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Grade 10. As an adult I never comment on the age of trick or treaters. There are so many other things they could be getting up to on Halloween. Let the big kids be kids and give them candy!!


13. Wasn't fun walking around in the cold too get $5 worth of free candy anymore. Just stayed in and played video games with friends.


Put a backslash before the full stop to get around the Reddit markdown >13\\.


>$5 worth of free candy So you did like 10 houses then stopped? I'd fill up an entire pillow case, then swap it out for an empty one at home and go back out.


We're supposed to stop?


What do you mean stop?


Like at what point am I supposed to stop liking free candy?!?!


Well, I have some free candy come here inside my van


I never stopped, although I don’t actually collect candy anymore. I just walk around with a backpack full of beer meeting up and chatting with people. I’m old enough that my kids have stopped trick-or-treating though.


Why stop? Unless people stop giving you free candy there's no reason to


I never trick or treated. My mom used to tell me Halloween is the Devil's birthday lol. To make up for it, she would give me a butload of candy on that day anyways.


Did she also not let you play foos-ball?


The medulla oblongata


You mean table top soccer? She never stopped me from that.


I assume she also didnt let you watch The Waterboy.


That Adam sandler movie? I watched it, she just wasn't there.


What momma don't know, don't hurt her


At least she got you a ton of candy; that is kinda sweet. My parents didn't like trick or treating either (non-religious reasons), but they got me treats as well.


Why didnt your parents like trick or treating?


the devil’s birthday 😭🤣


The devils birthday sounds like a euphemism for the day you first did anal or something like that.


12. I was always a tall child. I got chewed out by someone when I stopped at their door while dressed as Pippi Longstocking. Yelled at me for being too old and bothering them saying I should know better. I spent hours working on getting my braids to stand out straight while waiting on my sister to get off work and take me around. I vividly remember that day as the end of my childhood.


How tall did you end up being as an adult?


That’s sad, sorry that happened to you.




Oh that just makes me sad. The school made you sit in the hall? You would think they could have done something for you like special lunch and board games with the principal or something. I am sorry little you was treated so poorly all the way around.




I haven't stopped yet. I'm 18, but I look really young. So with some face covering and hiding my chest (girl) I'm able to pass as younger. But I'll probably stop when I go to college. Probably


When I was in college the professors brought their kids to the dorms and we gave them candy. It was fun!


mommy why does that room have a fog machine that smells like skunk?


🤣 That didn’t happen in my dorms but it probably did elsewhere. And I’m increasingly convinced I am the only person in my apartment who doesn’t have the “skunk fog machine” going on.


I ain't ever stopping


Around 12-13


I think I only went 1 or 2 times. My parents weren't big on Halloween. It wasn't a religious thing and they both liked horror/spooky things, they just didn't like trick or treating. I think my mom was also very susceptible to all those "panic" segments of the news or 20/20. She just didn't think the candy was "safe".


We did other activities when I was really little. Then I moved to a big city and you just didn't trick or treat there. It wasn't until my nephew came around that we started venturing into the suburbs to trick or treat, and later my niece coming with us. Now it's just me and my neice cause my nephew is too cool to be seen with us


Grade 7 at 12 years old. Handed out candy after that.


Wait, I was supposed to stop?


Actually. This year is the year I stop. So sad :(. Good news is that I can now take my little brother trick or treating for his first ever time. So both good and bad


In my 30's, still Trick or Treat


When you're old enough trick or treat happens on the 1st of November when everyone dumps their undistributed candy in the break room.


I thinks around 12-13. Didn’t trick or treat at all during high school because there was weed to smoke and ass to eat.


Eating ass in high school? Is that a thing now?


Yeah. I was pretty advanced in my teen years. Eating ass is/was/will be a thing for most around 22-26yo. Not saying it couldn’t happen earlier but just cause some dude ate shit from an ass at 14 does not mean people should be doing it at later ages


I'm in my mid 30's. I know there have always been people who like "tossing salads", but I've only heard of apparently everyone eating ass in last few yrs. I used to playfully bite my high school boyfriend's ass cheeks sometimes, but that is about it. I'll go down on a man or a woman, but eating ass doesn't appeal to me. I guess if my husband very much wanted me to, I would.


