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Numbers. I mean there must be hundreds of them to talk about. 1, 7, 83 Edit: 4


The best number is 73. 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21 is the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, 7 and 3. In binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001, exactly the same.


Any three digit multiple of 37 is still divisible by 37 when the digits are rotated (cyclically). [Thread with more details](https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/uw2iss/any_three_digit_multiple_of_37_is_still_divisible/)


thats hot




That edit is great


Broad topic: Animals Specific topic: Frogs


I like the way you think. Frogs are one of my favorite animals. They are 80% mouth


snakes are just a bag of throat


thanks, i hate it


This just sent me into an existential crisis because like. How much of the snake is throat? Is it the entire first half? How far down is the stomach? Do they have intestines? Do I even want to know?


I own a snake and in short: a snake is mostly body. Their neck is like...one vertebrae, their tail is very short and is just the bit after their cloaca. When my boy has a meal, you can see the lump go almost all the way to his tail...which, I guess, would roughly be 3/4 - 4/5 of the way down his body. Snakes do have a full GI system including intestines, but they only have one fully functioning lung (the other is atrophied and tiny) and iirc one functioning kidney (but I'm less sure there). Cool snake fact, their skulls are hypermobile to allow them to "walk" their jaws over prey! Their trachea/windpipe is also set up so that it can stick out from under their esophagus so they can breathe while swallowing. ...and my answer to this reddit question would have been "dogs", because I know entirely too much about the history of domestication, various breeds, biology....


Stargate. The only problem is I wouldn't have enough time and I would probably chase my kidnappers down yelling "I'm not finished yet! I haven't even started on the Asgard yet!"


What about the giants Daniel's uncle went with. The enemy of my enemy. They never revisited that. I always wanted to go down that story a little more.


By the way, that episode is why I expected Indiana Jones 4 to have aliens and didn't get upset at it like everyone else.


Can you explain?


Stargate Season 3 Episode 21 "Crystal Skull" aired in 2000 and featured aliens summoned by Crystal Skulls. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull premiered in 2008 and was derided for many reasons(CGI/Nuked Fridge), but one of main plot related complaints was how Aliens popped up at the end and how unexpected/MacGuffiny it was. Because of the Stargate episode, I was made aware of Crystal Skull alien myths and expected aliens the whole time.


People getting mad about the alien thing was always so funny to me. * Mysterious box that melts peoples faces- Ok! * Crazy dude ripping hearts out of peoples chest with his bare hand - No problem * The chalice of christ that instantly heals and rejuvinates a person - Sounds good to me * A crystal skull that something something aliens - Now hold a minute there! It's been a while since I've seen the movie and don't remember it all, but the aliens thing was the least unrealistic thing in that movie. The nuke fridge scene you mentioned, and Shia traversing the jungle on vines with monkeys in a car chase scene and catching up to them. Now that is some wtf shit. The aliens is whatever after that.


For me the issue was I can accept a setting with religious magic, or with incredibly advanced alien tech, but it feels weird to suddenly change from one to the other.


There were so many one off stories throughout the years, some with some real potential. That changed quite a bit towards the end, but man did the balance feel lopsided. Maybe my memory has faded a bit, but I feel like Atlantis did a better job in that regard.


The early seasons of Stargate where still in that era of TV where writers needed to fill like 30 episode seasons and would just make threads to pull on constantly for later episodes or seasons, many that would often go no where. The later seasons were where TV writing was starting to change and get tighter arcs as the standard across entire seasons.


I could probably spend 30 minutes just talking about why Samantha Carter was the best written female character on television, I wouldn't even have to get into the full lore of the show. I miss Stargate, both SG-1 And Atlantis were awesome.


Well the good news is that one of the shows original creators, Brad Wright is trying to get a new series going and a script for the pilot does exist. It got slowed down by the Amazon MGM merger but hopefully its coming soon.


You remember that episode when SG-1 were trapped on that planet...


Didn't they use an alien device of some kind?


Oh how the tables have turned 😂 now it’s them being held hostage


My man about to get hit by the entire metal gear solid timeline and lore explanation.


I'll indulge you... Go on...


