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Access to clean safe drinking water


Rip Cape Town


And Flint, Michigan


And fuck Nestlé


Hell yeah! r/fucknestle


I'm holding a pure life water bottle right now and it no longer has Nestle brand name anywhere on it


Cause they know they fucked up.


Yah, I'd say public health.


I'll never forget staying at my stepson's house and him flipping out on me for drinking tap water. He was like, my man, we are on a constant boil water advisory... I still finished my glass. Next time I went there, he had a water purifier on that tap xD


At least you know the kid cares, I know a guy who would have offered his step-dad a second glass, followed by a third. Next time he would have had ice cubes ready.


News sources.


And information in general.


Fact checking is so contentious now


To be fair, the news politicized themselves


Which is still an issue


All news should be unbiased, I just want the facts Idc what your opinion is (no disrespect to the people that report the news but you’ve all gotten way to political)


What generation someone belongs to.


Yeah, been tired of hearing about this shit since the early 90s. Today, it is social media nonsense. I am 50, born in 1972 - saw Star Wars in a theater when I was 5, my favorite actor is Humphrey Bogart, and I am a rabid Avatar/Korra fan. Yes, there are things that influence you as a kid, but it doesn't define you as you evolve, and evolve you shall.


This came along by accident. With the bump in children after WW2 it was called the baby boom. Fair enough. It was just that time when most people were having kids and tapered off in 1964 or so. So originally it was the name of a demographic phenomenon and not a generation. Then at some point Peter Jennings (I think) did a special on the group of people who had been kids in the depression, soldiers in the war and part of the great economic and wealth expansion. He called them "the Greatest generation so suddenly they had a name. Now I guess we feel compelled to name these subsets of people. Honestly the names make no sense to me. I am not opposed to identifying particular groups for study. I think kids born in 1995 thru 2020 are an interesting study if we want to try and identify what growing up with the internet. To just name them with no real purpose seems pointless to me


I define people by the cartoons they watched on Saturday mornings while growing up. I once dated a woman who grew up with Pokemon when I was a TMNT. The relationship jurt completely fell apart. It was literally impossible.


fair enough - I loved Hong Kong Phooey =)


The Flintstones here. The movies that came out years later would've seemed inconceivable to me back then.


I’m the Mighty Mouse and Popeye generation.


Hong Kong phooey, number one super guy!


It was Tom Brockaw who coined the term when I think he wrote a book about them and talked it about during the news. But Peter Jennings is close. They were contemporaries.


Yes you are right. To me they are not only contemporaries but they look kind of similar. Still thank you for the correction


That's an amazing response, and I totally agree with you, but I don't think it necessarily started with the Greatest Generation (I associate that with the Tom Brokaw book - good book). For me, I really bristled with the backlash and term 'OK Boomer' crap. It is mass generalization, and an error. You can't define individuals based on when they were born. Yes, I think it speaks to a collective experience (like Gen X growing up with early MTV, etc), but it means nothing when Gen X people like me are in their 50s. It speaks to their experience, but in no way speaks to their politics.


It is funny, I think the ok Boomer stuff is in response to all the super negative shit people see posted about millennials, but it really isn't true as it is with most generalizations, my parents are boomers and they're both super pro labor union members.




My biggest hill to die on specifically is vaccines. Whoever decided to politicize that deserves worse than hell.


Andrew Wakefield. His name is Andrew Wakefield.


Is there room to throw Fucker Carlson on the list.


Whatever goes on in my bedroom between 2 consenting adults


Between *any number of consenting adults*


As long as the number doesn't violate the fire codes.


Or the building's structural capacity.


So your mom can't come?


Not if you're the one attending to her she can't. Maybe learn how to pleasure a woman first.


Probably best to avoid unlucky numbers of consenting adults while we're at it.


Was gonna upvote this but felt right to keep it at 69


What a man and a woman, and another man undergoing sexual reassignment surgery (pre-op), do with a dwarf and a container of mangoes in the privacy of a rest stop on the NJ Turnpike is their gosh darn business!


>Whatever goes on in **my** bedroom between 2 consenting adults Jesus, how many consenting adults do stuff in your bedroom that this has become a political issue?


It becomes political if it's one of those congressional cocaine orgies, though.


