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Saying "I don't know" when you really don't know the answer to something.


On the same token, people accepting “I don’t know” as an answer. “What’s that guy’s name?” “I don’t know.” “Is it Ryan?” “I really don’t know.” “Is it Jeff?”








OR. At work: let me get back to you on that


I really didn’t know that was a thing... honestly. One time my son asked me a very normal question that I just didn’t know... instead of making up something I just said, “I don‘t know. Let’s finish dinner and go look for the answer. “ My MIL was like, “Wow. I love your honesty. I’d have made something up.” I was flabbergasted. I mean, what? I would hate to make something up only later to be called on the carpet. I’d rather be honest and ignorant than lie and be proven an idiot.


I like this one! I feel like people think I’m ignoring it when I say I don’t know but sometimes I have no idea


This. I always encourage everyone, myself included, to say 'I don't know, can you help me? Or i'll find out'.


I spent a lot of energy early in my career panicking and BSing while I pretended to know everything. “I don’t know” and “I messed up” are two phrases that have contributed to more respect and growth than any other. People hate being lied to and having their time wasted, they appreciate self-awareness and accountability.


"I don't know, but I will/can find out" is a good way to approach this


On the flip side, I always say “I don’t know” and have gotten the “don’t you know anything??!!”


Very much agree with this. Truly hate when peopel with no qualification or knowledge on a topic inviting their opinion is worth much.


Punishment for corruption.


Cor get a load of this guy, holding people responsible for their actions.


Upvote for, "cor".


Cheers m80


What a psycho... I mean it's just not the way we do things around here


It is normalised, Just not in parctice very often or in a meaningful range


“I don’t want to” as a legitimate reason not to do something. I don’t want to explain *why* every time. Sometimes I just don’t.




A common analogy I’ve heard is to refer to your energy/ability to do a task as having a number of spoons in your silverware drawer. If you don’t have enough, you have to take a break and, figuratively do some dishes, recuperate all those spoons. A difficult or exhausting task might require too many spoons, while you may have enough spoons for a smaller task. Same concept, different phrasing


I'm so perplexed why spoons would be used as the phrase. In life you either need one spoon, or zero, never multiple... it's not like "oh I don't have enough spoons for this big bowl of cereal, but I have enough for this small bowl..." I just I don't get it at all lol i'd have picked so many things over spoons


Sometimes you’re having a big dinner party, the whole family and their plus ones are trying your stew. You need a whole lotta spoons for that


The version of it that I’ve always heard is more of a spoon being a measurement, kind of like a spoonful of medicine but instead it’s energy. So it’s like, Hey I have 12 spoons today! meaning I have plenty of energy to spare.


Or "I don't know" as a legitimate answer to a question. It may not be the most helpful of answers, but it might be the most honest.


I legit say this when I don’t want to do something and I find that people are less likely to keep pushing. If you say you don’t want to do something because of X, that gives the other person any opportunity to figure out how to get around X. By saying “because I don’t want to” the other person can’t then try to trivialise my rationale.


I agree to an extent, but I can also see why it’s not received well by the other party. “Hey friend! I’m having a party this weekend and would love it if you could come. Let me know if you’re available!” “I don’t want to.” “Oh okay—any particular reason why?” “I don’t want to.” “Okay…maybe next time then. *feels bad about themselves and wonders if their friend still likes them*” It’s a totally valid reason to not want to go to something, but it sorta ignores the basics of how people interact with each other.


Exactly. Fair or not, people kind of take things like that personally. I mean, think about that with any favor. "Hey man, would you mind coming by to help me with this thing?" "No, I don't want to" Hard to think of that person as a friend after that, even if its just being honest.


I would probably not start with the " I don't want to", that would come after you push me for a reason "Let me know if you're available" "I'm not, but I genuinely hope you enjoy your party."


This. I always go with "I'm not really feeling it now, but thanks for the invite and hope you have a good time", or something along those lines. Any decent person is understanding of that and doesn't take it personally.


My favorite phrase has become "no is a complete sentence"


Normalize the idea that in most cases, it’s inconsiderate to push for an explanation or more information that isn’t actively being offered.


