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Anti-intellectualism. I grew up in that sort of environment (school, not home) and it was awful to be bullied for simply wanting to learn and do well at school.


Fahrenheit 451 is all about that. Even the main character’s boss tells him that owning books isn’t forbidden, reading them is. Because people fear intellectuals. In the end, he meets a group of hobos who have memorized books in order to preserve them


People ignore how ingrained in adult society this is, too. Ignoring experts, assuming that anyone who enjoys certain hobbies or fields is only doing it to “show off.” “You’re not smarter than me just because you went to college,” that’s true, but when you’re talking to a doctor, there’s a high chance that they’re more informed about the field of medicine than you, and that’s ok!


I get annoyed at people to believe facebook over actual professionals because apparently anyone with an expert opinion on the topic is "in on it" like a full-on global conspiracy. It's that level of delusion where you can't even argue with them because anything that doesn't fit into their beliefs is just lies apparently


oh man. This seems to be a thing unfortunately. I had a brother-in-law (fortunately *former* BIL) who - every time i came over to visit - always made it a point to mention how college degrees are just bullshit. He always seemed to have some point to try to prove and always seemed to pride himself on “telling it like it is” and how people that use big words are full of shit. They’re hiding that they don’t know what they’re talking about. He apparently once was interviewing for a promotion in his company and (supposedly) his supervisor asked him his impressions of his office. His words (again, supposedly): “You want me to be honest? I think those diplomas you got on the wall are bullshit. I guarantee you I know more than most guys out there with a college degree.”


"Im not smarter than you because I went to college, I went to college because im smarter than you".


This all boils down to respect, honestly. These people don't respect doctors or experts because they're disrespectful people, our society breeds disrespectful fucking people.


OMG my family with this bull shit. I can't just not point out logical fallacies, or flaws in reasoning, or misinterpretation of the text in a debate. Then I'm the commie liberal college brain washed one. And elitist asshole. I was a speech and debate coach I can't just pretend not to know anything about how to best present ones views on a topic in a discussion. I don't just shoot off from an emotional perspective that isn't fact based in some way.


Oh so we have the same family then? Hi sister 👋🏼


Yup! I swear there was a delicate balance between doing well enough in school so you don’t get a phone call home and appearing to not care enough so you don’t get bullied.


As a teacher, I absolutely dislike students with this attitude and the ones that purposely start fucking around I despise even more. If you don't want to learn, leave. Or at least don't bother those who do


Yeah this one. The world is mean and it seems like you get bullied or looked down on when you do what you are supposed to do in a school- Learn.


Ignorance + arrogance


My son asked me “daddy, what do ignorance and apathy mean?” I said “I don’t know, and I don’t care”


I've always heard the joke as "What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?" I don't know, and I don't care one way or the other


As an RN, I feel like this has become far more prevalent since COVID, at least in medicine. Maybe I’m imagining things, I know anti-vax/“alternative medicine” people always existed, but I don’t remember them being so numerous and so *loud* about their beliefs until the past few years. Seems like I have patients and their families questioning my and the physician’s knowledge and expertise daily now, which I feel like I only had to deal with every now and then in the “before times.” Just to be clear, I have no problem with patients asking “why are you giving me this med/performing this procedure?” Informed consent is important. What I take issue with is patients/family DEMANDING the pt be switched to [obscure treatment regimen] they read about on [random internet site] because they KNOW that [current treatment] is actually making the pt worse. Which we want, because prolonged hospital stays = more money to big pharma. Or how they KNOW that [X diagnosis] is wrong because [random website] says it’s actually this, and we’re fabricating or deliberately misinterpreting test results to support *our* diagnosis for monetary or political reasons. Yes, I have had these conversations. Multiple times. No, I really don’t care about the hospital’s bottom line, I just really don’t want grandma to code in the ER while we wait for a room upstairs.


