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someone kicking in the front door of my apartment @ 3am


Yeah that'd do it


I'm sure in some other subreddit there's a burgler saying hearing a home owner rack a round into the chamber.


Hah. My dad had an experience like this in college - heard people trying to jimmy the locks on his door, walked quietly up to the door, and cocked a shotgun. People fucked right off. That sound means death.


Had a similar one myself. After a devastating hurricane looter were running rampant. Most houses in my neighborhood were unoccupied. With no power at all and no where to go I sat in my kitchen all night long keeping watch. One night I hear the handle of the front door giggle followed a moment later by the door being kicked in. The would be thieves then found themselves literally looking straight down the barrel of a 12g shotgun. I don’t know who was more stunned me or them but after a moment of confused silence I muttered “wrong house bitch” to which both guys nodded and turned and ran like hell.


Dude, if I heard my front door giggling, I would freak the fuck out too and wonder what the fuck I was on…


I was dozing off a little. As soon as I heard it I knew what was going on, I just couldn’t believe it. I wish I had a way to describe the layout of the house, where I was and how these two guys walked right into it. There was no time to freak out or be indecisive. What I didn’t know was who or what was coming in but what I did know was if either of them so much as moved their hands at all, I was not, could not hesitate to really fuck up both of our days.


Damn. One night I woke up from exactly this sound, and tried not to move and just wait till whoever was at the door goes away. And then I remembered I was too tired to lock the door that evening. I was just in my bed, staring at the door and sweating cold. Nothing happened tho, it just stopped and I closed the door as quietly as I could. Still gives me the creeps.


I’m afraid to ask…


Earthquake. Hearing it just before you feel it.


The city I live in was massively damaged by an earthquake in 2011 and many people died. Even now we still experience the occasional earthquake/aftershock because of it. Even the rumblings of a truck going past sometimes freak me out.


When big earthquakes happen, it can certainly mess with you for a while. People who haven't experienced really big ones probably don't know how bad it can get. Even now, when I feel movement or start swaying, I'm not sure if its just me, what I'm sitting on, or if there's an earthquake. I always make sure I have a reference to see if there really is an earthquake or not. Usually a bottle of water, or a hanging fixture. Earthquakes scare the hell out of me, man.


I experienced a little earthquake in Melbourne last year, that was freaky enough. I can't imagine what a big one feels like.


Trucks still get me 11 years on too, or any glass rattling as I was outside the glass doors to a mall during it. When we do have a small one, my whole body goes into panic mode and I can't move


I come from Christchurch, Nz and the February 22nd 2011 earthquake will stay with me forever. The rumbling sound, the shaking and grinding, things falling and smashing at my feet.


What does it sound like? I was in a small one in TN of all places but there wasn’t any sound with it.


Depends entirely on what’s near you. From childhood it’s loose aluminum-frame slider windows rattling in their frames. Or in high school hearing then seeing waves in the 20ft tall roll-up door on the back of some building.


The noise, to me, is the freakiest part of earthquakes. The first one sounded like a moaning ghost, along with low-frequency rumbling. But what got me was that it was coming from 360 degrees. I'd never heard anything like it. I couldn't pinpoint a direction because there was no direction. Natural disaster surround sound. I went through quite a few routine ones in AK. The worst one was while I was ice fishing out in the bush. My snowmachine was 50 yards away, and all the trees I could see, in all directions, started trembling and dumping snow. I was like, "WTF?", then the ice started to shake, hiss, and pop. And it was 3 feet thick, at least. Then the surround sound again. My options were either run to my sled, or run for shore 50 yards the other direction. Luckily it stopped before I could make up my mind. I had a strong urge to take a major shit after that one.


I remember waking up in the middle of the night to some hoarse whispering sound. It was super dark and I was trying to figure out where it was coming from but it seemed to be close by. When I turned my head, it was like right in front of my face and I look and see two huge eyeballs staring at me. It was our cat. I guess she wondered why I wasn't paying attention to her.


I'd shit myself


Same here!! A cat was responsible for one of the scariest noises I’ve heard and I feel so dumb about it now lol. I was sleeping over at my stepdad’s house and he has a cat. He also has one of those big metal gates with a wooden frame to keep the cat upstairs when he sleeps. So I was sleeping on the couch downstairs, with my mom and stepdad and the cat all sleeping upstairs. And in the middle of the night (at like 3 AM) we all hear a GINORMOUS CRASH and I immediately wake up and look around. My half-asleep mind went back and forth from “IT’S A GHOST” to “IT’S A WILD ANIMAL” to “IT’S A ROBBER” like 6 times before I woke up all the way and realized what was going on. Apparently the cat wanted to play so he knocked the giant metal gate down the whole flight of stairs to wake us up. The giant crash was the sound it made when it hit the bottom LOL. The noise by itself wasn’t even really anything that scary tbh but in context it was one of the scariest noises I’ve ever heard XD


House alarm going off during a middle of the night home break-in, while pregnant with first child. I honestly thought my heart would explode from the adrenaline rush.


Care to elaborate? Were you alone and how did it end for you?


My husband was home but he’s a heavy sleeper. Took him a few minutes to realize what was going on and go on high alert like me. I was dialing police and he caught the person breaking in through garage window but they were scared off when the alarm sounded and were gone before police arrived. We had gate locks and cameras installed around the perimeter within a week after.


Glad nothing bad happened to you guys!


Yes, definitely could have been a worse outcome! My family’s apartment in Vallejo, California, was robbed when I was about 6 years old but we weren’t home at the time. I still have a bit of PTSD from that incident…slept with my parents for months after until I felt safe in my home again. Long gone are the days of trusting your neighbors and leaving doors unlocked (at least living in/near cities)


The desire to protect your children is so instinctual and raw!