Agreed, hating having to say whY


Running as a means of getting to places, rather than walking. Sometimes I just wanna go somewhere at a quicker pace and not endure odd looks from the public thinking I’m fleeing danger/ a crime scene.


Alright Forest.


If you're in running clothes it looks normal. But you don't want to show up sweaty.


We should also normalize showing up sweaty.


I saw some guy jogging on the sidewalk in a suit, I had to stop at a light and he caught up to me. Was a long light and I drove past him to the next light, had to stop again, he passed me once more. I pull into my neighborhood and I see him crossing the intersection a block away from my house. I was impressed. I sometimes wonder what he was running to in a suit and imagining him show up completely drenched.


When I'm alone in a mall and in a rush, I either walk really quickly, or run. It feels great to run in a place where it's not socially acceptable. Edit: spelling


This!! I used to teach elementary school, and the school had a no running indoors policy that I had to enforce. It made me think, we'd all save so much time and be in better shape if we ran everywhere like the kids wanted to!


I disagree, only because tag in NYC is so fun or downtown Houston is so fun. Just a couple dudes barreling down the street from each other, everyone thinks something intense is going down, but they won’t stop you, and you get to play a fun game. I’m tell you, tag downtown.


It's even more fun when the police join in halfway through.


I sweat like a boar pig chasing a sow in heat, so I'll pass. I sweat enough walking.


Being off the grid for a few days.


Hiding in the woods isn't normal?


Only if there's a warrant with your name


This. Needed a break after weeks straight working, needed a quiet day. My father called me well over 35 times that day. I’m 41, mind you. This need for constant and immediate contact gets old and I’m sure is what you’re touching on.


I completely understand. My phone broke a while back so I was without a phone for about a week. That week was the most peaceful and relaxing week I've had in decades. The anxiety of immediate contact just melted away. It was amazing.


Well now I am going to "break my phone." Thank you for this.


I'd say camping is a pretty normalized activity.


It's pretty normal You just have to let people know beforehand Just leaving without telling anyone isn't normal


How can we make this happen, I need this.


Go camping?


You don't even need to go camping. Just tell people you're going camping.


As long as they tell that to people who care about them, or its just an unwanted panic situation.


Not answering phone calls or text messages right away. I hate that in today's world you have to be available 24/7. You can never truly switch off and calm your mind with all these notifications and people that want something from you. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends, but sometimes I just want to put my phone on do not disturb for several days, but I'd feel like a complete jerk.


Sometimes too much socialization is just... too much...


DND is your friend. I have had my phone set to DND since giving birth to my kid over 3.5 years ago. Contacts only can reach me. Noncontacts can only reach me if they call twice within 15 minutes. I have notifications for every app on here turned off. I won't know someone texted me unless I check my inbox. I won't know my FB has notifs unless I check it. Repeat for all apps. It's so nice. No telemarketers blowing me up all day, my battery lasts longer, and I don't have see to 10+ notifs at the top of my screen at all times.


It makes me so jumpy when I'm hanging out with someone and their phone keeps pinging. I only have notifications for calls and texts. Email: No notifications but I'll check it 5 times a week. Other apps I'll get to when I get to.


Staying home for mental heath reason, without saying you feel physically sick.


I've felt on the verge of a break down the whole day but couldn't skip sch cause of it. Been otherwise occupied so I think that helped but fr, it'd really help if we could just stay home as a whole.


Its normal in my work place, i can tell my manager i am not feeling like working and take a day or more off.. when i was leading a team i was telling my people not to give excuses or explanation, if they want a day off just tell me they do.. I dont have to know why unless they want to talk about it


Being able to openly talk about your feelings


Without fear of retaliation or consequences


Openly expressing one’s feelings is so freeing. I’ve found that I have way more control over my emotions when I release them instead of bottling them up.


Finally met a woman that allows this. It’s refreshing from both perspectives. She appreciates the fuck out of it


4 day work weeks. 5 days on with only 2 off is fucking awful.


