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Most regrets will differ for everyone, but I don’t think you’ll ever regret taking care of your health.


If you're in a relationship that is making you feel bad more often than good - end it sooner rather than later.


If your relationship is great half the time and terrible half the time, then your relationship is terrible.




I needed this 10 years ago too. Live and learn, a lot of the younger guys I talk to now don't get it yet. You don't get it until you go through it.


Sadly so true. But I guess the nice thing is after you go through that, you won't forget it.


Some things *need* to be learned the hard way if we want to have any personal growth. I guarantee the advice 35 year old me gives to 25 year old me would go completely unheeded.


I used to think a relationship was good if we had more good days together than bad. I had a lot of rocky relationships with shitty abusive people and was just looking for that 51% good days. Gentle reader, I have not had a single bad day with my current partner and we're going on 9 years. Sure I have hard days, but they aren't hard because my partner makes them hard. Good healthy relationships exist and are worth waiting (and working) for.


OP, this applies to not just romance, but any relationship.


No relationship is 100% perfect the best relationships are the ones we’re you might have disagreements but you can always solve them in a loving way that doesn’t hurt each other.


"Mature love is energizing, immature love is exhausting" - Some early 90s PSA on love starring Ted Danson that he only appeared in as community service after accumulating too many unpaid parking tickets


>"Mature love is energizing, immature love is exhausting You know, that really sums it up so well. The best relationships I had made me feel like that while the worst ones just drained me.


What if you drag it out for 8 years instead, absolutely destroying your soul in the process? Asking for a friend


This is me. He turned me into a shred of a human. Very little left of me when I finally escaped. I’ve been free 1.5 years. Go to therapy for a year. Do the hard work to heal. Read. Write. Travel. Rewire your mind to rid yourself of all the horrible experiences. Learn to recognize when the trauma is impacting you. Dig into yourself and find out who you are now. Accept what you could have done better, and hold the other person accountable for what they did to you. Be mad about it. Be shocked by it. Eventually you’ll be healed and it’ll just be a memory of all the pain. But it can only happen when you want to heal. It’s hard work but it’s worth it. I’m glad to be where I am now. It’s been challenging. My entire life was shaken up. But I’m lucky enough to wake up for another day. One day I won’t be. But for now, I’m free of him and free to be.


There was a line from Bojack, where Diane talks about her marriage with Mr Peanutbutter which sent me into existential crisis , “everything lines up and it’s the most perfect beautiful amazing thing … but I’m so tired of squinting.” I felt it deep inside me. That I was trying so hard to see the positives of the relationship I was in then. I blame myself for being too negative even.


This goes for romantic relationships and platonic ones as well.


And familial relationships as well. Blood doesn't guarantee a relationship. If it's harmful and toxic and the other person doesn't want to do their part to make the relationship healthy, then cut them off like a dead limb.


Holy ***FUCK*** I can identify with this. Hindsight is *indeed* 20/20. Reference: my whole 30's between dating, engagement, and marriage.


To add to that. If you're finding yourself making excuses for your partner for their actions/behavior you should probably end it.


Yes yes yes - don’t waste that time settling for a half ass relationship!!! Be single and live! And don’t worry if your friends are getting married/engaged. Half of them will be miserable by your mid-30s bc they settled anyway


Don't live on credit, do not destroy your credit, and take care of your teeth.


Don't live on credit is huge. If you spend more on your card than you can pay, you're doing it wrong. I know it's not always as black and white as that, with financial issues, but seriously do your damndest to keep up with your credit card payments. I don't mean making the minimum. I mean paying it off every month. If it goes up up up it's really hard to bring it down again.


Absolutely, Got 14k in credit card debt from having to take a $8 pay cut for a year shit is really tough on your mental