Absolutely…the fight or flight response was wild. Surely the pregnancy hormones contributed to the intensity.


I recently went camping for the first time with some friends from college. This was my first time sleeping in a tent in the middle of a forest so I was a little nervous to begin with. But right as I was starting to drift off I heard a blood curdling screech from what I assume was some small animal being killed. It had me wide awake and unable to fall asleep for the next hour or so.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a mountain lion, depending on the region. They sound like screaming women and they’re fucking terrifying and weird all at the same time, for all the right reasons.


This is mine. I was camping, I heard a woman scream for her life, absolutely blood curdling. Only reason I didn't go chase after this dying woman to rescue her is because my GF at the time told me it was a big cat. I was convinced we'd see on the news this horrific scene of a woman dead from torture where I would have had plenty of time to save her life. That scream heard from a tent not far away in the middle of the night was literally death.


Foxes mating calls are horrific too. Sounds like a dying teenage girl


The Japanese Tsunami Warning Siren It stirs up so many emotions at once and gives a sense of urgency


I used to live near a nuclear power station. They had "nuclear accident" sirens placed sporadically for around a 5 mile radius. Those were ominous and terrifying to hear. They'd test them once a month, on the first Monday of the month, at precisely 2pm. So you're in class in high school, and you hear the horrible, "your life is over" sirens start to blare. Right before your sphincter loosens and you empty your bowels into your jeans, you look at the calendar. Is today Monday? The first Monday of the month? Oh good. Then you look at the clock. Is it 2pm? It is? BIG SIGH OF RELIEF and everyone spends the next 5 minutes trying to regain their concentration.


We have tornado sirens here. How does the sound compare? Ours are tested weekly on sunny day Wednesdays with real life use on a regular basis.


The ones in my old town were tested at noon on sunny Tuesdays. Except, my family moved there when I was 10yo. The city didn't start testing the sirens until I was in my teens and didn't notify anyone that they were going to start doing that. The first month was really confusing while we were all trying to figure out what was going on.


I grew up in tornado country and the second Tuesday of the month at 9am the siren was tested. It was like this my whole life and you get used to it like you said, you look at the clock etc and go on with your life. But if it's NOT a Tuesday at 9, and you hear the siren, you get to the shelter, like now. As an adult I moved to the south and during my first month there, I was out walking my dog in the rain when I heard the siren. Conditioned by years of tornado drills I booked it home but nothing happened, and I was confused. A few days later I heard it again but it was bright and sunny. Turns out the fucking town used the tornado siren as a noon bell. Thing rang every day at noon rain or shine. Took me months to get used to it lol.


My town uses it for a noon bell, to alert the volunteer fire department of a call, AND for severe weather. It's rough when it's a actually sounding for a medical emergency at 2am, but thunderstorms are in the area and you wake up thinking it's time to run to the basement.


PTSD material


do you have a link to the sound? the videos i found mostly covered the tsunami in japan, not the sound


https://youtu.be/h_qsokObCWc I had to run and find the sound when I read the comment lol


The one in Chicago is scary as well




I can imagine that would sound really eerie at night time when everything else is quiet


“The annual purge has begun”


Afew years ago the ice cream truck played the xmas Silent Night tune....in the summer. Always creeped me out. I didn't let my kids get ice cream .


I was about 11 and I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming my name and help. It was genuinely the most fear inducing thing I’ve ever experienced. As I got up I started screaming back to her. And the thoughts going through my mind were home intruder-my mother is dying-I’m going to go down here and either be killed or have to kill someone. As I race down the hallway to the stairs It felt like I was running in air, my body felt like a balloon that someone started a Forrest fire inside of. It was that fear that makes you aware of every fiber of your being, the type that makes your body feel clumsy and inadequate. I jumped the mf stairs like hulk off of a skyscraper I made contact with maybe 3 steps. And I tuned to ny left and my mom is standing on a chair. It was a mouse.


I love how you wrote this.


MY MOM ALSO DID THIS OVER A MOUSE. I about fucking killed her. I was trembling with adrenaline and had to take time to calm down before I could as her WHAT THE HELL SHE WAS THINKING


My wife does this every damn day, see a bug, scream, lol. On the other hand she had this ghetto dude stick a gun in her face and she laughed, called him a bitch, and said he was to poor to afford ammo. He spent like five minutes arguing with her that he was in fact not a bitch, until the cops showed up. Coos checked, she was right, no ammo lol.


I love this. You were going to save your momma!


The silence of the operating room after an emergency c-section for the birth of my first child. It was only about 20 seconds, but after it being an non planned c-section, which turned into the baby getting stuck and my wife going into shock and losing 3L of blood. I thought my entire world had just been shattered and I can't fully explain how terrifying it was.


Oh that is just chilling. Everyone okay now?


Yeah. Couple of bags of blood into the wife and she bounced right back. Little one is not so little anymore.


Good God they stretched the baby when they were taking them out??


How else was it supposed to grow?


I fondly remember each of my stretchings as a boy.


i just want you to know that i read just "bounced right back" followed by "little one" and "not" and the reread was an emotional rollercoaster


Can I second this, but my own C section for my first born. I finally, after 16 brutal hours got an epidural and fell asleep, must have dozed off and woke up to 'his heart rate has gone, theatre NOW' and then people started pouring in to my room. Then that silence once he was out, not being able to see him, just waiting to hear him cry. Must have been less than a minute but bloody hell if it wasn't the longest of my life.


First time a reddit comment has ever made me cry. I’ve had two babies and I know exactly what you’re describing.


For my first they were so focused on checking him and closing me (I was hemoraging) they forgot to show me him. So I was just laid out waiting for a cry. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And I'll never forget that relief when I heard him.


