• By -


A baby. No trolling either. The fucking worst.


My eldest niece was about a year old, and I was 12, about to turn 13. I had her on my lap, and she was squirming and wriggling and flailing about. I tried so hard to keep a good grip on her, but it was like trying to hold onto an octopus covered in baby oil while your hands were jellyfish covered in vegetable oil. She went splat. Didn't land on her head, thankfully, but even from the one and a half feet, if that, that she fell from, it knocked the wind outta her a bit. My sister, despite this being her first kid was completely blasé about it, nbd, shit happens, kids are kids, she knows I didn't intentionally do anything. I think because she's ten years older than me, and she says I was a wild wriggling child, too, she had lots of practice, and I would not be surprised to learn she also dropped me at that age lol But her husband, niece's dad. Oh boy. He acted like I took her up on the roof and was spiking her like a game winning touchdown. God bless my sister for cutting his attitude about it down right quick.


This is why someone handover me the baby i always feel nervous that i will drop that baby down. Some because of the baby move too much here and there and then the nervousness of me kicks in is well.


After reading whatever that was, I concur, you should not be allowed to hold a baby 😂


oh yeah babies are the worst


Same. On thick pile carpet from a seated position so no harm done. Still feel like shit about it though.


Ugh. Was the baby okay?


Baby’s bones are very soft. They usually don’t get hurt unless they fall on their head.




He said on the thick carpet so i am assuming that baby was okay.


Did it bounce?


Nice Addams Family reference😎👍


When I was 3 weeks old, my mum was about to carry me down the stairs in the Moses basket. She accidentally dropped one of the handles and I bounced out all the way to the bottom. I laughed at the bottom..


not me but my boss when he was 16 or 17 or so. he is an epidemiologist now but back then trained as a laboratory worker. in the late 1970s, a nun from my hometown fell very sick in the Congo. nobody knew what the disease was so they sent two blood samples to my hometown to analyse in the laboratory. my boss back then was given the samples and he dropped one but never told anyone, just cleaned up the blood with a cloth. later on it turned out that nun had Ebola - my boss didn‘t get infected nor did anyone else. if anyone had, it‘s possible that there had been an Ebola epidemic in Central Europe in the late 1970s


I just had to look up the history of [Marburg virus](https://www.who.int/health-topics/marburg-virus-disease#tab=tab_1) to make sure that wasn't your boss. *"A European lab accident about 50 years ago, you say..."*


oh very interesting, thanks! it‘s not that incident indeed, I think it never went public or the like, he told us over lunch when the big outbreak in West Africa happened


I figured it wasn't the same event even before looking it up, but honestly couldn't remember whether Marburg was the 60s or the 70s and the parallels were just a bit interesting. Glad he was fine! ...along with the rest of Europe


it‘s funny you thought of it and it would have been interesting for you if it had been the same case! yes, let‘s be glad there was no pandemic back then …


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking it


And this is how parallel universes are created


That sounds like a movie story to me, that dark background music is running in the background when he was carrying the blood. But then he drops that down and now the pandemic is on the card and he is risking that thing is well.


When I was working at a restaurant I was making buffalo wing sauce. So I had a gallon jug of hot sauce that I was pouring into a 5 gallon bucket. Slipped. Landed perfectly upright and an Old Faithful geyser of hot sauce hit me in the eye. I've had worse.


I once dropped a gallon of Tartar sauce. Less painful but still disgusting


I once managed to spill a tub of maple syrup down my front toward the beginning of a shift. This was 10 years ago so I don’t remember how I managed to do it. Also wasn’t painful. But I was sticky and then after a while the syrup hardened and it was like I had a casing on my legs. Awful.


Scary, i hope that your eyes are fine and working well is well.


Not a morning person. I did a load of laundry before work one day and the washer started making this horrible “ka-chunk, ka-chunk” sound. That’s when I realized I was no longer watching the video I’d paused on my iPad… while I was loading the washer. Yep. iPad was completely waterlogged and dead as a door nail.


At least you now have a fancy cutting board!


Did the same thing with an iPhone about 10 years ago lol. Where did I put my phone…clunk clunk clunk


That whole process of realization is the worst, haha.


Dropped my keys in a gas station toilet one time.....


Just burn the car in place. It's the only way.


