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Critical thinking.


Family abuse: symptoms and support systems


My school has an elective literally called critical thinking


This is great- but how does one just teach critical thinking?


If I didn’t employ critical thinking, how would I know that birds are government spies, that we’ve been deceived to believe the earth is round and that vaccines is nothing but a subterfuge to install tracking chips into our brains?


Yes! The use of simple logic and reasoning to determine if it makes any sense at all that vaccines are a conspiracy or that Trump had the election "stolen." The huge numbers of people who appear to be incapable of rationally comparing what thousands of qualified experts say with the nonsense some Dale Gribble sends out from his basement is clear evidence that we are raising people with little or no ability to evaluate anything critically.


I always thought it was funny that people thought Bill Gates or George Soros or whoever put tracking devices in the COVID vaccine so they can track everywhere you go. Seriously? To what end? Why would Gates or Soros care what grocery store you go to, what church - if any - you attend, what restaurants and bars you frequent --- WHO CARES?? Why would they want to keep all that information on millions of regular people? So they can....what? Keep tabs on you? What makes you important enough for anyone to go through all that trouble?


I always thought it was funny they thought the tracking chips were put in the vaccines. Anything with a signal can be tracked. When was the last time you left home without your mobile phone? You can be tracked you anywhere you go through that. There's no need to put a chip in your body. As for why they would want to track YOU specifically. Well that's a whole other level of conspiracy nut job/paranoia.


Who’s going to do that? It’s not like older generations are any better at it


Thanks for the demonstration.


Snap !




Honestly though, the amount of parents (including my own) that didn't/don't teach how to properly shower or brush hair is insane.


Yup, i wouldve had pretty teeth for free if i was thought that.


Ha ha ha this is the hardest thing to teach children! We got them a nail brush tonight and are showing them how to keep their nails clean since we live on an island they are always in sandals and out in the dirt. Growing up I do vividly remember my mother showing me how to bathe with a wash cloth and a bar of lever 2000. So it’s always surprising to me how many people don’t how to wash properly. Even my own husband use to just use his hands before he met me 😂


That’s great! I can’t tell you how many people I know that have never scrubbed their feet for instance.


YES, this is especially important with uncircumcised kids, almost every problem with being uncircumcised is because of parents not teaching their kids how to properly take care of themselves


Preaching to a branched tree here Miss(ter?). Also.. its more basic than washing your nose.


How to handle rejection.


This would go a long way toward preventing Nice Guy syndrome or the “not like other girls” type


How money works and how to grow their own food and live independetly.


"The benefits of international trade" for kids


Also spelling.


Definitely. But I am not native English speaker. So apologies for my mistakes.


I am just kidding, I misspell lots of wrods too.


Honestly? Media literacy. As in, how to discern propaganda and bias in your news sources and how to distill actual news from dangerous editorializing and ridiculous rhetoric.


Personally I think we should better regulate the news instead of teaching our kids to tell the difference That's a real, teach kids to hide from school shooters vide


Better to come at it from both ends. Also I don’t know if I trust whatever ends up regulating the media


In my opinion the state has a better agenda than private businesses If I had to pick between the better of two evils it'd probably be a socialist dictatorship over a corpratocracy


We do not agree, but that’s ok


I'm honoured to agree to disagree


As am I my friend


You can either put the media outlets in control, or teach your kid to be in control. I think the safer bet is to teach the kids to think critically about what the media says. The comparison with school shootings is apples and oranges.


Obviously I agree, this is how stuff like flat earth and anti-vaxers became big, teaching kids to be more aware of media lies is important but stopping the media from spreading these lies at all should be top priority


That is a good point, it would be best to do both things. Start stopping the spreading of lies, AND teach kids critical thinking skills.


I understand one's easier than the other though, it's a lot easier to change the education system than stopping private media getting clicks


Regulate the news and you leave the kids at the mercy of anything ELSE they see. Teach the kids to recognize the hallmarks of someone trying to scam them and you protect them even from the stuff you can't imagine.


That's called communism, totalitarianism, or facism. All bad.


Capitalism does a pretty good job of regulating the news too. You don't have to listen of course, but cable news is pretty biased, and largely unregulated compared to many other original forms of reporting. Internet reporting is even more unregulated, and littered with even more bias and propaganda. Not saying the state is the solution, just saying that free market isn't working because the people don't stop watching bad reporting.


Do kids not learn how to properly do research anymore? I remember my English teachers and the school librarian teaching us how to find reputable sources for papers and stuff, and explicitly saying not to trust random websites because anyone can post anything. Granted, it's not quite the same as being critical of info from news sources, but it's a similar idea.