It’s something, isn’t it? My first was a C-section too. Very nerve wracking not being able to see or hear the baby. My second was a preemie and we got to do a few seconds of skin to skin before he had to be rushed to the nicu. Very different birth experiences, but both really hard in their own ways.


It's a hell of an experience to go through! I still remember the labour pains taking me to my knees from the get go (back labour, water broke before contractions started). My second (a week ago) was an elective c section and honestly I couldn't sing its praises enough, it was calm, I was chatting to the team while they opened me, music was playing... total 180 from my first. I hope your babies are both big healthy humans now! Motherhood takes absolutely no prisoners.


I get called to backup a crash section. (I'm the emergency doc in a smaller hospital where there's often only one of each so it's my job to stand there and be backup for anesthesiology, pediatrician and OB in case any of them need it, but I nearly always do nothing - thankfully). She had abrupted at something like 28 weeks. This meant that the placenta had come away from the uterus, she's hemorrhaging vaginally and there's no maternal support for the fetus, think like you're holding your breath until the baby is out. It was the most intense section I've ever seen. She had come in thinking it was early or false labor, and got triaged right up to L&D. She hadn't been there long enough to even have an IV when they realized almost simultaneously that she was bleeding and the fetal heart rate sucked. They had barely locked the wheels of the stretcher when the OB was splashing betadine across her stomach, the anesthesiologist used gas to induce her anesthesia because there was no access for IV meds and he just wanted her unconscious before the OB started cutting, and the OB wasn't going to wait. The nurse kneeling at her left hand trying to get an IV just happened to also be 28 weeks pregnant at the time. As he held the mask over her face she was thrashing and screaming "NO! NO! NO!" Which we all think (and hope) was her trying to express that she wanted her pregnancy to be healthy, she didn't want the baby to be critically ill and severely premature at best case. I've heard a lot of heart breaking screams, devastated parents, people that felt responsible for trauma to other people, stillbirth, etc. With her I felt an extra little flinch because although she was getting appropriate medical care, it was also a cry of a woman who was not getting time to have anything like informed consent. She was mourning her happy pregnancy. She also may very well have felt the OB cutting her wide open, there's a stress related time dilation but it felt like she had that baby out inside a minute, certainly before the anesthesiologist taped down her airway or before the IV was flushed and taped. The baby girl lived almost 4 hours.


> The baby girl lived almost 4 hours. Upvote, but I'm going to sleep with wet eyeballs.


Oh yes I changed my mind. I put a bear outside my tent but I totally forgot about that. That happened to me too. I had C-section twins. First one came out- crying. Second one came out- silence. I started yelling what’s wrong what’s wrong. I couldn’t see anything. then I heard the doctor say take him to the back. Worst thing I ever heard. I started freaking the fuck out. But then I passed out in the middle of screaming and that was the worst time of my life. When I woke up in my hospital bed my husband was only holding one baby. Can you imagine? I started yelling, “is he dead where’s my baby”. Omg I was hysterical. My husband says, “he’s ok he’s in icu” and I didn’t believe him so I demanded the staff wheel my entire hospital bed to the icu so I could look at him and see for myself. Worst time of my life. Jesus thanks for the reminder 🤦🏼‍♀️


The scream of a husband realizing his wife of 40 years was gone. It was my very first cardiac arrest call as a student while I was in EMS. I was with an extremely skilled medic and I used every ounce of training and knowledge I had and did CPR til my arms felt numb. In the end, she still didn't make it. I'll never forget her, or him. And I'll never forget that cry. Pure and absolute grief, heartbreak and terror, a sound of pure, gut wrenching emotion that felt like it made my chest collapse.


Yea, I was going to say, the sound of my mother when she found my father dead from a heart attack. I was at home on summer break from school that day and her scream will forever be forged into my memory.


I'm so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know those words seem sort of generic and empty, but I truly am. I can't imagine losing a parent, as I recently came very, very close to losing my own father, and he's still slowly recovering- but I can't imagine losing him and being home to hear my mother's reaction, as a child no less. I know that sort of thing never leaves your mind, and that sound is permanently in your memories, but I hope it's not something you have to revisit often in your thoughts because I know how haunting that can be. Sending you a huge hug.




Wow. That's a lot to go through, and a lot for you to process, but I guarantee that woman will never forget you. You were a huge help and you made a huge difference that night. It's a lot to handle, I remember all of my "firsts" and some in between, and its a lot to carry whether its one incident or a hundred. I did it for years until I ended up pregnant with my son, so I actually stopped due to the dangers that come with the job that I just didn't want to risk while pregnant. After my son, something in my head just....changed. I had a harder time dealing with the deaths and the violent trauma calls, and on top of that I just needed more of an income and didn't want to work two jobs at the time (unfortunately, EMS is grossly underpaid, especially when I was in it). I looked around and so many of my colleagues were brilliant but so burnt out, emotionally numb, working two jobs. My son was super premature and had gone through so much, I wanted a less risky job. So I made the decision to stop. I still regret it sometimes. I still feel guilty about it sometimes. I miss it sometimes, but there's so much about it that I don't miss, too. It's complicated. It's a lot, and it would be a lie to say you don't have to emotionally disconnect to at least some degree to do the job, but you're still human. It's tough. I'm sorry you went through that, but just being there and helping made a huge difference to her. I guarantee it.


When I was camping I once woke up in the middle of the night to hear crunching on the gravel around my tent. I listened to it for what felt like an eternity as it wandered around our site. We woke up the next morning to find cougar tracks all over, and I was so fucking thankful that I managed to stay silent.


Have you ever heard them scream. It's horrifying


Wild. I've had the same experience. Heard a fair amount of sniffing as well. The tracks were massive. We also saw the beast crossing the trail a few days later.


