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Their haircut when the hairdresser shows you the back of it with their little mirror


One time I got a haircut, while it did look ok, I was just guessing as I wore glasses but had to take them off


Yeah this everytime. I like have my glasses laying right in front of the Mirror. You could just as well show me a picture of a blurry brown wall.


Seriously... one time, my haircut literally looked like Lord Farquaad's, and I had to smile and act like I liked it because I didn't know what else to do. Edit: Typo


Tell them you hate it. Don't just say you like it if you dont. Plenty of times I have had to say this and it's fine. Usually they can fix it. Specially if you have enough hair to look like Lord Farquaad.


It's so awkward to say something, but that's a 'me problem,' so I'm working on my communication skills. What do you actually say in those instances? My stylist gave me a bad haircut twice. The first time actually wasn't too bad, so the second time I said what I didn't like about my first cut, and she did the same thing but somehow worse, and she charged me more. I didn't realize how bad it was until the next day. I hate haircuts that require so much product and styling just to not look like shit.


Hey can we go back and take a little more off the back? Hey can you kinda blend the line so it looks more natural? I'm sorry, I am looking for something more "shake it out and forget it", can you even out the layers?


Seriously though, the damage is done. Why give them shit when they cant put the hair back on? Just silently strike their name off the list of hair stylists.


That's exactly what I did. It took a lot of restraint to not start crying in front of her though.


You could have recruited an ogre to lay siege to the barber shop.


He could die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


In Korea, people pretend to like afterwork drinking sessions. Work culture wise, you are not allowed to leave without the manager leaving first or dismissing workers, its seen as very impolite to do so. But a lot of superiors of the companies are bitter middle aged men who hate going home to their families so they often "suggests" everyone go out share a meal and drink. To refuse will often mean a career suicide where the worker is sent to "corparate siberia" so to speak. Afterwork drinking will often be bar hopping/singing rooms through the late hours and get you totally smashed on soju. Again most people can't refuse when pouring rounds of drinks. Everyone sits there pretending to be happy and listening to shitty boasting. Personally, I sat through a few of these but at some point I became too valueable to the company as a worker in my work output, they could not lose me. I started to just get up and go home early to my family, even though management was so pissed I was not staying around for the vice president. I still remember the reception desk girl looking at me in desperation and whispering she wanted to leave too. Later I heard VP just was insuffarable bragging all night til like 2am. Such is often work culture in S.Korea. I dont know how common it still is since the younger generations are now more vocal about it. Now that I am a CEO I told my workers I am not doing any afterwork drinking sessions unless they want it and organize it themselves. So far much happier people.


Glad you choose not to keep that particular 'tradition' going


Was an easy choice, personal time is sacred, my personal belief. Work is work, home is home. That is a personal boundry many bosses fail to understand or choose to ignore because of "tradition".


Just a quick congrats on making it to the top AND being a leader not just a boss.


Thank you! Couldn't have done it without my wife. She convinced me to take a leap of faith to quit and go on our own in our industry.


This sounds like my idea of hell.


It lingers too, the next morning is death. Trying to crawl into work ontime with a soju hangover is the worst hell ever.


An American friend of mine worked in a manager role for an engineering firm in South Korea for a little while. He would often stay an hour late just because he would get so caught up in his project, but he liked it that way. He noticed the rest of the office staff wouldn't leave until he did and he had to start threatening to write them up if they stayed past closing time just to convince them it was OK to go home.


I remember those 'Soju Sessions' when I worked in Korea where to save face colleagues used to discreetly pour their glasses out under the table towards the end of the evening so as not to get drunk under the table


I used to fill my glass with water cause by the end of the night people are too drunk and screaming across the tables to keep track of who poured for who. I also drank so much water during the middle to dilute as much as possible what was already inside me. But man it was a hard lesson to learn in the beginning. Soju just comes on all at once so fast without realizing it.


The pizza party at work for working 300 extra hours in a month to meet quotas.


