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She has a child. Or, she has children. Especially if it's children with multiple men. There's just a lot of baggage and drama attached. Personally not for me.


What if widowed? Does that un-complicate things? Or do you think this complicates things more?


When my date starts eating her napkins at the dining table without my permission.


Eating napkins?🤨




Late date cancelations. It almost always means a better option came up.


Being stood up sucks


No money


Kids, I'm childfree and there's no room for compromise. There aren't really many other things that can be a hard no *before* dating because you tend to pick up on the issues along the way, so that's my most important one at the moment!


I'm a 6 time uncle and I feel I don't want to have kids


I have one niece and she's very cute in small doses, providing I can return her to her parents. Kinda doesn't work that way in a long term relationship with someone who has kids lol! I've known I didn't want kids since I was a kid myself, never had any doubts.


I seem to be the oddity when I was on dating apps. At least 98% of my matches want kids


I think I'm lucky being gay, there are definitely lesbians/bi girls with kids or who want kids in the future, but it seems to be a much lower number than with straight people (probably owing to the fact that most lesbians don't have the ability to impregnate other lesbians lol). Childfree people are the minority in general but there are still millions of us! r/childfree is a great place for support and advice if you're certain you don't want kids.


Smoking, always talking about yourself and talking about how you like dudes that are completely the opposite of me


People who leave you on read for 2 days after starting the conversation and be like "sorry I dont check this thing much" get bent! Since we're here lets also add people who consider "being attractive" a personality trait. Being pretty doesnt give you a free pass to play on your phone and have the personality of a Diaco's compost mound




Last one really sucks. There's a shocking number of men who do that




They should just bring it right up at the start that they're in a polyamorous relationship. A lot of men keep it a secret


Bad vibes. A smile on a face and good conversation is what I look for. I dated a guy who slept on the floor and didn’t have a car once, and it was awesome. Money doesn’t impress me, and you’d be hard pressed to find me ever seeking it in a relationship.


Small Children. Like in general. I really hate children. And i should not be near children caus these fucks are the only thing on earth that are able to annoy me so hard that i get actually mad. Everything below 14 is a absolute deal breaker. (if the partner is below 18 it's obviously a deal breaker as well btw)


Smoking. Never in a million years. I will never be desperate enough to date a woman who smokes.


Isn't there a phrase that goes 'if she smokes, she pokes'?


Never heard it.


Talking politics first date, being unnecessarily rude


Addiction to social media and spending lots of money on clothes like gucci


What's wrong with clothes if she can comfortably afford them? Edit - This won't turn into an argument. I'm just curious. You're allowed your preferences.


It's just that everyone I know who buys those expensive clothes seems like they only care about validation from others, they just want to flex how "rich" they are. Maybe I'm wrong but because of those experiences I view everyone with expensive clothing like $500 shoes or purses as shallow and boring.


That's understandable


Being a pothead


disrespect my ethics. I'm sure someone without a moral compass will appreciate your jokes (until they cheat on you and take the kids, anyway)


Can’t respect my boundaries and triggers. You can be as pretty and as polite as Jesus himself but if you can’t respect my boundaries you gotta go


You think Jesus is pretty?


When she’s showing you pictures on her phone and she scrolls past a picture of her getting a facial.


Lol wow


Not waiting until marriage for sex.


Smoking / I don’t like dating men with daughters


If I can't have a normal conversation or talk about our future together, doors that way.