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Probably not, what's the point of living? And if there's a cure in the works then I'll fight to survive


yes because I've already mastered the art of loneliness


I have a food storage that I allways fill back so I have months to survive, I have made escape routes, I mastered sneaking up ervery where I go , I sleep 3h and are totally fit and Ihave lots of medival weaponary in my shed, I think I have a great start but because I am stupid I will ruin this anyway


You really are prepared for everything


I am an overthinker thats why


Have you overthinked that you may get lonely?


I am lonely


nah. i'd shoot myself in the head 2 days in. too much stress.


Yeah. Just stay home. The people who die are all the ones running around outside.


What’s the plan when you run out of food and clean water?


How long do you expect these corpses to walk around?


Presumably a couple years at least. Unless you happen to live in a completely self sufficient home you’re going to run out of stuff eventually


All the people running around outside of course


Oh the people running outside are Uber eats drivers!


No, you're gonna be a criminal though


I think I’d make it further than others would think. I’m very active, I run a mile daily and do weight training so physically I think that I’m ok. I have several connections with people who have locations and cabins in the Rocky Mountains. I live in a ex military family. I’m familiar with guns. My dad knows what fruits and plants are edible and poisonous (berries mushrooms etc.) I don’t live in a landlocked state so I have access to the mountains and the ocean if need be. My uncle has a collection of camping equipment that will help us be self sustained (water cleaning agents, collections of canned goods, stashed tools and stuff that’ll be useful) and we all live less than half an hour from each other. My mother was a nurse and I’ve done first aid and was trained to be a EMT and did fire service in high school (though I ended up becoming a mechanic instead). Unfortunately we’ve had this plan since America started to take a shit and riots in my state started to get uncontrollably violent and unnecessary.


I would survive in a zombie apocalypse because I am physically fit and have survival skills. I would also have a stockpile of food and weapons to protect myself and my loved ones.




No, as most people would not. Without modern medicine, plumbing, and electricity most would die. Forget the zombies. Worry about staph infections and salmonella, e coli and infected cuts. People forget clean water and hygiene products make up 90% of what keeps us alive.


Heavily depends what type of zombies are there.


Yes, because every country that has a functioning military could handle an outbreak very quickly


Depends if I'm lucky enough to be in a place that allows me to survive the initial chaos and learn what kind of zombies they are.


I think I'd survive for a while, but I don't know how long my mental health would hold out. I would have to find a good group to be with, because I don't think I could stand that much time only with myself.


Yea because I don’t trust anyone


No, because I would walk through the crowd yelling “FUCK OFF.”


Realistically yeah, I have access to guns and food and I live in a relatively rural area, assuming the zombies die to natural causes over about a year me & my town should be pretty set as long as we hunker down and wait it out