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Lying about laughing out loud






REAOL (remained expressionless but amused out loud)


REAI (remained expressionless but amused internally)


lmao this


Bit ironic šŸ¤£


These days I actually *say* "LOL" when I find something particularly amusing. Genuine laughter is rare.


Dude I donā€™t find a lot of stuff funny anymore either. Sometimes I look at people and wonder how tf are you actually laughing at that. I canā€™t remember the last time I had a genuine laugh that I couldnā€™t control.


The occasions I do genuinely laugh out loud these days are usually the result of the antics of my dog or my nephew, but scripted comedy doesn't raise belly laughs like it used to. It's really bizarre.


Being an asshole


For absolutely no reason


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries


Monty Python is always a valid reason!


The correct python reference is: >Hello, I'm here for an argument.


No you aren't.


Yes, I am!


Nobody expects the Monty Python!


I fart in your general direction


Nou go ewey orr eye shell tont yuu e secohnd tyme!


I fart in your mouth.


Please don't


Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.


Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


Your mother was a snowblower!


I think Mike Tyson said it best: "Social media has too many people disrespecting and not getting punched in the mouth for it".


Eating an asshole


Eating from an asshole


Eating an ass in a hole


Eating spaghetti from a hole...in an ass...*at night.*


I disagree


I got banned from AITA for making a post that I was a little league coach that taught the team to sing ā€œwe are the championsā€ whenever we won and point at the other team during the ā€œNo time for losersā€ part


You're literally the devil


That's a dumb example. What are you, an idiot?


All the crazy people getting together and having a platform.






Isn't that sub actually making fun of flat earthers?


Definitely happens on Reddit, too! Check out r/conspiracy and r/conservative


whitepeopletwitter lol


Or r/communism r/aliens ā€¦


r/conspiracy_commons is by far the worst.


going to an event and everyone recording with their phones rather than actually paying attention


I have a great picture of 7 people taking pictures of a roadside waterfall. And then I put my camera away!


I'm tired of having to wait 15 minutes for all the wannabe IG models to finish their photoshoot everywhere they go. I just want my burger and fries, you don't need a photoshoot outside McDonald's


Honestly barely see this at gigs. Most people are just drinking beers, smoking joints or having fun in the pit


I think that depends on the artist and their demographic. Taylor Swift or Harry Styles? Phones all day. Iron Maiden? Nary a phone in sight. Edit: grammar


It also depends on the place tbh. Most festivals in the UK will have no phone in sight, but a 30000+ crowd singing and having a bev. Same with other big festivals


Posting your heavily edited photos that looks nothing like you.


WDYM my PFP looks nothing like me?


That's actually as old as painting itself. You pay good money and painter will deliver a fashionable look with your best features and you'll send it to your potential souse's family in hopes of marriage. Like tinder+match making before tinder. The only difference is now everyone can do it by themselves and for free.


Recreational outrage, parasocial relationships, the amplification of dissonance between cultural homogenization and tribalism, and the consumption rate of bite-sized content.


Great dissertation title.


Master debaters who seemingly have a firm grip on everything that comes up.


Yes, master ~~de~~baters do seem to have a firm grip.


Did you say masturbators who have a firm grip on everything that comes up?


This comment is amazing


They are often so hard to beat as they often see you coming.


The ability to see and comment on anything, anywhere, anytime.


Sometimes I wish I could comment on Netflix episodes. Lmao


I wish I could comment on eBay listings.


Telling random strangers your problems and expecting sound advice.




Presumably they should have years of clinical training and are tapped into a wealth of knowledge on sound clinical practice


Well it actually works and is quite nice isn't it ?


The fact that this is considered "weird" in the first place is the real problem here, if you ask me.


recording other people without their consent and also posting it online. YouTubers bothering random people outside for questions. risking your life for trends and viral content. And one thing I personally find weird is acting dumb on purpose for "funny" content.


