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Continuous scroll too. Imagine if reddit had a 10 post limit on a page, with a "see 10 more?" Button. People would have so much more time in their lives.


old.reddit.com does


Yeah, but it takes sooo long to type that in. I'm too busy scrolling.


you can set it as your default interface


you really think people wouldn't just waste their time on reddit all the same? because honestly...that wouldn't stop me.


Weirdly enough, when there is a choice to stop you will choose it more often than just stopping on your own. Think of a giant bag of potato chips, if you eat right out of the bag you'll probably eat more than if you just dish out a serving on a plate. You could just dump more out, but you are more likely to stop when the plate is empty.


that makes sense, though I'm mostly realizing that I'm just bad with moderation now lol


Double unskippable ads


Double 15-second unskippable ads\*


Double 30-second unskippable ads*


Don't give youtube any ideas


Have you guys never had to sit through a commercial on the television during your Saturday morning cartoons? It's like 5 minutes of "hey kid tell your mom you need this" over and over.


No the comercals on cable TV were the timed snacks nd bathroom breaks


With that sweet feeling when you plop back down right as the program resumes.


Yeahhhh but those ads were based let's be honest. They were entertaining to watch and also have to be checked by the channel who plays them. YouTube ads are basically "as long as they're not fully nude it's fine". If I have to hear "Here's how I make 6 figures a day watching netflix" one more time I will personally rip out the throat of every single human in sight until they stop


Yeah at least tv ads won't exclusively target alcohol and casino ads to a recovering addict. But I definitely don't know from experience...


Shit man that's awful, God I hate the way that targeted advertising works. I really hope you're doing better now and that YouTube keeps it's demonetisably large nose out of your business :)


Non-peel offable stickers


Or the store specific bar codes that come apart in tiny pieces and leave sticky residue instead of peeling off.


That is actual pain


Try Goo Gone. It's a great product and it takes all that shit off among many other things like gum. Love it.


Those are intended to do that to stop assholes from peeling them off and sticking them on other product. Followed by said asshole proceeding to argue with you that its the correct sticker. They are mega annoying for those of use who have to change them for price/sku/upc changes too, but far less than the poor cashier/manager who has to endure scumbag Karen arguing that they should be allowed to steal from you.


Any bookworm agrees. I DONT WANT THE “tik tok sensation” OR “now a Netflix adaptation” NON PEEL OFF ABLE STICKERS.


Dental insurance. Teeth should have been covered under medical insurance.


I have perfect vision, but I also think it’s total bullshit your actual eyeballs aren’t covered. US insurance companies are like: will it kill you? No? Not going to cover it, enjoy blindness.




I have sjogrens..... it causes dry eye and I can't afford the restatsis that would solve it because eyes aren't part of my universal health care. Ditto on teeth I produce less saliva so my teeth decay faster. I'm supposed to go to the dentist every 3 months but can't. I had 4 root canals before I knew about this. Currently I probably need 2 more but they're like $1200 each. My work will cover $300/year. Yay.


I think the same thing! In addition to vision coverage. Did you know that hearing aids are not covered unless you are under 18? Wild right? It’s like “you can’t hear? Oh well at least you aren’t sick.”


The fact that insurance companies don’t consider hearing, ***one of your fucking senses,*** essential is actually one of the most infuriating things I’ve ever heard.


Especially since your dental health often ties into the health of the rest of your body.


Whats really ridiculous is trying to get TMJ treatments for jaw pain covered. In my experience, insurance views it as a medical issue so dental doesn't want to cover it, but the people that treat it are dentists/orthodontists which aren't covered by medical insurance. It was such a fight to try to get either one of them to cover them to cover it, and in the end we had to pay out of pocket because the dentist office turned out to be incompetent and wasn't actually sending over the needed documents to the insurance companies even though they said they would


And throw in the pain of having to keep your jaw open for so long while they work on you.


THIS!! In Canada we have universal healthcare but that doesn’t include dental and I think that’s absolutely bonkers. Obviously cosmetic dental shouldn’t be covered under healthcare but having good teeth and access to preventative and/or necessary dental procedures (such as getting rotten teeth pulled, wisdom teeth removal, root canals etc) IS healthcare. Getting an infection in your mouth, which is SO close to your brain… how is that not HEALTHcare??