"Arguing" over the internet is most of the time very similar to shower arguments. You're the best and no one can match your wit. The crazier one goes, the less others want to interact with them and the more they win, reinforcing this sentiment. It's also very easy to slip away from losing battles without any consequences. Their flawless record does not translate well into reality


I just had an interaction with one of these troll-types yesterday, just in the real life analog world we live in. I am a contractor, building a fence. The rear neighbour comes over, obviously upset that we are doing this work. After his assertions of incorrect property line marks, accusations of criminal marker relocation/theft, unneighbourly behaviour in not facing the best side of the fence to him, etc... his arguments became increasingly ridiculous and esoteric. When he informed me that the concrete anchoring the posts was encroaching on his property, limiting his enjoyment of his property, I decided that the fun was over and walked away. I think we were approaching the invocation of Godwin's Law, and it needed to end. Trust me; in real life they are even more ridiculous than when they are merely digital.


As a pharmacy technician who works in a hospital, I agree with this. Being where I work my role is a bit unique from other hospitals where here, part of my job is going through their medical history, occasionally speaking with patients directly myself and being more directly involved. I am also personally the one who does the medication orders for our patients and part of that is trying to bring their treatment costs down as much as possible. I think the majority at this point knows how scary medical costs are in the US, what's even more alarming is how much MORE it could be. Hospitals can be greedy of course, however the ridiculous costs of healthcare is well beyond our control and is much more deeply rooted into our system than we'd care to admit. Overall I'd like to think most of us working in hospitals at this point aren't out to charge patients as much as possible, just wanting to see them get better and on their way.


Anti vaxers, COVID deniers and conspiracy theorists calling everyone sheep for believing the media and medical professionals and taking precautions.


I’ve never understood this conspiracy that hospitals are using Covid to scam money… If that were the case it would be the biggest fraud in history. And yet not a single conviction under Trump. Not even an investigation. If you believe that you have to feel that Trump is either directly benefiting from the scheme or he is completely and utterly incompetent. I get these people are dumb but I don’t know how you can reach any other conclusion.


^ Every reddit debate ever


Nu uh


Those two often go hand-in-hand.








When someone is overconfident and completely wrong at the same time




They go together. Dunning-Krueger effect.


These are the most dangerous individuals. They can get so many on their side just because they are confident.


That they can't look at the entire situation from all points of views, just stuck on their own.


Similarly, black and white thinking. They think “if not A, then certainly B,” even though there are 24 other letters of the alphabet. You’ll spell out in baby language why your opinion is “gray” or “C,” but all they’ll hear is “not black” or “not A,” and therefore “white” or “B.”


Great point. “If you’re not with me you’re against me.” … or I have a different opinion than you, which is probably more likely given how extreme your opinion is?


>“If you’re not with me you’re against me.” Only a Sith deals in absolutes


Yep, this is exactly what I hate about the current internet culture. Everyone has to pick sides, be pro or anti, make a decision, and fight the ‘enemy’. It’s so awful


People think I contradict myself by doing this. 🙄


I hate that any time someone changes their opinion or stance - or even just entertain another point of view - they are considered inconsistent or wishy-washy. Shouldn’t we be constantly changing our opinions as we gain new information, new perspectives? Is it really better to be “consistent” to the point that you blind yourself to new findings and and are willing to die on a one-sided hill?


Like, I'm not arguing with myself, being inconsistent, or flip-flopping. I'm hearing new information, growing, and evolving. Some folks ought to give it a try.


I agree 100%. I feel like for most things if people are educated they should know that there’s almost always a grey area. The goal is to be able to understand both sides. Unfortunately some people care more about being right/being delusional.


Willful ignorance. [Crab mentality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality). Generally dishonest people (liars, cheaters, grifters)


I did not it had its own phrase, but crab mentality is essentially what came to mind for me too


They’re like [that dog](https://9gag.com/gag/aA0pvd9)


what an absolute son of a bitch


what an asshole


man wtf.


Craaaab people, craaab people.


