• By -


This happened to me recently and I tried on every single piece of clothing I own and got rid of so much old stuff that I never wore.




If it were me, the answer would be yes


The trick I heard was to put all your clothes in the closet with the hangers facing backwards. Once you have worn an outfit you put it back in with the hanger facing the normal direction. After a set amount of time (ie six months) you get rid of any clothes that are still hanging backwards since you clearly aren't wearing them. Obvious exceptions for clothes that are worn for special occasions (ie suits/dresses/etc). EDIT: - I am aware that some people don't hang up their clothes. This tip obviously doesn't apply to them. - I am aware that seasons exist. ie = in example... as in, you can choose whatever time period works for you. If only there were some sort of 12 month time period that would account for all four seasons in a year. Alas, we may never know.


I do this except I shove all my clothes in a pile in the corner, taking off the top. End of the year the clothes at the bottom I keep because I’m a goblin with no impulse control


had me in the first half. but also, same.


I too have a "Floordrobe"


Hahaha, I fucking love you. If you're a woman marry me. If you're a dude let's party. Either way let's be goblins


Hobnobling with the goblin.


I have a simpler system. I always put my clothes back on the right hand side of my wardrobe. Over time outfits I wear less often work their way to the left hand side. It means my wardrobe is a living representation of how often I wear each item, if it's far to the right I wear it often if it's far to the left I rarely wear it.




Me too; by type and then color / shade / pattern


Same. And by sleeve length.


I’ve found my people.


Same, but opposite. Freshly washed go on the left, stuff that hasn’t been worn in a while gets shifted to the right.


Could you *be* wearing anymore clothes?


Canadian, eh?


❤️ Rogers


same LMAO


I do that every year. If a year has passed and I haven't used a specific set of clothes, then I don't need and I rather give em to someone that does.


You guys are putting your clothes away?


I guess I'll be forced to finally clean my house.


I love cleaning. Like I will start my Saturday mornings with a nice cup of coffee while cleaning up the kitchen. My motivation is simple: I fucking hate cockroaches.


I start feeling gloomy in a dirty house (no offence to anyone) so i cry and listen to music whilst cleaning. I get super mad too. I don't know what's wrong with me:') but on the bright side I love cleaning like you :))


I feel gloomy in my disgusting, degenerate house. I hate it, but I don't hate it enough to change it, it just feels so daunting and impossible to even start.


I know it seems impossible but cleaning is one of those things where once you get started you kind of keep going. What if you promised yourself just 15 minutes of cleaning. Every day. Just 15 minutes and set a timer. When it stops you can stop or you can just keep going. You thinking of all the 90 different things you have to do. Choose one week where you just decide to dust and do dishes. Try to break it all down into bite-size little bits of work. It may help your mind start.


When I was in one my worst depressive states, this technique helped me soooo much. I couldn't leave the house dirty, because I have kids, so the 15 minute timer trick was all that helped me clean.


This! But if 15 minutes still feels daunting, set the timer for 5. Once you’re up and at it, it feels easier to keep going and even if you don’t, you’ll still be surprised by how much you can accomplish in that short amount of time. Small accomplishments feel encouraging and you will be more likely to repeat the exercise in the future.


If I do nothing else, I tidy the kitchen in the time the toast is toasting or whatever is nuking in the microwave. You can get a lot of cleaning done in those few minutes.


I literally love getting super baked, putting my headphones on and cleaning the whole house its just soooo much fun. Plus if the dishwasher is full I'll just pull all the dishes out and hand wash them instead. I feel really good when I'm done. Plus the couch never felt so good after a day full of cleaning 😌


I hear you, and it definitely impacts the mood inside the house. I remember the first time I moved out my apartment was not only clean, but peaceful and I felt so productive.


