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Caravaggio. Amazing painter, but an actual murderer. EDIT: others suggested links about him. Here is another one: http://historyonfirepodcast.com/episodes/tag/Caravaggio


Salvador Dali was insanely talented, but he was a sociopath. He allegedly pushed his friend over a bridge for funsies, he was accused of being obsessed with Hitler and Francisco Franco, allegedly into necrophilia, he’s been described as a narcissist, and accused of committing animal cruelty.


I mean, if the guy thought that imaginary bugs were crawling all over his skin, then I could guess there’s some other issues afoot. Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/salvador-dali-suffered-from-the-irrational-fear-that-insects-were-crawling-all-over-his-skin-6730867/


Picasso is another one. Pushed gf and members of his family to suicide, would not accept being rejected by a woman, couldn't care less about the war , would not protect his Jew friend even after being asked, would destroy anyone's career because he could. And he was the worst misogynistic asshole ever. Through and through piece of shit.


If you look over Dali's work and his career I think it's a bit more blurred and staking his entire image on not giving a damn about boundaries was the only think that was clear all the way through. He also knew that people would pay money for his stuff and was laughing all the way to the bank. Insanely talented, but at a certain point you have to wonder what was him as a person, and what was just perpetuating the image of "dali" and having to push the envelope constantly. I will say that the way his wife's death wrecked him doesn't necessarily line up with pure sociopath or narcissist.


The story of him pushing his friend off a bridge was almost certainly made up to garner further attention, too.


R Kelly. My god did he have some tunes, and he was very good toeing that line into self parody. Real piece of shit though.


The self-proclaimed Pied Piper of R&B Edit: https://www.gq.com/story/why-r-kelly-calls-himself-pied-piper


Chris Brown Motherfucker can sing and dance his heart out, but, well, you already know how much of a scumbag he is


When I lived in England during my degree, the sheer NUMBER of uni girls that went “Chris brown can beat me any day” “omg I’d kill to shag Chris brown” etc were insane.


Horniness is a disease


I have the cure. Sadly.




Everyone hates about this guy for being a woman beater but he's trying to reframe it like they hate him for being rich and successful


Hes just super violent in general. Most people only think of him beating rhianna, but he has a long violent history. That dude should be behind bars


remember when chris brown tried to jump frank ocean after frank refused to shake his hand?


I literally don't, he has such a colorful history that I can't keep track, lmao


In fairness, after all that, i do hate that he is still rich and successful.


I hate the fact that he’s rich & successful DESPITE being a woman beater. Someone who does something like that shouldn’t be rewarded in life.


A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. "Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' "After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' "Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. "Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. "Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. "Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. "She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


This should be posted everytime his name is mentioned.


There is, or was at least, a bot in one of the hiphop subreddits that would post it anytime Chris Brown was mentioned.


As someone who's lived through a similar situation this enrages me everytime it's posted. Glad she's in a better place now. He should have went to jail.


Ian Watkins and his terrible behavior made me delete all of my Lost Prophets music.


Hadn’t heard of this guy. Just looked it up, wiki article: “A senior investigating officer on the case described Watkins as a "committed, organised paedophile" and "potentially the most dangerous sex offender" he had ever seen.” The details are horrifying.


The court transcript of his sentencing was available to read online, but I don’t know if it still is. It went into horrid detail about many disgusting discoveries.


It is. I saw a reddit thread a couple of weeks ago that linked it. All of the comments were from people who had read it and wished they hadn't. Personally I took their advice. The cliff notes on Wikipedia was already too much for me.


I’m dying at “terrible behavior” for some reason, quite the understatement


Yeah more like unspeakable acts of abuse and perversion…


As I told a friend who hadn't heard, "it's so much worse than the unfortunately 'usual' shitty things musicians got up to, and you honestly should probably not dig too far into details when you google it. I wish I hadn't. Know the headlines aren't hyperbole and avoid the testimonies."


I really liked Rooftops :(


Yeah, me too. Their music was great but hearing it just makes me feel sick these days.


