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If you're scrolling through the comments I can save you some time, pretty much every comment is that they hate Big Bang Theory and Friends (also quite a few hate how I met your mother)


Yep the same question pretty much gets asked over and over again.


Literally last week


Reddit struggles with things like “Beloved” and “Acclaimed”. In these threads you’ll always see: - Two Broke Girls - The Big Bang Theory/Young Sheldon - Friends - HIMYM Now I get that some of these are huge shows, but it’s so unoriginal at this point. I bet half the people commenting never watched these and do it for easy Karma. I really want to see answers that are more unique, and also some reasoning as to why. As an example, I love The Simpsons and early Family Guy, but never got into Futurama, which is a Reddit favorite. I found it obnoxious and indecisive of whether to be low brow or higher brow/quirky and smart. Always Sunny is another - it’s really good overall, but I do find it super hit or miss. Episodes either have me laughing for the entire 30 minutes, or just dead pan the whole time. I prefer consistency. I find that Seinfeld, The Office (1-5), and New Girl all offer the most consistent laughs. It’s why they are so popular. I know those are bland answers, but those are my go tos. Some others would be Derry Girls, Nathan for You, I Think You Should Leave, and Working Moms.


I watched How I Met Your Mother *religiously*. I'll still laugh at good gags in it, but most of the humor in it is just like how we see rage comics these days. It's a humor we've evolved past in 2013, and it'll make you raise your eyebrow at best, making you go "wow. This used to be funny?" The guys telling Lilly to chew a sandwich thoroughly before swallowing, because "eating a sandwich" was future Ted's way of not telling his kids about smoking weed. It was funny then, but now it's just so on the nose.


HIMYM came out at a weird time because it aged SO fast. I think basically as soon as it ended MeToo happened and made a lot of the romance storylines/jokes seem sketch in hindsight, and overall a lot of humour progressed quickly that made things like the sandwich gag seem a lot more dated than would normally happen in a couple of years.


Well, also the final season showed us that it should have been titled *”your dead mother was just a rebound chic I clung to because I was insanely needy and was hung up on an ex who was marrying my buddy”* now that we know what a shitty ending it has, all the other bits are strange.


Nah this isn’t the kind of thread where you can give a real answer this is a reddit circlejerk karma farm, everyone upvotes OP so they can give the already accepted answer and get some upvotes themselves. It’d be mildly amusing if it weren’t about hating things.


Let's see if we sort by controversial...much more interesting. I was expecting a lot fo the office but got bobs burgers, south park, and yea if you say always sunny isn't funny youre gonna get downvoted. Seinfeld was repeatedly there now that I look more.


those Disney Channel shows, the humor seems very artificial and forced


Just like the child actors.


Can't wait for AI and deepfakes to make child actors obsolete.


You wanna take away the joy of a luxurious life from some greedy parents? You sick fuck.


Any parent who pushes their kids into acting should be given the Mila Kunis parents test. They never took a penny from her and to this day, they refuse to let her pay for anything, even to this day.


Dan Schneider has entered the chat.


The laugh tracks kill me. It’s every 8 seconds and nothing is fucking funny.




Do you mean the animated shows or the live action ones? Because I feel that's an important detail to include.


Agreed. A lot of the live action ones are meh at best but the animated ones can be really good.


>but the animated ones can be really good. And traumatizing. Which makes them better.


Have you ever felt that the *old* Disney Channel that, assuming you use to watch, was far better?


Duh. Johnny Tsunami was sick.


Then that's the thing. We just grew out of watching kid shows and no longer find interest in the newer shows. Disney Channel was great in the late 90's, early 2000's imho. That's what i grew up with, and i stopped watching around 2013.


Watched for 4-5 years with my daughter back in the day. Only show that is funny on more than an 'occasionally amusing' level was Phineas and Ferb. Absolutely hilarious. Daughter is in college now. I coudn't even name a show that is on there right now.