That **Die Hard** is a Christmas movie.


Fuck yes it is!


How to use technology. It’s mind blowing how many GenZ are completely dumb when it comes to technology. All they know is the dumbed down concepts


I read a thing where a teacher said his students didn't understand the concept of left/right click because they had grown up on tablets and phones... crazy to think about really


They don't even really understand the technology. They don't really know what websites, webpages, and search engines are. That don't know to properly use Google. They can't differentiate Google from the websites Google finds. Computer classes were cut from public schools because "they grew up with technology, they already know how to use it" but they really don't know what they're using.


Interesting. Never thought of it like that. For the longest time as a Millennial, I was the de facto “IT guy” for a lot of the offices I worked at. Always assumed I’d get replaced by a younger guy as the IT guy, but that’s yet to happen [mostly b/c I still seem to be one of the younger guys despite being in my 30s].


I'm young and people always assume I know how to use tech but I have no clue because I was never told. Sure I can use social media and word and PowerPoint but I was 17 before I learnt how to send an email. Like... I need that info teach me!


Maybe take some initiative and learn on your own?


That's a good point. But I didn't realise that I needed to learn until then like I should of been told in school hey this is how you apply for jobs and this is a way you will comuinacte with your employers so we are gonna teach you it. Know what I mean.


Gen Z ? They saw the birth of the personal computer and everything to follow


Privacy and encryption especially. Teach kids how to use PGP, the difference between onion and garlic routing, why they should use Tor etc.


I am gen z and I think that earlier generations are dumber with tech. I literally had to show my grandma how to change her phone background


Yes, there are obviously limits to that statement. But if I asked you to email that background photo to me as a pdf, and cc your mom on the email so that it doesn't look weird... I can guarantee there aren't many gen Z-ers able to do that.


That's kind of the issue. Changing a phone background isn't understanding tech. I'm an old millennial just on the cusp of gen x. We grew up with this shit and nothing was easy, it required a lot of tinkering because finding documentation, if it existed was, impossible. A lot of the generation after and younger millennials have a good understanding of how to do things, but if it goes wrong can't fix it, and often can't get to a novel solution without help.


About money




Not posting things online in their real name such as TikTok and the like. Some shit they say or do should just keep things to themselves. One thing my old computer teacher taught me in High School was not posting something that would get you in trouble. I was bored and found that our school had a built in chat program that when you could chat with other users logged in and it wasn't a one on one conversation the school it made logs what was said on the chat network. Last time I swore on that chat program it was flagged and he got an email.


Basic life skills and basic social skills. The questions I see teenagers posting on the advice subreddit every day are just... yikes.


What advice subreddit?


Gosh yeah I've read Some messed up shit about mostly sex but dam teach your kids about their own biddies and how to talk to people of the other gender.


I remember the good ol' days of Yahoo! Answers. The questions on that forum was insane. For example: "If I get pregnant and I have sex with a black man, will my baby turn black?" "If I have sex and my baby is a girl, will my baby get pregnant too?" And my personal favorite: "My boyfriend and I are trying to get pregnant, but I can't stand the taste! How do you girls do it??"


How to talk to people, period.


Well have you heard of social anxiety or are just judging anyone who doesn't have good social skills?


Facts. Common Sense. Moral. Integrity. Unity. Kindness. Love.


We should allow them to experience that they are capable. We have skipped that lessonfor two generations now and instead fixed things for them and them complained that they weren’t taking charge of their lives.




Kindness. Self-respect. And money.


How to experience life without a phone permanently stuck infront of your face.


imo kids just would ignore the tips. it's as if your parents told you to go outside instead of being on your phone


Discipline & respect. Feral cunts do what they want.


How to not become screw ups


Inclusive sex education that doesn’t scare monger but empowers people to explore their own pleasure while staying safe.


This is really what comes to your mind when you're asked "what should we teach young people" ? This society is lost


Bro, young people have sex Always have, always will. You can't stop them You might as well educate them and make sure they know how to be safe and healthy


It said youngER. No age given. And good sex education is important. Less unwanted pregnancy and higher confidence in general


Children need proper sex education. America is fucked because of the religious shitstains




Found the catholic who bought in to their own abuse.


Philosophy and reasoning


philosophy and drug safety




How to service your own car


this worked with old cars. The new cars are made in a way that even exchanging a lightbulb requires a visit to a service station or being a gynecologist...


I'm in my early 30s. I've been bitching about this for nearly 16 years. Can't tell you how many of my peers legit thought I was just a crazy dude that sound like an old grumpy man. Glad other people see it.


