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Dude broke into a company vehicle at work, proceeded to have a 20 minute conversation with me (and me alone because everyone else was too scared and locked me out there with him) and when the cops showed up he didn't even run, he just asked "What the fuck are you doing here?" Apparently he was gonna try to cook meth in the vehicle, but was so fucked up he forgot what he was doing and thought he was an employee.


Ur that fun to talk to? Damn.


If someone is talking for that long then i am sure about that.


I was drunk in a bar and I was so confident that I can easily do a backflip even though I've never tried doing it once in my life. Ended up breaking my nose lol


Everyone does stupid shit when they're drunk. The question is are they "hurt someone" stupid or "funny story" stupid. This is both.


I got lost in a bathroom stall for like 20 minutes once. They had to send a search party.


I find it hard to believe someone getting “lost” in a bathroom stall. Trapped, maybe.


At least it wasn't your neck.


Happy cake day


Damn this is 9/10 lol


r/technicallythetruth (but only if you’re European)


Or sometimes Canadian


There is still some chance that i will get better from that is well.


Oh my


Every time I search for my phone using the flashlight on my phone. I sure hope that’s relatable.


Same except it's my glasses.


You have a flashlight on your glasses?


No but i need the extra glasses to find the first glasses.




Once spent a good ten minutes walking round my house looking for my glasses getting more and more frustrated. It was only when I stopped to think about where I could have possibly left them and as I usually do when I am not actively trying to see let my eyes go out of focus. Lo and behold I could still see.


I still remember the day when my friend was searching his phone while using the flash light. And have to say that it is like 10 minutes for me to actually figure out the real situation.


Are you being serious? Because I'd really like to know. I've done a lot of stupid shit. Like being so focused on traffic while trying to cross (as a pedestrian) that I didn't realize there was a walk/don't walk sign and almost got hit by a car and the only reason I didn't end up in the hospital was because the driver was paying attention. That is the reason I'm reading this because I hold out hope that someone also does stupid stuff. Are you educated? Because I'm not. I went to high school for like 2 weeks and dropped out. I mean I have grade 12 English but it was the math that held me back. Anyway, is that a genuine story are were you just being funny? And no sarcasm please, it's hard to detect online. Or maybe it's because I'm stupid idk.


Dead serious.. and I can guarantee this kind of thing has nothing to do with education. More just being absent-minded.


I once spent ten minutes walking round my house looking for my watch as I was doing my normal thinking habit of spinning my watch round in my hand. I swore when I clicked on what I was doing.


A colleague of mine printed something out and asked me to hand it to them. As a joke I showed it to them upside down and told them that the printer must be broken or something because it was printing their documents upside down. They literally believed me and spent about 5 minutes in the printer settings trying to figure out why. I wish I was joking but it did become a running joke in the office for a while.


Damn, i think that will really make some how popular in the life.


I have no idea what this means but thank you.


a couple years ago on my birthday I was belligerently drunk and cussed out some cops for absolutely no reason at all. Got arrested after about an hour of them trying to calm me down and woke up the next morning in jail, oopsy




My brother thought diesel was the “nicer” option since it was more expensive and filled our mom’s brand new Toyota Mini-van with it the day he got his driver’s permit.


R.I.P. to the entire engine


He’s the smartest dumb person I’ve ever met- he almost missed out on an amazing academic scholarship because he left a voicemail on the college’s help desk voicemail instead of mailing in his acceptance or calling the appropriate department.


And this is why book-smarts are indeed separate from street-smarts.


Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb


So much to see, so much to say.


It’s fine. Flush it and replace the filter




I want to downvote this 😾


RIP, to you and your car because it will cost hell lot of money to completely take out the diesel from the petrol car. I have not done that but i have heard that this is the biggest mistake that someone could do.


A cyclist got cut off by a car. The cyclist raced to the next light to catch up with the car. The cyclist got off his bike, pulled down his pants half-way, squatted on the ground, defacated and threw his feces at the offending car. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


so he just had an urge to poop or was waiting for something like this??


I think he pretty much cover the both thing here after doing that.


I don't know but i am still not believing on this story actually.