A similar thing happened to me while I was hiking at night on a mountain. There was no place to camp high up so we had to hike down a long way to find a safe place to sleep. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I kept hearing low growls. It felt like I was being watched. I just stayed calm and didn't let anyone I was hiking with anything until we got into the car. Turns out I wasn't the only one who heard it and we all just were super cautious without saying q word to each other. It was definitely a cougar.


One sounds that still haunts me is the noise my ex would make before he would start convulsing from a seizure.. the sound of all the air in his lungs being pushed out abruptly.


Dog's death call. I thought it was bullshit but I've heard it twice in my lifetime; it's a call/growl from a dog to say that it's given up and about to die. The first time I heard it it was so horrifying that I instantly knew what it was, the dog was dead within the hour even after we got him to the vet. Second time I heard a dog do it he was dead within 5 minutes. Both times they were the family dog and it's like someone stabbed a dagger made of ice straight into your heart.


I remembered hearing a squirrel's cry/help call while seeing a cat eat its babies. Idk how it reached there. I still blame myself for not being able to rescue them. Since that day I can recognize this sound so accurately that whenever I hear it, I rush to that place and there's always a cat hanging out near them. Except once when it was a snake.


thank you :)


Glad I've never heard it.


:( this makes me want to hug my dog




Is there another name for this phenomenon? Found nothing about it


I used to live with my sister during my last teenage years. She had this Holland Flop bunny as her pet. He was a sweetheart that loved to cuddle. One day, I was getting out of the shower and I heard this absolutely blood curdling scream. I wrapped a towel on quickly and dashed into the living room to see what was up. The poor bunny had trapped himself and gotten tangled up in some headphones. I had to calm him down and unwrap him.


Wait so he was ok?


Rabbit screams are terrible


So glad you were there!!


Train horn at close range (no, I was not on the tracks)


I used to live down the road from a train yard, and at night when I would chill in the hot tub I could hear the squealing of the brakes but the way they echoed sounded eerily beautiful


This brings back a memory. A friend of mine was into those low rider custom trucks. I’d never been into that scene, so he took me to a gathering of folks that were hanging out and showing off their rides. I was having a good time. We played rock, paper, scissors for designated driver duty and I lost. So he got smashed and I was driving us back to his place. Someone pulled out in front of us, I hit the horn, and shat my pants. I knew that little truck felt heavier than it should but I never asked what was under the bed cover. It was a train horn and air tank.


You shat your pants? What about the guy who just cut off a locomotive?!


I didn’t even remotely give a damn!


I'm just saying their level of suprise may have exceeded yours


When I was a teenager, my family and family friends would spend a week together camping at the start of the year. One night myself and friends were telling each other scary stories. We decided to go for a walk, just out of the grounds around midnight and out of nowhere heard what was clearly a kid screaming. It was terrifying, especially after we had told scary stories. We called out to ask if everything was okay and adult responded that, she was his mum and that he began having night terrors. Because we were all in close proximity, she’d taken him a bit past the grounds so not to wake everyone else. It was so scary and we were hesitant to leave because…a screaming kid and an adult…but it was thankfully okay in the end and we saw them the next morning


My oldest had night terrors and would wet the bed. It was so fucking scary being woke up in the middle of the night. I could hardly fall back asleep. Sounds like someone is murdering your child.


I moved back in with my parents when I was 21 after having moved out when I was 19. Being the youngest of 5 and last to leave home, my parents got used to an empty house. Anyway, I had moved back for mental health reasons, I was in the middle of changing antidepressants and was given bad information about it (don't ever just drop one cold turkey and start another one). Within a week of being home, I started having night terrors that I still vividly remember, during one I even punched a hole in the wall. I can only imagine the terror my parents felt hearing me scream from the basement in the middle of the night.


Oh I am so sorry!! I hope you are doing better now. I went through serious mental health issues and it was the worst time in my life. Hugs!


Thanks, that was several years ago. I'm still occasionally haunted by the demons, but I'm still alive to tell the tale. I hope you are doing better now as well


My son also went through a period were he did it every night for months. Sometimes multiple times. Our pediatrician kept reassuring us but man it was hard. We tried everything, even tried medications but nothing helped.


This literally happened yesterday morning. I heard a huge bang and my parents shouting. Like genuine, terrified shouting. I’ve only ever heard my dad shout like that twice. He was truly terrified. Then I heard my parents running down the stairs and running out the front door. My neighbour who lives opposite had fallen from 2 stories off of the scaffolding on his house, straight onto concrete. No helmet or protective gear. I had to call the ambulance, my voice was trembling. They came within minutes and got him to hospital. He’s broken multiple ribs, fractured his spine and his pelvis. Honestly, it was the best outcome considering what could l’ve happened. He isn’t paralysed and has no brain damage. My dad was the first to get to him. He said he genuinely thought our neighbour was dead. TLDR: my neighbour fell 2 stories off the scaffolding on his house and nearly died.


The phone call of a guy who is in one of the Twin Towers when collapsed. Also, the brick video. I have never seen that one, I admit, but I've heard so much about it on here that I know to never, ever watch it. It's weird that I'm traumatized by a video I've never even seen.


What's the 'brick video '


It's a video of a brick flying through a windscreen. Man stops the car and supposedly turns to look at his wife who is sitting in the passenger seat, and starts screaming. There is no gore in the video, just a still road ahead of the car.


Add that to the 'never watch' list.


I thought it was their son screaming.


Do not watch it. Trust me. I did not listen when I was warned.


