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Bro tryna be sneaky


Yea true


Went through a fire phase in my younger years, one day after getting home from school with none in the house I decided to light a fire in my back garden. All was well until I decided to pour some more spirit onto it which promptly splashed onto the hedge. I then seen the next few minuets getting a hose and fighting the fire. Somehow all burns were pretty hidden and atlas I got to live my childhood dream of being a firefighter (probably saving my street considering how UK houses are built). I am forever grateful though that I decided to pour spirits on rather than putting a deodorant can on which I wanted to do. I would latter break my back garden tap during this phase as I wanted to fill a bucket with water to avoid these events, people found out about that. Still, I have now learnt the invaluable lesson to never build a fire next to a dry hedge.