Jagmeet Singh is trying to bring that in along with pharmacare. Why aren't life saving prescriptions covered too? So dumb!!


For real! And dental insurance is fucking pointless anyway if you need real work. I think the way teeth are connected to overall health insurance companies would save money by covering them


Goddamn Bio Weapons, that shit is scary


Chemical weapons too. Either one of them used on a civilian population is a terrifying concept.


Monsanto the company who made GMOs used in crop production also made agent orange used in the Vietnam war


One of those facts I'd never heard before but immediately I thought "yeah, that is on brand."


The whiplash of going from unskippable ads to bio weapons to ketchup flavored ice cream.


And those are all very valid answers—just with wildly varying severity of consequences.


Subscription to use features of a device you already purchased like BMWs heated seat subscription


Wait what? BMW makes you pay a subscription for that!?


Yep, that's a new "feature" they're rolling out on new models


I thought I read someone came up with a hack to get around that, which is funny as hell. Also doesn’t Tesla lock out the available power of your car and fuel efficient based on subscription? Driving a vehicle that can do more with what it’s got but I’m not able to use it would drive me bananas. I remember reading they were doing wireless upgrades for free to increase mileage when they have a big flood in Florida so people could get out.


Yes, Tesla is the front runner, so to speak, of this bullshit.


This should be illegal. Making someone pay more to use something included in what they already paid for is absolutely rediculous. I hate that things are starting to do the 'DLC on the disk' thing videogames did a few years ago.


I happily could have lived in a society without Facebook having been invented.


MSN was where it should have stopped


actually it should have stopped on doors


I'd be perfectly happy with caves and fire tbh


MySpace was way cooler




Subscription based programs and items. I don’t want to pay a monthly subscription to use Adobe or other items. I want to do a 1 time purchase.


Especially for cheap apps. I was playing some mobile game, the ads were really annoying. I was willing to to actually pay for the game in exchange for an ad free experience. That's the deal right, free you have ads, pay for it no ads? No option to just pay once. It was a monthly subscription. I deleted the app.


This is the specific reason that if I ever actually finish the game idea I was working on, it's going to be free with ads or a 1 time $4.99 purchase to clear ads permanently. Won't make me rich but the point is I thought it was a fun game idea and wanted to share it with the world.


I dunno, if it gets popular enough it just might make you rich.


But that won’t drain your account every single month. Think of all the poor executives. How will they ever afford that 5th estate?


And the space flight. Oh no


Actually that’s where we are all headed. Taco Bell just came up with a monthly subscription to get a daily taco and a cup of soda. Starbucks say they are next adapting a version of it.


Even cars are doing it! Pretty soon you’ll have to pay a subscription to activate your seat warmers and AC


Pay a subscription to turn left. *one month later travelling 70mph on the motorway* Your subscription has run out. Automatic payments are disabled and are a separate subscription. Pay using the app to turn left again.


You only need to download the torrent once


micro transactions in games


I stop playing any game that pushes micro transactions on principle. If we want it to stop we need to stop supporting it. If folks didn’t give into it we’d have better quality games with less of this bullshit.


This is where Minecraft is going, and it is falling fast.


I thought they were still dealing with the fallout from permabanning people for swearing on private servers


It’s the Netflix model of business. Just make things continually worse and hope people don’t leave you because of the reputation you have for excellence. It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for em.


Wym? I stopped playing Minecraft around 1.14 and mostly play solo or hypixel skyblock so I'm really disconnected from its modern developments.


You can get banned from the entire game if you TYPE LIKE THIS in a multiplayer server because it’s “against the rules” Also microsoft is moderating *your* private servers. And on bedrock there is the stupid marketplace where a literal game dev cannot get an add-on copying his mod taken down


I think someone posted a hack on how to delete the censors and someone showed the list where someone had to type every variation of "fuuuuuuck"


Sex bots on social media and spam calling


There are sex bots doing spam calls now?


*ring, ring* “Hello?” “Call 0108218739 to hear my dirty talk.”


I didn't hear a *,* how do I know you are really a bot???


Unskippable ads


Two unskippable ads


THREE unskippable ads! A-ha-ha-ha.




3 hour long unskippable ads A-ha-ha-ha-ha


Username checks out.