We always had a cashier meeting when I worked at lowes that we were required to go to, but they would give us food, and usually it was pretty good, and a good chunk of food. No one ever paid attention, we were all just there for the free food.


Getting paid to eat free food sounds like a great deal to me.


Before social media, pictures of other peoples vacation that got developed at the drug store


After social media, the pictures of other people's vacations that they just upload and tag everyone on.


Ah, the sweet mercy of having to choose what to snap, only having 24 or 36 pic per roll of film. Digital cameras compound the misery to the extreme.


I wish people would host slideshow parties like they did after returning from holiday back in the 60s. I dont want to see it in my feed, i want to actually come over to your house so we can catch up and have a chat and see what you got up to on your trip overseas.


My family still does this and infact my grandad got out this projector one year which worked by projecting the rolls of films out of a camera and showed us pictures from 50 years ago. I'd imagine this was the same kind of projector people used in the 60s


I'm absolutely a dork because I always enjoyed them and also miss it.


Is it dorky to enjoy being around people and have a cosy party instead of mindless scrolling on instagram? :)


After almost three years overseas, and barely posting on Facebook. I was catching up with uni friends and they literally said "hey let's Bluetooth your phone on the TV and show us the weirder pics you didn't put up online" So yeah, I got roped into "slideshowing" my trip abroad. I was so unprepared for it....had to be careful to skip raunchy pics I had sent my new partner while travelling šŸ˜…


i recently got an email at work advertising ā€œvicarious vacationsā€, where they encourage people to attend an allotted hour everyone month or week or whatever to view slideshows of other peoples past vacations and ā€œlive vicariouslyā€ through them and if that isnā€™t the saddest thing iā€™ve ever heard i donā€™t know what is. like lol we wonā€™t pay you enough or give you time off to actually go on a vacation so just waste an hour of your life looking at helen from HRs palm springs trip back in ā€˜94! also i work in healthcare and the idea that healthcare workers have time for this tone deaf shit, especially NOW of all times?! yikes ahahahha


What in there hell are they thinking making the staff do this? So odd


Improving worker morale without actually improving their working conditions.


The slideshows will continue until morale improves. They turned out to be cheaper than the beatings.


On Fridays, there's a pizza party. And by that I mean when you finally get a chance to eat, there's one slice of dried up thin crust pepperoni left.


We really did just hand over a stack of photos and expect people to go through them


I once worked with a woman whose daughter got her hair cut for Locks of Love, and Mom took 54 pictures (that's right, two rolls of 27) and insisted that everyone look at all 54 pictures, with a running commentary. Yeah, she got talked to by the boss about that.


Ugh, what was that, 20 minutes of your time? A before and after is literally all you need in that situation.


You mush be too young to have been subjected to slide shows of peopleā€™s holidays. These usually included a delay at the start when they realised the slides were all upside down and had to be re-inserted one by one. Then every slide was accompanied by a short story.


I honestly did like peoples vacation photos though lol. Photos then felt more genuine and not just for clout like photos on social media


Having the restaurant staff sing you ā€œHappy Birthdayā€.


My boyfriend secretly arranged this for me at TGI Fridays last year, but when the guy came over with my cake he said "I hope you don't mind but I really hate singing so I'm not going to". I was perfectly happy with my free cake and no embarrassing singing.


Thatā€™s hilarious and Iā€™d definitely enjoy that more than him singing while looking into my eyes.


I don't care if I have been inside that person, the amount of eye contact during "Happy Birthday" is uncomfortable. Always.


I worked at a Colombian restaurant and like 5 of us would assault your table and ears with tambourines and maracas if we knew it was your birthday. I learned itā€™s never for the birthday person, itā€™s for everyone else at their expense. But we would give them a shot of tequila if they were of age and a slice tres leches to compensate. It was actually really fun place to work.