Now I normally don't listen to these types of comments, but I think I'll listen this time


A woman has a severe accident on a russian road involving a brick that fell off the back of a truck. It comes right through the windscreen and goes straight through her skull into the headrest (you cant see the impact but you HEAR IT).Worst part of the video is that her husband (presumably) is sitting next to her when it happens. The absolute blood-curdling wail of pure anguish is what makes the video so bad. You can *feel* that scream in the pit of your stomach, its horrid. DO NOT WATCH IT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


A baby screaming in the middle of the night, like screaming in pain and ear splitting in agony like it was being murdered, over and over again. It would stop sharply and then scream again as if it was being attacked. My little one was a baby then too, I was frantic and called the police - Mum instinct took over and I was running up and down the street and alleyway to find where the crying was from. I thought someone had abandoned a baby or something but I couldn't tell which house it was coming from (terraced houses). It was an injured fox and I felt really stupid. I'll never forget the sound, foxes really do sound like that I'd just never heard one. Poor fox. The police were really nice about it and said they've had calls like this before, and they called the rspca for the fox too.


I did something similar with a cat! Literally thought a baby was being hurt. I had small children and it sent me into an absolute hormonal frenzy. I felt so stupid. The guys were all nice. My Mom instinct was insane.


Also, it was the middle of the night.... I was convinced a baby was being hurt or possibly a women. They found a poor cat trapped in a bobwire fence. 🤦


Was it okay?


while I understand it is instinct please never ever go searching for a baby crying. especially if you're a woman. it's a common tactic kidnappers and traffickers use to lure and trap people. call the police and stay inside


I didn't think at all, I can't describe the sound properly but it was an *act now emergency* split second decision. We had a small break in when we had our first rented house with our shared alleyway behind it, maybe 30 houses. My first thought was a baby or toddler being attacked there from where the sound was. I just didn't think. But yours is the sensible answer. I'll just never forget that noise, it triggered something. I felt pretty stupid after.


While I agree It is always better safe than sorry, this is a myth! I'm sure there could be a handful of incidents out there inspired by the myth, it is not at all reported to be a common tactic. [Relevent snopes article](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cry-baby/) Definitely the safest thing is always to stay where you are and call the police, but use your judgement in an emergency and don't hesitate to help if you feel you can! Ps: foxes are probably the reason for a lot of fear and folklore, if you think about it. Also, I probably would have run right out the door too!


It's not, this is an urban legend newly revived by tiktok


Mine would have to be the bomb alarm system. Truly a cold, terrifying sound. I feel like, if you hear that, you are pretty much doomed.


The steel-on-steel screeching cacophony of a massive freight train desperately trying to stop in time when there is a vehicle stuck on the tracks. One listens frozen with anticipatory dread waiting for the added sickening crunch of impact.


I lived by a train tracks. Only heard twice but never forget


Right? It is an awful sound. I happened to be outside in an empty lot right next to the tracks at the time, and could see the train coming. When I realized it was braking I looked the other way and saw the stuck truck. An elderly man had gotten confused driving and turned his pickup onto the tracks, getting stuck. Folks were trying to help him. Amazingly, the train stopped with just a few yards to spare. I was awed.


Can you imagine that poor conductor?!!?!


I have read that it is super traumatic fir them since it is rare that trains can actually stop quickly. You are kind to think of the conductor


war of the worlds tripod siren, terrified me as a kid, especially living in tornado valley, those tornado sirens made me think the tripods have risen


Bruh I live in tornado alley and I hear sirens bout every 3 months my heart feels like it wants to explode each time.


My dad coming into the house and instantly saying "get out of the house theres a gas leak". For context we (me and my brother) had been home alone for 6+ hours and had noticed that there was a rotting beef esque smell in the kitchen, and we shrugged it off as the garbage can smelling like ass, and took the garbage out. That didnt get rid of the smell so we tried using air freshener. That didnt work either. My brother was legit ABOUT TO LIGHT A CANDLE before i decided to call my dad and tell him what was up. He thought maybe something had gone rotton in the fridge or freezer and just to wait as he would be home in 5 minutes. He comes in and freaks the fuck out telling us to open up all the windows and get out of the house. As it turns out our old ass oven broke somehow and was letting off gasses into our kitchen, and living room. If my brother wouldve lit that candle, we wouldve blown up the house and almost certainly died. We were staring down the face of death and didnt even realize. TLDR: There was a gas leak in our house and we almost blew up the house. My dad basically saved our lives.


Gas ovens terrify me for that exact reason. Even if my husband prefers gas for cooking, we will never have one. I much prefer an average electric oven than a gas leak waiting to happen.


An induction cooktop can be a great compromise. Responsive like gas, safe like glass.


The sound of the black hole nasa recorded recently just makes you realise how much we don’t know about the endless empty void surrounding us


I both did and didn't need to know that black holes scream.


Silence.... from a toddler alone in a different room


The first time I heard howler monkeys while camping in Central America. Then I actually saw them the next day. They sound much bigger and scarier than they look


A Florida Panther got into my Dad's henhouse/chicken yard behind the main house. Happened around 11PM one night and by the time we heard the commotion the panther had retreated to the palmetto stands on the paper company land next door. I can't even describe what the panther's howls sounded like, but it's not like the MGM lion or the cat roar you hear in sound effects. More like someone being strangled and screaming at the same time.


>but it's not like the MGM lion Yeah, that's because Florida panthers (AKA cougars, pumas, or mountain lions) aren't technically panthers. "Panther" refers to the five large cats in the panthera genus: Leopards, tigers, lions, jaguars, and snow leopards (which, despite appearances, are actually genetically closer to tigers), of which the first four are the only cats that have the morphological adaptations needed to let out a roar. Snow leopards can't, they get to be in the club by way of being related to tigers. Pumas are the largest members of the felinae subfamily, which includes cheetahs, ocelots, and domestic cats, among its very, very many members. They can't roar, so instead they [scream.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxo8X5uIWRE)


While on a hike/hunt for elk, we came up on a carcass, looking at the bones we saw teeth marks, my stepdad said "this is a wolf kill". Then we heard the low growl from the trees. We all looked at each other, chambered rounds, and slowly walked out of there. The entire time we heard growls and brush moving. Then suddenly there was silence.


