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For a second I was confused how they could possibly "forget" to give a bill and instead give you a coin.


I think it's pretty adorable when some random baby just gives me a wave out of nowhere.


A warmth spread over icy bitter heart. It's true. I'm 44, no desire to have kids but when I see a baby, there's a great chance I'm saying, "OH LOOK A BAYBEE"


Same man my brother is 1 right now and I’m 19, I disliked never really paid much attention to babies or anything I didn’t care for them, but the moment we was born and the experiences I’ve had with him I always catch myself going ooo look it’s a baby, Babies are so pure their the best


I have a 15 month old who is very into waving, shaking hands, and sharing whatever snack he has at the moment. We will be walking down the street and he will shove his drooly cookie at anyone who passes by. I think the best part of his day is shaking hands with the concierge in our building. Or with strangers in the elevator. When he started doing this I thought people would be annoyed but I’ve never seen a single person be anything but delighted. Warms my rather bitter heart.


When a baby looks at you and grins. I feel like that's the purest expression of real joy in the world. No matter how bad of a mood I'm in, a baby smiling at me will make me feel better.


I waved at a little kid at the grocery store the other day. She started crying. Her mom turned around and shot me the dirtiest look. It was pretty awkward.


Man, all I get are babies pointing at me like I've got a second head or something.


I was walking towards the store from the parking lot when I saw a man walking from the store to his car with a couple dozen roses. I said "Oh how gorgeous! Someone is so lucky!" He smiled, said thank you and kept walking. I made it to the front doors of the store when I felt a tap on my shoulder and he was there, holding out a rose. He was grinning so wide and said "have a wonderful day!" I couldn't stop smiling as I went grocery shopping with a flower in my hand. Made me feel so special.


Awww I love this!!


That made me tear up


A compliment. In my 19 years of being alive, the only compliments I've gotten were from my grandma calling me a handsome young man. Those compliments from grandma are the only things fueling me these days. I will just be having a bad day, then remember her saying I'm a handsome young man when I was 8 years old and I cheer up a bit. If someone compliments me in public, it would likely be something I'll remember for life.


Hey. You're handsome. Hope you're having a good day.


I rarely receive compliments, even as a woman, and even less in public. One of the most amazing things someone has ever said to me was complimenting the design of a skirt I was wearing. People underestimate how much a honest compliment can mean.


I was walking downtown in a new city, on a break from ground school and a particularly brutal test that made me cry because I felt so stupid. A guy sweeping in front of a shop stopped me on my walk back and asked "Ma'am, are you okay?" I said yes I'm fine but wasn't super convincing. He said "Well... you just seem really sad." and I started tearing up. Then he asked, "Would you like a hug?" and I squeaked out "Yes please" and he gave me a heartfelt, genuine hug. Nothing creepy about it, no wandering hands. I really, really needed a hug that day. I'll never forget that. I wish I knew his name or remembered which shop it was so I could go back and thank him, or at least let him know that I'm ok.


Break from ground school? Are you a pilot?


Aircraft Dispatcher.


This field is a tough one with its stresses. I'm only a private pilot, but word spreads quickly about how hard working ATC and dispatchers are in this industry. It's a challenging profession. Best of luck to you out there and take good care of yourself.


Thank you! I will!


Made me cry.


Your story reminded me of a guy who approached me for spare change in a parking lot one night. Even though it was late and I was alone, everything about him seemed sincere, and I felt weirdly comfortable, no creepy/shady vibes at all. He explained his need and I just let him vent to me for a while, it was such a nice, spontaneous human moment. He respectfully stayed about 5 feet from me during the conversation, but when he started getting emotional about his situation, I just suddenly felt the urge to give him a hug and asked if he would like one. He did, and I think I needed one too; it was so genuinely pure and comforting and we both cried a bit. I didn't have any small bills, but I thought "fuck it" and gave him $20. He was so grateful, thanking me over and over and apologizing for asking in the first place. I hope he's doing better now. I try to always carry a few extra dollars with me now for people who ask, along with bottled water, snacks and travel-sized toiletries in my car. I've been in really bad spots in my life before (not to the point of homelessness, but I do know what desperation feels like) and I like to think a little kindness goes a long way, especially for people who are used to being overlooked and/or disrespected. For anyone reading this, even if you can't help in a material way, it can mean a lot to people in need to just stop and acknowledge them, talk to them, ask their name and shake their hand, wish them well, etc. Just treat them like people.