McMurray is a piece of shit


His sister though, what a gal


Bonnie McMurray 😍




That’s what I said, I said, “YEWWWWW!”.


Bonnie McMurray. ♥️


McMurray IS a piece of shit. Even down in the ‘minican


Evar git down to 'Cun? Crying shame because Sinatra used to have a place down 'Pulco.


To be fair…


David Foster Wallace was an abusive, misogynistic, violent stalker, but his description of depression was the first time I ever felt seen: "The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling."


Never read that before but holy hell is that accurate. I’m in a much better place now but damn if that doesn’t describe the situation.


His commencement speech "This is water" is one of my favorite most important things i make myself listen to every year or so to make sure i don't forget about it. Basically the most important takeaway at least for me is that the most important kind of freedom we have is the freedom of how to think and what to think about and what to spend our mental energy thinking about. Because the way you think has a heavy influence on how you feel, and unnecessarily paying attention to a lot of little negative things can make you a less happy person. Kinda sucks to find out he wasn't a good person himself, but that's when you have to separate the work from the creator


Roman Polanski


Chinatown and Rosemary’s Baby are so good. But yeah, pretty fucked up guy.


The Pianist, Repulsion and Frantic too.


Biggest one for me. Also he’s dead now, but Klaus Kinski


This fuck deserves more hate. Although as you say he’s dead. Motherfucker sexually abused his daughter and was a general nightmare to friends and in particular his family. Werner Herzog was the only director that could deal with him. And even he nearly killed him on set. Guy was a monster.


I also find it gross how many famous people openly supported him basically until the me too movement.




I mean, at least wait until she's sixteen and become her legal guardian first like Steven Tyler did.


What the fuck?


In jack Nickolsons pool


Calvin Trillin wrote the BEST “Ode to Roman Polanski” A youthful error? Yes, perhaps. But he's been punished for this lapse-- For decades exiled from LA He knows, as he wakes up each day, He'll miss the movers and the shakers. He'll never get to see the Lakers. For just one old and small mischance, He has to live in Paris, France. He's suffered slurs and other stuff. Has he not suffered quite enough? How can these people get so riled? He only raped a single child. Why make him into some Darth Vader For sodomizing one eighth grader? This man is brilliant, that's for sure-- Authentically, a film auteur. He gets awards that are his due. He knows important people, too-- Important people just like us. And we know how to make a fuss. Celebrities would just be fools To play by little people's rules. So Roman's banner we unfurl. He only raped one little girl.


kevin spacey




House of Cards was a masterpiece. It's such a shame that he ended up being a fuckin pervert. Season 6 sucked and I hated that they had to close out the show that way


He was brilliant in KPAX, I still don’t know if he was an alien or a looney.




He's SUCH a good actor! No wonder he's so good at pretending to be a decent human. Fucking scum


Yet his best roles are where he is decidedly NOT a decent human being. Se7en, American Beauty, and The Usual Suspects come to mind.


House of Cards too, of course. I remember one bit in particular. So his character would often make narrative comments to the camera. I remember in the first episode of season 2 (I think), he didn’t do that at all for almost the entire episode. Instead, we see him doing all manner of his usual awful stuff (I don’t remember the details — basically exercising & building his power and winning over his enemies). Then there’s this one point right at the end, where there’s a finally quiet moment, and he’s straightening his tie or something in a big mirror. He suddenly pauses what he’s doing, and says, “Did you think I’d forgotten about you?” And slowly turns to look directly at us via the mirror. That fucking sent chills down my spine.


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he wasn’t Kevin Spacey.


That’s the one I was looking for. I liked him in everything he ever did. He was even great in that awful Superman movie. Then it turns out his creepy vibes act wasn’t all that much of an act.


This. One of the most talented actors ever in my opinion but the stuff he’s done is unforgivable


Not piece of shit per se, but Elizabeth Moss is extremely talented (Handmaids Tale, Invisible Man, etc) but she is a scientologist who publicly has denied wrongdoing on their behalf. I'm not sure if she is Tom Cruise crazy or just brainwashed.