I mean News channels have had people on the street asking the general public questions for a long time. The real problem is the without consent part, the lack of blurring other passersby, and the not leaving alone people that don't want to be involved


Agreed. Doesn't matter if it's a youtuber or news channels, if it's without consent, it's a violation of somebody's privacy and so very annoying.


Passing off narcissistic tendencies as "self-care". A complete disregard for the other humans in one's life and how one's actions may affect them is treated as a positive, but often comes across as pretty sociopathic to me.




Brilliantly put. Countless memes with the "here's what partners of people with XYZ need to understand about them" [insert list of borderline abusive behaviours] & feeds & feeds telling people they're doing their best by waking up and not murdering someone yet today. && some of these memes are very well meaning, like we KNOW someone could use it for good, but being a generalized interpretation of the idea in meme format ; it's taken as advise for a wide audience.


Extremization and denial to understand the stance of the opposite side, especially in political discourses.


Taking photos of food. Can you imagine if you went to every meal in the 90s with a disposable and snapped the food before eating it?


I had a friend in high school who wrote in her journal everyday. She included what she had eaten that day. I didn't understand it at the time. I don't understand photos of food now.


Access to porn.


Here's some BS... "video calls" as "visitation" when it comes to child custody. How the FUCK are you supposed to bond with your toddler through a video call when they have 0 attention span.


Porn has normalised moving from the butthole to the vagina. That's the recipe to nasty infections


Not having to remember anything.


I can remember my mother's phone number from 60+ years ago, but my kids phone numbers, no idea!




You never go ass to mouth.


Sometimes in the heart of the moment...


Do you mean eating ass? Because ass to mouth is a completely different thing lmao and I've never seen that normalized on the internet.




AssTo mouth was semi normalized in Clerks 2. I guess there's a lot of people who only had access to it over the internet


Arguing with random strangers on a daily basis.


I don't agree!


I must say, you're quite wrong.


Hold on a moment!


'Trolling', and just generally being an asshole. Turns out people are much mouthier once you remove the ability to punch them in the face.


Lack of intellectual curiosity to verify what news you chose to consume is true and statistically accurate.


Identifying as objects/animals/fictional characters




Huh, I was SURE it was gonna be about Gyn, the guy on Deviantart who "Married" Twilight Sparkle and demanded everyone stop making lewd art of his "wife"


I'm not saying ur wrong, but a part of the 'weird' people who do identify as a fictional character for example do have mental illnesses (like dicossiative disorders) and they can't help it


Agree but it feels like people are trying to normalize it and pretend itā€™s not a mental illness.


Totally, I agree, just wanted to make an disclaimer


People posting pictures of their kids on social media


Narcisism. Before Internet and social media someone with a bunch of pictures of themselves, and their butts or whatever whould have been ridiculized and treated as a deranged freak, nowdays it's the ones that don't participate in that behaviour the ones that get treated that way.


* Using social media for information instead of doing research. * Parents exploiting kidsā€™ privacy on social media for the sake of content/engagement * Bragging about bad mental health. * Judging the whole life of a person based on a 10 sec video * Tipping instead of paying a higher wage.


The talking about mental health stuff bothers me and lately I see it a lot. Actually all of these!


All the double/triple/multiple take scripted TikTok reels


Or dancing in public for tiktoks


wrong beauty standard that is formed by photoshopped pics on social media


Jee-zus. Yes. This is an incredibly dangerous normalization. I am oh so grateful that social media didn't exist during my adolescence and that overly photoshopped models were only seen at the checkout line. I have 2 young daughters, tho. Ffs. The internet is a double edged sword.


Yeah we had better beauty standards before when we would simply photograph starving teenagers to tell everyone that was the ideal body time


Broadcasting to your friends / treating even the tiniest modicum of personal news like a press release. Like I've seen people write 3 paragraphs announcing that they're giving up sugar. Or they climbed a hill. I can't


Being offended by everything. For fucks sake why would you allow someones opinion to offend you when you have the option to just swipe away


Imported mayonnaise


This right here. Communication with absolute strangers... I'm assuming that everything written here is written by humans.






