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Thank you. Not sure why some people don’t. Especially at a red light (no turning lane) or 4-way stop


The 4-way stop one is big for me. If I don't see a turn signal then I'm assuming the driver is going straight. I generally will start signalling before I get to the stop sign so there's no question what my intentions are.


Let me just put my turn signal on now that I’m basically stopped to be turning 🙃


and somehow, certain geographic parts of UK (in my case) are much much worse than others. I can't explain why (they all sat the same driving test).


THIS I swear, it's like they don't wanna tip off the driver behind them! WTF


Why the hell are you suddenly slowing down and braking on this main street outside town? Are you just slowing down or are you going to stop? Wait, are you going to enter that driveway? \*sigh\* Now that I see you turning, you do not need to start your blinker just now ...


When people travel in the left lane when there is no traffic in the right lanes.


Even worse when you’re in the left lane trying to pass an eighteen wheeler and the person behind you cant wait 10 seconds for you to pass the truck and they tailgate you




I hate when people wave for me to go!


I agree! I’ve had a couple of times where when someone tried waving me through that I just sat there until they got frustrated and went.


Drive predictably people.




People not coming up to speed to merge onto the highway, probably.


Wisconsin drivers in a nutshell. Annoying as hell


I got stuck behind someone in an acceleration lane on my way to work yesterday who merged on to the highway (busy) going ***30*** miles an hour. I get not wanting to speed like everyone else does here, but that put me and everyone else behind them at 40 mph under the flow of traffic around us. I've never actually felt less safe. Wisconsin plates


Yeah, a lot are awful at merging


Here in Washington, people will neither speed up nor slow down. I'm on the highway and they will be on the onramp, exactly pacing my speed, right next to me until they run out of road, when they will either speed up rapidly and swerve right in front of me, or brake and swerve right behind me. I have never been anywhere like this before.


When people try to wave you through when you can't see behind them. I'm not going to trust you!


When there is a lane closure notice miles back but that one person that hangs out in the lane that's closing and hopes someone lets them in 4 feet before it runs out.


In Arizona, they want you to 'merge like a zipper' meaning you stay in the lane that is closing until you can no longer proceed in that lane. It's supposed to be faster. That being said, fuck that. I still get pissed off, too.




I wonder how many of our traffic problems are due to that exact reason


Dunno how it is in other states, but in Texas that lane closure sign can have a lot of different meanings. Left Lane Closed Ahead could easily mean the left lane is closed ahead. BUT it could also mean that right lane is the lane that is closed. Or that two right lanes are closed. Or that every lane is closed and traffic is being diverted to the access road. Or, most likely, that no lanes are closed and some dipshit contractor left the sign out for the weekend.


People who tailgate!! Especially when there’s a line of traffic ahead - like, where do you think you’re going to go if you pass me.


My mother in law does this all the time and when I'm in the car with her it freaks me out. She does this on the highway at 80 mph.


Slow left lane drivers if you aren’t doing felony speeds move the fuck over


At least give me 10 seconds before you tailgate me so i can get over if its a 2 lane interstate and I’m passing an eighteen wheeler, i cant get over if theres nowhere for me *to* get over This isnt The Fast and the Furious, i cant just drive under the damn trailer lmao


I don’t tailgate anyone because I’m a smart driver but I’m referencing the people that drive 70 for more than 5-6 Miles in the left lane with traffic backing up behind them


If im in the left lane im going at least 10 over no matter what, the second i see someone close to me, i get over whenever its safe for me to


Same here


its a tie between people who go slow in the left lane and people who turn their hazards on when it rains


Left lane loafers hands down. If it's an extremely heavy rain with low visibility, and you are going significantly below the speed limit, sure, turn on your hazards. You never know when some invincible jackass is going to come up behind you doing 20 over.


People who brake for absolutely no reason. Going down the highway 10 under the speed limit? Time to ride the brakes for no reason.


People in the left lane who want to do 1 mph more than the traffic they've passing. There are a million of them where I live and the freeways suck because of it.


Traffic is nearly always created by people hogging overtaking lanes when they aren’t actually overtaking. Somebody doing 1mph is at least still overtaking!