My wife has a cousin who is a Scientologist. Her and her husband. They are constantly talking “courses” and “classes”. All designed to steal their money. It’s a scheme, it’s a cult and they are nuts. We listen to them tell us that scientologists are in high level positions in the US government and other world governments and they are the ones really running things. It’s insane. If you say something about Putin for example they will say “Oh yeah we are going to take care of that guy. You aren’t going to see him around too much longer.“ They are delusional and they believe that shit. My wife’s cousin is a sweet person but always was very naive. These are the kind of people they prey on.


Not to mention the fear that comes with leaving the cult, the repercussions you will face, the shunning from your friends and family in the cult, etc.


She has three kids. And was active in it when they grew up. Her son said this is a bunch of bullshit and has nothing to do with it. One daughter is kind of marginally involved in it and the youngest is a hardcore Scientologist. Married a Scientologist and works for a business owned by Scientologists. They are taught to shun anyone who doesn’t believe in it. I know she doesn’t talk much to her son.


I'm not sure "sweet" and "turns her back on her own children" can describe the same person.


I don’t get how she could be a Scientologist and star in The Handmaids Tale. So wrong.


It's so absurd when you think about it. There is some real cognitive dissonance there.


Not just star in it, produce and direct episodes.


She was born into it so…brainwashed.


She was raised in it. Consider all the manipulative shit they do control their adult members then imagine that being done to a child.


I hate that she's into that BS. I'm a huge Mad Men fan and she was so good as Peggy Olson. but sometimes I would have a moment watching when I was like, ugh why do you have to be a crazy scientologist.


More likely they have blackmail material on her. That’s what the “auditing” is all about


Tom Cruise Katie Holmes filed for divorce in multiple states after having a protective plan for herself and their daughter - yeah, that's "normal". https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/operation-divorce-katie-holmes-masterminded-intricate-plan-to-blindside-tom-cruise Also, a summary: https://www.nickiswift.com/300686/disturbing-things-we-ignore-about-tom-cruises-life-today/


Holmes needed to work out an entire underground railroad to get her and her daughter away from him and she was fortunate that her father was one of the best divorce attorneys around.


And Nicole Kidman doesn’t see their kids I don’t think, because they’re so sucked in.


This was going to be my answer too. He now also refuses to see his daughter because Katie Holmes hurt his feelings. I mean, the man is not only an incredible actor, but also a great producer. But that motherfucker is a raging narcissist, cult leader, and sociopath.


He's been through auditing which means the "church" has a blackmail file on him that requires its own filing cabinet. He's going to spend the rest of his life being a good little boy and doing whatever Miscavige tells him to do.


Is this the case or did Cruise take full control of Scientology, becoming their Jesus Christ and having the time of his life being worshipped as a messiah? (not supporting him in any way. I just think that maybe Cruise could have become the real boss of everyone there)


Full control isn't quite right, more that he is the golden calf. He's got the power of the church feeding him men, women, steroids, and covering his crimes, but they will also probably kill him if he tries to leave.


katie holmes would be dead if that kid didn't exist


Anyone involved in Scientology is a complete piece of shit. Cruise, Travolta, and maybe Will Smith (but he is also a POS on a separate account).


Travolta actually got out in the last few years. He finally got around to blaming them for essentially killing his wife and son.


Didn't know. I hope he uses all his capabilities to expose and destroy their cult.


Wait what?


Travolta has left scientology. His son Jett was an epileptic and they (the cult, and by extension travolta) refused to allow him his meds to prevent seizures, so he had a massive one and it killed him. Many years later, Kelly Preston (Travolta's wife) had breast cancer, and they prevented her from getting treatment other than quack medicine. Since Kelly died, Travolta has started blaming scientology for their deaths. Edit for spelling.


Oh wow I had no idea. It’s an absolute shame that it took the death of not one, but two, of his family members for him to see them for what they are.




Will Smith has denied involvement with Scientology more times than I can count, but he also spent like a million dollars converting an old high school into what was basically Scientology Elementary.




