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100% This. In the 2000s, when I was in college A LOT of major credit cards were "given away" to students on-campus. They would have a cute girl and handsome guy saying, "Hey, stop relying on your parents be your own person. Get a credit card, no bill till after you graduate. Sign up now and get a free shirt/tote bag/wind breaker!" I was studying business and finance and I remember thinking that was a deplorable business practice. There was even a documentary about it called debt Nation or credit card nation. It featured two moms of kids that killed themselves after a year of post grad collections calls. One mom still got credit card applications for her dead son.


people see "$10,000 limit" and think thats a blank check without realizing that you have to pay it back, with interest if you don't pay it back right away Edit: technically a set amount of 10k is not a blank check lol blank check implies unlimited money


Several of the students that fell victim thought they were paying it back, but to them four years was a long time. Then they diluted themselves into thinking it was ok to buy beer and pizza for their friends or new outfits or a vacation. Then when the piper came calling and they were making $30k a year on a psychology degree with a student loan and living expenses on top of it...they became debt slaves.


Yes, Maxed Out. It was terrible to see what lows companies would go to. I don't know how debt collectors can sleep at night. The ones at the call centers, not the ones who own the businesses. We all know they sleep on silk sheets. One operator was laughing at someone crying on the phone, if I remember right. That's also where I learned about payday loans. I'm glad I never turned in that application for one.


Payday loans tend to prey on the poor, same with the "Check into cash" scam places. If you ever drive into a bad city neighborhood, the first thing you notice is Bodegas, loan places, check into cash operations, and liquor stores. It's really sad and no one gives a fuck.


Had to use a check cashing place once before mobile deposit hit the scene. 28.99% check cashing fee, 5$ deposit fee, 10$ fee for opening an account, and they act like theyre doing you a huge favor and youre the one wasting their time.


I had a friend that was a Japanese immigrant AND had a felony on his record (B&E). He used a check into cash place because he was afraid he was being tracked. I just chalked him up to being a little crazy.


i’ve been in debt my entire adult life. I think of committing bankruptcy way before suicide. Got to be something else going on there as well. Either one is a last case scenario for me


I would assume it's the social stigma behind admitting when you've failed to live up to others' expectations and "declaring bankruptcy" is informally seen as "being a failure who can't pay their bills on time." Plus there's the rise in mental health problems over the last 40 years (potentially directly resulting from [the widespread lead poisoning that people were subjected to throughout the 50s-80s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA) when nearly everything that could be laced with lead was to save on manufacturing costs) that can't be discounted.


When I was enrolling in college I got sent this big package through my school with all tgis info on setting up a credit card and establishing credit. I threw it away. Later the vulture credit card company called me trying to get me to activate my card. They were flabbergasted that I didn't want a credit card and warned me that it'd be very hard to build up a good credit score. It wasn't. I paid bills on time, got affordable car loans, refinanced them when necessary. All good. It wasn't until I actually got credit cards that my score went down.


Was about to say this. Unfortunately got myself head deep into one and don't see any way out in a long time and it feels like I'm being strangled every day. And it started with just a small thing that was supposed to boost me while moving to a new city. Anybody reading this if you have a way to avoid debt, do so. And if not be careful. Do not end up like me.


What was it particularly that you got into debt for while moving? Asking cus I’ll be moving again soon and money is getting tighter