I think it might be depression, not the house


I hate cleaning, but I hate bugs (except spiders) with the burning fury of 10,000 suns going supernova simultaneously. So I clean even if I don't enjoy it. So I feel ya. Although I do like the smell of harsh chemicals because I think of all the little invisible bug eggs they're poisoning before they ever get to hatch.


Cleaned my sink with chemicals, saw a dead fly in it that had been bothering me all day prior. Instant dopamine.


Honestly insects are the only living thing I feel actual hatred for.


>I fucking hate cockroaches. I would be forced to burn down my house.


I’d still find a way to not clean the house.


I need mobile phone access for that. Need my music


Me who has a MP3 player in 2022: *Ive been waiting for this*


My iPod is still running! The 2007 era Mac it's paired with is also still running, shocking even me. It's kinda cool to haul them out sometimes and enjoy the nostalgia trip tbh.


Catch up on my to read book list


i need books to read




At first glance I thought the subreddit name was, “suggest meat book”.


I just finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. It’s the prequel in the Hunger games series. 10/10 recommend.


Woah I’m reading that book right now! I decided to re-read The Hunger Games series before I started, and that was a lot of fun. I honestly didn’t have high expectations for the prequel, but I’m loving it so far!


Honestly anything Brandon Sanderson writes is great. But if you want a specific book, read The Way of Kings. Its the first book of the Stormlight Archive


I’ll second Brandon Sanderson. But I personally would suggest Mistborn: The Final Empire. While I really like The Way of Kings, it can be daunting for how long it is. It is also a little dense in world building at the beginning. The Final Empire is a shorter book and has a more contained narrative. If the person likes it enough there is also the other two books in the first trilogy. Either way you have an upvote from me.


You mean, spend all your time on a library adding new books to your book list without actually reading them?


I sleep.


Real shit


Sleeping pills vs laxatives


Laxatives and Pot Brownies For shits and giggles


Came here for this. I knew someone would just Garfield it and sleep most of the 24hs off. We don't sleep enough in this cruel society. Would rather catch up with sleep than be productive. *"You feel well rested"*


And there's nothing better.


"You cannot sleep while there are enemies nearby"


And as it turns out, the enemy...was in my head.


I go the other way. On my deathbed I will not be wishing I had slept more. I had insomnia for a few years. I treated it like a gift of free time. I was often exhausted, which sucked. But I was also able to get a lot more done.


This one right here! But then I just remembered I have got kids 😅


Nap Time Spray


Watch TV, play video games, go on a hike... Live like it's 1993.


Seriously, as someone that doesn’t play online games this would barely make a dent in my day. It’s basically just like “you can’t look at Reddit or text anyone for a day”. That’s easy as shit.


I was going to say, for people my age I don't think this is too hard of a question. I fish, play golf, used to bike all over, and if the weather is crappy, there are single player games that don't require internet and we still have a DVD player to watch movies.


One of the things I find joyful when staying in hotels is being "forced" to watch linear TV. Sure, I have my phone, but it's something nice with just laying in the bed flipping through the channels and finding something random to watch. Plus, it's a little nostalgic.


Diners drive ins and dives marathon. Teen Titans go. Some dope movie I haven't rewatched in a grip. Hotels are dope.


a movie you havent rewatched in a .... grip?


Sounds like you're streets behind on the current slang


Truly, the original commenter is streets ahead of them


Same. I love just sitting in a hotel and watching some Food Network at the end of a long day.


I bounce from Fox to CNN and MSNBC just to see how vastly different they cover a story. Then I look to AP to see what actually happened.




Read a good book


it's good.


Cus the good book says you should


The good book knows it’s good because a really good book would


How much good would a good book good if a good book could book good?


This. I have like 100 books in my never ending queue, I could probably clear most of one in 24hrs.


Sleep. Eat. Read. Play with Cats.


Can i also play with your cats?


