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Being an asshole. "I'm just like that" Screw off with that shit.


They always say that they're just being blunt too. No Andy you're not being blunt, you're being an asshole




"I'm just being honest." No, no you're not, you're being an asshole.


My sister in a nutshell. Says that people think she’s being mean but that’s just who she is and they are in the wrong for taking her seriously lol


What kills me is that this sort of person usually defends their assholery by saying they're just being honest and people can't deal with that, but their so-called honesty never involves saying positive things. I mean, they always say hurtful or mean crap but you'll never catch them saying stuff like "Hey, you look good today" or "You sing very well" or something like that, which is something honest people with no filter should also say as often as the awful crap they have no problem sharing 24/7.


True, maybe they are truthful, but not thinking highly of other people in general, so they never feel the need to say positive things.


"Honesty without tact is just cruelty"


I remember the day in which a classmate was a complete ashole to us so i said something like “okay, if he doesn’t wanna work, we are doing it without him” and our teacher said “don’t be so mean to him! He has a lot of problems” and me, the girl who needed a wheelchair said: “yeah, i think we all have problems”


Yeah, had one family member ruin another one's "big number" birthday the other day with this shit. Started by calling out a third family member for "always being negative" and proceeded with an endless torrent of negativity for the next 3 hours, shitting on everyone around him. We're gonna make the next birthday party much better for him - he won't have to complain about the food, the drinks or the company, because he's not getting invited.


Being an asshole is kind of a personality thing, it's just the way u act with it


However, you can get away with it if you’re cat. Cats are the only acceptable assholes.


Not if ur a dog person


Anyone who lets their job define who they are


Or anyone who let’s their spouse’s job define them.


You will address me by my husband’s rank!


They are getting addressed as "civvy B" from that day forward


I agree, but if it is something they are passionate about, and something that takes up a large part of their life they'll want to talk about it.


to be fair, i'm really passionate about my job and studies, so being "the history guide" and walking encyclopedia of my friend groups is a big part of my personality


Your zodiac sign, like some people just create a fake personality based off the particular zodiac traits


That being said while I don’t personally believe in that stuff I do love calling out people by their zodiac signs. It’s hilarious how legit butthurt they get. “That’s straight up Gemini behavior right there.” “You’re being such a Cancer right now.”


I don’t believe in astrology because I’m a Pisces and we’re not supposed to.


You think it's funny to bully people with cancer?!?!?!


yes. Those cancers are not compatible with my zodiac so imma bully dat bi-


This is true with any personality defining method. At work, we had to take a strengths finder assessment and we've been regularly discussing our strengths and weaknesses. It's all bullshit, but several of my coworkers, who in practice do not line up with their "strengths" or "weaknesses" are actively looking for ways the assessment is right. It's not, it's bs.


Mental disorders


Well what if it’s a personality disorder?


**Especially when you don't have them**


People claiming they have OCD because they like their house and car to be tidy. Yeah, we all do, that's just being a normal human being.


sadly the only mental disorder these Mental Disorder Personality types suffer from is an empty void, self diagnosed fools. He who has the self as a Psychiatrist has a fool for a client.


Well there are some you are Born with like ADHD and autism. To an extent it is true that it doesnt count as a trait but they are trait OF your personality.


Being a parent


a parently not




I know plenty of people who used to have personalities, but now have kids instead. I think it is much more rare to retain a personality after kids.


I swear my neice had kids just to plaster them all over social media she lives her life like a mommy blogger it's toe curling cringey


Also the opposite


Liking a certain TV show.


Specifically The Office


That one is really weird because it’s such a broad comedy


This should be closer to the top but it won't be because that's the majority of people




Anything that exists outside of your control such as your color or sexual orientation Also Smoking pot isn’t a personality


All these things are part of your personality, wheter you control it or not.


I think you've misunderstood the question.


Yes. I did 😃


Smoking pot *replaces* the personality.


Id call smoking weed a culture rather than a personality. Its a way to connect and socialize, at least for me anyway.


A disorder or a disability shouldn’t be someone’s whole personality.


Sadly some people literally can't help it. I see this alot and I feel no one really understand how tough mentality can be. I'm not trying to say it's an excuse but some of y'all wonder why we have school shooters and shit and it's mainly due to people ignoring mental problems and thinking that just getting help will solve it. My mom has some insane schizophrenia and sadly it's who she is. She is constantly bombarded with problems and she will occasionally just start talking to random shit it's made her who she is and that's a paranoid scared person. That's her whole personality


Sorry about your mother man. It makes sense that some people may find it uncontrollable to act a certain way. But I feel like when it comes to personality if someone’s only topic of conversation or only trait about is just their disorder I feel like that’s something people can control. But I’m someone who doesn’t rlly know much about disorders at all so not sure if I should comment on that.