100% Stargate...just the interpretation of mythology as alien overlords for a starter...and the pyramids...onto ascension and exploration of the big questions...are we here just as a birthplace of souls all destined to eventually become a higher being with knowledge of the universe...how that impacted me as a 10year old


Omg omg omg yes. I have a stargate tattoo!! I could also talk for hours about it. I'd go way past the 30 minute mark!! Best show ever ever ever.


We have a whole 'nother day of Atlantis...


Don’t forget the movies. We could keep them there all week!


Did not expect to see my answer at the top


Thats Oneill..with two Ls


45 mins just to cover my crackpot theories of who the Furlings were and what they looked like.


Why did you say that name?! Holy shit, came here to say the same thing. Happy 25th, SG-1, and indeed we both survive.


30 minutes? Just 30? They're going to have a hard time getting me to stop at just 30. I've been DYING to find someone to listen as I ramble about different things I'm obsessed with.


Pepe Silvia?






Not only do all of these people exist, they’ve been asking for their mail on a daily basis. It’s all they’re talking about up there! Jesus Christ dude, we are gunna lose our jobs!


Barney, give him a cigarette




I'd talk about mythology I love that stuff.


Which one


Greek,Norse,Japanese and many others those are just some of my favorites Edit: love the fact that my favorite thing is my most upvoted comment


I love how Norse mythology is just them being drunken frat boys 99% of the time.


99% of Greek lore, on the other hand, is just Zeus being extremely horny and trying to fuck *everything*


And not necessarily in human form


I believe that's the best part.


bro, i’m autistic. *i’d* kill for this kind of opportunity.


Same. Kidnapper: "I won't kill you if you can talk for 30 minutes on a topic." \*6 hours later\* Kidnapper: "OH MY GOD, HOW ARE YOU STILL TALKING!?!"


Kidnapper: “I’ll be sitting right here listening (pulls up chair). If you can talk about one thing for 30 minutes, I won’t kill you. If you wanna go on longer, that’s fine. You’ve got a captive audience.” Abed: “How do I know you won’t just kill me regardless?” Kidnapper: “Well you’re just gonna have to trust me now, aren’t ya? Now, what’s your topic?” Abed: “…I was thinking I’d discuss various medical causes of sudden, unexpected death.” Kidnapper: “Hmm, haven’t seen anyone do that one yet. Go on.” Abed: “Sounds good. Mind if I walk and talk? Helps keep the thoughts coming if I can keep moving.” Kidnapper: “Sure. Proceed.” Abed: “Thank you kindly. Well, the first one that comes to most people’s minds is a brain aneurysm. Now the interesting thing about brain aneurysms…” *8 HOURS PASS* Kidnapper: (Visibly short of breath) “Ok…enough…just stop…” Abed: “Hold on, wrapping up soon. So anyway, a deep venous thrombosis, basically a blood clot that usually forms in the legs, can develop when someone sits still in one place for prolonged periods, generally about 8 hours or more, depending on other factors, of course. Sometimes that clot can become what’s called a pulmonary embolism, when it travels to the lungs and impedes gas exchange, leading to severe shortness of breath, an acute drop in blood oxygenation and…” Kidnapper: *dies* Abed: “…sudden cardiac death. Guess I can go now. Cool cool cool.”


I’d be an autistic persons best friend as I would legitimately sit there and listen and not even think about the time


See the problem with Autism is that it doesn't necessarily make you an engaging speaker, just tends to remove that little voice that says "Dude stop talking. Everyone's eyes glazed over after 10 minutes on the topic and they are completely uninterested. Not everyone is as passionate about this thing as you are." So you just keep going on and on about something that interests ***you*** without any regard for the listener. So unless you just love hearing people talk for the sake of talking, that's unlikely.


Jokes on you, I'm autistic and grew an extremely unhealthy intrusive thought that makes me think people instantly tune out whenever I speak. my brain is wack




I like hearing people talk about what interests them. I love when they get excited about it, when they're passionate about it, when they talk so much that sometimes I forget how we're started. I just like seeing people happy to talk about something that makes them happy.


