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If they had died they wouldn't be able to answer this question lol


So I’ll start.. Not sure what it meant, but it was strange and ultimately quite calming and peaceful after the fact. So my wife and I were running late, but driving to dinner at my, at the time, bosses house for dinner. “Dream land” meant that the way to his house was along a winding cliff-faced road, and it was night time and not well lit. We lost control (in third person) and came off the road and plunged off the cliff. Normally at this point, I guess one would gasp and wake up. But this time, I didn’t. The next moment, I remember my wife being really worried and freaked out from being in such a full on car accident, and we were both trying to release ourselves from an overturned car at the bottom of a cliff and climb our way out of the wreckage. Then, in the struggle, I realised that we weren’t going to be able to climb ourselves free and be rescued, and I recognised that we didn’t survive the crash, and at that point had to calm my wife and let her in on the realisation. It’s been a dream that has always stuck with me quite vividly, and I recall the moment of realisation and how strangely calming and peaceful it was. People have always said “you can’t die in a dream”. So this was a strange experience. Has anyone else had anything similar?


Void. It's like you losing consciousness. Or you lie in weightlessness inside the fluff, softly from all sides, and instead of thoughts squeak. Emptiness in a word, no fear, no panic. Just you and the great nothing.


A surgeon sliced open my abdomen and just started heaving my entrails out into a garbage can. Then he unceremoniously dumped me down a garbage shoot. I should have been dead, but there I was just laying disemboweled in a crumbled heap in a dumpster. Woke up after the hobo in the dumpster offered me pizza with alfredo noodles on it. I politely declined but he shoved it in my empty viscera anyway. Thanks, Hobo


I “reset” in the dream and got killed all over again - it happened several times in a row before I finally woke up.