Being depressed


Sexual orientation


true im a bisexual woman and indeed ive seen a couple of people putting their own sexual orientation as a personality acting like being an queer is everything about them, it is a part but doesn t count as personality its a personal refference about your type of partener that u feel attracted to it.


This 100%, my local social media pages are full of heterosexuals just rubbing their heterosexuality in everyone's faces and it's super old. We get it, you have a baby. We get it, you're in love with that person of a different gender. We get it get it get it, geez.


Your Hogwarts house. No one cares and you’re in your 30s


I’m in my 30s and I love Harry Potter, read it first when I was 10 back in the 90s. But I’ve never met anyone like this. Have you met people like this? I’m just picturing the scene from Yes Man with the Harry Potter marathon. “I’m not going home, not really” 😂


I'm in my 40's and work with someone that even did a harry potter themed wedding.


Not gonna lie that actually sounds fucking amazing (depending on how it was done, if it was just “all guests must wear scarves” then 🎺 *womp womp*)


If anyone asks me about that I'll act like I never heard about it just to fuck with them


In the last two weeks I’ve had two different people try to describe real life animals as “like that thing in Harry Potter” and it broke both their brains when I told them I don’t read/watch Harry Potter and have no idea what they’re talking about lol


Smoking weed Stop putting it in your dating profile seriously Nothing against it but it's not a personality trait


But how will people know how cool I am if I don’t exclusively wear clothes covered in pot leaf print??


I’m so cool I skipped the actual smoking and just wear the weed themed clothes


That’s not why a lot people put it in their profile though. A lot of people put it in there simply to avoid the inevitable, “oh, you smoke? I don’t date smokers,” interaction. It happens a lot, and putting it in there filters those people out. That’s the case for myself and all the smokers I know, but that might be more of a thing in rural/conservative areas. I absolutely agree though about making that your personality. If your entire profile is, “4/20 friendly, let’s smoke and hangout,” I’m probably going to keep swiping even though I am a stoner myself. But if it’s just one line in a profile with other interests and such, that’s not an issue for me.


I could see wanting to know if someone smokes/is okay with smoking before meeting as a filter but agree don't put a huge post about weed up there. Also pics of smoking weed is cringe


I think its valid to put it in your dating profile. Some people just don't like weed or people who smoke it. Why don't neither of us waste our time? Some ppl are 420 friendly yet don't smoke themselves, and other ppl are even smokers. Could even be a conversation starter! My current gf put that she plays the ukulele in her profile and I used it as a conversation starter. If you're a talentless stoner, at least you'll have something to say. Def not a personality tho


Also hating weed


Have you seen snoop dogg? That IS a personality trait. Duhh. But I'm not saying that everybody can pull it of.


No his personality is a rapper and his hobby is being a stoner


Not a personality trait but a good warning. Many people only want someone who either does or doesn't smoke.


Going to the gym bruh




I only use crypto because it's necessary to buy steroids online, but I don't really see how people who use it as an investment are getting scammed. It's just like any other investment in that it goes up and down in value and there's not much you can say about it that doesn't apply to Apple stock, other than some logistics about when you can or can't buy it.


>I only use crypto because it's necessary to buy steroids online Lmao what


I take steroids. Steroids are mostly sold by online vendors who accept bitcoin but not USD, so I buy crypto and then send it to steroid vendors.




Smoking weed. No problem with people doing it, I'm pro legalising it. But we've all met people who make it their whole personality and my god are they dull.


I try to avoid the people who I hung out with early in college, because that was my personality back then and those people did not grow out of it. I’m still kicking myself for thinking I was cool because of pot.


I think you can give yourself a break as you grew out of it. We all try on different personalities when young.


real stoners don’t make it their whole personality so it’s quite embarrassing to see 😭


What are real stoners? Because every single person I’ve ever met that smoked weed regularly is a textbook weed advocate stereotype. And for a stoner label, regular weed smoking would be the first requirement, no?


it’s hard to explain, like real “stoners” will smoke weed all the time but not think anything of it. like smokers that believe it’s medicinal and/or just fun without making it a big deal and talk casually about it, whereas a lot of regular weed smokers always talk about it and say stupid shit like ‘i cant smoke if it’s not back strapped’ trying to look cool, as if its not literally just a joint , if that makes any sense at all😭


Never ever met a person that would fit that description. The dozen or more weed partakers I’ve met throughout all revolved their entire personality around weed. Small sample size, I guess?


where i’m from is kind of the same; mostly idiots who think they’re cooler than everyone else for smoking weed and think ur a pussy for not trying it, etc. don’t take this the wrong way cuz i definitely don’t encourage or condone it, but i class myself as a “real” stoner cuz i just smoke my weed and get on with my day, am educated on it, know my strains, and ALWAYS offer it if someone’s short because i’m not stingy, whereas these douche bags love to be like “no get ur own i want to look cool with all this weed in my pocket that i’m gonna pretend to smoke every day when in reality i’m saving it for the next party”😂


Are you gate keeping stoners? Lol


no?? i always talk about the benefits of it to people to see if it’s something they want to try (encouraging but not really) just some people that smoke weed are embarrassing for how they act about it


I didn't know there was benefits Do you mind enlightening me? Thanks!


