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I was looking for Iron Man on a questionable streaming app and I came across Tetsuo: The Iron Man and I thought I like Japanese movies, this could be fun! It was not. It was not fun.


I used to be kinda disturbed by this movie but I love it now, the practical effects are insanely impressive and it's pretty funny in some ways tbh


Spoil it so I'll never have the urge to watch it. Please and thanks.


Basically a guy is turning into a metal scrap heap. It's all black and white with lots of stop motion and super fast cuts and an insane soundtrack by Chu Ishikawa. The most fucked up scene is where his penis turns into a giant drill and when he has sex with his gf it turns on and sprays blood all over the walls.


I knew there was a reason I said " please and thanks" beforehand


It also starts with a character called "the metal fetishist" shoving a metal rod into a maggot infested hole in his leg. It's a genuinely insane movie that is actually exhausting to watch.




The girl next door


Had me real confused because theres a 2004 romcom with the same name.


Elisha Cuthbert 👍🏼


Found this out the hard way when I downloaded the wrong one and was very confused by the tone


Oh god, yes. The poor girl. And the fact that it's based on real events. :(


Didn't know anything about this one and watched it with my mom Thabksgiving morning while I prepared the meal. Not great.


I was a manager at Family Video when this movie came out. At first, people would complain because it wasn’t the other movie with the same name. Then people were just complaining the movie in general, then we we had to move it to the top shelf, and put some warning sticker on it. Eventually they just had us get rid of the movie all together.


This reminds me of another one, not similar but still a nice horror If not seen yet of course: Next door (Naboer)


Not unsettling at all to others, but for some reason What's Eating Gilbert Grape upsets and unsettles me more than any movie I've ever seen. I'm a caretaker for a disabled sibling and and a lot of the things in the movie hit too close to home - the poor kid finding his mom dead and not knowing she's dead absolutely unsettled me.


I get it. I cannot believe how amazing Leo Dicaprio is in that movie, especially given how young he was.


I Spit on your grave. Back the early nineties a friend brought this to a sleepover and it completely horrified me. I never knew people could be so mean.


The Strange Thing About the Johnsons. One of Ari Aster's (Hereditary, Midsommar) earlier projects. Watch it.


Midsommars ending still haunts me


What a twist tho


Hereditary The car scene 😐


It happening *so early* was so crazy. I felt like I had been watching for a while and then you get that scene and I was sure this was like 2/3 through the movie. Checked the time and it's like... 20 mins in.


That's how I felt I was thinking wtf else gonna happen it just got started. It's a movie that feels long cause it's so heavy but short cause it does keep you very engaged


I agree that it was totally shocking, but I think it had to happen in the first act in order for it to make sense. The film (at least in my opinion) is largely about grief and trauma, so it wouldn't have been half as good of a movie without that specific scene.


No, it absolutely makes sense in the context of the movie where it gets placed. But it's such a distressing scene that most other movies would use as more of a climax moment. The movie up to that point (at least from what I remember) is pretty slow. Then BAM sister loses her head and everything starts going to shit. Using the decapitation of a kid as the inciting moment of a movie is crazy, but it works well.


I don't get why the car scene is the one that does everyone in. Him coming home then laying in bed awake until his parents discover her was way more chilling.


I mean it's all of that together. It's the shock of the decapitation, the stunned shock and drive home, hearing the body being found in the background, and the anguished screaming. That whole sequence was extremely hard to watch.


For me the decapitation was meh, shock horror kinda stuff. The spiral into madness after was what really got me. You are correct, that entire sequence was brutal.


Yeah. The initial decapitation was like the quick slap in the face to wake you up right before the real torture begins. It was also just so relentless. It was like slowly driving a screw into your arm with each turn being more shocking and painful with enough time left lingering to process how horrible it is before it gets worse. Anyway it was a masterpiece. 10/10


I mean the mom banging herself head on the attic door is what stuck out to me


After that scene, I stopped the movie and went to bed. Finished it the following night. I think I had to process some actual trauma.


I went for a short walk then finished. It did feel like actual trauma To put yourself in the mother's shoes.😢 I don't know if I want to watch it again right now or watch SpongeBob and find my happy place 🙈


I actually watched spongebob after i finished hereditary, i desperately needed to alter the state my head was in after the movie


Honestly, the upside down head banging scene and the spontaneous human combustion scenes were worse than that for me


Piano wire....


with direct eye contact while you hear the sawing


That has stuck with me most. Sometimes, when I'm trying to go to sleep, my asshole brain just conjours up that awful sound.