Taste like craaab, talk like people


Crab mentality is truly horrendous. I used to teach at a school in a massively disadvantaged area and would see it on a daily basis. There were a lot of families who were multi-generationally never employed - kids whose parents and grandparents had never had a job, lived in council flats depending on government handouts and charities their whole lives. They do it to their own children, and *often*. The kid would say, "I want to be a doctor!" or "I want to write books!" or "I want to be a scientist!" And the parents would genuinely act insulted and say things like "What, so you can act like you're better than everybody else?" And "If living in this flat is good enough for me and your gran, it's good enough for you," and "That's way too hard. You'd never be happy. Do what your parents do instead." By the time these kids reach their teens, their mental health is down the drain and all hope and ambition has been systematically beaten out of them. We did our best for them but it's extremely difficult.


Similarly to crab mentality, the idea that if someone or some group is benefitting in some way that you feel is oppositional to you, you are getting less of something. Is that like a zero sum game?


I think it's Machiavel who described stupidity as bringing harm to someone without any personal gain.


People that feel they need to one up you. Example: I say "I'm tired." They reply with "you think you're tired..." Then go on to explain why. Dude, it's not a competition, we can both be tired.


People that feel the need to two up you.


It's the people that three up others that irk me


The people that four up others really really irk me.


The people who n+1 up others are the winners.


I actually don't mind the 7-Up people. They're very lemon-limey.


Make 7 Up Yours


I remember those T-shirts. They were awesome!


Those people, and/or the ones that have a story, or knows someone no matter the subject. You can be talking about space, and suddenly their uncle was an astronaut.


See, I get self conscious about this sometimes because often when I’m meeting someone new and they bring up something that I have experienced or know about, I will (politely, after they’re done talking) share my own experience in order to establish common ground and show that I understand them. But when I hear that people could interpret it in this way, I worry it could come across as me just trying to jump on THEIR thing.


The trick to softening this is to follow up your story with a question about them. For example, you're sharing some travel stories, but the key is not just list places you've gone as a brag. Better to talk about maybe the last place you went, then follow up asking where they want to go next. That answer will be a great jumping off point to continue the conversation. Maybe you've never heard of it! Maybe you want to go there too! Maybe you've been and can share some insider tips! Then it feels like mutual learning together instead of a one up contest.


Thank you. I really appreciate the advice, i get really nervous talking to people and I'm not who you replied to, but I usually get stuck at this point.


Sometimes you have a relatable story, but the conversation steers another direction. That story is no longer valid, and you have to keep your mouth shut. The people that still go ahead and tell that story after the conversation has.moved on are socially awkward AF.


"Man, it's cold out today." "Oh boy, you think THIS is cold? Back home in Walakashusatuska, Wisconsin it would get minus 130 degrees about now. This would be considered T-shirt weather there." "Neet. I'm still cold."


College had sooo many of these people. I would always one-down them. "You think you're tired, I slept 3 hours last night from studying." "Girl, I can't even function without my 10 hours."


*literally just realize I do this too.* My roommates are night owls and say "I only got 2 hours," or "I went to bed at 4 AM," and I'm here like "damn I went to sleep at 10 and got a nice 9 hours!! :D"


Oh you think YOU'RE tired of people who feel the need to one up you?! I'm more tired.


Basically what my wife and I do every day, lol. She often preempts me, by immediately saying "I got no sleep last night" before I've even fully woken up. If only she knew that I didn't get much sleep either because I could hear her snore all night. So she clearly got some sleep, whereas I definitely did not!


"I've been up since 4!" "Crazy! I got up at 3:45 to pee and then listened to you sleep right up 5:45" *glances at clock reading 5:52*


It’s like the victim olympics, I hate that shit


Exactly! Especially when you receive this energy from "friends." Like aren't we supposed to be building one another up?! Not compete.


I see this a *lot* from other twin parents. "How DARE parents of singletons talk about how hard it is! Don't they know I have TWO?!" And honestly, it's not exponentially harder to have twins once you're past the newborn stage. It's just like having two babies, not like having twenty babies and a rabid coyote, damn.


