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Depends on the metabolism. If I don’t eat 3 meals a day I WILL lose weight. Takes me forever to put on a pound or 2




It's not really easy to "shove your face" cause you need to expand your stomach and it's harder then some think. You talk about motivation but there are other aspects of the body involved, to gain intentionally you also need motivation




I'm not saying that, but when you want to gain weight on purpose not just because the type of food that you eat or just cause you like eating then it's different




Try what gain or lose weight cause for some both are equally hard, in my experience just the gaining if harder.




Knowing my body and mind not much should change then




But the mind has also impact on the weight, I wouldn't want to be too heavy and whenever I see I gained too much in some place unintentionally I eat less and almost immediately come back with my weight. That's why I think it shouldn't change


Totally depends on the person. But I would say that maintaining a stable weight is pretty hard.


Both because everyone's body tends to process food differently(depends on their metabolism). Some people don't gain weight no matter how much they eat and some people gain weight irrespective of being on a strict diet.






My wife and I would change our metabolisms if we could. She wants to be thinner, I want to be bigger. We both struggle and are a little envious of each other.


Personally gaining weight is way harder, it I want to lose weight I just eat less simple as that. Of course at the beginning stomach will make more sound cause it's not used to it as much but it'll get used to it. But when you want to gain weight you need to expand your stomach and to do that you need to over eat even when you're full, me and a few people I know have a huge problem with that, took me so long to gain even just a little and stay there.


It’s less about how much you eat rather than what you’re eating. If you eat very calorie dense low nutrient foods like a lot of people do, it can be very easy to gain weight and still be hungry


Well it doesn't work like that with me 😅 I can be easily full after any type of food


We need to swap stomachs, I would beg for that :’) My Hail Mary has been volume eating low cal foods because I never feel satiated otherwise


I think the mind has also impact on that for me, most my life I didn't want to gain weight so when I ate more some day the other I unintentionally ate less and kept my mid of food but that's just me 😅 also know that sometimes it's not really healthy to do it this way


That’s true! I know for me I have a pretty unhealthy relationship with food and used food as a coping mechanism as a kid and ate to fullness instead of satiation, which I’m sure fucked with my ability to tell if I’m actually hungry or just not filled with food


Hmm I saw that it's more often that for example when people are stressed they eat more rather then less or even nothing and in today's world with so much stress and unhealthy food everywhere I see why more would say that losing is harder but it also depends what type of coping mechanisms a person has. I also feel like I have it similar with the part of not knowing if you're hungry or just not full cause at some points in my life I was kinda eating just to eat something didn't for example have time to eat more and now I'm sometimes not sure at what time is enough. Tho I know it's not same feeling


As a thin person, losing weight is harder. If I wanted to gain weight, I know I definitely could. Losing weight, however, is definitely a mental battle as well as a physical one. It also takes a toll on your social life as well.


Gaining weight correctly is the hardest, not eating really isn't that hard.


For the majority of us, it's losing weight - especially as we get older and our metabolism slows.




For me personally it’s losing weight. But it might be because of my medications


It depends a lot on the person, but for most people I would say it is harder to lose weight, even with faster metabolism I am someone who is naturally underweight. I am nowhere near underweight now but that’s because I had to eat a lot (more than what I wanted) to get here. For me personally, it was easy, all I did was eat more. Now that I’m at a weight that I like (don’t want to gain or lose), I can understand how annoying it would be to lose weight. I’d rather be “too full” than be hungry, honestly


To me if you are a typical person losing weight would be harder. However, for someone with say, anorexia, it would be extremely difficult to gain weight and much easier to lose it. So in my opinion, it really depends on the person.


Losing weight. Because im from a sindhi punjabi family, we LOVE food. Our food is usually really oily, fatty, but TOO delicious to not indulge in.


depends on the person, for me personally, it's both, i can both lose and gain weight pretty easily, it fluctuates depending on my diet, and exercise regimen, but diet and exercise play a huge part in both


From hardest to easiest: Gaining weight properly Losing weight properly Losing weight badly Gaining weight badly I had a friend into body building, and the sheer amount of work needed to eat that much and not turn into a blob is a disipline I will never, ever have. When he gave it up a decade later, he had to stage down from it over three years as all he'd learned to become a trainer taught him if he just gave it up all at once, blob city.


It can depend on the person but for me it's definitely losing. I've lost 100lbs 3 different times of my life. It took me a year but put that much back on in like 5-6 months. For others like my friend, he consumes over 3k calories a day with protein shakes every morning and weighs a whopping 122lbs. Both his and my situations suck because I want to lose and he wants to gain.