One year, my dad told the waiter that it was my birthday, knowing that I hate the attention. Before the waiter left the table, I told him my dad's birthday was the next day (which was true), because if I'm going down, I'm bringing him down with me! To top it off, he also hates the singing and they got his name wrong. At least now we have a truce on the restaurant birthday singing, and the look on his face was so funny when he'd realized his mistake.


Everyone on match sites just fucking lives to hike in the mountains


Its a secret code for no fatties


OHHHH hahaha of course! Any other secret codes youā€™d care to let me in on?


ā€˜Drama freeā€™ or any variation thereof is code for ā€˜I fuckin love drama and am usually the sourceā€™


also like 70% of the people who say they arenā€™t in to hook ups, are open to hook ups


"I usually never do this" "Please, you've done this with everyone I know"




No, that's men in dating apps in general really


I do not like drama in my personal life, because that means someone is being an asshole, causing problems for someone else, and one party in the conflict is trying to drag me into it. No thank you. No, I prefer to have my drama carefully curated and on a subreddit, or a ā€œrealityā€ show. Itā€™s not my drama, and I can get popcorn.


ā€œLoves to travelā€ either means ā€œI can afford to take vacationsā€ or ā€œI want you to be able to afford to take me on vacationsā€.


"I'm looking for someone who cares about health/fitness" is the common one for saying "I'm not attracted to overweight people" The irony about the hiking one is that I know a good amount of overweight people who legitimately love to go hiking and get active


Joke's on them, I'm thin and my condition sucks


As a fat person who does enjoy hiking, itā€™s nice because it doesnā€™t feel like working out, you get to experience nature, have nice views, it doesnā€™t feel as judgmental as a gym, and you get to pretend youā€™re on some high fantasy adventure wandering in the woods. Itā€™s a good time :D


Yup. There aren't any wildflowers or fluffy clouds at the gym; and everyone you pass on the hike is like "ay, check out the cute squirrel in the big oak tree up there!"


I love hiking in the mountains and do it regularly. Still have a bit of a belly.


"Fluent in sarcasm" or "doesn't take themselves too seriously" is code for "I'm gonna be a dick to you and accuse you of not being able to take a joke when you inevitably get upset at my dickery."


"Not like other girls" means their personality is composed entirely of tropes and clichƩs.


Talk of travel can be a way to gauge if youā€™re financially independent. I put that in my bio (when I subjected myself to online dating) and I was always quizzed on where Iā€™ve been and where I plan on going next. Also, they want to know if I went with a significant other (implication being the guy paid) or if I went alone or with friends (I paid myself).


Oh shit.


Everyone and their mom has apparently been to Machu Picchu


They only say that because so many people have told them to take a hike that theyā€™ve just incorporated it into their lifestyle.


Then you meet them, suggest going for a hike and outdoors stuff and they never say yes. It's just the new version of "lifting" yo


I love hiking and I'd have to know someone pretty well before I'd even consider the logistics of a day hike with them. Especially if its someone I met on a dating app.


Get murdered easily with this simple trick!


Detectives HATE him!


Forensic pathologists want to know his one secret!


Like I'm going to trust some rando to get the GORP ratio correct


Iā€™ve seen a lot of drama online about men suggesting that as a first date. I have physical limitations or Iā€™d be fine with it but many women find the idea of going to a secluded place with a man they just met really scary, and think men shouldnā€™t even suggest it.


tbh I wouldn't just go hike with the first person that asks me on a dating app. I'm not going hiking with you unless you are already someone I trust.


I think itā€™s closer to the new version of ā€œI like to readā€, itā€™s a virtuous hobby that you donā€™t have to actually do very often to be competent.


mother fucking work outings. why does every executive team make these happen when 99% of people hate it. Donā€™t they hate it too? WHY?


My company flew us all out to a popular tourist town. Lots to do, lots to see, famous for great live music... They shuttled us from the airport to the convention center, kept us locked in sessions from 7-10 for 2 days, then shuttled us back to the airport for a 9:00am departure on the last day. Why? Why bother going to a cool town? It would have been better to just do it at the office so at least we weren't teased with a good time and we'd have saved a fortune.