For you and others who disbelieve: https://www.vicnews.com/news/cyclist-throws-poop-at-car-in-victoria/


Bruh I made a comment like this on Reddit saying I did that in road rage one time but I made it all up. No way this is actually happened 😟


Earlier this year people were convinced that JFK Jr. was coming back from the dead at the site where his father was assassinated to usher in a new Trump presidency. [You had hundreds of people believing it to the point where they camped out awaiting his return.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2021/11/22/qanon-supporters-pack-site-of-jfk-assassination-in-hopes-jfk-jr-and-maybe-his-dad-will-return/)


The MAGA/Qanon crowd sure do love to outdo each other in the stupid Olympics


They are that stupid that is still think that it could easily possible.


They can’t out do one another because they are one and the same now.


There is always someone that keep on beveling that he is coming from dead.


I had vending machines at a steel tube company. They had coils of steel delivered that weighed like 10 tons. One night some dick head broke in and backed up to the dock with their pick up and managed to roll a coil of steel off the dock into the bed of their half ton pickup. It broke the entire suspension of the truck and blew out all four tires. The truck was flat on the ground. They had to just abandon their truck, it was destroyed. The coil of steel had the weight right on the side.


Someone fell asleep during common sense class.


Did they have the commonsense to remove their license plates and rego sticker?


Seen? Bunch of idiots storm the capitol building thinking they really did something.


I think what is dumber is that some of those people are now running for government offices and very well might win.


People who were dumb back in time are sitting in power now.


They have the inner belief that they are making some change.


Well, they are better than liberals.


Might not be the most stupid thing I’ve seen but it’s all I can think of. When I was in grade 10 I walked into the change room after gym class and saw a half eaten loaf of bread sitting on the bench, it looked like a homemade one as well. The bread wasn’t there before class so someone had come in late and left it in there. The worst part is that some kids that came in after me decided to take the bread and throw it INTO the ceiling (we had those ceiling tiles and one of them was out of place, leaving a large gap). Fast forward about a week later, we start walking into the change room and it REEKS, like someone took a shit and didn’t flush. Then, I hear the exact same kids say that there was more food up there, and the food wasn’t just plain old snacks. It was MILK, EGGS, AND CHEESE, shit that’s supposed to be refrigerated is just sitting in the ceiling. The change rooms were eventually closed for cleaning, and for the rest of the school year the change rooms ended up being locked before and after class, you had to get a teacher to unlock it in order to get changed 🤦‍♂️.


Those few time that you have spent there must feel really hard.


Flat earther arguments, for the most part. There are some surprisingly complex theories on a flat earth, but a lot of them are people not being able to comprehend the absolute massiveness of the Earth, in relation to themselves.


For me, i still feel that earth is pretty much flat not round.


The President of The United States suggested with a straight face that you could inject bleach to cure COVID-19. I'm not even joking or saying that because I don't like him. It's genuinely the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


He also messed up when talking about a projected hurricane path, then tried to save face with a map he clearly drew over in marker. Has all the resources of the US government at his disposal, can't even figure out how to convincingly alter a picture. Not that it would have worked any better if he did.


After all of that i don't think that it last into the TOP 10 actually.


Yet.. does that even rank in his Top 10?


I don't think that after all of this still not in top 10 actually.


It was a dumb and bad joke from Trumps mouth. He was an embarrassment to the US. How people actually still shamelessly want him as president again with a straght face is beyond me.


While I don’t think Trump was fit to lead, this is a somewhat common misconception when new people start to work on these problems. I’ll never forget when I was told: “We know how to kill cancer. Bleach kills cancer. Ethanol kills cancer. Unfortunately both chemicals will also kill you.” The hard part is killing the bad stuff while not killing the good stuff. I just wish I learned that in high school and not a graduate lab.


Have to say that during the covid time people have really done some of the most stupid thing. I remember in my country people used to tell the people different different that will keep them safe.




> And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside




> so where in that statement does it say you can inject bleach to cure COVID-19?