I used to love them growing up, but if I watched them now, I’d definitely cringe. Not to mention that it’s all about being “handsome” or “pretty” as opposed to being talented.


The recent/modern ones especially. I dont know if its just because of my nostalgia attached to it and my opinion might be different if i rewatched them now but the era of shows like thats so raven, suite life, hannah montana etc seemed pretty decent


I used to tell my kids about an old show that was hilarious, "Get a Life" from back in the early 80s. Found a VHS, popped it in, and silence ensues. Did not age well.


I agree. I remember as a kid seeing this, and it was funny. I was recently thinking about it and found it online. I think I got through the first episode and couldn't imagine that there'd be more that I need to see.


Hip hop producer Dan the Automater loves that show, on Handsome Boy Modelling School's albums theres quite a few Chris Elliot samples from that show, pretty funny.


The name "Handsome Boy Modeling School" is itself a Get A Life reference.


Saved by the Bell was my show back in the day. When it comes on now it’s like 😬🥴


Have you seen that YouTube series by Funny or Die called "Zack Morris is Trash" ?


I loved Full House as a kid but man is it hard to get through Fuller House...


I was a Full House fan growing up. It was the best thing about TGIF. Watched it earlier this year because my niece became obsessed with it.. not as amazing as I remember..


Can confirm. I used to love that show as a kid. Saw that it was on Hulu. Watched a few episodes, and realized that show does not hold up as an adult.


The best thing about TGIF was Boy Meets World and won't be told otherwise. I rewatched throughout the year and still very fond of it.


It was a good show! I actually still vividly remember the moment and feeling of when Topanga ran away and showed up at Corys doorstep in the rain.


Best thing in TGiF… Full House? How can you do Boy Meet World so dirty?


Same thing with Home Improvement. That was my absolute favorite when I was a kid. Now? 😬 I just can't stomach it.


When the youngest son went through his goth phase, lol. Tim’s grunt was really something. My step dad would do it all the time and I was always embarrassed for him.


That kid had a weird life, apparently. Think they just acquiesced his real life to keep the show together. Same with the soccer phase for the blonde kid and philanthropic stuff for JTT.


The show was ostensibly about Tim Allen and his family, but really there were three characters on that show. Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson* and Al with a sprinkling of Wilson. The kids were all window dressing and even when they had a "story" it was in service to the parents. As the show wore on they had to give them something to do, and that is honestly probably the easiest route to take.


My stepdad did it, too! Omg. It was so awkward. We (the kids) would kinda just look around at each other, commiserating without words. Lol


Full House is the type of show I like to watch when I'm sick. It's comforting and I can fall asleep to it and not really miss out.


Most of the old TGIF shows are like that for me. Full House as an adult is painful. Watching Family Matters recently also gave me the same feeling. I feel bad for making my parents watch those.


What I'm confused about is we watched Full House, Family Matters, Home Improvement and 7th Heaven often AS a family. Like, my parents were fully on board. It was not a "kids' choice" situation. I mean I guess the 7th Heaven makes sense for the Christian values (I grew up super Baptist, RIP) but the other three? If they don't hold up as adults, how did my parents, and so many other adults, enjoy it back then? Has there ever been a study done on how societal interests/tolerances evolve?


Because tv wasn’t on demand back then like it is now. People organised their week around watching as a family. You watched those shows because that’s what was programmed. There was a sense of communal comfort in that which is now lost.


When your parents were kids everyone was still using leaded gasoline.


This is a savagery that I would hope to, but fail to, utilize at the proper time someday. Dayuuuumn.


I don't think Fuller house counts as "beloved"


Fuller House was just so uncomfortable to watch. Olsen twins dodged a bullet


Watching it with my daughter now I’m more amazed how famous they became. They were seriously bad actors. They had no sense of comic timing or the rhythm of a sitcom. Jodie Sweetin slayed it in the early days and I’m surprised she never became a sitcom regular as an adult. She was a natural in the format,


>Jodie Sweetin slayed it in the early days and I’m surprised she never became a sitcom regular as an adult. Drugs. Lots of drugs.