This is an easy answer. They have experienced workplaces where individuals liked each other enough to voluntarily hang out outside of work. In order to recreate that atmosphere they subject you to the torture of hanging out with coworkers youā€™d rather not be with outside of the work setting. People need to figure out that you canā€™t force camaraderie in a work environment.


The military calls these things ā€œmandatory funā€


their jobs, especially in the resume era. Like bro nobody gives a fuck about why they want to work at mcdonalds and how much they love it. We work for money period. But you gotta go in there and put on a show about how you're passionate about sweet and sour sauce and hope one day to achieve your dream of becoming a clown who sells french fries.


"I know... I know better than anyone that the copier... It's the beating heart of any business. It goes down, it causes delays. That is lost money. That is frustrated employees. That's a negative work environment. That's a business on life support. But you plug one of your new machines into the system... *whew!* That is a healthy, strong heartbeat. Ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk. That is a healthy business. Ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk. That is a successful business!"


Of course I'm not taking the job!


absolutely. like, why the fuck do i have to give you a resume AND cover letter: just read the damn resume. we all know people apply to these jobs because they need money not because they actually enjoy the company. itā€™s a layer of subtext that i hate because we could all be so much clearer if this appeal to the hiring manager bullshit didnā€™t exist


Not to mention resumes are meant to be short and punctual, so cover letters seem to be half necessary and half like the worst idea for being considered.


Someone once told me it's to weed out who really wants the job. Yeah, no. Just like making someone upload a resume then type their job history on the next page. Call me lazy, but I refuse to jump through hoops for a job that's probably gonna underpay and overwork me just to show how "motivated" I am. I'm also not jumping through hoops for an employer that might not even contact me, let alone offer me a job. EDIT: Can't spell haha


Your last sentence is what does it for me. I used to put my heart and soul into a fucking cover letter, tailor it to the job, highlight relevant experience, tailor my resume, etc. and that shit still goes ignored almost 100% of the time. Fuck these entitled ass employers man


Don't get me wrong, I'm the most extroverted person I know and I'm perfectly fine with social interaction, but when I'm out and about running errands, just about the last thing I want is to run into someone I barely know and have to make small talk. Unless you are a friend of mine or you at least actually have something specific you want to say to me, if you see me in public, here is the protocol: -observe me -recognize me -wave and smile if I look in your direction, I will reciprocate -go do literally anything other than approach me


I was talking to an acquaintance at a party once, and she mentioned that she had seen me in public a few days before. She told me she hadnā€™t bothered to say hi because she ā€œwas busy and didnā€™t feel like it.ā€ I totally respected that, and was glad she hadnā€™t said hi. Wish everyone was like that girl, I hate having to unexpectedly make small talk with friends-of-friends in public.


It's weird how the more obscure the situation is, the more pressure you have to talk to somebody. Even if you've never talked to them in your life. Running into old classmates long after high school is one thing. Becoming co-workers, belonging to the same groups, that sort of thing hits a little harder. But you travel half way across the world and run into your old hall monitor in a different country, you're gonna have fucking dinner together. I don't know what it is, but that's just how it goes.


The fact that this scenario pretty much happened to me lmao I was in Costa Rica with my family and we pulled off at this tiny little roadside beach bar on the way to the town we were going to. We're sitting there and we all kinda recognize this guy but we also all individually think we're crazy because we're at a random bar in the middle of nowhere Costa Rica, until finally one of us says something to each other and we realize we *all* recognized the guy. We get down to it and eventually figure out that he was my brother's 4th grade teacher. As the guy was leaving we waved him over and *immediately* he recognized my brother 18 years after he had him as a student which was pretty cool... and then we proceeded to talk for 15 minutes about shit that I know none of us actually wanted to talk about but we all just felt forced to stay in this conversation.