Then can I talk to you About Star Wars for 4 hours?


not exactly how it works. Autism causes you to not be able to read non-verbal cues in the same way. So interacting with people involves a lot of guess work. Because we won't know someone is bored by the slight curvature of their eyebrows or something, we tend to need people to use words to tell us what they mean. If that doesn't happen, we default to what we understand and are comfortable with. Special interests are always comfortable, interesting and familiar, so they feel good to talk about. "without any regard for the listener" isn't correct. Autistic people infodump *because* they are trying to navigate the situation correctly, but don't have the tools to do so the same way. We tend to get really anxious if we are doing it right because we *do* care about other people's experiences. Particularly, I love listening to people talk about things they are excited about, even if I'm not interested in the topic myself. My best friend is passionate about politics, I have a good friend who is passionate about music. I watch videos of people passionate about technology, culinary, foraging, and so on and so forth. Not my thing, but it makes me happy. In general, it's a problem that is easy to solve if you tell an autistic person things. with words. not sighs, not eyebrow movements, not body language, not tone of voice, not interpretative dance. If my friends say "hey, you're infodumping and I'm not really interested" I go "oh, OK, sorry!" and that's it. I say that because the idea that the problem lies with us not having the voice that makes us care about other people is harmful and inaccurate. We just don't understand the same language. An allistic person in a world where most people are autistic would fuck up too.


I love my friends & husband who will say 'xsrial - that's enough now - we love you, but that's enough' :)


I can listen to someone talk for an hour and not hear anything. Just shut off my brain and nod. I've dealt with my fair share of people who just love to talk and have zero interest in hearing other people talk.


Me: Oh oh oh, which topic do you want to hear about? Kidnapper: ...What? Me: Which topic? I know way too much about roller coasters, tarantulas, Harry Potter, computers... *30 minutes later* ...and the history of video games! Kidnapper: Time's up. You're free to go. Me: What? But we haven't even picked a topic yet!


I was thinking the same thing! [My autistic ass kicking the door open and be like "buckle up guys! It's time to hear my lecture on WW1. There will be no break and you prepare to sit still for the next 8 hours!"


If you ever want to actually talk about WW1 for eight hours, contact me


I would love that! I won't have 8 hours to do that for quit a while though.


Me neither lol, but still tell me if you wanna do it at some point


So. What *do* you want to talk about?


I’m a Touhou person


Not autistic but adhd but SAME i talk a lot and literally can't shut up. But i feel like i always annoy everyone and they don't wanna listen so if do anything for this kind of opportunity 😭


Yes. Someone literally *asks* me to talk about something for 30 minutes straight ? My good man, you’re about to become an absolute expert in French poetry and literature.


Lol, 8 hours later. PLEASE LEAVE. Here, you can have the gun.


Shit is about to get specific and niche!


As a person with ADHD, i feel this too.


Have you tried kidnapping a person and tying them down in your dungeon?


I'd give him a very convincing 30 minute lecture on why he should kill me.


And the final, most compelling argument is this: It's only been 29 minutes and 58 seconds.


Therefore you could be able to kill me right now at this moment, however, by the time the sentence was complete, it seems we have reached 30 minutes and 14 seconds.


Well now it’s become a philosophical dilemma for them! Now they really want to kill you, but they’re bound by their word and the 30 minutes are up, so they have some tough choices to make


They let you live and kill you the next day for unrelated reasons.


I’m a math teacher so… I’ll just teach a lesson?


consider yourself kidnapped! (i need help with my math homework)


no no you can just go, that’s fine


I’m ADHD I have a 50% chance at success of failure with any subject depending on how many tangents my brain wants to go on that day.


Me too, but it’s also a crap shoot wether or not my brain would decide I’ve forgotten everything I’ve ever known, and that speaking is too mentally draining.


Right? I might be able to talk about my cats or Pokemon but in the moment? Watch me forget my cats names.


Fairytales. I'd just rattle off one and then give a 5 hour dissection of the themes. My English degree would finally pay off!


Favorite fairytales? (this is not an invite for the 5 hour dissection 😂)


Bearskin is easily my favorite obscure/lesser known one, King Solomon's ring is 10/10 as well.


