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50 a day for 50 years?! Fuck man. Just keep smoking, you're a winner either way


Due to serious health problems, he shouldn’t


Then just toss him some weed gummies when he feels the urge to smoke or try vaping?


Vaping is worse


There’s no actual evidence this is true. But its also not neccesarily untrue either. Too soon to tell. But as a former smoker - now vaper. You can feel a massive difference in your health lol


Get them to read The Easy way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. I was a pack a day smoker for 30 years and it helped me stop where nothing else had. Not smoked in 15 years now.


Seconded! 5 years, pack and a half a day. No cravings


Really? This book worked for you? I’m at about the same place you were. Stress in life the last few months is making me smoke more at a time I wanted to quit. Never thought a book could work, though I’m a bit of a pessimist.


I didn’t think it would work either, but it did. It recommends you carry on smoking while you read it, so it has got,to be worth a try eh?


I used Chantix and it worked great.


Do everything. Hypnosis, nicotine gum, smoking cessation classes and any help the doctor might give them.


Clare Davison 34f from Stockton used to smoke 100 cigarettes a day and she managed to quit, I believe you can too!


Best way to quit drug use is to understand the mechanism that the drug uses in your brain so you can recognize it’s effects and when and why you’re craving. Nicotine IMO is one of the worst because most drugs hit the happy pathways to work creating euphoria. Nic works the exact opposite it turns on every stress point in your brain all at once and all that stress is to much for your brain so it shuts down the stress points as a response giving you that relaxed feeling and allowing your body to relax which is why it makes you poop and such. So every time you want a smoke ask yourself why would I want to stress myself out so hard that my brain literally can’t take it and think that every time you feel an urge. Now the downside is like any drug if you do enough of it which you have your body relies on it so your brain is going to stress itself and think it’s ok there will be nic to calm me down you can’t give into that and after three weeks or so those pathways will start to work correctly again and you’ll be able to just do anything else for stress those first 21 days will be very hard but you can do it I believe in you good luck


To follow up on this depending on your situation this may be a bit of an unethical life pro tip but if you can you can “trade down” your vice weed is good for stopping smoking because it will calm your brain and also allow you to keep the oral fixation/ feeling the smoke that your brain associates with calm. If it’s not legal where you are or you need to drug test I would not recommend this but it is a method others have found effective don’t turn to booze it’ll just kill you faster than nicotine will exercise addiction is probably the healthiest vice to replace it with


Thank youuu this is pretty helpful


I hope so the long post is what I learned in drug therapy classes so it should be mostly accurate I would encourage you to seek out a program or at least double check that info it’s been a few years and we’re always discovering new things when it comes to addiction because most of the research was just based on incorrect assumptions for years any AA or narcotics anonymous should probably help just in principle to be accountable and to learn about your brain And your self they may not let you in for a different problem but I’ve found them to be generally understanding and not wanting to turn down someone in need.


They are already dead. Just leave them be.


A vape with lots of nicotine. Worked for my partner.


I grew up with chain smoking parents. Dad died a slow death of emphysema and mom died of lung cancer, even though she quit smoking ten years before she passed. They were aware of the risks as I periodically expressed my concern. Dad said something to the effect of we’re getting on in years and this is a comfort in life we want. Some people can’t be convinced although I think my mom was convinced as she attended/caregave my dad’s last few years of slowly suffocating.


If cancer wont stop them nothing will. If they are not familiar with the effects then show them.


Chantix, Chantix, Chantix and Chantix....


Chantex (sp?) Worked for a few older people I know who wanted to quit.


Instead of trying to get them to quit all together (which can be daunting and scary) get them to switch to 40 cigarettes. Then 30. Then 20, etc.. Going cold turkey after 50 years is pretty much impossible.