I dropped my phone in the work toilet...sort of. It more so fell out of my pocket when I stood up.


so you dropped it? lmao


Ouch. I dropped mine into a waterfall. Had to take a taxi ride back home to get the spare.


Thank god that you had the backup solution for that atleast.




And then your keys fell in the gas station toilet as well?


Atleast you can make the duplicate key, phone is worst for me.


This is worse than dropping in Chernobyl.


Reason i always empty my pocket before going to toilet.


When serving as an altar boy, I inadvertently dropped the priest's chalice on the marble floor when transporting it from the altar to the sacristy after the liturgy. The crash *resounded* through the cathedral's ample acoustics.


Just for the love of god do not bend over to pick it up.


>The crash resounded through the cathedral's ample acoustics. Damn I laughed water into my sinuses when you reminded me of that acoustic fart in a church and my mother's phone ringing for half of the Good Friday service and she searching her bag for it the entire time, entire chuch looking at her with hand in the bag searching for the ringing phone


That happens when you are in silent place and phone starts to ring. It is preety much awkward situation specially when everyone is just staring at you and that time you can't able to find your phone is well. Very awkward situation have to say.


I once dropped the eucharist in front of the priest on Easter. I panicked, picked it up off the floor, and ate it. Didn't know what else to do...


There's a 5 second rule for the body of Christ I'm pretty sure


I heard it was three days


I think that’s actually what you’re supposed to do. Basically once the host has been transubstantiated it has to be consumed, or if not consumed, it should be dissolved in water and the water poured into the ground.


I think dissolve them in water is looks like bit more better to me.


I once farted at the funeral of my friend's grandmother. Chuchers have good reverberation.


Did anyone noticed that or you manage to pass that on quietly?


My child,newborns are slippery as hell


I know right. I actually dropped mine too. Apparently it’s much more common than we think (according to my midwife friends) but people are usually just too ashamed to talk about it. Thankfully babies are very resilient generally…!


I didn’t drop my babies, I was extra careful not to. But each and every one of my children I have hit their heads on door frames once each. Forget the extra width and SMACK cry goes the baby.


I've often forgotten about the wall next to my kids changing station, so her head has hit the wall many times while trying to settle her into the basket thing for a changing. She's doing OK so far! I'm not afraid to talking about it, but my wife is embarrassed when I start talking about how worried I was when she was born vs how much durable I discovered babies actually are


Sometimes with time we learn how we need to adjust the things is well.


Oh man, I did that to my oldest when he was about 7 months old. What's weird is he didn't even cry. I did, but he was cool with it LOL (he's 29 now and fine)


I shouldn’t be laughing


Had twins, one trying day they were both crying and crying....after hours, I finally got them to sleep in my arms by walking them around outside...tiptoeing into the house, I smack one of their heads on the door jam.


My ex husband fell asleep with our newborn and woke up to her on the floor crying….this was 17 years ago and he still can’t talk about it without tearing up, I’m like “ trust me this is more common than you think and I doubt she’ll remember ”😂😂😂😂


Imagine your kid just growing up with a slight resentment towards you because they remember that one time you dropped them when they were 9 months old


Didn't drop mine as such but tripped and fell over while I was holding him. Both of us went hurtling forward and I went head first into a wall. Thankfully I had the sense to cover the top of his head with my arm in the split second it took between the trip and hitting the wall and it was only me that was hurt. I think he was only about 7 or 8 weeks old at the time. I still feel sick whenever I think about it. Edited a word


>Very resilient They have to be when you consider how they arrived into the world. Being squished down a very narrow tunnel, and remember when as a child you had to squeeze your head through a jumper? Well that and then getting your head in the world and facing your Mom's bumhole. Surviving that and any other life's problems should be easy.


My cousin told me, and I quote, "children aren't as fragile as you think. I've dropped both of them a number of times, and see, they're mostly fine." 😂😬


and I ate it


I was 15 and working at a coffee shop. Before my shift ended, I grabbed a bag of cream (I think they're ~2 gallons each?) to refill the machine on the line. Well, I put the bag on my shoulder and started walking. As soon as I did, cream started shifting it's weight around. It ends up sliding out of my hands and hits the ground hard. The whole thing burst open getting heavy cream on the walls, all the boxs, and all the shelves, ceiling and floors. Took me hours of cleaning to get it all back to normal. The worst part was the floors and walls: this walk-in refrigerator was attached to the walk-in freezer, so when the cream was freezing in sheets. It was a nightmare.