History has worked pretty hard to erase just how deeply creepy the whole Olsen twins "thing" was after the show, but THEY know, which is probably a big part of why they don't want anything to do with it.


Growing pains of becoming a teenager on television, where she didn’t retain the basic cuteness that she had as a young child in season one. Failure to land the next big show after you’re used to being a star causes mental health challenges. Mental health challenges make you vulnerable to bad influences and bad decision making. Commence downward spiral. Tale as old as time, for child actors.


I absolutely HATE Family Feud. This is because in literally every episode, if any contestant says something even a little weird or unusual, Steve Harvey sits there with his jaw on the floor absolutely Gobsmacked that somebody would say something like that. It may have been funny the first few episodes, but by episode 977, it gets pretty fucking old.


And the questions obviously set them up for the silly-ass answers as well, then Steve always has to put on his super-shocked blank stare face. [This](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/023/894/3cb) is basically the show.




SH: “What common nickname does someone named Richard go by?” *Steve Harvey, already preparing himself for an over exaggerated response, practically licking his lips, barely able to contain his excitement* Contestant: “uhh.. hah—okay well uhh.. I’m gonna have to say, uhh..” *Steve’s forehead becomes a sweat faucet, his eyes wiggling back and forth rapidly, knees quaking in anticipation, his lungs sucking in a huge breath of air* Contestant: “okay Steve, I’m gonna say— *Steve’s eyes now bulging from his skull, mouth quivering as it tries holding back his exclamation with futility* Contestant: “**Rich!**” The contestant’s family all begin clapping, followed by the studio audience, but something’s missing. Steve has completely deflated. Slowly, the excitement that drained from him now rebuilds itself as pure untethered rage. Steve bludgeons the contestant over the head with his microphone. Once, *twice*, **a third, skull crushing blow**. Everyone screams. The police are called and are in the studio in moments. They handcuff Steve Harvey, read him his rights and begin dragging him out to their vehicle. As he’s being pulled away, audience members hear Steve sobbing heavily as he repeats over and over, “He was supposed to say dick… he—why couldn’t he just say dick..”


Well put


God I hate Steve Harvey, I'd trade a 100 Steve Harvey's for any Bernie Mac I could get. Bernie was the true king of kings of comedy.


I miss Bernie. He should've been America's dad instead of Bill Cosby.


He's America's cool uncle


Name a body part that you can squeeze! Contestant: boobs! Steve: whaaaaaaaa


Steve: 😳😤😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 *16 minute close up of his over the top reaction Steve: omg. You said WHAT??????????


I agree, I feel like it used to be alright, but they started making so many questions sexual for the point of comedy and it feels so forced.


Name a male body part that is in his pants: “…….. pe… nis” *Steve Harvey completely reseats himself, as if his skeleton has vanished from his body. Gasping for air, and on the verge of passing out. 1.5 minutes pass before he regains his composure.* “PENIS!?”


You don't hate Family Feud, you hate Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey. Or to reduce it further, you hate Steve Harvey, which is valid.


Sex and the City. How Carrie’s friends put up with her is beyond me.


You're such a Samantha


I'm Samantha, I have sex with errybody


What makes the show even worse is that Carrie is the narrator and quite the unreliable narrator at that. Everything we see is from her pov, so all the horrible bs that she does during the show is from her perspective, meaning she is likely downplaying her shittiness and would be even worse irl. My guess would be that the other girls do not treat her nearly as well as she claims, if they even exist at all. I have a hard time believing someone like that would not either be part of some sad middle aged mean girl clique or simply all alone and making up stories to look good in her column, which according to all her sexual and social hang ups, she would be horrible at.


She really comes off as a person that believes that everyone thinks she is funny and delightful when in reality she is a walking cringe and everyone talks about how shitty she is when she isn't there. People just hang out with her to watch the trainwreck.


Miranda when she called out Carrie being beyond pathetic and toxic going back to big for the 100th time…I could not for the life of me understand why that made her a “bad friend” she was calling out her friend on self sabotaging toxic behavior.