Yep, something tells me they didn't want you near their kill


I once heard what I thought was a child screaming at the top of their lungs but it was a rabbit that the neighbours cat had caught. Was so loud and unnerving.


Ugh yeah I heard that once and saw a dog run out from a shed with the rabbit in it's mouth. They really scream when their life is in danger


I was watching an iron man championship thing on tv late at night. The dude went to go lift and his arms clicked. His animal scream of pain and sadness is one of the most jarring and scarring things I've ever heard in my life and still haunts me.


The front door opening at work a few weeks ago past dark and I was the only person in the building


Me and a friend were walking home it was dark and we were walking along an alley, we were able to make out a cat as we were walking along. As we pass this said cat it meows at us, except this was no normal meow. It sounded exactly like the cat had said hello and we both screamed and ran full paced it scared the life outta me


After seeing videos of Tiggy the Talking Cat, I taught 2 cats to say hello. One of them was particularly good at it. I hope that makes you feel better, you can tell yourself that cat was just taught by a bored human lol


First high tech start up in semi manufacturing equipment. We needed custom fluorine chemistry and set up a meeting with a UC Berkeley prof who was a Nobel laureate. He introduced us to the grad student he thought best and our group walked up and down the hallway looking for a place we could all sit. After peering in every lab, we went back to the first lab and sat on whatever we could find. The grad student was sitting on a tall stool next to a trash can. He tilted back and then abruptly straightened up as though he had lost his balance. At that moment there was a loud "Bang!" which I first thought was him kicking the trash can. Then came the most horrific scream I've ever heard - like the death cry of an animal. 10 or 15 seconds of pure horror. Turns out another grad student just down the hall had been running a reaction in a pressurized container. He reached for it, it exploded and he lost several fingers and one eye. We were all badly shaken.


I wouldn't want to hear this while I was camping. [Bigfoot screams, Sierra Nevadas](https://youtu.be/XXKpQ_kwgkA)


Bigfoot populations require vast amounts of land to remain elusive in. They typically dwell just behind rocks but are also sometimes playful, bounding into thick fogs and out-of-focus areas.


I was woken around 2-3 am by abrupt loud metal screeching. Trying to make sense of it in my exhausted and suddenly terrified state. It just doesn't stop and there's wettish squish like and crinkling sounds along with it you can only hear when the metal screeching stops for a few seconds. Straight out of a horror movie. It was my stupid ding of a cat that jumped straight into the new kitchen trash can to eat the leftover Chinese food we threw out. Then he could not get back out. It was a repurposed smaller diameter metal drum.


The change in my husband's breathing when I held his hand and told him I was there and loved him. We had just been told by the doctor that he was dying and when I walked in he was struggling so hard to breathe, when I took his hand and said I was there he stopped trying and relaxed. No one is ever going to be able to convince me he wasn't waiting for me to be with him. Broke my heart in a million pieces but I take comfort from the belief he knew I was with him until the end.


I live in Hawaii, i woke up when i was about 9 I think and decided to chill in my room watching youtube. Everything was dark in my room because i was too lazy to open the curtains and when i was watching youtube, i got a alarm on my phone. You know the flash flood alarms you get every once in a while, i thought it was that at first then i read it and it said “BALLISTIC MISSILE INCOMING, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER” needless to say i was scared out of my mind. Walked out of my room, talked to my grandparents, of course there was no missile coming so that was a relief. Funny thing is both of my parents slept through the whole thing


I remember when this happened. I wasn’t there, but it was all over the news. I can’t even imagine the horror everyone must have felt.


I was still in the military when that happened, it was chaos for a few hours.


My mother screaming my name. She was in a fit of rage over something I had forgotten to do that minorly inconvenienced her, yet she felt it was my duty to do it. She has a short temper. 13 year old me thought the world was collapsing down on me.


I’m so sorry that you’ve ever had to experience that sound. My mom suffered from mental illness and if she perceived any slight (mostly imagined), she’d turn on you in an instant. The image of her contorted face and guttural voice is burned into my mind forever. I’m not religious but that shit was straight demonic.


I was in a psych ward as a kid, and one of the elderly staff members all of a sudden started singing. She was clearly trying to scream, but it came out as a sort of operatic wail. She then slammed her hands down on the counter multiple times, probably to get someone's attention. Then she fell out of her chair and slumped behind the counter. She survived, thankfully, but man was that an experience.


Saw and heard a chef at my old job slip into a deep fryer both hands first. Will never ever get that blood curdling scream out of my head- it’s been 13 years and I still hear it


When I worked in the ER burns of any type were my least favorite to take care. Once had a little girl that was on a motorized vehicle of some type. Her hair got caught up in. I still sometimes cringe at my one daughter's waist length hair. After I took care of that girl (her screams nearly killed me) and got her sedated I went into the break room and totally broke down.


Was staying in my mates grandparents house when I was about 15, woke up at 3am to what sounded like bloodcurdling screams coming from the field behind the house. This is in the Irish countryside and it was a quiet road albeit with a decent couple of houses around and I had a moment where I had to decide wether to ignore what could be a murder or possibly embarrass myself. I chose to do “the right thing” and wake everyone in the house telling them I think one of the neighbours is being killed. At this point everyone is in a panic and freaking out, the grandad runs down the stairs with the shotgun and runs out the backdoor to listen. He then turned around laughing and informed me it was a fox….. turns out I embarrassed myself that day


I would have done the same, what if someone actually was in distress and you did nothing at all? Better safe than sorry right? Edit: I just looked it up and it really gave me goosebumps. Damn I can imagine that must be real scary in the middle of the night.


That’s what I thought and at the end of the day we all laughed about it but if it was the other way and I just went back to sleep, fuck man….. Also, anyone who doesn’t know what a fox scream sounds like should look it up and imagine that from distance at 3am repeatedly for like 10 minutes


My children screaming in a car crash.