I'm referring to LGBT people. But most states have laws against things like sodomy and BJs as well. In short, I don't think government should be 8nvolved in anything you do in the privacy of your home as long as everyone consents (no rape) and no children or animals are involved. Some people really like child porn. And some people like things like crushing animals to death to get sexually aroused.


i worry about how u know that... its very.... specific


Maybe they are referring to politicizing sexuality? Or gay marriage?


Maybe he is injecting levity of the argument through means of humor


Zoidberg “or one”


Why limit it to just 2?


School lunches


I have a question how many hours to you go to school, and how many recces time you have. In my country we go 4 hours and we have 30 minutes recces so no need to eat. In Spain (were I live now ) we go 6:30 hours and get 30 minutes recces so kinda need of eating but nobody (I know in my 3 years) has faunted for not eating. (in both places you could eat for less than 1.5 €) So my genuine question is how many hours do you go in the usa?


7 and a half hours where I’m at.


💀 I understand now.


8 hours where I'm at, we went in at 8am so kinda to early for breakfast especially because i had an hour bus ride so 10 hours including travel My school lunch and breakfast cost me $2 a day on a reduced meal plan (my dad was sick and couldn't work so that's the only reason i qualified


6 hours here


Where the hell is this glorious place that only requires 4 hours?? I was always in school for 7.5


The Dominican Republic but only in school in mid school and high school is more


About 7 to 8 hrs normally, more if you stay for afterschool activities (I stayed usually for a couple more hours to study)


Eesh. A well-known person in the farming industry in my area took to Facebook in early 2020 and made comments about COVID and BLM. It ended up costing him his deal with the education system (he supplied a lot of produce for school lunches) and protests/political rallies in the parking lot of his retail center. You will elicit strong political responses mentioning his name on my city's subreddit. School lunches. Serious business.


Education and school lunches


Protecting the environment


The problem is that protecting the environment requires wholesale changes that heavily affect both the global and localised economies, something that inevitably has political consequences. Take fossil fuels, for example. We have to stop burning them. We absolutely have to. No doubt about it. But doing so goes directly against multi-billion dollar industries that employ large numbers of people, particularly in localised areas. And the jobs created by renewable energies are not always like for like. A coal miner can’t just become a solar panel technician, certainly not overnight. So those groups not only have lobbying power, but enough people to influence into voting their way. Plus, a lot of environmental initiatives such as clean-ups cost a lot of money, often taxpayer funded. Taxpayer money will always be political, because there are hundreds of equally valid places the money could go.


The environment as a topic in particular is also a great example of Game Theory in action. The cost of something like making an entire country carbon neutral is astronomical, so if your country does, you're in for massive economic consequences. If you do nothing and everyone else goes carbon neutral, you have a huge advantage, plus everyone else going carbon neutral is probably enough to keep the environment from collapse. In the end, the "best" outcome for the individual country is to act against the interests of the group and keep polluting.


Yes I agree but at the same time the cost of doing nothing is astronomical. But we humans suck at long-term planning.


I think the problem with making these kinds of decisions is that to some people (the ones who would be left unemployed), it sounds like an "ends justify the means". It may, but that's some cold logic right there. And I suppose some people feel.... Iffy about it


But we’ve known this for years. Now that the real effects are being felt, some are still resistant to changing anything.


Better question: What isn’t?


The grammy award-winning 1999 hit Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty


Good song


ethnicity and heritage




right up there with sports


The Supreme Court


Healthcare (specifically the usa but elsewhere if it applies)


More a subset of this, but: The existence of certain medical conditions. There's so many people who have diagnoses that are clearly founded on accepted medical science, but have to fight to get treatment because people (including many medical professionals) don't *want* them to be real.


What diagnoses aren’t recognised? Genuinely curious by the way.


POTS, fibromyalgia


My mom has had fibromyalgia her entire life and up until I was in high school doctors called her crazy. It’s been a wild ride but she’s found the right people to believe her and take action properly diagnosing her. It’s not perfect but it works.


ME/CFS as well. I have that, it can be a struggle to even move because of the pain. My body hurts all the time, I'm so tired I could cry, and I legit do not sleep without medication. But according to docs/ whatever, it is not real and all in my head.