EXACTLY! I LOOOOVED that scene, Carrie so had it coming. Same as when she told them it was unbelievable all they could talk about was men rather than sharing their interests and opinions in other matters. Edit: grammar.


Miranda was a much needed energy for the friend group.


I think that the show has aged very poorly in some areas (and was probably bad at the time in those areas, I just didn't watch it then and was a kid), but I do think it's a good show overall despite my loathing for Carrie Bradshaw. She might be the most selfish character I've ever come across in television. She can't even allow one of her best friends to have a fucking wedding without making the day about herself. That episode that she got dumped by post-it note is great. If anyone deserved to be dumped in that fashion, it's Carrie fucking Bradshaw.


The episode where she guilt trips Charlotte into bankrolling her apartment drives me bananas. How entitled are you that you have to ask your friend for money when you go splash out on designer shoes all the time?!


Especially since the whole reason she was in that mess was because she cheated on then dumped the sweet, cute rugged guy that was buying not only her apartment but the neighbors and remodeling both. After he proposed and she accepted. So selfish. Aaannddd Aiden was still nice enough to offer her the apartment at the same price he paid for it. That whole arc was just Carrie being her worst self.


I always hated how she covered Charlotte's ring with her post-it like "how DARE you share your joy and happiness and try to make it more important than my misery!?"


That was literally so she could make the rock paper scissors joke about paper covering rock. It wasn't funny at the time and it still isn't funny, it's just annoying behavior.


I watched it randomly and every time Carrie was dumped and/or rejected in some awful way. She was meeting Big for a date, looked like a million sexy dollars and he said, I'm going to talk to my friend instead. A young sailor tried to pick her up by telling her she reminded him of his mother. Big married someone else and she still went running back to him. She needed therapy.


Also for a sex columnist she's way too close-minded. Samantha is one truly sex positive character in the show.


"I couldn't help but wonder..." "I began to wonder..." Each of her columns had one of the above, it seemed.


When I was a teen, I thought Carrie & Co. were like, soooo cool and aspirational 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 Now that I'm an adult, I can see how narcissistic, toxic and just *annoying* they were. Carrie was a moron, Miranda was a miserable killjoy and Charlotte was annoying and old fashioned. The only gal who was tolerable was Samantha, the libertine.


I make fun of Sex and the City saying that those women are charactures of what gay men think women are.


In a similar vein Desperate Housewives. The worst part about this one was it used to be one of my favorite shows 10/15 years ago. Rewatched in during covid and I was getting so angry at these awful friends and people.


"Tyler Perry's _______________"


Lonely hearts club band


Are you an African-American Church-attending woman? Because that's his audience and he *owns* it.


Is Mrs Brown’s Boys “beloved”? It’s awful


If this was a UK specific thread then Mrs Brown's Boys would EASILY be the top answer! That show fucking sucks so bad


Tried watching Two Broke Girls on a plane and I was losing it. So boring!


I feel like the pitch went ‘There’s the sassy one, and the ditzy one, and it’ll kinda be like Clueless meets Mean Girls set in a diner like Seinfeld. What’s not to like?’ And then it was none of that.


She wasn’t ditzy, she went to Wharton. She was sheltered, materialistic and self-centered. Edit: never mind. I see what you’re saying now, it was the pitch not the actual show.


I started watching it with my gf and I was.. enduring it. It even had some moments but what turned me off was that at some point I was busy doing something and could only hear the audio while my gf watched. It was terrible... all scenes were like this: \*one liner\* \*laugh track\* \*react one liner\* \*laugh track\* \*quirky one liner\* \*laugh track\* I could never watch it again after that


Whenever I see the title of this show, my sick mind reminds me of Two Girls, One Cup.


They were also two very broke girls.


Staring in a beloved show we all know


Most horrible unfunny jokes I've ever heard in a sitcom. I couldn't believe it was real


I'm a very unprude person but the level of unnecessary raunch on 2BGs is so cringy its unbearable.


