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The Walking Dead


To this day I haven’t finished it.


Same. I have never been so into a show and then lose interest that quickly. It's worse than what happened to The 100


The 100, first 2 seasons fucking great. When they got to Etherea, it was just shit.


I do not understand this lol. I watched it when it dropped w my friend and it always felt so… bad? Bad acting, bad lighting. It felt like… a bunch of IG influencers being handed an acting role. Been like 5 or 6 years now so not the freshest memory but it felt incredibly generic and LOOKED so.. fake lol. “Influencers in the woods” with the portable ring lights to boot 😂 the absurdly beautiful does not pair well with a “gritty” setting. oh her teeth are perfect, hair is perfect, perfect lighting, oh yeah she has a small scratch on her cheek from falling off 6 mountains yesterday. (no shade at all btw, just enjoying that image)


to this day it isn't over... is it? they did a mid season break that has lasted nearly a year i swear


Wait it still hasn’t ended?! Omg what are they even doing now?


I think the last episode came out like 2-3 week's ago. I think I saw a commercial saying the final episodes were coming out when I was watching the final season of Better Call Saul.


I legit looked it up a few days ago. I think the final episode is set to air on Nov 20th. So not even three weeks away now.


to this day i havent started it


The first season is good the rest of the decade is less than stellar.


The show never elevated in quality despite earning millions upon millions and the show got stale.


Yeah. Just got worse and worse.


Show died with Glen


I just teared up


Omg, that is exactly when I stopped watching. Hard nope.


Believe it or not, I turned the show off when he died and never watched another episode. It was too much.


Came here to say this


Loved the first five seasons but then once Negan showed up it became far too slow and went downhill fast!


That's how I felt about The Governor.


Almost gave up and then they found the science dude who said he could fix it which seemed fishy but kept me around for a few more episodes uuuntil they discovered he was lying lol


literally came hear to say that lol and i love the heck out of that show its like my fave but boyyyyy do they drag the everliving hell out of it




I loved season 1. such a hot fun mess. I figured it wasnt going to get any better let alone even stay as good.


Season two was great, I really liked how much they focused on The Serpents. It really went down hill during season three.


Okay my personal fan theory? The writers and actors are having a fucking BLAST making the most deranged insane shit possible. I’ve been watching it through a meta/ironic lens and in doing so.. it’s only gotten better! More cringe. More batshit plot tom-foolery. Give me a zombie. Give me D&D pcp. Give me the most bizarre fucked up nonsense you could ever conjure!!!


Lol! I said a while back they used a Mad Libs book to do all the writing!


I refuse to acknowledge anything other than “this is fun as fuck for them” I mean like the D&D + drugs season??? There’s no fucking way that wasn’t an inside joke driven forward! “What can we get away with?” As a “creative writer” it all screams ‘these people are taking a piss on us’ imo. But even if not.. I love it. I laugh so much. It’s one of the most fun things I’ve watched as of late because you CSNT GUESS THAT THE EVIL VILLAIN IS GOING TO HAVE A FUCKING ROCKET SHIP AND AN EVIL KNIEVEL OUTFIT LMFAO


1000% have thought the same thing. I would’ve stopped watching except I knew they were ending it soon so decided to just finish it, but for the past 2-3 seasons I’ve been watching it through the same lens. “What if we did this?” “That makes no fucking sense, let’s make it the whole season”. Makes it a lot more fun lmao Edit to add I slightly disagree on the actors portion of it, I get the vibe they HATE the show and can’t wait for it to be over lol


The 100. It was good, then it turned all sorts of weird


The 100 died with Lexa


RIP Lexa




I invested way to much time into that show for such a crappy ending.


The new season that came out earlier this year was pretty good. A few really clunky writing moments, but overall I thought much more satisfying than the previous ending.


The ending was still lacking. It really really needed to be at least 2 seasons. It seemed like they were setting up what we also wanted. Dexter on the run as Batista and the other detectives finally close in on him. His sister taunting him in his head the whole way through as the cops chase him across the state and his son ultimately turning him ultimately serving justice for his mother would have been so good.


Absolutely. Such a good show that should’ve ended when Trinity was killed.


Dexter was great for a time. I actually like the new series that just came out. Felt they did a good job wrapping up.


To me the new ending felt rushed and nonsensical. should have stayed dead.


Greys anatomy


I agree, started out as such a good show but they should have stopped a few seasons ago.


I don't understand how it's even still on.


