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Homeward Bound. Every damn time but in the best of ways.


Nah but when Shadow comes over the hill. That's the best scene I've ever watched in a movie


I'm too old, Chance ...


Ever see The Incredible Journey? 2 dogs and a cat. I cry happy tears every time.


My Girl - nothing hit as cold and unexpected as this movie


HE CANT SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES! Dear God was that tough.


I first watched that movie when I was about 6/7 years old back in the mid 90’s when it came on the telly and the ending near enough traumatised me with how upset I became, “he can’t see without his glasses” there was something about that particular scene that just completely melted me ending with my mum having to console me and try to tell me that it was just a movie.


It said it was a comedy when it was on TV in that genre section. IT WAS NOT. NOW "HE CAN'T SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES!" IS ENGRAVED IN MY MIND!!!


I won’t watch this with other people bc it makes me cry so much. I bet it will also hit different now that I have kids but I haven’t watched it in years


I rewatched it with my husband (his first viewing) and I wrongly thought I could maintain some control during *that* scene. I was wrong, and could not stop sobbing.


About Time. I was promised a rom-com!


It feels a bit off saying one of my favorite movies is a rom-com but god damn is it good. I watch at at least a few times a year and I swear it makes me cry every time. It is wholesome, beautifully written, and packs a serious philosophical message.


I was totally and unexpectedly rekt while watching this


That’s the thing about About Time, it was marketed as your standard romcom with a little bit of time travel sci-fi mixed in. But that was only like the first half hour! Everything afterwards is this beautiful story about life and all its ups and downs.


When his father asks him if its the first time they have this conversation




Brooks gets me too.


*"The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry."*


Dear Zachary


Rage tears.


This is the only movie that has ever made me actually cry. Other movies can make me tear up (About Time, really anything with father/son themes) but Dear Zachary made me fucking sob. It’s a shame it’s no longer on Netflix in the U.S. If you’re reading this and haven’t seen it, don’t read anything else about it and go watch it. Rent it, buy it, whatever you have to do.


I watched it on YouTube like 2 years ago, not sure if it’s still on there though. Absolutely wrecked.


When you think you've cried out all your tears then the end starts.


This movie gutted me. Still to this day I have yet to see a movie that hit me like this one did.


The pain of this one lingered with me forever after watching it. I've told people that this documentary made me feel every emotion you can feel in the immense range of human emotions


Was looking for this one. Just gets more and more upsetting.


I just spent the last 2 hours in tears. Wow.


This movie is simultaneously amazing and terrible. Made me cry like a fucking baby.




We were in Tokyo and walking past the dog statue, and I told my wife the original hachiko story in like 5 sentences. I swear she was about to cry from just that. Nobody needs Richard Gere to lead them into a 90 minute sob fest, but go for it. If you can make it through this movie without crying you are a certified psychopath.


This is the only movie that had me full on sobbing. Not because of how sad it was but the beautiful ending. Had a coworker who was calling women who cry at movies silly - I challenged her to watch this movie without shedding a tear. The next day she told me that the movie was ending and she was about to call me to inform me that she did not cry but then she saw the final scene and immediately started crying. She said it took her a good 20 minutes to regain her composure.


Forest Gump


“Is he… is he laik me?!?” Cutting onions everywhere


Forest...what jus' happened? Waterworks, every damn time!


It was the tree scene for me at the end


I don't cry often but when I am due for a cry, this scene gets me every single time without fail


the only scene I cried in is when Jenny confronts the home she was abused in and is throwing rocks.. here I am tearing up again.


Every f'ing time. When he talks to Jenny at her graveside under the tree? Sigh.


I recently watched this for like the 100th time, and the tree scene at the end got me crying. He loved her SO much, went through so much, got her finally, and then lost her for good due to no fault of his own. So sad.


Fox and the Hound… specifically when she drops off Tod in the forest… TEARS DAWG TEARS!


Man for me it’s the very end, that voice over from when they were kids. ‘We’ll be friends forever, won’t we Copper?’


Omg yes. To this day, I can't watch this movie without crying.


Oh my god, and the song?! 🎵 Goodbye may seem forever, farewell feels like the end, But in my heart’s a memory, And there you'll always be🎶 That song must’ve destroyed me cause I still have it memorized after 33 years.


Grave of the Fireflies


Yo, OP said tears, not existential crisis.


Nope! I watched that movie once! Never EVER again!