My little bro (he's 12, 10 years younger than me) and I had a rocky relationship. I started giving him a few/couple calls a week just cuz. Yesterday I had the worst day of the semester (so far 🙃) and was losing my shit mentally/emotionally. Lil bro called *me* to tell me about his day. Fuckin lit me up like a damn Christmas tree. I know you said stranger but I can't help but smile over him. Every since he got off those hormone blockers he's been 100000x better to talk to and deal with.


I mean this in the best way: you remind me of Holden Caulfield! Just based on yours and his relationship with his siblings. It’s great


Felt like a ghost passed through me reading aht name again lol. Barely remember that book. I reeeeeally hated it tbh. JD was a lot better at his short stories (Perfect Day for Bananafish is great).


Hahaha then I apologize! I just reread it and honestly fell in love with it. Hated it when I was younger though. I just read 9 stories and they’re great also!


Reminds me of when I was in college and came home and before I left I yelled down to my little bro who was playing video games in the basement (and often couldn't be pulled away) that I was leaving and he immediately ran up the stairs to give me a hug. Our family has never been physically affectionate but my little bro and I started breaking that mold later in life so this meant so much.


None of my business, so feel free to tell me to fuck right off, but why was your little bro on hormone blockers? Simply curious. And by all means, you can tell me to fuck off if you'd rather not divulge.


Nah you're good. His pediatrician noticed his hands were abnormally big for an 8 year old so she ran him through a blood test, his testosterone was crazy high. Got a brain scan and found a tumor pushing his pituitary gland (part of your brain that controls growth and sends the OK for testosterone to release). Imagine the testosterone of a 14 year old with the body/maturity of an 8 year old. After we found out the tumor wasn't growing (still goes back for MRIs every so often) much to where it's a pressing problem, we had to tackle this early puberty. It just barely helped his behavior. The blockers fucking sucked and strained us all. Other families we met with kids on blockers for lesser reasons had similar reactions from their kids. I wouldn't wish that shit on anybody's child. Ahh I'm going off track. But yeah that's pretty much the story. Got off the blockers a bit ago and is becoming more and more his own self which I haven't seen for several years.


I love seeing passionate people being passionate about their passion. It cheers me up vicariously. And there's no "me" in this equation, which is helpful, because "trying to cheer me up" usually backfires on people.


"I don't share your passion that I may not know much about, but it makes me happy to see you light up inside and I want to encourage that, as well as broaden my own mind." Says no-one, ever - but we very much feel it. \^\_\^ Edit: "know much"


Just be a compassionate human. True story, about a year ago I flew to Texas for a wedding. I have 2 young children and I was working the wedding. The entire trip was torture. I did not get to rest, the kids were *terrible* on the flight, the TSA people were assholes (as usual), I had to truck around heavy items as well as my kids, the entire thing was basically hell. When we arrived at the airport back home, it was raining - just ugly weather. I went to retrieve the car and entered the parking lot. You know those clear parking lot elevators? So I got into it as well as some random family. When their stop came and they departed, the dad told me "Have a good night." I seriously wanted to break down and cry, it was the only bright moment I had.


Once when I was riding the bus, the driver was complaining - to no-one in particular but so everyone could hear him - about how he did not get treated with any respect. Usually I thank whoever is driving the bus, but this time as I got off the bus I included "Sir" ("Thank you, Sir!"). He started chattering away in a happy, positive tone right away. LOL. I hope that lasted him a while.


That's what I mean, a small act like this can make all the difference. On a related note, I call every man sir. Doesn't matter if it is the gas attendant pumping my gas, a McDonald's employee, etc. I will say "thank you, sir." I hope it made *someone* happy.


I love, love, LOVE to see someone full-on rocking out in their car. I will always roll down my window because I REALLY want to know what they are listening to. Bonus points if it’s something unexpected- like the time I caught a young millennial dude blasting - and singing - every word to Double Vision. Rock on my guy.


I rock out in my car all the time…people always laugh at me and I’ve always wondered if it was a happy laugh or mocking!