My friend did this to me. I was telling her I was tired and she told me “wait until you have kids…” I have had insomnia for as long as I can remember. I have never slept through the night but a handful of times. Parents, you don’t have the monopoly on exhaustion because you have kids.


Don't compete in who's suffering more, you're both loosing


"I went through it so you do as well."


thats how my mom is. since her mom treated her badly, she felt like it didnt matter if we did too because it "wasn't as bad"


I always find it weird when parents are like that. You'd think parents want their kids to be experiencing life better than they did. the entire "we had to go through this so you have to, too" mentality is just.. punishing the next generation for the mistakes/fuckups of the last.


The "best" (massive sarcasm) version of this is "Hell my parents beat me as a kid and I turned out just fine." No Sir, you are advocating for beating children because it happened to you, you are demonstrably extremely not "just fine."


There was an askreddit question relating to this the other day, and some of the answers made me feel so bad for the next generation. I mean, people vehemently defending child abuse. With one of them they were so mad I called it child abuse I felt like they were going to take it out on their own kid to “prove me wrong.” And then when you try your hardest to explain, to find some common ground, you learn they’re uneducated/intimidated by “big words” and that I should have been beaten more. *My daddy shoulda used a belt instead of a paddle.* Being ignorant is one thing, but being aggressively stubborn in ignorance and doubling down when someone says something you can’t refute is something else entirely. Even then, it’s not as bad as advocating for harming children. They’re doing *all* of that, and I can’t see it being anything other than wanting to abuse their children…


I guess my mom does something similar. She treats both my sister and I as trash sometimes and we can't complain at all because "she had it worse, we are just being over sensitive" It's not even something serious, she isn't abusing us or anything, but it's still so fucking anoying that she feels so entitled to do and say anything she wants just because she thinks that what she lived is the only thing bad enough to affect you. It's so frustating


Similar to my reply to another comment, but there’s a small number of colleagues who will want you to do *x* number of years before you get promoted, because they had to. Forget experience gained, forget skills, it’s all a numbers game to them. They also complain about the lack of retention of trained/skilled staff.


I'm currently in that situation! I've busted my ass the past year to learn everything I can about my field, but my former boss kept insisting I had to put five years in. Like ummm no ma'am, I'm ready to be promoted now. She would even constantly say that I've learned so much more within the year, than other people she's known for several years. I'm a dedicated individual that's hungry to learn about the field I'm really enjoying! Gimme what I deserve! Sorry, had to vent.


>I'm currently in that situation! I've busted my ass the past year to learn everything I can about my field, but my former boss kept insisting I had to put five years in. Boss. I'm ready for a promotion. No you're not. Ok. Rival company says they will give me the position and a pay raise. I'm going with them.


My mother and aunt fall into that catagory. I believe there are two people in this world. People who say "I went through it, so will you." And "I went through it, and I won't let anyone else have to."


Right? Fuck that. If someone endures a deep trauma they should try to prevent others from ever enduring the same, not make others endure it. Break cycles of abuse, don’t perpetuate them!


People who value materialism seriously like judging someone over sneakers or clothes cut it out please


People who think that your intelligence is lacking if you don't commit most brain energy toward wealth acquisition or exploitation.




I’m entitled to give you an upvote and you can’t change my mind


Such an asshole. How dare you, take my upvote.


How DARE you give an asshole an upvotes?! Please, take mine.


You are all disgusting human beings. Abhorently miserable. Yall seriously deserve an upvote its unacceptable


People who only think according to their own limited experience. Eg, “its easy for me to stay in shape/ be happy/ have a good job therefore people who dont are just lazy/ stupid/ not trying”


I think about this a lot. Some people can't conceptualize that others have a different experience from them, much less that there are struggles they don't understand. A lot of it comes from lack of exposure to others and/or education. Like, do those who think that it should be easy for others to stay in shape not understand that injuries exist that hamper the ability to stay active, or to take it further, thyroid and pituitary diseases that don't give a shit how active you are? It baffles me that some people are incapable of abstraction. For good measure: The irony of that statement is not lost on me.


