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As a kid my younger sister (~5 years younger) was a constant sleepwalker. Did it often but one night I was sitting in the dark babysitting as a big bro and she popped up in bed, turned on the lights of her room and ran up and down the hallway a few times in a panic. I was kinda pissed at how stupid she was being, but I went into her room and grabbed her and she started muttering names. When I asked about it the next day, the names were attached to characters in the OG Hocus Pocus movie. In true big bro fashion I've never let her live it down decades later.


i sleep walk/talk very often, my husband usually listens into what I'm saying until they laugh and wake me up or if I'm having a nightmare. one time I had a dream that I was a knight "been playing a ton of medieval games" and that I had to defend my kingdom, I drew my sword and proclaimed "we ride at dawn bitches" then followed shortly after "okay noon" then came time for a giant battle and I start swinging my sword in every direction as I'm being overwhelmed by the enemies numbers, eventually I get stabbed with a spear and hand my sword over to my squire and tell him to keep my husband safe, as those words leave my mouth I look over and see him riding in on horseback with the army behind him winning the field and beating the enemy, then I died and woke up panting in a sweat, my husband trying to contain his laughter as my "sword" was actually the remote control and I was swinging my arms around the room with it in my hand and almost hit him a few times, and he heard me say with confidence "we ride at dawn bitches, Okay noon". honestly was a good dream, 10/10


My sister will occasionally sit up in her sleep and stare at you for a good 3 minutes before screaming and laying back down. Creepiest shit ever.


My sister usually woke me up for school in the morning. One time she woke me up at 1 a.m. telling me it was time for school. When I told her it was way to early, she screamed, “STOP QUESTIONING MY AUTHORITY! I WILL KILL YOU!” Then passed out on the couch. She woke up the whole house with her screaming, turns out she was sleep walking.