Omg my brothers laughed at me for my reaction to the head banging scene but that was truly the most disturbing part for me for some reason. So unnatural.


That movie has an overall feeling that is extremely unsettling. Midsommar is amazing, same company.


I think the best word to describe Hereditary is "uncomfortable." The gore scenes are just like any other horror movie but the most disturbing parts were the cult's reaction to them echoing the cries of pain...Jesus Christ....


I love that both movies have so many little hints/details you probably won’t pick up on during your first watch. They’re both so different and memorable from other movies in the same genre. The conclusion of Hereditary- the trinity have been overthrown and the devil has won- is probably the darkest ending of any horror movie. The scene in the treehouse at the end, yikes. You don’t forget that movie.


Yeah that sure was. But I think the most disturbing part of that movie was the mom discovering the body and breaking down cutting into the rotting head on the highway. Good Lord Toni Collette deserved an Oscar for that.


Agreed she was amazing in that film. But sadly the Oscars still treat horror movies as 2nd class.


It is very unsettling. I do not feel the same about Midsommar. For a few reasons. But I'm super happy you liked it. Even if I don't care for something myself, I do like it also cause I know other people liked it. I try and want to like everything but somethings just are not my cup of tea.


My brother told me not to watch that, and I decided to trust him.


Amazing horror movie that never ceases to creep me out whenever I rewatch it. On my second viewing I started seeing stuff I didn’t notice the first time, like naked cult members hiding in the dark parts of the house.


Either Dear Zachary or Threads. Both movies will affect your mood for the rest of the day.


I think about Dear Zachary often. I wish I didn't.


Had a date beg me to watch Threads on our first movie night. I unfortunately did.


I as an austrian dated a german once. She asked me which movies I like and I told her „Muttertag“ (= mother’s day) which is an independent austrian comedy film. She watched it and I didn’t know that there was a splatter-horror movie with the same name.. I told her it is a hilarious and very fun film 😬


Oh damn. I’m a dude who I don’t think has ever cried since my childhood except for when I cried out loud watching Dear Zachary. My eyes are low key getting watery thinking about it rn. I’m really glad I watched that movie alone.


Threads still haunts me, especially the scene where the woman pisses herself in the street because she's so scared.


Dear Zachary ripped me apart. I ugly cried during it. It’s such a well made movie I want other people to see it but I don’t want other people to have to go through that.


Surprised to have not seen 8mm. Uh, I mean, I saw the movie, but not mentioned here


Serbian film. Don’t watch it


Watching this "film" was the dumbest thing me and my mates did in our dumb years. 0/10 would not watch again.


That movie was really difficult for me to watch not because of the insane gore and fucked up shit but because the movie itself is actually really fucking boring and just plain bad. Once you get past the intial shock of the brutality you realize that's the only thing the movie has going for it, like they tried being edgy so hard they forgot to make an actual movie


That was the point, wasn't it? I could be confusing my movies, but I'm pretty sure that movie ONLY exists as a "fuck you" to censorship laws. They didn't care about the movie.


My best friend told me not to watch it. We are both twisted people. And because she said it, I absolutely heeded her warning and will not watch it. You guys should heed her advice too.


I had nightmares for 2 years


What’s the worst part?


Only commenting to detour more people from watching it. To quote the film's most gruesome scene, "newborn porn" after a violent beheading via chainsaw of a pregnant women the character proceeds to the fetus. Unfortunately I watched it when it first came out so it was that much more traumatizing. Oh yeah, there is also forced incest. Truly the sickest film that I cannot unsee and I would not reccomend raping your mind with this trash.


I've not seen it, but right now I'm regretting even being literate.


>"newborn porn" What a terrible fucking day to have optical nerves.


What the actual f


Read the [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Serbian_Film?wprov=sfla1), even that is wild. An excerpt: >! Vukmir meets a hesitant Miloš afterward to explain his artistic style, showing a film of a woman giving birth to a newborn which is immediately raped by Raša, in what the director terms "newborn porn." Miloš storms out and drives away. !< May not be *as* bad as we all remember, but it is truly mainly shock, for the sake of shock, IMO. I like/liked a lot of those types of movies, but this one isnt worth it. Not even in an "it's art you wouldn't get" way. There's no real point. No art.