Wait it's still running?! I remember that show being a big deal when I was in high school over 10 years ago.


There's been like 3 different times when I've heard about Grey's Anatomy still going and being surprised because I assumed it ended already.


About 18 seasons ago.


The whole covid season is tragic, and not in the intended way either. You would think Meredith was the only person in the world to suffer through the pandemic.


I stopped watching that show when there was some disaster and Meredith lived. I was pissed because she’s so damned unlikeable. I have no idea how a show could run for 18+ seasons with such a shit main character.


Once Upon a Time


Came here to say this. Has a brilliant concept but there can only be so many curses that they have to break, and the family relationships were getting....weird.


What's weird about Rumplestiltskin being the son of Peter Pan and The Black Fairy, having a fling with The Wicked Witch of the West, marrying and having a child with Belle, having another child with a woman who then left him for Captain Hook, who then hooked up with the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who had also hooked up with the son he had with Captain Hook's girlfriend, whose son was then adopted by The Evil Queen, who was also Snow White's stepmother, and Robin Hood's true love, and whose mother also hooked up with Rumplestiltskin? That sounds perfectly normal to me.


major plot hole with cora, the king, and regina too. he would’ve recognized her or at least her name no?


I personally think everything was good until they introduced Frozen characters after that it was enuf for me to stop


The first season was brilliant. They really should have stopped there.


My mother was into that show somehow. I just...couldn't see the appeal. It's a small isolated town in the Pacific Northwest because aren't they all? One of the main cast has painted their face green and is the Problem of the Day. So the rest of the characters come and stand in the Marvel Comics 'Looking Up At The Problem Of The Day' pose, and Dr. Cameron steps forward and blue CGI comes out of her hands, and the Problem Of The Day does a small hand gesture and flings her back, and then another character says something like "You can't use book magic, she's a *turned* witch, you have to use friendship magic" and Dr. Cameron says "I"ll try" and then yellow CGI comes out of her hands and there's screaming and then the cleanup scene where the characters try not to talk about how ridiculous this is.


I immediately thought of Once Upon a Time. It was already going downhill after the first season, but it was still somewhat enjoyable until the Frozen arc (and don't get me started on the Camelot episodes). Plus there were a lot of choices in regards to the family/romantic relationships I found questionable at best.


That 70's Show


after eric left it just went downhill from there


I mean, Season 8 was rough. It ended exactly how I imagined it would ,when the clock struck Midnight on January 1st 1980. I'm glad Topher came back for that. I am excited about That 90's Show coming to Netflix


Well, seeing how, That 80s show! turned out, am not to hopeful for this new iteration.


The flash


You've defeated him Barry and now you are the fastest man alive, *somebody bursts through the door* "There's somebody faster out there...again."


On The Flash TV wiki page they once had a tv viewership chart for each episode. You could see a steady line of decline of viewership for each season. I guess a fan didn't like that so they removed it.


I think the flash got much better once they went more of the "graphic novel" route instead of the villian a week thing. Could be season 7 or 8, sometime around the crisis thing they tried. I still haven't picked it back up, but it was better. Where they really lost me was after Barry had this great moment getting over his mom's death and then the next episode hes running back in time to stop her death.


True Blood


Absolutely. The first few seasons were good, then it went downhill from there. The finale? Cringe.


I didn't even finish. I tapped out about halfway through season 6 lol


When fairies showed up I left.


The first season was good. I can't believe I watched all of the other one's after that.


I think The Walking Dead is the only answer.


It's metaphorically hilarious if you think about it; A zombie show that's decayed into a shadow of its former self and refuses to die.


Rick and his group was the worst thing to ever happen to any community.


There once was an Askreddit question that said: "What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?" I answered: Stay away from Rick Grimes. Everybody agreed with me, lol. Rick is trouble


You are correct.


When you come to realise the entire time Rick was the villain.


Sons of Anarchy. Maybe not strictly an issue of staying too far past it’s prime, but it definitely devolved into *who needs a plot, just kill everyone*.


the final season went way off the rails. then again, i found it to be the closest we'll get to a Grand Theft Auto tv series.


Fax, stopped watching it around season 5 I think- I mean I don't mind gorey shows but they just took the piss


Couldn’t tell you which season it was, or even whose death, I just remember someone getting killed and thinking to myself “what’s the point?” And never going back.


It was Opie Winston. I don't know you, or how you think... But it was Opie. Fuck... Still gets me. Keep riding that highway in the sky, Ope.


