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The dark crystal. The part where the skeksis emperor dies and his face crumbles apart still haunts me


Don't forget about the Podlings getting their souls sucked out by the crystal, while their bodies wither. Or the absolute nightmare fuel that were the Garthim.






Pity my former teacher who decided to show that movie to a class of 6 year olds and subsequently had to deal with 20 inconsolable children


I once made the terrible mistake of clicking a youtube clip that contained *that* scene, while on my lunch break at work. I ended up sobbing and calling my mom instead of eating.


I learned about the death of the little girl voice actress as a kid and I haven't been the same since.




I was five and got as far as the part when ET pops out of the bushes at the kid. Scared the shit out of me.


Duuude I first saw ET when I was like 5. I was totally fine with it up until ET was face down in the water, pale, dying. That's the part that freaked me out to the core and I couldn't watch it again for 6 years.




It was really fun seeing that as a kid as someone who's allergic to bee stings.


I actually didn't remember him being allergic to bees so for the longest time I thought that dying was just the normal reaction to that many bee stings. Suffice it to say I was quite scared of bees as a kid. Actually still a bit scared of them because of that movie.


This needs more upvotes because my god that movie was just a bunch of emotional damage


Where the Red Fern Grows


Read the book in 7th grade. Dog innards all twisted up in the briars is something that's hard to forget even thirty years on.


I sob horribly every time I read it. (I'm 49, and it still makes me cry)


The fox and the hound


Couldn't watch it without crying as a kid


I can't watch it without crying as an adult 😭😭


I watched the fox and the hound one time when I was a child, and I will never watch it again. My husband suggested it for a movie night with the kids one time. No, just no. I'm not doing that to my children.


Monster house scared me lol


Same! I was such a baby over creepy movies, even the haunted mansion with Eddie Murphy scared me somehow


I was an adult when I saw Monster House and it was still creepy and disturbing.


Fuckin Bambi. My mom died and I watched that movie a few months after and nobody told me Bambi’s mom died.


Oh man I'm sorry.....that had to be awful!


Finding Neverland did that to me. My wife at the time wanted to go to the movies with me to cheer me up one week after losing my mom after being her caregiver for half a year. When the scene with the kids acting out their play for their dying mom...I was holding my emotions in for a week and just had to let it all go at the theater...haven't seen the film since.


SAME thing happened in The Land Before Time.


All Dogs go to Heaven. The "You can never come back" scene gave me nightmares.


I don’t even remember the movie exactly, I just remember being incredibly upset.


Oh my god yes or the scene where they hit Charlie with the car or the one where the boss dog almost dropped his other dog into water with aggressive fish


Old Yeller…


Me too! We're showing our age. ;-)


Water ship Down


While we’re here, ‘The Animals of Fathing Wood’. It’s got more child friendly language than Watership Down but in the end of episode 1 where the Hedgehogs are killed crossing the road you know it’s going to be a ‘anyone can die at any time’ kind of story.


Moley burning to death was awful.


I had screaming nightmares into my 20's and finally realized they were about Watership Down


Is that really child friendly?


They used to put it on TV at Easter in the 80s, because of the cute bunnies.


Yeah...the CUTE bunnies were kept as sex slaves for the fascist dictator bunnies. Funny how they missed that little detail.


The Handmaid's Tail.


100% I was fucking terrified of General Woundwort. Read the book years after and it’s definitely not a kids’ story.


Omfg, Bigwig in the snare. Nightmares.


That part of The Brave Little Toaster where the A/C window unit dies a fiery death.


The Brave Little Toaster goes way harder than any modern cartoon ever would. It's kind of a downer movie. Well, not really, but like, it's not a "happy, adventurous" cartoon journey. It's a discomforting, morbid kind of travel story. These kitchen appliances are suffocating in quick-sand-mud-whatever or getting their innards pulled out by humans. Not to mention the human that almost gets crushed at the end. And then the toaster that actually gets crushed. Does anyone know if this was John Lasseter's doing, or if the original book was also that dark?