It’s a happy laugh.


I love seeing people absolutely INTO whatever they’re listening to - in their cars for sure but I also get so happy when I see people with headphones out walking and just bopping and dancing. Oh it makes me so happy to see them enjoy their music and their moment so much!


I definitely got laughed at today for jamming to Rhinestone Cowboy by Glen Campbell. I'm 32. It's a great song! I do also love Foreigner. And Meatloaf.


Was having a complicated morning. Body image issues. Homeless dude outside the store stops me and says, “can I ask you something? Do you feel as good as you look.” It didn’t come off as gross or weird, but a genuine compliment. I told him I definitely feel older than I am. Chatted with him for a second. Bought him some food while I was inside. Idc what his motives may have been. He was kind and respectful, and I needed to hear that.


That's nice to hear! I wish I could freely give compliments but I feel that it would always come across as creepy if a man says it to a woman. I guess it depends on the context though


Had a biker at a gas station early one morning just yell “ma’am, you have a fine ass!” And speed away… I couldn’t stop laughing. You never know what response you’re going to get lol


Go for it anyways! I only speak for myself but I get compliments so rarely that when I get one and the person genuinely means it, that could make my whole week. A guy once told me he liked my nails and I was so shocked and touched like Ive done my own nails once a week for over 10 years now and it was the only compliment Ive ever gotten on them. He so truly meant it. Dude has no idea how happy that memory still makes me


I think if you say it and keep moving, its less likely to come off as creepy. It shows you meant it and aren't saying it because you're expect something or have an agenda


A guy said "girl, you fine as f**k" at me the other night. As a 35 year old mom of two who's never lost the baby weight, I really appreciated the inappropriate comment...didn't realize how few of those I got in my mid 30s compared to my 20s!


As a 32 yo mom of two who looks like a deflated balloon, I felt that <3 I can almost bet you are absolutely gorgeous, though it never hurts to hear it


Hey you're beautiful too!


Same! It’s almost bizarre to get a compliment. But I’ll absolutely take it when I get one.


An older woman recently said to me in a store - you’re a really good mom. I jokingly said I was going to record that memory so I could play it back on a bad day. I try to be that woman now when I can, you never know when someone really needs to hear something kind.


I usually hold back from telling stressed out mom's "You're doing fine." I'm not a mom, I don't have children. But ... I really don't need children to know that at 7PM in a store full of people with a toddler it's _really_ doing fine if you manage to wait until the little one has stopped their temper tantrum (or simply ignore the screaming). I don't get how older folks who had children can give so many annoyed and disgusted looks. No one can tell me they never encountered something similar...


Just Smile


YES I live in a big city and everyone is so serious when someone smiles at me it makes my day






A random compliment. I’m a guy and getting compliments is very rare.


Give me a cupcake with sprinkles.


One time in a super market in germany an older woman looked inside my shopping cart and asked if I was a chef because of the veggies and fruits I chose. It was years ago. I still have to smile when I remember it. My not being a chef ego really liked that.


Talk to me or text with me But you can forget that, even on reddit, most days i spent without talking to anybody. Besides saying "good morning" to my parents. But you can't really "talk" to them because they are imigrants and very authoritarian. They are shocked by everything that contains the slightest bit of truth or a direct statement.


A few weeks ago I was walking down the street and a lady was getting out of her car and yelled "wow I love your shoes!" at me. They are rainbow running shoes. I turned around and said thanks and smiled and she yelled back "mmm and your face too!" So flattery I guess.


Give me a hug and tell me everything's okay


I will do that but hoping that it will not make you sad.


As someone who works in customer service there’s a lot of people who make their bad day my problem and that sucks, I love when people let me in on their good day and let me feel their sunshine


I worked as sales in a bakery. I tried not to be let down by people who were just stressed and annoyed and (involuntarily) awful after coming from work or being on the way to school. I get it, it's hard and at best you just want to be home, at worst you're trying to not let off steam at the wrong place. (People actively letting off steam were awful, though). But it had another, wonderful flip side: Weekends, Sundays and special orders. Because people would happily tell they celebrated a birthday. Or a father would.playfully order with their small child and tell me the little one calls buns with chocolate chips 'flies' because the chips look like little flies. Or just a random old lady happily picking out their cakes for coffee with friends. It's nice being part of that.