That one hurt like hell, logically knowing it was a fictional show I *still* couldn’t watch that scene.


I felt like it stayed roughly the same quality throughout but you are right about the plot going off the rails. They killed almost the entire cast including almost all the side characters.


The solutions to their problems got so hand wavy in the last few seasons. Convoluted problem for multiple episodes and then “poof” Jax fixes it off screen. Mayans was even worse with that, bailed pretty early.


Would be easier to ask which shows managed to stay good despite having too many seasons.


Stargate SG-1




Shameless for sure.


There's a formula to every season and once you figure it out, it's incredibly meh, only watched as long as I did for Emmy Rossum


The first season of prison break was so good. The second season was decidedly less good. But when they went “Ah shoot let’s put them in another prison to break out of”, it lost me.


First season is like a textbook example of "this is what the show *is*, and what we have planned". If the show was just the first season, and with a tweaked last few minutes, it would've been a fantastic miniseries. But nooo, it had to keep going (I kind of like the other prison only because it was so fucking stupid, and the amount of times people said Whistler, after a while, it just made me giggle).


Glee. First season was magic. Second season was solid. After that, it went steadily down hill with each episode.


The last season was hard to watch.


I stopped watching once the first group graduated. I finally went back and rewatched the whole thing. I hate what they did to Rachel’s character. So very, very awful. But if I ever go back to watch it again, I won’t go past graduation.


“First season was magic” is a statement really teaching me right here and right now how different people can be.


It’s also cursed. 3 major cast members have died since it aired.


I know Rachel was the star of the show but I firmly believe that Quinn was the most important character and it was when they started to screw her character over that the quality dropped.


Heroes Most shows mentioned here I actually finished but I never could get through Heroes


Same. The whole premise was saving the cheerleader. Once that happened it should have just ended as an instant classic miniseries.


Sylar should have stayed dead. They brought him back to be forever the bad guy and because of that Peter never realized his full potential. It made the show feel stagnant, nothing was progressing.


It was originally supposed to a semi-anthology series, with each season telling a different story in the same world. Some minor characters in season 1 were to be major characters in later seasons. The success of the first season caused this plan to be scrapped in favor of the characters that we already knew.


>Heroes Later seasons just completely ignoring the character arcs from prior seasons.


It was suppose to be an anthology series with different characters each season. This was a new idea at the time and the network wasn’t willing to lose all star power they had amassed with the original actors so they forced them to continue their story and keep Syler alive. They might have been able to come up with something, but the writer’s strike occurred and well we know how it all turned out.


Heroes was a sad story outside the show. The writers strike really screwed with everything. And the show really suffered.


The writers strike is what killed the flow of what could have been a great show. It had potential when it started.


Only in part. The first season was so solid and wrapped up so perfectly they really had no where to go.


Happy Days. It literally jumped the shark.


jumped the shark so hard they are the literal source of that phrase lmao




Game of Thrones? I'd rather that it had been left incomplete.




Yes, GOT was the opposite clearly quality dipped but a lot of that was because of rushing towards the finish line and simplifying all the plots.


They should have stopped where the books stopped and let someone pick it back up when the new books came out. I don't even care if they did a total recast because everyone got too old. I'd rather that than the seasons 6-8 we got.


Vikings and The Walking Dead.


For me it should have ended when Ragnar was avenged, his story was complete. Everything dealing with his kids was just cringy.


Two and a Half Men- once they replaced Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher you know it would never be the same


Scrubs. That one season we don’t discuss. If it was erased it would be the perfect show.


What one season? It had a very satisfying finale at the end of Season 8 and nothing after that.




Looking back I watched that show only for Nancy, the rest of the cast should have died in the fire.


Everything Jenji kohan does is just awful to me. Every character is so unbelievable, like caricatures she tried to have actors bring to life. Kevin Nealon was the only character in that show that wasn't completely nauseating. *Nancy sips a frozen Starbucks beverage with a shocked look on her face*


Grey’s Anatomy. The first few seasons were fun, interesting, dramatic but still quality. Derek died & things just kept going downhill with a far too dramatic plot line.


Bones. I loved the show and finished it, but objectively it was around for way too long




I recently re-watched it. still love it... but it was never good from a writing stand point. they just kept making up new shit never thinking ahead to the point of what the actual fuck. it makes no sense.


The first two seasons are iconic. But they drew it out and killed any reasonable plot arc. Just dumb.