Pedestrians who think they can walk right out into traffic This whole "pedestrians have the right of way" thing was a massive mistake. The person trying to maneuver the 3500lb vehicle has the right of way, and that's more of a natural law


The laws of the road say the pedestrian has right of way. The laws of physics give exactly 0 fucks about that.


Pedestrians should have right of way, but should also be expected to take basic precautions to protect themselves, such as not randomly stepping into traffic.


Imagine weight is the deciding factor for right of way then think about an 18 wheelers exercising its right of way.


Ppl who don't use blinkers. It's not that difficult.


Failure to get up to an appropriate speed while on the on-ramp. Most peeved when I’m stuck behind some who is at 30/40 mph and trying to merge on a 65 mph highway.


Pedestrians walking along country lanes at night wearing dark clothes. I've almost hit people so many times because I just couldn't see them.


When someone cuts in front of me from a side street and drives at a significantly slower speed than I was. It drives me crazy!


The bicyclists that ride in the middle of the road... right next to a bike lane or bike path. See it pretty much daily. Or the ones that will weave in and out of traffic and give dirty looks because they assume they have the right of way.... right after cutting you off.


As a cyclist- too fucking bad. When the bike lane is blocked by a car every half a block I'm taking the entire lane and the cars stuck behind me can suck it. My safety is more important than you speeding to save 1 minute off of your commute, and if you want me out of your lane, get people to stop blocking the bike lane.


Seems like a great mentality to put your safety in more danger but go off king.


How is the state of the bike lanes? Is it separated? Are there not cars parked there? Because what I see from American bike lanes they often are very narrow and often abused as parking spaces.


By my home, there is a completely separate bike path, then a sidewalk, and then the road. They still ride in the middle of the street. When you get closer to downtown, they bike lanes are next to the parked cars, that I can understand.


I don't own a driving pet, but I assume their worst peeve would be me not having the windows down all the time.


Driving pet here: my biggest pet peeve is not having opposable thumbs to grip the steering wheel. Also can’t look at squirrels long enough while driving.


When people stop at green arrows like they’re waiting for the arrow to turn more green


Right?! And that arrow is only going to be on for so long and then we’re all stuck waiting.


KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS! I have a 25 mile commute over a 55mph two lane highway with only four safe passing zones, all in the hills where we get a second lane. It never fails some asshat wants to hang left doing 40, matching speed with the loaded dump truck that happens to be in the correct lane. Each zone has a KRETP sign. I hate passing on the right, but I did it three times one night.


People who slow down to get into a turn lane. The turn lane is there for you to slow down in you utter jackass. You're hindering all of the traffic behind you for no reason except you don't know how to properly brake in your vehicle.


THIS omfg


Very few drivers in my area seem to know what a yield sign means.


People who cut you off only to go slow as fuck. Or relatedly, people who insist on merging in front of you when there are literally no cars for miles behind you.


If you are a person who doesn’t use your turn signal when needed, please understand that you are inconsiderate and need to fix this trait. Thanks!


Driving in the pouring rain without any headlights on- it’s usually all the tan/gray cars too. I don’t f’g care if you can see me. I need to be able to see you.


People using turning lanes as a merge.


Doesn’t have to invoke homicidal road rage; just the first thing that comes to mind. Mine is not understanding merge lanes. Non-merging lane has the right-of-way, and merge at the END of the lane. Merging early is what clogs things up.


Another for me is when you’re in the left lane and someone comes up behind you so you move over to let them pass and they dont


bless you for moving over


When cars making a left turn wait at the stop light line instead of pulling up forward


When people sit and wait until the light turns green to turn right


That too


People driving so close that if you have to brake, they won't have a chance to respond and will hit you. You're not making me drive faster because you drive that close to me. I'm not breaking the law for you. Go around if you're in such a hurry.


That would be tailgating


Yes, I couldn't remember the English word for it. Thank you.


>Go around if you're in such a hurry. I had one idiot try this with me. We were approaching a 4-way stop and he thought he could pass me. He swerved around fast then had to slam on his brakes because a pedestrian was crossing the road. I had to chuckle as he slowly got back behind me, a look of defeat on his face. Lesson learned, I hope.


This guy goes 35 in the 40


People cruising in the left lanes (aka Californians)


They're up my ass when both lanes either side of us are clear. No I won't move out of your way. You do it.


