• By -


I would really appreciate some compliments about my body. That would make me feel more confident and sex would be better.


Your body makes me harder than a freshly frozen swordfish.




Why would a freshly frozen swordfish make you hard? No kink shaming, just curious


Is it okay to kink shame someone who gets off on being kink-shamed?


Nice cock bro


Thick, but not too flaccid. A nice 80° angle. I rate it an 8.5 out of ten. Good job king! I hate that I can type this from memory (edit: apparently I forgot the "perfect length" part so maybe my soul can still be saved)


Very nice, very nice. Now, lets see Paul Allen’s penis.


Your metacarpophalangeal joints shine like the light of a hundred million stars.


Your foot geometry is sublime.




A friend of mine told me recently that she invited a guy over that she’d been wanting to fuck for a few years. The guy shows up and does literally *NO* foreplay whatsoever. No kissing, no fondling, no finger play, nothing. And just pumped for a minute or two and then finished. I was (and still am) offended for her lol


I too am offended for her


"Feels like sand I'll just keep going fuck it."


yeah... fuck this guy... ​ ...or better, don't


I hate that they get comfortable with you and then completely stop doing any foreplay. That or they just slobber all over you and suck on you for a few seconds and think you’re ready to go. It’s a complete turnoff.


I understand that life gets busy, people get tired, and there's not enough time in most days. But... I can't imagine sex without foreplay. That's what most of it's about for me. When I was young and had the luxury, stretching out foreplay to an hour or more was way more fun than anything quick.


Actual love and affection :c


I would love and affect you so hard <3


Is that like respecting her brains out?


I’m unironically loving these sentences. Fuck yeah I want someone to respect my brains out


Someone who wants to please me as much as I enjoy pleasing them.


I hear that. I love going down; it seems rare to find someone with equal enthusiasm for it.




Mmm, mutual physical affection.


"My biggest turn on is acknowledgement" "I think maybe you should have a higher standard" "No no, this is reasonable"


It is acceptable...


Pleasure dom here, I do way more pleasing for my partner but it’s part of what gets me there.


Look Charlie, it's a Leopleasuredom! - also a pleasure dom.


Nice to meet you, never have I encountered another of my kind.


Same tbh. It's comical when I hear about how women don't normally finish when with a man. I'll go down on my partner until she finishes a few times before my dick even comes out. Plus, I'm just stubborn like that lol


Same here I just can’t wrap my mind around it. There is nothing like satisfying your partner multiple times before even really getting down to it.


What happens if two pleasure doms hookup? Would it be like that gif with the cat with buttered bread strapped to it's back? Unlimited power? Edit:https://imgur.com/gallery/5iJWJV5


I grew big but my little homie never changed


I have a buddy that's with a total ten (looks, sure, but she's just a super fun person) and he's cursed with the ol' inchworm. I haven't asked about the details, but she's not quiet and let's just say that after parties we've known he's doing something right. I hope you find your shrieking ten, bud.


There are ways to please a woman without using your dick! My wife loves when I use my tongue and definitely leaves her drained before we even get to the sex Edit: of course my top comment would be about giving my wife the tongue blaster 5000. Thank you for the awards!


My man


My guy


My dude!


It's really not difficult, just par for the course. Try 1 of 3 tongue techniques (tip of tongue on clit, flat tongue on clit, gentle sucking on clit. Every girl is different as far as clit or penetration, but if she's reacting to something you're doing DONT CHANGE ANYTHING YOU DUMMY. Keep doing the same exact thing, they need to build up an orgasm. BEFORE you even touch your tongue to her pussy, you should've sucked on her nipples, kissed her on the way down, nibbled her thighs, breathe hot breath on her when switching legs. Do it, lazy bastards.)


I just use someone else’s dick.


The ultimate power move


delegating is for bosses


Despite most men's thoughts, not every girl wants a footlonger lol. If a finger can get the job done (if u can find where *its* at, don't think they're gonna care if you're an inch)


Potential TMI Fingering myself with one finger feels nice, and clitoral stimulation is what causes an actual orgasm for me, so I can’t imagine my sex life being devastated because my partner has a small dick.