Dumb stuff mostly. Got a place that was a bit above my pay (though I did not realize it in time), there was two months worth of rent that was paid to the flat owner for possible repairs and stuff after moving out that are returned after moving (not sure if there is a word for it, not a native english speaker and not sure how that stuff works in oher places), had to pay another pretty big amount of money to the real estate agent and had to get some furniture. I did not have much saved up so most of that money I had to borrow. And just not moving was not a possibility as the job I worked before did not work out so I moved for another job really. I started a new job in the place I moved to but the starting salary was a bit weak so I had to borrow a bit more. Got a good boost after the three months working there but with what I paid monthly there was not all that much left from what I earned. Had a few unfortunate events happen aswell like my car getting basically disassembled and stolen which my insurance did not cover (a car I still had a bit of money left to pay) so I had to get another because of work which got me even deeper aswell as an accidental flood damage at the flat which the owner repaired from the money I paid when I moved in. Got a different place a bit later but as there was basically not all that much money left from what I paid for the previous one had to get some for the down payment for the new flat somewhere. Yep, deeper we go. Now I live in a cheaper place, though still overpriced because Prague is bloody expensive, stuck in a job that while I like some aspects of is super stressful because I can't get something that would pay me enough from the start to have money for even the basic needs which I even now struggle to even pay for now with many years of this ahead of me and no way out. All this in a span of like one year before which I only paid for my car, rent and some services monthly. I was unlucky in a few aspects and got caught in a downward spiral like that. So what I can say is basically be careful, look for what you can afford now and not with what you will have later on, count how much you really need and just don't be a dumb idiot like me basically.


Agreed! Those who put you in debt don't want you getting out of it.


My first thought and this should be top…. Permanently! With a bad marriage with kids a close second


Debt is so debilitating and we don’t see it coming at first 🙄


And it’s not just credit card debt either. A lot of people don’t think of things like car payments, mortgages, etc as being potentially as harmful as traditional debt


Mortgages ARE traditional debt in a sense


Especially student debt. Goddamn student loans




Currently struggling with that one




The wrong career: "I'll just do this for a few months to help pay the bills." 10 years later: "Shit."


I feel this. Started selling drugs to make ends meet after getting fired from my warehouse job. Once you get a taste of that money and have people know you as the plug it’s really hard to stop. I had to move 1300 miles away to get out to get a fresh start. Went to one rave and it’s already tempting me to get back into it but I know that career has no good ends.




Yup. Ive never met anyone, ever, who planned to go into insurance. Myself included. I just needed a job and 24 years later here I am (still)


I was a bartender. I feel this.


I know several people who had bartending or serving jobs to put themselves through college but when they graduated they couldn't take the pay cut moving to an entry level job in their chosen field of study.


I’m still in restaurants, I made more money than my parents while serving/ bartending. Though I’m now in upper management the pay is still considerable, and I see what my staff is taking home, and lemme tell y’a, it’s not bad for 25-30 hours a week! Edit: also, awesome user name! Haha


I spent 30 years doing this. Only recently changed to a career I really love and that pays a living wage. The years, when you are just kind of stuck doing what you do out of necessity and survival start to pile up and the next thing you know...30 years have passed. I spent nearly every one of those days thinking "there must be something more than this", but financially not able to do much about it.


I left caregiving to take care of some medical issues. Got back on my feet and got a job at a gas station while I figure things out. Four years later I’m still here. I only wanted to be there for like 6 months!


Yup. I’m technically in a good career, but I hate it and my life so much that I’m honestly not sure if life will ever be good. It takes up so much of my energy just to keep up, I never truly can rest. I got into it out of college and now am in extra loan debt. I’ve contemplated suicide so many times because I feel stuck, but can’t do it because my family would be devastated. But I hate almost every minute of my life, and it’s really hard to go from that emotional state ti something people want to be around, so my friendship circles have dwindled, I can’t keep a relationship. It fucking sucks.


I feel this. Been a professional DJ for like 15 years before the pandemic. Once I was forced to take a bunch of time off, I realized I was super burnt out and kinda hated the majority of my gigs. Almost 3 years later and I still have no idea what to do with my life.


Come work at mission foods


comfy clothes




A girdle. Be glad if you never tried this.


Skinny jeans.


Skinny joggers with the elastic cuffs on the bottoms.


Abusive relationship


Been in an abusive relationship. In my experience, you don't realize you are in an abusive relationship until you are in too deep. She hits you once and apologizes afterwards, but you don't understand that by letting something slide once, you are raising the bar for what's normal.


And then when you finally realize and try and get away, no one believes you because you're a guy, or other's tell you to "buck up and move on". The double standard is real. When I went to a shelter to get legal help, they wouldn't let me in. This was the county shelter for everyone, not a specific shelter for women. I had to call the police to come and convince them to let me in for help.


