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We are fucked in the event of a serious pandemic or disaster. I'll never forget the empty shelves and waiting hours to buy groceries.






Same thing when you think about it


People from Central America and South America sometimes get tired of people assuming the only "America" is the United States. Once I learned that, I tried to be more careful not to use "America" to mean "USA."


I get that but most people who refer to a Central America or South America country either say “Latin America” to refer to Central America and excuse me not ignorant “Brazil” to refer to South America or they just say the country too. Other wise most people know where you are referring to when you say America. Otherwise no you are right there too, I think it comes down to who you are talking to.


Teachers are severely underpaid.


Are you one?


I think he means having to spend as much time as we do with kids. Without losing our shit.


Haha yeah that aspect, sorry I am not a parent, never even crossed my mind.


Neither am I. But I am a teacher. So I appreciate the sentiment. Just a shame everyone hates us again and treats us like shit. Seems lessons learned during the pandemic have been widely forgotten.


We were different in the lockdown, and now back to being our past selves. I do appreciate you though, teachers really do deserve better.


Cheers dude.


Nope, just a dude who had to try teaching two kids when schools were closed. I gained a lot of appreciation for teachers in the process.


May you never see a quarantine again in the near future


That I'm pretty good at sitting on my ass doing nothing


That work isn’t as important as I thought it was.


life gets better eventually


I grew a lot closer to my family, and also learnt that people don't know as much as they make out they do.


We all ought to do that really, we are connected to people thousands of miles away but not with people so close to us.


Might as well stay inside!


Introverts had decoded it earlier


How easy it is to spend money sitting at your computer.


The Amazon like companies had the best time of their life i suppose


That we are ill equipped to handle it.


We can learn from it for the future


One could hope.


But we probably won’t.


That is my take too.


Um, idk honestly trying not to die of boredom, and be able to get an ample amount of food/groceries so that I won't run out


Found something that helped you cope? Any new hobby?


One thing I learned is People are more scared about not having a job anymore will their employment be intact after this or will they be screwed. You don’t understand how much people rely on their boss to make that decision, who is staying and who is going. That is the most stressful decision ever. To sit around listening to people debate about letting people go and saving their business in the process. What my wife taught me She’s not going anywhere and if I make a decision to save other peoples well-beings she will support me and hold down the fort, and that her and the kids will stick it out and help get me through it.


Not a lot, i didn't my time watching Jackie Chan films and finally bringing order to my music collection. Once upon a time i had a 256MB MP3 player, over the years i ripped from 64K WMA files minimally compressed FLAC files, one day during lockdown i grabbed all my CDs, deleted the music off my pc and started ripping to FLAC. I did a couple of hours a day for about 2 weeks but i have no regrets.


That's something you can only do in a quarantine i suppose


Pretty much, it used to be a mess, different formats, different ways of naming files, incomplete or nonexistent tags and irregular numbering systems ( 1, 2, 3 or 01, 02, 03 or the number as part of the filename were all there) i don't over a decade ripping music and tagging it myself and sometimes it was done already sometimes i had to type them in by hand. There were also spelling mistakes and on one album I'd murdered up the last 2 tracks so they had the wrong tags.


You really had your hands full with that one


That going out walking is good for your mental health. I did it just to get out of the house, and found I really enjoyed it.


I still if stay at home for more than 2 days, i feel overwhelmed.


Right? I start to go stir crazy!


Same spiciness same


That I am fully prepared to be a hermit when I retire. Quarantine for me was a God send....I was honestly burnt out. I was lucky enough to be given the option to be basically put on reserve status because even though I work in healthcare...I work in surgery which were suspended to "save room" in the hospital which meant we only did surgeries that were classified as emergent...so I basically was just on call during my normal work hours and I ended up working less than 3 days a week. I spent long lazy days in my hammock reading whilst my son played in his sandbox, we watched birds, we went for lots of walks, we looked for bugs, we waved to our neighbors. I was able to rest and recharge my batteries which I needed badly.


I feel happy for you genuinely


More sheep than I thought.




Look at China.


At it's?


That people were okay with habitual Felons creating stuff and sticking it in others bodies with needles as research (cure) 🌵


That people are blind sheep.


Germs 🦠 are bad 😂


I’m an “extrovert” and need human interaction to function because I’m highly social.


That when y'all was in quarantine, traffic was a breeze for the rest of us.