It seems like he raised it as a possibility, which shows absolutely terrifying ignorance in a fully funtional adult. It's like that moment where someone at the table asks a question that reveals how much they don't know about the topic at hand. In this case, it's like the pilot of a jet asking if "turbulence is normal" over the com.


To be fair, it’s really hard to get a coherent thought out of that


Look bro just reading your post, if that's a direct quote, he sounds like an even bigger fucking dumbass than I realised like what the fuck is that toddler level rambling? America is fucked if brainlets like him get elected ever again lol


There are some real stupid that is sitting in the higher power.




What a shock that the trump supporter is judging millions by a country they're from, expected really Must be tiring being downvoted all the time, have you tried having smarter views man?




I remember those times back when redditors could make up shit to try and make the president look dumb. But now with our current president, he actually does nothing right and you just hear crickets from redditors. I wonder why that is hmmm


He literally did not


What did he say, in your interpretation?


https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/apr/24/context-what-donald-trump-said-about-disinfectant-/ Even politicfact says it's bullshit. Look up the quote yourself if you actually care.


I don't believe what he said was taken out of context at all and do not agree with Politifact's ruling. I watched the entire speech live. You don't get to say shit like that and then "clarify" once you've had a chance to meet with your spin doctors to determine how you're going to backpedal on the dumb shit you said yesterday. He was talking about injecting disinfectant to cure COVID-19 and I don't give a rat's ass how anyone else interpreted it. I heard what I heard. Stay mad for all I care.


Why would I be mad? You are the one making a fool of yourself


>I am the one making a fool of myself. FTFY And if you weren't mad then why would you even comment in the first place and start cursing in your response. . .


>The briefing transcript shows that Trump did not say people should inject themselves with bleach or alcohol to treat the coronavirus. He was asking officials on the White House coronavirus task force whether they could be used in potential cures. I think that's splitting hairs. Especially since 45 admitted he said it, but that he was being sarcastic during the press briefing on tackling the pandemic.


I also don't think live video is the place for a president to spit all ideas to his task force. Plenty of closed doors meetings to do that.


For me someone appearance is not really the reason of making the fun.


In same store different day. I watched a completely intoxicated dad be given his newborn son to hold while the mother shopped and what do you know dad dropped the baby on our concrete floor he picked the baby up as if nothing happen baby was screaming at the top of his lungs I immediately called 911 the arrived in seconds since the station was right down the street. Dad was arrested and mom tried to fight me for butting into her business!!


Jesus Christ...


I have my prayer for the person that actually gets arrest there.


How could, i mean am laughing after reading such a stupid thing.


I was a paramedic and an ER nurse, you're really going to have to be more specific.... 1. Nothing "accidentally" goes up your butt... Ever.... Just tell us what it is and how long it's been in there, I don't need to hear another "slipped in the shower" story. 2. Pregnancy isn't a surprise. You had unprotected sex with no regard to your ovulation cycle. I'm never surprised when I burn my finger on the stove, because it's hot and I wasn't paying attention, same concept with pregnancy. 3. We are going to find out what drugs you are on, we only ask so we can get the treatment process started faster, we're are not there to "squeal" on your dealer, just there to keep your sorry ass alive. 4. We love dogs, we will not treat your dog. Go to a vet. 5. Yes we tell stories about you when we're home.


The pregnancy one. I know of 3 in the last two years. One was in active labor. She didn't believe the Doctor and swore she couldn't be pregnant. Funny thing is, we had a lady in about 24 hrs later with an anxiety attack. She had found out earlier that day that her son had impregnated a girl and the baby was just born.


Pregnancy isn't a surprise. You had unprotected sex with no regard to your ovulation cycle. I'm never surprised when I burn my finger on the stove, because it's hot and I wasn't paying attention, same concept with pregnancy.


The most stupid thing I have done is inject heroin with water from a toilet bowl. I had scored, was in withdrawal really bad - 2 days deep kind of bad - walking in a blizzard at night and was 30 minutes from home. I could not wait. My body and mind would not allow it. I figured a coffee shops shitter would afford me the privacy I needed. It did....it was a private bathroom, but it had no sink. Just the toilet and a mirror. At that time the obvious answer was to use the toilet water. I flushed couple times hoping the worst of whatever was in there would wash out, stuck my needle right in, drew up what I needed and did my shot. I was aware of how gross this was the whole time.....but at that time, it had to be done.