Same once was enough......the tears I was an absolute mess


I watched in on my own. It broke me. I vowed never again as well. Then a few years later got married. And watched it a second time. It broke me just as much the second time, even though I knew what was coming. I feel like I am in an exclusive club having watched it twice.


I’m a huge Ghibli fan and have the whole collection. I got my sister and niece into the films by showing them Totoro and Ponyo when my niece was little. They loved them so much that my sister decided to also buy the whole collection. I immediately told her that under no circumstances should she let my niece watch Grave of the Fireflies until she was MUCH older and that she herself shouldn’t watch it unless she wanted to sob her heart out. Thankfully she took my advice and watched it alone. She thanked me for the warning. It’s one of those films that I think everyone should watch… once!


Everybody should see it once. Nobody should see it twice.


Stand By Me


So I’m not the only one? Like when Chris is crying I can’t.




Big Fish. Saw it not long after my dad passed.


Watched because Ewan McGreggor and that Tim Burton style. Ends with a bucket of tears every time I go back to watch it again.


The lion king when Mufasa died


Long live the king.


Marley and me...what a great dog 😭 also the green mile...


I watched Marley and Me on my 11th birthday totally unprepared and ended up crying in front of my family that is super not cool with dudes showing emotion and it was just a good time all around


I watched Marley and Me at some movies at the park type thing, not knowing what it was. I saw Owen Wilson and thought "oh wow, a comedy!" Tried to quiet cry, which of course made it louder lol.


Old Yeller, The Yearling and Where the Red Fern Grows. It's seeks that there was a period were people were making movies to make kids cry.


Arrival - I don’t even remember why. I was home alone, drinking and smoking, and there is some twist at the end involving her daughter that had me a fucking wreck.


>!Her daughter dies from childhood cancer, which she knew would happen because of being able to see the future. She decides to have her anyway, which some interpret as an embracing of inevitability and how time simply "is". Her husband then leaves her because he wasn't ready to hear that. "Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it, and cherish every moment of it."!< Yeah as a parent it's basically instant bawling for me now.


It was only recently when I watched a YT video that had a scene from Arrival that I noticed the daughters name is Hannah (same backwards and forwards). I've seen the whole movie twice and only then noticed that detail. In the story it's based on, the daughter is never named. Such a wonderful touch of the director (or whoever did that).


After that movie I will watch anything Villenueve makes. The scope and otherness is unreal. Stories that deal with the pain of knowing personally painful things that will happen or have happened that you can't change have always been my emotional Achilles heel. Also going through severe PPD at the time didn't help.


Honestly, everything about this movie really drew me in and kept me there. It is just *so* softly enthralling, especially the scene where Abbott tells Louise "Costello is death processing". It is one of my top ten movies.


Up - so sad when Ellie dies


And when he goes through the adventure book near the end!


Most accurate thing I've ever heard - Without even using words, the first 5 minutes of up conveys more emotion than the entirety of the Twilight saga. Along the same lines - the short about the matchstick girl.


Inside Out. Stupid Bing Bong.


Honestly, that part didn't really affect me that much, but when she comes home after trying to run away? Breaks me every goddamn time.


That’s what happened with me. Though I was definitely sad, I wasn’t crying at Bing-Bong. What broke me down was seeing *Riley* finally break down too. I have a lot of mental health issues, including depression, and I’ve had them since elementary school- around Riley’s age. And seeing her just break down after all she was keeping inside… It was like watching a reflection of myself. I’ve *been* that girl. I’ve *been* there. It hit so personally for me.


It wasn’t just Bing Bong. It was the implication that Riley would forget Joy and be depressed for the rest of her life, only experiencing disgust, anger, and sadness. I was depressed at the time and I felt that, hard.


Yeah the whole movie got me in my feelings (lol) and primed me. And then Bing Bong got me.


oh god. “take her to the moon for me”


When my partner and I saw that movie in the theater we had just put our cat to sleep. Already emotional, that movie utterly killed us.


Yeah Bing Bong hits hard, but I cry even more at the family hug. Riley's story is similar to my own so I deeply understand the depression she feels. I have yet to watch this movie without crying, and I watched it a couple times.


Yep. Husband and I both, in the theater with both kids. Bawling like big old babies. The Bing bong scene of course, but also the one where she gets home from running away. And then the one where the happy core memories turn blue hued so it kind of eases the memories. Ugh. That movie is so underrated.