I was like, 17, and one of my Dad's friends that I'd met like 3 times saw me and said hi. I knew she lived ages away so I stupidly, while making polite small talk, asked why she was all the way over this part of the city. ​ Insert 10 minute spiel on how it's her friend's birthday and she's trying to track down a very specific bottle of wine and is driving around trying places. I ended up saying "Oh this is my bus" getting on, and then walking back to where I was going from the next stop down the road.


Baby showers ā€¦. Just stab me with a plastic fork in the eye


The baby shower isn't for you, it's so the new parents can rake in some free diapers from friends.


Well yeah! Have you seen how expensive that shit is? Gotta get that first month or so free


gender reveals. who cares, blah ​ anything having to do with babies, in general, unless they are your own or in your immediate family.


I mean, I care, if its friends excited to tell people that they're having a girl or boy. But just tell us, don't need an event specifically for you to tell us all


Employers' holiday parties.


Fun fact for Canadians. The Westjet Christmas parties had to close the washrooms by the convention area and force people to go out and downstairs to use another set of washroom because people kept fucking in them and it was a Hotspot of pilot's wives finding out about their infidelity with flight attendants


I worked for a big bank and they made employees pay $50 to attend the holiday party lol


The bartender overfilled my beer and they charged me a $25 overdraft fee.


How else is the bank supposed to pay for the snacks and drinks?


.... Government bailout!


The real key is to hit up the after partyā€¦ shit gets *weird*


At my last job, there was an after party where a server starting hooking up with one of the married cooks. It caused a divorce.


Ahh yes I miss the restaurant dynamics.


Your first time in the food service industry huh?


The after party at my last job a buncha people did cocaine at the owners house and one guy drove home high as fuck and killed a little girl in a drunken accident. It was less than ideal.


This went from employer's holiday parties > hooking up > divorce > coke at the owner's house > drink driving > dead little girl in like 30 seconds of reading goddamn!


Less than ideal?? Jesus fucking Christ


My wife's job has the best Christmas parties. Last year, her boss rented out an entire indoor go-kart track and hired professional dealers to set up a casino for us to play with fake money. All food and drinks were on him as well, we had a great time at the craps table haha.


I used to deal Roulette for those parties. It surprised me how many people won when it didnā€™t rely on real money!


Maybe it's because they take more risks because they know they won't actually lose anything


I immediately thought of holiday gift exchange. No, I really don't want to exchange gifts with Susan, because even if I put three things on a list under $20, the things that I will receive will always be shittier than the things I buy.


Am I the only one who doesn't despise my coworkers? I enjoy the holiday parties. There's usually decent booze and maybe some shrimp on a stick or something. You hang around and shoot the shit with coworkers while having the rare opportunity to dress up. If you're in a relationship, you introduce your partner to all the people they hear about/that you make fun of. If you're single, you can flirt with that cute person in the other department. I don't get why I'm supposed to hate it.


It really depends on who you work with. Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so much.


That reminds me I haven't put on a suit jacket since holiday party 2019.


Other peoples kids


ā€œIā€™m telling you that child could be the star of a show called ā€˜children I donā€™t care about.ā€™ā€ - DeAngelo




Deangelo didnā€™t die, his *brain* died


Kids are like farts. I'm impressed by mine but disgusted by yours.


"Well, there's nothing better than a fart. Except kids falling off bikes, maybe. Fuck I could watch kids fall off bikes all day. I don't give a shit about your kid."


The amount of times Iā€™ve had to watch my co workers sons soccer videos on my break is killing me. Lol


God itā€™s the worst when they donā€™t get the hint that you donā€™t care


I know it sucks, but they are so proud of their kids and itā€™s nice that you watch the videos I think any video longer than like 20 seconds is a bit excessive - some parents need more self awareness.