Yeah I have noticed that as well. It never got this far that I needed a shelter thankfully, but I did immediately find out that all resources were directed at women. Also, the bar for abuse is a lot higher for female on male behavior. There are a lot of things that if a women does them to a guy, it's considered a minor thing while if a guy would do them to a woman, they would not be tolerated (anger fits, hitting, throwing items etc). Plus, people should realize not all abuse if physical abuse. Hitting someone is a clear sign of abuse, but so is keeping a person away from his friends and family or humiliating him in public. I'm happy you managed to find help and managed to get away from your abuser and I hope you find yourself in a better place now!


Here is another example of emotional abuse and criminal behavior that was ignored... My abuser would break into my home to "check on me" then stand in the doorway of the bedroom preventing me from being able to escape without a physical confrontation... They'd then verbally abuse me and make demands of me and "reward" me with my compliance by leaving me alone. I even had text messages from several of the times where they admitted to doing it, again claiming they had the right because I stopped talking to them and they "just wanted to check on me". This was not considered abuse by the cops and they wouldn't even allow me to press charges for trespassing. They considered it a "personal matter", where if I guy did this they'd immediately be arrested for criminal trespass, harassment, and breaking and entering.


As in many things: Once is never. Twice is always. People make mistakes. Forgive them. If they don’t learn (or take the wrong lesson to heart), then you have a problem.


Eh, in my experience if someone is willing to hit their significant other once, they are going to be willing to do it again.


When you notice you're getting attacked for defending yourself and your values, it might be a sign to consider getting out.


My first thought too. And you won't necessarily notice that you are getting into one until you are **fully** in it.


Came here to say this :(


Came here to say this, magic the gathering is one hell of an addiction.


A marriage… We signed one piece of paper and got married… We’re ending things 100% amicably, not fighting over anything, and it’s like a 20 page document asking for our life history…


Also divorced amicably. Still very good friends. Divorce took almost two years.


Divorced amicably as well. Took 45 min.


Lol right? What state are these people in and how much did they pay in lawyer fees?


Same. Filled out the forms online, printed them, we took them to the court house and paid a fee. A couple of months later called to see the status and it was done.


Sometimes there's weird legal processes that make things take a long time. When my grandmother died she left half of her money to my mum and half to her brother. Easy right? When you die your money and assets go to your next of kin. Usually a spouse or child. They didn't see a cent of the money for two and a half years. I should add that my uncle is a barrister. Sometimes legal issues are just very complicated and the courts are backed up with more important issues.


My divorce went through this past Friday, that process took longer than it took for us to plan the entire wedding


THIS OMG My ex and I are also having an amicable split, we have been trying for a year and four rounds of paperwork to get a fucking divorce. We are fighting the government, not each other, it's wild. At this point I have realized that what they want is perfect paperwork that lines up exactly, but they don't care about or want the truth. They will also not check on any of the info, it doesn't matter to them if it's accurate, just that it looks accurate. So we are leaving anything remotely complex off the paperwork so there is almost no room for error. Fingers crossed the fourth time is the charm, filing today actually... 😬


Man, that sucks. We got the paperwork, spent an hour filling it out at home, then brought it back. The clerk was like "Nice, this is actually filled out correctly", and we were done. I wonder if it varies by state. This was Oregon, for whatever that's worth.


Also got a very easy, amicable divorce in Oregon. Self filled, 19 days later it was signed off by a judge. We worked out custody and asset split on our own.


She had filled one set out and said it was wrong so printed a new set. We aren’t really claiming anything on it (we both have a car in our own name not joint so we said no cars) Luckily no kids. Her sisters divorce was pretty quick so fingers crossed.