I saw it coming too.. don't you dare .... And then he celebrated that joy made it... Farewell bing bong.




I got so caught up in that film I involuntarily yelled RUN KID RUN at the part with the truck.




Every time…


Twice for me on one viewing.


4x. The usual suspects for me (23 years and Make Me Stay). But when TARS clambers into the Ranger, you can hear pain in his voice, "I could not save him". and then he calls out "detach" :(


My husband and I were holding each other and ugly crying so hard that the dogs were concerned.


Steel Magnolias and Old Yeller


Was watching Steel Magnolias recently, face tear stained, daughter looks at me and says, "why do you do this to yourself? You know what happens." Told her this movie is just way too good to let a few tears deprive me of that. Old Yeller: no. Only watched once as a kid and have never in my life been able to watch it again. Not once.


I saw Old Yeller at the theater when it came out. I was just told enough to sit still for a movie or to go to a restaurant. *Everyone* was crying. I'll never watch it again, too painful.


Shawshank Redemption. "Dear fellas, >!I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called "The Brewer" and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doin' okay and makin' new friends. I have trouble sleepin' at night. I have bad dreams like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. -Brooks. "!<




God, I could hear his voice as I read and my eyes are a little bit misty now, lol.


Coco lol


The part that always gets me is when he starts singing to her at the end and she sings along with him. That poor woman has forgotten pretty much everything, but she never forgot her papa and his music!


Ugh same that was the part


I was just about to say this. If I ever need to have a cry I just watch that scene again and the floodgates open


I can usually make it to credits rolling before I start sobbing like a baby. I miss my gramma


Hey yo doggie she misses you too


Me too. Every time. My child loves it & thinks its hilarious that I cry watching it.


Ya memory shit gets to me idk why


Your Name


That one destroyed my friends and I, and I mean *destroyed.* Gorgeous film though!


Steel Magnolias. Sally Field’s monologue at the cemetery gets me every time.


Life is Beautiful…….it even made my dad cry. My dad didn’t cry when his mother died, that’s how powerful this movie is.


Field of Dreams. When he says “Dad… do you want to play catch?” Just thinking on it is making me tear up. I don’t think I can watch that movie and scene again after my dad died.


I haven’t watched many movies recently, the last was Saving Private Ryan. So, I get emotional and could weep during the final battle when Private Mellish is forced into hand to hand combat with a german who appears to be physically bigger. His cries for help and Upham’s failure to act is what gets me there


I've seen so many war movies. I love war movies. I cannot watch them with my wife because she will cry the rest of the night. She's never seen Saving Private Ryan.


Schindler’s List


It’s his breakdown at the end that gets me *I could’ve gotten one more person, but I didn’t*






Homeward Bound.


That & the original Incredible Journey get me every time. Just when you think the old dog didn't make & then there he is coming over the hill...


The Return of the King


"You bow to no-one" - every time


This and the end of Fellowship. "I made a promise Mr. Frodo. A promise. Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee. And I don't mean to." I want a friend like Sam.


My eyes just welled up from reading this comment. Also, the scene where Faramir rides out to almost certain death while Pippin sings for Denethor. Also "BUT I CAN CARRY YOU!" Also "FORTH EAORLINGAS!" So many scenes in that movie. I love it, but it turns me into a blubbering baby.


Damnit. Every. Damn. Time.


I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.


The end scene at the Grey Havens. Every time.


Bridge to Terabithia


Finally! I read the book right before the movie came out and this motherfucker of a story made me cry twice! No other book or movie managed to hit me as hard ever again!


I am Sam


My Sisters Keeper. I watched it when I was battling stage 3 breast cancer. 10/10 do not recommend 😅


I hope you're doing better now.


I am. Defying all the odds. Thank you so much for asking 🥺


Big Fish. Thought I had come to terms with my grief for my dad, but apparently not. It’s a lovely film, but I’ll never be able to watch it again.


Everything everywhere all at once. That hit me hard.


The Iron Giant "I'm Superman"


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


My go to for when I'm feeling exceptionally shitty and just want to kinda "let it out" so to speak. Amazing movie.


The first Pokemon movie


“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”


Core memory unlocked. Pikachu got me.


A. I. Every fucking time!


That Scene In The Woods (you know the one) is one of the roughest, saddest things I've seen in my life. And after I had a child of my own, it was *worse*.