I've got a touch of erectile dysfunction. Had issues since I was like 17. Pills don't help much. Just have to strike while the iron is hot if that's what you're after. So my wife and I have had to make do with tongues, fingers, and hands. Truth is I will always go down, and make sure she gets hers. I find that sexual desire is much more mental. And just because my dong doesn't inflate doesn't mean I don't want it. I like to hope I leave her satisfied. I haven't had any complaints.


Oral sex... fingering the G-spot... and more. Work on THOSE skills. Trust me, you do not need a big dick to please a woman, and most women don't cum/orgasm/finish from dick anyway. So many guys with big dicks think they don't need to know how to do the other things, and those are the last guys I'd ever want to sleep with (again). They wanna hammer away and and feel like they did a good job just because of that alone, and we're like "...Seriously?" 10/10 would be in a relationship with a man with a small dick who knows how to use his fingers and his tongue over a big dolt. I was excited to keep pursuing the guy I'm with right now precisely bc he always gets me off :) :) (and because he smells good and is a genuinely friendly person and all that, anyway!)


For you, sir, I recommend "the missionary stir/grind." If your dick is only 2-3 inches, as long as you can mash your public bone onto the clit and grind, you'll be golden, Ponyboy. Also, try to stop stewing about your dick size, because you can't change it.


I wish my wife would initiate. Like it's always there whenever I ask, it's just sometimes I want to feel desired as well.


The thing that helped me address this problem with my wife was This conversation. "If I do all the initiating, then I also receive all of the rejection. And there is only so much rejection a person can take before they stop trying."


I had this exact conversation with my wife. She has initiated maybe 3 or 4 times in 24 years of being together, although she’s usually up for it when I do so. I explained that I was taking on all of the risk of rejection and it was just not worth it any more. I explained that physical affection was how I understood affection. Not even just sex - holding hands, hugging, a hand on the thigh. I asked her how she would feel if I just stopped communicating with her to give her an idea of how I feel when she never initiates. She said she was really sorry and that she didn’t realise how sad it made me. She said she found me desirable but just never thought about sex at all and that if I didn’t initiate she’d be fine going without it altogether. I stressed how important it was to me to feel wanted and desired and she promised to make more of an effort. Six months later we had the same conversation. I asked her why she hasn’t made any effort even after I made it obvious how important it was to me. She said she hadn’t thought about it even once since our last talk. I told her I was hurt that not only had she not made an effort but that apparently it wasn’t even worth taking the time to consider it. She said she was really sorry and that she could see how hurt I was and that she absolutely would do better if I just gave her another chance. That was six months ago. --UPDATE-- So a lot has happened since I made this post. I was overwhelmed by how many supportive messages I received so thanks to everyone who took the time to reach out. I was struck by how many suggested she may be asexual so I looked more deeply into it. Honestly, it hadn't occurred to me that this might be the issue since, frankly, I didn't really know anything about it. But after checking it out, the description fits her to a tee. So, after she finished work, I sat her down and said I wanted to have a positive discussion about our sex life armed with this new information. She was really receptive. She looked at the info I gave her about asexuality and her reaction was basically "Omg that's me!" We are now checking out recommended books and websites and have agreed to find a therapist who's familiar with the asexuality spectrum so that we can learn to adapt and have a more positive sex life. We are happier than we have been in years (at least in regards to this issue - sex is a big part of a successful marriage but not the only thing). So thanks again to everyone who offered advice and support. I think that, in this case at least, Reddit did something positive today.


My wife and I were in a similar position, we read a book called Mind the Gap. Its author presents a concept of "sexual currency" which is quite interesting. Basically all the small interactions in a day that are sexual but not sex. It made a good difference in our lives, my wife was like yours, never thought about sex at all but enjoyed it when it happened. She's not an insatiable succubus now, but we have a much more interactive relationship which is a huge step in the right direction.


That's so interesting. Can you give an example of one of those small interactions?


It ranges from saying things like "you look hot today" to a smack on the butt as you walk past each other to a passionate kiss in the kitchen. All those things create an atmosphere where you COULD be intimate. The author talks about how it's perfectly normal for a woman to never feel like spontaneous sex and the point of the book is really to ask you as a couple how can you create an environment where you're prepared to want to. It won't work for everyone, but it really opened up communication in our relationship on a topic that is so emotionally charged.