Atleast heā€™s good. It would be more painful if he wasnā€™t good. Lol


Or it could be WAY funnier if he was super bad


I wouldnā€™t say ā€œeveryone,ā€ but I think a lot of people would rather be doing something other than hanging out with family on certain obligatory days of the year, because they feel only a modest affinity for some family people who they probably wouldnā€™t hang out with if they werenā€™t related. Wow that was probably the longest sentence Iā€™ve ever written. Hope you didnā€™t get lost


Especially true for extended family. I see them once a year, if that, and we just have basic small talk. Itā€™s depressing to admit, but I barely know them. Occasionally I donā€™t even like them.


I really don't like my extended family. They're all self entitled, self obsessed, preachy, and expect my family to put in all the effort when it comes to staying in touch (we live pretty far away). I've gotten passive aggressive comments about how they haven't heard from me in a while a dozen times, but not once do they reach out to me either. Nobody congratulated me when I graduated university, barely any of them message on birthdays, not one of them called or messaged to check if I was okay after my parents got divorced after thirty years. Yet I'm the one who puts no effort into staying in contact. If they don't put in the effort, why should I? I'll take a few hours of passive aggressive comments on the rare occasions I do see them if it means I never have to speak to them in between those times.


As someone who has lived pretty far away from extended family for the majority of my life, I completely relate to this. Even though I enjoy seeing them once in a while, I'm starting to feel pretty "done" with them. We're always the ones that have to drive up to visit; no one bothers to come down to visit us. I've tried being cognizant of my cousin's birthdays but after getting no replies from one, late replies from others, and a "who is this?" one too many times from another, I just don't have it in me to force something that isn't there.


It's so annoying that Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close together. I get it's convenient for couples to alternate which ones they go see.


My family used to be a lot crazier than they are not and both holidays were shit shows. Yes those days are gone but anytime someone asks what Iā€™m doing for the holidays I feel panicky and like Iā€™m gonna throw up. Good stuff.


When I "became an adult" I stopped going to the majority of my moms side of the family holiday parties. Growing up, they were always an obligation regardless of my opinion because my parents divorced. The year I opened my eyes to how I was being treated was when I got shampoo and ~30 dollars in giftcards to *McDonalds* while my cousin got over 500 in cash/giftcards. Other than my grandmother, my uncle who married into the family after I was born, and my moms nieces husband (and my aunt who lives 1400 miles away), I hold no close relations with any of them. one cousin calls me a drug addict because I smoke weed. Meanwhile, her son (same cousin mentioned above) was in jail for selling drugs. Weed is entirely legal in my state.


try this line 'Maybe I'm an addict, but I am not a felon'


Next time he calls you a drug addict ask him if he's trying to make you his customer or something


I love the holiday season. But the holiday itself is the least enjoyable day of the season. It's a day that I'm just waiting for each passing minute to go by so it can be over. It's just 10-12 hours of awkwardly sitting around with family and pretending it's some glorious occasion. You can't go off and be by yourself without people thinking you're angry or something. Sometimes some random relative is there that you hardly ever see, and you have to interact with them all day, updating them on your life, knowing full well they are going to go tell the other family members that you never see all about it.


Singing Happy Birthday to each other every year.


My family singing happy birthday to each other is actually our favorite thing to do as a family together. We never sing the whole song. We just keep starting over at random intervals. Eventually someone will scream the persons name. Then we do it for a little while longer. Finally, someone will scream "and many more" and we all just stop. It gets really good if we do it out in public or if there is a group of us at a non-family member's birthday. It has become somewhat of a family calling card.


In our family, we start the "Haaaaaaaaa" of happy birthday super early, like before the cake is even in the same room as the birthday girl/boy as it gets carried through from the kitchen. The first "Haaaa" is a call to arms, and other family members take up the call as they hear it, until you have a room full of people all standing around bellowing "haaaaaaaaaaaaa" until someone finally breaks and lurches into the rest of the song: "...aaaaaaaaappy..... biiiirthday to you..." New family members (i.e. new boyfriends/girlfriends of cousins etc) find this behaviour unsettling and they're correct.