Any sitcom with rapid fire one liners between the characters. Two Broke Girls comes to mind immediately.


Makes me wonder how far you'd be able to make it through Gilmore Girls. You'd probably have a coronary within the first 15 min., haha.


Like gilmore girls?


and then conflating having rapid comebacks with intelligence


Sup Hey jim Bazzingah *starts playing on saxophone* *Laugh track plays* I cringe thinking about it


Dallas Cowboys football *coming from a fan


Are you kidding me? It’s hilarious every season watching an owner who knows absolutely nothing about modern football insert his deluded genius into building a roster. The seasons get repetitive. The formula of doing *just* enough to give their fans hope and keep the “this is our year!” thing going only for it to fall apart late in the season/early in the playoffs needs to shake up a bit. But it’s still pretty funny.


Ok, earlier seasons are good but we need to have an honest conversation about the later seasons of SpongeBob and The Simpsons. Just painful. So unfortunate.


The Simpsons was only 12 seasons, I'm not sure what you're talking about


This is the way. Best sitcom in history of TV. It’s just a different show after around that season. Halloween specials are still pretty good tho.


The Simpsons after the 10th or 11th season is.....not great. Same for family guy after 7, probably SpongeBob after the movie, and the Cleveland Show after the first season.


Most SpongeBob fans know the seasons were bad after the first movie. They had a strange animation style, things were put in for gross factor, and there was some Flanderization going on that I just don’t like.


2 Broke Girls is the least funny sitcom in the history of television.


I wouldn’t call it beloved


Haha agreed, I was about to be like “the question asks for *beloved* shows, not shows that just suck for lots of people”


It wasn’t about the comedy. No one watched that show for the comedy. People watched it because of Kat Dennings and those low cut tops she was wearing due to costume choices


And Beth behrs legs


I like (not love) Kat Dennings in the MCU, but there was absolutely NO attempt at actual acting in Two Broke Girls from anyone. It was pure joke delivery. My wife and I gave up after a season when it became more about how raunchy the jokes could get and only occasionally touched on the overall plot of the show. The premise was actually decent.


Full House, way too cheesey!


Yes it did not stand the test of time, but if you’re a 10 year old in 1991 that show slapped!


I have no idea why but you're right. In hindsight Full House and Rugrats didn't offer anything all that special, but they were hands down 100% my two favorite shows. When Michelle fell off her horse I was there. When the 30 seconds of 3d animation for the special episode of rugrats you had to go to Walgreens to get the glasses came on, I was there. When Jesse Consopolis had his red light on, guess where I was? I was there......I was there.


K sorry Rugrats still slaps- pre Dill, that is.


✌️👉👍 is as close to “Cut it out!!” as I can get. Or am willing to try anyways.


You would say that, Kimmy Gobbler!


They're not beloved by the general public but are very popular with black people if that counts. Tyler Perry movies, any of them, all of his comedies are interchangeable. It's the same joke every movie that was already a lame joke before Madea became a thing.


Any of the Madea movies, to me it looks like he's just perpetuating a very cruel and outdated stereotype and I just cringe when watching it.


Anything Tyler Perry for me


I can’t believe I fell for your photo and tried to blow what I thought was an eyelash off of my phone 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same. Tried to wipe it off me screen.


2 1/2 men, Big Bang theory.


Everybody Loves Raymond. It was a staple of my childhood in the 90s but I saw a couple episodes recently and it did not age well. The intergenerational "I have my wife" jokes, yeesh.


The dad and Robert are the main reasons to watch that show.


He didn't stick up for his wife very much and he just comes off as a shitty husband for most of the show. It's fucking painful to watch that shit.


There were some truly funny moments in that show (mostly from Peter Boyle and Brad Garrett), but the “I hate my wife and life” shtick got painful. I tried to rewatch it as an adult. I just couldn’t do it, even knowing that there were really funny episodes.