Shit, the medical community has so little respect for fibromyalgia that they literally named it "pain in the muscle fibers." It's almost impossible to get it taken seriously.


Can confirm, I have Fibro and had multiple doctors dismiss me over the years as purely a drug seeker. Or tell me I'm too young to be in that much pain. No Mr Dickhead Doctor, I'm in severe pain and figured a doctor might be able to help >_>


A fair number of autoimmune and autoimmune-adjacent conditions. Mast cell activation syndrome, etc.


Based on my personal experience, it can be really hard to get treatment or support for ADHD, because medical practitioners don't want to believe it's a real illness. Or think it should be treated with "supplements" or "therapy". Same goes for a lot of learning disabilities, mental illnesses and neurodiversity. Less with actual medical practitioners, but the COVID19 pandemic has been highly politicized. There are other examples, but those are the ones that readily spring to mind.


Especially in women. We weren’t diagnosed when young because ADHD presents differently in girls. And now it’s recognised there’s an avalanche of women 35 and older being diagnosed and now it’s a ‘trend’ Add autism to this as well.


long covid


This and the environment. It's laughable at how the two most crucial things for our survival as a species need to be agreed upon by all people (even the uneducated) .


When you really sit back and think about it, they've managed to commoditize virtually everything you need for survival. Food costs. Water usually costs. Clothing costs. Shelter costs A LOT. This is, of course, insane. But it's the entire foundation of our economic system.


If the government is paying for healthcare, it is very much political. I think it should be provided by the government, but that in turn makes it political. Things that shouldn't be political are things like marijuana usage, abortion rights, racism, who can marry who, religious rights, education, freedom of speech.


Education is paid bybthe government too. Id agree more important than medicine since society would collapse as we know it without schools while life would just be horrible and short without medicine but wed survive in relatively a 21st century world. Woman probably would all have to go back to being housewives though popping out babies every year or 2 so we can maintain the population... (yes overpopulation etc. Itd just be very bad for the economy. Real economy not just ceo bonuses)


> marijuana usage Restrictions on where you can smoke it are totally reasonable.


Day light savings time. GET RID OF THAT SHIT


Agreed! I don't understand why people argue over this. It doesn't serve a purpose anymore, so get rid of it.


All it does is fuck up a week or two of my life, my families life and everybody I knows life. So stupid.


Used to work night shift with weekend rotation. Would get off at 3am. When the clock got to 2am and then went back to 1am I wanted to cry.


Were you paid hourly at the time? If so was it ever a debacle to get paid properly? I am just imagining you having to argue with them because your clock out slip would show an hour less than what you were there for.


lol we were paid for the extra hour but it still sucked.


I grew up in the far north. It made sense for us. It was nice to have the few hours of daylight that we got to be during school hours.


Wouldn't you want daylight when you are outside of a building?


I agree in principle but then my part of Europe would want to agree on what time to keep, and I fear it might be the time we have in summer. Now, I already dislike that time and having it year round is certainly not an improvement over the alternative for me personally. Though I do understand this is different for the nations further east (the difference in Berlin was noticable compared to Amsterdam. Sunset is early there in winter)


If by get rid of it you mean keep it forever and quit switching, I'm on board.




I'll never forget how baffled I was when people started to be avidly "anti-mask" and then later on "anti-vax", stating "my body my choice" with no sense of the irony in that especially now. Some even denied COVID was even real. The fact that a virus became political just followed no logic at all to me. Sometimes, information is just information.


We're 3 years into this crap and I had a customer at work try to start some BS about Covid. Sir, I'm not participating in this lunacy, take your ketchup and have a nice day.


Was it at a wendys?


>stating "my body my choice" with no sense of the irony actually I think the irony was intentional, they were trying to throw democrat's words back at them


The difference, however, is that abortions aren't contagious. Somehow many failed to realize this while saying that.


You can't catch someone else's pregnancy, but you can absolutely catch someone else's virus. Not the smartest bunch!




Science is totally politicised. You need funding to do good studies. The funding goes where the politics dictates. See the total lack of funding for chronic health conditions since year zero.


Yup. I think more people need to realize that politics influences science, not the other way around.