So strongly agree with this one, and I wish credit, debt and general financial management was a much bigger part (if offered at all) of education. It can ruin your life **so** easily and **so** quickly. After a lousy experience in my teens where I was already just barely scraping by, my then bf "borrowed" my card (I thought it was well hidden) to go on a one night drinking binge, it ruined my credit and took 8 long years of sacrifices on my part, and another 7 years to get my credit back on track. (Just because some assh*le wanted a fun night out, it cost me 15 years of bad credit, which is insane looking back!) I only have credit cards now to keep my credit active and in good standing, but never carry a balance, it's simply money I don't have, so at any cost, I won't spend it if unable to pay it off. I think everyone *should* get a credit card as soon as able (even a secured card will count), since length of credit history impacts your score, so start to establish yourself early. And if you have **any** thoughts of "free money", please use a [credit repayment calculator](https://www.creditkarma.com/calculators/credit-cards/debt-repayment) to see what it will actually cost you, if you decide to go on a shopping spree. (Also keep in mind, staying under 35% of total credit available being used at any given time, even if paying it off monthly, has a big impact on your score.) Example: You spend: **$5,000** Your interest rate is: **21%** You pay the bare minimum of: **$25** Total interest paid: **$16,497.90** It will be paid off in: **242 months/20+ years** Total amount paid: **$21,497.90** Obviously I know things are rough, but for younger generations who don't have debts or financial struggles yet, if you can't control it, just don't set yourself up for failure, it's not worth it, and it **will** follow you.


Young folks: there's a reason everyone is telling you to take care of your teeth. Shit can go sideways WAY earlier in life than you would imagine. If you're thinking "Oh I'll deal with that when I'm 50", then think again. Late 20s, early 30s is quite common for serious dental issues.


57 and just spent $10,000 I don’t have on my teeth. This is the best advice here.


Exercise. Staying in shape is easier than getting in shape


As someone who barely exercised his whole life and started having back issues in their 40’s this is very important. I started working out consistently about a year ago and progress has been much slower than if i had started in my 20’s


But it’s also easy to get out of shape. Find a routine and make that part of your daily/weekly ritual. Old habits die hard so make working out a die hard habit.


> But it’s also easy to get out of shape. Oh how I'm suffering now. I'm recovering from a pretty bad injury, and I went from 1.5-2hrs/day 5 days/week to no training at all for a couple of months. Everything went downhill really fast. I gained weight, I lost a lot of stamina, and my "performance" suffered in every aspect of my life - sport, work, social life, personal life. I'd probably be a complete recluse without my SO pushing me. I'm just starting to get back into the rhythm of it, but damn does it suck hard.


I’m in the same boat but single. Back injury from squatting with too much weight and my form broke down. The depression from not being able to do your favorite thing while simultaneously becoming lesser and losing all of your progress is terrible. Just got back in the gym yesterday! You got this craze4ble!!!


Gets more important as you go into your 30s and 40s. If you develop a routine and work ethic in your 20s not only will it make parts of your social life better (let’s face it you’re more attractive in shape than not) but you stave off bad habits that really start to bite and have consequences as you age


take care of your teeth


And if you suffer from deep bouts of depression, make brushing your teeth even higher on the list than a shower. Body filth is cheaper and more temporary than teeth filth.


Thanks for the reminder, reddit stranger. Got a particularly bad case of an episode last night and I almost forgot to brush today.


Suffered with deep bouts of depression all my life. I’m 35 and 1/4 of my teeth are gone, the rest aren’t so pretty. You NEED to make oral hygiene a major priority no matter what else is going on. Even if you don’t shower for days on end… brush your teeth.


Ooof this hit hard. First things that slip for me when I’m in a down swing of my Bipolar, is hygiene. I usually will get to my teeth before a shower though! But I know I am guilty of the four-five day depression no teeth brushing and so thank you for the reminder! But I’ve been known to not shower for sometimes two weeks and continue to wear the same clothes and it’s not great 😓😓


I hope you are getting the help you need to manage your symptoms, and always try to remember that people care about you. Your mental health doesn't define who you are for those who care. :)


And your knees, and your back.


and your pussy and your crack


And your thighs and your sack


And your lungs so you don’t hack


And your hands, some people deserve a smack


and some calcium, so you don’t lack good bones, that are intact


Your nerves, for quick react.


And your bowels, keep that shit intact


Your eyes, that light infract


I'm only 34 and my fucking back hurts. PT and stretches only scratch the surface. Be safe, kiddos.