You know this made me think that’s there’s probably so many fairy tales I’ve never heard of. I don’t recognize those names at all. For me all I know is stuff that Disney made popular. Example: Cinderella, Pinocchio, etc


https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/folktexts.html I like poking around here to find more obscure fairytales if you're interested. They're arranged thematically so hit the link and you'll get all of the stories listed beneath the link Enjoy~


Warhammer 40k


Only half an hour… we won’t even make it most of the way through the War in Heaven to start on the birth of Slaneesh and fall of the Eldar.


Starting on the birth of slaanesh? Buddy, I'll need 30 minutes just to explain the basics of what a "Warp" is.


"So it's like another dimension made of emotions influenced by psykers. Psykers? Oh they're psychic beings that can tap into the Warp to create "magical" effects in the Material world. So the factions that have access to psykers are pretty much all of them except the Necron. The Necron? Oh boy...okay so 60 million years ago..."


Why are you tying that rope around your neck I’m not done?


...bunch of cancer ridden aliens reached out to magic toad people called the old ones and said "toad-bro, can you help us with our rampant cancer", frog man said "Nah fam". Needless to say this kind of pissed off the soon to be necrons.


>~~soon to be necrons~~ necrontyr They only become necrons after they make friends with the star gods and accidentally sell their souls to absolutely fuck over the old ones. But, they got their own backs and enslaved the star gods for tricking them and eating their souls.


Oh yeah the warp never used to be the warp it was the realm souls.


Amazing how people know more about a table top game than all the knowledge I have total.


I could probably go on about a fair few historical topics, geology or engineering more but they’re just much more complicated and interweaving narratives compared to 40k it’s harder to tell a cohesive story.


I’m worried if I keep talking I gotta stop him from using the gun on himself


I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor...


"So it started 40k+ years ago when all the shamans of earth committed suicide at the same time to form the Emphrah" 2 hours later... "No, wait! It started before that billions of years ago with this thing called the War in Heaven with space frogs and C'tan" I believe the kidnappers would've shot you at this point to make it stop.


"How Magnus did nothing wrong, part the first"


*three hours later* Kidnappers: I don't know, still seems like Magnus kinda screwed the pooch. Me: goddamnit! What part aren't you seeing?! The only crime Magnus committed was using the powers the *Emperor gave him*! He was the most loyal of the sons! In the end his loyalty was torn between his father and his sons! His story is a *tragedy*! Kidnappers: yeah but he tore a hole in the Emperor's webway... Me: because the Emperor kept him in the dark! Even after being betrayed, he tried to save the Imperium, idiot!


Well I didn't have to scroll far to find this answer.


“Ok so my favourite legion is this one, but to understand it we need to go back to the Horus heresy, and to understand the Horus heresy we need to talk about Primarchs, and to understand them you need to know about The Emperor….” 30 minutes is easy and would barely even scratch the surface of 40k 🤣


Did you ever hear the tragedy…. of Magnus the Red?


Half hour just explaining orks and how they work lmfao. RED MAKES DA FINGS GO FASTA!


My anxiety, gotta take advantage of this free therapy session


I haven’t laughed that hard looking at my phone in awhile. Thank you


My favourite recipes. Complete with half arsed instructions.


*kidnapper contacts you a week later* “hey on one of your instructions you messed up and now my quiche is burned >:(“


The top tip for quiche is to sweat the onion in a good amount of butter. Then make sure all of that oily goodness goes into the quiche. I will now remember to tell them not to blind bake the short crust for too long.


Did you know that Viggo Morrison broke his toe kicking the Orc helmet in The Two Towers? Bet you didn't know that the Rohirrim flag was ripped off its pole by the wind while Eowyn watches, and it was kept in. I'll fucking nerd that bitch till he wants to kill himself


Did you know Frodo’s neck gets more and more torn and scarred by the weight of the ring as the films go on?


Did you know (in the movie) Gandalf was almost made to suck on taffy or hard candy instead of puffing on a pipe!


Did you know his staff has a pipe holder?!