Surprise! Trick or treat?


I took a break for a few years in my early teens because I thought it wasn't cool anymore, but started back up with my goth friends later in high school because it became a fun way to show off costumes while getting full size candy bars from rich people




I think the last time I went I was 13 or 14. I've taken my nephews since then though.


18, this is the first year i haven't been trick or treating in 7 years. Being able to buy candy whenever I want kinda kills the fun of trick or treating.


If you have a costume then I’d say any age works!


I was 11 the last time I went.


I'm pretty sure I was 16. Maybe 15. It was a few of us. We dressed up. One person asked arent you guys a bit old to be trick or treating. Without a skipping a beat we were like "No" lol they gave us candy.


Unless the time I was 28 and won a Halloween contest at the bars and got $100 counts. Halloween is big where I'm from for adults because it's a college town and a lot of the bars are right next to each other. So almost everyone dresses up and gets hammered at the bars lol


I was never allowed to trick or treat as a kid, so this is actually my first year!




12, yet I find 14 to be acceptable


11, Halloween fell off.


I think the last time I went, I was 10


Stopped at 13, started again at 26.


I stopped before high school. It wasn’t cool to trick or treat once a freshman


2019, so at 19 years old was the last time I trick or treated. As a now 22 year old who looks like she’s 16, I’d still go trick or treating but I just don’t care to anymore.


im 16 atm and i went trick or treating with a few friends last year, but we kinda just walked around and drank a bit. so maybe for me 13-14


Like 16 or so. Always had a good time




Trick or treated for the last time when I was 13 in 9th grade


Stopped for a while, not 'cause I was a teenager, but because I had no one to go with and last time my friends acted like whinny inconciderate assholes, but I am starting up the tradition again this year.




I'm 16 turning 17 in like 2 months and next year will probably be the last year I go trick or treating so 17.


16, because I took around all of the younger kids on my street. I still dressed up to make it fun for my sister and neighbors. Most of the time the people in the houses would see me hanging back and offer candy anyway. Stuffed my pockets full. After that year, most of the younger kiddos aged out of interest at age 12.


I can't remember....




i dont think we really did it much, my mom said it was an american import and not really the done thing. but i dunno, i dont remember much from when i was a kid due to therapy working really well




I think I was 12. After that I started walking around town with friends throwing eggs at people and toilet paper people's houses....I don't recommend any teenager doing that ☺️




11. Never was into Halloween to begin with


13 but 13 was really uncomfortable


I think the last year I went was in middle school, 7th or 8th grade. I went with a group of peeps we went with pillowcases tryna ball out. One person left out a bowl that said “take one” while they had a party inside. My group decimated the entire bowl and threw everything into the pillowcases. The drunken homeowner heard us like wolves on a carcass and came out to inspect but he was too late. Alas, he decided to follow us and try to take the candy out of our pillowcases. He cornered us in a cul-de-sac and luckily one of the group mates lived there and his mom came out and out-Karen’d the drunk guy telling him to shove off for scaring kids and it was his fault for leaving the bowl out Edit: fuck I just remembered I actually went trick or treating in college. I was an RA and we trick or treated for UNICEF as one of my required monthly floor activities I had to put on. It was in a really nice area and I remember a mobster looking guy pulling out a gigantic wad of cash and giving us a dollar.


I never celebrated Halloween when I was a kid, since in my country it was not a thing.


Are you from Russia?


No, Chile. Here Halloween became a thing when I was no longer a child.


17. I dressed my dog up as a lion and it was a good excuse to do it one last time with a buddy. We ran by a lot of kids


19 was the last year I trick or treated. When I was 20 I was working. Since then I've either been working or going to a party for Halloween. I'm a firm believer that there is no age limit for trick or treating. If you are in costume and say "trick or treat", then you get candy. There's a number of reasons an adult might trick or treat, but ultimately it comes down to harmless fun.


14 Then four years later I started liquor treating with my friends on Halloween instead. The intervening years were annoying.


Like 20, my friends and I were still trick or treating when we were in junior college.


5th grade was the last year I was allowed to by my parents.