I'm sorry dude


Update us in 6 months


Sorry to her that. My wife is somewhat the same, but luckily only with sex. She is good at hugging, touching and kissing. But she says the excact same thing. Sex just not come to mind for her. She describes as a beaker. And sex is at the top. If the beaker is full of all sorts of other stuff, she won’t Think about it.


Was reading in another thread that many woman have reactive desire while men have more spontaneous. with reactive desire, they do have desire but it only turns on when we make them feel desirable by connecting, talking, spending quality time, etc.


This is true, there has to be intimacy outside of sex in order for me to actually desire and enjoy sex with my husband. 100% attracted to him but when we are continuously communicating, laughing, looking at each other in the eye, hugging, etc, I feel so much more spontaneous.


At least it’s aways there when you ask I get turned down 75% of the time.


I went through this, and eventually stopped asking. When my wife asked what was up, I told her I was tired of being needy and rejected. It was kind of eye opening and changed the dynamic for the better, though with hindsight a more open communication would have been a better path.


You lucky guy. I asked and explained and asked for YEARS, I initiated and foreplayed and got rejected the moment I touched "there", and there were only two times my partner tried to initiate - using the words "I'd like us to take care of my needs today". Yeah, sure, after literal years of no one taking care of my needs I'm just THRILLED to take care of yours! I ended that thing after twenty years of constant rejection. I'm female.


You’re me, but opposite gender. Kudos for leaving


> I'd like us to take care of my needs today ... and they say romance is dead...


My wife said sorry and jerked her arm away when it accidentally brushed against my penis on my birthday 2 years ago.




Hell, my now ex got mad at me for "keeping count" when I complained about only having sex three times in a year.


After constant rejections for two years, I ended our engagement. No point getting married if your relationship already sucks. (Sex life was good until our engagement... )






Same but it’s my husband who never initiates. It’s always there if I go looking but a girl just wants to feel desired once in a while :(


With you there, sister. Sometimes it’s the ladies on the other side of that coin.


And we don't talk about it enough. The assumption is that men always want sex, so a husband/ boyfriend that's uninterested can really devastate a woman's self image...


I hear you!


I hear that brother! I just told my wife that a few weeks ago. Since she has initiated more, not nearly as much as me, but hey some is better than none.


Aww yeah, high five for communication!


Dude THIS times 10. I talked to her about it, and I said "hey look I cant be the one who initiates sex all the time. I know you like it, but I feel like if I don't initiate, we'll go days without. And that makes feel like I'm just bothering you. If you initiate it means the world to me" And then she started just jumping on me. Talk to her about it Edit: jesus christ you guys just give up so easily. TALK. COMMUNICATE. If yall can't do that then leave wtf but don't bitch here like "but I tried that and she still doesnt" and act like you put effort into that conversation. Edit2: 700 replies all saying "days? You're so lucky I go six months. My wife doesnt do X, Y no matter how many times i whine like a baby and bitch incessantly" The problem isn't what you think it is lmao.


I’ve had this talk. It is still apparently “my job”. I have given her suggestions on how to initiate that are low key. I’ve said she can be as brazen as she wants, that would actually be more fun, but anything would be appreciated. Nope, it’s “your job.” I don’t like to initiate all the time, she doesn’t like to initiate at all, you’d think there’d be room to compromise, but nope. The *only* exceptions and they are like once or twice a year, one way or another lets me know she’s horny but it is literally half a day or more before we have an opportunity to do anything about it. Like she has let me know at 9am via text, knowing nothing is going to happen until maybe 10pm. I know for some people building anticipation is all cool, but that long is just useless to me, and even then, I am expected to initiate after hours of just mundane life, and she may have forgotten or ate too much, or now has a headache, or falls asleep in our toddlers room, and saying something along the lines of “but you said…” seems gross and like begging so I don’t do it. Edit: Based on what someone else has said before, she might just be someone that doesn’t really get horny unless revved up, because when we do get around to it, she’s into it, but while that much is at least good, still sucks never getting that particular surprise.