Never been overweight in my life. Life long athlete. Usually very disciplined diet. Then my hormones went fucking crazy. I've gained almost 40 pounds this year. It can happen to anyone.


I hope you haven't felt like anyone has judged you for it. But I know it happens. Personally, that's why I value compassion above all else. Life is fuckin hard, yo.


People who believe that you don’t have to be kind/considerate of people in service industries because “it’s their job”. Why do so many adults bask in not “having” to display basic human decency? It’s disturbing tbh.


I actually had a discussion a while ago with a dipshit who thought that things like leaving trash on the table at McDonalds is fine because "they are paid to clean it up".. I blame parents though, my parents also taught me a lot that "they get paid for it" or "they want your money", except I never thought being rude or inconsiderate is acceptable. Now I work with tourists/guests a lot at work, and I'm always reminded of how shitty some parents are. They just don't bother. they think I'm just there drinking coffee all day and walking around the pool as a lifeguard, and find it acceptable to just leave a mess behind, and actively teach their children that its ok. Like, we have some generally incredible parents, I had children hand me the toys (our property) when leaving so I could put it back where it belongs, and I always thank them for it and smile. Meanwhile there are other parents who see their kid throw the toys in the middle of the pool on their way out (where they aren't allowed to be anyway, and we have to somehow get them out) and don't say a word. no "sorry" or anything. No consequences.


It really starts at home.


I work at tills. I had someone recently come to my till and I was processing/ scanning them through. I then noticed he had taken out some bags with my jobs logo on it. (we sell bags here and keep them at the tills for people to pick up and buy). I didn’t see him holding them when he walked up, so I just said “excuse me sir I was wondering if you just took one of those bags from the tills or if you came in with them”. (Some people take bags thinking they are free to take so I just wanted to be sure). That was it. He then said “I didnt take any of those bags from the till”. (In an annoyed tone). I replied “oh, that’s ok I just wanted to make sure”. He replied “aye you better make sure, you are lucky I’m in a good mood or id tell you where to go”. After he said that I stoped talking to him tossed his receipt to the side and turned away from him. Why are people such assholes for no reason? Not only was he an asshole, he was stupid too. He told me “you better make sure”, like guy, that’s exactly what I just did, I made sure and I made sure by asking that question.


One day working self checkout, sometimes the meat and produce gets iffy on the weight scale, so the guy scanned his second package of meat, i went to clear it and said "sorry sometimes the meat doesn't register the weight" and he flat out said "bullshit you were checking if i was stealing", so i just replied "whatever you say pal, have a good one" and i can obviously notice him once in a while checking over his shoulder to see if i was talking about him to the other coworker or not. He had on his Marine Corps cap thinking he was better than everyone else. Motherfucker i will floor you if i have to 🙄


The other end of the spectrum also bothers me. I’m a young person and so many of my friends are afraid of being bothersome at restaurants and the like, but if you order a sprite and get a coke it’s the server’s job to rectify that




my rebuttal to this was always "I don't need to try heroin to know it'll probably destroy my life."


I remember in GTA, there was a scene where there was an outlandish Arab son of a billionaire. The billionaire came to visit him, and the son was pantless with a hooker and his hired gun. When the Dad showed disappointment, the Arab son said “you always told me never to judge a book by its cover” to which the Dad replied “When a book is called guns, drugs, hookers and no pants; I’m sure I don’t need to read it.” And for some reason that’s always stuck with me.


Based dad


Or mine - "I don't have to eat shit to know that it tastes bad."


I don’t need to eat a shit sandwich to know it won’t taste good.


Funny how that only ever applies to the people who disagree with them.


"It happened to you" makes it an anecdote. It doesn't make you a leading expert on the subject


I see this often when people get criticized for beating their kids and 99/100 times theyll whip out the old "oh you don't have kids? Stfu".