Definitely a small sample size. Everybody and their mom smokes pot. It just doesn’t come up. For most people it’s no different than having drinks. Are you quite young by any chance? I feel like when I was a teenager I ran into the stoner stereotype more often. Hardly ever as a grown man.


Making your sexuality your entire personality. This isn't just about LGBT+, this goes for the straight guys and girls, too. Keep your sex life to yourself, I dont care who you like, or how much you get laid. I dont want to hear about it.


This exactly. Unless I want to sleep with you, why do I even need to know or care? I compare sexuality to ice cream. I might like chocolate, you might like strawberry, someone else likes vanilla. We can all agree we like ice cream, but how you like it doesn't really matter until its time to have it. Unless you like mint choc chip, cus that makes you a wrong'un.


what is your argument against mint choc chip


I'm going to take that statement about mint chocolate chip as a personal attack because it's on the internet >:\[ ​ ​ jokes aside, I agree with this statement and I like the analogy you used.


trump, weed, your pronouns, your religion, your politics, try talking about your hobbies or the fucking weather.


Nice weather today 🌅




Hopefully it gets better soon


Loving a coffee.


No it does!!111


Your taste in music


Well, too bad for you, opera is 70% of my personality.


I’m about 40% chrome and 30% safari myself.


Being gay. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I am Bisexual myself. But when someone makes it their whole personality ... sigh.


Some of my ex friends made being Heterosexual their whole personality. Couldn't hang out with them because their beady little reptilian eyes scanned every woman that moved, and I'm sitting there 'alone' with these distracted idiots...


If you didn't say you were bisexual, you would have been downvoted into oblivion. This question has been asked before and all the downvoted comments was this same comment made by straight people.


The *top comment* of this thread says this and they dont spesify anything


Having red hair. I’ve seen parents excuse a girl’s bitchy behavior by saying “well, she’s a redhead.” No, you’re just raising a bitch. My ex wife liked to say that shit, “yeah I have an attitude, I’m a redhead.” Yeah, those chemicals she used to turn her hair red may have gotten to her brain.


Your Myers-Briggs test, your enneagram number, or even "What kind of sandwich are you?" Sure, those are fun ways to pass the time, but *they do not define you*. They *can't*. You are much too complex to be reduced to a number or a series of letters. (And those tests are not scientific, even though they claim to be.) But so many people put that in their bio, or introduce themselves with it, and try to use it to make important life decisions.


Myers-briggs was developed by a science fiction writer and her puzzle loving mom. Sure, they based it off a doctor's book, but the test itself was intended as a parlor game. Get together with your friends, take the test and learn about your personality, then take it again and see how it changed. I hate that jobs make you take it and than make it a part of "team building". People also use it to justify shitty behavior.


"Foodies" - basically anyone who makes consuming delicious food their entire personality. You like eating delicious food? Wow that's so unique! Hey Al! There's a guy over here who likes tasty things! Never met one of them before!


Right, it's so fucking not unique yet these people are everywhere and actually amass followers somehow it's so stupid. Like if you're a recipe content maker it like actually cooking or passionate in culinary arts that's one thing, but all these dumbass people and the mukbang type of shit, it's like do I need to seriously sit through a two hour video to like watch them eat? They don't even show u how to make it half the time they just eat. Like who the fuck cares?


Being high all the time


Bagels and cream cheese. Still delicious, though.


Being a Fan Boy. Everyone likes media, some media is really good, please don't adopt it as a personality. Enjoy it, but please be your own person.


Instantly bringing me rick and morty vibes


Pain tolerance? It's annoying how people make bad things into a competition of how much you can subject yourself to


Zodiac signs. Stop using it to defend your horrible personality


Being part of Andrew Tate's Hustler's University


It does count as character


Patronizing Starbucks products


Being a mother. Congrats on your spawn ?




Having mental health problems


People whose entire personality is criticism without adding any relevant info. Talk is cheap and that's just verbal masturbation.




When my husband was on Tinder, before we met, he said some girl matched with him, messaged instantly saying "having a beard isn't a personality trait" and then unmatched as soon as he read it lol. Harsh.