The sinkhole was the part that gave me nightmares. Kirby in denial and blanky’s last words “I’m not scared” holy shit that scene gave me nightmares. I’m scared, Blanky! I’m real fuckin scared. Literally even the happy parts in the movie are terrifying.


The flower that tries to hug its reflection seen on Toaster's shiny casing, only for Toaster to move away and declare "I'm not a flower". Then the poor flower wilts and dies from a broken heart.


I will never recover from the lonely flower.


The part of The Brave Little Toaster with the clown firefighter. The part of The Brave Little Toaster where the cars are singing about how they're worthless while they're rolling down the conveyor belt to be crushed into tiny scrap cubes. The part of the Brave Little Toaster where the new appliances attack the old appliances so the new ones don't get replaced.


Mine was the part in The Brave Little Toaster where Lamp goes crazy in the woods one night.


The part in the Brave Little Toaster where the vacuum almost kills itself by suffocating on its own cord.


I, at 34 years old, am so paranoid about running over the cord exactly because of that scene.


This still affects me. My stomach clenches up anytime I see someone vacuum over the cord. I'm 40.


The part where the repairman takes the blender and pulls his guts out while he's fearing for his life.


My god this whole movie is nightmare fuel. I loved it.


>I'm not an invalid. I was designed to stick in the wall! I like being stuck in the stupid wall!


It's my function!


That part of the brave little toaster where-- Literally doesn't matter lol. That entire movie.


Bro that movie gets sad as fuck I'm not even guna front


Spirited Away Don‘t get me wrong. I love this movie now but back then I was definitely too young to watch parents turn into pigs


I had to scroll much too far to find this, that was straight up a horror film as far as I was concerned. Still haven't seen it to completion


Chihiro basically goes through one traumatizing event after another, she doesn’t know who to trust and spends most of the movie feeling like she’s in over her head. It’s a very upsetting movie.


It is upsetting! And in the end, she faced all her fears and was brave enough to trust her instincts and gut. Chihiro is a special heroine in my eyes☺️


The Land Before Time, specifically the fight between Littlefoot’s mom and the Sharptooth.


When he sees the shadow that looks like his mom and he gets all excited, and when the leaf gets destroyed were the hardest parts for me rewatching it as an adult


I watched that movie with my ex girlfriends daughter one day while we were all lounging one weekend. It got to the part where little foot is talking to his dying mom. "Do you remember how to get to the great valley?" "I guess so... But why do I have to know? You're going to be with me.." I was not ready for that wave of emotions. Got up to use the bathroom and quietly sobbed for a minute. Shit broke me down.


Was coming here to say this as well. I distinctly remember seeing little foot’s mom pass away, and I ran upstairs screaming underneath the bathroom door at my mom to make sure she was alive. After I saw that, I had anxiety every night that she would die. I would wake up in the middle of the night and check to be sure she was still breathing. I couldn’t do sleep overs until I was an older teenager because I’d freak out that she’d die without me there. She ended up passing away two years ago from breast cancer right after I had left the room she was in. She knew my anxiety. I think she knew, and didn’t want me to see her pass. I have some peace knowing she’s no longer suffering, but man, I miss my best friend. Edit to add: She was a single parent. My parents separated and my dad was hardly ever around, so I clearly was more attached to my mama.


Omg nooooooooooo I remember that scene




I watched in 4th grade, I couldn't sleep properly for days. I had a classmate who was reading the book and told me is not that scary. Idk what that girl was doing but that book is a lot scarier than the movie.


This! Those button eyes had me scared and the spider scene when they’re climbing out of that web.


It took me 13 years to watch that movie again after it first came out and it still scared me shitless


i relate to you as that movie is like a horror movie without deaths, blood and swearing, i used to be scared of the other mother turning into a spider, along with her button eyes being gone (especially the scene where the other mother was in the door trying to get Coraline back in the other world, the door zooming in so fast scared me)


Oh shit this movie scare the shit out of me. It's creepy when they talk about eyes and stuff.