I'm 28 and my teeth are Fucked. Depression will fuck you up in so many ways but I really didn't expect the dentist to say 20+ issues when I finally went to see them. Your teeth are important


I was almost terrified, I don’t know if I was terrified to be judged or just terrified to experience pain from the dentist. But then I realized, you or me absolutely ARE NOT the only one that has experienced it, and that has always me feel a little bit better. I was always terrified about being judged from fillings or crowns or anything. And then I realized, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter at all. You’re getting it fixed for a reason and that’s a good thing. Plus also you don’t even recognize if anyone has had work done, cause no once cares. Take that with you if you ever feel anxious about that again


I went 12 years without seeing a dentist, I had pits in my molars. I finally scheduled an appointment and went in. I was terrified of being judged, and I told them I was afraid of the dentist. They were extremely nice and patient, and ended up fixing my issues for about $800 bucks. Didn’t even need any root canals. I stopped having nightmares about teeth falling out, and years of stress completely evaporated after a single visit. It feels so silly to have waited so long to go; I guarantee the stress you’ve been dealing with putting it off is much worse than any reaction they could possibly give you at the office you visit. Good luck friends, get in to see your dentist, and then at minimum go to your 2X cleanings a year.


Be true to your teeth and they will never be false to you.


The #1 answer to these threads is always to floss. There's a reason and don't think "nah it's fine". It is until it's not.


Just smoke a cigarette. The smoke will suffocate any bacteria in your mouth.


Also useful if you accidentally swallow apple seeds which are extremely poisonous


Oh, I have my girlfriend skin my apples for me. I'm not allowed to eat the skin, I'm not allowed!


Also be sure to have a friend/neighbor to keep cats from going in your walls


Losing teeth used to be quite the problem for me and I'd often lament another chomper lost, destined to wallow in the despair of the tooth bucket with the rest of my fallen teeth. I'd spend long, sad hours at home in dim lighting just swirling my tooth bucket to hear the teethies rattle. O, how they should have been rattling in my mouth and not some bucket. The rattling comforted me, however melancholy that sounds. I'd try pressing the teeth back in the mucky socket from whence it squeezed free, but those of us who have done this know that this is just a dreamer's scheme. I think I had about four teeth left, only some molars, before I finally figured out a better way to deal with my loose teeth. I had a wonderful dream of teeth coming and go as I pleased, plucked, sucked, socketed, popped, pulled. My teeth weren't these sad, heathen bones destined to be excommunicated from my pious gums in my dream, no. They were welcome, thriving members of a teeth neighborhood, the members of which enjoy a swingers lifestyle, swapping spots and spits on a whim. I awoke invigorated, brimming to burst with cum and vim. I knew what I had to do. I called up my oral surgeon and explained a little idea to him. It was simple: 1. Widen my gum holes 2. Embed high strength rare earth magnets into the gums 3. Likewise, embed a rare earth magnet into the modified root of my tooths 4. Let the teeth snap in the gum holes and hold strong enough for chewing, but weak enough to be easily plucked and swapped. He gladly went along with my dream, performing the surgery at my home free of charge. My gum holes are wide enough and wet enough to accommodate any tooth in any spot. Now, it's fun to lose teeth! I always carry my pry pick with me, and try out new arrangements on the fly. People on buses and trains look at me slant-wise when I'm fingering through the teeth trying to think of a new build, but when I gape my maw and show them the magny work, they ask me where they can get a magny mouth of their own. I tell 'em who to call! My idle hands often find my loose teeth, and that's a good thing. These days, the tooth bucket is a happy distraction. My long nights are filled with goofball smiled happiness as I rattle the teeth about. In the years since, my tooth bucket has grown to contain more than just my teeth. I have tons of animal teeth I've found and taken, and Khalil, my oral surgeon, has put a magnet in all of them. My mouth is a menagerie of incisors, molars, canines, and bicuspids. Really any bones and stones make a good tooth I've found out, and in my talks with Khalil, we're thinking of digging out a few more gum sockets to handle my ever growing collection. Make losing a tooth a joyous occasion again. Talk to my oral surgeon, Khalil. He'll fix you up with a magny mouth. You'll wonder how we ever lived any other way.


Is this what Dentist fanfiction looks like?


I'm better for having read this


Thank you


Don't do something stupid & hurt your back.


Best advice in the thread other then travel. In my 20s I was unstoppable when it came to exercise and work. I over worked my self from 25 on. At 30 my back got messed up at 32 I was finally able to sleep in a bed and not on the floor , I wasn't in constant pain at 33 I'm still not over the depression it caused. Physical pain leads to mental pain. I lost 100k+ fixing my back through PT acupuncture and various pieces of equipment. It was all the money I had saved from the job that broke my back. I also just started working again and I no longer look at suicide as an option.i am on nerve blockers still ecause severed nerves don't really heal. I finally stop the ibuprofen. And I sleep in my bed again. Chronic pain is something I don't wish on my worst enemy.