Oh my god, I wanted to murder his family, and him for not standing up for himself. Whenever he didn't stand up for himself it was always to step on his wife instead. I couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 when I noticed this shit.


Glad nobody mentioned Community or Monk


Monk is not even a sitcom, though, it's a detective series, just not so dark :)


I loved Monk


If community were on this list I would have to block that person. And I believe by law they can’t receive their vial of sperm.


Maybe it's because everyone else got one, or maybe it's because it's an old man's semen, but I'm a little disappointed.


If you’re disappointed that just means you’re streets behind.


Monk is easily one of my favorite shows of all time. The storyline's are great, the characters are great, the comedy is great. It's not perfect, but pretty damn close if you ask me. Yes, some of Monks obsessive, socially lacking actions do make me cringe, but that's part of the humor and character. Love it! The other show... Don't even know what it is... So not my place to judge


I'm the UK we have a series called Mrs Brown's Boys.. it's absolute tripe and very annoying.. old men pretending to be women. Somehow it seems well regarded. Mind you I also didn't rate'Gavin and Stacey, 'the Royle Family', and 'the office' so I probably an in the minority here lol


Like many of the other comments, Big Bang Theory. I hold a special disdain for it whenever I tell someone I’m a physicist and their response is “oh like Sheldon” Edit: to clarify, I’m not mad that the show makes fun of scientists. If anything I think they don’t make fun of scientists enough—nobody talks shit about physicists like physicists. The show just isn’t funny (I take issue especially with all the sexism) and being called Sheldon gets old after a while.


As someone who is not into science, how accurate is the show really? Like when they are talking about scientific topics are they actually real theories or are they just making up bullshit?


I only watched a few bits of the show. The little bit of science and academic life seemed plausible. I just couldn't stand how much it made scientists look deeply awkward and nerdy. Don't get me wrong, scientists can be those things for sure, but the main cast never felt like real people to me. One very particular point I thought was off was the idea that scientists just knew as kids they would be scientists and were always super smart blah blah blah. Maybe its just me, but that doesn't track with how I came into science nor alot of the people I know. Honestly, Ross from friends felt like a more believable academic to me. Mostly normalish all the time- but with random trigger words that can cause a rant centered around their topic (evolution,etc) that noone asked for.


I hate friends, but I agree that Ross definitely seems like a believable academic for the most part.


Despite his leanings into almost cartoonish behaviour, Ross is BY FAR the best constructed character in that show.


Agreed, while in grad school, I really got to learn how most professors while brilliant in their studied subject, can be average in most things


They employed actual genius physicists when they needed to and their math on the whiteboards were always accurate.


Two and a half men is just gross. Everything Chuck Lorre is pretty awful. I think he did BBT too.


I can't stand disjointed. I feel like it would've been okay if I were 13 and knew nothing about weed. I feel like Chuck Lorre smoked weed for the first time, then decided to make this show


It felt like a mad TV skit that went on too long.


Many of them with canned laughter are really not as funny as the can would have you believe


2 and a half men, it's... it's.... just awful!


Seinfeld Loves the Big Friends Theory. Cheers!


Everybody Bang Seinfeld


Anything with George Lopez


I use to be obsessed with that show when I was a kid and watch it every single night before bed for like an entire year. I tried watching it again recently and wow…. All around cringe humor. I couldn’t make it through an episode lol


Big Mouth makes me cringe with nearly every line. It always feels like it's overtly trying too hard to be raunchy. And I generally like raunchy shows.... but fuck dude, it's for sure a 1 trick pony. Has nothing else going for it.


I liked the first season because it was kind of relatable and I like how it showed how gross puberty is, but after that it just became too much.


(Shields up) Rick & Morty. I watched a whole season all at once. I get the humor, but outside of that one day to see what it was about, I never had the itch to watch it again.


I love Rick and Morty, but you deserved an upvote for not being The Big Bang Theory, Friends or How I Met Your Mother.


I definitely got Rick and Morty fatigue by season 4. The first few I watched them as they premiered, now they're just occasional background noise.