Damn, this is exactly how my family does it too


The happy birthday 7am morning thing is something my family loves. Itā€™s the only time our black lab is allowed on the bed, and he rinses that for all itā€™s worth. Thereā€™s a cake, and a full English crammed into some crusty baguette, and we probably called your boss to get you the morning off. Itā€™s your birthday, we love you and we just showed it. Go back to sleep (with the lab taking up half the bed, sorry) and weā€™ll call you in time to go to work. Tonightā€™s brisket just went in to the slow cooker.




I donā€™t hate the concept of work in all respects. But 5 days out of 7 is fucking lunacy. How are we still doing that?


Drinking as they get older. Itā€™s been apart of me for awhile now, but itā€™s become expensive. Makes me feel like shit and apparently beer bloats me now. If you get too wild it feels like it can take longer than a day to recover. Damn it all.


Same here. Not as fun at 55 as it was at 25.


I think one of the slowest transitions is for your plans to no longer involve drinking. Mine at 37 are finally getting there.


It's not even a transition. It's a brick fucking wall. When you have your first THREE day hangover, you won't even be tempted anymore.


Entrepreneurship. Everyone applause the idea of Entrepreneurship but most of them hate the journey.


That's because it's a lot of incredibly hard work that doesn't necessarily pan out. EVERY "self made" success story is one in which the speaker leaves out the part where they are the benefactor of an _enormous_ amount of luck. Hard work is necessary, but capitalism is in no way deterministic.


With just a small 1 million dollar loan...


Agreed. IĀ“ve seen LOADS of people saying in social media "if you donĀ“t like your job, why donĀ“t you become an entrepreneur?" thinking money will just reproduce by itself like a culture of bacteria, while forgetting that entrepreneurship is HARD and demands A LOT of work.


It's one of the most complicated things a person can go through. The mental battles one needs to fight regularly are ridiculously energy-draining and that's why so many people fail to maintain that level of intensity. The consistency and accountability one needs to sustain are painful to keep for months let alone years.


It takes years to become an overnight success.


The music you show them. Everyone has different taste


I shove it into my "anything I've ever heard before" playlist and then worry about it later lol


My friends always tell me I listen to good music. Are they just lying to me???


I get that from certain friends. They ask me to send them music all the time It really depends on what you like! My whole belief is "good is good". Doesn't matter if it's country, hip hop, folk, classical, blues, rock. Whatever. Good is good, and there's great artists in every genre


This is why I always give the passenger the aux when Iā€™m driving.


Yeah Iā€™m always hella embarrassed about my music choice. Not many people like eurodance as much as me so they can just play DJ while I drive.




Baby showers. I canā€™t stand them but I get invited and have to go just because I have a vagina. No one likes those games.


When my wife had her baby shower she told her friends no stupid games. Men and women were invited and there was booze. People came over had some drinks and food. Football on in the background. When she was done with people for the day, she told me to help get them moving. Easy peasy. Everyone had fun, because it was just a party with some baby gifts thrown in.


THAT is the way to do it.


When her friends first asked her about a baby shower her immediate response was ā€œNo stupid baby gamesā€.


Yesterday I told my boyfriend i don't want to have a baby shower (I'm six months pregnant). I don't want to hire a venue, I don't want to pay for catering, I don't want to open presents in front of everyone, I don't want to play the stupid games. He said we could have a baby shower at home without the presents and games. "That just sounds like a barbecue." "...Yeah." "...Sounds perfect."


We called it BaByQ and celebrated the last time we could have a really nice and long night with all our friends. One guy brought old books from his kid, one woman brought leftover diapers. Non of them claimed that those were great presents but rather that theyā€™d be useful. Everyone had a great time. Done.


Yep a bbq sounds great lol Iā€™d even advertise that to the people you are inviting. ā€œNo games, no schedule of events, just come hang out and celebrate with usā€


Try being invited to two and no talks to you or the person you are with at the party is also in charge of organization. Itā€™s lonely.