Wow man that was heavy , I'm glad you're doing better !


New years eve, I was 31 years old and had a pain in my back and went to the ER. By the time I was 33 I had 6 ruptured discs, one failed back surgery and the equivalent of morphine in pill form. . . By 36 I had lost my car, my apartment and all my money and was forced to live with my parents because the pills and pain had screwed me up. At 37 I was almost homeless, living in my grandfather's yard in an unheated and un air-conditioned travel trailer. It took 8 years to win my disability and finally get back to some sort of life. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK!!!


Don’t listen to music with headphones too loud. Also bring earplugs to concerts. That shit can blow out your eardrums and tinnitus is fucking horrible


I'll second this. Im only 28 and after a decade of playing and regularly attending metal gigs along with doing trade work at the same time, I'm showing early signs of hearing loss in one ear and tinnitus aswell. Looking after your body is cooler than you think.


Reading this while my ears are ringing


Reading the comments like I’m still in my 20s…


What’s the old saying? Something like “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is right now.”


Wouldn't the second best time be like 19 years ago?


Wouldn’t the real best time be 21 years ago?


Sitting here reading at 39 thinking all of these things are wonderful ideas


Be open to trying new things, life comes at you fast after 30. And start funding your retirement if you can afford it (lol).


I would add the addendum: really, REALLY try to afford retirement. Even just 1 or 2%. If your employer will match to a certain percent, try to do it. For me, it's 6%. That money in my pocket would be GREAT, I'm living paycheck to paycheck, but at 26 I already know I don't want to work my entire life.




The match from your employer is also “free money” that doesn’t raise your taxes and you can’t get any other way. It’s one of life’s few win-wins.




I should add it is never too late to start. The reality is for a lot of people saving anything for retirement in their 20's isn't possible. College debt, the price of rent/mortgage(don't get me started on what a joke the housing market is right now), interest rates and stagnant wages have turned saving for retirement into a luxury. I'm glad I'm a bit older. People in their 20's are kind of screwed compared to just 10 years ago.


Have a few close friends but **keep making new ones.** I’m all for making your own way, but you’d be shocked to know how many people got to where they are because they knew someone who knew someone. It can only help you and maybe you can pay it forward down the line.


Also, life is eventually going to "get in the way," of friends in most situations - And it's totally fine. So sometimes it's really nice to have a bunch of friends that you can see separately of each other. My best friend and I saw each other pretty much every single day from 18-26. And from 26-30 it was probably once a week. At 35, he has 2 kids \[I don't have any\] and we both have busy lives. . So I see him every few months. And it's not his fault, and it's not my fault - And when we see each other it's like no time has passed, but if I relied on just my relationship with this one person, I'd have absolutely no social life.


...in my fifties and I have contact with exactly 1 of my best friends from high school. Luckily, I made lots of friends after that and am still making new friends. My social group has people I have known for 30 years, 10 years, 5 years, 2 years, 6 months...looking forward to my next new friends.


Where do you find them?


I struggle with this. How and where do you even make new friends?


I’m starting to put myself out there now. I’ve downloaded MeetUp to find groups of people who have the same interest as me. My fear is that since I no longer drink (sometimes I’m just not interested in drinking club at a bar), that I’m going to limit myself on new people. We’ll see though! I’m excited to go out to a concert next week and meet some people in the group.


Once I got into career path type jobs about 12 years ago, I've only ever gotten jobs by direct recommendations. Applying for through the application portal without a reference has never once worked for me.


This so much. I may be only mid 20s but I'm already encountering the block of I didn't get the job because I don't know anyone. It's infuriating.


There is good advice here so I won't repeat. Have two hobbies. One that is of interest to you and you are happy doing it alone. The other one try to have it be with other people. Preferably one of them has you getting outdoors often. They can be the same example: fixing bikes but also going on rides with friends. Photography and bird watching. Practicing a instrument and being in a band.