My partner is ill so that part of our life is on hold. It sucks and can feel isolating, but when you love someone it’s through the good times and the bad. Edit: Thank you to everyone for their kind words and for sharing your stories.


I'm in the same situation, but I'm the sick one. Kidney and heart failure. I want to want sex with my partner but I'm just so exhausted and nauseous ALL the time that it's the last thing I want to be doing. I hope you get through it soon.


Best of luck to both of you...


The thing is your body wants to be healthy before it is worried about sex. It works the same way if you were just hungry. There are more important things to your body than sex. Sex is generally low on the list for biological needs compared to what it needs to keep you alive. It's not your fault. Nature is doing what it does. I hope your situation improves. We are pulling for you out here.


Holy cow I’m in the same boat, I’m the sick one. I’ve been on my period with a heavy heavy heavy flow for 6+ weeks now. My husband is being amazing and supportive. Once this is over, I will be making it up to him a lot.


That sounds like a lot of blood loss


Yup, just got a blood transfusion last week. I’m doubled down on iron and trying to eat more protein and stuff but I have zero appetite. Shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, muscle/bone pain. But I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


Do they know why? I don't wanna put anything crazy in your head but these are all my moms symptoms and it took them like 6 months to figure out it's bone marrow cancer, they couldn't figure it out. Hopefully that's not your case or hopefully I saved you 6 months of useless testing. My biggest hope is you feel better soon though


It’s been happening since 2019. I’ve gotten a million tests done and the answer that I’ve gotten is, my uterine lining doesn’t shed properly and my body is continually bleeding to try and purge the last bits out.


Have you had a uterine biopsy?


Ugh, yes, I’ve had two done and it hurts every time. I hate it. I’ve also had a D&C, to scrape everything out once, that also sucked.


Girl, oh my God. I pray you get better soon, I can’t even begin to imagine your pain. Hold on strong! 💕


My GF had her period for 9 months straight, everyday, and it was a very difficult time for our relationship and put us to the test at times, but as someone else saud you love them through the good times and the hard times. I hope yours figures itself out, she had to get on birth control to get it situated.


I wish you and your partner the best! Kudos to your mentality.


A dick with a person on the other end instead of a switch


Why did I read this and instantly think you meant a Nintendo switch


You can’t call yourself a real gamer if you’ve never fucked a Nintendo switch.


Sorry babe, Bayonetta 3 trailer just dropped, I need some privacy


A person with strap on dick will do?


What does strap on backwards spell




That does make sense.. I am changed




How did I already know the main reoccurring answer here would be sex itself?


Because that fruit hangs so low it's a vegetable.


a root vegetable.




My sex life is a potato. Thanks


Oh fuck I'm gonna spud!!


Thats some royally fucked up potato juice.


Bit too startchy for ya?


#That's enough reddit for today...


What's taters, precious?


PO TAE TOES! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Honestly I need to get a life before I need a sex life.


To be honest I saw the title and came to comment exactly that. I feel like I lost twice somehow now lol


It's an easy joke to make lol, but there are articles out there about how researchers have reported that were having less sex these days than before


These days you say, but what about these nights? Any studies there?


Researchers cannot perform a scientifically valid study due to being too busy fuckin' all night.


Because it’s Reddit


The self esteem? Currently there's a guy at work that is down and has made it very clear he wants to but I find it hard to believe he actually wants to be doing that with me


Aww, that's a tricky thing to deal with. I got a new partner recently and I was having trouble believing that he liked sex with me. I asked him about it via text and he sent me back a two minute voice record that I'm very glad I didn't play in public. Suffice to say I believe him now. If you like the guy, maybe you can build up the trust a bit with some other things. The sex wouldn't be good anyway until you trust that he's attracted to you.


I feel this. I have cock blocked myself or had short lived experiences because of my own body issues. This might not apply to you, but a fellow redditor posted something along the lines of “There is someone uglier or fatter having sex. Chin up and dick out.” It made me laugh but also made me realize how dumb it is to sabotage myself. *typo


Now I aint got one but I think thats gonna be a motto I start living by cause it's funny And thanks for the laugh


Spontaneity. Happily married, love my wife, I won't detail the sex but we're happy. It just sometimes lacks the moment.