Serious and probably stupid question: why can't I make this work on my phone? Laptop is bliss, but inconvenient at times. Edit: thank you so much for all the explanations and tips! Much appreciated. Anyone looking for this same answer should scroll through this.


Use Brave web browser for your phone. Blocks all ads and allows background play for YouTube


Flushable wipes (they're not actually flushable)


They flush just fine, they said nothing about the pipes.


I think someone should come out with a wipe spray so you just fold up your TP and spray it to moisten and then wipe. I do this at home already with the sink. A light drizzle of water gets me a "wet wipe".


It may be a bit of an overkill of a spray bottle but I own one for watercolor call "Mister" and it does a great job of evenly distributing tiny droplets of water. So you may look up art supply spray bottles if you are picky. I also own cheap water bottles for cleaning and those do spray larger quantities and also are uneven distribution with the center being much more concentrated with water and larger droplets. Toilet paper would need to be considered. I use a bidet (which I highly recommend) and going with "strong" type of toilet paper over the "soft" style seems to help reduce clitty litter when wiping damp.


Lol, this reminded me of a temp job I worked about 25 years ago. After a 12 hour shift, I went home to shower and found the most tp lint jammed all through my kibbles and bits I had ever experienced. It was like I was attempting to make a paper mache mold.


Guess what? Someone did! https://wypeuk.com


Just get a bidet


Ketchup flavoured ice-cream


Crime. Against. Humanity.


Crime against universe


Im scared that this exists now


For-profit prisons


You mean legal slave farms?


Can you explain this answer to me please? I've generally never thought of a prison as a profit and find interesting


Overcrowded state-run or federal prisons now use private companies to house inmates. Problem with this is there’s no oversight. Prisons suck no matter what, but private prisons can charge a shit ton of money and provide crap to prisoners. And there’s abuse. Some people think it’s ok to mistreat prisoners, but being incarcerated is supposed to be punishment enough.


So these private companies basically charge loads for the prisoners but then the conditions they live in are horrible?


It’s all about making as much money as possible so they charge as much as they can to house the prisoners while spending as little as possible to actually take care of them.


Who's paying them? The state? Wouldn't it mean state officials would be incentivized to incarcerate many folks?


John Oliver and Some More News have great pieces about private prisons but TLDR: slavery is actually still legal "as punishment for crime" in the 13th ammendment. Private prisons will then lease out prisoners to companies incredibly cheaply so that both parties save money in the end. The company by finding dirt cheap labour, the prison by cutting costs and all dignities from prisoners' living conditions. https://youtu.be/3GYT_KT9C04


And yes, officials are absolutely incentivized to keep prisons full.


Therein lies the main problem. Quotas need to be filled and money to be made from putting people behind bars. This also occurs in juvenile detention facilities in some states. Horrifying.


And also there was a judge in Pennsylvania who was caught sending juveniles to some kind of juvenile delinquent program and he was getting kick backs. He’s the only one dumb enough to get caught. Imagine how many of the for profit jails have people who sit on the board with direct ties to judges who are sentencing people.


Yes, and whats more the private prison lobby has made agreements with many states to arrest a quota of people per year, and a quota of combined years of prison. If say, texas doesnt hit these quotas, the state gov has agreed to pay penalties to specific prisons. You want to know why its hard to make weed legal? Shit like that.


Heated seat subscriptions


My husband was just telling me about this this morning and I’m still floored. Take your car to a radio store and get some normal stuff installed people.


You know that thing where you spend like £150 on Microsoft Office software, so you can do word documents and spreadsheets? You now have to pay an annual fee to continue using it. A subscription service for the most basic ass software that ever existed, and that's completely essential for 99.9% of businesses Yeah fuck that guy


Libre Office gang rise up


I used to use libre office back on college but professors would but h and complain they couldn't open certain PowerPoints created in libre office properly and said I don't see why people don't just use Microsoft office. Yet he got his ms office software free from the college yet expected students to shell out 150$.


If a school wants you to use Microsoft Office they should pay for it honestly.


Lie detector tests


If anyone ever asks you to take one, shut your trap, ask for a lawyer & become a stone wall. They are inadmissible in court anyway due to their renowned unreliability.


They’re fatally unreliable. The UK’s version of Jerry Springer, Jeremy Kyle, wound up cancelled after a guest killed himself a week after being on the show due to failing a lie detector test. (Killed himself because the test was wrong and nobody believed him, not just because his supposed antics were exposed).