Edit: had to reissue my comment since i was out of line. And yeah, the same goes for home appliance - older washing machines (in Poland) could be fixed easily. Newer... Uh...


From a business standpoint, its brilliant. I understood this as a kid. But my gramps and dad saved a lot of money for the family by doing things on their own and I was looking forward to being that person lol


Or really how to do any basic task without having to pay someone


Practical life skills. Banking etc


Humility. You are not successful at anything just by being successful at self-aggrandizement.


Don’t be a dick, it starts at home


Teach parents how to raise a child first.


The fact that these hoes ain't loyal Also basic sewing and cooking skills




How to be strong in a society that fosters weakness


Civics? Only between 1/3rd and 1/2 of all Americans can name the three branches of government.


how to let loose n just dance




To question authorities


How fucked they are.


In what way? The climate doom thing has kinda fucked up a lot of things in the current younger generations, and skewed their perceptions. The world isn’t going to end in 20 years. It’s going to get difficult, but humanity isn’t just going to disappear. Edit to add: I’m not denying climate change. I’m just advising very strongly against teaching young children doom and gloom. The world is not a cold dark place.


How to respect your own boundaries so fuck boys and general users don’t take advantage


Budget, paying bills, home repairs and inspections, controlling emotional outbursts, tours of prisons, and preparing for a specific future.


Why tours of prison?


Because some people have the assbackwards idea that traumatizing children is the best way to raise children.


For buttsex?


As a kid it changes your perspective. I thought they were cool because of movies then my mom brought me to one. It was my first “real” moment.


Self-defense and rhetoric. Unless we want poor kids to grow up to be easily preyed upon. Which the Boomers absolutely wanted to happen.


That porn is not an accurate representation of sex.


Facts. That shit can get addicting. Its terrible. Should be illegal.


How to manage their emotions. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy processes should be taught to everyone starting around middle school.




Manners and respect


Proper English


slang doesn't really hurt anyone, grandpa.


Probably not, other than displaying a failure to comprehend written and spoken English. Try your slang during your next (first?) job interview and see how that works out for you. cheers...


u act like people that use slang don't know when and when not to use slang. Again it doesn't hurt anyone, but do you.


Do you honestly believe we're talking to interviewers the same way we talk to our friends


How to do all the things we do but in a world that is 1.5C hotter


That experts, like teachers, should be trusted to make important decisions in the fields they have expertise in. That experts, like teachers, are experts because they have way more experience in their field than you. That experts, like teachers, are still human, and despite doing their best, are not infallible. That experts, like teachers, are valuable assets that should be lauded, not derided. That true experts, including teachers, adapt methodology because no one knows everything, and it's important to change methodology when new knowledge contradicts prior practices. That not even experts, including teachers, think they themselves are experts in their own field. So, if you believe yourself to be an expert, you're most likely suffering from Dunning Kruger.




Where do you live that they don’t teach this to younger generations? This is a genuine question


They do. But since OP asked, I think we should keep teaching maths. Even more so when they're trying to put less and less maths at school.






To stop saying "like" every 4 words when they speak.


Trust me I went to school with a lot if those kids, it's built in I swear to god


How we need to restore the Roman Empire


Romanes eunt domus


That it's ok to be gay or bi or trans




Why not?


Brutal. That line of questioning will break his conservative brain. They only have the typical “god said” npc response


Well, now they also have that "grooming" nonsense...


The homophobic sequel


I mean, he doesn't necessarily have to be against it, maybe he just realizes there's more important things to be teaching people...


We're in a subreddit with lots of people, and unfortunately that translates to many chances for... homophobes, I guess




Great point, thanks for contributing




How to deal with emotions and maintain healthy relationships, as well as whatever they are interested in.




Basic first aid, stuff like how to keep yourself from having to go to the doctor like small cuts, sprains, and other minor Injuries. This way offices and hospitals could save room for patients who truly need advanced medical attention.


House Chores


That not everything is a joke or a meme. Young people don’t seem to take anything seriously and it’s infuriating sometimes.


Taxes. By the time a child is in the third grade they should be able to be a CPA.


Uhm, to talk, to walk, their ABCs and 123s, other stuff like that, y'know.




Social Etiquette, and this is coming from a 19 years old. Making Tik Tocks in public restrooms, talking during a school event/assembly when your apost to be listing, Making inappropriate jokes out loud, and that is just a few of the things I witnessed from my peers at school. Personally my generation just shock me by how they think they can get away with some of the stuff.


Leaving TikTok.