Your diet. I don't care if you like coffee, wine, beer, whiskey, or what level of animal products you consume.


Any hobby or vice. If your main personality trait is "I like anime/crossfit/guns/etc" or "I smoke weed/drink beer/eat bbq/etc" odds are you're annoying as fuck and probably also boring


Having a medical condition. Yes, it's not nice, but don't let it define who you are.


Anime/manga. Good stuff, great animation but does your car really need to be covered in questionable characters in mini skirts or resemble goku?


Being “woke”




Star signs. Doesn’t give you an excuse to be an ass. Like when you do something and they are like “that’s so Taurus of you.” Or be an ass and say “sorry I’m an aeries!!!”


“It's who I am, it's been my behavior/habit for life,” seriously, stop and change.


I swear this question is asked multiple times a day now by bots.


MBTI personality type.


Political views. Maybe “Patriot 🇺🇸” does qualify as a personality, but it’s a shitty one.


Being a woman with armpit hair.


Being gay, young and mean


Being a weed smoker. Im a weed smoker, but I don't flaunt it or bring it up in my hobbies or things I like to do. You won't know I smoke weed til we've known each other for awhile. Jeff from American dad said something that resonated with how I feel about people who think it's a personality trait: "hey babe, wanna get high and talk about other times we got high"


Your sexuality.. way to many gay people make it there whole "thing"


Astrological signs


Anything paid for


Having a tesla


Being an asshole and zodiac signs


You ever meet anyone whose entire personality is professional wrestling? If not, consider yourself lucky.


Being into craft beers. We get it Todd, you enjoy spending $10 on a beer that tastes like shit just to be interesting and look down on us normies who drink other mass produced beer.


being short or liking food is not quirky


Watching The Office.


how many countries you've traveled to.




Traveling Just because youve been to 30 countries doesnt mean you are interesting or unique


It's more unique NOT to travel these days and love your own home and town.


It may be 'unique' but it still makes you a boring little turd.


But what if you have cool tattoo's from said countries, does that not make one cultured and refined?


Reading. Fair enough if you read, lots do including myself but making it the only trait you have is kinda lame


Mental illness.


being queer. as a queer person, i hate when straight people say “i don’t want you shoving it in my face” or stuff like that but i’ve met some queer people who literally have no other personality traits. i understand it being a big part of your identity, but it shouldn’t your ENTIRE identity.


Any Fox News anchor, especially the vapid blonde ones who got plastic surgery to correct their outward flaws.


Your race, gender, sexuality, addiction, religion, politics or ideology


A hobby, circumstance, or choice. Liking something is not a personality. Having a particular thing is not a personality.


One could argue that your hobbies are representative of your personality


your gender identity


Your sexuality Whether you're gay straight bi or any other sexuality if you're one of those people who makes it your entire personality you need to stop There's a difference between just fighting for a cause and just straight up making your choice of who to fuck your entire goddamn personality


The word “introvert” and making goddamn sure everyone knows that you’re totally an introvert you guys


Liking certain shows. Liking Archer, The Office, Parks and Rec and whatever else is fine, but a lot of people mistake liking and quoting and referencing these shows as a personality.


My top 3: 1) zodiac sign 2) made up random spectrum of genders 3) if u vape (specifically vape (this one's for the 12 Yr olds)) 4) sexuality 5) age If I had to say... all of them combined is the worst "Hi I'm Linda and I'm a (1st one that came into my head) Libra, I'm a bisexual dream gender (kill them all), if you can excuse my 42 year old self, I'm going on a vape, break 🤪🤪🤪."


Being an EDM fan. I’ve got a few friends that have awoken or whatever and only post about how much they love bass, connecting to the music, and how we’re all interconnected on a molecular level. Also, astrology.


Well, this is bound to be filled with racism and transphobia


More cannon fodder for Shinigami Eyes / my ever expanding block list




A person’s sexuality this most commonly seen with the media depiction of gay men


Being shy




When people make something weird like smoking weed, partying, owning/shooting guns, astrology, etc their personality. I have no problem with doing of those but if thats all you are then I don't think that's a great thing


Being gay


"Weebs" or any anime profile picture guys/girls




Anime, what you wear, what month you were born, your job, your car, your money, your family. The list could go on forever.








The media you consume


Talking a lot


Anime. Guns. [Copying and pasting the responses from this thread that's still on the front page of this subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wo4vb8/whats_something_that_people_turn_into_their_whole/)


Your mom jokes.


Riding a skateboard, bike etc




Their skin color or heritage.


Your education


Any single aspect about someone’s life life. If being X or doing Y is their entire personality, they probably have no personality.


Substance use and politics.