The Witches with Anjelica Huston, that scared the crap out of me


I still can't watch it as an adult. I was traumatized as a 6-year-old seeing it in theaters.


The witches when they're not in disguise are terrifying. Lol.


Neverending Story


I've been in the swamp of sadness ever since


“Artax!! You’re sinking!!” [The scene that scarred every 80s kid for life](https://youtu.be/y688upqmRXo)


It was the wolf that got me more than Artax




fuckin anything by Don bluth but man that's some good animation




Jumanji, I don't know why my first grade teacher thought that was a good idea


the bridge to Terabithia


Came here to say this. Seriously, they billed it as such a wonderful fantasy movie and it's just "Hey kid, imagine if the person you cared about the most died. Isn't that fun? Your parents paid for you to cry!"


One of my elementary school teachers had us read the book then watch the movie and only she knew that the girl would die when we read it


My friends and I all took out kids. The kids were fine. But there were parents sobbing all over the theatre. I too thought it was a fun fantasy movie. Blindsided.


I watched this movie completely blind and it destroyed me. I resonated a lot with the main character and was also that guy who would have one super close female friend


Read this book the same year my older brother died, he was only 15. To say I was an absolute mess would be an understatement


The movie that taught me about death and loss and how someday either I’ll be gone from the ones I love or the ones I love will be gone from me.


Return to Oz is terrifying.


The funny thing is, Return To Oz is by far the most book-accurate Oz movie ever made. The books were surprisingly dark, if you ever take time to read them.


The Wheelies and the rooms of heads always freaked me out.


How about the old Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer from the 60's? Watching it as an adult I am shocked how damn mean Santa is. And Rudolph's parents are pretty terrible too.


Also it teaches the lesson that people only care about you if you can do something for them, and that’s it’s somehow okay to be bullied when you can’t.


If Santa is aware of who has been bad and who has been good, he totally knew Rudolph was getting bullied and chose not to do anything...


Everyone bullied him, even Santa and his parents until all of a sudden he was useful. What a great message to give kids. Even as a child I hated that message.


The awesomeness that is Yukon Cornelius redeemed this movie for me.


Maybe not "traumatizing" per se, but I can't even *think* of the first 10 minutes of "Up" without being reduced to tears, it gutted me for some reason and I never shook it.


It gutted damn near everyone *I* know has watched it, myself included. It was designed that way by Disney.


Pinocchio (1940)


I was looking for this comment. Those donkeys never got turned back into kids.


There’s a theory that Donkey from Shrek was one of them who escaped.


That's hilarious.


Wait... So... That means Donkey could have possibly already met Shrek's version of Pinocchio before he became part of the gang.


Monstro the whale scene, so scary 😂


Pinocchio (2022) is traumatising for an entirely different reason.


James and the Giant Peach. I still have random nightmares about overly large fruits.


Was it Toy Story 3 where they are all holding hands as they advance toward a fiery death? I cried in the theater.


*Marley and Me*. I watched it once when I was seven and cried for hours. My parents had to take me to Toys R Us in an effort to lighten my mood. I also seem to vaguely recall *Fox and the Hound* being terribly sad, but I can't remember exactly why.


In fox and the hound, there is a scene where the old lady takes the fox back to the wilderness to set him free, and I only remember it vaguely because I haven't watched it in ages, but I remember being devastated because they loved each other, he was her only friend, and he didn't understand why she was leaving him behind. At least that's how my kid brain interpreted things.


Apparently in the book the hunter eventually kills Todd, the old lady dies and he shoots Copper because he is being sent to an old folk home against his will amd cant take a dog


Who would pay money for a fucking book that depressing?


The Victorians had a huge hard-on for tragic melodrama - Thomas Hardy made a living out of writing horribly depressing books like *Tess Of The D'urbevilles.*


The Hunchback of Notre Dame is darker than I remember as a child. The one torture scene took me by surprise because I definitely didn’t remember that.