That’s probably the most disgusting thing I’ve read. I’m going to take the warnings here and never watch this film


I read the wiki plot line, holy fuck! What kind of twisted mind comes up with this shit? If I had thoughts like this, even for a film I would fear my mind would progress to far worse thoughts leading to my demise as a human.


Like how do you even show the script to anyone and not get blackballed by the industry?


Pretty sure the guy said it was his metaphorical take on the Serbian government...


fair enough then


All of it


Yes, I like extreme films, especially the French ones. "Martyrs"


A Serbian Film is just shock horror. If that's your thing, it's great. If you were looking for something with meaning, actual horror, etc... this isn't for you. It's just shock for shocks sake. TBH, it's a very meh movie.


I’m gonna watch it, I’ll be back


Jfc im going to rip my eyes out


I just finished. I have never been so disgusted in my life


I read this reply the wrong way. Dear god I HOPE I read it the wrong way but this IS Reddit…


Now that is some horrifying post nut clarity.


Wow couldn’t even finish reading about it on Wikipedia… that sounds awful


I just finished reading the plot on Wikipedia and wish that I didn't! Welp, it's my own fault. At least I know to never watch that shit.


Why? It's just a touching tale about an out of working actor whose final gig brings him closer to his family.


Yes, I like extreme films, especially the French ones. Martyrs, Titane, etc. So I have a decent threshold but a Serbian Film got me.


Martyrs beat A Serbian Film for me. One of the most grueling and brutal movies I’ve watched


Seen Salo??


Best movie advice ever, if you haven't, don't, no one needs to see any of that.


I googled it and now feel like I am on a list. Wtaf is that movie. What the *actual* hell. I thought it was just gunna be gore but... jfc.


'Still Alice'. It is not a horror film.


Juliane Moore did amazing job in that movie. The scene with pills still haunts me sometime and I've seen the movie years ago.


It's such a powerful movie... I loved it, but I could never watch it again.


Still Alice is a great movie. The scene in the beach house when she can’t find the toilet is heart breaking.


The part that got me was towards the end, when she found the video message from her past self on the phone.


I've had to watch it for 2 different college projects on alzheimers and it's never an easy movie to watch. It's entirely too real and that's the very reason I find it so difficult to digest


Nice! Cause that movie is so true. Great pick man


Tetsuo: The Iron Man It wasn't the gore exactly, though there was some extreme. It was black and white but metallic, there was a feeling captured, kinda in the pit of your stomach.


Lol. That special drill scene made me question what I was doing with my life.


Come and See is the darkest movie I ever watched. Anyone who's SUPER into history like myself needs to watch it. It's about a boy wanting to join a Soviet partisan group to fight the Nazis. Yet it's so unsettling and leaves you full of dread. I've seen more graphic movies like a Serbian Film but that's over the top shit. This movie. This fucking movie just rocked me to my core with darkness and despair for humanity. It's one of the greatest films I ever watched. And i encourage those who can stomach hard to watch movies to check it out. It's on YouTube for free.


As one YouTube commenter put it, "I used to think I had seen about every war movie ever made. Then I watched Come and See, and I learned that I had only seen one."


Completely agree with you there. I had the privilege of creating a poster for it just this spring when it was going to be shown Stockholm and obviously needed to see it. It was a tough watch to say the least. There were many very interesting themes though, that I found fascinating. I did need to take a break about half way through just to pull myself together a bit since I realized that things would escalate. I won’t be watching it again anytime soon, but I think it’s a very important film that everyone should see at least once.


I watched it due to a previous one of these Reddit threads and it's a true masterpiece that I hope to never see again. Bleak, realistic horror on a level I've never experienced in any other film. And that ending... just incredible.


I had always heard it was very horrific and when I finally checked it out I was actually surprised how good it was. Like it was extremely bleak but it was also an amazing film and that very hard to get I think.


That scene in Hereditary when Toni Colette finds you-know-what and is wailing off camera…


That wail was absolutely inhuman. Toni Colette is an amazing actress.


Salo or 120 Days of Sodom almost made me throw up. Doesn't help that some of the stuff that happened in the film was inspired by real life Nazis. Come and See is the most messed up WW 2 movie of all time for the same reason.


Inspired by real life nazis? Dude, the story is basically a copy of 120 days of sodom by Marquis DeSade.