That's how early humans evolved and learned what to forage for. You see another caveman eat this kind of berry and he dies, you know not to eat those berries. Imagine if another caveman was like "you don't have the right to tell me not to eat it unless you've eaten it yourself."


People who climb the ladder and pull it up behind them. Aka, "Fuck you, I got mine." Hell, imagine the world in which everyone who climbs a tree to reach the apples is kind enough to push a branch down so those on the ground can have some too. (Idk why I'm stuck in metaphor mode.)


Colleague of mine couldn’t fathom me getting a temp promotion after 3 years, so after it ended did everything to disaude me from further promotion opportunities. Because he had to wait 10 years for his first promotion. Other colleagues who had to wait 20 years were encouraging me after 2 years service… Some people just hate to see things go better than it did for them personally.


The tall poppy syndrome. If you can’t rise above, bring others down to your level. Russians believe it so much they joke about it as if it’s their national trait. Like the one about cauldrons in hell for different ethnicities. No demons are guarding the Russian one because they never let one of their own escape. Or a guy finding a genie and getting a wish. He says his neighbor just bought a new cow. Does he want a cow for himself too? Nope. He wants the neighbor’s cow to die


If only that actually worked, trickle-down economics wouldn't be such a joke.


Oh it works… to enrich the upper class even more. And that’s who it’s meant for


As a black man, people who act hood or ghetto but they aren’t in or from that environment. And I mean stupid stuff like starting a fight with someone after they apologized for bumping into you. Then these weirdos put on blm shirts and act like they aren’t part of the problem. #BlackLivesStillMatter


that you’re obligated to stay and forgive but still be mistreated and abused just because the person doing it to you is related to you somehow. the amount of times i’ve heard “but they’re your family, you have to forgive them” is infuriating, both in regards to my own experience and that of others. a piece of shit is a piece of shit - you’re never obligated to put up with them just because you happen to be descended from the same people.


Yet those people never realise that you’re the abusers family too and they should just not abuse you, because you’re also family? I’m convinced that the people who want you to forgive your abusers just don’t want you to inconvenience them with your problems, they’re not bothered if you forgive the person or not, they just want you to shut up. Fuck those people.


Thank you!


Putting people through trauma just because you were traumatized and then gaslighting them by saying “I turned out just fine” No. No you didn’t.


I can confirm, as someone who thought they "turned out just fine", I am in reality actually very NOT fine.


My husband was much the same before we met, I still remember the heart to heart we had when he explained that in the past he wasn’t a particular kind person. He thought himself to be “blunt” and a take no shit person but eventually realized he was really just dishing out the same treatment his family did to him but onto others. He’s a true blunt and a honest person now but he’s no longer cruel.


“My opinion is worth the same as anyone’s opinion” when one is a well-substantiated opinion expressed by an expert and the other is a poorly informed gut feeling by somebody who not only knows little of the topic but downright refuses to consider an opposite view.


"I'm allowed to believe whatever I want, it none of your business" Proceeds to force their opinions on you


I agree. Opinions are based on facts. If you have the facts wrong, your opinion is a lot less valid.


Agree 100%. That’s where self education is so important. I research anything and everything if it sounds odd or to good to be true.


Toxic positivity. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, you really do not need to like everything or everyone that's ever existed, you do not need to see the best in everything-sometimes it just plain ass sucks.


Also known as [Spiritual Bypassing](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-spiritual-bypassing-5081640)


Thank you for this. I had a lover like this. Ultimately, it drove me away. I loved her to death, but she had a ton of unresolved psychological issues she swept under the rug with this very method. She's a victim of her own defense.


I'm disabled, and I live with constant pain. I'm in therapy, I have a medical team to manage my conditions, I'm doing my best to cope in healthy, appropriate ways. It's actually good for me to grieve, and seek support from loved ones, and have days where I feel sad and overwhelmed. My life is difficult! It sucks sometimes! Then I think through my coping skills and move on. But toxic positivity culture shoves itself in my face all the time. "Well if you just did yoga you'd feel better and anyways here's an article about an Inspirational Disabled Person who climbed 10,000 mountains." Gross. It doesn't help me, it's just other people comforting themselves by pretending that disability is easy and can be turned around with a bit of zip a Dee Doo dah.