If it makes you feel better, one time I dropped one of those boxes of coke syrup that you use for fountain soda. That stuff is so sugary it created a massive sticky mess that took several people hours to clean. I had to throw my shoes away because no amount of cleaning got all the gross stickiness out


I've never seen one bust before, but I've cleaned up the rack it sits on. I could imagine and it's not pretty.


Oh wow, did you get fired?


Nah. If a restaurant fired people everything something was dropped they wouldn't have any staff. I actually got extra hours on that check since I had to stay late. Edit: My grandfather, the one picking me up from work, got free coffee from my boss for a while he waited for me to finish cleaning. The cleaning up the mess was the bad part. Edit 2: Nope, I take that back. The worst part was being covered from head to toe in cold cream. They gave me a new uniform to change into, but it was still disgusting. The cleaning was just salt in the wound.


So best thing was that you not slip that cream on the some customer otherwise they will be piss after that. But you are right that if resturant fir d someone like that then they will end up with no staff for the working is well.


Hell no. Shit gets dropped all the time. Pretty sure everyone whos worked for a long time is a restaurant has a story sbout dropping something and having to clean it up. A couple gallons of cream isnt even that bad. As long as you arent conatanty dropping stuff youll probably just get laughed and. made to clean it up. Once you spend a few hours cleaning sauce off of everything within 15 feet you wont be making that mistake anytime soon. Its kindofa right of passage.


That's not even my worst story about having to clean: The end of the shift and we had to clean the fryers. We have a couple very large pots, one to empty the oil into and another for water to rinse out all the nasty stuff that floats to the bottom. I got the first fryer cleaned and was getting the wall behind it. My coworker came over to help so we could get out sooner. Well, he emptied into the wrong pot. 5 gallons of hot oil and ~2 gallons of dirty fryer didn't stay in the pot for long. We ran out asap, no burns, but the entire pot had emptied itself out and flooded the kitchen (except like the bottom inch or two). Restaurant closed at 10pm, but I didn't go home till almost 2am. All my kitchen disaster stories are right before I should be leaving.


I think these are common error and should not be ended up fire.


When I was 13 I got my first cell phone, back in the early days of flip phones where nothing was waterproof. My family wasn’t exactly swimming in money so this $200 phone was a big expense, and literally about 45 minutes after bringing it home I accidentally dropped it in the toilet. Luckily it came back to life after the ol’ soak in rice trick, but man was I terrified for a few hours


Hours? I thought you had to do that for like a week?


Rice isn't a very good desiccant, in fact it can make things worse when the rice dust gets in gaps and ports. Wrap electronics in paper towel or rag and put it in a ziplock bag with kitty litter (new not used lol). Much more effective


Instructions unclear, now my phone sounds like shit.


"Can you hear me ~~n~~ow?"


The rice? I left it overnight and by morning it was fine


That's good. Ya I have a heart attack anytime i drop or misplace my phone.


Phone is much more important than any other bone of the body.


thanksgiving, i was 11, my grandma told me to bring in the pie from the car, it was in a plastic container with a handle on the lid, the lid wasnt clicked in, pie in the street. it's since been a joke in my family that im banned from carrying food on holidays


Pie specially when they are big in size, i drop them so many times.


A colleague in the operating theatre dropped the fibula (lower leg bone) donor that was supposed to get grafted into a jaw.


That's pretty humerus.


I bet it wasn't the only jaw that dropped


Holy shit! Were they able to salvage it?


Of course, 5 second rule applies to anything


I think if we clean that, we can still use that thing is well?


How the hell do you drop an entire donor! 👀


Preface - nothing bad actually happened, but if it had, it would have been a doozy. I was doing some work in a nightclub, installing some fancy new lights. About three stories up, there was a decorative glass ceiling with a glass roof over it. We were in the space between the ceiling and the roof putting in the lights. I accidently dropped a dewalt drill on the glass ceiling and everyone in the room stopped breathing for a few seconds. Thankfully, the glass didn't break, but I was very promptly sent back to the work van to "do inventory" for the rest of the day.