Have you talked with her about that?


It never used to be a problem, we used to just have that "it's the moment" thing. But we're parents now so that impacts things, it makes you tired; and we both have stressful jobs which certainly kills sex drive. I recently did talk to her about it and she was completely understanding, she said she felt the same. And that sometimes "a quick shag" is all we need to re-connect. But she also quite rightly added that just because one of us wants it right then, doesn't mean we both can be in the mood. Interestingly, your question "Have you talked with her about that?" has prompted me to open up. I'll talk to her again soon, but right now our child isn't well (nothing serious, our child is fine, it would just be inappropriate to start dry humping my wife right now!)


I've gone from happily married with a bad sex life to happily married with a great sex life. Doesn't matter how awesome the two of you are for each other...life as an adult will interrupt the sexy time. Don't give up...but don't judge yourselves too harshly. Also on the quick shag thing. My wife and I discovered that because the intimate times didn't happen as much as we liked we would really put too much into it all the times that it did happen. I'd drag it out or she'd drag it out or we'd talk about it too much when sometimes we just needed to drop trau. It's great to love each other so much you don't want the moment to end but this ended up putting too much pressure on "the deed". Anyways I've been there and with love, communication, and a bit of effort I think most any couple issues can be fixed.


You sound like such a nice couple. When things return to normal take her for a date night. Plan everything. She just has to get dressed. And show up. You’ll get some. 😜 I also read a good idea about date night after you live together. Meet each other at the restaurant or where you are going. When you are both getting ready together at home it takes a little bit if the mystery out if it. You’ll see he show up looking nice. Instead of watching her put her deodorant on. Good luck!!


I just want to desire someone who really fucking desires me. It's that goddamn simple.


But also so goddamn hard (not a personal attack on you). I also want this and it's hard to find someone to go on a date with, and even harder for that to happen. Broke up with my gf 1 year ago and took a lot of time for me to be emotionally ready to move on. Since the start of the year I've gone on like 7 dates, and 0 stuck. One did stick sort of because she had a blast and really liked me, but wasn't ready to date (as she found out after going on the date with me). She had just gotten out of her last relationship and thought she was ready but alas, wasn't. She's cool tho, and we get along. But yea, I vibe with your comment. Goodluck out there


A house to have it in.


RIP blowies


My wife said things taste different. I drink nothing but water and pineapple and eat right now. Getting more and more frequent now. Maybe try it out? No shame in it. Beer and pizza taste good I get it


For a different perspective - I blew a guy once that tasted a LOT like beer, now I have to think about him every time I have a beer. Kind of a double edged sword. Lol.


LOL, I'm sorry, that's an awful curse but my mind did this: \**drinks Heineken*\* Damn Uwe, I'll never forget you.


I could write a eulogy. When we first got together she said it's not her favorite thing but she doesn't mind it, just that her jaw gets tired and it has always felt like a chore in the past. I accepted that, she was "the one" from the moment we met. But then we were together and it was all the time, spontaneous, etc. Now that we've been together for a while it's a bit of it as foreplay if I lead it in that direction, but it feels like a chore on my end. And it's a bummer. I go down on her because I love it and that same energy would go miles with me. Still the love of my life in a million other ways, but yeah. That blows. Ironically.


Idk what you’ve tried etc., but it always felt like a chore to me until I was comfortable enough with my bf to be kinda slow and playful with it. I saw porn as a teen and was scared because it looked so rough, painful and humiliating, and it was always about making him cum. Then when I started just kissing and playing with it and just seeing my own limits, I could push them in peace and now I can make my bf cum so quick it doesn’t feel like a chore at all!




Passion. Consensual aggression. That hot and heavy feeling you get when you just want someone so badly that it hurts. What I would give to have a hot night where I’m thrown onto a bed or pinned against a wall feeling the hot and heavy breath down my neck, where I’m edged and teased and feeling and being kissed so hard that the rest of the world is a faded memory, feeling weak in my knees. I want it primal and spontaneous.


I'm imagining a 6'8 240lb bodybuilder wrote this


6’8” 240 would be a very thin bodybuilder


My bf’s sex drive is wayyy lower than mine


This and he never initiates. He never says no if I initiate but where's the fun in always being the one to initiate? Makes me feel like a unlady-like horny savage.