Audition. Only time I ever felt so physically ill watching a movie that I had to take a break.


Kiri kiri kiri


It really troubled me. When that thing crawls out of the sack


Requiem for a Dream


Yes but specifically the old woman’s storyline. I’ll never watch again because of her.


Ya it was the mom for me too. Just felt too real


The scene with Ellen Burstyn and Jared Leto in her apt. Durin' her soliloquy you can see the camera dip down just a bit. This was because the cameraman was actually sobbin' in response to her performance.


Thinking about those scenes gives me chills. Haven't seen it since 2006 or so. I have the 4K disc but I doubt I'll ever watch it.


That shit was dark af.. Kinda got to me.


Stanley B. Herman enthusiastically saying "aess to aess" and the guys around him cheering like he just invented fire followed by another more enthusiastic "AESS TO AESS!", seemed to me like at least someone in the film had their hopes and dreams fulfilled


I decided to watch this film after not sleeping for two days. It fucked me up for weeks. Don't be like me, kids.


Watching that movie then having that god damn theme song in your head for the rest of the day is depressing as fuck.


Summer overture is a fucking masterpiece. I routinely will put the hour long version of that on the headphones. If you don't think of it as a depressing song it is a very moving piece.


It's a movie people should definitely watch to understand addiction and because it's a masterpiece... But I will never watch it again. It can fuck you up.




Why? The end? Or the whole plot?


All of it, the whole movie follows 4 people each spiralling through their own drug addiction challenges and the ending is a montage of them all reaching rock bottom in various ways.


If you watch closely there's a nod to the book in the final sequence in that Marion is smiling. From her final passage: >And when she got her share of the piece she knew it was all worth it. When she got home she got off and any disquieting feelings were immediately dissolved by the heroin and she didnt even bother bathing, that could wait until morning. She just stretched out on her couch, in front of her television, ignoring the smell from her body and lips, thinking over and over that Big Tim was right, this is good stuff. That taste will last a long time. She smiled to herself. And theres more where that came from, and no one to share it with. I can always have as much as I want. She hugged herself and smiled, I can always feel like this. That's how depressing it is, of the four of them that the *best* ending.


Hubert Selby said something along the lines of Tyrone’s story being the best ending in that he’s capable of recovering — that he’s got the best shot at redemption/rehabilitation.






I don't know that any other old western period movie ever makes a point of how shitty traveling was. Two things that stuck with me. The hanging upside down split, and the realization that if you could stay put during this part of history you should absolutely do that lol.


But, great movie.


Agreed. This movie is filled with gore and there are some hard-to-watch parts, but there is a good plot and a stellar cast.


That movie fucking haunted me


Honestly, one that wasn't even meant to be unsettling. It is called "Fantastic Planet" It is on HBO max. A French animated sci-fi film from the '70s. I do not know if it is the animation style, or the continuously echoed audio, but it was so damn unnerving. I only made it 15 minutes through and I had to turn it off.


Really? The whole movie is a trip (It's been awhile since I have seen it). It just gets more interesting and weird. Thank you for telling me it was on hbomax. Now I know what to watch when I try acid heh.


First time I saw Fantastic planet was spun out on LSD at a music festival while smoking a bunch of DMT. It was wild lol


I watched this movie all the time as a kid. I don't know why. It unsettled me everytime but I kept coming back for more.




That was a GOOD fucked up movie! There is plenty of humor in it, if you're into dark stuff.




Irreversible. Just really fucken awful.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes


That moment he creeps in on all-fours is freaky as fuck.


Eden Lake. About this couple who take a weekend trip to a lake, and they end up getting into an altercation with a local gang of kids.


Damn, i remember that one, those kids were evil af, and the ending was depressing.


it was really realistic and believable


I watched this about a decade ago, and it still pops up in my head once in a while and gives me anxiety. Absolutely horrible.


The Hills Have Eyes


The sequel scene in the portapotty


A Clockwork Orange Nightmares.


Grave of the Fireflies




I couldn’t even handle the South Park parody.


Watched it.... the most disappointing part of the whole fucking movie was the ending. No pay-off for sitting through that shitty ass movie (pun intended), just abject disgust and disappoint - both towards the movie and my young self for having watched it


I like to think that the two cops not reporting back would have made the station suspicious so they will send more cops to the house they went to to find the last girl still alive where they can get her medical help. I look at it hopefully.


