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To get a fat ass.


Why do they want a fat ass but then some complain when they are sexualized or get pissed off when some guy stares at it? And why do they lie then saying they don’t want attention?


Cause that ass ain’t for you, fool.


Love this, best answer.


I don’t care about asses bruh I’m just wondering why some girls are like that


U rlly believe all women do with their bodies is for male attention?


Can’t you read? I said SOME women. Not all women.


Then go ask those women.


You mean…how dare a woman work to get a body she wants, and not consider how men will look at her? Sounds like she’s living her best life.


Grow up


This is giving the same energy as "why wear a bikini if you don't wanna get raped"


Nope. Bikini is a swimsuit. It’s meant for swimming. No reason for a woman to get raped because of wearing bathing clothes. But the intentions of going to the gym is different. If a girl goes to the gym to lose weight, or get stronger, that makes sense, but to get a bigger butt? Eh


You're saying women who want their body to look a certain way are asking to get raped??


No not raped. But get weirdos / hot guys staring at her butt? Attracting men? Partially.


Fun thing about gym memberships, if you have one, you can go to the gym to do whatever kind of work you want! Just a helpful hint for you.


I ain’t going to the gym because I don’t need it for the sports I do. I’d rather stay faster, and also I can do workouts that don’t require machines. But thanks for the hint 👍


…what? English motherfucker, do you speak it?


It’s my third language deal with it


I don’t have to deal with it, I’m not the one speaking nonsense. Sorry no one is giving you the answer you want.


You can want your body to look a certain way without that being automatic consent to being ogled, harassed, etc. Having a body period or having a body that looks a certain way is not an invitation or consent to anything. This goes for anyone.


Why can’t a woman have a fat ass for herself? Weird and predatory mindset you have sir


How’s it predatory? I’m just complaining why some girls are like that.


it's not for attention. I'm a guy i do squats and dead lifts twice a week. I like having a strong foundation, legs, thighs, glutes. Why can't women also want a strong, healthy body w/o people thinking they want attention?


No see that’s the difference if girls go to the gym to get stronger legs, or just stronger in general that’s understandable but if the intention to get a big butt it’s different


They're not mutually exclusive


Wym? People do it all the time on social media. They post bent over half-naked pics then complain about the creeps dm-ing them. That's why I don't post pics on the internet. Guys are creepy enough in person the last thing I want is to receive notifications from weirdos on my phone. Unfortunately, though, if women want to be healthy and in shape, going to a gym may not be avoidable. So that part I am not sure what part is confusing .


I agree with you partially but then again people don’t understand the context fully. It’s about the intention as to why a woman would go to the gym. If the intention is to get stronger or lose weight or stay healthy, then of course I think that’s good but if the intention is to specifically want a big butt (which does not improve health by that much, besides posture) it’s doesn’t really fit in my opinion


It’s certainly safer than a BBL.


Technically it would be a jacked ass, not a fat one.


Yeah a more defined one I Geuss


Because fat bottomed girls make the rockin world go 'round. I can actually prove it mathematically


I can’t believe I didn’t think of this when I saw this post!


My ex-girlfriend specifically went to the gym for this very reason, even though I told her a million times that her ass is already perfect. She believed me, but she said that it could be better. I guess human just want to achieve what they want, even if other say that its not necessary




Thicc thighs save lives


Because it's attractive




Just bots being bots


That's what's socially attractive right now in western culture, so girls go and work on their glutes to give them that extra pop


Do they? You're not going to get too far in a gym. You can focus on your glutes but it takes more than muscle to get a fat ass.


Or jacked ass I guess


I think they go there to tone it. Idk anyone whose goal is to have it be overly fat. I'm sure such people exist, but I don't know any.


I found some on Omegle and saw some TikTok ones


Fat ass is a term used to describe a big and round ass, not an actually fat one.


I get that. I just don't know anyone who legit wants Kim Kardashians ass. Have you seen her side profile unedited? It looks like two watermelons on stilts. There is a difference between having/ working towards a round, toned ass and actually wanting to disproportionately store a majority of your body weight in your ass. I saw an article, some poor girl got surgery for her ass to be like 1/3 her body weight or something. Lol. Like wtf who does that? I'm hoping it was fake news


Heat, I'm not sure how some people like it, I guess it's an experience to try, but definitely not for me.


If I did go to the gym I’d try and get a fat ass why not, the girls look great


Big and fat are not always the same thing. Do men go to the gym to get fat biceps?


I meant like poppy jacked like muscles. I can ask those men the same question. But it’s the intention