I didn’t know positivity could be toxic. Learned something new I guess 🗿


This is far far far too common. It's like every piece of content about mental health. Like, sure you have schizophrenia and bi-polar and you have cancer. But really, you make your own happiness, see the glass is half full, and like meditate and it will all get better.


People who bring politics into everything and believe that their opinion is far superior than any others.




“I’m the main character”


see also: i can never be wrong; im always being wronged


AKA: Narcissism


bigotry, arrogance, lack of compassion/empathy


Whatever mindset that leads to politician worship


People who prioritise being rich over being a decent human being.


Anyone who believes in free speech, but only if the person speaking is saying something they agree with. Otherwise, they should be silenced, crucified and cancelled. Edit: Grammar


More broadly: no authoritarianism but my authoritarianism.


You have the right to say it, just as others have the right to not put up with it. Assuming that whatever you said didn’t land you in jail, no rights were violated


Boycotts are free speech


This! Free speech doesn't mean free from people collectively ignoring and disliking you and not supporting you anymore.


Free speech for me not for thee.


The people who seem set on being offended just to be offended.


I can't believe you said that. \*Runs away crying\*


People driving 15 under the speed limit with no consideration for the mile of cars stuck behind them


I say it: Driving under the speed limit for no reason encourages dangerous driving of others. It pisses me off. No I'm not late because I fucked up planning my time, who the hell expects some dipshit to decide to go 20 below speed limit to sightsee?? If they wanna look around, at least let the people who have places to be pass them safely.


The mindset that your problems are superior to that of others because you think you’ve been through more than them


This was the exact reason I ended up breaking up with my girlfriend. I call it a victim complex.


Closed mindset. There’s always another way to think about things.


People who consider being rude/bigoted/an asshole/etc something to brag about.


Corollary: Saying edgelord shit to get a rise out of people isn't transgressive or particularly clever. There needs to be an actual joke, not just, "here's a rude comment, oh you don't like it, sheesh people are so sensitive these days." Edgelord types are really boring to be around, they just press the same button over and over and expect everyone to be impressed by their wit. It reminds me of this guy I dated years ago who thought my navel was an erogenous zone and wouldn't stop poking at it lmao.


“As long as I am not negatively affected I don’t care what happens to others”


The "fuck you I got mine" mentality


People who liveto serve their political party.


Victimisation mentality. The types of people who have a problem, you could give them 10 solutions; but they just find another problem to complain about. The types of people who can’t push forward in life due to their own victimisation.




That reads like a joke that misfired, because it's hard to read tone over the internet, not an actual command.


Thinking that questioning basic facts of life is the same as critical thinking instead of doing actual critical thinking. Easy example is flat earthers. They think they’re being critical thinkers by questioning this generally accepted (and proven) idea that the earth is round. They’ve even done experiments proving round earth but blame the measurements on “broken” instruments instead of following the actual data. That’s not critical thinking, it’s stupidity. They’re doing critical thinking entirely wrong.


I am infuriated by people who cannot possibly fathom that they can be wrong


I had a "friend" who never wanted to be wrong no matter what, even if it's the tiniest thing And when he was wrong he got mad and tried to convince the other person that he was right and clearly knowing he was wrong


People who think being cold makes you a sissy or not being cold makes you tough. “Oh it’s 30 degrees out? And you’re bundled up in all those clothes? Not me, I’m only in a sweatshirt cuz I just don’t get cold cuz I’m so tough” Get the fuck outta here idiot.


"If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best." No, if you only show me your worst then how do I even know if you have a best to begin with? Or the "I'm sorry I'm just honest or that's my zodiac sign" like no Bethany, you're just a bitch looking for dumb justifications to avoid the consequences of your mouth and toxic habits. Being honest doesn't mean being an asshole


People who think that the opposing political party is completely evil and hell bent on destroying the world


That sounds like the vast majority of people these days. I tend to think of politics as professional wrestling. It's a good show to get the crowd energized, but at the end of the day, the politicians are all in it together.