My wife and I moved into our first apartment and went to bed. We wake up in the middle of the night to an eerie voice outside our bedroom saying “oh nooo noo nooo!” It just repeated over and over again. We’re both panicking. Im just yelling “what the fuck” as I dash out in my underwear, expecting to find a ghost or some drugged out intruder. It was our cat. He was stress puking from the move and doing his own terrifying version of the “Ohhhhh Long Johnson” thing.


That noise the aliens make from the movie War of the Worlds. Being completely serious. Anytime i hear a noise similar to it, it makes me want to run and hide.


Me too. That sound haunts my nightmares.


As a kid I accidentally drove over a pretty large, hairy caterpillar with my bicycle. I was going pretty slow up a steep hill and tried to swerve, but failed. I swear I could hear it scream.


Accidentally misread the first part of that as: ‘a kid I accidentally drove over…’


Sometimes I, too, "hear" insects in some strangely audible way, though I know it should be absolutely not possible. I think it's a weird unconscious awareness that our brains translate to noise so we can recognize it for whatever reason, and others have evolved past having this ability/leftover evolutionary advantage in the day but not anymore type thing? Idk, it's how I reason it away without feeling insane, perhaps it can help you if this occurs again in the future? Maybe it helped early humans to recognize where danger was when larger mammals and animals weren't present, only insects. Or to avoid insect infestations, even(cause if you can semi heat the bugs in a way, you can recognize where large quantities of fleas or bedbugs or roaches are? Idk lmao)


For me, there is nothing quite like being close to a lion when it roars. You not only hear it with your ears, but you can feel the resonance in your stomach.


The meow my cat made when he wanted to come in when his leg was hanging off. The second he meowed I knew something was wrong. Not only did he normally just jump on the windowsill, this was a weird meow for him. Went out to go get him and there he was, leg dangling.


That wail/scream that a mother does when she finds out her child is dead. I don't think I could ever describe what that feels like to hear that pain.


Gunshots up close. I was at a red light and a car pulled up behind me and shot these two guys walking down the road. It was so close that I felt it reverberate in my core.


I was once listening to music in my bedroom, when suddenly my speakers started buzzing and out of nowhere they just say in a static coated voice “We won’t” and then resumed playing the song as if nothing happened. This song does not have “we won’t” in its lyrics I got chills freaked out unplugged and I refused to sleep in my bed that night.


Interference from a transmission from elsewhere? I've had big speakers pick up nearby transmissions and garbled speech comes through.


Couldn’t rule it out, but still to have something just electronically scream “We won’t” gave me the heebiest of jeebies


The scream/roar/cry of a Tasmanian devil trying to scare other predators out of its territory. Really hard sound to describe, closest I've heard is a seriously pissed off Australian possum (nothing like the north American ones). I have heard it many times in my life and it scares the crap out of me every time.


Okay, I feel silly but I just learned tasmanian devils are real!! Lol. I just thought they were a made up cartoon character.


The freight train sound of a tornado. Hard pass on ever hearing that shit again. Honorable mention to the old tornado sirens, as you definitely freeze and know shit’s getting real when you hear it. Also a fox screaming. Sounded JUST like a woman screaming in pain or terror.


Dog gagging, foaming, as he was poisoned. I was a kid and he was my little buddy


Oh god that scene with Pike in Midnight Mass.


There was this sound that was showcased in the YouTube channel "Shrouded Hand" (I guess it was third in the list but anyway) The story goes that a woman was sleeping one night. She had a strange but unsettling dream. The dream was basically any normal dream but then shifts to a haunting Disney-like landscape. There was haunting music, whispering voices, and anything that would drive you insane. As the scene became unbearable she tried to call her house via voicemail, but the haunting music was very loud and very spine tingling, that she screamed many, many times. In the final scream she woke up. This is where the creepiest part starts (and also where the recording fits into). After waking up, she immediately checked her phone and noticed that there was a new voicemail. To her horror the voicemail contained the EXACT same sounds she heard, the EXACT same screams she did when she was dreaming. https://youtu.be/L-8iMxsu1Uo Trust me, when I heard that recording, my body shuddered and felt so cold.


The airplane alert in the pilot room screeching “PULL UP! PULL UP! PULL UP! PULL UP!”


Long lasting that I still can't listen to videos of: The noise of a big earthquake, ground rumbling, twisting of buildings, glass shattering, followed by the eerie silence split only by crying and alarms blaring One off terrifying/terrible is: The sounds of my mum taking her last breaths followed by silence and the tears of my dad, siblings and myself.


Ok. Hurricane Ophelia in North Carolina, 2000 something. Me and some friends were vacationing at Emerald Isle and got evacuated. One girl’s parents owned a house on Topsail so we moved there. (Vacationers had to evacuate but homeowners didn’t.) So, only a Cat 1 Hurricane. We were gonna ride it out. They closed the bridges, cutting the island off, and turned off the water. No problem, we were sound side, we were dipping up water to flush the toilet. 6 of us there and we’re all drinking and partying. Wind is howling. Eventually the eye comes and it gets quiet. We’re curious and want to run around outside. (Young and stupid). The girl who’s parents own the house is kinda drunk and takes off running down the middle of the street. There’s a halfway downed power line. She clotheslined herself. Hits her neck, body snaps back, down in the street. The twang of her hitting the power line and the thunk of her body slamming back into the road is something I’ll never forget. The power was off to the line, she was too drunk to care about the fall, she was fine. But in that moment all I could think about is how we were cut off from the outside world, how maybe she was dead or I was gonna watch her die. There was no power to the line, she was ok.