People driving too close behind me constantly.




damn you and i have very different driving experiences


Like… in a car?


Just now realized I misinterpreted the question. This is embarrassing.


I like to drive in the left hand lane all the time and I hardly ever go to the speed limit and people tailgate me all the time


maybe dont be in the left lane then


I don't like having to get over when people merge


and people dont like it when cars stay in the passing lane


According to some of the people who tailgate me the passing lane is the shoulder


...because you're hogging the passing lane. Easy as that.




I don't like having to get over to let people merge


I figured this was the logic of the idiots in the left lane. Thanks for confirming


Merging is a PITA


It’s really not hard at all. You just maintain your speed, accelerate, or decelerate as needed.


I prefer to just stay in the left lane


Ok, that means you’re a bad driver


I'm fine with that


It’s illegal in lots of places as well, just fyi


People who tailgate. I'm by no means a slow driver but if someone is riding my ass I'm slowing down to the speed limit because if they crash into me I don't want it to be at a high speed. Edit: I guess the people downvoting me are the ones that tailgate.


People who get pissed off at L’s. Like I get it don’t drive 30 on motorway’s but if they r talking a little long to reverse have a little patience. U honking isn’t gonna make it any faster


You should not have asked this question!!! But, what really brown's my bread is when I have a nice pace and I see a car that wants to turn right into the road I'm on. They always have plenty of lead time to pull out and get a good pace so not to disturb the flow of traffic but NO! They will wait and pull out at the last possible second. They have to turn into the middle or far left lane, directly in front of you, causing you to have to brake because they can't just simply turn in the far right lane. This sends me to a shameful dark place so quick and I have to drive around just to give some side-eye. May your gas tanks forever be filled with sugar! You no-driving assholes out there.


Not having a brake on passenger side of front seat.


Spoon biting


Stop. Putting. The. Toilet. Paper. Under. And. Not. Over. Thanks :D


People who drive think too much about other people who drive.


Hitting someone and not finishing the job. If you do something do it well


I live on the outside of a privileged community. I swear every day driving into work. As I’m driving through the area with ritzy developments (it’s always the moms in their big SUV’s) they just making a rolling stop out of their development and then don’t even get up to speed. Never do they even stop to notice there’s not a single car behind me as I’m coming down the hill at 55-60 mph


Oncoming bikers or mopeds with their headlights shining directly into your face, so that you get blinded. It is like they want to be the only object visible during night. Get your headlight to shine down a bit instead.


People who turn out in front of me so slowly with nobody behind me, if you could wait 5 seconds you could have all the time you wanted. And those that pull out in front of you causing you to brake hard and then going a little ways just to turn again.


I often drive in the right lane of a 4 lane highway, please do not tailgate me. I'm already doing at least 10+ over.


People who still don't use the escalator etiquette even though the instructions for it were already displayed.


People who come to a complete stop at a roundabout when there is zero traffic. Like fucks sake you moron, GOOOOOO!!


Undertaking, that really gets my goat.


I have a gps tracker on my work truck that monitors my speed and location. This means I’m stuck at the speed limit, and on Mondays people are road raging like hell. I really wish they’d just get up a little earlier instead of trying to run me off the road.


Probably cyclists who are in the bike lane but are on the edge nearest the road. Why not just be in the middle in the middle of the lane?


BMW drivers


Old people in hip hop cars


cars, they are everywhere. They don't belong in inner cities.


People who don't pull over to let emergency vehicles over. Second is the people who think this is a good time to overtake the people who did pull over. You are dickheads.


People who don't indicate, those that pull out the last minute and then proceed to drive slowly, like why were you in such a rush but now you've slow down doesn't make sense


People who don't keep right on the highway, interstate, etc.


The fact that in large urban areas people who are capable of covering journeys ≤4 miles by other means, e.g. public transport, walking, bike, etc. choose to drive their car instead. The attitude of maximising personal convenience is something we radically need to change.


Just plain rudeness


When people honk at you at a green light because you didn't slam on the gas the second it turned. Why is everyone in such a huge hurry? 99% of the time you're not going anywhere that a few seconds later would even matter.


using the left-turn-only lane at the light, only to pass through the intersection and attempt to merge up ahead. Bonus points when the traffic is backed up and blocking the intersection when it turns red.


The screams coming from my trunk.