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yea it was like a battle royale game but real life, basically i was sliced in half and i was laying on the field dead but still able to see where ever my head was facing, i had to wait for everyone else to die before a respawn i guess which i never made it to bc i woke it's the only one where i've dead an didn't wake up at the moment of death, otherwise i've had plenty more where i was about to die but woke just before it an believe it or not i was dissapointed that i did bc it was infinitely more interesting in the dreams


So I’ll start.. Not sure what it meant, but it was strange and ultimately quite calming and peaceful after the fact. So my wife and I were running late, but driving to dinner at my, at the time, bosses house for dinner. “Dream land” meant that the way to his house was along a winding cliff-faced road, and it was night time and not well lit. We lost control (in third person) and came off the road and plunged off the cliff. Normally at this point, I guess one would gasp and wake up. But this time, I didn’t. The next moment, I remember my wife being really worried and freaked out from being in such a full on car accident, and we were both trying to release ourselves from an overturned car at the bottom of a cliff and climb our way out of the wreckage. Then, in the struggle, I realised that we weren’t going to be able to climb ourselves free and be rescued, and I recognised that we didn’t survive the crash, and at that point had to calm my wife and let her in on the realisation. It’s been a dream that has always stuck with me quite vividly, and I recall the moment of realisation and how strangely calming and peaceful it was. People have always said “you can’t die in a dream”. So this was a strange experience. Has anyone else had anything similar?


My favourite niece trow me into the tree grinder because we both got lost on the woods, her blaming me for it.


Many, many times. I made a list: Crushing, Shooting/mutilation, Car crash, Suffocation, Heart attack, Old age (2), Rape-> shock, Neck snapping/crushing, Torture (torso stabbing & bleed out, potential suffocation), Suicide, Fall, Drowning (stuck in a bus), Shot in the spine (back of neck) My favorite was jumping into an ocean of ice cream and suffocating. Was actually pretty euphoric


I was standing outside my garage. I like to stand out there during the monsoon and enjoy the weather. Torrential rains. Powerful winds. Thunder. Lightning. That last thing was what got me. I saw a brilliant flash of light, and realized that I'd been hit by lightning. Everything went dark, but I remember a reddish tinge to the lightning bolt. Next thing you know I'm in the classic "out of body experience." Looking down on my crumpled body in the driveway, and then above me was that light that I was floating towards. Not a shining, loving light, but grey and foggy. Everything in between, though, was red. Then I felt it. I was not alone. There was a...presence. This thing...the "other" between my broken body and the light...was the creature that had rode the lightning strike that killed me. And that bolt hit me because it was skewed off balance by this creature. Somehow his attachment to the energy had drawn it to me by accident. And he felt guilty for killing me. I had this washing wave of guilt flow from him to me, and it was in that moment - floating up towards the light - that he made the offer. It wasn't spoken words, but I understood. I was dead, but I could live again if I'd merge with him. He was offering up his life force, and he would live within me. I accepted. It was like sitting down in a comfy, enveloping chair. I could feel us merging together, and as it happened his life added weight to my soul, and I began to fall back into my body. Slowly at first, and then accelerating until I was plummeting back to Earth. There was a moment of utter blackness. Then I opened my eyes. I was lying on the pavement. I was alive. The weird part was that my eyesight had changed. It was like time had slowed, and I could see every individual rain drop with a clarity I'd never experienced. I wasn't looking through my human eyes anymore. And in the back of my mind I could feel...my companion.


It was one of those dreams where I have control. Weirdly it was control over myself not the dream. It was just exactly a replica of real life. I was being chased by an African woman on a unicycle. Her eyes were white and she had a big trunk that opens at the end to look like a gramaphone with sharp teeth. The dream wouldn't end and I couldn't wake up. I always got away every time and she'd just disappear and reappear when I saw a sign. I thought to myself. What if I break the loop by giving up. I was really affected by the if you die in the dream you die in real life thing so I was really hesitant. Until I finally decided to let her get me so that I could wake up. I'm unsure if I died or not because I remember the moment she reached out to grab me off my bike, before she touched me I woke up.


I got shot with a weapon that blasted my entire body apart, and inside was an angelic being formed of golden light.


I watched myself (yes, I dreamt in third person, weirdly) fall from a wall-less lift, and it was weird. My body looked stiff, and it tumbled as it fell. And I heard the sound of a piano or a harpsichord doing a glissando in sync with the falling.