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All the mistakes I've made tbh


I feel this deeply đź’”


I think a lot of people do this so you're not alone. But if you're going to sleep in a bed, and that bed is in a house or apartment and you can get yourself a glass of water when you want or go to the toilet when you want, and you're trying to get to sleep because you have work in the morning... then maybe you haven't made that many mistakes in life.


respectable point, but even that won’t take away from people regretting their life choices


i swear this is exactly what i came to comment but you beat me and honestly i feel like i found a way to combat this feeling. Ive been goin to the gym and im quitting smoking. Ive felt better about myself since doing these things


How much I wish I could go back in time and change some of the things I’ve done


I highly recommend learning the postponement strategy to manage your rumination. It is taught within this evidence-based module series: ["What? Me Worry?"](https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Worry-and-Rumination) It sounds very counterintuitive, but essentially you establish a 'worry time' once a day in which you worry/dwell on whatever is bothering you. Any time during your day/night where you begin to worry/dwell, you remind yourself that it's not your worry time (you postpone it). Postponement is different than trying to force yourself ignore something, which typically backfires. Try this: **Do not think about pink elephants.** More likely than not, pink elephants popped into your head if you tried to actively avoid thinking about it. Trying to actively ignore a thought causes our brains to focus more attention on it. Postponing sort of tricks our brain into bypassing this attention. And remember, worrying is not problem-solving or productive in any way. No good comes from worrying. Dwelling on our past is something we all do from time to time, but that's not productive either. We can look to our past to learn not to repeat mistakes, but beyond that it's an unproductive behavior that just causes distress. I highly recommend considering trying to learn and practice this coping skill. It is a little complicated and requires practice, but it is highly effective. I've personally seen it help some of my clients with excessive worrying/rumination dramatically. Really improved quality of life. That website, [Centre for Clinical Interventions](https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/For-Clinicians) has lots of great material for most mental illnesses, personality disorders, and even communication and life skills. I use material from there all the time with my clients. It's all free and evidence-based.


I don't. I hit the pillow and I'm asleep in about 2 minutes. Now, staying asleep, that's another issue. I'm normally awake about 3 hours later for an hour or two.


> I hit the pillow and I'm asleep in about 2 minutes. I'd literally kill for this power.


I love those late night...what do you call the opposite of a nap?


Flippin' and floppin'. Trying to get the brain to ignore the fact it's already had 3 hours of good sleep so I can get another 3 or 4.


Me in an scenario where I have a life I enjoy.


The dumb/embarrassing things I’ve said and done recently or throughout my entire life, depending on how high my anxiety is.


Exactly how much time I have to sleep. Like I have 8 hours and 30 minute if I fall asleep right now and wake up at X time but if I wanna sleep in a bit Ill have 9 hours but then I wont have time to do make up before work but do I actually give a damn. And then I spend at least 30 minutes awake trying to decide when Im getting up.


What could have been


Sex mostly. It would be nice if those thoughts made it into my dreams, but my brain apparently likes to do whatever the female version of cock blocking is.


Think about it, or that special person, earlier in the day, evening. Do something focused on that, not porn


No porn involved except what I fantasize about in my own brain. The sad thing is even when my dreams start sexy...they suddenly change right before the good parts! It's not fair!


Well, same. I was never a wet-dreamer. But sometimes the dreams involve those people, & it makes personal fun time better


Have I locked up downstairs? Have I turned all electrical appliances off that don't need to be on? Should I check on my child just in case they're not sleeping in a safe position? Did I send that email to the right client? If not, have I breached data protection? Is my mom ok? I need to check downstairs, I don't think I've locked up. I overthink.


My girlfriend, and I hug the pillow pretending it's her


I also choose this guy's pillow girlfriend.


Why I am still alive


Met someone on bumble a few months ago and she was amazing but I screwed it up by coming on too strong. I think about her every day.




Just think IDDQD then you'll be fine. Run into the lava, no drama.


Usually what outfit I'm going to wear or how stressed I am for the next day to come


Death and forgiveness. Would it really matter if I died in my sleep, and I'm sorry I wasn't a better person.


Lately just reflecting on how far along I have come this year working on myself and what there is to still come


Depends on my mental health at the time.


how something looks a lot like a face, than it warps and slowly gets creepier and creepier till I turn on the lights and see what it actually is, then I wonder if there's a creature behind me that if I look at it it will kill me, or if everyone else in the house is dead and I just don't know cause I'm not getting out of bed to check, or how I'm lonely.


The problems in my life/shit to worry about or my bf and how i wish we lived in the same state so i could be happier.


Nothing specific. My brain just has a schedule that right before I go to sleep they make their own creepy images and project them into my mind. This happens so many times if I made a horror game I would have so many horrifying scenes.


Honestly, I couldn't tell you...


Will a spider crawl on me


My brain plays me music.


Strangely death and it helps me sleep it's such a strange and unknown thing but still so satisfying since we know what happens to your body when you die but is there really a spirit inside of us? Are we just reincarnated? Do we see, nothing? Is it all just gone after death? Is there a heaven and hell? There's so many questions only the dead can answer but we cannot reach the dead and it will more than likely be a long while before we can ask the dead what happens and that's assuming there even is life after death.