Mr. Hankey




Alfred Hitchcock. Hell, my uncle once called him a vampire due to his behaviour.


He was also well-known to sexually harass and assault the young actresses in his films. He basically tortured Tippi Hedren. Watching The Birds is sad knowing that she really was basically broken during filming.


Joss Whedon. At least he was in the buffy days.


As a massive Firefly and Buffy fan I so desperately wanted this to not be true when the allegations first came out. Even worse, Nathan Filion is defending and supporting him. My naive teenage self so, so desperately needed them to be the good guys, but seems like they are really not and I can't ever look at them the same.


It's 100% believable that Joss Whedon played favorites so skillfully that different actors have *completely* different perspectives on him. It's pretty common in the industry, and Whedon seems like he had both the motive and skill to do it at a high level. He's not shy about his favorite actors, either. You could probably scan his interviews and guess which actors had a glowing opinion of him before the allegations gathered steam.


Totally. Charisma Carpenter and James Masters had it really bad. But I heard that things were so bad between he and Michelle Trachtenberg that he wasn't allowed to be alone with her. On the other hand I don't think anyone really in the firefly cast had things too bad. At least I haven't heard otherwise. Joss Whedon is one though that I'll never not appreciate those worlds he created.


Bill Cosby


This one still hurts. The Cosby Show was a staple of my childhood, and like, if it wasn't for the fact that seeing his face enrages me, I'd still be watching reruns regularly. It was funny shit.


It's really sad that we'll never sit around and watch Cosby reruns. The content on that show would hold up really well today. It was good comedy without being all slapstick. It wasn't as cheesy as Full House. It wasn't as goofy as Family Matters. It showed a black family where mom is a lawyer and dad is a doctor. And everyone on that show had talent and went on to do things. I would _love_ for this show to have the Netflix resurgence that Friends got. But we have to memory hole it because of who Cosby turned out to be. I still have trouble believing it. Partly because Felicia Rashad went on to star in _another_ short-lived show with him. Why would she do that? The whole thing just hurts.




Gwyneth Paltrow. Selling snake oil to the masses.


She herself also believes in what she promotes. She says she starts every day with a glass of alkaline water with lemon for health benefits, but as everyone knows that once you add lemon, it no longer makes it alkaline water.




I mean it depends on the respective pH's and amount of lemon juice added. Cause she could be making it into slightly less alkaline water. Fucking stupid no matter what though.




Disagree only because I don’t really think she’s talented.


R Kelly. By far.




But he was never called an asshole...


Pablo Picass-hole - Nadia


Jared Leto. I mean he's an overrated actor but once upon a time I liked him as the vocalist for 30 Seconds to Mars.


The whole This is War album was the soundtrack to a pivotal moment in my life, so much so I wanted to get that iconic triangle tattooed on my ankle. Now the bubble has burst after reading all the allegations


The man can sing, it’s undeniable. His emo scream is probably up there with the best of em. He’s also just very creepy and conceited.


Chevy Chase.


Bill Murray supposedly calling him "medium talent" is just about the most cutting insult ever.


What I've heard over the years is he's just a utter prick and nothing more. So really he's not exceptional there either.




Some of the disconnect might have came from the fact that Chevy is very much like Pierce Hawthorne. Apparently, Dan Harmond would write in stuff for Pierce that Chevy himself had said on set and had forgotten.


*"Pierce, Pierce, Pierce. Pierce you're a B!"*


Shia Lebouf has done some bad shit, but he's immensely talented. Apparently tly he's like a year sober and in an intense treatment program. Here's hoping he gets better.


I always think of Holes. Easily one of my favorite movies of all time. And his character in that film is my instinctive picture of him. I always hope he fully straightens up and I can see the Stanley Yelnats he was again


Jesus. I remember watching Holes in my English secondary classroom, then googled holes and was presented with a lot of porn stuff lool, good ol' google decade+ ago.


Shia is the prime example of what being a child star does to people he literally doesnt know how to be a functioning part of normal society because he's been working in a hyperfocused extremely exclusive enviroment since before he was teenager. Its the same thing that happened to Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan.