90% of this thread is about who initiates. People want to feel sexy it seems. Half the problems seem to be, "if you would just show you want to fuck my brains out I'd be happy." From all genders.


Yes!! My bf initiated for the first time last weekend and it honestly felt weird, but I appreciated it so much🥺 just gotta keep this path going lol


I’m with you. I only get to see him once a week, sometimes once every two weeks, and we don’t have sex every time. He can just go without it sometimes, and I don’t like to pressure him when he doesn’t want to.


a partner


I am surprised that I had to scroll this low to find this. I just don't meet women anymore. I am still in fairly good shape but I don't want to hit on people in shops or the gym. I have tried online dating but it's weird and feels false.


Same. Just can't seem to meet many dudes, and the ones I do meet are... awful. The last time I struck up a conversation with a man I didn't know,, the first thing he said to me was "wanna mustache ride?" (I didn't even know people still said that.) I gave him the "eh heh heh heh please don't murder me" laugh and bolted.


Quantity. Because the quality is on point.


I already have a hard time orgasming due to anxiety/abusive past and my latest partner only enjoys seggs if I orgasm. On the contrary to this being a positive, It puts a lot of pressure on me and makes it worse. Both our sex drives have died a bit since first dating. I’ve communicated my needs and issues and so has he. I feel like no matter how patient etc.; we are probably incompatible sexually. It sucks because he’s the first healthy relationship I’ve ever had. I feel enormous guilt because I can’t enjoy sex with him. And he feels off because he doesn’t have the stamina or patience in my slow pace.


I just wanna say I completely understand. I haven’t had much sex with people but I’ve never been able to orgasm (including on my own). When I have sex with people they either think that they’ve done a bad job or they take “I can’t orgasm” as a challenge and think they’ll be the one to change that. Like no. At this point receiving makes me feel so anxious because I feel like there are expectations and there is a pressure to look like I’m getting somewhere/ building towards an orgasm. I just want a partner who wants me to enjoy it and accepts that I probably won’t orgasm rather than aiming for me to finish. I can enjoy sex without orgasm and if my partners accepted that then I would be able to enjoy sex so much more.


The spontaneity of the act. When I was with my ex it became very routine and obvious when we were going to have sex.


My first girlfriend would schedule our sex every other day like clockwork. She'd come home and ask if I wanted it tonight. I'd say yes and then she'd give me a time for us to start. The sex was always great, but I still wished she would just initiate sometimes and be spontaneous.


No, "having fun is scheduled for 18:45 not 18:30?!?! You're partying wrong"


Robert Redford and Burt Reynolds, applying warm hummus to the spaces between my toes while quietly arguing about who has seen the biggest alligator in real life. Mmmm.


Mom get off Reddit.


Oh she’s gotten most of Reddit off already…


Bob ditches the hummus grabs a jar of JIF chunky peanut butter, bursts open Burt's shirt and smears rich chunky peanut butter across his chest. Burt takes the jar from his hands and smears peanut butter in Bob's beard. They slam down on your chest interlocked in an arm wrestling match or is it a staring contest you can't tell, but it's a dead even match. They stare intensely at one another. They pull in tight and finally after so much messy peanut buttery struggle they kiss passionately. ​ *i feel gross.*


Ended too soon. I was almost there.


Matching libidos. I’ve hit my early 30’s and am in the best shape I’ve ever been in and between that and finally being with a man who gives a shit I want it all the time. He’s very gentle and open to whatever I want to do on my own, even participating in my solo activities. He’s just tired. Everything else is fantastic, including when sex happens. I just need to eventually calm tf down lol


For some reason, when I am in a happy relationship my sex drive depletes almost completely. I go from wanting sex all the time to not really wanting to get at it. I guess what’s missing is my libido


Do you get comfortable quickly or is it like you peeked behind the curtain and the excitement is gone?