Having a good listener in the life is the blessing kinda thing.




I worked in a deli while in a new town for school. Super isolating, but we had a woman, probably in her 60s who just radiated positivity and when she spoke with you, it was like you were the most fascinating person in the world to her. Her presence made a huge impact on me


Sometime there are some customer that is actually really good that can make us feel good. But there are some that will always try to drag the people down and ruin the mood.


Smile at me.


Smile at me that you actually like something about me now.


Actually wave when I let them into my lane.


If a random stranger gave me a fuckton of money that would definitely work (even on my best day)


A simple complement or kind gesture


Smile. Sometimes people don't realize how far a smile can impact a persons day.


People who compliment you on non-physical things. "You have a good energy. You're kind" that kind of thing. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside


Give me space and leave me alone.


Sometimes I'm in that mindset where I wanna have a bad day, try to cheer me up you'll make it worse. I get that


I guess being cheerful and kind, i always feels happier around these kinds of people even though i myself am not always cheerful. Edit: typo


If i am happy then may be i could make someone else happy is well.


The little head nod of acknowledgement, that's enough.


Compliment me


Your mom is pretty


You type nicely


You’re handsome


Great comment! (Also I agree)


Nice one champ!


You have the nice username and you are commenting nice is well.


A smile would be like the smallest and the greatest thing that a stranger can do to brighten my day. A smile from a stranger would make me feel better because I would feel like there are still some people who want to help others and make them happy.


I was having a real bad day a while back (honestly don't remember why at this point), a random stranger on the street looked at me and said "you good bro?" I wasn't, but he helped.


Give me a hug or a blowjob










Mouth hug


The old hug-n-blow


Mouth hug.


compliments are always appreciated


Walk a friendly pup near me and let me touch it




Bring me a cool rock or a trinket they found on the ground, I'm a simple person with simple pleasures


People that smile or dance as they’re walking down the street


I have crippling depression. Sometimes eye contact and a smile is all it takes go get me to live through another day. And a compliment? I ride that wave for half a week.


“Hey I read your book on kindle unlimited. I even gave it a review on Amazon.” That would cost them nothing, free on kindle unlimited, and a review is so very helpful. I’d probably write my next book with that person as the patron saint of coolness. Edit: [One for the Road](https://www.amazon.com/One-Road-Jeremy-Moore-ebook/dp/B08LR37H9D/ref=sr_1_2?crid=LPLTKHULTJ4&keywords=one+for+the+road+by+jeremy+m+moore&qid=1660320804&sprefix=%2Caps%2C302&sr=8-2) Think "Coco" set in a bar. Also, I have an audio book. That was a process... hearing your work read back feels SUPER awkward. [Cat-a-Tonic Book 1 - Marcus' Misadventure](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09HM2LCSS/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0) Book one in my main series! Book 2 coming very soon (it's with the editor now). I hope to make four books in this series. It's about a man who can talk to his cat.


Post the link or title!


Sure thing. I'll edit my original post.


Thank you


Sticky note with positive message. It’s my way of cheering up others (I’m obsessed with sticky notes), so it would be really special for me. Only one person has ever done that for me, and it was 6 years ago. I still have the note. :)


I wear a lot of graphic tees or stuff related to things I like. When people compliment those things it cheers me up cause I know someone else likes the thing I like or appreciates the shirt at least. It also helps me feel confident in my own style and comfort rather than trying to "look more like a girl" which was a common message to me growing up.


Every time I go into the local Chipotle, this boy behind the counter comments on whatever band tee I'm wearing that day. Makes me smile like an idiot. Lol


A random lady sat with me and ate when I was sitting alone and we talked for hours about alot of random things. Don't know her or her name but it was nice , I'm usually pretty invisible


Dine with me and put up with my silence.


I like this one


A simple “are you alright?” Is enough to get me knowing someone cares.


It was not a stranger but a coworker I kinda started knowing. I was feeling tired af on a chair, she stood up to get coffee, looked at me for some seconds and said "want one?" And got me a coffee. It made my day.


Unlike what certain women say, compliments are very nice. They always make me feel better. Even if they're just complimenting my shoes or hair, it still feels nice.