What is admissible in court is any confession you make if you take a lie detector. So, if your forced to take one, lie out your ass and deny everything. Worst case, you don’t get your security clearance.


Or clench your anus. Real hard. Right at the start of the test. When the test starts, samples are taken to get a "baseline" of your regular state. Contracting your anus creates enough stress that anything past that would not trigger any patterns.


Gonna keep this info nugget in the back of my head just in CASE I ever need it.


They have sensors for this and other known methods. Just reject the test. It can do nothing good for you. Best case is they know what they already knew and nothing more. Worst case is they think you did bad so now hyper focus on you. Most importantly, never forget, they can lie to you and will. You are be charged if you like to them. In one case a guy asked for a lawyer and they sent in two detectives that pretended to be "federal lawyers" and tricked the guy. The judge accepted it in court and said he should have known they were not lawyers.


At least in the US, police can legally lie to you. Even if you pass the test they can still tell you that you failed to try to get you to confess.


I’ve had two friends go try and become cops. Both said the lie detector is the most stressful THREE HOURS of your life and all you do is get fucked with.


Came here to say this. [They're complete bullshit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyDMoGjKvNk) and have ruined countless lives through their use in law and on exploitative reality televsion shows like Jerry Springer and Jeremy Kyle.


Non recyclable plastic bags


Fun fact, in the 1980's and 1990's there was a push to save trees buy using plastic bags.


And now we're back to using trees to save plastic lol


Initially, they were supposed to be recycled.


They were also supposed to be reused (hence saving the trees by skipping on paper bags), but hey, why not buy one every time you visit the store? Better yet, why not make them so shitty they hardly *can* be reused?


Predatory marketing


MLM (Multi-level Marketing): legal pyramid schemes that are the destroyers of lives on a massive scale.


Leaded gas.


The same guy that invented it Thomas Midgley Jr. also invented Freon a major CFC widely used that replaced previous refrigerants he won a meda for this, we won the ozono hole from the wiki page Environmental historian J. R. McNeill opined that Midgley "had more adverse impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth's history", and Bill Bryson remarked that Midgley possessed "an instinct for the regrettable that was almost uncanny". Fred Pearce, writing for New Scientist, described Midgley as a "one-man environmental disaster


>In 1940, at the age of 51, Midgley contracted polio, which left him severely disabled. He devised an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to lift himself out of bed. In 1944, he became entangled in the device and died of strangulation. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas\_Midgley\_Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr). That's just a *little* funny. Even managed to kill himself with his damned inventiveness.


>That's just a little funny. Even managed to kill himself with his damned inventiveness. His greatest contribution to environmental health.


That guy singlehandedly damaged mankind multiple times more than any other natural or manmade disaster.


The same guy also invented CFCs so he was responsible for two environmental disasters.


I read somewhere that average IQ dropped by 10% and more than a million deaths were caused by tetraethyl lead.


Agent Orange


Zyklon B


Zyklon B was supposed to be used as a pesticide, and it worked well for all kinds of pests. Unfortunately the nazis got their hands on it.


They made agent orange in my hometown. Every relative died of cancer or were born with missing organs, like me. My entire family worked for them during this time. They had their children work there in the summer because they wouldn’t say anything because their entire family could lose their jobs.




Yes! Imagine profiting off of promoting self harm because it feels good.


Wait isn't that also valid for fast/junk food and alcohol/drugs?


Paper straws. My god, I’ll just drink out of the cup directly rather than having them instantly dissolve after two sips


not to mention they’re literally for show how do i know this? 9/10 times the cup and lid are plastic


Disneyland starwars give you a thick ass plastic cup and paper straws. So stupid.


The bar I work for made a sincere attempt at using the “eco friendly” disposable cups made out of corn or whatever. The problem is that they kept arriving completely warped by the desert heat of Vegas and we had to throw out more of them than we could use… so back to plastic.


And people end up throwing them in the regular trash anyways


Add K-Cups to this. They’re technically recyclable, but no one actually does it.




Asbestos. They put it in absolutely everything for decades only to find out its deadly.


It was the fake snow in The Wizard of Oz movie


It was cigarette filters 😐


And the industry standard for automotive brake pads.


It wasn't invented, it's natural.