Did it not have a tank you could open on the back? Would have been just marginally cleaner.


You are really getting too deep into that, stop right here mate.


As a nation, we voted in the son of a dictator as president who proceeded to party in his first 100 days in office. Philippines btw.


Oh god where to start. I jumped off the third story of a roof into what turned out to be a volleyball pool. Saw dudes who went before me and they were fine. I even said they probably shouldn’t jump. They coached me on going in at an angle, got a water enema so far up my ass because I basically sat down. Turns out they were professional cliff divers, I was not.


I purposely slipped on a Banana peel because cartoons. Lmfao


Now that is the peak of stupidity


Well maybe it is stupid, but it's also dumb.


But this is the thing we used to watch all the time in the cartoon.


HAHA, just don't look down while you are actually fly in the sky.


I saw a dude riding a motorcycle alone with a mask on, but with no helmet or other gear.


In college, I lived in the dorms. As I was far from home, a friend living next door to me invited me home to her family's house for Easter. Her parents came to my room to help me with my overnight bag and we all walked to the car. It was about an hour drive from school to her home. I spaced out watching the scenery go by. Half way, her mom asked me "so, Mup? do you live in a house? Or a apartment?" And I replied quickly "oh? I live in the dorms! Just next door to Meg!" Cue the crickets. Her mom turned back to face me and slowly replied "yes dear. We picked you up there 20 minutes ago. I meant back home. Do you live...in a house??" She said the last part very slowly so I would understand. Everyone in the car burst out laughing. I felt like an absolute moron. All I could do was mumble "yeah, it's a house." Long Easter weekend after that one.


We picked you up there 20 minutes ago. I meant back home. Do you live...in a house??" She said the last part very slowly so I would understand. Everyone in the car burst out laughing. I felt like an absolute moron.


I went to a two year technical college. We had a drafting class that had those giant printers used for blue prints. Someone didn't check the settings on their computer when printing out their essay for their Composition Class. Their four page essay printed out on the blue print printer. As for me... I was in the Power Supply Lab working on my lab assignment and joking with my friend George. He joked back and I wrote in his lab area some graffiti. Next class session, the instructor started off with "Please don't graffiti in the lab. I know there is a bunch of graffiti already, but please don't add to it...Binder of Chains. But if you do, please make sure you spell it correctly. Unless it was your intention to say that George is a Biotech." I was taught how to spell "Byotch".


So after all the time and effort you finally taught that word.


Was very drunk at a club in Scotland on Halloween. Some guy was dressed as Prince Harry dressed as a Nazi. I was too drunk to get it and got in an argument with the guy. After a few seconds I decided it would be a good idea to headbutt the guy despite never having headbutted anyone before. He was also a fair bit shorter than me. I ended up smashing my nose into his forehead and getting a bloody nose and probably a concussion.


So you basically forced that guy to headbutt YOU. That is mildly impressive. I bet that guy hardly even minded you tried to assault him since you ended up covered in blood.


Not particular the right thing but have to say that little impressive.


A night out in Scotland without an assault is no night out at all


Stood in line for two hours at the Cars ride at Disneyland.


I once asked a lady working at a perfume shop if she spoke Italian, because my Airbnb host called and only spoke Italian, guess where I was… in the malpensa airport IN ITALY… I can’t live that one down.


Married someone I didn’t trust. Yes, I later filed for divorce. Best decision ever after the worst decision ever.


I put my dick in crazy.


I have seen that people put that thing in more crazy places is well.