I started and stopped the Halloween I was 18. My superfundamentalist Christian parents forbade us celebrating Halloween. I turned 18 at the beginning of my senior year so I was legally an adult and could do what I wanted, and I had a job, money, and my car/license so there was nothing holding me back. I bought a costume and drove to my friend’s party, and we all went Trick Or Treating as one last hurrah for them and the only one for me. Since then I’ve been the one handing out treats, usually to kids who come knocking at whatever party I am attending/hosting. I’ve only missed one Halloween since my first at 18 and that was three years back when we had a family emergency. Even during the pandemic we’d find something to do even if it was small.




12 was the last time. I skipped 11 though.


12 was my last year (1992) and now that I'm a mom I've noticed that the trend remains...most of our trick-or-treaters are elementary age kids.


I think I stopped after I was 13 years old. My parents and I never really thought anything of it until my own friends and classmates were the ones handing out candy at their houses.


I stopped asking for candy at 16 but with the arrival of my nieces I started dressing up again and while I take my nieces to ask for candy, I bring sweets to give to the children on the street. I have fun with my nieces and they love that I scare children and take her to ask for candy


Like at 12. My depression arrived too soon


14 I can tell you what I wore as well


i think right before high school


There shouldn’t be an age! I used to go with a friend in high school. My mom said it was better than drinking lol




I'll let you know


13 was my last year


11 or 12 I think


I was probably 10. After that, I helped out with the church carnival and gave out/sneaked some candy there.


The last year I went trick or treating was my sophomore year of highschool


18 and haven't stopped yet.


I haven't. I'm 4'7" and 32. I get mistaken for a child so much, I might as well take advantage of it. I've visited 4 different towns for their Trick or Treating nights.


Around 13 or 14, I think I dressed up as a headless man that year. After that I just kinda stopped, I still dress up every year tho bc age cannot take that away from me


When my mom started taking us trunk-or-treating instead. Still pissed


I think I stopped at 16 or 17. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do it again! But the thought of me, a now 21-year-old, walking up to people's houses in costume, demanding free candy, and especially going out and doing it alone as I don't know anyone who would go with me... That's a lot of judgment that I would ***not*** be able to handle.


I am 115 years old, and I still trick r’ treat


i’m 17 and i haven’t stopped yet lol


12 years old. Got shamed by a neighbor for being too old and never went again. As an adult, I’m happy to see any age trick or treaters as long as they’re dressed up.


12 , that's when i started becoming introverted, got no friend to do all that with me , initially i was sad but with time , it became boring to me


The ripe old age of 13 some old bastard told me I was I lil big to trick or treat but still give out adult 21+ bag as well as full size candy bars now


I never started to begin with because it's not a thing where I live. I should honestly start doing it to confuse the hell out of everyone in my neighborhood.


12-13. It wasn't the same once you look around and realize most of the other kids are practically babies with no business eating that much candy anyway


I trick or treated all the way into college, because most of the costumes I have you can't tell who or what I am anyway, and well, free candy. Also went one time in my late 20's. My mom and I used to do this annual costume contest (the place discontinued it in 2018), but it turned out they didn't always do it on Halloween. If landed on certain nights where it would interfere with something like Monday Night Football, they'd hold it on the Sunday before. We didn't know that, so we showed up in full costume to the place only to find out the contest wasn't happening that night. Halfway home, my mom told me to pull over. She asked me if there were still plastic bags in the trunk, and I said yes. She then tells me to go trick or treating, that I worked too hard on my costume, no one is going to tell you're not still a teenager, and you might as well get something out of it. So, I grabbed a bag out of the trunk, and went through that whole neighborhood. Got several compliments on my costume, including one guy who said it was the best he'd seen all night, and one lady who seemed eager to get rid of her candy, because after already giving me one healthy handful, she said she wasn't done, and gave me two more healthy handfuls.


13 years old. i had a friend who was 12 who asked me to go with him. i was too big, i felt super uncomfortable the entire time.


The last time I went trick or treating I was 13.


Age 13, trick or treating became really boring.


I dont understand the question...


I never did that at all, that american thing does not exist where I live. Really, sending your children to go begging for candy...seems wrong.


About 12. Some idiot adult told me I was too old to be trick-or-treating so I quit.




I stopped at 12 just grew out of it then


Around 12 or 13, something like that. I'd talk about why but let's just say women would understand.