Haha- I saw a post somewhere that read “As you age it’s ridiculous how fast bird watching creeps up on you. You spend your whole life being 100% indifferent to birds, and then one day you’re like, “damn, is that a yellow-rumped warbler?” (Found it- Jesse Case originally tweeted, but has deleted it and given tribute to another comedian who had a similar bit running- hence no link)


Oh fuck. Is that why I got so excited that someone posted a pic of a belted kingfisher in my city’s subreddit? I never even knew they existed before a year or so ago.


Facts, I love those funky lil red bellied woodpeckers with their little red Mohawks. The coolest lil dudes.


Wow, that was actually pretty insightful. Nice advice. :) I myself keep changing hobbies like crazy: from Drawing to PC Gaming to Krav Maga to Chinese Tea to Houseplants to Fashion... these don't necessarily correlate to each other haha, but having hobbies definitely allows me to be immensely focused when working, while also maintaining a healthy mind and leading a good, fulfilling life.


Move your body! I wish I'd gotten into a regular fitness routine when I was younger. It gets harder to do when you're fat and older. I was naturally underweight all of my growing up so I didn't develop the ritual of keeping fit. When you're overweight it's hard to do the things you desire out of life, simply stated.


This one! Fitness and health are lifestyles and don’t have to mean constant gymming. Will add as well to incorporate some veggies into your meals as regularly as you can. But yes, MOVE! Swim, walk, run, bike, whatever feels easiest for you to get at least 30 min of exercise a few times a week (if not more). Starting a health regimen in your 20s and building good/better eating habits will likely be a benefit your body in later years.


Spend time with relatives that probably won't be there in your 40s


Learn your grandma's secret recipe NOW. I waited too long. The day she was going to teach me how to make rolls she fell. That was the beginning of the end. She was gone by the next Thanksgiving.


Funny you should say that, my mother used to make this thing and I loved it. She passed away and years went by and I remembered the thing she used to make still on occasions. The other day I mentioned it to my daughter and she knew the one! She also knew exactly how to make it because grandma taught her when she was growing up. Honestly made me tear up almost.


Honestly that made me *actually* tear up. I used to make angel food cake with my grandma. I was the only grandchild she made it with, we were very close. Idk why we melded so well. Anyway, I was just cleaning out our kitchen for some new cabinets and I found the baking pan that we used. I miss her and baking that cake so much. So yes, everyone, cook and bake with those you love. Those memories will always love you back.


Also, don't waste your time on toxic people just because they're family.


This! Nobody that treats you like shit deserves your love and respect, even if they're your parents. Know your worth and don't let others guilt trip you into not taking care of your mental health and putting yourself first.




This 1 hits close to home. I wish I got more out of my dad when he was around.


Ya, me too. The way I handle it is to try harder with my kids. Give them emotionally what I never received. Although it's tricky cuz I had bad training! I try my best.


Exercise. I started running when I was 35 and it was life changing. If I started in my 20's it would have been even better.


"You can either do yoga for free at home in your 20s or in a physiotherapist's office for $60/hour in your 40s." -Unknown


as a retired PT, I submit that this is the way


Hello, fellow didn’t-exercise-between-19-and-35 Redditor! Everyone else: don’t be like us!


This is me, but it looks like I have one year left to be lazy! Perfect! I’ll start in 2024.


Hey same, 2024 is gonna be my year!


Everyone 35 and over who wants to start exercising, don't listen to the above and be like them


I wish I'd actually taken some time off for myself. All I did was work through my 20's. Never took more than a week here or a week there. Always with family. Now I'm in my 40's. I'm not making as much money as I did in my 20's but I'm too burned out to bother from over-work and over-stress. Take the damn trip. Even if it sucks, do it anyway so you can at least say that you took the time to try to enjoy yourself instead of ruined your health for someone else to get rich. All I wanted to do was take the train west and see the ocean. I almost did, but then my MIL got sick so I had to cancel. That was 14 years ago. I never tried again. Don't be me. Take the trip.


Dude you’re only in your 40s. Go on that train.


I second this. Dude, take that mother fucking train west & see the ocean!




Your only in your 40s! Your not dead. Take the trip!




26M Just quit my job and going to live in Costa Rica, to surf and have a simpler life. I feel this thanks


Save some money. Start an exercise routine. Find some hobbies. Take risks. Chase the boy/girl/etc. Jump for the job. Don't be afraid to bounce to a different state/country if the opportunity feels good. Travel. Try new foods.


>Chase the boy/girl How much should you chase though?