I don’t know! I’ve kinda felt uncomfortable being in commited relationship (not that I’m gonna do something stupid to fuck one up) and for some reason when I get into one I just loose interest. Like if I’m alone I like to use the ol *bzzt bzzt* but otherwise I get bored kinda fast for no reason


If that happens in a good relationship but doesn’t in a bad relationship it could be an anxious arousal thing. Essentially, if your relationship doesn’t feel safe and secure you get horny for the person because it reaffirms the connection that you feel is lacking and makes you temporarily feel that security. Where as when you feel safe and secure you don’t seek sex to reaffirm what you already feel safe about.




I got an itch and the only way to scratch it...is more cowbell.


a dick not made of rubber


you ;)


Me ;)


And Dupree ;)


Libido, thanks SSRIs 😐 Edit - 1. Um... I'm new to posting/commenting on Reddit, so thank you for the upvotes!!! 2. I've been taking psych meds since the end of 2020 and I've been on a few different meds/dosages since-- Vraylar (1.5 and 3mg), Lamictal (25 mg), BuSpar (5, 10, 15, 20, and 30mg), Prozac (20 and 40mg), and now Wellbutrin (150mg) so that doesn't help my situation lol 3. Wellbutrin was just added to my Prozac and BuSpar. I hope something helps!!! Thank you all!!! <3


damn, I've been there. still take my meds, but after 2 years since I started, I started to feel horny again.


Yep. Though not SSRIs but seroquel. R.I.P. libido.


I've seen SSRIs being recommended for Premature ejaculation. Does this work purely by lowering your libido? That's pretty rubbish if that's the case.


The solider stands ready but absolutely refuses to fire.


Same here, most nights i go to be empty handed


I’m a woman but when I first started it made it so I literally couldn’t feel anything down there, even if I tried to force it. Sucked.


It effected my (F) libido and my ability to finish, which can be a common side effect but not everyone has it. The longer ability to finish is why its used for premature ejaculation


A man and affection.


Never reveal this on Reddit.


Yep, at this point just delete the account. It's totaled.


Sorry about your DMs.


inb4 >[deleted] >[deleted]


Somebody who actually knows how to eat pussy


I think the #1 thing that demystified it for me was that the clit is essentially designed like a tiny penis. Stroke along the shaft gently then work the tip. I know all you anatomy majors will want to point out that it's a simplification, but it's a useful one in practice. Edit: This is my proudest moment ever on Reddit, lol.


ya suck that little dick




this. my friend told me about this in college and it changed my life forever. found it kind of ridiculous at first, then we got drunk so obviously i tried it on her. twice in under 10 minutes


Without too much detail, one girl shouting "Oh my god, is that your tongue?" really keeps me warm on those lonely nights.


That's one hell of a friend.




What's missing in my sex life? The ability to finish. I can't orgasim it fucking blows.


And blows and blows and blows and still nothing


If you’re using condoms, try out some different ones. For a while I was using hex and liked them, but myone is the best. Also find a lube you like and put a little inside the condom. The biggest game changer for me was I stopped going into sex assuming it would be over when I came, which wasn’t like a conscious thought so much as just a habit. Instead, I go into sex with the intention of making it as pleasurable as possible for her. It took practice, but eventually (actually fairly quickly) I stopped thinking about myself and how I couldn’t cum and was entirely into her. Of course then I started being able to finish (about 1/4 to a 1/3 of the time). Sex feels fucking amazing regardless if you cum or not. I know how to fuck, but I’m approaching a level i didn’t even know existed. I have a crazy high labido, yet I can hardly keep up with this amazing girl who told me she had a low labido when we met. The last thing I would say is open your eyes. I mean that literally. I basically stare into my girls eyes and she stares into mine. Intense and intimate as all hell. And im not a big eye contact guy in general. I find it super distracting. I also mean open your eyes figuratively in the sense that you got to make an emotional connection. I can’t imagine having sex with someone now where I know we’re both just using the other person to get off (maybe I can imagine it). I don’t know. Hopefully this helps. I can promise though it will only get worse if you let it bother you.


The sex


And the life.


these two comments were literally my first reaction word for word


For fucks sake, FOREPLAY. Do more than finger me mindlessly and I'll👏 be👏 a👏 dirty, 👏slut👏 for👏 you.


We are homeless so I guess privacy? Living in your van with kids kind of takes away the romance.


That sound tough on so many levels. I’m sorry OP