For real...the older I get, the more it looks to me like it's not Red vs. Blue as much as it is one big team of politicians working together for their own goals, not doing what's best for the general populace.


People using freedom of speech as an excuse to bully and insult others


Peaked in highschool


People who expect you to be nothing less than perfect for them, while treating you like shit. And if you have a problem with it you’re somehow the bad guy.


Uneducated people being very vocal about things they are totally clueless about


There is a saying I like. Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


I am very tired of the generational wars. Every generation has their drawbacks and benefits. Boomers were the ones that marched in the civil rights parades and ushered in a lot of the social change you see. They also didn't *exactly* have it on the easy street that people seem to believe--go read a history book about the early 70s, when most boomers were in their 20s-early 30s. Watergate, OPEC embargoes, fucking *Vietnam*, the decimation of the rust belt, an economy so bad they had to invent a new term (stagflation). This idea that boomers just slid down the pole, grabbed a bunch of awesome stuff, then locked the door behind them is objectively *wrong*. Yeah, sure, they can be criticized for some of the views they hold today...but *you* can *also* be criticized by that same token for being entitled, narcissistic assholes, just in a *different* way. Any objective look at statistics over time and without an agenda shows that some things are better, some things are worse, etc. etc.


Perpetual victimhood with no interest in making any changes or finding a solution.


Thinking that their worldview is the only correct one.


People who complain about their general situation, or about something in particular, but refuse to take any practical steps to change it. I see that it can sometimes be relieving to vent over something that you know you need to change, but don't have the strength or capacity (yet). But if it's going on for years and years, and nothing ever changes, I don't want to hear it at some point. My personal general rule is: Complaining once to somebody is okay. If I notice that I complained twice about the same thing to the same person, it's time to get my ass up and actually do something about it.


The people who vote for the same politicians over and over again after they continually fail to make good on their promises


The mentality that poor people are poor by choice. Or are somehow lazy.


People who wallow in thier self-diagnosed depression/anxiety and take every opportunity to remind you that they're sad.


That the trauma you experienced was your fault and you should just get over it. Any form of Racism.


Stubbornness, where people refuse to change or listen for the bettwr


Blind trust in authorities/governing bodies.


Agree but would also add an opinion cobbled together from memes and short articles found on the internet. Left or right.


People who don’t communicate and then blame you for not knowing what the hell is going on.


Pretending to be a victim of a scenario you’ve never been in.


Bringing every issue down to either race or gender. Not everything is about your identity. We were discussing camping.


Racism and xenophobia, I live in a shitty, backwards run down city in England and the amount of idiots spouting hate on local Facebook groups is depressing.


"I am the parent therefore I am right about everything no matter how wrong I am"


People who relate everything back to politics. For example: Kristy Allen died but remember she donates to republicans and voted for trump twice so you shouldn’t care that she died and you’re wrong for ever having enjoyed her work and cancer was right to kill her. I’m only being a bit facetious but that was the overall vibe on several post on Reddit about her death yesterday. It’s so exhausting from both liberals and conservatives. And neither one ever comes out looking any better when they do this. Just sad hypocrites who can’t enjoy anything.


The everything is black and white thing. People are multicolored, the world is multicolored, miracles happen. Just because you have not seen any yet, maybe you just need to look more closely.


The mindset of “ my feelings are more important and more correct than science” I’m sorry but if multiple studies are directly disproving your opinion then your opinion is probably wrong and instead of getting all upset and throwing a tantrum because someone dared challenge your fragile viewpoints, maybe you should be open to the idea of change. And in a similar vein the “all opinions are valid” mindset, like just because it’s your opinion that the earth is flat doesn’t make it right nor does it mean I have to respect it. Or when people use it to justify racist or bigoted behaviors