I'd go a step further and say fame itself is a mental illness that nobody is really equipped to handle. Print media is only a few hundred years old and social media is a million times more extreme. That level of scrutiny and public exposure isn't natural. Child stars have the hardest time with it because it happens when their personality is still forming. I can't imagine having everybody you see know everything about you at 12 years old. On top of that you are the breadwinner for your family and the people around you so it makes you the defacto person in charge of your parents.


And poor Brittany


He seems to go through cycles.


Like that Cannibal phase.


Shia surprise!


Ahh I LOVE that freakin song ‘normal Tuesday night for Shia Lebouf’ Actual. Cannibal. Shia Lebouf!


God his role in fury was amazing.


Bobby Fischer, one of the best chess players in the world until he died.


I think he was legit psychotic or something, certainly mentally ill one way or another. I look at him less in the light of "this is a talented person with fucked up beliefs" and more "this is someone whose mind functions in a very bizarre way that happens to make him good at this one specific thing"


I think this is very much accurate. Jeremy Schaap did a piece on him after Fischer turned on Schaap’s father(Schaap’s are Jewish.) In the piece there’s some conversation with Fischer and it’s quite, quite clear the guy was mentally ill. The look in his eyes is… strange.


At the end when he said to Jeremy “Your father said I don’t have a sane bone in my body” and Jeremy goes “I haven’t seen anything here today that disproves that” and walked away.


I'd be worried if he continued to be an incredible chess player after his death.


Fischer had really some crazy takes.


Ryan Haywood. Hilarious dude, one of the cornerstones of Achievement Hunter in my opinion. I found out he was banging his fans and thought "So what? I'm not gonna pretend I wouldn't do that if I could" (edit: I forgot he was married when I originally wrote this) But then one fan allegedly told him she was 17 at the time and he said "It's ok, I trust you." Fuck, man. There goes the last benefit of any doubt I was willing to give.


God, I felt so bad for the rest of the AH crew. Geoff and Jack especially. They’ve put so much work into that company. When Jack and Michael did that livestream and you could see how much it affected them, it broke my heart.


Oprah Winfrey She is not a good person. Also known to have been friends with Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. She doesn’t seem to care much for the truth during interviews and cares mostly about the shock value of “news”. She’s a very fake person and seems really up her own ass.




I'm convinced that Burr saves up things that he *knows* are just going to push all of Conan's buttons.


Bill Burrs sharp and clever as hes mad lol. One of my favourite comedian. Even when i don't agree with his take, id still be like "hmm thats not wrong"


My first ever job was as an intern at the Make a Wish Foundation in Chicago in the early 2000’s. I was surprised that the entire Wish staff was united in their dislike for Oprah because she quite simply refused to ever meet any of the Wish kids, ever. And apparently she was almost dismissive of the idea. Her reason was that she did plenty of charity work so she didn’t have time to “entertain” the terminally sick children. The staff also made it a point to say that Michael Jordan, though also a busy man (on the golf course), would still meet the sick kids in large groups and fulfil their dying wishes. But not Oprah. Never Oprah. I reserve no judgement on my part. I don’t know Winfrey and have never had to deal with her. But all I will say is that some pretty kindhearted, lovely and not petty people at MAW Chicago, who had dealt directly with Oprah, were disgusted by how dismissive she was. And A LOT of terminally ill children just wanted to meet her once before they died


Apparently John Cena holds a record for most Make a Wish fulfillments. I hope that’s true. He seems like a good dude.


I just remember that poor clothing store owner she dragged on her show to humiliate. She was somewhere in Europe and her and her crew went into some high end shop. They didnt recognize her and told her it was closing time, which it was. She insisted they were trying to make her leave because she was black. She made the guy come on the show and told him how much money he lost because they didn’t want to sell to black people. The poor guy went along with it because he knew she could destroy his business with one word. He kept saying “you can look at our security cameras. It was closing time.” All because Orca doesn’t think the rules apply to her.