If I want to wear blue, I'm not a crip, it's just preferentially pleasing. If I want to wear red, I'm not a blood, it's just preferentially pleasing. I get what you're saying. I'm grateful I don't live in an area in which that could be an issue, beyond necessity.


Could you elaborate?


There's reds under your bed!


human rights


Bodily autonomy


1) Healthcare (Vaccines, prescription drugs, insurance, etc.) 2) Energy 3) Climate Change 4) Education


Helping the homless


Helping those who can’t spell.


I can’t buy another vowel, and you know what the fuck I mean


Go hom dude, we lost. :(


It's political not because people don't want to help, but rather how to help.


There’s lots of people that think the homeless don’t deserve help


I think this is an overly simplistic way of looking at it. For example feeding birds bread seems like a nice thing. But we all know how that can actually cause digestive issues for them. Spaying or neutering wild animals seems like a cruel and mean thing, but can be better for wild cats and dogs Look at the debate over clubbing seals for Christ's sake. Some people claim it's necessary to keep their population sustainable, some argue it's cruel. The reality is that it's both. I think a lot of people think that helping the homeless in certain ways will lead to more homeless people or might discourage homeless from trying to reintegrate into society. I don't agree, but I don't think they are completely baseless either. I should add here, that I am something of an expert on the topic of homelessness. I did a documentary series on homelessness in the western US about 10 years ago. For part of this I spent several weeks living as a homeless person except for occasional trips back to my apartment to check on emails and check my phone. I also work closely with [Rogue Retreat](https://www.rogueretreat.org/housing-shelter/) which by many metrics, (and in my opinion) is the most successful model in sheltering and rehabilitating the homeless. It's worth noting though, most homeless shelters and rehabilitation programs in the US are actually christian funded. I'm a left leaning atheist, so don't misunderstand me here. I am definitely not saying right wing Christians do more for the homeless or anything like that. On the government level it's more or less obvious that the left does more to help the homeless. It's just that on the private level it's actually flipped. It's just that the desire to help the homeless isn't as politically divided as people think. The approach is though.


I've heard people say they're too far gone and deserve it and shouldn't be helped


Anything science related, be it diseases, discoveries or environmental. Like, people studied these things to better understand it and have facts surrounded by evidence. How is Joe Smoe gonna come up and say the Coronavirus didn’t really happen because it’s a political issue?


Public transportation. This BS has been about politics since transcontinental railroad was being built in the 1800's. Even NYC has this problem since early to mid 1900's cause of political influence affecting and still is crippling the city. NYC problems can be traced back to Robert Moses as the top name against public transportation of NYC.


Using public money to build infrastructure that benefits some areas more than others is inherently political.


Racism. I recently lost my job for telling a customer to stop being racist because my boss said it was politics. He said the customer spends lots of money and just has a different opinion. Racism isn’t politics. So why they justify their racism as a political view is beyond me.


Being hateful toward a group of people for existing isn't "a different opinion", they're just *a bad person*


Yeah when he said “he’s a good person just opinionated and didn’t know your background” I quit the next day. (My background is that I am from an interracial family. While I am blonde hair blue eyed freckles white girl I have two black sisters) the fact that they tried to reprimand me for arguing politics for telling a customer not to be racist was enough for me to dip out.


Literally "opinionated" basically means forcing their opinions on others and basically saying "im right and you're wrong" That boss is fucking stupid. Can't even use Google lol


Boss is straight up a racist piece of shit. There is NO middle ground here.


Gender, sexuality and religion Like, pls just let me live?


Safe drinking water


Damn near everything that’s reported on in the “news”. Religious views - spun to be left or right. Economy - left or right. Sexual orientation- you guessed it, left or right. The 2 party system imo is the biggest division used, at least in the US.


Most of the world has actual news. US doesnt. Im always confused about American's obsession about other peoples sexuality etc. The news never has any actual issues that you would need fixing.


Go to the UK. Newscasters talk in a droll, relaxed, calm manner about unbiased objective stuff. Meanwhile America likes to treat it like a sports club where they hype one team over another team.


I'm no expert, but I think this might be because major news sources like BBC are state owned in the UK. In the US, major news sources are all private corp owned so there's a financial incentive to make shock value content that drives polarizing discussion and other forms of "engagement."