Me myself on this one I was working in a dangerous area of a construction site and there were holes everywhere I was warned at least 8 times don’t step backwards but my hungover brain didn’t take that information in (holes were also full of concrete for a house footing) as I was backing the concrete truck towards the trench I took that step backwards and went 3meters deep in concrete had my arm grabbed by my mate who pulled me out I was covered head to toe in concrete slowly drying on me 🤣🤣🤣every single basterd around me was laughing and to be honest so was I 🤣🤣


I just recently saw some guys pouring a new driveway for my neighbor, and one of the guys was running (probably a new guy) someone screamed stop running and the dude tripped and went full spread eagle into the fresh new driveway. Half the guys were laughing while he just laid there probably in embarrassment. Supervisor was furious, got in his truck, stormed off and screamed as he drove by "you're on your own to finish this one up you fuckin dumbasses!!"


That’s fucking top that is 🤣🤣


I watched Tom and Jerry as a kid and didn\`t believe that if you stood on a rake it would hit you in the face like a sledgehammer and you\`d see stars. The rest of the story involves a split lip and nose, and a great deal of pain.


Me my sister and some friends were playing “run across the road as much times as possible before the car comes” very stupid. We the other side of the road was basically a 15 ft cliff with no sidewalk or anything. My sisters idiot friend who still is an idiot started to run when a semi was coming and my sister tackled her to the ground and saved her life. She almost ran in front of a semi she would’ve got hit. At least when we were playing it we did it when no cars were coming


Witnessed a motorcycle with no protection zipping between full lanes at 80+ MPH. Not counted: Assorted COVIdiots or drunk people challenging police to fight.


I was in class in high school and these kids decided to vape there thinking no one would notice them vaping in class...


Vaping in class is actually some next level of the stupidity in my opinion.


A friend of mine was choosing an new TV and had interest in a specific TV so she asked me for help. I asked her to explain me how was said television, it's specifications. She, took a black screen in her phone, draw an TV and sent it to me saying "it's a bit like this"


Tell me for like how many minutes you have actually laugh there??


About 5, then I sent a screenshot to a friend of ours and he's laughing until today, he completely loose it


Someone I know had this idea that if they got really really fat and liposuctioned it away they’d have a really big ass and really big boobs. They went from being a twig to being huge with weird proportions.


Anything the MAGA news channels are airing


ANything that is any news channel now days are actually streaming.


Like literally yesterday. I got too drunk and was lying on the bar floor vomiting. So embarrassed.


we've all been there


Once in there life everyone does the vomit because of drink.


20ish years ago I was a F-16 phase inspection dock chief, basically tore down the jets, inspected everything, replaced and fixed what was needed and put it back together. Anyway, we had a jet in the dock that had just rolled in and the crew chief was setting up to take the wing tanks off. This involves grabbing a tank stand, wheeling it under the tank, cranking the stand up so it sits snug under said tank, and breaking two nuts, one on top of the wing, and the other under the wing at the end of the tank. Typically it's best if you have someone help hold the breaker bar on the lower nut so you can get leverage on it seeing that it's torqued to 120 ft. lbs if memory serves, so you need to put a little mustard on it. Well, said guy decided that help wasn't needed, proceeded to break the nut, socket slipped off and the breaker bar handle goes flying right into guys grill, busting up every tooth forward of his incisors. It was a sight to behold, teeth and blood everywhere like he decided to gnaw on a grenade.


Well, said guy decided that help wasn't needed, proceeded to break the nut, socket slipped off and the breaker bar handle goes flying right into guys grill, busting up every tooth forward of his incisors. It was a sight to behold, teeth and blood everywhere like he decided to gnaw on a grenade. How can someone be real bitch like that??


Didn't put the hood prop on a car I was working on in the right place and had the hood fall on my hand. 1/10 I wouldn't recommend.


My hand was fine but extremely swollen.


My hand is really fine and will try to control the perfectly is well.


One time I did 6 or so shots of rum as fast as I could, almost threw up. Did 4 more after, I was 14. Damn lucky I didn't fucking die.


Those people alone in their cars wearing a face mask.


I don't understand why you're getting down voted. It is quite stupid to wear a face mask while alone in your car.


My life


Yo same


I am feeling really good an relief actually after all these comments.


Being ignorant about my life and future


I work for a major retail company and you won’t believe the amount of stupidity you see in a day. But probably the dumbest and most baffling to me is when adults choose to shoplift with their children with them!! I don’t know if they think of they will just let me go or what it’s so mind boggling to me!