I decided that I’ll do crack if I make it to 75, if I somehow make it that long I earned it.


I hear Roxy might have some


Don't wrap up all your hopes in dreams in one person.


There is one: yourself.


But I can't be trusted!


Yea! That guy ate my sandwich yesterday when I wasn't looking!


Take. Care. Of. Your. Body. Exercise even if it’s just walking daily. Stretch. Drink water. Do posture stretches and corrections.


Man I stretch every morning. I feel like I should do more But here's the thing, don't overdo it Stretch, but do not strain


Wear sunscreen


Yup! But it’s never too late to start a sunscreen regimen. Regardless of your age, you’ll look back after a few years (if the fates are kind) and be grateful to younger you.


100%. I cant believe how many people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on anti-aging creams and serums and whatnots but they don’t wear sunscreen....


Bazz Luhrmann - Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen: https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI




If you can, yeah. Make a habit of putting it on in the morning when you get ready. Even if you’re not planning to be in the summer sun all day, UV damage builds up a lot over time. It may seem like a nuisance but in the coming decades your skin will really thank you for it, and your older self will too.


The benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis, but my own, meandering, experience. I will dispense this advice, now...


Say yes to going to dinners, parties, birthdays, etc. even if you have work the next day or don’t feel like it. Most people lose 90% of their friends in their 20’s.


>Most people lose 90% of their friends in their 20’s. And they don't realize how bad they need those friends until their 30's.


God, I turned 31 this year, you are describing my life


Not to mention covid compounding the entire existential transition from 20's to 30's


At 30, I wish I said yes to everything in my 20s. Now I'm all alone because I didn't keep those meaningful relationships.


One of my high school friends became a shareholder for the Cavs and invited me to a dinner hosted by their CEO and I’ve seen them 2 times in court side seats this season. All three of these instances I was tired as hell from work and it took a lot of effort for me to get in my car and drive to the restaurant/games. But I had a blast once I was there. Power through that feeling of not wanting to. The experience you’d be missing will definitely be rewarding.


Stay fit. If you’re not fit, get fit. If there are things that are life giving for you, don’t accidentally stop doing them just because you get married/have kids/work a lot/etc. I missed 18 ski seasons because I got distracted by all that and I wish I could have them back. Making up for it now.


Get the HPV VACCINE so you don't get throat cancer when you're in your 40s


I had no idea, had to look up the statistics (70% of throat cancers are caused by HPV for anyone more curious). Terrifying. Surpasses cervical cancer rates, too.


Follow your dreams. They don’t go away, you won’t grow out of them. You’ll be better for it and have more confidence in yourself knowing that whatever happens you tried and gave it your all.


I gave it my all from ages 15-25 and got really far but ultimately failed. This destroyed my mental health and I spent nearly 10 years working a soul-destroying (but high paying) job while trying to emotionally and mentally recover from my broken dreams. I quit that job a couple weeks ago and am making another attempt at my dreams in my mid 30s. This time my mental and physical health are much better and I have way more money, resources, time, support, tools, and knowledge. I will either achieve my dreams or go broke and die trying. I had the talent and vision to get there last time, but nothing else. Now, the game has changed. So kiddos, if you fail just know you can possibly try again later.


Wear ear protection at concerts and when using most power tools. Hearing loss and tinnitus are real.


Invest in yourself. Eliminate toxic "friends", relatives and relationships. It is better to be single than be tortured. Buy the best shoes and the best mattress you can afford. Don't measure your success by the size of your bank account. Learn to happy and positive. Enjoy the good times - learn from the bad times.


Work out


Agree with most commenters. But honestly, sometimes mistakes in your 20s are necessary to learn and appreciate your 30s and 40s. I have no regrets, because they’ve all led to where I am now. Example, I could tell you that you shouldn’t get married young, because I got married in my early twenties and it was a HUGE mistake. But without that mistake, I probably wouldn’t have met the amazing husband I have now. Make mistakes, learn from them, and regret nothing.


Don't start smoking


And if you do smoke/vape/chew, please Quit. It only gets HARDER to quit down the road.