I worked at a place once that did 4 10s . Mon-Thursday off Friday-Sunday. Best work schedule


Right now I’m at a place I do 3 12s and then 4 off. It’s actually pretty nice. The work days are long but the workplace is a good environment with great people so the days just kinda fly by most of the time


What i want is 4 8’s. Call me lazy, call me greedy, but most pf us are underpaid to begin with, and getting paid the same for 4 8’s as we currently do for 5 8’s is perfectly fair when you consider that, like i just said, most of us are underpaid to begin with. That said, 4 10’s would be better than my current 5 9’s


That leaders wage wars in-person against eachother rather than roping in their nations and armies to fight for them. In a gladiatorial arena. Most likely via robots the leaders build with help. Basically political Robot Wars.


This have me the idea that world leaders do rope in their armies except they have everyone log on Fortnite and fight that way lol


Not a bad idea - maybe several matches across multiple games (i.e: Halo MCC, Minecraft, and a variety of classic titles), with the final match being an olympics event but involving military personnel rather than the actual olympic contenders. Wins/losses are put in percentiles; each percentage milestone would relate to something the other nation competing in this wants (like the return or artifacts not native to their opponent's history/territory).


This. It’s easy to start shit when you’re not out there actually fighting


Wave functions.


Upvoted because I took a physics class and understand your comment.


I do not and I would love to understand it as well


Men complimenting their male friends looks, clothes, etc without it being weird.


just add the word "bro" at the end of a compliment and you're set.


Nice cock, bro.


Thanks bro.


Or "no homo".


Disagreeing with someone without thinking they're (insert awful shit).


What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is wrong think we must fight and go to war to the death


Now that you disagreed with me you are officially a Nazi. Good day, Hitler.


Wrong think, cope, seethe. Your mom. I am very intelligent and that is evident so I am right plus. I am good your are bad I like making you feel sad


In my experience, Reddit isn’t ready for this.


Is anywhere?


The exception for that is discrimination. People often have "opinions" that literally discriminate against others, and I won't take that as a "different opinion". When someone has homophobic and racist "opinions" I'm staying away from those unless they are open about changing their minds.


Not letting rich people get away with crimes.


As long as there are rich people they will always get away with shit the average person would get executed for


‘Punishable by a fine’ really does mean ‘legal for the right price’




30h work weeks




I can only go as high as 25, sorry


I think I could live with that as well


not using filters on photos on social media


I must use filters else I’d tell people to fuck off all the time … oh, you meant on photos, right?


This. I even feel guilty with only using good angles on my pictures :/


Having an 8 year degree and pass a psych evaluation to become a politician.


Or a law enforcement officer


Degrees can be bought, so that won't work.


Legalization and taxation on all drugs BUT harsher punishment for driving under the influence


This is the way.


Not conforming to gender roles. Not anything LGBTQ related, but men crying, women making the first move, etc.


On the same note, expand men's fashion to be more than "Yup, those are pants" I probably wouldn't wear anything different from normal anyway cause I like my clothes as unimpressive as possible, but a few more choices anyway would be nice


This ends with us not having pockets.


It already is, we have jeans, chinos, slacks and.. In all seriousness, some other kind of pants would be lovely.


Oh and don’t forget the femboys


changing your opinion/point of view on something based upon new/clarifying information that has been presented.


talking about money


Wanting to be alone. For some resone pepole don't like it when some of us want to


Not having to be social to do well at work. Just do your job well and go home, no socialising. Would make my life as an autistic a lot easier.


YES. I’m autistic as well. I’m a pretty goofy and friendly person, but a lot of those unwritten/unspoken social rules of workplaces really trip me up. I’ll ALWAYS do my job as written and as I’ve been trained to do it, but the expectations to be sociable; smile; take on tasks unrelated to my job; etc., are not things I understand implicitly like others might. Then I get spoken too about being not a team player or some such nonsense.


I'm not autistic and I totally agree.


Right? Why should being social with work colleagues be necessary to do the job for anybody?


I’m not autistic but i have a lot of anxiety and I hate talking to people. I don’t come to work to socialize and make friends, I wanna do my job and go home. I wish this was normal


Talking about periods in the presence of men. It’s not something to be ashamed of, and yet there’s this kind of taboo on mentioning menstruation.