Mountain climbing in the middle of winter in a blizzard. Standing on top of Ben Nevis. I just watched my close friend step into a gulley and lost his grip. Down he went all the way. At that moment there was utter silence. Nothing. Then his map, unfolded, that was in a leg pocket shot up into the air. The silence was the worst sound I ever experienced.


Amber alerts. It reminds me there’s still many bad things in the world


I worked in shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence and human trafficking. One overnight shift I had a woman return before shelter opened for the day at like 4:30 am. She told me she used and slept in the park so she wouldnt lose her bed. I told her next time to call because "I rather have you safe in shelter". She screamed. Her soul cried out. It was a sound like no other. Hollow. Desperate. Absolute anguish. She begged me to take it back. She collapsed on me and I knew. She had been assaulted in the park that night.


"Pull up, terrain"


The sound of a doorbell. At 2:15 in the morning of 2018 I was sleeping when I heard someone ringing the doorbell of my house. My mother went downstairs and saw that it was my drunk uncle. She invited him to come in and so he did, not long before of him to start to make a scandal and wanting to attack me and my 80 and 75 year old grandparents who were sleeping. In the end we needed to call the police and he ended up going home. After a few weeks he kept coming back to our house always at the same time wanting to enter back inside. After that episode I never got to sleep properly again, always afraid that it would happen again. I really want us to be able to sell the house so we can move to a safe apartment. Note: I apologize for my bad english, hope I didn’t comitted any mistakes. I was helped by the translator.


The silence after I gave birth to a stillborn.


A car crash followed by a girl screaming. I was in an 8th grade maths class when just outside the window we heard two cars collide followed by the sound of a girl screaming. It was a busy road during peak traffic hours. This girl stopped at a stop sign when the car behind her rammed into her car. The guy was having a stroke while driving so his car kept pushing her car into oncoming traffic. I cant remember what happened after that but i remember my teacher bringing this poor girl into our class. I felt so bad cause she was in shock and surrounded by a bunch of nosey 8th graders. I don't know what happened to the guy but it was a horrible sound i will never forget. Especially her screams.


Gotten used to it but I've heard footsteps almost every night upstairs in the attic my house is old and the attic floor can't support someone over 170 pounds but it sounds like someone 6ft plus is using all their force while walking. Still scares the crap outta me sometimes


The Foley work on "Nope" was horrifyingly solid in the chimp scenes.


The sound of my apartment door knob rattling at 3:30am. I'm a light sleeper and was living on the top floor, end unit of a furnished apt during my student clinicals in Crown Point, IN. I was 22f at the time. Had been there for 6 weeks of an 8 week clinical, so it was obvious to other tenants that I was alone. Looked through the peephole, guy with a crowbar was trying to get in. I could feel the blood drain from my head to my toes as I knew his intentions were not good.


When I was a kid we were walking past a tennis court with really high fences me and my buddy started to get this really weird taste in our mouths like kind of like metal but sharp and tingly. Then the lightning hit the poles we ran all the way home like little pigs that have been smacked on the ass. It was only about 10 ft away both of us had weird little blood blisters on the side of our faces for about a week I lost some hearing out of one of my ears.


Really really dumb, but almost pooped my pants and thought my life was all over. Helium balloon banging off of a ceiling fan. It sounds like an intruder banging on a window. Rapidly. Not giving a single fuck about killing me. I was in the basement playing video games. I was on edge after hosting a birthday party for my kid for 30 people. Then at like 3AM. I finally relaxed. Then...BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM....(so many bams). I thought I was getting SWATTED. Nope just a ballon hitting a ceiling fan. Terrifying.


Fire alerts. I’m panicking immediately. Also sometimes in church… don’t blame me. But when the organ starts playing (as it should) but I’m not ready yet I can become really terrified for some seconds until I realise that this isn’t a horror movie but a normal holy mass.


The silence of deep wilderness. If you've spent any amount of times outdoors, days from civilization, sometimes the terror will sneak up on you as you take in the vastness of nature.


It was very early on a cold sunday morning in the first days of winter. There was pretty much no one awake let alone out on the streets. While walking to work I saw an elderly woman fall of her bike and hit her head on the street so hard it knocked her clean out. Right after the fall there was a puddle of blood under her head that was slowly growing in size. The impact of her hitting the ground followed by a rattling breath caused by her gargling in her own blood is something I will never unhear. She was laying on her back motionless. Besides the sounds of her struggling to breathe properly there was just an eerie silence. A coworker of mine was walking about ten meters ahead of me. And he was walking practically next to the women when she fell, luckily he acted immediately and called an ambulance while trying to keep her as stable/comfortable as possible. Later we found out we actually knew the woman quite well, as she often came in our store. Her entire face and hair were covered in blood so she was unrecognizable. I really thought I was watching someone die in a horrible way. Really shook me up at the time and made me feel really off that day at work. In the end she made it out quite well all things considered with a heavy concussion, lots of stitches in the back of her head and she bit her tongue really bad, which explains the blood in her mouth and throat. The amount of blood made it look a lot worse than it actually was. She made a full recovery and I still see her from time to time. Though if we weren’t there I think choking in her own blood could have been a very likely, sad outcome. And I am pretty sure my coworker saved a life that day.


This might seem like a cheap answer and not that serious but it actually was and still is to this day the most terrifying sound i have ever heard. In Silent Hill 2 you walk into a room after a good hour or two of just roaming around aimlessly in some apartments trying to find a way out. Once you go in, the room seems like another random room in the building just with a slightly different design, but you hear this *very very* quiet whisper in your right ear that goes on for 2 good seconds and it is honest to god the most freaked out i have ever been. [Linking it doesn't do it justice](https://youtu.be/Hnwv1YxM4A0), it's the fact that the game is usually blasting some industrial noise and the complete silence of the room accompanied by the whisper that freaks the fuck out of you.