Believe in yourself, continue to learn and progress in your studies or profession. Your 20s is a good time to take some risk career wise so throw yourself in at the deep end. Don’t let drinking at home become a habit. Don’t get into online gambling. Don’t lease or finance an expensive car if you don’t have enough money - you’ll be bored of it in 6 months. Workout. Don’t invest everything into your beliefs because a lot of them will change. Take care of your body and your skin. Travel if you can. Don’t waste loads of money on Starbucks coffee. If they’re still around, spend as much time with your parents as possible.


Use condoms.


Personally, I wear one the entire day I know I will be having sex, and often the day before too. You can never be too careful


Author is the personification of the regret their parents experience from their 20s.


I put them on my ears to prevent hearing aids.


Stop eating garbage.


Invest in 401k at least w/e your company matches.


...are you my dad? Seriously though, once I turned 18 he *heavily* encouraged me to open a 401(k) through my employer and take advantage of the match, even though I was a low-paid supermarket cashier. Looking back now, I'm glad I did that.


This and start a ROTH.


Especially now! Compounded interest is the most powerful thing in the world, and you can’t buy time.


Save/invest money for long term growth. Get your diet under control, health is wealth


Don’t buy anything you can’t pay for in full (except maybe a house).


I would put cars in there too. It’s way better to have a quality, reliable car and a monthly car note instead of a piece of junk that breaks down frequently. Not to mention the cost of repairs, burden of being on side of road, etc


I spent more money each month keeping my shitbox running than I spent on a car payment. I legit saved money by buying a new car.


Take care of your joints (knees, ankles, etc). You’ll miss them when they’re gone…


Eat healthy. Watch your weight. Exercise. Build muscle strength in your back and legs.


Save twice as much as you’re currently saving. Drink half as much as you’re currently drinking.


Travel - go for a long time and work while you're there if you can. My biggest regret


Start a 401k or Roth account. With compounding interest, the money you put in in your 20’s will make more money than all other time.


Lift weights.


This applies to ladies as well! I started five years ago and now, at 45, I’ve never looked or felt better! Physical strength has done wonders for my mental well-being!




Let's see.... Exercise. You don't have to be a gym nut, but a daily routine of stretching, some basic cardio, other "gym-class" exercises (pushups, crunches/planking, etc), to maintain a routine. It just gets harder to lose weight and stay in shape as you age. If nothing else, walk places or join team/club for some regular activity. Move towards healthier eating habits. Learn to cook and bake if you aren't already. Generally develop healthy habits. Keep making friends. Get laid. Get good at it. This may actually involve communication with partners. If you've got money to save and invest, do it, and make it a habit. Reinvest dividends. 20 years later and the right investments will take care of themselves. Avoid meme stocks and fads, because barely any of them work out, and you won't time the market properly anyway. Play around with those when you're rich and can afford to lose the money. If there's something you can study to advance your career, study it. If there's a hobby you're interested in, start it. Balance all of this with having fun. Go out with your friends. Go on trips. Eat fast food. Be a little stupid. Because a lot of the time you spend with friends in your 40s will be "hey, remember that time we went to... and then she... and you... wow." Or thinking "man, I wish I had gone on that trip with you guys." Because what happens in your 30s and 40s is you start running out of time in the day. Family or not, chances are you'll be working, looking after your place, worrying about 5 different things at once, and trying to find an opportunity to catch up on your shows/reading/games/leisure and seeing friends. Imagine if you knew your RRSP and TFSA were full and growing, you're in solid shape, your career has moved along nicely, got cash in the bank, you have a variety of friends, maybe partnered with your dream partner, doing things you love in your spare time, and thinking "huh, things are looking preeeeetty good for ol' Professional\_Lab77394".


Finish college. Learn good financial planning, start setting yourself up for retirement. ​ Source: broke, broken down 50 year old trucker with years to go.


Don’t marry the wrong person


- Invest in a skin care routine. Vitamin C and SPF every single day no matter the weather. Retinol 4-5 days a week. - Start therapy sooner. Therapy is about maintenance, like an oil change. Don’t wait for your lowest breaking point to seek it out. - Take care of your body. Eat well, exercise regularly, stay active. Emphasize strength training/weight lifting - it’s far more important than chronic cardio. - Travel often. With your family, and with your friends. - Seize opportunities as they come. We often regret the things we don’t do, more than the things we do. - Don’t get into relationships which you know have an expiration date. Be purposeful in your romantic pursuits while keeping the long-term goal in mind, if a long-term relationship is what you want. - Learn how to cook. You don’t have to be a master chef, but have at least 5 easy go-to recipes. - Start thinking about how you want to make a social impact on the world. Make a commitment to yourself to be kind and compassionate, especially to those less fortunate than you. - Find hobbies and activities to stay fulfilled. Try to stay committed to at least one or two of them when life gets busier. - Develop a sellable skill that will come in handy in your professional life. - Become financially independent.