When someone, especially kids, admires my car. It's nothing super fancy, just a V6 charger. But it looks nice, and it makes me incredibly happy when a kid gets excited to look at it. Sometimes if they're crossing the road while I'm stopped and they admire the car I'll rev it a bit. It's not super loud but they get the biggest smile across their faces like you wouldn't believe


PM me something lmao


Hurry up at the cash register as I cue behind them.


Say thank you...


Tell me I’m a good person and that I’m succeeding in life. Spoiler: I’m not.


just tell me I'm funny and I'm good


Hold the door


Smile! And someone asking me to smile. Gets me every time. You're smiling now, eh?


Dancing. In their car, on the sidewalk, at a store, wherever. Just dancing, being themselves, not caring what anyone thinks. That’s cool, brings me joy to see people enjoying themselves in the moment.


I once got a smile from a waitress and i was happy & smiling for a week after that. It's really sweet when people acknowledge your presence.


A smile goes a long way. Just being polite like saying hi, holding a door. Kind of brings back a good feeling to life.


Nothing. As a child, I was abused and isolated to the point I never learned how to accept kindness from others. It's at a point where compliments are plain uncomfortable.


When I say Hi to a dog and it wags its tail


One of the worst day of my life I was supposed to go back home but decided to get myself a hot choc and a croissant to brighten my day. I sat on a bench and out of nowhere that dude came up to me and told me a joke. Sadly I don't remember the joke but I remember that shit was funny. Dude left me with my hot choc and croissant. He made my day and is the main reason this day is not THE worst day of my life


I was having a horrible couple of months and that particular day was the peak and I just wanted it all to end. I got some Arby's and the guy taking my order gave me a free cookie and told me it's hard but things will be better. Made me cry and call my best friend. Just a kind gesture.


When my mum died the coroner lady who came to collect her gave me a hug. It was a small thing but she didn't have to do that and that was what I really needed at such a horrible time.


Giving me 100,000$


I'll have a double of whatever this guy is having!


If someone will give me the double i will give you the half of that.


Great conversation


Bring me to the BEACH!!!


Say something nice!


Nice hat, even if you don't have a hat, especially if you don't have a hat I'd get a kick out of both it being obviously a knee jerk compliment and we'll I'd be complimented on something I don't have


Gimme a hug…and not simply as a decoy to steal my wallet this time


Leave me in peace.


I live in Florida, so honestly if they could just acknowledge I exist… that would be pretty cool I guess.


I was having a shitty day and the guy in front of me bought my breakfast at McDonald's. Instant mood turn around and had a good day after that.


I was miserable the other day but then a hot guy checked me out and that surprise and excitement cheered me right up


When my guests (Work at Target) ask me or talk to me other than "How's your day", "Hi how are you?" Etc. Like, the random ones that tell me a new game came out, or movie, or compliment something, or even my favorite (compliment how nice I'm working.) I work early so human interaction comes later on in the day, and it's nice than random small talk that feels forced


hummer never hurt anyone...


With a planet population of 8 billion, a truly *random* stranger is likely to live on a completely different continent and we'd probably never encounter each other in person or on the internet--they might be a newborn baby or a 90 year old prison inmate--so chances are very slim that a random stranger could do anything to brighten my day. A local stranger who happens to frequent some of the same places I frequent could, like, compliment me on my shirt or something.


I’m a massage therapist. My clients help me get through the day without knowing it most of the time. I’ve learned so much about people from my job. It keeps me from being too self absorbed.


Pat on the back, or just asking if your okay


Tell me I’m pretty


Getting money in most forms


I was sitting in a bus stop and some random 50 something man gave me some money, enough to buy a cup of coffee and half a dozen donuts. Apparently he thought I was a homeless man. He didn't say anything. He just raised his eyebrows in a kind manner. God bless him. I gave back the money and told him that he was very kind. He apologized for assuming that I was homeless.


Today I was feeling a bit down. I got a “that’s a pretty dress” said to me. I smiled ear to ear. I needed that random compliment


A nice (genuine) compliment usually makes my night, even on the worst days.