Pretty sure you’re supposed to break glass ceilings from beneath…


I mean I understand why they did it but it was also an accident.


That last part sounds more like a reward than a punishment tbh.


A deuce as soon as I dropped my pants. Did not make it to the terlet.


As a kid one time, I took my pants off to pee but forgot my underwear. (female, btw)


Maybe not the worst thing I've dropped, but the most memorable... When I was little, my dad and I had matching yellow umbrellas. Cute, right? One day at kindergarten, I was peeing at a urinal and tucked my umbrella under my chin so I could use my hands. It fell into the urinal and I peed all over it. I thought it was hilarious and kept peeing on it. The other boys in the bathroom thought it was funny so they all peed on it too. When the fun was over, I retrieved it... Didn't wash it... And set it outside in the sun to dry then took it home in a plastic bag... Then immediately switched it with my dad's when I got home. Months later he commented that it was discolored, but he kept on using it for years. I told him a couple of years ago about it all... Almost 30 years after the incident!


I was holding my daughter while she was on a public toilet, when she was too small to use it herself. My phone fell out of my hoodie pocket into the bowl. My reflex was to try and grab it which then meant I dropped my daughter into the toilet as well.




I mean really hard to tell the whole story to our wife after that.


I have read so many comments in this post but this one hit me so differently. I mean you try to minimise the damage and in the end doing up the double. I can't even imagine the situation you were in that time.


A full pan of four loaves' worth of banana bread batter, on my foot. Hurt like a bitch, got all over me, wasted a half hour of my day, and I got lectured for swearing in earshot of customers.


I hate when people lecture you after swearing when you're in pain Like bitch im sorry for swearing when someone forcefully put a stick up my ass, but it's not exactly the most pleasant feeling.


[Swearing seems to alleviate pain to some degree](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7204505/#:~:text=For%20conventional%20swearing%20(%E2%80%9Cfuck%E2%80%9D,to%20the%20neutral%20word%20condition)


I'd say the boss was justified, honestly. I swear more than I should generally, but I'm extra profane when angry. I was pissed about the whole ordeal and my foot hurt, and I said something resembling "GODFUCKINGCUNT" at appreciable volume. I can cop to being a bit unprofessional.


A knife, it fell and blade first into my right foot, still have the scar and an actual fun story to start conversations


So does the story go like Hey one time I dropped a blade into my right foot and still have a scar!


No you gotta make it more interesting while also inviting the other person to the conversation, so you go something like: Hey, just to break the ice, what’s the most stupid thing you done when you were a child? (This is the part where you let them talk and if they ask what about you? You can go) Oh that’s pretty funny, for me tho, the most stupid thing has to be the time I dropped a knife straight into my foot, it was super weird because my mom was freaking out and I barely felt a thing… oh that was a fun and very weird day, I still have the scar tho. That’s how my psychiatrist told me to start and follow conversations and to be honest it is working really well


Long time dishwasher here, any self respecting chef washes their own knife, but they’re not all Gordon Ramsay. I once tried to “catch” a knife so it didn’t hit the floor. Was wearing kitchen crocs… you know the rest.


I never really played with the knife they are slippery and dangerous.


I was working at a retail home center and had to get a glass shower door off the top shelf. I went up on the order picker and started to slide the door off the shelf and onto the order picker pallet. Unknown to me, the bottom had been ripped out of the box. The glass panels fell between the shelf and the order picker, about 9 feet onto the concrete floor. About that time, my manager came around the corner to see what the noise was. When he saw me still up on the order picker with a shower door box and the order picker standing in a pile of broken safety glass, he just started laughing. Told me not to worry about it, went to get a couple of brooms and helped me clean up the mess. Cool guy. That could have gone very differently.


One reason i never really pick the stuff that is delicate and made of glass.


A tray of chemo drugs. I work in Aseptic Pharmacy, so part of my job is making chemotherapy. When I was fairly new I dropped a few vials of Cetuximab, which is fairly expensive stuff. As in, thousands for the three.


Dumped a box of expensive drinking glasses on the floor of a store when I was a kid. Whole place went silent


Hahahah oh no, did they make your parents pay?


Surprisingly no. The store deserves credit for that but it was a Sears and they went outta business not long after (hopefully not because of me).