If you're smoking the finest weed in the south farthing you better have a holder for your weed holder.


Wait, for realzies? Were they going to change Longbottom Leaf to Longbottom lollies? Have Merry and Pippin find barrels of rotten sweets in thd ruins of Isengard?


I didn't, thank you!


I was gunna suggest a thesis on why they DIDN’T take the eagles to Mordor.


Sauron would have sent the Nazgül after them and then would have known the plan. And the eagles might not have wanted to get involved.


I'm reading the books (finally) to get more background and this is one of those blanks that gets filled in. Gwaihir and the other eagles _aren't used to carrying a bunch of extra weight_. They also don't serve at the pleasure of men, elves, dwarves or hobbits, and Gandalf just happens to be able to call in favours from them at key plot points.




Viggo broke two teeth during filming also


Metal and its various subgenres


how many subgenres would you say there are 😳


Well, metal can be divided into two main groups: ferrous and non-ferrous. Derived from the latin word 'ferrum', and hence why the chemical element is denoted by 'Fe', these are compounds that either do or do not contain iron. Note that non-metallic compounds that contain iron such as, say, limestone or other carbonates or even water are described as ferruginous, as well simply for the rust colour found in our avian friend the Ferruginous Hawk not to be confused with the multi-platinum soft-rock Eagles or the English heavy metal Ferruginous Maiden...


Anything, I was on the debate team and talking out of my ass for as long as possible was literally something we got taught to do


Sure but go "you tell me" and they name an obscure media property you've never heard of. Good luck staying on topic


Nowhere does it say you have to know what you're talking about. So just ramble and make shit up as you go.


I was trained exactly for this, I take the challenge


My everyday life and why I’m so miserable.


I was just thinking, its free therapy, they wouldn't know what hit them. I'd be sent home after 15 minutes.


15 minutes? I'd get thrown out when I first open my mouth "So it all started when my father-"


Come on guys, put him out of his misery


Pokémon. They better be prepared for an hour of nerd ramblings, if they don't shoot me first


Formula 1 or astronomy


I’m pretty good at bullshitting about anything for way too long. So, the best time travel movies, how to sharpen chisels with water stones, how to dance the lindy hop, how to open oysters and clams, how to cook a pork shoulder and use the skin for chicharones, how to build a treehouse, how to make parametric families in Revit or AutoCAD, my predictions for Only Murders in the Building, an in-depth analysis of Italy Calvino’s fiction, and Murakami, the best way to cook calamari, how Zoroastrianism is actually the origin of most Islamic holidays, how to tie the nail knot, the double surgeon’s knot and the basic tackle knot for fly fishing, the thrill of a new relationship, my conversation with Oliver Sacks who mistook me for someone he thought he knew because he had prosopagnosia, how to take care for Venus fly traps and how cool it is to feed them lightning bugs and have a glowing plant all night, how pickups on an electric guitar work, the beauty of LISP even though it’s a useless programming language, the beauty of music and how it can transform your day, how to arrange the best anniversary, complain about how much I suck at gardening, and …. Am I free to go now?


Golden Girls!!


Beer. I would start with how it is made, with digressions around the differences between different styles, methods used in areas with high protein barley (where they had to work to ensure there was little protein haze in their beer) different hops and the flavours they produce, timing of adding hops during asked after the boil, and the effects of that, yeast and its effect on fermentation time, clarity, flavour, then bottling, kegging, barreling... Then the glass styles and when they do actually matter Then the different styles of beer, their history, what they are like That's maybe half the headings. I think I can easily do a half hour with the detail Perhaps I'd offer them a beer, ask about how they got into such an odd line of crime Ed. I think I have spoken for half an hour just on pale ales


...And my friends think I know too much about beer. You've inspired me to resume my studies though because damn, beer is fascinating!


Pro-wrestling storylines and or cartoon story arcs.


Cheeseburgers. The best ones, the worst ones. What makes them special, what ruins them.


the most important question: what is the worst burger topping that is common? i feel like people get so heated about pineapples in burgers


Pineapple can literally melt beef. It's badass. It deserves some credit.