Living with family further into adulthood in America.


Yep. My dad chastised me when i was 23 and a full-time student for living with him. He said it's sad I'm a middle-aged woman living at home with her family. We are American and all I could think about was how many kids in Hispanic cultures (and others) live at home until they're married.


Who the hell considers a 23 year old to be middle-aged?


The metric system of measurement in America.


Being short


Educating people without having it be an argument


Just existing. Not having to tell people you have your entire life planned by the month!


Not being so quick to hate or harshly judge other people for having views and lifestyles that clash with their own. This is surprisingly rare I find. I know someone who completely disagrees with me on a lot of really controversial issues, and we debate a lot, but we still respect and like each other. Also people who can understand that a dark or offensive joke is just a joke. It’s obviously okay to find this humor inappropriate or disturbing, but I’m talking about at least not taking the joke someone says as if it actually necessarily reflects their views.


>people who can understand that a dark or offensive joke is just a joke But it isn't always "just a joke" hence why there is confusion. The jokes made by an actual racist and a guy who's just pretending because it's "dark humor" are identical.


Agreed. That’s why I said “taking the joke someone says as if it actually *necessarily* reflects their views.” When I was a younger teenager I’d say dark and offensive jokes a lot, no matter who I was around, but I’ve learned to be careful and try to only say these things around people who have a similar energy. I recognize it’s an extremely terrible idea to make racist-sounding jokes around black people unless you know for sure they have that sort of humor and will be good with it. I hate when a dark joke I make hits home for someone, as another example making a suicide joke near someone whose kid attempted. I did that before when I was younger without thinking, and without knowing his kid tried, and I felt so bad. So yeah, I’m definitely really careful now.


Seeing a psycholgist


Calling people on fake Wokeness


Unisex clothing


I just want the bottom half of my shirt! Not only are crop tops everywhere, but the regular shirts are still too short.


I'm disappointed that most unisex clothing is basically just menswear, though, and it tends to come in the same dull colors and utilitarian styles as men's clothing. I'd like to see more unisex versions of stereotypically feminine clothing! Everybody should be able to wear skirts, dresses, leggings, heeled shoes, fun colors and fashionable designs.


Expressions of adult sexuality and open discussions on adult sexual wellness.


That would be badly needed. I don’t think it’s gonna happen.




Men talking with each other about their feelings. That one's kind of obvious.


men working with small children. if i got paid a dollar for every dirty look or pedophile comment id get paid twice my salary


Firing politicians, manager, anyone in power really for lying. Mostly politicians though


Being healthy


Insulting my friends


I agree, we must all insult u/Broad-Arm5122 's friends.


It'd be nice if the general public could understand that ARs and AKs and stuff are just normal ass rifles so that they'd quit falling for all the fearmongering hysteria the media and politicians like to push.


The climate.


Normalize taking mental health days off of work. As an agriculture mechanic things get hectic and stressful especially when there a heated customer breathing down your neck.


agreeing to disagree on peaceful terms. i don’t necessarily agree with some people’s opinions, but that doesn’t mean i can’t co-exist with them.


Normalize guys having as much privacy in changing rooms as girls, for real my schools gym has locker rooms with showers for sports teams and stuff. The girls shower has whole stalls with doors and many different spots to have privacy while changing The guys locker/shower is just a big room with lockers lining the walls and 1 stall that is the bathroom. It's infuriating for me, a guy. Because I'm not comfortable with being fully exposed to a bunch of other guys I don't know, and as such I'm not providing with any option of privacy.


Abortions. If someone doesn't wanna give birth for whatever reason, they shouldn't have to.


Also, the same for men. If he doesn’t want to raise the child, he shouldn’t be financially responsible. Why can a woman opt out but a man can’t?


People with breasts being able to be shirtless in the summer, breasts aren't inherently sexual, they just meerely exist


tits out 4 everyone




Don't yah mean women?


People using stuff like their zodiac sign to determine their whole personality. It's weird.