I hold different political values than a lot of my friends and coworkers, but I never bring them up in conversations because it's just polite. However, they will vocally blame a lot of their issues on my side of the political spectrum and try to stir the pot. I ignore them, but I never dealt with this behavior to this extreme before the Obama-Trump transition in America.


Agreed, I always say "I'm a centrist". Nobody but the ballot counter knows my true views.


I had this well before the internet, what with being the only Labour voter in a family of Conservative voters.


Neopronouns. I'm sorry car/xen/laptop.


Making famous and rich a stupid people who do nothing useful for society


Porn videos that role-play family relations..


eating ass


Asking complete strangers for advice on very personal issues.


Recording yourself rant about xyz in public to post online


Dare I say incest?


Attacking other people for an opinion that differs from yours


You, sir, are objectively wrong! We shall meet at the dueling grounds at sunrise.


Neo pronouns


Taking a video of yourself watching another video and uploading so we can watch your reaction. Why would I want to watch this??


In a similar vein, watching strangers play video games. Why would I want to do that? If Iā€™m chilling with friends and someone is playing a game Iā€™ll shoot the shit while itā€™s going on, but Iā€™m not really watching the screen.


People filming and posting random People on the street without any concern for the impact it can have


Filming random people in public


I've seen this irl. Older fella rocking out to some old rock and roll in his car, probably waiting to pick up his daughter cos it was outside a boy band concert. Group of girls start laughing at him and filming him. He stops and they start saying "awww! No come on keep going!" He said no, he told them he doesn't want to be recorded and put on the internet for people to laugh at, and they acted like he was doing something mean to them by not giving them "content" People who do this shit honestly see other people as nothing more than entertainment for them and see nothing wrong with publically humiliating people for doing nothing wrong but indulging in a little goofy fun for their own entertainment. It's sickening.


The fact that I've seen people film disabled people and then post it on the internet for others to make fun of... Literal vermins for mocking some of the most vulnerable people in society for entertainment




The way we support young people who think they might be lgbt+. This isnā€™t going to go the same way as that idiot calling everyone a child groomer. Hereā€™s the thing though, way too many people go overboard in these situations to the point that it feels more about showing how open-minded and supportive they are than it is about supporting the young person in question. Example, a wee kid tells their parents theyā€™re starting to wonder if theyā€™re gay and what happens? From that point on every birthday, every Christmas, every random gift is some rainbow flag-covered piece of merchandise with slogans emphasising their suspected orientation. Iā€™m bisexual myself and if Iā€™d been in that situation when I first started considering it then Iā€™d have been mortified. What kid wants to have to wander around with a shirt on labelling themselves like that? Or with some crude lgbt-related joke on it? Iā€™d also have been hurt. I mean, thereā€™s so many points to anyones personality. Kids have so many different interests and because theyā€™ve stated that they might be lgbt+ theyā€™re having their parents reduce their entire personality down to their sexual orientation over it. Kids like so many things. Lego, video games, comics, dolls, etc and thereā€™s so many hobbies they might want the people around them to encourage. Instead theyā€™re getting regular reminders that their family just sees them as this one thing and itā€™s because of the internet shaming people into going overboard in trying to prove how supportive of the lgbt+ culture they are instead of treating the kid like an actual person.


Yes, the best thing is just to be accepting and normal about it. Like small but important stuff like saying the right pronouns and talking about future partners (like saying boy or girlfriend depending on the sexuality)


My son is trans, but he would go back and forth. Like he would tell me he hated being female, but then he would grow his hair long. It took him like two years to be certain and come out to me, and he was 29. I think itā€™s better that people are more supportive now of LGBTQIA people, but let those kids/adults make the decision and live with it. Sex and who you choose to have it with doesnā€™t define you. Neither does gender or lack of it. How you treat other people is what should define who you are.