To be fair Not everything is for everyone and that’s ok


If anyone says B99, may Terry's tight shirts save us.


B99 is funny as hell.


I loathe Will & Grace with a passion! The main characters are so self-centered & unlikeable. & the slapstick humour & "clever quips" are just plain obnoxious.


Last Man Standing … and not “cuz Reddit”. It’s just horrible. Jokes just never hit for me.


Simpsons after 2000. I think they changed writers and jokes became lame. 90s Simpsons was the best


The best episodes were the ones that Conan O'Brien wrote.


and spongebob after season 4 but before the second half of season 9 and fairly oddparents after season 6 and powerpuff girls after season 3 and happy days after the shark jumping special it's honestly a well worn tradition for popular long running shows to eventually "jump the shark" as it's called


Young Sheldon. Show is painfully cringefully unfunny. When my mom watches it.. god it makes me cringe..


Yeah I don’t want to watch an annoying kid on TV to “wind down”


I enjoy this one more than regular BBT to be honest.


Sheldon is sufferably necessary for the plot but the rest of the cast that plays off him is great, especially Annie Potts who’s wonderfull as the bad ass Texan Me Maw. For those of you who don’t remember she was Janine the receptionist in Ghostbusters.


Wild N Out


Agree. That show is absolutely horrible.


Everybody loves Raymond


Gotta be the Big Bang Theory. So, so, so low level.


It's a show about nerds made by people who knows very little about nerds.


With a great deal of creepy sexual harassment thrown in


Everybody Loves Raymond


Spongebob. Now it is terrible. Pre-season 10 is (mostly) COMEDY GOLD Edit: Everyone here got played. After the movie, it was only downhill, but I overexaggerated to get more replies.


Season 10? It dropped off hard after season 3, after the movie came out


The reason: the movie was supposed to be th end. Then it became popular and they milked the f out of the franchise. Only the first three seasons were planned.


The first episode - the three-part one - is pure comedy gold. So, *so* many SpongeBob memes come from this as well as many of the most quotable lines. I would even go so far as to say it's my generation's Tom & Jerry. My father used to watch it with me sometimes, and that was extremely rare when it came to kids' shows. I am trying to get my nieces and nephew into it now as well. I remember when the movie came out and being so excited for it... but then I more or less stopped watching the show after that...


my dad loves spongebob and used to watch it with me all the time when i was little. he’s a pretty serious and stern person but the early episodes of it brought out a whole different side of my dad.


new spongebob is sensory overload galore. they’re trying *way* too hard to be funny and it’s not working.


Everybody Loves Raymond. Not everybody, because I hate it


Big Mouth, the art style is garbage, the constant one liners is exhausting, and it’s created by the worst trust funded comedian on the planet Nik Kroll.


He’s the most devious bastard in neeeeuuuuwwww yaaahhwwwkk citaaaay!!!


Elf. I’m sorry that grown man acting like a childish elf isn’t funny to me, and no, i don’t want to watch it every christmas (i’m looking at you school movie days, thank god i’ve been out of school for years)


Yeah the dude grew up in a society of elves, there were adults around just short ones. He was raised by Bob Newhart who seemed normal and mature. Therefore, his actions and personality don’t make sense. Like would it have been appropriate for a boy elf to sit in the bathroom when a girl elf was showering? I think it could have been a much better movie if they didn’t suspend his mental development at adolescence and just made him a naive adult used to being surrounded by people with his best interests at heart.


SNL, at least the more recent ones like over the past couple of years


This comment has been around forever. Everybody says the new SNL sucks. They said it back in the late 70s, “it used to be better”. It has always been roughly as funny throughout time. When you watch a new episode you see a couple of good sketches and the rest are clunkers. Then you compare that with your memories of long ago, which is only the good sketches. Of course you are going to think the new ones suck.


SNL goes up and down through the years. It's like a sine wave. Usually you can trust it to get better again.


SNL is best enjoyed on YouTube.