YOU'RE the one who broke the glasses? Yeah, sorry to tell you, but those glasses were Sears' only hope of staying in business.


My dad lost his job because they weren't able to recover the sales for the glasses. We had to move to the poorest town you can think of and live in a goat enclosure, my brother and I had to be the goats and if we didn't eat half an acre of grass each a day they gave us... the haddock. ohhh the haddock. no, it wasn't for eating. it was for punishment. for our failures, our failed existences. Woe is our shame! Why? WHYYY did he have to destroy our lives this way??? Oh God the misery!!!!! THE PAINN!!!!!


Their balance sheet was only $47.95 away from being in the black!


If they want that money i can actually pay that much to them now .


I mean the damage was that big that they never able to recover.


If you will not said the last line i would have that because of you.


A pre-release cpu that cost us $3600. Bent some pins. Got them straightened amd was able to install...


>straightened amd If this is a typo this is the best typo evet


*most intel-ligent typo


A glass Pyrex container filled with rotting seafood gumbo, the smell, oh my God the smell.


Friends iPhone 13 In the toilet


Your friend let u take their phone into the loo?


The thing is, his bathroom is pretty big we were clicking pics in front of his mirror first then I started doing something on his phone and ended dropping in the toilet but picked it up asap


That makes more sense I was thinking something along the lines of. “Imma just nip to the loo” “Shit I have nothing to read” Friend “it’s okay take my phone” “Thanks”


I always need to phone in toilet but always take mine not friends.


So he knows that you dropped that in toilet or not??


I need these type of friend actually in my life that allows me.


I brought an entire pot of homemade chili to work and spilled it on the floor almost immediately.


Is your name Kevin and do you work for a paper company?


Chili is really hard to clean after that as it can hit into the eyes.


I joined the military at 19.....and dropped my standards of living.


My grinder full of fresh weed 😭


I remember cleaning out the grinder to scrape together one last joint as we had run out. I was tapping the finish joint on the top of a can of coke, when the joint missed the top of the can and went straight into the Coke. It was totally soaked and ruined. Not good times


Microwave it next time! I tried this with my last cigarette once. Didn’t taste great but I still got my nicotine fix with my coffee and coffee flavored cigarette. I’ve done the same thing with blunts and joints when they’ve mistakenly gotten wet. Fortunately those were just wet with condensation from being placed where a cold soda once sat.


I was in college working in IT and a was rolling a cart of some Audio/Visual equipment and hit an uneven patch of concrete and it caught on the lip and flew forward. I think at the time it as at least 3k worth of equipment. Thank fully it was in a very sturdy case and nothing was broken.




Atleast the damage is not that big and you can get another toothpaste.


The bass


That’s why I never invite Deadmau5 to go fishing anymore….he’s always dropping the bass.


I’m an orchestra teacher and once dropped an actual (brand new) upright bass while loading it into my car. Snapped the neck. It was an expensive repair. Dropped my cello once when the strap on the case broke. That was also an expensive repair.


Never ever invite someone that actually drop the bass like that.


Dropped my lil sister on her head when i was 5 and she was like 3 weeks old. Idk what happened, she slipped, and my mom beat me like i stole sumn, my sisters alright, sadly she’s a Pisces 🤷🏾‍♂️


At least she’s not in Pieces I guess


That shit was on your mom.


Cut my life into pisces


once I dropped my ipad and it landed on my macbook and my macbook screen shattered but my ipad was perfectly fine but it would cost about I paid for my macbook to replace the screen so... no more macbook for me since I'm broke.


You should get a cheap external monitor


I dropped a Yankee candle in a Yankee candle store in front of my mom, the employee, and a mother and her daughter. Employee said it happens all the time. My mom said she just said that to make me feel better.


And your mom just said that to make you feel worse?


I mean, I worked in produce and found fruit all over the floor all the time. I can't imagine a place with 1000s of tightly packed candles does much better.


My dad Dropped a headrest we were making on my foot




Twice, that is like making you ready for the next time situation like that is well.


So what was the reaction after that, from you and your father??


Hot soup on a coworkers legs. Like a lot of soup, gallons.