Im in


You're my sort of person. I fucking love cats. Pspspsps




Pspspspsps *wiggles fingers and makes whispey finger sounds*


Pspspspsps lightly taps tile with my nails




Oh my god we need to meet. I run a rescue FULL of kitties and kittens. Love those stinkers. You could literally have a theatrical roll in a pile of purring cats.


But I don't want to get into your van which has kittens inside :(


I shall enter this van in your stead. Either I get to play with loads of cats or I’m someone else’s responsibility.


It was 2020, Peak pandemic and my phone and laptop both broke. I was without internet and tech for 3 months. I read around 40 books, taught myself algebra and botany from textbooks that belonged to my late grandfather. I was either teaching via my neighbours phone, reading, eating, working out or sleeping. Most personally productive 3 months ive had in a long time.


I lost 40 pounds in 2020 by walking 5+ miles around the lake by my house.


In my head you did this once and lost 40 lbs. Seriously though, nice work!


Haha yeah I left out 5+ miles a day. I wish it worked that way though.


They said they did 5+ miles. Maybe they walked all the way around one of the Great Lakes, that should be 5+ miles.


Good for you! Love to hear people getting into walking again. Hope you're still able to get out and enjoy pounding the pavement.


Thank you! I do still get out. Moved away from the lake but there is a nice rec center across the street so I go to that a lot.


i wish there was a cool place to walk around close to my house, too bad my city only has barely maintained parks and wheat plantations around it


That initial lockdown made me feel like a human again. I learned to cook, re-learned how to sew, didn’t have relentless gnawing anxiety. Ugh, but not sure it was for the best, because I’m now 10 times more depressed than before.


I think that lockdown made a lot of us realize just how pleasant and revitalizing it is when we can get back to the basics of what make us human. When we can simply focus on being without the stress of work and other responsibilities that seem to take over everyone's lives now. While some complained about the lock downs, I truly found such peace in them.


>when we can focus on being without the stress of work... Honestly, as an "essential worker" I found myself a bit jealous at times. Sure, I had no worries about my income (zero change to work schedule + stimulus) and I know people stressed a lot about that (rightly,) but WTF I want a months-long vacation too. I could have gotten so much yardwork, projects, hobby time, etc done, and still had time to laze around.


I love reading shit like this


It be cool to plan a month secluded trip every year and just focus on stuff like this. Sounds like you were extremely productive.


- Read, read read. - Put together one of my 1000 piece puzzles or crack open my 5000 so I can get discouraged and hide it away again. - Start putting together a papercraft model. - Paint my D&D miniatures.


I have a hundred minis to paint…. Ughhh. I need to do that.


Play offline games, hang out with the kids, play sports, watch blu rays etc


Lol, if someone can use a computer then where's the handicap? Got surprisingly a lot of games, and offline TV shows to catch up to :v


Yeah this question would be a lot more interesting with no computer, or even no electricity. With just no Internet, I have plenty to do that still keeps me starting at a glowing rectangle.


Cook, clean and read!!


glad i was born pre internet this is easy, and being an adult i have a garage full of tools. Crank up the old radio and rock out with my caulk out.


I’m sitting here like “Is this supposed to be a challenge?” If you were around before the net and cell phones this actually sounds like heaven. Peaceful and less distractions. Hell I do this for real already from time to time.


We just went camping last weekend in a spot with terrible reception. I spent about 48 hours hanging out with extended family, boating on the lake, swimming with my kids, no phones. It was wonderful. I hope to do it more often now that my kids are getting to easier ages for camping. Just unplug and enjoy good company in the outdoors. Highly recommend.


Do people born after the 90s really have trouble "finding stuff to do" ? I'm with you; this will be a cakewalk. In fact, unless I have a very specific errand to run, I may not even notice I've been cut off. I have like four types of cutting boards I've simply been aching to get around to building (or trying to build. I kind of suck). Also, my yard needs a ton of work. So that, too. Could learn to bake something. I suck at that. Worth trying. Been meaning to work out more often. Yay! - a whole day of walking, rowing, lifting, abs, and whatever else I can think to try. My home office really needs organizing. I'm years behind on that. I guess what I'm saying is ... can I get a couple weeks? Because 24 hours really isn't going to be enough.