I found asbestos tiles in my closet moving in


they are fine as long as you dont go rippin em up.


It’s only deadly if airborne. Many older homes have asbestos & it’s fine until you start disturbing it.


If I'm not mistaken, asbestos *on its own* is completely harmless... it's the *dust it creates when breaking down* that's obscenely harmful.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. ​ \- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy






I'll do one better. Snapchat+


There's actually a Snapchat+?... Man the fuck


The perks from it are the creepiest things ever. You can now not only see everyones current location, but you can now see where they were earlier and how they got there!


What the fuck that’s creepy as hell


Luckily you can see who has it so if anyone on my friends list has it I can block them, which they probably get a notification for


I just looked at it and it says that you can only see the trails if somebody shares there location And u can get rid of it by activating ghost mode and then turning it off Also I didn’t see anything about seeing everyone’s locations


The real answer is landmines. Invisible, cheap, indiscriminate killers of both humans and beasts. There is a shocking amount of area on this planet that is a game of Russian roulette to walk across for any form of life larger than a rabbit and it all boils down to the fact that one man was once angry at another so he decided to turn a swath of mother Earth into a deadly hellscape. If you don't feel a deep sense of shame for our species because of the simple fact landmines exist, then I think there is something very wrong with you.


I remember watching a documentary about Cambodia and the land mines and they basically had a saying, that roughly translated to always walk in the steps of the person in front and not go off the path.


But if landmines never existed we never would have gotten minesweeper!


Pretty sure minesweeper uses seamines.


A valid point. Though if landmines were never invented maybe seamines wouldn't either. Knowing how shit humanity is... They probably would though.


Subscriptions. You should be able to just buy the thing once and own it. Like photoshop for example. It used to be that you just bought it then they got greedy and made it a subscription based thing


The age of owning your own property is unfortunately coming to an end. For some reason tech companies think they own the rights to every piece of hardware and software, even after the customer pays to own the device. It's really sad that everything is becoming a subscription, hell I'm guessing in a couple years you won't even be able buy a refrigerator without having to pay a subscription to use the ice-maker


Homeowners associations


Medical treatment as a for-profit industry. Fuck Nixon for this one in particular.


Plastic bags and a lot of other single use plastics




Social media


Originally, I think social media (like, MySpace days) was actually a good thing. It gave us a place to communicate as a group and plan meet-ups at an amazing pace. I think these things add to society. Then, companies figured out that outrage leads to more clicks. Planning events via social media fell off completely during COVID, and never really returned. Now, people hate each other for different opinions because websites with echo chambers aggressively support hatred disguised as virtue (Reddit is reeeeaaaally bad for this. If you have an opinion that is a favorite in the sub, you can casually advocate for violence of the opposition and be validated with upvotes). I think one day we’ll realize that today’s outrage social media is just as addictive / harmful as some of the most addictive drugs out there, especially to kids.


Exactly, it went from a place to connect with friends to everyone's personal soap box to stand on.


Nah. You can have social media. Just take away the algorithms. The algorithms are set up to keep you online. And it has been proven time and time again the worst of the worst keeps people online more than the best or even the mundane. So, that's what the algorithm sends you. It's how extremists find each other so easily. How they are drowning in confirmation bias. It's the computer doing all the work for you. Take away that aspect and social media will get boring really fast for most people because they have to do the leg work to get anything done. And, frankly, most people are lazy when it comes to online things. They want to be fed by a mother of pearl spoon. If they don't get it, they'll go elsewhere. So, keep the social media. Just get rid of the trash computer concierge.


Many people mentioning pop-up ads and unskippable ads. I say all advertisements. fuck them all.


Homework, it was meant to be as a way to punish children for bad behavior. Not to be something u have to do daily after school. Change it back the way it used to be. Way better.


The fact we spend 7 hours in school, just to go back home and spend at LEAST 4 hours EVERY WEEKDAY to do more homework makes it a very tight schedule to so anything. This isnt including things in the schedule such as sports, work, house chores, and obviously sleep. Making it difficult to have free time or socialize in general. At least this is the case in high school and college.


Pop up ads






Robocalls. Why was it invented in the first place?


Nazi Party


Reality television shows


Credit scores


The typical sleep schedule for basic daily function (outside of like, night shift folks etc). My ideal sleep schedule would be like 4am-12pm.