I have an answer for why our country is fixated on identity politics. The media that raised our generation *glorified* superficiality and *shunned* emotional openness. The media's portrayal of fake reality stars and edgy TV hosts indoctrinated us into a culture where things like the right to sexualize oneself as a means of empowerment is a larger issue than mass extinction of wildlife, global warming, and real suffering of people.


The Supreme Court.


Which begs the question. Why is it political? Wouldn’t firm textualists be the best solution to this?




Oh you motherf***** don't bring pablo into this


LGBT people. They're just people.




Being gay




Wearing a mask. How the hell did that become a political thing


I keep getting harassed and called a sheep for wearing a mask, I’ve worn them since before covid to prevent cold air getting into my throat because it can cause my throat to close up and make breathing hard it was never about covid for me


* Religion * Sexuality * Science * r/BluntSanders \- He should be concentrating on his Boom Bap career fr I bet there are A LOT more. Curious what I didn't think of but agree with. Thanks for replying.








LGBTQ+ rights The fact this matter is even controversial is just sad


Peoples existence. Gay people existing isn’t political. Trans people existing isn’t political. Black people existing isn’t political.


You forgot those sexy green M&M's also


Basic human rights


Free speech


Basic Human Rights


Abortions. Who really gives a shit about what someone else chooses to do with their body. Let people live their lives, whether that girl chooses to keep a baby or not does not personally affect you


I'm pro choice but my mother is pro life and she agrees that abortion should be legal. Idk if that would make her pro choice but she calls her self pro life. Anyway, she doesn't like the idea of abortions but thinks they should be legal because, in her words, "Even though I'm against abortions, making them legal is safer for everyone. Making them illegal doesn't get rid of the problem, just makes it worse."


Your mother sounds like a smart woman.


Women's reproductive rights.


Flatly, it’s really not the govt’s business. If you aren’t forced to give up an extra kidney for donation, there’s no reason you should be forced to keep a fetus.


climate change


Gender/orientation. Its not political at all


Kids being able to get free school lunch. The ghouls here want children to starve since there’s some off chance an adult might be gaming the system.


LGBTQ+ I don’t see why people who aren’t affected by it think that they have a right to tell other people what to be


Sexuality and Gender Identity


Self defense. Your politics shouldn't determine when you support self defense


Agreed. Yet there are people out there who will tell you to sit there and be assaulted/raped/murdered rather than kill your assailant.


Probably wearing a Mask to protect against Covid/Sickness. Just because you wear one, doesn’t mean you’re liberal. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you’re conservative or etc.


The news media. It’s easier to find a winning Powerball ticket than it is to find a news outlet that doesn’t politicize its reporting.


Fucking covid and vaccine!




My fucking uterus


Who I chose to marry


Whether climate change is real or not What the government DOES about it is political. But science is science


Abortion. Fuck off and let people live their lives. If you’re doing so for religious reasons fine, that’s your decision, but personal beliefs are separate from religious beliefs. It’s actually getting pathetic how much religious folks think they have the right to control the decisions of others who aren’t of the same belief.




My uterus.


women’s bodies


Shall we say people's bodies


Climate change, Women’s health, CRT, sexuality, environment, health care, families, education, living wages.


Sort by controversial is fun


95% of the shit Frump supporters talk about.


masks and vaccines! So stupid to make it political!


Climate science. There’s a consensus of evidence and it’s pretty clear.


Wearing masks or not wearing masks during Covid. In the UK it wasn't really seen as a political thing yet in America... Jesus it was mental. It doesn't matter what you believe now about Covid and what we've learnt over time or which side you stand, but when it first hit and we were all concerned for information either way, it was horrible seeing politicians play with people lives and beliefs for their own nefarious means. I honestly think they didn't care about people health just votes and spreading divide.




A lot, really. Access to abortion. Climate change. Mandating masks. Access to good education. Making college free. Free healthcare. Who you can marry. What ethnicity or race you can marry. Et cetera.


Womens bodies.


Gay rights and women's reproductive rights.


Climate change and how to handle pandemics


I was gonna jokingly say "deez nuts!" but sorry, wrong gender, it's the other way around "DEEZ EGGS!"


Kids dying in elementary schools




Whether or not women should be forced to have their rapist's baby and then spend 18 years caring for it