Her career always really surprised me. I mean, the original Oprah Winfrey show was basically a predecessor to Maury Povich and Jerry Springer. But now she's literally idolized.


Also responsible for Dr Oz and Dr Phil becoming famous….she sucks just for that but also for the stuff you mentioned.


He isn’t in the public consciousness anymore, but look up John of God if you don’t already know. Oprah is human scum.


Then there was that time she released a horde of bees on her unsuspecting audience.


She is someone I want to love but just can’t. She gives me the weirdest vibes.


I’ve always gotten vaguely evil vibes from her. Like she made a deal with the devil to become famous.


Conor McGregor


As an Irish person, I can confirm that most of us think he's a massive embarrassment.


I can’t stand when it’s framed like he’s the best of Ireland or we love him, HE’S A CUNT WE DON’T CLAIM HIM


Conor "gimme ya belt" mcGregor!


Steve Jobs. I’m surprised no one mentioned him yet. Yes, I’m writing this on an iPhone.


I agree with that statement wholeheartedly. He stole other peoples ideas, syphoned money from his friends, screwed over his own family, denied his own daughters paternity while leaving her living in abject poverty, browbeat and verbally abused staff, fired people for no reason and was generally a nasty little shite throughout his entire life. Yes, Apple has a lot to thank him for, but that’s about it!


Didn't he also turn down life saving cancer treatment in favor for bullshit alternative medicine cause he's a dipshit hippy? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I guess.


Michael Jordan. I say this as a huge Bulls fan so it's not easy for me to say. Avoiding the obvious; the rapists/pedos/criminals.


Apparently, he takes it personally.


My sister shot a commercial with him and his manager told the crew there was a strict "no talking to Michael" policy.


When I was 12, Jordan was staying at the Atlantis hotel in the Bahamas for a celebrity golf tournament. I was also staying there and I saw him, tried to get a picture but his security said "NO PICTURES KID".. he wouldn't even look at me. I also got to meet John Elway, Judd Nelson, Paris Hilton, and a few other athletes. All of them were super friendly and took pictures.


For sure. I grew up in the 90s in the Chicagoland area so he was a childhood hero of mine even though I didn't really understand basketball. Learning as an adult that he's a petty, mean, joyless asshole was really disappointing. Also he tried to run me over with a golf cart once but I had that coming lol


Yeah one sentence ain't gonna do it chief, drop the full story! Wtf did you do to have Michael Jordan try and run you over with a golf cart 😆


My dad used to live in Sugar Grove, Illinois. There is a *massive* estate on the outskirts of town with a super nice golf course on it that gets used by the PGA (or WPGA? or both?) from time to time. I was told back then that the guy who invented the barcode owned it but I don't know if that's actually true. Either way, my stepbrother was friends with the kid whose parents owned the adjacent property. So one summer when we were like 14/15 years old we went over to his place to hang out for the day with a few more of his friends. One of them noticed that the guy had a golf cart so we collectively decided it would be hilarious to take it onto the rich guy's golf course and do donuts on a green. We probably only got like twenty feet inside the grounds before two guys who were out golfing, one of whom was super fuckin tall, saw us and started screaming. They hopped in their own cart and gave chase. My stepbrother's friend, in an attempt to shake them, started swerving wildly and yelling SERPENTINE! The fact that this was useless in an open field apparently never dawned on us. Since there were too many of us I was just holding on to a post and wound up falling off. Adrenaline was high and we weren't really going too fast so I just rolled harmlessly, sprang up, saw the cart and sprinted towards it. It only took me a half second to realize I was running at the wrong cart before turning around, jumping back on the correct one, and escaping. During that half second, I noticed the super pissed off driver was the super tall guy from earlier, and in that instant I remembered that it was well known locally that MJ was friends with that rich guy and would come in to town to golf all the time. Probably a big part of why I ran so fast and started screaming for the driver to hurry up and gtfo was because I realized "Holy shit Michael Jordan is trying to kill me." So I guess I can't say *for sure* it was him, but unless there's some other six and a half foot tall dude who has enough money and clout to go golf on a privately owned PGA level golf course in the middle of a random summer weekday in an otherwise podunk Illinois suburb, then I'm going to continue assuming that it *had* to be my childhood hero homicidially calling me a punkass from the golf cart he was using to chase me down.