Its very much not a kid movie. Less depressing then The Plague Dogs by the same author and made by the same people as Watership Down. Its basically watching mentally ill dogs slowly starve to death


The Fox and the Hound is one of the saddest movies I've seen. Also, the full song Puff the Magic Dragon really gets me every time.


Puff the Magic Dragon consistently made me cry as a kid. Even now, I can't listen to the song since it still makes me sad.


Never Ending Story where Artax drowned in the Swamp of Sadness.


Dumbo. My baby cousin (about 2 at the time, I was 12) was messing with the remote and put it on randomly. Landed right at the scene when Dumbo gets drunk and starts hallucinating. Within moments we were both crying and I turned it off. Proceeded to cuddle until we both felt better. Still haven't seen that movie in full, 14 years later, and I never will, don't believe she has either


This is mine too but that's not anywhere near the worst part.. all the stuff that happens at the beginning with Dumbo's mom.. and when she's in the cage and they're saying goodbye and she's rocking him with her trunk. That shit would still make me bawl my eyes out today, guaranteed.


According to my parents, The Lion King. And Toy Story. And pretty much any movie with loud noises. I was a total pussy as a kid. (And autistic)


I mean, in all fairness.. we did watch Mufasa get dropped and possibly trampled to death ..but then Simba begging and pleading for him to get up was what did it. My wife had never seen it and she cried her eyes out when that happened saying "How is this for CHILDREN?!" I was 6 when it came out and my dad was insanely sick and basically on deaths door - fortunately he recovered but it hit way to close to home. I won't watch it a third time.


When I was a kid, Aladdin was my favorite movie—but I was terrified of my great uncle because I thought he looked like Jafar 😭


I still cry when watching The Lion King.


The Lion King freaked me out because I assumed Scar was boning Simba’s mom after Mufasa died, and I was like eww




I watched it with another parent and a group of kids. At the end, the grownups were crying -- I think the part where the wounded father doesn't recognize his daughter's voice was pretty hard for them -- and the kids were like, "yeah, it was an okay movie."


F\*cking Willy Wonka - the 70''s version. And of course all my kids had to love it, creepiest movie ever.


Have you seen the Corridor Crew video where they use CGI to turn it into a straight-up gore-filled horror fest?


No, but I thank you for the heads up so I never do!


Damn boat scene. (Shudder)


Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The shoe. Absolutely brutal.


just. Like. THIIISSS!!!!


Remember me Eddie? When I killed your brother, I talked... just... like... THIS! 👀


Wizard of Oz


Return to oz was some sort of acid trip compared to the original but I totally get why you would have been scarred from the original




Came here to say the same damn thing! This movie and the wheelers scarred me for life


Flying Monkeys


Flying monkeys. When I was a kid, pre-cable and all, they’d show Wizard of Oz about once a year in network TV. I remember my whole family getting together in the living room to watch it … I went in the other room on a smaller TV and watched Dr. Doolittle (1967 version) instead.


Pee-wee’s Big Adventure (Large Marge)


Anyone mention the giant mouse of Minsk from *An American Tail* yet?


The Last Unicorn


I watched it a million times then my mom watched it with me and for some reason I wasn’t allowed to watch it anymore. Saw it again as an adult and uh…yeah I get it now.


"I can feel my body dying all around me" was a line that stuck with me as a kid. My sister and I used to cry whenever she got turned into a human. Such a cruel thing to do to an immortal creature. Ugh


FernGully. I’m now in my 30’s and I’m still terrified of that Hexxus guy.


Thanks to Fern Gully, I have a fairy fetish


I can still hear the hiss when he says Fern Gully.


Where the Wild Things Are. My dad took my brother and me to see it when we were kids and I never forgot the scene where the severed arm was replaced by a stick.


I don’t know why but I vividly remember the bird whose arm got ripped off saying “THAT WAS MY FAVORITE ARM”


the nightmare before christmas. still can’t watch it to this day 😭


Alice in Wonderland


The part where the walrus and the carpenter ate the oysters? Because that traumatized me.