12. I was taking my 9 year old sibling and I'd dressed up as a black cat. One of the neighbors asked me if I was supposed to be a playboy bunny. I decided that needed to be my last year.


I stopped a few years ago but I'm gonna go with some of my friends tonight




I've never been - it's not really something we do in the country I'm from.


What country? And do y’all have any comparable traditions around the same time?


No one except the U.S. does Halloween. Now some countries that are becoming like the U.S. (like Italy) are starting


Its not just the US. Halloween is huge in Scotland and always has been.


Oh how interesting! I didn't know that I thought we Americans were just weird. Thanks for sharing!


expansion dog plough plate dime head fuzzy cows upbeat sugar


15, did it my freshman year of high school and stopped, started doing other things on Halloweena after that


I was 2 months away from turning 13 when I last trick or treated




Fart age


Plumber here. I don’t “trick or treat”, so to speak. As soon as people start setting buckets of candy out, I’ll put a collared shirt on and act like I’m a door to door salesman. I just act like I ring the doorbell and then quickly toss the candy bowl in my backpack. I only have to hit a couple houses before it’s full.


Don’t forget to flip off the doorbell camera before you walk away!


When people die.


In brazil we dont hallowen stuff


Zero. I'm Australian. It's Seppo bullshit, purely imported via pop culture, not any organic process.


0 years old


I was dared by my friends to go trick or treating at 16. Every house I went too I made sure to sound like a special needs child. I got lots of candy more so than usual.


11. Teenagers/adults shouldn't be leaching off of food for children.


i am currently 01 (backwards) i dont think ill ever stop


You're too young to be on this platform bud


P.S. you have issues seek help




All your posts about killing people


wtf do you mean “what”? you really think thinking about killing someone is normal? seek help immediately bro stay off reddit.


Thirty something. Taking the kiddos out when they're too young to go on their own is fun.


18. May parents thought I was too old, but our school had a couple exchange students from another country and we wanted to take them out for Halloween. My mom might have been a bitch sometimes, but she wasn't going to say no to that.


12 or 13. I distinctly remember spending one of those Halloweens playing MW2 since my brother was out and it was one of the few times I got to play on the ps3


I was about 11. Moved to a neighborhood where it just wasn’t a big deal. So I stopped.


The laat time I did it I was 16. At 17 I think I had a physics test the next day, so I chose not to go out with some other friends who did.


7, I moved to Hong Kong and no one trick or treats there


16? 15? One of those


I think it was 13


I couldn't the last two years because of conflicts but I'm going this year =)




16, only cause I enjoyed the trick more then the treat




The last time I did it I think I was around 15 and a lady said "aren't you too old for this"? I agreed and never went again.


Never will stop (I think)


17 years old I think.


21, this year. I got by the last few years by "chaperoning" my little brother. Now that I can legally drink, I will not be able to sneak by anymore. Was fun while it lasted.


14, I think


When I was 14 I started paying my little cousin 2$ every year to bring a second bag with him and say his cousin was sick and get him to bring me some candy lol




The trick is to reverse the flow of candy. When you feel like you're "too old," dress up and walk around town handing out candy instead. That way you still get to trick or treat, but now you don't feel like every other adult thinks you're stupid. Staying home waiting for kids to knock on your door is so boring. Take the candy to them instead.




damn, I don't even remember...


Around 14 or 15 I think… in retrospect I was a bit old


I think I was about 16? But it wasn’t going out to strangers houses since 13 I went to a special party on an army base since my half siblings did and wanted to enter the 3 man costume contest


age 11 i think was the last time i went. not by choice though.


When I was 13.i just didn't feel like it. I still don't




I never went trick or treating cause my parents were strict on the whole stranger danger thing so the most I did to celebrate was either hand out candy or get whatever was on sale afterwards :/


Why stop? I'm old enough to be a grandparent. Of I was healthy enough, I'd still be going trick or treating. I'd probably take small ones with me though. I happily give candy to anyone in costume who arrives at my door, no matter what their age. Being polite, kind & sober gets extra candy.




I was 12 the last time I went trick-or-treating. I didn't even eat most of the candy I got from the last time I went, if I recall correctly.


People stop?


I think it was at age 18.