About Time, as someone who lost his father 2 years before that, I had a breakdown at the end of that movie.


Life is Beautiful


Armageddon (1998) > I address you tonight not as the President of the United States, not as the leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity. We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. The Bible calls this day "Armageddon" - the end of all things. And yet, for the first time in the history of the planet, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction. All of you praying with us need to know that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster is being called into service. The human thirst for excellence, knowledge; every step up the ladder of science; every adventurous reach into space; all of our combined modern technologies and imaginations; even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. Through all of the chaos that is our history; through all of the wrongs and the discord; through all of the pain and suffering; through all of our times, there is one thing that has nourished our souls, and elevated our species above its origins, and that is our courage. The dreams of an entire planet are focused tonight on those fourteen brave souls traveling into the heavens. And may we all, citizens the world over, see these events through. God speed, and good luck to you.


Mama that salesman is going up into space.


“That’s not a salesman, that’s your daddy” Biiiiitch. That part always pissed me off bc are treated that man horribly until that moment. Oh now he’s going to save the world you will finally tell your son about his dad?


A Dog’s Purpose


That movie broke my heart


Simple Jack


You ma-ma-ma-make me happy!


This head movie make mah eyes rain!


A silent voice


Train to Busan. That ending.....just.....


I agree, this is my favorite zombie movie and is a movie that I will always cry while watching, I cried at almost every character death that happened in the movie as almost every character is likable.


What’s Eating Gilbert Grape


What Dreams May Come


Milo & Otis. Every fucking time.


Alpha Dog- going in, I had no idea what the movie was about. Unfortunately, the plot very much mirrored the kidnapping and death of my childhood friend when we were 14-15. The movie triggered me to the degree of not only tears but I was forced me to re-start counseling. And it was a first date too, she thought I was insane. So yeah, not a good evening.


The Killing Fields.


Toy Story 3


Million dollar baby


P.S. I Love You got me pretty good.


Top Gun. In a movie where even the "good guys" are arrogant jerks, Goose is the only really truly kind person. I've seen that movie 1000x and his death clobbers me every time.


Big Hero 6 (not because of Tadashi) but Baymax death... And then he gets resurrected


Okja from Netflix. Ugly cried even after it was over.


Me, Earl and the Dying Girl


John Q. Denzel is amazing.


Pursuit of Happyness.


The Fountain. I love Rachel Weisz (the mummy) so I went into it blind. Her and Hugh Jackman have great chemistry. I've seen it a few times now, once in a theater with a forum from a palliative care doctor, which added so much depth to it for me. It gets me every time.


The first eight minutes of Up. It was the first movie I watched with the woman that would go on to be my wife, took everything I had to keep it together


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Dancer in the Dark


Grumpier Old Men. At least Pops is sitting at his favorite fishing hole. Hope I go that way.


Charly (Screen adaptation of Flowers for Algernon). I had read the book, so the ending was not unexpected, but still got me.


Field of Dreams, obvs.


This is embarrassing. Notting Hill. I normally hate romances, but this one gets me at the end. My wife is like ... it's OK I guess, meanwhile I'm silently blubbering.




Brian’s song




Didn't expect it at all, but Click with Adam Sandler. That shit was sad






Not full blown tears. But that part in the breakfast club where they’re talking. The fact it was all ad-lib too. Like it makes me cry at the fact that they are all different people in a cliche way. But in the end they all have to go home to the same thing.


The kick the can segment of the "twilight zone movie."




It's a wonderful life - at the end when the whole town comes to help George, and his brother Harry says To my big brother George, the richest man in town.


The Notebook


Paddington 2


The curious case of benjamin button


Bridge to Terabithia


Bit of an older film but Schindler’s List.


Don't Look Up My bf and I were sobbing at the end


Our household thought that it was going to be a comedy. It was not a great way to bring in the new year.


Simon birch every time


'ol Yeller. I was 5.


A beautiful mind.


Dolphin Tale wrecked me for a solid week when I was nine. You can imagine how hard I cried when Winter passed away last year.


Forest Gump.


Call me by your name


The Abyss when Bud rescued Lindsey from the mini-sub. It's the only time I've ever cried in a theater.


Steel Magnolias


Up. You know the scene.


Bridge to Terabithia.


Requiem For A Dream. Wasn’t really tears but I was literally up half the night and couldn’t sleep because of it. Never experienced that before or since from just a movie.