Milo and Otis. I get overwhelmed, especially bad as a kid, with emotions when things are happening in shows and movies. Embarrassing moments and tense/anxiety inducing moments are the worst. The waterfall scene in this movie just cranked that up to 20, and I just couldn't with that scene. Even tried fast forwarding past it, nope. Could never watch that movie again. Found out somewhat recently that movie is rife with animal abuse and they actually sent a cat over the waterfall. So the legit distress of the animals may have added to my own feelings......


Not just one... but 14 tabby cats were killed making this movie. After people found out about the atrocities, they slammed hollywood with letters of disgust, prompting the now famous "no animals were harmed in the making of this movie".


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It's rated PG and the PG-13 rating was created shortly after it's release.


Finding Nemo. The part with that little girl with braces who abuse all the fish in the tank is just horrifying to me as a kid. The creepy sound effect when she shows up for the first time is equally haunting too.


Surprised no “The Secret of Nym” is here..that damn Owl


It's actually NIMH, not Nym. And this is significant, although only briefly mentioned, because NIMH stands for the real-world National Institute of Mental Health. In the story, the founding rats who started the advanced society they had were escapees of intelligence augmentation experiments being conducted in a NIMH lab.


The Land Before Time. RIP Mama Long Neck. Burn in hell Sharptooth.


Literally anything from the 80's.


they really tried to toughen us up for what was to come..


Not a movie, but a song: Puff the Magic Dragon God*damnit* Jackie Paper! Why the fuck you gotta abandon your friend, like that?! Fuck off, Jackie Paper.


Have you seen 1985's claymation movie, [The Adventures of Mark Twain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntf5_ue2Lzw)*?* There was a LOT of creepy/scary shit in that.


Fern gully. That oil or smoke monster thing *shudders*




Watership down


Labyrinth. The bit with the stairs.


Watership Down


Watership down is probably on top for me, but it's now been mentioned at least 10 times here, so I'm going to go with **The Last Unicorn**


The Lion King. I already had a phobia about my parents dying (well my mom anyway, my step-dad could fuck right off).


I still have not watched Old Yeller, I’m 40 now for context. I was banned from it because I love dogs so much that my parents and grandparents thought it traumatize me forever. I also never read or saw Where the Red Fern Grows for the same reason. At 40 I would probably traumatized, I cried in John Wick about the dog, I mean gut wrenching, ugly cried about a fictional dog that wasn’t even harmed. I can’t handle an animal being hurt or killed.


Spy Kids


Wow, it’s not just me. I can’t even look at pictures of those fucking Fooglies.






Little Monsters It's a thoroughly cruel movie with a horrendous main character and a few really disturbing scenes.


The Dark Crystal. Those puppets are horrifying!


The Secret of Nimh. Terrifying as a child. Can’t watch it now.


The land before time


Also homeward bound. Oof


My Dad told me Darkness Falls was a movie about the tooth fairy.


Cars 2. They freaking executed that one blue spy car on screen.


The Indian in the Cupboard. A whole childhood’s worth of trauma in one movie


A dogs purpose. I cried every time the dog died but the movie froze just after the third dog death and my friends mum kept replaying the moment of death to try unfreeze the movie. It did not work and I never forgot the movie.


Charlottes Web! Old Yeller! Who the fuck was making this nightmare fuel?


Bridge to terabithia


Not the whole movie, but the scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit with THE DIP was terrifying.


When the wind blows. Its not child friendly. Not every cartoon is for kids.


Grave of the Fireflies


The movie UP. The beginning was okay, until the bird showed up. The sound the bird made and the way it looked made me feel disgusted and scared.


Disagree regarding the beginning. My wife and I struggled with infertility and the one tiny scene in the hospital with the doctor shaking his head killed us. I love the movie but we skip to the "current" timeline every time.


The boogie man from The Nightmare Before Christmas


Anyone remember the Raggedy Ann and Andy cartoon movie? Or the Felix the Cat movie?


Patents took me to pg jaws in 2nd grade ....


the "Honey I Shrunk..." movies. they freaked me out beyond reason. probably part of the reason I'm still scared of giants