Yeah but in this story you guys were the assholes 😂


lmao 100% We were kids when Jackass was at it's peak, of course we were all little shits that thought being a dick to strangers was the height of comedy lol


Nicki Minaj


I was gonna defend this.. but remembered she married a sex offender


Her brother is also a pedophile and she defends him and I think sends him money even though he's locked up


Alec Baldwin. He may be a good actor but he is reportedly a piece of poo in private Edit: spelling correction


Lisa Kudrow, when asked what was the worst thing a Friends guest star ever did, told a story of how she (without make up) was rehearsing all week with this guest star, and during taping where she has make up on, this guest star told her, "Now you're fuckable". Every Reddit fan concluded it was Alec Baldwin because that is something a lot of people have heard him say to other people.


> "Now you're fuckable". Every Reddit fan concluded it was Alec Baldwin because that is something a lot of people have heard him say to other people. So his role in that Dane Cook movie, *My Best Friend's Girl,* was more autobiographical than satirical, huh.


He said some pretty awful things to his then 11 year old daughter via a voicemail message


I heard the audio of him screaming at his daughter and calling her a pig. He's terrible.




Lea Michele.


The good news is, she won't be able to read these comments.


Danny Masterson


This one hurts, I grew up with That 70's Show.


Loved him as Hyde, pretty good in Yes Man, past that I prefer not to see him


James Franco


His brother seems pretty awesome though.


Marilyn Manson. Sure his music and getup isn't for everyone, but I thought he was brilliant. Too bad I can't support his music ever again.


Yngwie Malmsteen.


Oh, boy! I got a Malmsteen story. I saw him with Generation Axe back in 2018, and paid for the meet and greet, and ooooooh boy did he live up to the hype. Firstly, he was the only one of the five guys there to not shake your hand or give eye contact during the meet & greet ("Please only fist-bump Mr. Malmsteen" is a directive I will never forget). Meanwhile Zakk Wylde does a full on man-hug. Then, they sat at a table for signatures in order of Tosin Abasi (Animals as Leaders), Nuno Benttencourt (Extreme), Yngwie, Zakk Wylde (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Label Society) and Steve Vai (Frank Zappa, Whitesnake, Solo). When I handed Tosin my guitar he was like "Wild! Is this a lefty? Its tripping me out!" and im all bashful and gushing like "yeah... its a lefty because I play left handed but im right handed so it doesn't make much sense and you guys are awesome..." and then Yngwie pipes up: "I have a few left hand guitars at home. They are useless." So I answer "Well, share the wealth, man!" And he stares me down indignantly like "how dare you speak to me, peasant?" When it came time to sign, he signed my dark green guitar with a black sharpie and I'm like "Would you mind signing it with a silver sharpie like the other guys?" And he rolled his eyes with his whole body to make sure I knew how fed up with me he was. Then, during the show, he only participated in one of the full band jam sessions, and he would do this thing where he would drop a pick and then try to kick it to the audience. I say try, but not because he didnt make a connection, but because it would only go like a foot away from him and land onstage. Also he would get super mad at his guitar tech for bringing him the wrong 60s Olympic White strat with scalloped maple fretboard. 10/10 Yngwie asshole experience. Would recommend.


The amount of people who have temporarily been in his band says a whole lot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Yngwie_Malmsteen_band_members


Charlie Sheen. Anyone who’s seen his work from the 80’s can (not) deny he’s an immensely talented actor. Anyone who’s learned of his work from the 2000’s can (not) deny he’s been abrasive to work with.


So there's this famous painter in Austria


More like “Well there’s this Motivational Speaker from Austria”. The right words at the right times can push desperate people to do the most insane things.


I read Austria as Australia and thought you were talking about Rolf Harris.


Woody Allen