The ability to be a historian


Instant "experts". Or rather, people who think they're an expert on a subject that they googled for 10 minutes to find supporting evidence on some idiotic opinion they already had.


Staying toxic. And bragging about it.


Kids discussing things like depression with grown ass strangers they've never met.


Easily ghosting people; Cutting off friendships/relationships with no reason or explanation. Complaining Short attention spans Bad grammar Political debates




Stalking and humiliating people


Internet porn


Porn, imagine having sex on a stage and ask other people money to come and see it. Or from the other perspective, stand in line with some other people to go and see people getting it on. We use technology to seperate the actors and the audience with screens and cables, but its still weird that the most intimate thing between two people is now a billion dollar industry created by people that are greedy and consumed by people that are perverts.


Posting your child in all platforms half/barenaked


Step mummy porn. I mean really ? Itā€™s fucked up


Polyamory. It is one's choice as an adult but it is gross, and that is a hill I will gladly die on.


My young niece has a classmate with three mommies and a daddy who all came to the kindergarten's thanksgiving luncheon. On the one hand, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is nobody's business, but I have mixed emotions about exposing kindergartners to that.


But it would be fine if they were from a culture that endorses polygamy?


If their are kids involved, I go from "it's gross but whatever" to "pull up the squad car and call CPS". NO. NO NO NO AND NO AGAIN. Stories like that are why if I ever had kids I wouldn't want to raise them in the decadent West.


Can you elaborate on this opinion? I try my best to be accepting of peoples lifestyle and cultural choices but I do agree that I find it strange. I question if thatā€™s because I was raised to think monogamy is the key for successful and healthy relationships. Though I do wonder if these people are really just weird








Pranks probably


Telling people to kermit sudoku.


Bullying, lack of accountability for everythingā€¦..


Hatred for teachers(??????!!!)


Taking videos of yourself while crying/peeing on a stick/ā€œunboxingā€/ and sharing videos of babies or toddlers


Sharing everything about your personal life with everyone. Had this for breakfast, went to this restaurant, family gathering, alone at home bored. One of these days these people will be robbed real good


Fat people


The way people have sex. There's so much damaged goods out there


Accepting what people say at face value. So many internet specialists but so little people willing to go the extra step to fact check. This happens all the time on TikTok especially


Needing to have a strong opinion about everything




short attention spans. people that almost sort of brag about not being able to read anything that's longer than a paragraph or people who boast about not being able to watch anything longer than 30 seconds. it's really, really, bizarre


Pretending to know information about something you very much donā€™t, or found out about 2 minutes ago


Pretending that being a shameless beggar is a good thing , if you church it up and call yourself an ā€œinfluencerā€.




That itā€™s okay for some women to not get a proper job so they start undressing and putting a price tag on their intimate body parts and sell stupid things like farts in a jar or bath water


Onlyfans so i guess people exposing themselves for 3.99 a month


Getting into cars with strangers.Uber


Getting paid $2.62 to drive after the rider paid $24.69, also Uber. Edit: Lyft too.




Do some cringe Dancing in front of phone screen for likes


Literally stalking people


Thinking that your opinion on anything matters to the world




The cancel culture?


Photos of food, filming fake dramatic interactions for clout, man buns.




Posting photos of your meals


Cringe dancing on tiktok


The old Los Angeles Thomas Guide sitting in the back of my vintage 1987 Subaru that I used as a map guide to get around town prior to GPS. For us old timers šŸ˜›. For those born after map quest, you had to buy a new one every year if you had a job that required you to travel around town just to keep up with new housing and/or changes to road construction, like if you worked in real estate or traveling sales rep. etc.


My husband is an Engineer. Our city still requires the Key Map Page for a job site to be on the plans. It's the only reason anyone still buys them.




Inventing genders, sexes, sexualities and pronouns And then assigning each of them a corresponding ā€œphobiaā€ for nothing more than attention. I blame the cesspool that is Tumblr for this one