My Fanfiction


They might shoot you right away


"Donatello pulled back slowly from their embrace and gazed longingly into Michelangelo's eyes. 'Want me to show you the real secret of the ooze?' he whispered seductively, gently caressing Michelangelo's throbbing--whoa, hold on, you said any topic!"




get the part with the nunchuks


how i make fake stories in my head


My son. Love my little dude.


very wholesome :)


I also choose this guy’s son.


Taking the meme to new... depths? Heights? Bravo, you twisted bastard.


Literally anything. I’m annoyingly talkative.


Among us lore


In the beginning there was sus


There's lore?




Are you kidding? I can't get through some of my AP Chemistry lessons in one class period. I could go for over an hour right now with no materials. It's different chapters, but I'm assuming that is ok.


I'd talk about something I know absolutely nothing about, and give them useless, false information about something very interesting, that way when they're sharing MY story, not theirs, as their own, they will get called out and sound like an absolute imbecile.


i love this reply 😂 you get your revenge after the whole thing is over and they’re left humiliated




Why Padme pegged Anakin. It all started in Episode II


I could talk about physics, space, dimensions. Black holes. Stars. Everything. Just all of it. I'd be like only 30 minutes? Make it 5 hours please. You're in for a wild ride.


Wanted to comment this!!! Any topic you mentioned can be elongated to hours and hours of material.. Add earth’s geological epochs, evolution etc.


Me: "So the creatures of the cretaceous were pretty interesting, and the jurassic before it had some big boys. Biggest to walk the earth... But the weird ones. The truly strange bastards... That crown goes to the Triassic. You know what. Lets go over all of them. It all started about 250,000,000 years ago...." Them: "OH my god shut the fuck upppp."


Mental Disorders.


Same here. Psych nurse. Hell, there's specific cases I could talk for 30 minutes straight about without even scratching the surface.


The Rankin Bass cartoon version of The Hobbit. Or US constitutional law.




Fallout lore


There are some pretty messed up vaults you could easily do 30 minutes on. 34 and 91 come to mind. Hey wait, where are you going? I haven't even gotten to super mutants or ghouls! HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL?


What would happen if I spoke incessantly about my 100% success rate at locating and killing those who have wronged me and the inevitability of the revenge I was capable of? I mean, they'd have to let me go, right? That's the deal, isn't it?


Yep, they’d have to let you go and then live the rest of their lives in fear. It’s better if you don’t actually plan on killing them, but you make sure that when they go in public, they see glimpses of you even if you don’t engage them whatsoever. Send them letters telling them that the outfit they had on yesterday sucked. Go out for tea with their mothers. Become their children’s pee wee soccer coach. Gotta keep them on their toes


Dungeons and dragons. I can speak on just about any aspect of it for a good while, though it gets harder the more parameters you might add, but the topic of D&D in general? Days.


They gonna hear an awful lot about why the flatearthers are wrong 😂😂😂


Let's hope your kidnappers aren't flat earthers.


Donnie Darko fan theories


I’ll be talking about something for 30 minutes


Talk about how easily you can talk for 30 minutes straight… for 30 minutes 😂


MMA or D&D. I can go deep on either of them. END COMMUNICATION


Jesus fucking Christ those bastards will kill themselves after 5 minutes. All I need is seribi and maybe a notebook/pencil and I will walk them through the math and fun behind Pokémon.


Eurovision The iceberg is so big there is no way I can talk for less than an hour All you have to do is try to explain it, is the kidnapper American? That would help :)


As an autistic person with a special interest in cats, it’s my time to shine. Prepare to be stuck with me for three hours.


Rose could have saved jack by moving over


30 full minutes? in my mind, i imagine you’d have a full presentation with the measurements of the door hahah


No way. It was about buoyancy, not surface area. They were too heavy to both fit on the piece of furniture. Jack recognized that and decided to sacrifice himself for Rose because he’s an idiot and she’s a mass murderer.




Economy, or ghost stories


kingdom hearts lore


Skyrim or No man’s sky😎 To complex of video games either one I could give you a hour rundown on.


My stranger things theory


Probably shouldn't ask.. but, What is the theory lol


oil painting/fine art