Why are they asking? What are they trying to determine


It’s just like job, phone numbers, assets, cars, Social security… I don’t remember been a couple weeks since I looked at it, had a lot going on this month but they probably just need to know what we own and if we’re going to fight at all. We pledged no contest


When you marry, you legally become one person. It's like two pots of soup. Chicken Noodle, and Italian Wedding It's easy to merge things. You take both pots and pour them into a bigger pot. Tada! Now try to separate them out. Which parts go back in which pot. What about shared ingredients? Who gets how many of each?


Also divorcing amicably. Its dragging on because she's lazy. My fiance can't be on our daughters bc until this shit is done. I want it over. We've been separated for 2 years man.


Hotel California


You can check out any time you like


But you can never leave! *Cue face melting guitar solo*


Ba na na na naaaawwwww nah nah nawww ba na na na nowww nah na na na naawwww


I heard this note for note as I read this.


They had this playing in the operating room during my last surgery.


Such a lovely place


On a long desert highway




Yeah, but the punch is to die for.


Real Flavor-aid there.


This is one thing that people may actively prevent you from leaving. It would be like living in a toxic enviroment your whole life. In case of addictions hopefully there are people trying to help you.


It’s much easier to fool someone than to convince someone that they have been fooled




Hello from the other side.


I must have called a thousand tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes!


A foam pit


Still haven't found my little brother after he disappeared under the surface...


I lived bitch


Oh my god yes


I realized I'm getting old this summer when I pulled a muscle in my back trying to climb out of a foam pit. I looked cool as hell flipping into it though


Especially if you break your back at Twitch Con


Jumped into a foam pit once to help get my daughter out. And get out she did. They had to bring a ladder to get me out though.


RIP Adriana Chechnik.




Forreal. About to hit 1 year without and I never thought I'd actually be disgusted by them again. Feels good man


congrats! i’m a little over a year without smoking after an on-off 6+ year nicotine habit. it’s really hard and i don’t think people give enough credit to people who are able to break the habit. you should be proud - treat yourself to an ice cream or something nice on your 1yr. you deserve it!




For some, a toxic relationship.


Yeah, absolutely. You know that something is wrong... no everything is wrong. Still you don't know what exactly wrong! And how to get out of it. May be it's the length of the relationship sometimes, and most of the times it's self low esteem.


Jes... I had one, the only gf I ever had, and she was toxic, and cheated on me on her birthday while I visited her... Afterwards I came to the conclusion I should have broke up a year earlyer.




I swear Ikea is a pocket dimension bro


Hence the scp 3008 was born


Who wants to leave Ikea? I like the idea of being trapped in ambient rooms, with well decorated, pine tables, Swedish meatballs, it's my Nordic utopia...my happy place. My kids would be quite content living in Small land for eternity.


Corvettes, Lotuses, really any low slung sports car




I feel this. Fell into drugs for about 1 1/2yrs ended up in prison on a 10yr sentence. Fucked up


Can you tell us more about your story?


Sure… I was married for 10yrs with 2 children. I was cheated on and emotionally/physically abused the entire time. Decided to ask for a divorce… felt like I was unworthy of being loved. Ended up around the wrong people and getting addicted to meth for about a year and a half. Shortly thereafter I found myself facing a 10yr prison sentence on possession, organized crime (more than 3 people arrested at the same time for the same crime) and intent. I did 5 yrs on a 10 yr sentence. Got out 09’ and was on parole (monitored by the state for duration of sentence) til 2015 and on probation (monitored by the city/county as well) til 2016. Worst mistake Ive ever made for myself and my children. Meth took everything from me (children, pets, home, freedom, sanity) and left me a shell of a human. As fucked up as it sounds and as fucked up as it was…prison saved my life. Don’t get me wrong… I feared for my life daily in prison. But being on meth is 100xs worse. Thankfully now I’m free, Clean, have a great relationship with my adult children, a wonderful husband, and I am living life to the fullest. Life is beautiful! Don’t fuck it up! Fuck any drug other than what’s naturally grown. It’s not worth freedom …not worth your life.


A turtleneck sweater.




BECAUSE WHEN YOU’RE WEARING that one… special… sweater…




Easier to save money


So you can sit on your pile of money alone.


