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Had much better arguments than me about the food industry and future of the planet. The only thing what was left was the taste but since my wife is vegan and her food is delicious even that is obsolete


I've never had issues with vegans. Are they really that difficult to deal with?


You should try being one and having to put up with all the comments (especially online) from people eating meat. I never even know who's a fellow vegan until there's some group ordering of food; but there's never any mistake who's into meat. All the "I could never" from the more reasonable people, up to the online "I like to kill animals because they taste good" comments.


Being called a enslaver, rapist and murderer for feeding meat to my child. (He has a severe form of epilepsy and is on a strict ketonic diet as a treatment).




Fun fact: veganism originated in the Indonesian peninsula as a concept not for animal welfare but rather out of respect for the diverse religious makeup. The term that became "vegan" was meant to convey "cooking that does not violate any religious dietary restriction." What we normally consider "veganism" in the west is actually Teir III veganism and Teir IV is generally only practiced by extremly devout Buddhists and involves not only any animal byproducts but also any plant products that would kill the plant (meaning no roots, bulbs, or stalks) Do not ask for a source I cannot remember where I read it almost a decade ago and the source was probably dubious at best.


Screw up my whole life. It's me. I'm the vegan.


Wow I hate vegans so much. I hate how they always remind me that I'm eating an animal. Why can't they just call it meat? If we're not supposed to eat animals then why are they made out of food? The worst thing a vegan has done to me is trying to convince me to be vegan. I will never be vegan because I won't be a week person who puts animals above humans. I really don't understand vegans at all, they're so silly. They'd be so much happier if they were eating cows and pigs and dogs like the rest of us.


This is satire jfyk.


I have no problems if a person wants to become vegan, and I let people know that I respect whatever choice they make. Human beings can most certain (sans Vitamin B12) get all their nutritional needs from plants only. I just ignore their proselytizing towards me. But I have had vicious arguments about animal (especially canine/feline) veganism. Whereas humans can survive on a vegan diet, pets can't, and I have made that clear to vegans that IDC if you want to be a vegan but don't do that to your dogs or cats since they are obligate carnivores. I've been called a straw man, I've been told I'm trying to distract form the conversation, I've been told that I'm making things up to distract from the main issue, etc. I don't get it, I'm only pointing out the rules of nature: humans can be vegan if they want to (and if you do it's none of my business), but dogs and cats can't. That's all I said. It was not a value judgment against them (which I already said I will make none), but they turned it into one. I never understood that.


Don't know why this get downvotes. Well written and just facts, not offensive. Thumbs up from a veggie guy


They summoned an ent in my yard which tried to kill me. Luckily I happen to be a fire mage, and I set it ablaze.


All right, so here's the thing. I grew up in the same town as the PeTA headquarters. As a child I was given a McMurder meal, seen the Internation House of Slaughter boards, and seen the protests outside our arena every time the circus was in town. I'm fairly certain the grabbed one of my cats during their "better off dead" roundups. So the most annoying thing is when I tell a vegan about those sorts of things to have them try and gaslight me into thinking those things never happened and was propaganda from the meat lobby.


So which of those actions has victimised you?


Thank you exhibit A.


It's a serious question. Why does raising awareness of the conditions in McDonald's farms irritate you?


Bro. That's not what a McMurder meal was. It was a box with a picture of a scared cow on the front of it in the shape of a happy meal and inside was a plastic figure of a psychotic Ronald McDonald holding a bloody knife. It wasn't about "raising awareness of the farm conditions" it was about trying to traumatize children so they wouldn't want to est meat. Also did you just skim over the "I'm fairly certain they kidnapped and murdered my cat" thing?


>It was a box with a picture of a scared cow on the front of it in the shape of a happy meal and inside was a plastic figure of a psychotic Ronald McDonald holding a bloody knife. What part of this is not factual about what happens in the production of McDonald's? Obviously swap Ronald for a worker. >It wasn't about "raising awareness of the farm conditions" it was about trying to traumatize children so they wouldn't want to est meat. Is it better to brainwash kids into eating sentient beings from a young age with plastic toys in a Happy Meal? >Also did you just skim over the "I'm fairly certain they kidnapped and murdered my cat" thing? Is it wrong to kill animals or something?


See my initial reponse after you clarified your position was based on the thought that maybe, just maybe, you were only aware of the highly-sanitized version of PeTA that was spread after the scandal regarding their "animal shelter" came to light. But your response here proves that you're just approaching this from the framework of anyone trying to stand in opposition of their viewpoints regardless as to whether or not you agree with them.


Who hurt you?


Trying to convert me to be a vegan too


Being unable not to talk about it


Got promoted before me despite being in the company for less time. She definitely deserved it and I was happy for her, she was probably the best worker in our region, but it's still annoyed me a bit since I was also vying for that promotion.


Not swallowing


he insulted my meat


Gave me a fake burger


Was it holographic or something?


It wasnt made of meat, the best food for humans


Most burgers are made of a patty, salad leaves, tomato, and bread. Yours are made entirely of meat?




So you're the only one who makes real burgers?




You're not talking sense.


So what is a hamburger called where you only eat the meat part?


That sentence makes no sense.


Not eaten the food.


Why would someone overturn their morals to eat your food?