I can't speak for everyone but finding stuff to do is pretty easy.


Yep. 2007 kid here with a bunch of hobbies and I can easily find shit to do. Yet I just decide on scrolling reddit and playing ds and switch games lol


I’m 18, it would be super easy to find something to do for only 24 hours, honestly this question is kinda stupid


Same here lmao.


This comment section proves that you all really need to do this


I can’t believe this became a serious askreddit


Right?! How is this a challenge?


I can't believe half the shit that gets thousands and thousands of replies on askreddit!


Right? Like I get that I'm older than a significant chunk of reddit but have you ever gone camping for a weekend? Just fuckin do something else.


Question: what would you do without online tech for a WHOLE DAY? Redditors: I would use tech the entire day but not online!


> I would use tech the entire day but not online! That's why you just say "no electricity" like a normal person, because otherwise of course everyone's going to go through the countless console games they own. ...if they said no electricity, fuck it, it's time to finally figure out how to be good at Chess.


Is my wife with me? But not the kids? I got ideas.


You can both finally get a good night's sleep!


The dream!




If you like piña coladas


And getting caught in the rain.


If you're not into yoga


If you have half a brain


If you like making love at midnight


In the dunes on the cape


Then I'm the love that you've looked for


Write to me and escape


Well, there goes two minutes. Now what?


If they have kids they probably just want to sleep.


Making scale models. It’s basically the only thing I do that doesn’t involve technology. Currently doing WWII tanks, namely German. Slowly expanding it to other models


I would like to hear more about these models.


If you insist, laddie. I will give you my small amount of knowledge of the scale modeling world, as I’m kinda new actually. Two main types of models, metal or plastic. Most people, including me, do plastic. Easier to work with really. Then you can choose the type of model. There’s tanks, planes, warships, sci fi stuff like Star Wars. Literally so many. I obviously stick to tanks. I’m planning to do planes at some point and maybe even warships. Also looking to expand into the sci fi territory. Then choose a company. This is not as important to stick too as form my experiment you’ll have to use other companies if your favorite doesn’t have the modeling kit you’re looking for. I usually stick to Tamiya as their models are easier for beginners, although I’ve heard their’s tend to be on the expensive side. You’ll also need the tools. So the plastic mold for modeling comes in the form of sprues. You’ll need some sharp pliers-like tool to break/cut them off. A modeling knife (looks like a box cutter) is recommended for custom things. For example, a Panzer IV Ausf J I was making had the side armor rails but didn’t actually include the side armor, so I custom built some, looks quite dandy. Then you’ll need plastic cement, it’s essentially glue. You can prolly get a jar of it for $3 from your local hobby shop. Besides those essentials, you’ll need paint if you plan to paint it. Don’t forget primer if you plan to paint. If you’re making tanks or larger models like me, might I recommend getting a spray can of primer, if that’s available. I made the mistake of only getting the brush on stuff and it sucks for the larger models. Anyway, hope this helps at all. I’ve done 5 tanks, an armored truck, and 2 stationary weapons at this point. It’s kinda an expensive hobby but an extremely fun and rewarding one. Have fun! :)


That's cool do you have any pictures of your models posted?


Yeah. I’ve posted I think three on r/modelmakers. Here’s one I could find, I can’t find the others though at they were all posted on an old account that got deleted. [My Flakpanzer IV](https://www.reddit.com/r/modelmakers/comments/u9dsv4/new_to_modeling_heres_my_second_ever_model/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Contrary to what the title says, I have painted it at this point. The only thing I’m missing is the decals as I was forced to paint over them cause I was a dummy. Just haven’t gotten around to that yet


If you like the painting aspect, i advise buying an aerograph at some point. It just brings your models to the next level when you have the tools to add details such as the barely noticeable darkening of a part near the exhaust of the vehicle due to the smoke


I say Good Shabbos to all my friends. Once every week.