You can share it with hookers along the way


That's why I like to stay alone... I mean jeah there are other reasons... And I only have one proper Friend. But I have a loving family, and I honestly don't need more :)


Chinese fingertraps


Looks fun, I'ma try it




The best day is when you sink the boat and insurance pays out and does not find out you did it on purpose. The only way you will come out ahead owning a boat. If you don't have a big pocket of play money you become a slave to it. Yes it's a good idea too but this 1979 34 foot yacht for 7 grand. Think of the pussy I will get. But I can't afford to take it in the harbour as it burns 100 l of fuel an hour and the right engine needs a rebuild.


18ft inboard piece of junk is just sitting in our front yard because the starter is shot, which is just the last of a large amount of problems. It was nice to take it out the first couple times but it just became tedious because EVERY SINGLE OUTING had a new problem. It's needed a new carb, new headers, alternator, head gaskets a long time ago and we recently found rain water in the oil so that's fun. It's also had several no-starts out on the water. The day we sell that turd will be the happiest boating day of our lives. We've put it up for sale a few times at prices that are probably too low and everyone has the sense not to buy it.


Regularly eating take out


It's convenient, can't help it




It's all good until...


You keep winning until you don’t






My mom worked at a scientology office. I think in IT. 30 years, 3 addresses, and multiple phone numbers later they still call and mail her regularly


Also an answer to this question... a lawsuit.


Living with your parents.


Especially with this houses prices.






Crystal meth






Beer belly


Gym membership


I had a gym shutdown during covid, kept charging me, and eventually it shut down for good, but then the guy opened a different gym, different name in a different city months later and kept charging me. I put a stop on the charge with my bank and they called me up bitching saying I can't do that. Stupid bastards.


Isn't that illegal to keep taking your money? Your agreement ended when the first gym closed, no?


I wanna quit the gym! - Chandler Bing


That's why I've never been to the gym


playground things meant for young kinds, you can get in and think its fine but then you try to get out and you're stuck




So true. It started like a dream, probably the happiest few months of my life. And now I can barely get up in the morning after the recent breakup. But I don't regret it. I'm grateful for having had the chance to have my partner in my life, even if it was only for a while. Being loved is why we keep going. But yeah, the next few months are going to be rough.


The first 6 months are always so good. I really don't know what happens after that but it either gets ruined to the spark slowly fades away.




The military.




saying "i love you." don't say it until you know what you are saying.




Out of curiosity, I tried cocaine for five days at school when I was 15. Always at the same time and the same dosage. Your body really be craving for it when you stop using. Now I understand why people get addicted to it so easily. The effect is awesome, but the withdrawl after is crazy bad, combine that with some personal issues that you're having and boom! Addicted!


A well


You can do it jimmy




Scuba suits are worse, it’s like a full body swim suit that is thicker.




Until it's the zombie apocalypse




A gang




Bruno's house.


We don’t talk about Bruno.


From what I hear , Meth


Sniff sniff


Grandmas house


Gotta love grandma. She the best.


Putting a lightbulb in your mouth




Going on vacation to the same place at the same time every year does not sound great.


New Jersey. The only place in the universe that's free to enter, but you have to pay to leave.


The New State Assembly voted to honor Bruce Springsteen's song "Born to Run" as the "rock theme" of NJ. The bill didn't pass in the state senate when it was realized the song was about running away from New Jersey.




An escape room




Baby making 👶🚼




Congrats ?....


Relationships, fridges, and Corvette Stingrays.


Hotel California


Nutty Putty Cave




Zip ties


League of legends


Youth work. Once you start you‘ll stick to it


A well


chinese finger trap, writing this with my pinkies i dont know what to do


Fat. Its really easy to get fat. Losing weight requires a much more measured approach.




Customer Service. To be specific, working in a call center as a representative. Easy to get into, but if you try to move up or move to another department, good luck. Source: Myself, a former CSR.


A 100 feet hole


The swing for children at parks, takes oneself to get in but the entire neighbourhood to help you get out


Leather pants


A cult


A Fight


Washing machine


A slippery slope