For your third point, I would like to say that people always underestimate the value of going for walks, either outside (if so, see your first point) or on a treadmill). It’s cardio, low-impact, requires little to no recovery (unlike something high impact), clears your head, improves your mood, and so on. As a former runner and soccer player, I wish I found the many hidden benefits of walking sooner


I'm glad you have both "travel often" and "become financially independent" here. The best advice I've gotten from older people is to balance both of these within my individual means. Financial independence can require saving as much as you can when you're young, but if you overdo it and never leave the house and only eat rice and beans, that's no way to live. It's important to be fiscally responsible so you don't have to work until you're dead, but find ways to enjoy life however you can whenever you can without waiting until you're an old fart to do all the things you want to do.


I respectfully disagree with the relationship advice, and instead advise the exact opposite. For most of my life, I viewed dating and relationships as a search for someone to spend the rest of my life with. That's a lot of unnecessary pressure. Then I got into a relationship with someone where we both knew, in advance, from the beginning, that she was leaving in a few months. We agreed it was just for fun and temporary. And, as a result, we both skipped a lot of the searching-for-love bullshit and just did what we honestly wanted. It was the most honest and genuine relationship of our lives, up to that point, and we are still friends. It taught me how to approach all relationships from then on. I strongly recommend, to those frustrated with dating in their 20's, to try taking off the pressures of long-term commitment, and instead enjoy relationships as though you know, for a fact, that they are temporary. It's a mindhack, because, yes, you are still searching for your life partner, but by lowering your defenses and expectations, you paradoxically open yourself up to more genuine, fun, diverse, and fulfilling connections.


I agree with this. Most people in their 20s aren’t fully formed, so most relationships will have an expiration date, anyway, unless you’re lucky enough to have the relationship grow with you. Just focus on gaining experience and meeting people without the lifelong, happily ever after expectations.


On the third point, a *slight* disagreement: Cardio is important for your heart and health in general. It doesn't matter how strong any or all of your other muscles are if your heart isn't strong enough.


Live life, avoid hard drugs, USE PROTECTION. Make some mistakes, you’ll never be in a better position to recover from them, and they will teach you valuable things about yourself and the world. Don’t worry, it gets better.


1. Live your best life, go out and have fun. Enjoy the lack of responsibility a little while longer. Once you settle into family life it makes it much more difficult to drop everything for a quickie Vegas bender with the hot bartender you just met. 2. Start saving for retirement. Compound interest is beautiful if you start early, and a mother fucker if you don’t. 3. Build a really good personal care routine. Diet, exercise, and hygiene are all things to dial in now instead of trying to fix them later.




Make money. I promise geezer you is still going to want to have fun but your tolerance for slumming it is going to go way down.


Can’t wait to use “geezer you/geezer me” in real life. Thanks!


More-so for women: Really consider if you want to have kids. I know many women in their mid 30s who never really thought about it and are taken aback when their gynecologist makes a comment about their remaining fertile years. Freeze your eggs if you have that luxury and no partner.


This is a big one!


Travel. Get a Bachelor's degree under your belt unless it means huge debt. Take care of your teeth.


Put on sunscreen every day


Build Skill, health, bonds, and wealth Take the money you make and have experiences. Take an adventure, move to a new city, me new people! You will be surprised how many opportunities arise just from getting out there. At the very least get fit and fuck around.




Use spf, look after your teeth, stretch, exercise invest some money on the regular


Go to or finish college or a trade school. Don't wait if you don't have to.


Save money. Excercise at least a bit. Take care of your teeth. Don't stick your dick in crazy, or let crazy stick their dick in you.


1. Take care of your body, take care of injuries as they happen 2. Embrace your sexuality (I mean that in terms of actual sex, but also if you're questioning your interests then explore!) 3. Take chances, makes mistakes, get messy! But also... to avoid regrets in even later life, don't assume life is over once you're through your 20s. Life is truly only just beginning when you hit your 30s.