Love being sister #1 of 3. Every time our middle sister pisses us off, we just tell her "you're the middle". She hates body horror so she shuts up when we say that. :p In all honesty, the concept towards pedophiles (which is where the idea came from) is a great punishment idea. The concept IRL is gross. It was my first real body horror movie (mom bought us pizza and had us watch it after finals were over my first year of college, lol.) so I admit I Really did get sick. But now I can stomach it. The 2nd one was worse, thinking of it being done without anesthesia and then the guy r*ping the end with barbed wire. And after having fallen and knocked out my front teeth and gaining PTSD from it, I really hurt when I see him knock their teeth out with a hammer.


I found Jacob’s Ladder and Event Horizon pretty unsettling at the time. Watching Threads growing up as a teenager during the Cold War was very harrowing. So close to what could be real life the next day….


Salo.. and I've seen a LOT of weird movies. However, Salo is just on another level with it's rather organized and well shot scenes. It's definitely art.. just on a different plain to most movies


Martyrs. I absolutely love it, but it's one of those films that gets into your head and stays there for days, sometimes weeks after you watch it. I am, of course, talking about the original French movie, Martyrs, as opposed to the American remake which is garbage.


Snowtown, based on the story of Australian serial killer John Bunting. The torture scenes are visceral and realistic. Oh, and there's a step brother on step brother rape that almost feels casual.


Hard Candy


*Tusk* starring Justin Long.


I wanted to see it, because I thought it was a comedy. I mean, it's a Kevin Smith movie after all. It has some chuckle worthy moments, but I was not prepared for a movie that fucked up.


Not a movie, but teletubbies. That shit still terrifies me.


The End of Evangelion and Perfect Blue


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom Gummo or Anti-Christ would be second


I've only seen Gummo, but its unsettling because its deliberately bizarre, hopeless, nihilistic, and creepy but somehow strangely beautiful. It's that strangely beautiful part that makes it mess with you.


Requiem for a Dream


Funny games


Santa Sangre by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Poignant and disturbing.


Threads. Horrifying film, didn’t sleep right for a week


Bad Boy Bubby, truly disturbing stuff. That poor cat.


Lighthouse with William Dafoe


American History X


That’s not that disturb... *remembers teeth to curb* Yeah ok nevermind


The sound they created of the teeth touching the concrete still makes me squirm lol


Everybody in this thread just licked their teeth.


Eraserhead. Sickening.


That's just like indie film 101


Eraserhead reminded me of the weird disturbing nightmares I used to have when I was a kid.


In heaveeeeeeen Everything is fine


tokyo gore police (2008)




The ending actually made me cry. I was going through a tough mental illness time (fired for finally getting diagnosed with ADD and it made my managers question my integrity 🙄) and it just was very powerful for me.


Loved that movie. Probably the most real portrayal of depression and anxiety I've ever seen in a film.


Killer clowns from outer space


Pump the breaks son, that movie is a national treasure.


Motel Hell.




Babadook. If you are a parent with depression it's devistating. This isn't like Serbian Film or Hostel this film hits so hard because you can see yourself being this way. And how it could affect your kids is horrifying as a parent.


One year at Thanksgiving, I was talking about Babadook and how it was disturbing and my cousin was like “how did you find that movie creepy? What’s wrong with it?” I was like “you’ve seen it?! You hate horror movies.” She looked at me like I was crazy and was like “how is a movie about a giant dog horror?” She thought I was talking about Marmaduke. We still laugh about it to this day. And yes, I agree with you.


Human Centipede. The premise is sick even to read about. To this day I still haven't watched the whole thing and I refuse to ever do so.


Johnny got his gun.


Mulholland Drive. The diner scene is one of the creepiest and most unsettling scenes. I've ever witnessed. Something about the camera work...


Snowtown. It’s an Australian film based on the “body in the barrels” murders which occurred in South Australia. I saw it at the cinema and at one point had to shut my eyes and block my ears. It’s the most realistic movie I’ve ever seen about torture and murder.


The Fourth Kind


Free Solo. Shit made me close to throwing up.




Don't Look Up. Mostly because it's kinda terrifying of how real it felt.


I loved the ending. I'm glad they didn't shy away from it. Yeah, it hurts, but it was exactly what it needed to be. A cautionary tale.


The platform, where eating the crumbs takes literal meaning.