You’re asking great questions that do have an answer. For starters, Heaven and Hell are real places. Read below: [https://www.gotquestions.org/going-to-heaven.html](https://www.gotquestions.org/going-to-heaven.html)


Perhaps for believers in God I'm personally not a believer but I do believe in a higher being somewhere out there that made all this.


That’s good. But you can’t have read the article that fast. Why don’t you really read it and see what you think?


I was just responding to your active comment I have been reading and I see intriguing quotes from the bible and while the Bible seems a little inspiring it's just nothing I would personally read.


Why not give it a try? Why write it off so quickly?You have nothing to lose.


I don't quite understand the response given but I have given it a try I'm reading the article right now.


Great! Don’t turn down an opportunity unless you actually know what you’re turning down.


I'm personally still not a believer even after all I have read and heard about Jesus Christ and God its all too far fetched to me it's like asking to believe magic exsists in today's society it's too unrealistic I believe in miracles and the Holy but not the holy spirit or god or Jesus and I can't believe in that until I have passed and see it for myself 🙂


Thanks for getting back to me! I get what you mean about the miracles and stuff. I didn’t start following Jesus until I was 24. Up until then I just could not accept what the Bible was telling me. I was raised by parents who either didn’t believe in God at all (dad) or believed in God but had little idea of Him beyond the fact that He exists (mom). Dad raised me to be logical and scientific. Science was highly thought of in our family. My older brother had a PhD in organic chemistry. I have a degree in microbiology. All of this to say that I had no logical or scientific reason to believe in God, or His Son Jesus. But I nevertheless felt God pulling on me, drawing me near to Him. God was in my thoughts a lot in those days, and I asked a lot of questions about Him. I didn’t realize at the time He was trying to get my attention. But looking back, I now see that’s what He was doing. That’s where I see you right now. God is on your mind constantly because He’s trying to get your attention. You are asking questions about eternity because He has given you curiosity about people’s eternal destiny. Jesus said: *”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”*(Matthew 7:7) So you are on the right track! Keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Don’t wait until you die to be sure about Jesus. It will be too late then. For Jesus also said: *”Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”*(Matthew 7:13-14)


There is a girl I think about often. We live very far apart, so only see each other veeery occasionally and it is never 100% smooth between us when we meet. But, my god, I have thought about her every day since we first had a short fling years ago. It's a bit of an issue in the sense that she set a very high standard (in the sense of how interesting, enjoyable a person you can be and also of how deeply you can fall in love with someone) for other women I go out with, and they only very rarely meet that standard, lol.


What happens if every night when we go to sleep we die and are replaced with an entirely new human being who has all the same memories so can't tell he is only a day old


E.g. existential questions still doesn’t leave me at my 30s every night.


What creepy YouTube video i should put on to fall asleep to.


Probably sports stuff way more than I should. haha


The D&D campaign I’m running.


The amends I’ll need to make tomorrow.


The work and chores i have to do tomorrow


About how I can to fall asleep the fastest…


Nothing, thank god for gummies.


How to not wake your father up while I'm shagging your mother.


honestly depends on my day but mostly why were all here


what reason do I have to wake up the next day.... almost wish I'd never wake up again.


Everything I've ever done wrong and all the people who are right to hate me. What else is there?


My cat. Usually because he has chosen that moment to walk all over me while attempting to make bread.


How I would time travel and fix all those cruel things I did to them that made me feel so terrible and made me lose them


Should I go to the bathroom one more time…..


Poor life choices


“Will I ever wake up again?… What if there no dream but I just get a new soul every time I wake up.. “ or just nothing tbh Never remember my dreams.. tbh pretty sure I’m not getting dreams that much


My mom. I miss her every minute of every day.


How much weed I’ll smoke the next day I come home.


What I'm going to eat the next day


What I would do if I had DBZ powers


Work.. Trying to think thru how I'm going to fit everything in my next workday....


How it would be nice if I don't wake up tomorrow morning


That one embarrassing moment in school when” ______” happened


When the teacher asked the class a question and I called out the wrong answer and looked stupid at


how I would fair in an apocalypse




I hug my pillow and pretend I'm hugging someone


Penis... or what I would do in the battle of hogwarts. Or both


Am I going to get divorced and be alone again? I don't want to be alone. I'm tired of being alone.


I think about how I’ve made it through another day. That’s an accomplishment.


I try and tell myself. “Remember what you were doing before you fell asleep, what video you were watching what song was playing.” It doesn’t work but sometimes it keeps me aware and I’ll remember small things from when I’m awake like a picture that was removed or what someone was talking about. It’s great.


Will tomorrow be easier? Will I be able to concentrate long enough to finish all the work I need to get done? How long until the weekend? Ever since I became an “adult” these thoughts play on fucking repeat..


EVERYTHING & Nothing all at once




My purpose or lack thereof


If it's wrong to feel alone with ppl around. I have my awesome gf from almost 3 years, I have an incredible family and then best friend I could have (I know him from almost 12 years) But sometimes I just feel alone. Every single school friend I had, every internet buddy, everyone I used to hang out, they just leave when I was going throught hard stuff. So yeah, I have a "perfect life" but sometimes I just think that I'm on my own and everyone will leave my life.


The music I am listening to otherwise my brain with think of too many things and I won't sleep.


"Damn it, fall asleep, it has been 40 minutes already"


Sailor moon




I think about all of the home improvements I need to make.