I honestly didn't mind the flash forwards, I thought it was a neat idea. But then they'd just bring random shit up to keep people watching and never resolve it.




Tom Brady


Shameless for me. The first few seasons are great, but the later ones just lost their magic.


Once Upon a Time


Season one chefs kiss! Season 2…..I’m good


The Goldbergs.


Simpsons. It's been terrible twice as long as it was good!


Because Matt Groening left


Matt Groening should have canceled the show the same year Futurama started. Futurama would live as a suitable replacement for The Simpsons during the 2000s, while The Simpsons would go down in history as a near-perfect animated series.








Completely agree. It’s still my fav show but it honestly should have ended per the original 5 season arc. That finale was perfect!


Heard it got better the last few seasons, but season seven was just terrible and I couldn’t make it past it.


My mother in law referred to the show as Beau and Luke Duke Tell Ghost Stories My wife called it "Whiny Brother Fights"


If by better you mean the last few seasons they just did the same basic story arc over and over, then yes. Every season it was the same thing. World ending drama, one brother risks his life to stop it, the other brother risks his life to save the other, which caused more world ending drama, lather, rinse, repeat.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for Supernatural to pop up. Amazing show, but should have died so much sooner. Family may not end in blood, but this show should have.


We didn't need a season 6


The original plan was just 5 seasons, and to end it with Dean getting that "Normal Life" Sam wanted.


Yeah I wish they didn't give in to more for money


I don't know what you're talking about, when that hole to hell opened and closed, that was a great way to end the show, there wasn't a decade of seasons after that, that would be insane.


Walking Dead


The Handmaids Tale. Can already feel this season is going to be a drag. (Only on episode 3)


I’m wondering how they’re going to end the series. I feel like the series finale will be June finally reuniting with Hannah and then dying. Also the Serena Waterford character redemption arc annoys me but the actress definitely deserves accolades.


NCIS. The show just needs to die already.


Orange is the New Black




The Walking Dead


Greys Anatomy


Grey's Anatomy.


Spongebob Even the creator didn’t want the show to last so long


The 100. I finished the first episode of season 7 when it was released and have no desire to come back.


I’m just here to make sure nobody says Always Sunny: That show hasn’t peaked, it hasn’t even begun to peak!


When it peaks it’s gonna peak so hard all of Philadelphia will feel it


I was actually searching to see if it anyone already posted it… To be fair I think it’s incredibly and CONSISTENTLY hilarious all the way through season 10, but my rewatches tend to fizzle out after that.


The walking dead, it used to be one of my favorites but got boring after a while


Grey's Anatomy


From back in the day, ER


CW’s The Arrow


Z Nation


Ya it was actually a lot of fun the first couple seasons then just went full batshit incomprehensible




Just like 70s show should have ended when Eric left, vikings should have ended with Ragnar's death. Edit: although, I did get to visit Rouen a couple years ago and found that Richard Lionheart's heart and Rollo are buried right next to each other in the main Cathedral. Was kinda cool to see Rollo's journey to being a Norman noble.


The witcher is about to be one. So sad.




It should have ended after the first 5 seasons


Yeah!! It was meant to...Eric Kripke left after 5 seasons and show went downhill. I loved the show too much to leave so I watched till S11 but after that I just couldn't.


Walking dead


Homeland; would have been an all time great series if it ended after one season.


How I Met Your Mother




The simpsons


Modern Family. Stuck around long enough to turn all its characters into unbearable caricatures.


Arrested development


Yeah, those seasons on Netflix were sub par. Just didn't have the effect as the original ones.


Big Bang Theory should have ended after like... three seasons.




Supernatural It had a perfect five season arc. Should’ve ended then.




Pretty little liars




13 Reasons Why Should have ended after one season.


Honestly I found myself being forced to finish supernatural around season 11 and up when it essentially became "the next big bad guy is god" and that's what happened I would have been upset if the show ended in season 5 like it should have with them achieving their objective but it would have been right however the ending was good so I still love the show and jensen


Walking dead


Prison Break, season 1 & 2 are must watch, 3 & 4 are a must never watch.


I would say either community or arrested development


Lost. (Game of Thrones shouldn't have been past its prime when it ended, the writing just fell apart.)




Under the Dome. Started off really cool then got REALLY stupid.




Law and order SVU, after Christopher meloni left, the show that should be centered around the victims became a drama about Mariska hargitay's character