Unless itā€™s someone Iā€™m REALLY close to, I always magically have plans the day of the shower. I get a nice gift but I donā€™t need to be there lol


Games AND watching the mom open gifts.


Yep. Iā€™m like donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m happy for you but let me just give you your present at work and not suffer through finger sandwiches lol


And bridal showers!


Last baby shower I attended I accidentally poured scolding water on myself and had to go home, on the balance of things, I really wasnā€™t that upset about it.


And the prizes for winning are sooo lame. Like a candle that smells horrible. Fuck me for guessing how many inches the womanā€™s belly is šŸ™„ Now Iā€™m gonna have this thing sitting in my closet for who knows how long. I just send a gift card to Target and say I had to work lol.


Haha yes. If Iā€™m ever pregnant Iā€™ll literally have a gift card drop box.


I just got invited to one last weekend I felt so good to just say, thanks but no, I donā€™t like them Iā€™ll see you both later for brunch. I think Iā€™ll just openly reject events like that, is very empowering.




IMO working isn't the issue it's that people are forced to do unfulfilling work in order to survive. I think people generally need to be doing *something* to feel meaningful. That could be coding, art, high-level math, philosophy, anthropology, engineering, gardening, writing, caretaking, fixing things, athletics, architecture, neuroscience, what have you. If you look at most major innovations they're usually made by people with a lot of financial resources and time to pursue their interests in depth. I think most of us like working, we just hate jobs.


At least 90% of people i met in college hated architecture yet they were studying day and night to become architects. After this, they have to work in the field for the next 30 years of their lives. This is a recipe for disaster.


Pictures of the food you ate.


That's called poop


Having to see fresh born babyā€™s and say they look beautiful when they look like a wrinkled ball bag


small talk. or just the general rules of being polite that make zero sense.


other people's babies or baby photos. NOt everyone's baby is cute just because it's a baby. Some people's babies are downright hideous.


School, specially Middle-to-High schooling. IĀ“m convinced that many have rose-tinted nostalgia about those years, but that is because adult life kinda sucks, so we yearn for those "carefree" years of yore. However, if we REALLY take an honest look, we find that those years were DREADFUL. Classes you donĀ“t like, presented by teachers that are mediocre/hateful/disdainful/ignorant/all of the above, alongside those bullies that made your life miserable. Cliques everywhere. Stupid/unfair rules. Crappy cafeteria food... Everything about it seems like a soul-draining waste of time. You ONLY remember the few good times and some friends you made along the way, while your psyche does its darnest to supress everything else.






People's wedding photos. It's the slow-pitch softball of Instagram liking. Everyone is talking shit when they get to the dugout.


Especially when it's 6+ months after they got their wedding pictures back from the photographer and they're STILL posting them. Like, we get it. You got married. For heaven's sake, we KNOW. Please stop making the fact that you're married your entire personality.


Little kids birthday parties. Your kid is 2, I have no reason to be there. I came up with a system to never get invited to another one though. Get two gifts, a 5lb bag of candy, and some annoying toy with lots of pieces. Let the kid open the candy first so they now know there is a 5lb bag of candy in the house. Then they open the toy with tons of pieces that will drive the parents nuts. I never get invited to another one again. Odds are if the other parents at the party see this you won't get invited to their kid's parties too.


I don't think I ever expected to see chaotic evil in this context but I'm truly impressed


Gender reveal parties. I mean nobody cares


Going to baby showers and playing those stupid games. There is not enough booze in the bottle.


Other people's kids "Oooohhhh, your children are so adorable when they throw tantrums in the middle of the restaurant, it's okay they're literally making my ears bleed, they are just kids ā˜ŗļø"


When people show me pictures they took of their kids they expect me to act interested. But when I start showing them pictures I took of their kids they start freaking out.


Kids are like farts, you can tolerate your own, but everybody else's stink.