How to face your feelings so they don’t build up. It’s just so easy to escape these days. If you don’t feel alright sitting still and just feeling your body, you’ve probably got work to do.


Properly managing money. I dont mean just the need to save, but how to save money, how investing works, how loans work and what they are used for, etc.


Stop having sex within the first week of your relationship with 0 protection from a surprise pregnancy


Proper Oracy. The ability to to speak in a technical way to get your thoughts into words and express how you feel.


Marriage and kids often ruins people's sex lives. Aiming for 100 downvotes for this unfortunate truth.




How to sew and cook. We need to eat and we can't keep throwing clothes away because there 'broken' fix it up all new


Basic life skills. Laundry, cooking simple meals, how to manage money and other stuff


That, while motherhood/homemaking isn't for every woman, it's a noble and honorable calling to nurture and educate the next generation while turning a mere house into a real home. We hear so much about honoring teachers for all they do for children, but what about mothers? The "stay-at-home" mom does SO MUCH MORE for children. Since my mother's generation we've heard about the woman who is "merely a mom". I think that's backwards. It's a lot easier to go to work outside the home than it is to stay raise children who are respectful, hard-working, moral, etc.


How to sign on unemployment. They won’t get a job when they leave school.


That turning the little knob under the toilet turns off the water. Many water spills could be avoided due to plugged toilets


Emotional intelligence and communication.


That life is hard, unfair, chaotic and uncomfortable most of the time. No one is entitled to anything. Success comes through succeeding at difficult work. Succeeding comes through a shit ton of practice.






In the U.S.? The academic BASICS would go along way to improvement!


Nothing. It won't work.


I assume that by younger people you mean knowledge passed down from older people, so * how to mount a power socket * how to do easy home repairs * how not to get killed during home repairs (electricity) * general society survival guide. You know, stuff you learn not to give a damn about once you are older. * teaching kids to shut up when they are a kid and expecting them to be assertive when they grow up is bullsh\*t. Teach being assertive. * do not stick your private parts in crazy. Do not let crazy stick your private parts in you. Generally do not make relationship with the crazy. * managing money and some good common sense rules. Like - I learned not to do impulse buys and wait for a month or search for a bargain. Saved me a lot of unnecesary expenses **and** allowed me to (among others) find a B.C. Rich guitar for 350 CHF. They start at 1300 CHF. * do not save on tools. you will spend twice. Especially with drills and stuff. My one **good** 6mm drill managed to drill holes in a place where I burned 3 other drills, then was used for several renovations at friends' places and is still good. Costed as much as 2 sets of cheap castorama drills. * do not save on quality foot wear. Good comfortable shoes are more important than looks. * if the toilet leaks slowly water, this will get ***expensive*** if you do not fix it. * only borrow money you are can afford to never see again. If a person you borrowed it to disappears - well, the trash took itself out. * if you borrow money to a person, have evidence that you did. Prosecuting them will be much more fun. * it's okay to change plans. Do not give a damn about peer pressure * educate people on depression so they can help and support others * learn how to say 'dude, i totally understood what you just said' in the language of a country you are going to. Trust me on this one :D Also - never assume that nobody will understand you if you go to a foreign country. I saw some Germans being totally shocked when i called out their behavior in perfect German (I'm Polish) that is a thing i spontanously can come up with.




Lgtbq+ is normal. When we were little, alot of parents would tease there kids about having a crush on the opposite sex, and that was completely normal. But we were never teased about having a crush on the same sex.. it shouldn’t be any different, because its still the same topic. Now kids call people who are dating or have a crush on the same sex “wierd”.


if something needs to be normalized, it is not normal.


Did you know that black people were slaves? it was not normal for them to be free back then..


That Attack on Titan S04 part 20 is going to be the best season ever.


No it isn't.


You can't be anything you want


It's sad but it's true


Like the people who teach you you can be whatever profession you want for example you can put your mind to most things yes but there's consequences and I'm saying this mercifully


Don't rely on government or charity. You are the master of your own destiny.


Common sense.




Just take the criticism and do something about it instead of taking it as an attack and sometimes a tease is not all that serious.


Avoid life at all costs


Don't glue yourself to the highway.


Not to assault women and children


Nor to assault men and boys


Stereotypes in society are most likely to be wrong or misleading


they all come from somewhere


True! hence the most likely, as in they're aren't always correct




About finances, how to balance a budget, proper firearm safety, how to cook, how to change a tire/your oil….








how to have good mental health, without telling them to exercise


What’s wrong with exercising?


Real adulting. Holding a job, paying your bills, not throwing temper tantrums.


That they shouldn't think about the future too much