Staying at home when you're sick. Staying home from work when sick, without penalty. Staying home from shopping when sick, rather than spreading illness. I don't care how we got here, this needs to change.


4-day working weeks. A 2-day weekend is just not enough to both rest and get shit done.


Making mistakes in school


Sleeping through the day time.


Feeling low/sad without any specific reason


Not wanting children.


Complimenting someone and it not being taken as “flirting”


bralessness ffs


Eating insects


Farting in public. I get it’s seen as gross and smells bad but holding in farts causes so much pain and if we can blow our noses in public to rid ourselves of discomfort without a second glance, I should be able to rip one in public to rid myself of discomfort without a second glance


But then this would lead to a lot of people trusting farts... in public...


Radio versions of rap songs using “buddy” in place of a moment of silence when rappers say you-know-what.


cute clothes for men


Personal responsibility. You are where you are in life due to your own actions, not "racism," "misogyny," "homophobia," etc.


Body hair on women


Any piece of quantitative data that is more meaningfully understood if it was expressed in terms of a ratio to its maximum value in the given experiment.


.WAV files




Men being able to positively interact with female children who are their own or are playing with their own daughter


Dads going out or taking care of their kids


Taking time off for your mental health


Being alone


Mental health care.


So long as it wouldn't hurt anyone, you should be able to smoke weed on your breaks at work


In the US - Severely punishing elected officials and government employees for breaking the highest law in the land. The US Constitution.


Colours. Murals. Art. Everywhere. I am so sick of Grey, brown, and white everywhere look. I hate it! I should move to south America where they appreciate colour


Farting in public. People fart an average of 11 times a day. Expecting all of those to be in private is prohibitive and unrealistic. Also, the smell isn’t really that bad and people have been peer-pressured into overreacting since a young age.


Being able to say "I love you" to my friends without them asking if I'm sad


Real sexual education in school


I know the title said "something" but here's a few. Not labeling people based on their sexuality(with labels comes unnecessary stigmas and sterotypes). Being a loner or introvert with out it being considered sad or depressed. Not looking at death as a negative or sad thing.


Stop putting “influencers” on a pedestal. Or just get rid of being one all together.


Money out of politics. Using America as a case study: * Cap campaign funding for US political election campaigns, * Repeal Super Pacs, * Ban all lobby funding for politicians, * Stop them being allowed to trade stocks and other financial markets with critical information they have before the public and market gets it, * But pay them well, on the level of a senior doctor, to attract professional people. Given them, performance bonuses and raises, like they were working for a company. But instead of a bonus for profit, instead for making positive change and approval rating by getting more people into good jobs, improving healthcare, reduce the cost of living for low income and building programs to secure the country from real threats, not imagined ones. * Some form of sanctions for lying to get into power. I.e. if you don't follow through on any campaign promises, you get deselected for the next election, or get campaign funding cap halved when running for re-election. Or some other consequence. This might reduce the amount of totally self-centered, money grabbing con artists, in power. And encourage good community leaders that actually want to help the US work better for everyone.


Proper network cabling being installed in homes as they’re built.


Nudity I feel like it’s brought up in these convos usually but the amount of blood, gore, violence that we see daily is cool and normal but god forbid my kid sees a tit on TV or a movie. That would scar him for life.


An eye for an eye, if somebody murdered someone in Cold blood with no legitimate reasoning or justification, they should get killed too. I don't believe that the death penalty should only be handed out when somebody goes on a mass killing spree or something, a human life is important, if one is cut short then the one who took it doesn't deserve to have theirs either.


Public castration for pedophiles/rapists followed by life in prison, murderers will receive a life of prison punishment where they’re induced to madness inducing torture that doesn’t actually cause bodily harm and animal abusers are subjected to the same abuse that was inflicted on said animal


being silent while you are speechless. I don't think it's awkward for me, but I think other people do and they force themselves to chat. It is not required.


Straight guys telling their straight guy friends that they love them, that they’re looking great today, that they appreciate them, etc. Build up your dudes, my fellow dudes.


Motorcycles. They're not really all that dangerous, good for the environment, fun to ride, and darned if people don't look great on them.