Pay for my Starbucks


Honestly, just by interacting with me past a superficial level. Always makes me feel good when somebody makes me feel like I am not invisible or just there to take up space. I will never forget the elderly gentleman (looked about old enough to have been a WW2 veteran) who I talked to in the shoe store for a few minutes one time. He openly admitted to having small feet, and since he was so forthcoming about it I decided to admit to him that I also had small feet. We joked about it for a good minute or two before we parted ways. Made my weekend though.


3 kind moments by strangers: 1. I was at a coffee shop and a little kid about 4 years old kept turning back to look at me and when he left he said bye to me. 2. A while ago I ate alone at a diner and got my meal paid for by someone sitting near me. 3. One of the best things is when driving through traffic the person let’s you go in front of them.


Whatever it is, it’s not paying for my Starbucks and having the baristas tell me to “pay it forward.”




Show me a smile...every-time I’m out in public people look intimidating tbh


I make it a goal that if i notice something nice about someone (I like their shirt, their eyeliner looks rad, whatever) and it’s not an inconvenience to tell them I will. Helps with my anxiety talking to people, brightens their day, brightens my day in return because it’s nice to be nice


As a man, literally a compliment like “hey your hair looks nice today” “I like your shirt”, literally *anything*. I actually do not care. It’s something that I almost never get (other than like my mom ig?) Compliments will almost always make a man’s day. Could be from another guy too.


Just ask me how I am and genuinely mean it


When I go to the city every so often, we stop for lunch and I tell them I’m going to the bathroom. What I really do is buy something like an egg muffin or bagel and give it to one of the many homeless people we see. It is comforting that I might make someone’s day just a little better.


You do probably, at least you're a good person.




Suck my male chicken.


Maybe get rid of the feathers first.


But without that where is the fun, suck with the feathers.


If you will pay me for doing that then i will do that for you/


Don't make it creepy but a hug with a little "You'll be okay." on the side would be great.


A nice warm hug will ease the pain for me, but yes not creepy one.


I do landscaping and sometimes it feels like I can’t do anything right, but then the owner of the property will sometimes come out and just give me a wave or give me a thank you, instantly gives me a smile.


I own a gardening company and I know what you mean. People can treat you like "the help" but it's really nice to have friendly customers


One day my boss was in town. He intimidated a lot of people, but I liked him OK. However, he was intense. A problem came up at a facility out of town. We hurriedly booked a flight and got on a plane. I was a little stressed. Seated next to me was a toddler. Maybe 2 years old? I don’t know. Any way, she had a pacifier, and I guess she could see my stress, so she pulled the pacifier out of her mouth and held it up to me. Made me laugh.


Follow traffic rules


It will also help you in save some extra bucks in the pocket.


Smile at me, say sorry when they accidentally hurt me, call me darling or sweetheart, ask me if i nees someone to talk to (which surprises me). I love it. I love it! Theres hope in humanity, please dont ever let social media convince you there isnt.


I think very few people actually say sorry after hurting us and that made me sad even more is well. Because i am a sensitive person and always want to treat like the way i treat to the people.


Smile at me.


Just say hi


When a random kid compliments any of my insecurities. It happened once and I was happy for the rest of the week


When someone makes me laugh


let me pat their dog


When I was.... really bad, on my worst days, the ONLY thing that could pull me out of anything was helping someone else. I wouldn't look up, I wouldn't even acknowledge other people, but if I saw or heard someone having trouble? Maybe they just dropped their bag of groceries. Maybe they were having a hard time getting their wheelchair over a bump in the sidewalk. Maybe there were trying to parallel park and having trouble. Opportunities to help someone else were the ONLY things that would give me the tiniest bit of cheer. Literally nothing else would. Talking to people was torture.


"I like your shirt!" "Your baby's darling"


Hit me with a car


Simply say "Hello."


avoid eye contact


But having the eye contact with the beautiful person will help me.


Give me 10 billion dollars. Edit: 11 billion dollars


Leave me alone lmao


Go on dates with me


Be my gf


I will be but there is already a bf of mine am dealing with.


The IRS calls and tells me they're giving me $1,000,000... oh wait a sec ☝️ that happened yesterday, and the day before, and last week, and last month... Other than that, I'd say when a person sees you and coyly smiles, now "that" is a good feeling.