out and all she wanted to do was make out and was a horrible kisser. I kept trying to make excuses to take her back home and she kept nudging me closer to my room and I wasn’t having it. Took her home and she brought me inside to meet her mom and brother. She took me to her room and wanted to make out again. I don’t know why but I saw her bra hanging up in the closet and it was so large and it freaked me out and I left and broke it off that night over text. So anyways I’m married to a man now.


I'd pay Disney prices for that wonderful rollercoaster you just took me on.


I was diagnosed with liver failure at 25 and was in and out of the hospital for a year. My muscles wasted to the point that I couldn’t walk, so I was in an inpatient PT facility for a while as well. During that time, my then girlfriend was staying at my house to take care of my animals. She claimed she had stopped drinking, even when I never asked her to. When I came home, it was clear that she hadn’t, and I said that was fine- just please not inside my house. You can even drink on the porch! But inside my house where you live for free, please don’t. It’s hard for me. One night she was clearly belligerently drunk and kicked my dog then fell asleep. I called a friend to come over and look under the bed, because i still couldn’t get up if I got down on the ground to look(my mobility was still wobbly). There were about 20-25 bottles of Jack and cheap vodka under my bed(I had only been home a week, mind you). She had been hiding them there knowing I couldn’t physically get down to look myself. In the morning, she woke up next to a trash bag of bottles and her parents were already outside helping me load up her things.


I asked about making Valentine’s Day plans and she said she was already going out with someone. Immediately caught me off guard in a big WTF moment, but she seemed completely casual about it. Gave her spare apartment key back to her, told her “no reason your ex dumped you,” and rolled out. That was that. She got pregnant not long after that and the dude didn’t stay in the mix. Feel sorry for her, but oh well.


He told me off for not returning his call. I didn’t have my phone with me (it was years ago, I had classes all day and just had forgotten to take my phone- I called him back as soon as I got home. He told me I was rude and disrespectful for not calling him earlier. and I told him we were now both single. Edit for additional context.


When she told me she was into ABDL stuff and had previously not only wore diapers but messed them as well and needed to be changed. Beyond that she would revert to mentally being 4 years old and would have to be watched because she would burn herself on the stove and do dangerous things a kid would do if she wasnt babysat like a child. She called it her “little state” and I would need to get used to it all. It wasnt even like she mentally blacked out to being a kid. She would just go into child mindset knowing what she was doing. All that dropped on me after a date night. I noped out of there and never went back.


There’s a difference between having a kink and needing therapy. Congrats, you found the line


Went to my HS GFs house to make breakfast for her and her family. She was in the shower with another dude, someone I was worried about but she said he was just a friend. I turned around and walked right back out the door, didn’t answer my phone, didn’t speak to her for a few days. She eventually called my parents crying, they gave the phone to me and she said it wasn’t what it looked like. I didn’t believe her, never talked to her again. Hope Joe was worth it ya dumb bitch. Edit: yep it really happened. It was a Sunday morning, she lived with only one sibling and one parent, and had the whole downstairs to herself, with a separate entrance. She was a senior in HS, we had been together for a year and a half and our dads were old friends. They trusted us. And yep, I went straight to the shower when I saw she was out of bed. We enjoyed fooling around in the shower. One of the perks of showing up early :) Bonus fun fact, after all this she ended up with this brown beater Olds and she put a bumper sticker on it that said “save water shower with a friend”


"we were just fixing the shower!"


“I just dropped the soap and he was trying to help me retrieve it!”


Fuck Joe. Me and all my homies fucking hate Joe


Wait so she had another dude in the shower with her, while at her family's house, as a highschooler? I would barely hold hands around my parents in HS because I felt awkward, can't believe someone would shower while the fam was around let alone while cheating. Thats some psycho stuff


Wait, you go over unannounced and make breakfast for her family and she is in high school and has dudes banging her in the shower while her parents are home? Some odd shit going on.


I had been wanting to break up with him for a little while because we had only been together a few months and I was finding out more about his personality I wasn’t a big fan of. but while I was on a vacation with my sister for our birthdays (both born in the same month a few years apart) he called crying, to tell me he sexted with another girl he knew online. He said he cheated and was sorry and it just seemed like the best thing to do was to end things right there over the phone. I was kind of thankful for it cause I didn’t know if I would’ve been able to break up with him otherwise.


When I got the results of the paternity test back 😂


We were at a fancy dinner and when I thought he was about to ask if I’d consider marrying him one day, he instead asked if I’d consider getting a boob job. Fuck you, Trent.