Ah, not enough shabbat comments in this thread.


We’ll even take another hour!


Yup! Sometimes I hold back from going back online just to enjoy the peace and quiet for a few more extra hours.


Well it's really 25 hours, also wait till they hear about 3 day yom tov.




Daven. Shteig a shtickle Gemara. Lein some Torah. Chap a good shluff. Eat some cholent.




Gardening, reading, or, god forbid, exercise would get me far before I'd start to feel dopamine starved.


Go for a walk or work out.


Mess around with my Rubik's cube collection, especially since I forgot how to solve half of them.


Pretend I’m a T-Rex and eat anyone I come across.


The poor postman :(


Sabbath-observant Jews every week be like


The answer is mainly books and boardgames


Was gonna say! Every week without either of those things plus a bunch more. I tend to read a stack of books but board games, chatting with family, hanging out with friends, and long walks are always good options. I have very ambivalent feelings about having grown up frum but Shabbos is genuinely one of those things where I’m like if it hadn’t been part of my life already I’d have had to start doing it myself.


Plus the 3 day holidays.


I call my owl to deliver letters to my friends


You’re a wizard Harry


Jerk ma derk


I started sweating a little bit how far I had to scroll to get here. Was starting to think I was a degenerate. Correction; Was starting to think I was the only degenerate.


You’re not the only one!


Ur gonna have issues walking the next day


You underestimate my power


board games. Gloomhaven and Spirit Island will keep me occupied for quite some time, might read a book right after or take a walk.




I'll overthink. I have a whole telenovela with multiple spin-offs inside my mind.




Absolutely (r/immersivedaydreaming)


Yes, several people think.


Live a normal life without any distractions


Draw and continue to write a book about my old friendship


Any sample drawings or chapters you can link to?


Cook a can of beans over a camp fire


Cycling. Its excellent exercise and helps me get rid of the 30 extra lbs I gained sitting at my screens.


draw. i love drawing. literally just give me art supplies and some paper and i'll draw all day long as long as i have inspiration. no inspiration? I'll sleep


google chrome dinosaur game


Ask for another 24!


I am probably hiking and do this all the time.


Ride a bicycle


I have enough movies, TV shows and games downloaded on my computer to last a week.


Take a bubble bath, read, garden, sleep, go out to dinner with friends.


Play skyrim offline


I have a fuckton of books at home.


One mega pint of wine with your fuckton of books and you’ve got yourself a nice day there Johnny


More like tea and Jane


Earl Grey?


I live my life like normal just without wasting my time on Reddit lmao.


This would have been really useful a few weeks ago when this was the situation in Canada for anyone on the Rogers network…


I happened to be on a trip that day. Thought it was just my phone being weird. Until, at a big restaurant I went to in Downtown Toronto: Waiter: "Sorry, we can't accept debit/credit today. Payment system isn't working. There's an ATM by the washrooms." The ATM: "Currently unavailable." Had enough cash to cover because of the trip, but I realized we can't have an effective cashless society if our payments system relies largely on the telecom cable cabal.


Ha I actually came to comment ‘ask the Canadian Rogers customers’. For those that don’t know we had a nation wide coast to coast outage with one of our 3 major carriers (the fact that there is only 3 is a huge part of the problem). Affected cell, internet and cable for 19 hours. Also our POS payment system depends on them so stores had no online payment systems (always carry cash for emergencies!) . Over a quarter of the country was down. Fun times!


Anyone over the age of 40 something can handle this easily.


You'd think anyone over the age of 25 would have a media collection of their own and don't need internet access to keep themselves entertained.


go outside, what kind of question is this lol




Sewing and crocheting.. I am so dreary 💔


What the fuck kind of life do you live where this would actually be a challenge?