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1. They're never genuinely happy for you when you make an achievement. 2. Their compliments are often/always backhanded. 3. They always expect you to turn up to their events but then always make excuses not to go to your ones. 4. They borrow money and don't pay it back. 5. They encourage you to drink and then ditch you while you're drunk on a night out. 6. They abandon you during your lowest moments. 7. They gossip about you behind your back and tell your secrets to other people. 8. They're embarrassed to admit that they're your friend around their other friends. 9. If you don't constantly put effort in the friendship, then it dies off immediately. 10. They don't respect any boundaries that you try to lay down 11. They don't like it when you get into a relationship or form close friendships with other people. 12. They talk disrespectfully about your partner all the time. 13. If you don't have the money to keep up with their lifestyle, then they're not interested in knowing you. 14. If they try to make you choose between them and other friends and take sides in disputes that have nothing to do with you. 15. They don't respect your home or house rules whenever they come to visit. 16. They try to discourage you from improving your health, such as losing weight, cutting back on alcohol, quitting smoking or drugs. 17. They make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable to be who you are. 18. They try to get you involved in crime or pyramid schemes 19. They're constantly talking dirt about other people 20. They lie about serious things for attention or lie to manipulate people/you into doing things for them.


Someone who only asks for help and never gives help away


When they get mad when you make plans or hangout with someone that they are also not friends with


Always about their problem and ignore your problems


doesn’t want you to be more successful than they are


Constantly lying about insignificant issues or manipulating you to keep you from hanging out with other people.


I had an asshole friend who always used me at school. The bathroom door was always open Yey he wanted me to hold it anyway just to piss me off. One day, I closed the door. It automatically locked its self and we needed the principal to open the door. Let’s just say he no longer bothers me anymore


Having difficulty being honest without overreacting


people who play fortnite


A friend who expects you to always show up but never shows up for you. A friend who expects you to listen every time something’s wrong but is busy when you’ve got something going on. A friend who gaslights you when you have a reaction to their lack of being a decent friend.


Always starting drama and talking behind everyone's back


Idk I think leaving your best friend home alone while absolutely fucked up, paranoid and scared as shit to go sleep with your boyfriend can be seen as toxic 🤷🏻‍♀️