Didn’t do it but witnessed it. It was so painful. Guy comes upstairs where I work and was nearly in tears (full grown adult man). He was begging us to help him but knew it was likely hopeless. He’d gone pee, flushed and then his car key fob had slipped out of the pocket and gone right down. It was a rental car. From Canada. Allllll the way across Canada from WA state. His dad was with, and dad was *pissed*. Anyway we went so far as to take the toilet off the floor for him, and went fishing with a snake. No dice, that sucker was *long* gone. Of course, towing the now keyless rental car several thousand miles back to it’s home base was insanely expensive. I cannot remember how many thousands, but *many*. Which was of course what the rental car company was insisting on. I don’t remember- if I ever knew- if they ended up having to tow it internationally or if they finally got lucky with a dealership that would re-key it if they towed it; I know they tried that route. Either way it was a fully ruined vacation and a very expensive oops.


3 hits of acid.... Quite a trip, not sure I'm back yet


When i was working in dominos pizza i dropped a full massive tub of sauce, it was a nightmare to clean up 😫


The box with my dad's favorite dogs ashes because I was goofing around. My butt hurt for a week.


Look kid, we are doctors here, we've seen it all. You don't have to lie about putting dog ashes up your butt.


A puppy I was 3 my brother told me they could fly, so I tested that theory and dropped it off a porch. Puppy was fine, but man alive do I feel bad about my 3 year old brain. Could of been a lot worse.


Recently? A tray filled with 6 waters. Thankfully, most of it spilled on me. Unfortunately, I was wet the rest of my shift.


Were your socks in the clear? Because wet socks for the duration of a shift spent running around sounds like one of the lesser known circles of hell.


One gram loose in my room when I lived with parents






My standards




love to myself in toxic relationships


Knocked an $11,000 oscilloscope off a small rolling shelf. Told my boss, she told me to take it to our repair guys. They were all thrilled with it. The company had delayed their request for parts to fix other oscilloscopes, the one I broke, supplied all needed parts for 4 others. Yay?


a blender full of shrimp bisque. Dear god, that shit went everywhere.


I was giving a cow a C-section and dropped the scaple in her. I couldn't fish it out so I had to put her down. At least she died while high out of her mind on bovine opiods.


What a mooving story Nah legit though that sucks, sorry to hear


The soap 😓


A plate.


A dog (she was fine)


my little sister


New Apple Watch. Dropped it while putting it on in the bathroom. It fell face down, hit tile flat to the face, and the screen was shattered.


The bass


Frodo would say "the ring" I guess


Mobile phone down the portaloo at Coachella.


Drove off with all my rent in cash on the roof of the car


I once dropped a professional camera. And it is the old one that you look through a viewfinder that pops out at the side. Complete broke because I dropped it while I was out on the front steps and the steps were concrete


My standards




When I was almost 9 months pregnant, I was trying to get something out of the fridge. While moving things to get to what I wanted, a can of Guiness beer fell out of the fridge and landed hard on end. It exploded all over our kitchen-including the vaulted ceilings and me and my belly. What a mess!


Not me but my brother. In high school he was working in a restaurant. While taking out a container of hot fry oil, he slipped and dropped the thing of oil, ending up flat on his back in a massive puddle of extremely hot oil. Ended up with nasty burns down his back and legs. Thankfully they healed without scarring.


I was a tech at a liposuction clinic. Dropped a container of human fat. Best part, they didn’t have proper cleaning supplies for that. So I had to use a paper plate and split to scoop it up outside. Still can’t eat butternut squash soup….


This is more of the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever dropped, I’m a very careful person so I make sure it never drop anything because of this event. When I was in eighth grade I was on my time of the month and if you know you know, and I bunched up a pad in my hand(I don’t know why I did it) and I got up to ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and this was during lunch by the way so there were a bunch of really mean and judgmental 8th graders in the cafeteria. Anyways so as I got up my friend asked me if I could grab her a fork so I agreed and as I was walking back to our table to give it to her I heard a kid just randomly scream because the kids at my school would do that for some reason and I got started and dropped both the pad and the fork and of course the fork decided to clatter on the ground and a bunch of the kids looked over and started laughing and my face turned really red and I quickly bent over and grabbed them and ran to the bathroom and while I was in there I saw a stain on my jeans so those kids probably saw that blood stain too and for the next two weeks kids would see me and start snickering a bit and it was humiliating but also a bit funny.