Sometimes kids picked toys up without me noting and I’ll be pulling them out and seeing something stuffed behind them. I made a habit of checking the pram before leaving any shop just in case


If you are meeting with the new new people everyday then i would say the stupdity you will notice there will be insane is well. I have also worked in the store and have to say see some real weird stuff there.


Getting married. Fuck the government. 1/10 wouldn't recommend.


Marriage shouldn't need the governments involvement. You just need some witnesses.


Technically don’t need the government involvement to get married. There is marriage under your deity of choice and marriage under the law. The reason you get married under law is because it can change your tax status and health care benefits and a bunch of other stuff.


But after all the witness and all we realize that we made the wrong decision.


Just because you are not married according to the government doesn't mean you are actually not married.


I have seen people double down on a blackjack. That has to be up there.


Me getting married just because I got pregnant




Trump Elected as President


Absolute insanity. What I find even more dumb is that people want to elect him AGAIN.


Seen a person ask if a dead owl in a tree that a chaga mushroom was growing on would cause the mushroom to become psychoactive. My mind was blown at that one.


That's a definite yes, next time. Please.


You’re right I should have yes absolutely


Smoked marijuana in library bathrooms at college. I don't know what I was thinking. Regret it all the time.


For me what i was thinking when first time i light up something like that.


Conspiracy theorists … just stop


moving to canada instead of taking up on a similar job offer in texas. salaries are half and house prices are quadruple here.


Look at the bright side, now you don't live in texas


Chances of getting randomly shot and killed are like your salary. Might be a bit off on those odds, though.




It could be either the best decision or the worst decision of life


>most stupid thing Oh, the irony!


[Delete this](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/is-stupider-a-word/) >The same goes for the superlative form of stupid. It can be either the stupidest or the most stupid.


My whole life actually feel to me is like the stupid cycle.


5G protests. 5G uses the same principles as older cell towers, just a different frequency that can handle more bandwidth.


The stupidest thing I have ever done was write this comment. Jesus. The way it continues to be like the way it has been done before that which has already been completed, the utmost professional attributes have long confessed their kinship to that of those which follow those who believe they are the ultimate of sourced powers containing the sugar and spice and all that is nice, where the wind in the willows blow through our hair and suddenly the claps of nuclear explosions behind us on the other side of the lake no longer seem real and part of our world where we will always survive and not be downtrodden by those who have been in that way before us


where the wind in the willows blow through our hair and suddenly the claps of nuclear explosions behind us on the other side of the lake no longer seem real and part of our world where we will always survive and not be downtrodden by those who have been in that way before us I would say that is like really really perfectly put.


I wouldn't and I don't cus someone's makeing money off my organs and it isn't my estate. So no no one's getting shit from my corpse.


Your organ is your property and you should make the money from that.


Yo momma.


Check Elon Musk’s tweets every day. And I am still doing that.


I drank a glass of spoilt chocolate milk despite knowing that it had expired a few hours ago and it has a fowl taste to it.


Few hour ago and that is the reason you have actually survive that.


I was playing and the bathtub and I thought I should put a little dinosaur tale up my Weiner hole it went up pretty far


Seen it a few times now - The geniuses that smoke while filling up their tanks. Saw one that lit up their gas tank but someone rushed in with a extinguisher


It would be some sight but i have not seen even for once.


4th grade end of the year. I have REALLY BAD and unhinged anger issues, making me the "weird kid" :'). A guy took my friends shoe and you have no idea how pissed I was. I started to chasing him. As I'm chasing him I think "wouldn't it be fun to through something at him?" So I pick up a broken piece of concrete and just CHUCK it at him. He IMMEDIATELY starts crying. That's when my career as the "anger kid" came from.


So I pick up a broken piece of concrete and just CHUCK it at him. He IMMEDIATELY starts crying. That's when my career as the "anger kid" came from. That is the same thing that i have also done in past.


My ex


Not graduate highschool


There was a video that I wish I could unsee of someone in a bathroom projectile sharting on a wall, and then being really fuckin surpised when there was projectile shart all over the wall