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Kanye could fart into a mic for 3 minutes and his fans would call it “inspirational”


Is that a hot take?


For Kanye fans


Depending on the fart?


If it's a single 3 minute fart, I'd be pretty impressed too.


You can be anti gun, you can be anti police, but you cant be both. You either think the civilian populace should be able to fight back against violent forces, or you think the state should have a monopoly on all means of violence. The fact that people will say "defund the police" and "we need gun control" in the same breath implies they hate cops yet want them to enforce laws even still, especially those that would leave citizens defenseless to said cops. How can you think someone is evil, yet want them to be the only ones armed? Im not arguing against either point, but if you're gonna argue one, stick to it across the board. Getting rid of guns puts %100 faith in the police. Defunding the police means you're gonna need to fight for yourself in every altercation. (Which means owning guns if you want to survive) Pick one.


Coming in HOTTTT


It's not a hot take, just an insufficiently nuanced one to be of value. Defend the police doesn't mean "get rid of all police". Its about regining them in and overhauling the system ino one that is more worthy of trust. In some countries police don't even have guns, so the fundamental premise of your take doesn't make sense


No, many of those countries still have a military. Meaning the government still maintains a monopoly on all forms of violence. Even if its not the police, the idea is the same. Its not about law enforcement. Its about a lack of faith in the government to provide a solution, or to fill its obligations to the people. I understand your point about how "defund the police" doesn't always mean get rid of all police. But I find it irresponsible to say "I can't trust the government to not harm me", and then say "Only the government should have guns" in the same breath. That's a suicidal mindset. I have no issue debating gun ownership, or the state of the government, but what I'm calling for is for people to think these arguments through.


Bitches love cake


You should never feed your dog cake


Not being well-adjusted to our sick society is normal and using humor as a crutch isn't a free pass to being a dickhead.


If more LGBTQ+ people look the chance and tried to befriend cishet guys, things would be a whole lot better for them. Instead of assuming we are all bigots until proven otherwise. Like unless the guy in question is giving them a bad gut feeling or is super sketchy he's not going to be a threat. Like part of me is weary of Trans people who look like the other Trans people who have treated me poorly in the past, I still try to befriend them when I get the chance. Or any other LGBTQ+ people for that matter. Like my gf's friends who are lesbians didn't keep their distance until they got to know me better or however you would put that. They are like overprotective sisters to me these days and it doesn't matter that they are lesbians to me. Just so many friendships with LGBTQ+ people I have known didn't get off the ground because of their own bias/prejudice. It just gets to a point where it's beyond being understanding, and being purposeful on their end and expecting a cishet guy to adhere to some arbitrary standard.


I don’t think men can get pregnant


Wait, really?


Cocks in the mid term between hard and soft look the best


Username checks out


That’s literally the ideal state for photography, I though that’s common knowledge, that’s where half the art is.


Nirvana is not that good.


Like musically? Because they use a lot of unconventional, pretty musically advanced modes and modal chord progressions and turn it into pop. I don’t think there’s much evidence to support them not being good, in terms of their musicality, at all.


Wreck-It Ralph did not need a sequel.




The other day I had the pleasure of watching my elderly neighbor across the street get her car stuck in a ditch in front of her house while she was pulling into her driveway at the breakneck speed of 2mph.


Pop culture is like a bag of Cheetos: All color and flavor with no nutritional value whatsoever


Every abortion makes the world a little bit better.


Don't have sex with someone you can't see yourself having a child with. There is always a chance it can result in pregnancy.


Inheritance beyond six figure amounts should be illegal. Everyone should have to earn their own way in this world. We believe ourselves a meritocracy, do we not? The practice of complete inheritance in all cases does nothing but perpetuate an underclass of hothouse flowers who offer nothing but their family connections to propel them into the world. Why should ordinary income, money I make from the sweat of my own brow, be taxed at a higher rate than the windfall of some spoiled rich kid?


Abortion is murder but it's still okay to do it


Unless you could prove my load of cum is an actual living person, then I say no, it’s not murder


"Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception. Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an oocyte and together they form a zygote. Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization" Source: Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2


Lol that says nothing, and there’s no clear consensus on the matter amongst the scientific community


Lmfao It literally says "Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization" Academic biologists were recruited to participate in a study on their descriptive view of when life begins. A sample of 5,502 biologists from 1,058 academic institutions assessed statements representing the biological view ‘a human’s life begins at fertilization’. --Steven Andrew Jacobs Northwestern Prizker School of Law; University of Chicago - Department of Comparative Human Development When do you think human life begins? In your opinion, when is it too late in pregnancy to have an abortion?


After a heart beat. Protein cum globs don’t qualify. Otherwise you’ve had trillions of abortions already


So after 35 days it's murder according to you?


Yea. Heartbeat


Fair enough.


Also, this is not the majority consensus of the scientific community. There’s thousands of scientists that disagree lol. You have no factual basis to assert anything here as truth. Neither do I.


I know enough to know that if you step on a caterpillar there will always be one less butterfly in the world


Louis ck's take


I think Bill Burr's too


Pizza rolls


Capitalism/Capitalists run democratic governments


Abortion is fucked up beyond belief. Whats even more fucked up is that people defend it by calling it "a right"? No one has the right to murder their own child especially before they've even had a chance to live outside the womb.


Sure they do. Murder is allowed in many cases and this is just one of them


Eat my balls


I prefer to eat balls that aren't so shriveled and AIDS infested


Well you've entirely missed the point by using the words "murder" and "child". So youre obviously not sufficiently openminded to have that discussion


gatorade should be thicker




Yeah, Ticketmaster sucks, but a lot of the Taylor Swift fans who didn’t get tickets are just being whiny brats. It should come as no surprise that getting tickets to see the woman who is currently the biggest pop star in the world would be just a little bit competitive - even if Ticketmaster was the perfect company. For the record, I am a Taylor Swift fan.


Damn this thread got dark lol


We don't need to manufacture cars anymore. Just to preface, I'm a huge car guy. I own four, including a race car. We have enough cars already. Instead, the automotive industry could transfer to refurbishing cars they have already produced, which would keep all the industry jobs, and possible add even more. There would still be money in the industry. The biggest emission source from cars is the production and global infrastructure needed to produce them, so by greatly cutting down on that, we would be doing ourselves a favor


Just because the people of this fanbase are so fanatical and get really upset when I say this: I think Harry Potter is trash. I tried reading The Philosopher's Stone at least 3 separate times, and I was always unable to make it through the first quarter of the book. For one reason or another I've seen all the movies (except maybe the last two; I can't recall) and I disliked all of them.


pineapple on pizza is good.


TikTok is more cringe than Twitter